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Azrael Phoenix’s


(Preparing for death is one of the most empowering things
you can do. Thinking about death clarifies your life.
Candy Chang
(He died as one that had been studied in death)
Willam Shakespeare (Macbeth)
The fear of death follows from the fear of life, a man who
lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
Mark Twain
Though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death,
I will fear no evil, Thy rod, and staff, they comfort me. King
David of Israel


Graphic by Majentta

In death, there is no remembrance of you, in the
grave who will give you praise? The Chains of death
entangled me, dragging me closer to sheol. (Psalms 6:5)
When death comes knocking, will you be ready to receive
your visitor? Will you have shalom in the perfect
confidence of the Psalmist?
There are two facts in life that have nothing to do
with skin color, race, creed, religion, or age. At birth and in
the end, we are all the same. At birth we are all equal,
needing the same thing: the nurture of love, warmth, and
milk. But we lose that truth as we grow up in a world where
there is so much animosity towards our neighbors.
But death, on the other hand, is the Greatest
Leveller to humble us for in the eyes of YHVH-YHWH we
are all equal no matter what position or title you hold in this
life. Yet another distinction must also be made, as most
faiths believe the selfish are separated from the righteous.
But where do you stand, where will you be when your time
is up?
I believe Death is a blessing to keep us in check, for
it prepares us to walk right, it keeps us humble before
YHVH-YHWH’s sight knowing no one is free from the
sting of death but brings us to our hope through Yeshua’s
resurrection of eternal life.

But a nightmare to the wicked who will die a
second death. It is time for us to repent from our selfish
ways and embrace YHVH-YHWH's Torah, which was
made flesh to show us the way back to the Father of Love,
the Father of Mercy, of our Master Creator YHVH-YHWH.

(Hosea 14:9)
Who is wise? Let them realize these things. Who is
discerning? Let them understand. The ways of
YHVH-YHWH are right; the righteous walk in them, but
the rebellious stumble in them.


Have you ever thought about what happens after
death? Where do we end up when we expire? Is there any
explanation for the mystery of adventure that we see in
films? From an early age, we hear about it but we don't talk
about it. No one today has the true answer to this question.
If they are out there why are they being quiet? Where do
we end up when we die? Do we move up or down, or do
we cease to exist beyond the veil of death? Although social
media shows a lot about it, no one seems to know the
One afternoon my seventeen-year-old daughter
came to me and asked me questions about death because
her grandmother had just passed away. Like everybody
else, I had only limited or no knowledge of this subject. So
I prayed to YHVH-YHWH that he would grant me wisdom
to answer these questions. The first thing I was led to do
was to read my Canonized Bible. Then I read the Targums,
then I read the Apocrypha, and then I read the Septuagint. I
discovered that there are many passages about death and
where the souls of humans depart; to this place called
Sheol; the land of the dead. But they did not answer any of
my questions, like where do we end up and what will we
experience when we die?

I would like to share with you some fascinating
treasures I have discovered through my studies of the
ancient Hebrew writings, about crossing the veil of death.
The more I study, the more I realize that everyone is down,
not up. Except for Yeshua and his twenty-four elders who
sit near the throne of YHVH-YHWH. As it is written, the
graves were opened, and many of the holy ones who had
died were brought back to life and came out of their graves.
And after Yeshua’s resurrection, they were seen by many
people walking in Jerusalem. (Matthew 27:52-53).
I do believe that these are the twenty-four elders
who sit with Yeshua in Shamayim in the throne room of
Aravoth. (2nd Enoch 22:1)
I also came across (Luke 16:19) (Book of
Natsarim 12:26) when Yeshua shed some light on the rich
man and Lazarus who died and where their souls had gone
to. This was a good start. I know there are tons of
philosophers, new-age doctrines, and sanctimonious
religious beliefs on this subject. But I wanted to know what
the Scriptures say through the Hebrew perspective.

After all, it was through YHVH-YHWH’s people,
the children of Jacob that He gave power and authority to
teach the Goyim His righteous rulerings. Those outside of
the Torah come into His Torah being grafted into the
branch of Yeshua our Messiah. (Romans 11:23-24).
But I came across three manuscripts that gave me
more details on death and what to expect when crossing
over the Veil. This was like winning the lottery. The
fascinating thing was it tied in with (Luke 16:19) and (the
Book of Natsarim 12:26). This truly pricked my curiosity,
so I flipped open the manuscripts like an Indiana Jones
adventure, and I was truly blown away by what I had read.
I finally have some answers, praising
YHVH-YHWH for the wisdom that he gave me. Thanks to
the questions of my lovely daughter, I felt led to put my
research into this booklet, to shed light on Life and Death,
to you, the reader. I pray that this will give you the
encouragement and strength to face yourself and others.
That we can find hope in Shalom through death and prepare
ourselves for our crossing over.


“For I am the Word of YHVH-YHWH who created

man. When I created my creatures, I did not intend to
destroy them. But after they had sorely roused my anger, I
punished them with grievous plagues until they repent.“ (1
Adam and Eve 9:6) YHVH-YHWH instructed Yeshua to
form man from the dust of the ground, and then he breathed
into his nostrils, giving him the Shekinah, the Chayim (the
breath of life), and man became a living soul. (Genesis 2:7)
On the sixth day, YHVH-YHWH instructed Yeshua, His
Word, and His Shekinah, His Wisdom, to produce man out
of the seven components of creation:


1. Man’s flesh is from the dust of Adamah; 2.

Man’s blood from the dew; 3 Man’s eyes from the
bottomless sea; 4. Man’s bones from stone; 5. Man’s reason
for the mobility of the Malakhim; 6. Man’s veins and hair
from the grass of Adamah; 7. Man’s soul is from
YHVH-YHWH’s Shekinah with the breath of Nishmat
Chayim'' (Breath of Life).

