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Physical Recreation Section

To encourage participation in physical recreation activities and
improvement of performance.

The Principles
This Section offers a wide range of programmes in the belief that:

• Involvement in some form of enjoyable physical activity is

essential for physical well-being.
• A lasting sense of achievement and satisfaction is derived from
meeting a physical challenge.
• The activities listed are enjoyable in themselves and can lead to
the establishment of a lasting active lifestyle.
• Young people should have the opportunity to make a choice,
then negotiate a personal programme of participation and
achieve an objective.

Benefits to Young People

The Skills activity should offer participants the opportunity to:

• Enjoy keeping fit

• Improve fitness
• Discover new abilities
• Raise self-esteem
• Extend personal goals
• Respond to a challenge

General Conditions
1. Introduction
Participants should choose an activity, have their standard on
starting assessed and through regular training, improve their
personal standard and performance. Emphasis should be placed
on both participation and improvement.

Physical Recreation Section

2. Forms of sports available

Various sports are set out in 3 groups, Group 1 (Participation),
Group 2 (AYP Standards) and Group 3 (National Sports
Association Training Certificates). In choosing an activity,
participant should consider his/her own interest and aptitude
and availability of resources. Details of the 3 groups of sports
can be found under the respective headings.

3. Scores required
This Section makes use of a point scoring system which enables
the physically less gifted to qualify as well as the natural athlete
or games player.

In order to qualify for this section, participants of the 3 levels

must obtain the following minimum scores: -

Bronze - 24 points
Silver - 30 points
Gold - 36 points

Participants may build up the stipulated number of points under

the heading(s) of participation and standards reached for Group
2 and 3 or participation only in Group 1.

4. Establishing a goal
Before undertaking a chosen activity, the participant should set
a goal to try to reach during the training period. A plan must be
submitted before starting. The plan should include the goal of
improving personal standards and the proposed timetable and

5. Training
This section requires participants to have a reasonable degree
of training in participating the activities, thus leading to
improved performance.

Physical Recreation Section

Points are awarded for training on the basis of 1 point for each
half hourly session (or 2 points for each hourly session) outside
curriculum timetable or works time. Not more than 2 points
may be counted per week or 4 points per alternate weekend.

For all groups of activities, there is a minimum requirement of 6

training hours spread within a minimum period of 6 weeks.

6. Improvement
Improvement of overall performance is essential in order to
qualify, though no points are awarded for this aspect.
Participation without improvement does not qualify for this

Such improvement must be assessed as a continuing process

throughout the period of participation, and in making what
must necessarily be a subjective judgment, the following must
be taken into considerations: -

a. All candidates should have shown effort during the period of

participation and have made progress based upon their
initial knowledge and ability.
b. Participants should also show improvement in the following
areas, in so far as they are applicable to the activity
concerned. These should also be related to the participants,
initial standard, physical ability, and period of participation:
i. Application - Attendance and willingness to involve
themselves during each practical session, appropriately
dressed and equipped.
ii. Technique - Understanding of the techniques applicable
to the activity.
iii. Skill - Development of individual and/or co-operative
skills appropriate to the activity.
iv. Tactics - Appreciation of individual or group
co-operative tactics necessary to the activity at their

Physical Recreation Section

level of participation.
v. Fitness - Improvement of physical fitness specific to the
vi. Knowledge of rules - Appropriate to the level of activity
at which the participant is involved.
vii Appreciation of hazards and knowledge of safety
. precautions - Safety Rules and/or Regulations and
appreciation of dangers inherent in the activity.

7. Attainment of standards
This method of scoring is only applicable to Group 2 and 3
activities only. The score system is on the basis of the tables
given later in this chapter.

