Refigeration KBu Sept 20

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Refrigeration –KBu Sept 20

Refrigeration System Components

System components
1. Pressure gauges 8. Expansion valves
2. Compressors 9. High pressure cut-
3. Oil separators
10. Low pressure cut-
4. Condensers in/cut-out
5. Liquid receiver 11. Oil pressure cut-
6. Liquid indicator
12. Room
7. Evaporators temperature
13. Solenoid valves
14. Drier
Pressure gauges
• The pressure gauge on the
compressor suction and
discharge shows the gas
pressure and has marked on
it the relative condensing
temperature. It helps to
check correct pressure-
temperature relationships
for refrigerants. Pressure
gauge in the lube oil line is
normally of differential type.

22 September 2020 Nautical School- Marine Engineering

Gauge Pressure -Enthalpy Chart R134a

Compressor Suction Pressure 0.22
Saturation Temperature -22oC
G Room Temperature -18oC
a 35 Superheat
u 4oC
Compressor Discharge Pressure 7.64
g Bar
e 30 Saturation Temperature 34oC
Discharge Vapour Temperature 65oC
Superheat Saturated Liquid Line
P 31oC
r Saturated Vapour Line
e Condenser Pressure 7.64
s Condenser coolant inlet Temp. 32oC Compressor
s Liquid Subcooling 2 oC
20 Evaporator Pressure 0.22 Condenser
r Expansion Valve
r 10

0 50 100 150 200 Enthalpy
250kJ/kg 300 350 400 450 500
• Refrigeration compressors are usually reciprocating type for marine
refrigeration. It may be of the rotary screw displacement type or of
the scroll type.
Reciprocating compressors
• Reciprocating compressors for systems cooling domestic storerooms
are usually of the vertical in-line type. The larger reciprocating
compressors have their cylinders arranged in either V or W formation
with 4,6, 8, 12 or even 16 cylinders. Compressor speeds have been
increased considerably over the years from 500 rev/min to the high
speed of 1500 to 2000 rev/min.





V-belt drive
• Compressors are usually
driven by V-belts. Most
are driven at less speed
than the motor speed.
Pulleys must be in
perfect alignment and
the pulley shafts
(compressor and motor)
must be parallel to each
• Each crank of the crankshaft for the compressor
shown carries three bottom ends. The aluminum alloy
pistons operate in cast iron liners, which are honed
internally. Piston rings may be of plain cast iron but
special rings having phosphor-bronze inserts are
sometimes fitted. These assist when running in.
Connecting rods are H section steel forgings with
white metal lined steel top end bushes. The crankcase
and cylinders comprise a one-piece iron casting. Main
bearings are white metal lined steel shells.
• Gas from the evaporator passes through a strainer
housed in the suction connection of the machine. This
is lined with felt to trap scale and impurities scoured
from the system by the refrigerant particularly during
the running-in period. Freons tend to clean the circuit
but the impurities will cause problems unless
removed by strainers. Any oil returning with the
refrigerant drains to the crankcase through holes in
the diaphragm plate.
Suction and Discharge Valve
• There is a valve plate under
cylinder head with plate type of
suction and discharge valve
located in it. Large diameter and
very small lifts of plates offer
the least resistance to the flow
of refrigerant gas. Heavy springs
on the discharge valve cage
permit a greater valve lift to
protect compressor in case of
severe liquid refrigerant or oil
• Oil is supplied to the bearings
and crankshaft seal by means of
a gear pump driven from the
crankshaft. Oil pressure is about
2 bar above crankcase pressure
and the differential oil pressure
gauge is necessary to compare
oil pressure with that of the gas
in the crankcase. There is a relief
valve in the oil system set to
about 2.5 bar above crankcase
pressure. Protection against oil
failure is provided by a
differential oil pressure switch.
Crankcase heaters
• A certain amount of refrigerant will always be dissolved in the
lubricating oil. However, large amounts of refrigerant in the oil
are undesirable. Excessive dilution can result in inadequate
lubrication. In addition, during compressor start-up, the
lowering of the crankcase pressure will cause oil foaming due
to the vaporization of the refrigerant. In severe cases, this can
disrupt lubrication and can cause carryover of the liquid
refrigerant and oil into the cylinder. Since marine systems
typically operate on the pump-down cycle, the low crankcase
pressure at shutdown limits refrigerant absorption by the oil.
Crankcase heaters which come on automatically during the
compressor off cycle are used to keep the oil warm and reduce
refrigerant absorption.
Shaft seal
• A mechanical seal is fitted around
the crankshaft at the drive end of the
crankcase. This prevents leakage of
oil and refrigerant from the
crankcase. All seals use two rubbing
surfaces. One surface turns with the
crankshaft and is sealed to the shaft
with an O-ring of synthetic material.
The other surface is stationary and
mounted on the housing with gasket.
The rubbing surfaces can be
hardened steel and bronze or
ceramic and carbon. The mechanical
seal is lubricated from the
compressor system.
Unloader mechanism