Yeshua, the Word of YHVH-YHWH, gave Man
seven properties: 1. Hearing; 2. Seeing; 3. Smelling; 4.
Feeling; 5. Taste; 6. Strength, 7. Knowledge and Reason.
(2 Enoch 30: 10-13)
You have searched for me, YHVH-YHWH, and you
know me. When I sit and rise, you can observe my thoughts
from afar. You discern my journey out and my lying down;
you are familiar with all my ways. You, YHVH-YHWH,
are fully aware of every word before it leaves my mouth.
You knitted me in my mother’s womb; then you laid your
hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
too amazing to attain.
Where can I escape from your Spirit? How can I
flee from your presence? If I ascend to the sky, you are
there; if I sink to the depths of the sea, you are there. If I
rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of
the sea, even there, your hand will guide me; your right
hand will hold me fast. If I say,
“Surely the darkness will hide me, and the light will
become night around me,” even in the darkness, it will not
be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for
darkness is as light to you. You created my inner being, as
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

I praise you, YHVH-YHWH because I am fearfully
and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, and I
know this to be true. (Psalm 139)
My frame was not hidden from you when I was
made in a secret place and woven together in the depths of
Adamah. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days
ordained for me were written in your book before one of
them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts,
How vast are your thoughts for me? How can I
count them? They would outnumber the grains of sand in
the sea, and when I awaken, I am still with you. If only
you, YHVH-YHWH, would slay the wicked! Away from
me, you bloodthirsty people! It's you who behave selfishly;
it's your adversaries who misuse your name to harm you.
Do I not hate those who hate you, YHVH-YHWH, and
abhor those who are in rebellion against you? I have
nothing but hatred for them; I count them as my enemies.
Search me, YHVH-YHWH, and know my heart;
test me and know my thoughts. I would like you to see if
there is anything offensive in me, and guide me to the way
of eternity.

Your hands fashioned me into who I am, and would
You destroy me? Remember now that You have made me
like clay; and would You turn me into dust again? (Job
Thus says YHVH-YHWH; to his Word, who
created the sky and stretched it out, and spread adamah and
its structure he who gives breath to the people on it and the
spirit to those who walk in it, (Isaiah 42:5)
"Everyone who is called by My name, and whom I
have created for My glory, whom I have formed, even
whom I have made.” (Isaiah 43:7)
“The Word of YHVH-YHWH has made me, and the
breath of the Almighty gives me life.” (Job 33:4)


“From invisible and visible substances I created

man. From his nature comes both Life and Death; as my
image says, he knows my word like no other creature I
have made; but even at his greatest, he is small; at his
smallest, he is magnificent. Oh, Adamah, I assigned a man
to be a second Malakh; I crowned him with honor. With my
wisdom, I assigned him to be a king, to reign over you.
There is nothing comparable to him on Adamah, even
among all my creatures that I have made. I decided to give
him a name from the four winds: I gifted him four special
stars and called his name Adam.
“I gave him his free will, and I pointed out to him
two directions, light, and darkness. I said to him, ‘The light
of my word is appropriate for you; it will bring life to you,
but the darkness is ominous and it separates you from me. I
did this to test whether man would love me or hate me, and
so that it might become obvious who among his species
would love me.”
“I know his nature, but he does not know his nature.
Thus, ignorance is more lamentable than transgression,
since transgression is in him. I said, ‘After transgression,
there is nothing but death.’

“I assigned a shade for him, imposed sleep upon
him, and he fell asleep. While he was sleeping, I took a
bone from him. I created for him a woman, and I named her

When Adam died, Miyka'el the Arch Mal'akh
appeared, standing at Adam's head, and said to Seth
"Arise from your father's body, and come with me
and see what YHVH-YHWH Aravat has arranged for him.
He is his creature, and he has taken pity on him.”
Then all the Malakhim blew their shofars, and said:
"Blessed are you, YHVH-YHWH Aravat, Father of
Creation; for you have taken pity on your creatures."
Then Seth saw the right hand of YHVH-YHWH
Aravat outstretched, holding Adam. He handed him over to
Miyka'el, saying:
"Let him be in your care until the day of retribution
and until the last day when I will change his mourning into
joy. Then he will sit on the throne of the one who beguiled
him," The Word of Aravat instructed. Again
YHVH-YHWH Aravat said to him Miyka'el and Uri’el.
"Bring me three linen shrouds and drape them over
him. Bring other shrouds and drape them over Abel, his
son. Then bury Adam and his son," commanded The Word
of YHVH-YHWH Aravat.

All the virtues of the Malakhim were processed
before Adam, and thus was the first burial of the dead to be
sanctified. The Malakhim, Miyka'el, and Uri’el buried
Adam and Abel in the regions of paradise that Seth and his
mother saw, but no one else.
Miyka'el and Uriel:
"Just as you see us doing, likewise bury your dead."

(1 Corinthians 15:20-22) Yeshua has been raised

from the dead, he is the firstfruits of those who have died.
For since death came through Adam, the resurrection of the
dead comes also through Yeshua. Due to Adam’s sin, all
are cursed to die, but in Yeshua, all are made alive.


The purpose in a man's heart is like deep water, but

a man of understanding will draw it out. Trust
YHVH-YHWH with all your heart, and do not lean on your
own understanding. Your word is a lamp for my feet and a
light for my path. YHVH-YHWH will fulfill his purpose
for me; your steadfast love, Oh YHVH-YHWH endures
forever. (Proverbs 20:5), (Proverbs 3:5), (Psalms
119:105), (Psalms 138:8).
Without knowing our purpose in life, we often
suffer in ignorance of our own significance. We fall prey to
the illusion that our lives don't matter and that we have no
connection or impact on life around us. The scriptures offer
many insights into one's purpose on Adamah and living
within a meaningful mission.

Everyone who is called by my name, whom I
created for my glory, whom I formed and made. My praise
may be expressed by the people I have formed for myself.
The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear
YHVH-YHWH and keep his commandments, for this is the
whole duty of man. (Isaiah 47:3) (Isaiah 43:21),
(Ecclesiastes 12:13).
If we follow YHVH-YHWH's Commandments, we
can expect longer lives and peaceful deaths. But those
outside of the Commandments will always face a violent
death. At the end of the day, death is the beginning of our
soul's existence in eternal life or damnation, although it can
also be a curse or a blessing. Dare we not venture to study
what lies beyond the grave?
But first, let's look at our life expectancy. In our
fast-paced lifestyle, death is so frequent that many of the
rich are looking for the fountain of life, but not the one who
gave us life. But have you noticed that our life expands,
decreases, and continues to shrink?

There is a reason for this. From the beginning,
mankind was able to endure nine hundred years plus. Today
the average person usually lives between fifty to
seventy-five years; sometimes shorter and sometimes
longer, with a life expectancy of no more than two hundred
years; which is four jubilees in a lifetime.
The begging man could live 963 years but not one
who walked on Adamah lived 1,000 years. Our weak
selfish nature seems to prevent man from standing alone
with YHVH-YHWH for an entire day. One day is a
thousand years for YHVH-YHWH. (2 Peter 3:8).