8. Instruction and assessment

Such improvement must be assessed as a continuing process
throughout the period of participation, and in making what
must necessarily be a subjective judgment, the following must
be taken into considerations: -

a. Participants should be coached by someone who is

knowledgeable and experienced in the activity. Instructors
and assessors are normally suitably qualified Award Leaders,
PE teachers, Club Instructors or National Sports Association
b. Details of the training sessions, including improvement in
performance and points awarded for participation should be
recorded. On completion of the training sessions, these
details should be entered by the instructors in the
participant’s Record Book.
c. Assessment or testing should be undertaken by people
qualified or competent in the particular activity. At Silver
level, the assessor should preferably be independent of
those who have trained the participant. At Gold level there
must be independent assessment and the assessor should

Physical Recreation Section

be authorized by the Section Panel.

d. Assessment should be made on the basis of effort, progress
and performance/ achievement of the participants during
the period for which the activity is being followed, with
reference to the criteria listed in paragraph 6.

9. Safety Guidelines
a. Warm Up and Cool Down Sessions
Warm up and cool down periods are essential for all physical
activity sessions. These should include static stretch
exercises for all the main muscle groups and some cardio
vascular work. The cooling down period should involve
similar exercises gradually reducing the level of activity and
allowing the muscles to return to their normal resting

b. Safety and Good Practice

The “Safety Guidelines On Physical Education Key Learning
Area For Hong Kong Schools” published by Education Bureau
is recommended to all instructors since it covers all aspects
of safety both in general terms and specific to every activity.
/references_resource/safety-guidelines/index.html )

c. National Sports Associations

Instructors may also take reference to safety guidelines
stipulated by National Sports Associations.

10. Record Book

The Record Book represents the experiences and achievements
of a young person and therefore remarks should be
personalized, positive and encouraging. It should always record
success and achievement rather than failure.
At all levels the activity, dates and points for participation are to
be entered in Record Books by instructors.

Physical Recreation Section

In the event of a young person not satisfying the assessor, he or

she should be informed of the reason and no entry made in the
Record Book until the conditions have been fulfilled.

For activities with participation-only programmes, an assessor’s

report is required and for activities with set standards, the
assessor should check that the standards attained are entered

Activities of Physical Recreation Section

The followings give the wide range of Physical Recreation activities
for reference. Participants should consult the Physical Recreation
Section Panel on the acceptability of any new activity they wish to

Name of Activity
1. Archery
2. Artistic Cycling
3. Athletic
4. Aviation
5. Badminton
6. Baseball
7. Basketball
8. Billiards and Snooker
9. Bodybuilding
10. Boxing
11. Canoeing
12. Cheering Squad
13. Chinese Martial Arts
14. Cricket
15. Cycling
16. Dance
17. Darts
18. Dragon Boat Racing

Physical Recreation Section

19. Fencing
20. Football
21. Gateball
22. Gliding
23. Golf
24. Gymnastic
25. HADO (AR Dodgeball)
26. Handball
27. Hockey
28. Horse-riding
29. Ice Hockey
30. Judo
31. Karate
32. Karting
33. Kendo
34. Kinball
35. Lawn Bowls
36. Motor Sports
37. Netball
38. Orienteering
39. Parachute
40. Physical Achievement
41. Physical Fitness
42. Rifle
43. Rock Climbing
44. Roller Skating
45. Rowing
46. Row on Board
47. Rugby Football
48. Scuba Diving
49. Shooting
50. Shuttlecock
51. Skating
52. Skiing

Physical Recreation Section

53. Softball
54. Sports Climbing
55. Squash
56. Swimming
57. Table Tennis
58. Taekwondo
59. Tennis
60. Tenpin Bowling
61. Triathlon
62. Ultimate/ Flying Disc
63. Underwater Swimming
64. Volleyball
65. War Game
66. Waterskiing
67. Weightlifting & Powerlifting
68. Windsurfing
69. Yachting
70. Yoga

Group 1 (Participation)
1. Conditions
a. Participants may select an activity as listed above.
b. There is a minimum requirement of 6 training hours. Points
are awarded on the basis of 1 point for each half hourly
session (or 2 points for each hourly session). Not more than
2 points may be counted per week or 4 points per alternate
c. After 6 training hours, participants should further participate
in the activities for a stipulated period:

Bronze - at least 3 months

Silver - at least 6 months
Gold - at least 12 months

d. The training time and the participation time should be

Physical Recreation Section

evenly distributed during the period. At least an hour session

(2 points) of training or participation must be done every
e. Before starting, a plan showing the anticipated improvement
in standards and the proposed timetable and activities
should be submitted to the Operating Authority at Bronze
and Silver levels, and to the Section Panel at Gold level.

