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OR Individual Assignment


 Show all necessary steps

 Deadline: 09/05/2023
 Mode of submission: soft copy

1. Simplex method
Find the initial simplex tableau for the craft brewery LPP.
Max Z = 10X1 +8X2
St: X1+X2 ≤ 50
2X1+4X2 ≤ 400
3X1+5X2 ≤300
X1, X2≥ 0
2. Solve the following LPP using Simplex method
Max Z = 12X1 +15X2+9X3
St: 8X1+16X2+12X3 ≤ 250
4X1+8X2 +10X3 ≥400
7X1+9X2+8X3 =105
X1, X2, X 3 ≥ 0

3. Post optimality analysis

Consider the following linear programming model for ABC Corporation.
Maximize 5X1 +6X2 +4X3
Subject to:
3X1 +4X2 +2X3 ≤ 120
X1 +2X2 +X3 ≤ 50
X1 +2X2 +3X3 ≤ 190
All variables ≥ 0
The optimal simplex tableau is:

C 5 6 4 0 0 0
BV X1 X2 X3 S1 S2 S3 Q

S3 0 0 4 0 -2 7 1 80

X3 4 0 2 1 -1 3 0 30

X1 5 1 0 0 1 -2 0 20

Zj 5 8 4 1 2 0 220

Cj -- Zj 0 -2 0 -1 -2 0
Answer the following questions based on the above given information:

A. Determine and interpret the shadow price for each resource.

B. Compute the range of optimality for X1 and X2
C. What unit profit would be necessary for X2, before ABC Corporation would consider
changing its current product mix?
D. Suppose that because of an increased in market competition, the profit per unit on
product Three (X3) is reduced by 20%. What effect will this change have on the
optimal solution?
E. If the RHS of the second constraint increase from 120 to 150, determine the revised
optimal solution.
F. If the RHS of the second constraint deceased by 8 units. Find the new optimal
solution and its value.

4. Transportation

A concrete company transports concrete from three plants to three construction sites.
The supply capacities of the three plants, the demand requirements at the three sites,
and the transportation costs per ton are as follows:

Plant Construction site

1 8 5 6 120
2 15 10 12 80
3 3 9 10 80
Demand 150 70 100 280

1. Determine the linear programming model formulation for this problem and
2. solve it by North-west corner method, minimum cost and VAM
3. test the optimality by stepping stone and MODI

5. Assignment Model

The Omega pharmaceutical firm has five salespersons, whom the firm wants to assign to five
sales regions. Given their various previous contacts, the salespersons are able to cover the
regions in different amounts of time. The amount of time (days) required by each salesperson
to cover each city is shown in the following table:
Plant Construction site
1 17 10 15 16
2 12 9 16 9
3 11 16 14 15
4 14 10 10 18
5 13 12 9 15


a. Which salesperson should be assigned to each region to minimize total time?

Identify the optimal assignments and compute total minimum time.

6. Project Model

Suppose a civil engineering firm has to bid for the construction of a dam. The activities and
time estimates are given below. Do the next requirements.

Activity a m b

1-2 (a) 1 3 4
1-3 (b) 2 4 6
1-4 (c) 2 3 5
2-5 (d) 3 4 5
3-6 (e) 3 5 7
4- 7 (f) 5 7 9
5-8 (g) 2 3 6
6-8 (h) 4 6 8
7-8 (I) 3 4 6


a) Draw the project network and identify all the paths.

b) Compute the expected time for each activity and the expected duration for each path.

c) Determine the expected project length.

d) Identify the critical path and critical activities.

e) Compute the variance for each activity and the variance for path


7. Consider a project with the following details:

Name of Predecessor Duration (week)

activity activity
A - 8
B A 13
C A 9
D A 12
E B 14
F B 8
G D 7
H C,F,G 12
I C,F,G 9
J E,H 10
K I,J 7

REQUIRED: Determine the earliest and latest times, the total float for each activity,
the critical activities, the slacks of the events and the project completion time.

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