Like the Gentleman of Bangalore, India, according

to the Guinness Book of World History: Mahashta Murasi
was born in January 1835 and died November 19, 2014.
This man was truly blessed by YHVH-YHWH for allowing
him to have a long life. Yet I wonder if he turned to Yeshua,
did he accept YHVH-YHWH as salvation? Or did he
squander his gift on frivolous doctrines of men? Either way,
it's astonishing how YHVH-YHWH does things; but in
general, we know that Yeshua holds the Keys to Life and

"When I saw Yeshua, I fell at his feet as though I
was dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said:
“Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last. I am
the Living One; I was dead, and today I am alive forever,
and I hold the keys to life and death. (Revelation 1:17-18).
As it is also written, some will be alive when Yeshua
returns. (Matthew,16:28), (Mark 9:1), (Luke 9:27)
Our rebellious nature has become out of control
because of our transgressions. The wages of our
transgressions are death, but the way of righteousness is
obedience to the commandments of YHVH-YHWH.
For he sent his only son to deliver us but whoever
believes may be saved if we obey the Commandments in
Exodus chapter 20. This is how we honor the father and
how we love him if we abide by his Commandments;
though we are saved by the grace of YHVH-YHWH
through Yeshua who became the ultimate sacrifice to take
away the (LAW OF SIN AND DEATH) so we will no
longer be subjugated under that law. But we can become
unholy, for it is written that if we continue to deliberately
sin after knowing the truth, there can be no forgiveness for
that transgression. In Hebrew 10:26, in Matthew
12:22-32, Mark 3:22-30, and again in Luke 12:10.

Knowing this does not give us the liberty to
continue to sin like it says in (Hebrews 10:26) I will
repeat again; tells us if we continue to sin after knowing the
truth there is no forgiveness for the sin. (Philippians
“Therefore, my beloved, as you have always
obeyed, so now, not only in my presence but much more in
my absence, carry out your own salvation with fear and
trembling, for it is YHVH-YHWH who resides in you, both
to will and to accomplish for his good pleasure.”
(Colossians 3), (Romans 6:23) (Romans 6:14).
We are to work out our salvation with fear and
trembling during our walk of life. We do not work to earn
our salvation, but we work out our salvation by observing
YHVH-YHWH‘s instructions for life which we call the
Torah. The Apostle Paul encourages us to “work out your
salvation with fear and trembling." (Philippians 2:12)


Have you ever wondered why in the beginning

people were able to live almost a thousand years and never
were able? There is a lot of speculation about why this has
happened. It is mainly the sin of our selfish nature. But
people don’t want to accept that because it's easier to blame
Therefore, they create their own idea and proclaim
it to be true. For example, climate changes after the flood.
Today due to chemicals, inaccessible food Genetically
enhanced food, Our waters are being poisoned but the list
continues on. But there is an overall answer today so we
will find this answer in the book of (Jubilees 23:9-17).

The lives of our forefathers were nineteen jubilees.
After the Flood, they began to grow less than nineteen
jubilees, decrease in jubilees, grow old quickly, and be full
of their days by reason of manifold tribulation and the
wickedness of their ways. The exception to this rule was
For Abraham was faithful in all his works with
YHVH-YHWH, and he pleased YHVH-YHWH in
righteousness all the days of his life. But he did not
complete four jubilees in his life when he had grown old
because of the wickedness of his days, but his days were
All the generations that will arise from the time of
Abraham until the day of the end-time judgment will grow
old quickly before they complete two jubilees, and their
knowledge will forsake them because of their old age.
In those days, if a man lives a jubilee and a half of a
jubilee, they will say regarding him:
"He has lived long, and the most significant part of
their days is pain and sorrow with tribulation, and there is
no shalom. Without YHVH-YHWH's Commandments
(Exodus 20:1-26) and Yeshua's intercessions (Romans
8:35), (1 John 2:1), (Hebrews 7:25) there is no shalom.

For calamity will follow calamity, and wound for
wound, with tribulation on tribulation, due to the acts of
their self-centered actions. Effarement on Effarement, with
selfish judgments against one another, will overthrow, like
snow, frost, and ice. They will suffer fever, chills, torpor,
famine, death, and sword, with captivity with all kinds of
calamities and pains.
All these will come from a selfish generation, which
transgresses on Adamah: their works are unclean with
fornication and pollution with the works of abominations.
Then they will say:
"The days of our forefathers were many even, unto
a thousand years, and were good; but, behold, the days of
our life, if a man has lived many, are three jubilees. If one
is strong, they could live up to four jubilees, and for those
who are selfish, there is no shalom in the days of their
In our generation, the sons will convict their fathers
and elders of the sin of unrighteousness, and from the
words of their mouths, they will perpetrate great

They will forsake the covenant that YHVH-YHWH
made between them and Him, that they should observe and
do all His commandments and ordinances and all that is in
His Torah (Laws), without departing to the right or to the
For all have done selfishly, and every mouth has
spoken iniquity. All their works are unclean with
abomination, and all their ways are polluted and unclean
with destruction. Hopefully, this has shed some light on the
subject. But we now live in a time of apostasy, and Yeshua
is returning soon.
Are you ready?
I don't know about you, but this was an eye-opener
for me; to get serious right now with YHVH-YHWH, and
follow his ways. Indeed, our life is a dot in eternity


It is YHVH-YHWH’s will to allow some people to

die early. Even though you might not understand what he is
doing. A newborn dies, Why? Perhaps for mercy's sake,
YHVH-YHWH sees what’s to come to destroy the child’s
soul, and then for mercy's sake, he saves that soul. The
possibilities of answers are unknown to us, or is it?
(Deuteronomy 28), tells us if we obey the
commandments, we will be blessed, including our children,
but if we break the commandments, we are cursed even by
our children. But it's funny how we are quick to judge
YHVH-YHWH for his actions of taking a child away for
their excellence.