Group 2 (AYP Standards)

1. Conditions
a. Select one activity out of Athletics, Physical Achievement, or
Swimming and obtain at least 12 points of training over a
minimum period of six weeks before attempting a standard.
Points are awarded on the basis of 1 point per half hourly
session (or 2 points per hourly session) outside curriculum or
work time. Not more than 2 points may be counted per
week or 4 points per alternate weekend.
b. The balance of points can be made up by the attainment of
standards. The scoring system for the attainment of
different standards in the various activities is given in the
tables on the following pages. Standards should only be
attempted on completion of the required number of training
c. Where the scores obtained by the required 6 training
sessions and the standard attained are insufficient to qualify
for an Award, the balance of points should be made up by
continued participation, the point system of which is the
same as that for training.

2. Scores for Group 2 (AYP Standards) attained

There are corresponding scores for the different standards
attained in the various activities. These are listed out in table
form. For some activities, the standards for men (denoted by M)
and women (denoted by W) are different, while for others, the
standards apply to both sexes.
Physical Recreation Section

Points gained for standards in one activity cannot be added to

the gained in another in order to reach the required total.

A. Athletic - undertake 1 run, 1 jump and 1 throw chosen from

the following:

i. Run
Scores 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

100 secs M 15.8 15.0 14.3 13.7 13.2 12.8 12.5 12.3 12.1 12.0
meters W 17.0 16.2 15.5 14.9 14.4 14.0 13.7 13.5 13.3 13.2
200 secs M 35 33 31 29 28 27 26.5 26 25.5 25
meters W 38 36 34 32 31 30 29.5 29 28.5 28
400 secs M 76 73 70 67 64 62 60 59 58 57
meters W 83 80 77 74 71 69 67 66 65 64
800 mins M 3.20 3.10 3.00 2.50 2.40 2.35 2.30 2.25 2.20 2.15
meters & secs. W 3.40 3.30 3.20 3.10 3.00 2.50 2.45 2.40 2.35 2.30
1500 mins M 6.15 6.00 5.45 5.30 5.20 5.10 5.00 4.50 4.45 4.40
meters & secs. W 7.00 6.45 6.30 6.18 6.05 5.55 5.45 5.35 5.30 5.25

ii. Jump
Scores 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

High meters M 1.06 1.14 1.22 1.30 1.38 1.46 1.52 1.58 1.62 1.66
Jump W 0.93 1.01 1.08 1.15 1.21 1.27 1.32 1.37 1.41 1.44
Long meters M 3.40 3.80 4.15 4.45 4.70 4.90 5.05 5.20 5.30 5.40
Jump W 3.00 3.35 3.65 3.90 4.10 4.25 4.40 4.50 4.60 4.65
meters M 7.60 8.40 9.10 9.70 10.20 10.60 10.90 11.10 11.30 11.5
meters M 1.60 1.75 1.90 2.05 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.55 2.60

Physical Recreation Section

iii. Throw
Scores 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Shot meters M 5.6 6.4 7.2 7.9 8.6 9.2 9.8 10.3 10.7 11.0
W 4.30 5.1 5.8 6.4 6.9 7.4 7.9 8.3 8.6 8.8
Discus meters M 15 18 21 23.5 26 28 29.5 31 32 33
W 11.5 14.0 16.5 18.5 20.5 22 23.5 24.5 25.5 26.0
Javelin meters M 15 18 21 23.5 26 28 30 31.5 33 34
W 11.5 14.0 16.5 18.5 20.5 22 23.5 24.5 25.5 26.0
Cricket/ meters M 34 39 44 48 52 55 58 61 63 65
Rounders W 28 33 37 41 44 47 49 51 52 53

B. Swimming

Swimmers: Pass Composite Speed Test

Swim 25 meters without turns three times by three different
strokes and score at least 1 point for each stroke. Maximum score
for any one stroke is 10 points. All three events are to be taken
during a single session, but not continuously.

