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Security Operations and Defensive Analysis

Security Operations and

Defensive Analysis

SOC-200 Copyright © 2021 Offensive Security Ltd. All rights reserved.

Security Operations and Defensive Analysis

1. Copyright
2. Introduction to SOC-200
a. Secrets of Success with SOC-200
Understand Offense to Improve Defense
A Mindset of Learning
Collect Data and Do Your Research
b. Getting Started With SOC-200
The Course Structure
Lab Overview
Connecting to the VPN
Disconnecting from the VPN
3. Attacker Methodology Introduction
a. The Network as a Whole
Deployment Environments
Core and Edge Network Devices
Virtual Private Networks and Remote Sites
b. The Lockheed-Martin Cyber Kill-Chain
The Importance of the Kill-Chain
Case Study 1: Monero Cryptomining
Case Study 2: Petya, Mischa, and GoldenEye
c. MITRE ATT&CK Framework
Tactics, Techniques, and Sub-Techniques
Case Study 1: OilRig
Case Study 2: APT3
Case Study 3: APT28
d. Wrapping Up
4. Windows Endpoint Introduction
a. Windows Processes
b. Windows Registry
c. Command Prompt, VBScript, and Powershell
Command Prompt
Visual Basic Script (VBScript)

SOC-200 Copyright © 2022 Offensive Security Ltd. All rights reserved.

Security Operations and Defensive Analysis

d. Programming on Windows
Component Object Model
.NET and .NET Core
e. Windows Event Log
Introduction to Windows Events
PowerShell and Event Logs
f. Empowering the Logs
System Monitor (Sysmon)
Sysmon and Event Viewer
Sysmon and PowerShell
Remote Access with PowerShell Core
g. Wrapping Up
5. Windows Server Side Attacks
a. Credential Abuse
The Security Account Manager (SAM) and Windows Authentication
Suspicious Logins
Brute Force Logins
b. Web Application Attacks
Internet Information Services (IIS)
Local File Inclusion
Command Injection
File Upload
c. Binary Exploitation
Binary Attacks
Windows Defender Exploit Guard (WDEG)
d. Wrapping Up
6. Windows Client-Side Attacks
a. Attacking Microsoft Office
Social Engineering and Spearphishing
Installing Microsoft Office
Using Macros
b. Monitoring Windows PowerShell
Introduction to PowerShell Logging

SOC-200 Copyright © 2022 Offensive Security Ltd. All rights reserved.

Security Operations and Defensive Analysis

PowerShell Module Logging

PowerShell Script Block Logging
PowerShell Transcription
Case Study: PowerShell Logging for Phishing Attacks
Obfuscating/Deobfuscating Commands
c. Wrapping Up
7. Windows Privilege Escalation
a. Privilege Escalation Introduction
Privilege Escalation Enumeration
User Account Control
Bypassing UAC
b. Escalating to SYSTEM
Service Creation
Attacking Service Permissions
Leveraging Unquoted Service Paths
c. Wrapping Up
8. Windows Persistence
a. Persistence on Disk
Persisting via Windows Service
Persisting via Scheduled Tasks
Persisting by DLL-Sideloading/ Hijacking
b. Persistence in Registry
Using Run Keys
Using Winlogon Helper
c. Wrapping Up
9. Linux Endpoint Introduction
a. Linux Applications and Daemons
Logging on Linux and the Syslog Framework
Rsyslog Meets Journal
Web Daemon Logging
b. Automating the Defensive Analysis
Python for Log Analysis
DevOps Tools

SOC-200 Copyright © 2022 Offensive Security Ltd. All rights reserved.

Security Operations and Defensive Analysis

Hunting for Login Attempts

c. Wrapping Up
10. Linux Server Side Attacks
a. Credential Abuse
Suspicious Logins
Password Brute Forcing
b. Web Application Attacks
Command Injection
SQL Injection
c. Wrapping Up
11. Linux Privilege Escalation
a. Attacking the Users
Becoming a User
Backdooring a User
b. Attacking the System
Abusing System Programs
Weak Permissions
c. Wrapping Up
12. Network Detections
a. Intrusion Detection Systems
Theory and Methodology
Foundations of IDS and Rule Crafting
b. Detecting Attacks
Known Vulnerabilities
Extra Mile I
Unknown Vulnerabilities
c. Detecting C2 Infrastructure
C2 Infrastructure
Extra Mile II
Network Communications
d. Wrapping Up
13. Antivirus Alerts and Evasion
a. Antivirus Basics
Antivirus Overview

SOC-200 Copyright © 2022 Offensive Security Ltd. All rights reserved.

Security Operations and Defensive Analysis

Signature-Based Detection
Real-time Heuristic and Behavioral-Based Detection
b. Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI)
Understanding AMSI
Bypassing AMSI
c. Wrapping Up
14. Network Evasion and Tunneling
a. Network Segmentation
Network Segmentation Concepts and Benefits
Segmentation Theory
b. Egress Busting
Detecting Egress Busting
c. Port Forwarding and Tunneling
Port Forwarding and Tunneling Theory
Port Forwarding and Tunneling in Practice
d. Wrapping Up
15. Active Directory Enumeration
a. Abusing Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
Understanding LDAP
Interacting with LDAP
Enumerating Active Directory with PowerView
b. Detecting Active Directory
Auditing Object Access
Baseline Monitoring
Using Honey Tokens
c. Wrapping Up
16. Windows Lateral Movement
a. Windows Authentication
Pass the Hash
Brute Force Domain Credentials
Terminal Services
b. Abuse the Kerberos Ticket
Pass the Ticket

SOC-200 Copyright © 2022 Offensive Security Ltd. All rights reserved.

Security Operations and Defensive Analysis

c. Wrapping Up
17. Active Directory Persistence
a. Keeping Domain Access
Domain Group Memberships
Domain User Modifications
Golden Tickets
b. Wrapping Up
18. SIEM Part One: Intro to ELK
a. Log Management Introduction
SIEM Concepts
Elastic Stack (ELK)
ELK Integrations with OSQuery
b. ELK Security
Rules and Alerts
Timelines and Cases
c. Wrapping Up
19. SIEM Part Two: Combining the Logs
a. Phase One: Web Server Initial Access
Enumeration and Command Injection of web01
Phase One Detection Rules
b. Phase Two: Lateral Movement to Application Server
Brute Force and Authentication to appsrv01
Phase Two Detection Rules
c. Phase Three: Persistence and Privilege Escalation on Application Server
Persistence and Privilege Escalation on appsrv01
Phase Three Detection Rules
d. Phase Four: Perform Actions on Domain Controller
Dump AD Database
Phase Four Detection Rules
e. Wrapping Up
20. Trying Harder: The Labs
a. Challenges
Completing the SOC-200 Challenges
b. Wrapping Up

SOC-200 Copyright © 2022 Offensive Security Ltd. All rights reserved.

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