But we allow seventy-five million children to be
aborted each year and judge, not those who are murdering
their unborn children due to their selfish pleasures of
creating wealth.
Death comes in many shapes and sizes. The death
of a righteous individual will always be peaceful, whereas
the death of a person bound by their transgression will
always be violent. Our unrepented transgressions across
the nations have caused this cause and effect. Some people
die early because they transgress with bitterness,
unforgiveness, and hatred.
Yet even the righteous will die young,
(Isaiah 57:1-7)
Righteous people pass away; the Holy ones often
die before their time. But no one seems to care or wonder
why. No one seems to understand that YHVH-YHWH is
protecting them from the darkness to come.
In my life, I’ve seen everything from the righteous
person perishing in his uprightness to the wicked one who
lives a long life and keeps on doing wickedly. (Ecclesiastes


Knowing Yeshua holds the keys to life and death,

YHVH-YHWH says who dies or who lives, and Yeshua
judges according to YHVH-YHWH's Torah. Understanding
YHVH-YHWH’s Commandments are his way to protect
us, but for some odd reason, people disobey his
commandments because they don't want to follow
instructions because they feel controlled or simply do not
understand. This is why people perish they lack knowledge
of the truth.
This is what rebellion looks like, knowing the truth
but denying it or rebelling against it to do your own thing
even when you know it's right. When I was thirteen, I
always seemed to be in trouble because I did not listen to

One day I did something really stupid, and I got into
trouble for it. My dad asked me a provocative question.
“Son, do you like getting yourself into trouble?” He
I said, “No, I hate it."
Then he said to me,
“Then stop being stupid and start doing what you're
told, and you will avoid getting into trouble."
I never agreed with my dad, but he was right.
Therefore, from that day forward, I decided to just do what
my parents asked me to do even when I didn't like it. The
same thing is when we read the scriptures and obey them,
especially the commandments, good things will come.
YHVH-YHWH tells us to be set apart from the
ways of the Nations of men, but as we see on your local
news, many people get shot because of greed, DWI,
Prostitution, O.D on drugs, get involved in wars, go
clubbing, or get trampled down from a rock concert. High
school shootouts.

Diseases are sometimes caused by fornication the
unnatural use of sex, smoking that causes emphysema, poor
eating habits, diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity. If
they had obeyed and followed YHVH-YHWH’s
instructions for life, their death would not have happened in
such horrific states. Death is the cause and effect of our
Remember, YHVH-YHWH doesn’t cause
transgressions, but He does allow them. When we see
people die at a young age, it is a constant reminder that life
is short and you never know when you will clock out.
There are three forces at work here that will bring
death, our actions of rebellion to YHVH-YHWH's Torah,
Our actions in this life, how we cruelly treat one another,
and YHVH-YHWH's act of Mercy to save souls.
The devout men who perish are taken away, while
no one understands. For the righteous man is protected
from calamity. Shalom is achieved; they rest in their beds
and walk uprightly. (Isaiah 57:1-2)
I said: “Do not take me away, YHVH-YHWH, in
the midst of my days; your years go on through all
generations. In the beginning, you laid the foundations of
Adamah, and the sky is the work of your hands.

We will perish, but you remain; we will all wear out
like a garment. Like clothing, you will change them, and
they will be discarded." (Psalm 102:24-26)
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are
your ways my ways,” declares YHVH-YHWH. “As the sky
is higher than Adamah, so are my ways higher than your
ways, and my thoughts are higher than your thoughts.”
(Isaiah 55:8-9).
YHVH-YHWH doesn’t cause it. He allows it.
I have told you these things so that in me you may
have Shalom. In this life, you will have troubles. But take
heart! I have overcome this life. (John 16:33)
For now, we see only a reflection in a mirror; then,
we will see YHVH-YHWH face to face. Now I know in
part; then I will know fully, even as I am fully known. (1
Corinthians 13:12)


Therefore, just as transgression entered into adamah

through one man and death through transgression, in this

way, death came to all people of the nations because all
have transgressed. To be sure, transgression existed before
the Torah was given, but transgression has not been
charged against anyone’s account where there is no Torah.
(Romans 5:12-13 ).

For just as through the disobedience of the one man,
the many were made transgressors, so also through the
obedience of the one man, the many will be made
righteous. The Torah was brought in so that the
transgressions might increase. But where transgression
increased, grace increased all the more, so that, just as the
transgressor's actions lie in death, grace might reign
through the acts of righteousness to bring eternal life
through Yeshua, our Messiah. (Romans 5:19-21)
But don’t be too wicked or too foolish, either. Why
die before you have to? (Ecclesiastes 7:17).
There is a way that seems right to a person, but the
end of their transgression is death. If we live, we live for
the YHVH-YHWH; and if we die, we die for
YHVH-YHWH. So, whether we live or die, we belong to
the YHVH-YHWH. For this very reason, Yeshua died and
returned to life to become the Judge over the dead and the
living. (Romans 14:8-9).
What we see is Yeshua, who was given dominion
over all things but he came into our lives making himself a
little lower than the Malakhim and suffered death for us,
and now he is;

“Crowned with glory and honor forever” Yes, by
YHVH-YHWH’s Mercy, Yeshua tasted death for
everyone’s sake.
YHVH-YHWH, through whom everything was
made, chose to bring many children into glory. It was only
fitting that he should make Yeshua, through his suffering, a
perfect leader, fit to bring us into YHVH-YHWH’s
salvation. (Hebrews 2:9-10)

(Psalms 32:10) The wicked will have to suffer, but those

who trust in YHVH-YHWH are protected by his constant


We read in (John 14:6) that Yeshua answered those

who were near him and he boldly told them,
“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes
to the Father except through me.”
It is difficult to test someone's heart to determine if
it is genuine by asking for love or causing harm to others;
he is looking for people with the same heart as him. We
also see the challenge as we will read in (2 Esdras 7).
When I had made an end of speaking these words,
the Word of YHVH-YHWH came to me who had been sent
to me the night before: And he spoke unto me,
Come, Esdras, and hear the words that I have come
to tell you.

After that, I asked,
"Speak my King."
Then he said to me,
"There is a sea set in a wide expanse so that it is
broad and vast, but it has an entrance set in a narrow place
deep as wide as a river. If someone dares to reach the gate,
to look upon it, or to navigate through it, how can he come
to the broad part unless he passes through that narrow path?
Another example: There is a city built and situated
on a high mountain, and it is filled with all costly stones;
but the entrance is too small and located in a precipitous
place so that there is only fire on the right and deep rough
water on the left; but there is only one path lying between
them, that is, between the fire and the water, so that only
one man at a time can walk upon that path.
If now that city is given to a man for an inheritance,
how will his heir receive his inheritance unless he passes
through the danger set before him?"
I said, "He cannot."
He said to me,
"So also is Israel's portion. For I made adamah for
their sake, and when Adam transgressed my
commandment, what had been made was judged.