Scores 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
25 meters secs. M 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21
back W 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26
(without a
25 meters secs. M 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23
breast W 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29
25 meters secs. M 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18
front W 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23

Physical Recreation Section

Non-Swimmers: Learn to swim at least 25 meters - 12 points. For

the test, jump or dive in and swim unaided without stopping.

C. Physical Achievement
All the events may be undertaken either outdoors or indoors
(e.g. gymnasium or club hall). The only equipment needed is a
basketball or football, a chair or similar item, gym mat, markers,
tape measure and a watch.

Undertake all seven events and select six to count. And the
event of Run is compulsory. At least one point must be scored
in each of the six events counted. The maximum score in any
event is five points. A reasonable rest is to be allowed between
each event. The score tables can be found at the end of this

Run (Compulsory)
Twenty laps of a rectangular circuit 12 meters by 8 meters, each
corner marked by a small object. The score is determined by
the time in which this exercise is completed.

Physical Recreation Section

Speed Test
Run ten times between two lines marked on the ground or floor
9 meters apart. The score is determined by the time in which
this exercise is completed.

Ball Speed Bounce

Using a basketball or football No.5, stand behind a line 2 meters
from wall. Feet side by side or one leg in front and the other at
the back. Hold ball with two hands against chest. Ball must be
thrown with two hands so as to rebound from the wall into
both hands. Count the number of times the ball is successfully
caught in 30 seconds. (It is recommended that a brick wall or
similar solid surface be used for this event to ensure a
satisfactory rebound.)

Physical Recreation Section

Trunk Curl Test

(To be performed on a towel, mat or suitable equivalent). Lie
on the back with legs bent. A 90-degree angle should be
maintained between the upper and lower legs. Place hands on
cheeks or cross hands over the chest. Ankles should not be held.
Sit up, curling trunk and head until both elbows touch upper
legs and then return to the starting position. Although the feet
may leave the floor, the right angle between the upper and
lower legs must be maintained. The score is the number of curls
completed in one minute.

Bailey Bridge
Start in the front support position (body in straight line
supported by hands and toes only) with shoulders near to and
facing a chair, stool or box on which a small object should rest
(e.g. bean bag, duster, 5 cm. cube of wood). The seat of the
chair should be approximately 45 cm. from the floor. Take the
object from the chair seat with one hand, place it on the floor,
pick up the object with the other hand and replace it on the
chair. Continue cycle. Count the number of times the object is
successfully placed on the chair in thirty seconds.

Physical Recreation Section

Push up
Hand/foot version: Lie face down on the floor, hands under
shoulders, palms flat on the floor. Straighten arms, without
locking, to lift body, leaving only palms and toes on floor. Bend
elbows until they remain 90 degrees or return to starting
position. Repeat push-up. Scoring ceases if the body sags. The
score is the number of push-ups completed in one minute.

Physical Recreation Section

Hand/knee moderated version: Lie face down on the floor,
hands under shoulders, palms flat on the floor with lower legs
bent upwards from the knees. Straighten arms, without locking,
to lift body, leaving only the palms and knees on floor, so that
knees, hips and shoulders are in a straight line. This straight line
should be maintained and the hands should not be allowed to
move back towards the knees. Bend elbows until they remain
90 degrees or return to starting position. Repeat push-up. The
score is the number of push-ups completed in one minute.

Physical Recreation Section

Single Leg Squat Thrust

Starting Position: Set up two lines 50 cm apart. Crouch with
both hands placed flat on the floor and with the toes touching
the front line. Take one leg back so that the foot is on the floor
behind the rear line.
The test: Change legs so that foot is alternately thrust over the
rear line, with the hips remaining high. The score is the number
of single leg squat thrusts, i.e. when each foot crosses the line,
completed in the thirty seconds.