• The most common method of varying

the capacity of multi-cylinder
compressors is to vary the number of
active cylinders by holding the suction
valves open. The capacity control
system unloads cylinders (i.e., cuts
cylinders out of operation) in response
to decreases in refrigeration load based
on suction pressure.
• A bellows device, actuated by suction pressure can
serve to cut out one or more cylinders. Under high
loads (high suction pressures) none of the suction
valves are held open, and all the cylinders are in
operation. As the load decreases (and the suction
pressure falls off), the cylinders are cut out in
sequence. If the suction pressure continues to fall off,
the compressor will stop on the low pressure switch.
Compressor lubricating oil is used to operate the
valve lifting mechanism. Since oil pressure is required
to load the cylinder, the compressor will start with all
controlled cylinders unloaded, thus reducing the
starting load on the compressor motor.
Oil separators
• Oil separators may be fitted in hot
gas discharge lines from the
compressor. It is a closed vessel
fitted with a series of baffles or a
knitted wire mesh through which
the oil-laden vapour passes. The
reduction in velocity of the vapour
as it enters the larger area of the
separator allows the oil particles,
which have greater momentum, to
impinge on the baffles. The oil
then drains by gravity to the
bottom of the vessel where a float
valve controls flow to the
compressor crankcase.
Manual Valves
• Manual valves are installed at
various locations in the
refrigeration system to facilitate
system operation, to isolate
components for maintenance
and for other purposes. Most of
the valves used in refrigeration
systems are of the packed valve
type. They are of the
backseating type. When in the
open position, the valve is
backseated to minimize the
possibility of leakage.

• Most marine refrigeration condensers are of the water-cooled,

multipass, shell-and-tube type. Seawater is circulated through
the tubes, and the hot gas from the compressor discharge is
admitted to the shell and condenses on the outer surfaces of
the tubes. The condenser is typically constructed of a steel
shell, copper-nickel tubes and tube plates, and bronze
waterheads. Gas inlet, liquid outlet, purge, and water
regulating valve control connections are provided.
Liquid Receiver
• The receiver collects the liquid refrigerant draining
from the condenser. It consists of a steel shell with
steel dished heads welded on each end. Sight glasses
or a liquid level indicator is installed to permit
determination of the amount of liquid refrigerant in
the receiver. The receiver will typically have sufficient
capacity to hold the entire system refrigerant charge
and will retain a small liquid level during full load
operation. High levels indicate overcharge and low
levels indicate undercharge.
• Sometimes bottom part of condenser serves as the
liquid receiver
Liquid Indicators (Sight Glasses)
• Liquid indicators or sight glasses are
commonly installed in the liquid line
to indicate a proper refrigerant
charge. Bubbles appearing in the
liquid stream are an indication of a
shortage of refrigerant. Some
indicators also include a moisture
indicator. A portion of the indicator
will change color based on the
relative moisture content of the
Refrigerant drier
• Shell is filled with a desiccant
such as activated alumina or
silica gel which absorbs
moisture and also acts as a
filter. Even small amounts of
moisture can cause problems
such as frozen thermostatic
expansion valves, so it is
important to remove
sufficient moisture to
prevent the release of water
in the low pressure portions
of the system.
• Marine evaporators are usually forced convection
evaporators. They are in common use in ship’s
provision refrigeration and air conditioning systems.
The units consist of a cooling coil with finned tubes, a
motor-driven fan, and drain pan, all enclosed in a
sheet metal casing. Units designed for sub-zero
temperature applications are usually fitted with an
electric resistance defrost system.
Expansion device
• The basic functions of an expansion device used in refrigeration systems are to:
1.Reduce pressure from condenser pressure to evaporator pressure, and
2.Regulate the refrigerant flow from the high-pressure liquid line into the
evaporator at a rate equal to the evaporation rate in the evaporator
• Under ideal conditions, the mass flow rate of refrigerant in the system should be
proportional to the cooling load. It is desirable that liquid refrigerant should not
enter the compressor. In such a case, the mass flow rate has to be controlled in
such a manner that only superheated vapour leaves the evaporator.
Thermostatic Expansion Valve
• While there are several devices available to control the flow of refrigerant to the
evaporator, such as the capillary tube, the float valve, and the constant-pressure
expansion valve, the thermostatic expansion valve is the device most commonly
found in marine systems. The thermostatic expansion valve responds to the
evaporator temperature and pressure and maintains a constant superheat at the
outlet of the evaporator. As refrigerant is fed to the evaporator, the liquid boils off
into a vapor. By the time the refrigerant gas reaches the end of the evaporator, it
is superheated. Feeding more refrigerant to the evaporator will lower the
superheat temperature, while feeding less refrigerant will raise the superheat
• This consists of a feeler bulb
that is attached to the
evaporator exit tube so that
it senses the temperature at
the exit of evaporator. The
feeler bulb is connected to
the top of the bellows by a
capillary tube. The feeler
bulb and the narrow tube
contain some fluid that is
called power fluid. system.
To ensure the correct
operation of the valve, the
bulb must be securely
clamped to the evaporator
outlet line.
• Pb - Bulb pressure on the upper
side of the diaphragm, tending to
open the valve, where Pb is the
saturation pressure of the
refrigerant in the bulb,
corresponding to the temperature
of the gas at the evaporator outlet.
• Po - Evaporator pressure on the
lower side of the diaphragm,
tending to close the valve, where
Po is the saturation pressure of the
refrigerant at the evaporator inlet,
and Δp is the pressure drop
between the evaporator inlet and
• Ps - Pressure exerted by the
regulating spring, tending to close
the valve. The spring tension, set
by the regulating spindle, controls
the degree of superheat; a typical
superheat value is 4°C to 6°C.
• At any constant operating condition, these forces are
balanced and Pb = Po + Ps
• If the superheat starts to rise, the bulb pressure
increases, Pb > Po +Ps and the valve is moved in the
opening direction, admitting more liquid and
restoring the constant operating condition.
• If the superheat falls, Pb < Po + Ps and the valve is
moved to the closing position, reducing the supply of
• In practice, to achieve the desired degree of
superheat at the evaporator outlet, dry expansion
evaporators require up to 20 per cent of their cooling
surfaces to be available to superheat the gas, the
precise area varying with demand.
TEV with external equalizing connection