So the entrances to this life have become narrow,
sorrowful, and toilsome; and they are only a few.
The path is long and wide with evils, filled with
hazards and hardships. But the entrances to the mighty
kingdom are narrow and safe, and ready to yield the fruits
of immortality. The living cannot receive what has been
reserved for them until they have passed through difficult
and vain experiences.
But now why are you disturbed, seeing that you are
to perish? Why are you moved, seeing that you are mortal?
Why have you not considered in your mind what is to
come, rather than what is now in your present?"


In the third week of this Jubilee, the unclean entities

known as demons are the Nephilim who are disembodied
from their unnatural flesh. They began to lead Noah's
children astray and cause them to make errors that would
destroy them. The sons of Noah came to their father, and
they told him about these demons that were leading their
children astray, blinding and killing them.
Noah prayed before YHVH-YHWH, who was
known as Aravat and said,
“Aravat Father of spirits and of all flesh, who has
shown me mercy and to my household, and you delivered
us from the flood and caused me to perish as you did to the
children of perdition.

For your grace has been abundant towards me, and
mighty has been your mercy to my soul. Now I ask of you,
Aravat, may your grace be lifted up upon my sons and
daughters that we may increase and multiply and replenish
You know how your Watchers, the fathers of these
Nephilim, acted in my days: and as for these demons that
roam the land of the living now I implore you to imprison
them and hold them fast in the place of Sheol at the deepest
area of oblivion where there is condemnation, and let them
not bring destruction on the sons of your servant, my
Aravat; for these are malignant, and are created to destroy
Let them not rule over the souls of the living, for
you alone can exercise dominion over them; let them not
have power over the children of the righteous from
henceforth and forevermore."
YHVH-YHWH heard Noah’s prayer as he bound
them all. But the chief of the Malakhim, Heyl’el who
became known as Mastêmâ, came and said:
"Hashem Creator, give some of them to remain
before me and let them hearken to my voice, so I can
command them; for if some of them are not left to me, how
will I be able to execute my power?

How will I test the children of men to show you
they are selfish; they will break your covenant, for they are
corrupt in all their ways, they deserve your judgment, for
great is the wickedness of the sons of men."
YHVH-YHWH Aravat said to Heyl’el:
"Let one-tenth remain before you prince of the air,
but the ninety will be cast into the place of oblivion."
Likewise, such has been made for the souls of these
people who do not walk in righteousness, who turn their
backs on the truth (Jude 1:3-14).
On the resurrection day of Judgement, these two
chasms will be joined together by Heyl’el and his
Malakhim with these demons. They will be thrown together
into a lake of fire where there will be gnashing of teeth and
sorrow till the day of the righteous will come. (JUBILEES


Upon entering Adamah (Earth), Uri'el showed me

three hollow chasms deep and wide; inside the chasm, we
saw four smooth corners. Two of the chasms were dark to
look at, and one was brighter than the others. There was a
river of water in the midst of the bright chasm. Then I
asked Uri'el,
“What is this place that you have come to show
Uri’el, responded to me,
“These beautiful corners are here in order that the
souls of the children of men would be gathered here.

Elohim prepared this place in order to place the
souls of men when they leave their fleshly garments. When
they depart from their bodies, they are judged on what they
have done in their life. Then, they are placed into one of
these three chasms according to their crimes or virtues.
This is the first judgment, and they are to wait for
the final judgment that will come upon all creation at the
end of days. That day, no one knew except for Aravat!”
It was then I saw the souls of the already dead
children of men, and their voices were reaching Shamayim.
But there was one soul who caught my attention; this soul
was crying louder than all the rest. I asked Uri'el,
“Who is this soul, whose voice is reaching into
Shamayim with much grief?”
Uri'el answered,
“This is the soul of Abel whom Cain, his brother,
murdered; he continues to cry out for justice. Till Cain is
dead and extinct along with all his seed who dwell on the
face of Adamah, he will continue to cry out.”
I raised a question regarding Abel and the judgment
of all souls.

“For what reason is one separated from the other?" I


Uri’el said to me,
The three chasms were made so that the souls of the
children of men could be separated from one another
according to their behavior toward their neighbors and how
they honor the word of YHVH-YHWH Aravat.
(Enoch 22:2-14) (Mark 12:31) (Romans 13:8-9) (James
4:12) (Leviticus 19:17-18) (Proverbs 19:17).

Uriel’s Guidance


For the righteous, paradise is prepared with the Tree

of Life and River of Life. These were the souls of men who
obeyed YHVH-YHWH’s commandments, ordinances, and
statutes; they loved not their lives unto death, but they gave
their lives unto the death. That is, they did not value their
fleshly desires over the value of men. (Revelation 12:11)
(Luke 16).
As the transgressors die and are buried, the
punishment is a dark chasm filled with rivers of fire.
Throughout their lifetime, these souls worked selfishly and
were not judged; here, they suffer greatly for the sins they
commit. This land of the dam will continue to suffer until
the great Day of Judgment. YHVH-YHWH Aravat will
bind them here.

In this place, there will be weeping and gnashing of
teeth when you see Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and all the
prophets in the kingdom of YHVH-YHWH Aravat, but
those who are hypocritical, judgmental, unforgiving,
indulging in fornication will be thrown into the furnace of
fire; in this place, there will be weeping and gnashing of
teeth. (Matthew 7:21-23) (Psalms 6:8) (Luke 13:27)
(Psalms 5:5).
The wicked will see it and be vexed; they will gnash
their teeth and melt away; the desire of the wicked will
perish. (Psalm 112:10)
So the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the
murderers, those who practice the magic arts, the idolaters,
and all liars will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning
sulfur. This is the second death.”
(Revelation 12:8) (Luke 13:28) (Matthew 13:42)
(Matthew 8:12) (Matthew 24:51).
Oblivion is the land of condemnation; utter
“In this third chasm, it's a separation that was made
for the souls of those who make their allegations and those
who tell the story of their destruction in the days of the

YHVH-YHWH Aravat keeps the feet of His
righteous ones, but the wicked, they are silenced in
darkness; for a person cannot triumph through force. (1
Samuel 2:9).
Then the wicked will look to Adamah, and behold
they will see distress and darkness, gloom and anguish; and
they will be driven away into darkness. (Isaiah 8:22).
The sons of the kingdom will be cast out into the
outer darkness; in this place, there will be weeping and
gnashing of teeth.”
Those who blaspheme the shekinah (Matthew
8:12) (Matthew 12:22-32) Hebrews (10:26) (Luke 9:62)
NOTE: To my understanding, this place of
condemnation is where 90% of the Nephilim souls, known
as demons, are cast according to the statement above (those
who mention their destruction in the days of the Nephilim.)