Physical Recreation Section

Test 1 2 3 4 5
Run Time (mins. & 4.30 4.05 3.40 3.20 3.10
Speed Test Times (secs.) 28 26 25 24 23
Ball Speed Bounce No. of catches 30 35 40 45 50
in 30 secs.
Trunk Curl Test No. in 1 min. 20 28 34 40 45
Bailey Bridge No. in 30 secs. 12 17 19 21 22
Push up -
(hand/foot version) No. in 1 min. 15 23 27 34 50
No. in 1 min. 25 37 44 58 68
moderated version)
Single Led Squat Thrust No. in 30 secs. 40 60 70 76 82

Scoring – Females
Test 1 2 3 4 5
Run Time (mins. & 5:00 4:35 4:10 3:50 3:40
Speed Test Times (secs.) 32 28 27 26 25
Ball Speed Bounce No. of catches 20 26 32 36 38
in 30 secs.
Trunk Curl Test No. in 1 min. 10 20 28 32 36
Bailey Bridge No. in 30 secs. 12 16 18 20 22
Push up -
(hand/foot version) No. in 1 min. 8 14 18 24 30
(hand/knee moderated
No. in 1 min. 14 24 28 40 45
Single Led Squat Thrust No. in 30 secs. 35 50 65 72 80

Physical Recreation Section

Group 3 (National Sports Association Training

Course Certificates)
1. Conditions
a. Participants may select an activity as listed under “Activities
of Physical Recreation Section”. Points can be gained by
attaining a training course certificate issued by Hong Kong
National Sports Associations (NSAs). Scores for certificates
are calculated as stipulated in section 2.
b. There is a minimum requirement of 6 training hours (12
points). Points are awarded on the basis of 1 point for each
half hourly session (or 2 points for each hourly session). Not
more than 2 points may be counted per week or 4 points per
alternate weekend. Such training can be arranged either
before or after the attainment of the training certificate.
c. In the case of inadequate points gained for the required
level, participants should take more training for the
d. Proficiency tests passed before starting work for an Award
may not be counted retrospectively. Participants should
either gain the next higher proficiency award (but not
instructors’ certificate) or take up a new activity.
e. Before starting, a plan showing the anticipated improvement
in standards and the proposed timetable and activities
should be submitted to the Operating Authority at Bronze
and Silver levels, and to the Section Panel at Gold level.

2. Scores for Group 3 (NSAs Training Course Certificates) attained

a. Only those training certificates issued by National Sports
Associations (NSAs) under Sports Federations & Olympic
Committee of Hong Kong, China will be recognized, except
the following certificates:

Physical Recreation Section

i. Training course certificates issued by clubs under NSAs

and non-training course certificates (e.g. distance
certificates) issued by NSAs cannot be scored under
group 3.
ii. Since Chinese chess, the game of go (Weiqi), contract
bridge and life saving are not classified as Physical
Recreation activities, those certificates issued by Hong
Kong Chinese Chess Association, Hong Kong Go
Association Limited, Hong Kong Contract Bridge
Association Ltd. and The Hong Kong Life Saving Society
cannot be recognized as Physical Recreation Section
iii. For those certificates issued by NSAs of non-specific
sports, for example Victoria Recreation Club, South
China Athletic Association, Chinese YMCA of Hong
Kong, Hong Kong Paralympic Committee & Sports
Association for the Physically Disabled, Hong Kong
Sports Association for the Mentally Handicapped, The
University Sports Federation of Hong Kong, China, The
Hong Kong Society for the Deaf and Hong Kong
Association of Sports Medicine and Sports Science
Limited cannot be scored under group 3.

(Please refer to the following website for the full list of NSAs
under Sports Federations & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong,
China: )

b. Scores of certificates are based on the training hours of the

training course. 1 point will be awarded for each half hourly
session (or 2 points for each hourly session). There is no
limitation on the time span for gaining the points.

Physical Recreation Section

- Example:

Course Certificate Bronze Silver Gold

Certificate Training (Scores required: (Scores required: (Scores required:
Time 24) 30) 36)
Cert Further Cert Further Cert Further
Training Training Training
Canoeing Lecture:
(1 Star) 0 hr
16 12 16 14 16 20
8 hrs
Orienteering Lecture:
(Lv2) 2 hrs
20 12 20 12 20 16
8 hrs

Participation by the Physically Handicapped

Whenever possible, physically handicapped participants are
encouraged to choose an activity, which will enable them to take
part in this section without recourse to variations.


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