The Word of YHVH-YHWH answered me and said,

“When YHVH-YHWH, the Highest, decided to
create Adamah and Adam and all those who have come
after Him, He first prepared a pillar of judgment and the
things that pertain to His judgments.
For this reason, those who dwell on Adamah will be
tormented, because those who understand deliberately
continue to commit transgressions of the moral-spiritual
values of truth.

Though they received the commandments, they did
not keep them, and though they obtained the instructions of
the Torah, they dealt unfaithfully with greed in what they
received. What do they expect to say in judgment, or how
will they answer in the last days?
How long does YHVH-YHWH the Highest, have to
bear with the rebellion of man? He has been patient with
those who dwell in Adamah to repent, because of the times
that He has foreordained!”
I answered and asked,
“If I have found favor in your sight, The Word of
YHVH-YHWH, show me your servant: what happens after
death, when everyone yields up their souls? Where do we
go until the appointed time comes when you will renew
creation, or do we all suffer torment at once?”
The Word of YHVH-YHWH answered me and said,
“Now I will show you so that you will not be
associated with those who have expressed hate or count
yourself among those who are tormented due to their
unrepented transgressions.
For you have a treasure of works laid up with
YHVH-YHWH, but it will not be shown to you until the
last days. (2 Esdras 7:75).


“Now, concerning death, the teaching is this:

When a decree has gone forth from
YHVH-YHWH’s throne, he sends His Malakhim to those
souls who is to die, and they take the souls from their
bodies that will be buried; then the Mal’akh who was
dispatched will escort the soul to cross over the veil for
their first judgment.
YHVH-YHWH’s spirit, Chayam, leaves the mortal
body and returns to Him once again. The righteous soul
will experience the glory of YHVH-YHWH the Most High,
and that righteous soul will adore the Father of Life.

Souls who have shown hate and have not kept the
ways of YHVH-YHWH’s instructions (Torah) to the full
extent of their abilities. They will wither with fear at
seeing the glory of YHVH-YHWH Most High, whom they
transgressed while they were alive. These souls will not
enter paradise; but will immediately be thrown into torment
after receiving their first judgment, wondering about, ever
grieving with sadness, in seven destructive ways.
The first way is because of the souls who hated and
mocked the Torah of YHVH-YHWH the Most High. The
second reason is that they are unable to repent as they
would have done if they had been still alive. In a third way,
they will see the rewards laid up for those who have trusted
the Torah of YHVH-YHWH Most High.
In a fourth way, they will consider the torment laid
up before themselves in the last days due to their
transgression of selfishness. Fifthly, they will witness how
the Malakhim guards the habitations of others with
profound and silent guardian services. Lastly, they'll see
how some of them pass from darkness to torment. The
seventh way is more destructive than all the ways that have
been mentioned because they will utterly waste away in
confusion and be consumed with shame.


“Now this is the order of those who have kept the

ways of YHVH-YHWH when they will be separated from

their mortal bodies. They faithfully served YHVH-YHWH
while standing against all odds to keep his Torah. (Psalms
119:14) (Deuteronomy 30:19) They will see with
overwhelming joy the glory of YHVH-YHWH who
receives them, for they will have rest in seven orders.
(Matthew 25:23)
As a result, this is the teaching concerning them:
The first order is the crown of life because they have
overcome their selfish thoughts so that they will not wander
into death.

In the second order, the tree of life, because they see
the perplexity in which the souls of the unholy wander, they
warn them to turn from their ways. This is before they
suffer the punishment that awaits them.
In the third order, they will see the witness of
YHVH-YHWH whom He formed, who bears the wound
of punishment concerning them, that while they were alive
they kept the Torah which was given to them in trust.
In the fourth order, they understand the rest that
they now enjoy, being gathered into their chambers and
guarded by the Malakhim who stand profoundly and quiet.
They also understand the glory that awaits them in the last
In the fifth order, they receive a white stone with
their new name as they rejoice that they have now escaped
what is corruptible, and will inherit what is to come;
besides, they see the straits from toil which they have been
delivered and the liberty which they receive to enjoy in
their immortality.
The sixth order is when it is shown to them how
their faces are to shine like the sun. They are also shown
how they are to be made like the light of the stars, being
incorruptible from then on.

The seventh order, which is greater than all that has
been said, because they will rejoice with boldness, they will
be confident without confusion, and be glad without fear.
Now the righteous can see the face of
YHVH-YHWH whom they served in life and from whom
they are to receive their reward when glorified. This is the
order of the souls of the righteous, and the souls of the
wicked. This is a warning to those who will not pay
attention, and they will suffer hereafter.”
Then I answered and asked,
“Will time be given to the souls, after they have
been separated from the bodies, to see what you have
described to me?” The Word of YHVH-YHWH said to me,
“After a soul sees the glory of YHVH-YHWH, a
Mal'akh will escort them for seven days to show them the
cause and effects of their actions in their lifetime; how they
affected the lives of those around them, afterward they will
hear their sentence;
How they served YHVH-YHWH and obeyed his
commandments; then they will be gathered into their
habitations of judgment, till the last judgment.”

Sheol Land of the Dead

(1 Peter 3:16-20) Keeping a clear conscience, so that those

who speak maliciously against your right behavior in
Yeshua will be ashamed of their slander. For it is better if it
is YHVH-YHWH’s will to suffer for doing right than doing
evil. For Yeshua also suffered once for sins, and the
righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you back to
YHVH-YHWH. He was put to death through the flesh but
made alive in the Spirit. After being made alive, he went
and made a proclamation to the imprisoned soul to those
who were disobedient long ago when YHVH-YHWH
waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was
being built. Yet only, eight souls in all were saved through


There was a rich man who was dressed in fine

clothing and lived a luxurious life, eating delicious food
and having a decent clean living. However, at his gate,
there was a man named Lazarus, who had lost everything
and was stricken with sores. Lazarus was hungry, and he
would beg for food at the rich man’s gate, but the rich man
would not show him any mercy.

One day the rich man had a banquet for his
high-class friends, and Lazarus would ask for food from the
guests that passed him by. They ignored him, but Lazarus
would wait to collect the scraps of food lying around. He
would wait until the dogs came and licked his sores.
The time came when Lazarus died and a Malakh of
Yah carried him to Abraham's side in Paradise. The rich
man also died, and he was buried.
A dark Mal’akh took him to a place of torment. The
rich man looked up and saw Abraham far away, with
Lazarus. So he called to Him,
"Father, Abraham, take pity on me and send
Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water to cool my
tongue because I am in agony and parched from this fire of
Abraham replied,
"Son, remember that in your lifetime, you received
your blessings, but you were selfish with what you had
while Lazarus received terrible things, yet he was generous
with what small possessions he had. But now he is
comforted, and you're in torment. Take note of the deep
chasm between us. So those who want to enter from your
side cannot pass.

Nor can anyone cross over from here to aid you."
So the rich man cried out.
"Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family,
for I have five brothers. Let him warn them so that they
will not come to this place of Torment."
Abraham replied,
"They have Moses and the Nevi'im with the
instructions of the Torah. Let them listen to them."
"No, Father Abraham," said the rich man.
"But if someone from the dead appears to them,
they will repent" the rich man continued to argue.
Abraham replied.
"If they do not listen to Moses and the Nevi’im, or
follow the instructions of the Torah. They will not be
convinced even if someone rises from the dead," Abraham
said. (Luke 16:19).


We must prepare ourselves for our next phase

because the days here are short compared to eternity. Just
as it is appointed for man to die once, after which comes
his judgment. There is nowhere in the passages of any
scriptures to show that we are reincarnated. This is except
for those who deliberately create their doctrines to twist the
truths for their religious beliefs. (Hebrews 9:27).
But understand this, that you are wonderfully
designed in the eyes of Elohim, and you are fearfully made
in the eyes of the Malakhim. (Psalms 139:13-14).

“For it is you that YHVH-YHWH created in your
inward parts; who knitted you together in your mother's
womb. I will praise YHVH-YHWH because I know I have
been fearfully and wonderfully made. I encourage you to
praise Him all your life. Those who experience past life
experiences believe that they were another person at a
distant time. If this were true, we would be immortal and
we would not need to procreate.
Scientifically proven bloodlines carry memories
that can have us remember something of the past from our
generations. This has been proven scientifically as well.
When one person receives an organ transplant from another
person's body, they take on certain traits of the person who
died. The bloodline is the lifeline of the soul.
We are not immortal beings; we will die, and we are
placed in a place of judgment until Messiah Yeshua returns
to claim us. To keep this command without spot or blame
until the appearance of our Messiah Yeshua returns, which
YHVH-YHWH will bring about in His own time. (1
Timothy 6:14-16).
YHVH-YHWH, the blessed and only ruler, will
send the King of kings, Yeshua, who lives in
unapproachable light, whom we cannot see at this time. To
Him be all honor, and glory forever. Amin.

So if we are reincarnated, then we would have
immortal souls, then if I am immortal why would I be
seeking something I already have?
According to the scriptures we are born, we die, we
are judged, and we are put into a holding area until Messiah
Yeshua returns for us. When he returns, we will be
resurrected with him, and we will rule with him for a
thousand years.

Walk by Faith


The story of the thief on the cross is found in the

following scriptures: (Matthew 27:38), (Luke 23:32-43)
(and Mark 15:27). This story is in many ways among the
most touching stories in the life of Yeshua. A dying
penitent thief accepts and realizes who Yeshua is, defends
His honor, and Yeshua declares to him, "You will be with
me in Paradise."
Note: Yeshua did not say, you will be reincarnated
with me and live another life to have a second chance. He
did not say, you will be with me in Shamayim (Heaven) at
my Father's throne. He said.
"You will be with me in paradise,"

This is where Yeshua descended into Sheol for three
days, where he took the keys of sin and death away from
Heyl'el, and unlocked the twenty-four elders to help him to
judge the unholy and the Fallen Malkahim. This is where
he separated Sheol for their separate designations till the
last judgment. YHVH-YHWH our Father in Shamayim
also gave the men back their authority to rule adamah.


The throne of YHVH-YHWH is in Aravoth (2

Enoch 20:1-3) the tenth of Shamayim, above the
firmament. Paradise is the first part of Shamayim, adamah
(earth) is the second part of Shamayim, and so on. As we
die we move through a transition; like a caterpillar
transforming into a butterfly. When we die our bodies are
returned to dust.
Our Spirit the Chayaim returns to YHVH-YHWH
A person's soul is judged and placed in one of three
chasms. Yeshua will return to issue the final judgment with
the new Jerusalem that will come from the sky.

The dead in Messiah will rise first. For Yeshua,
Himself will descend from Shamayim with a shout, with
the voice of the archangel, and with the shofar of
YHVH-YHWH, and the dead in Messiah Yeshua will rise
first. (1 Thessalonians 4: 16-17)
Those are the souls who dwell in paradise and will
be reunited with their bodies; along with those who are
alive with the 144,000 holy Soldiers of Elohim, to bring
executions to the fallen nations. (Revelation 7:3) The
nations will gather and fight against Yeshua.
Blood will flow to the bridal of a house, and
Mashiach will trample the unrighteous like grapes.
(Zechariah 14:2-4, 3) (Jol 3:21)
Yeshua will judge the nations; the wicked will
receive their bodies and be reunited. (Acts 24:15) (John
5:29) The goats and sheep will be separated for their
judgments. Heyl'el's kingdom will be bound and thrown
into the abyss for a thousand years before being released
for a short while (Matthew 25:31-36). ( Rev 20:1-3)
Yeshua will reign on Mt. Tzion King of Kings for a
thousand years rewriting Yahavha’s Torah in the hearts of
the people whom His leaders will govern. (Micah 4:7)
(Psalms 87:2-3) (Hebrew 12:22) (Isaiah 24:23) (Hebrew

Then one last test before the eighth millennium.
Heyl’el will be released to deceive the nations from the
four corners of Adamah for one more battle. After that, he
will be thrown into the lake of fire where the beast and
false prophet have been thrown. (Revelation 20:5-10)
(Leviticus 23:36) (Numbers 29:35-38) (2 Chronicles
7:8-10) On this 8th day of the eighth millennium, we will
see the face of YHVH-YHWH Aravat, Father of creation
forever in the renewed Shamayim and Adamah.

Resurrections of Yeshua


Seven days passed, and I had a dream the following

night. In my dream, I saw a wind coming out of the sea,
stirring up piqued waves. As I watched, the wind brought
out of the sea what looked like a man, and he was flying in
the clouds. When he turned his face, everything he glanced
at began to tremble, and when he spoke, everyone who
heard his voice melted like wax in a fire. I looked again and
saw an army too large to count. People gathered together
from all corners of Adamah to fight against the man who
had come up out of the sea.

Then I watched the man carve out a rock from a
mountain and fly up onto it. I tried to see the place or the
region from which the mountain rock was formed, but I
couldn't. Then I discovered that all the nations who had
come together to make war against him were terrified, but
they were still prepared to fight against him. When the man
noticed the vast army advancing to attack him, he did not
take up any weapons of war.
The only thing I saw was a windstorm out of his
mouth. He sent flaming wind from his lips along with a
storm of lightning from his tongue. A powerful stream of
fire combined with the flaming windstorm destroyed the
nation's army in a moment; nothing remained except ashes,
smoke, and blood. I was horrified when I saw what had
Then I saw the man come down from the rock that
was carved from the mountain and he called forth a large
crowd to come to him. All sorts of people from every tribe
and nation arrived: some were happy, some were unhappy,
some had their hands and feet tied, and some brought
others as a gift to the Man from the sea. I was so frightened
that I woke up. I prayed to YHVH-YHWH and said,

"YHVH-YHWH, you have shown me all these
things. You have considered me worthy and have heard my
prayers. Now please show me the meaning of this dream. I
have been thinking how terrible it will be for the people
who will be living in those last days, but how much worse
for those who do not survive. There will be great sorrow
because they will not enjoy any of the pleasures reserved
for the last days. But how terrible also for those who do
survive; they will have to face great dangers and many
troubles, as these dreams have shown me.
In any case, it is better to pass through these
dangers and reach the end than to disappear like a cloud
and not see the end of the age."
Then Uriel came to me and said,
"I will explain to you the meaning of the vision and
answer the questions you have in your heart. You have
raised questions about those who will survive until the end.
The answer is that the one who brings dangers in
those days will also protect the people who have stored up
righteous works with faithfulness to YHVH-YHWH.
You may be certain that those who survive are far
more fortunate than those who die.

"This is the meaning of the vision. The man you
saw coming up out of the sea represents the one whom
YHVH-YHWH has kept ready for many ages. He will free
the nations he created and establish another order for those
who survive. You saw wind, fire, and storm pour out of the
man's mouth. You also saw that without using a spear or
any other weapon, he destroyed the vast army advancing to
kill him.
This means that the time is near when
YHVH-YHWH will begin to free his people. At that time,
everyone will be in a state of panic. They will wage war
against one another, city against city, region against region,
nation against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. When
this happens, the signs I told you about will take place, and
then YHVH-YHWH will reveal his son, whom you saw as
the man coming out of the sea.
When they hear his voice, all the nations will leave
their territory, forget their wars with one another, and come
together in one massive army too large to count. This is
what you saw in your dream.
The nations will unite for the sole purpose of the
war on YHVH-YHWH’s son. He will take his stand on
Mount Tzion, and everyone will see the new Jerusalem, the
rock that you saw carved out of the mountain.

It will be completed and fully built, just as you saw
in your dream, but not by human hands. Then
YHVH-YHWH’s Son will condemn the assembled nations
for their lawlessness. That is what the storm meant. He will
confront them with the wicked plans that they have made as
well as the torments they must endure. That is what the
flames mean.
Then he will easily destroy them using the Torah.
That is what fire means.
"You saw him gather another crowd, the children of
righteousness. These are the ten tribes of Israel who were
captured under the rule of King Hoshea.
King Shalmaneser of Assyria captured them and
deported them to a foreign land east of the Euphrates River.
But the ten tribes decided not to stay in that land among the
many goyim. Instead, they moved farther east to a country
where no human beings had ever lived.
They hoped to keep the Torah there, which they had
failed to keep in their own country. When they had to make
the difficult passage across the Euphrates, YHVH-YHWH
performed miracles for them and blocked the channels of
the river until they had crossed over.

Their long journey through that region, named
Arzareth, took a year and a half, and they have lived there
ever since. Now in these last days, they are coming back
home, and once again, YHVH-YHWH will block the
channels of the river so that they may cross over.
All of your people remaining within the holy land's
borders will also be taken over. When the time comes for
YHVH-YHWH’s son to destroy the army that has gathered
from every nation, he will protect his people who are left
and perform many magnificent miracles for them.``
Then I said,
"Please tell me why the man came out of the sea."
Uriel answered,
"No one can explore the bottom of the sea to find
out what is there. In the same way, no human being can see
YHVH-YHWH’s son or those who come with him until the
day that has been fixed.
That is the meaning of your dream. You alone have
been given this information because you have given up
your interests to devote yourself to the cares of these
nations by focusing your heart on the study of the Torah.

You have dedicated your life to Shekinah, the spirit
of wisdom and understanding who has been like a mother
to you.
That is why YHVH-YHWH has rewarded you by
showing you these things. After three days, I will come
back and tell you about other profound wonders."
I walked in the field, worshiping and praising
YHVH-YHWH for the miracles he performed.
For he controls the ages and what happens in them.
I remained there for three days. (2nd Esdras 13).

The choice is yours. Obedience is better than
sacrifice. To obey is to love YHVH-YHWH with all your
heart, with all your soul, with all your might, and to love
our neighbors as ourselves. This is how we are recognized
as Yahavha’s precious people. (Deuteronomy 6:5)
(Leviticus 19:9-18) (Mark 12:30-31) (Mathew 27:37-40)
Yeshua is knocking at your door; repent of your
wicked ways. Yeshua died so that you could have eternal
rest from sin and death. Believe in Yeshua, but worship
YHVH-YHWH, the father of love and mercy who has been
waiting for you to turn to him. Obey His commandments,
follow His ordinances, and walk in His Torah of life;
Through our loving savior Yeshua, with the help of the
spirit of wisdom Shekinah (Holy Spirit)



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