• There is an appreciable
pressure drop in the large
evaporators. Additional
control is introduced by
incorporating a pressure
equalizing connection. This
connection eliminates
further increase in the
superheat temperature to
compensate for the
reduction in pressure, and so
allows an increase in the
effective area of the
Back pressure valve in vegetable room
• If the evaporator in
vegetable room is kept at
common pressure of meat
room and fish room, then ice
formation will take place in
this evaporator also. This ice
will be formed from the
moisture of fruits and
vegetables stored in the
room and they will become
• The bellows pressure
area and the valve area
are equal. The
adjustment spring and
the evaporator pressure
change can operate the
valve motion. The valve
has a gauge opening to
check pressure of the
evaporator. For R22
system, this pressure
may be 4 bar gauge.
Solenoid valve
• The solenoid valve is
thermostat-controlled valve
which provides automatic
opening of and closing of
liquid line to the evaporator.
When the coil (3) is energized,
the pilot orifice (4) is opened
and the diaphragm (1) moves
into open position (vice versa
when coil is de-energised).

• Thermostats are temperature-controlled electric switches. It is used

to control the temperature in a refrigerated space by ‘opening and
closing’ a solenoid valve in the liquid line.
• Three types of element are used to sense and relay temperature
changes to the electrical contacts.
1. A fluid-filled bulb connected through a capillary to a bellows.
2. A thermistor
3. A bi-metal element
High Pressure Cut-out

• There are a number of faults which cause high discharge pressure,

including loss of condenser cooling, air in the system and overcharge.
• In the event of overpressure on the condenser side of the compressor
the high pressure cut-out will cause the compressor to shut down.
The device is re-set by hand.
• The bellows in the cut-out is connected by
a small bore pipe between the
compressor discharge and the condenser.
The bellows tends to be expanded by the
pressure and this movement is opposed
by the spring. The adjustment screw is
used to set the spring pressure. During
normal system operation, the switch arm
is held up by the switch arm catch and
holds the electrical contact in place.
Excessive pressure expands the bellows
and moves the switch arm catch around
its pivot. The upper end slips to the right
of the step and releases the switch arm so
breaking the electrical contact and causing
the compressor to cut-out. The machine
cannot be restarted until the trouble has
been remedied and the switch re-set by
Low pressure controller
• The low pressure control stops the compressor when low suction
pressure indicates closure of all cold compartment solenoids. When
the pressure in the compressor suction rises again due to one or
more solenoids opening, the low pressure control restarts the
• The controller is operated through a
bellow which monitors pressure in
the compressor suction. A pressure
differential between cut out and cut
in settings is necessary to avoid
hunting. The push pin operates the
switch through a contact which is
flipped open or closed through a
coiled spring plate. With the
contacts open the spring is coiled as
shown. Outward movement of the
pin compresses the spring and this
then flips the contact to close the
compressor starting circuit.
Oil pressure safety cut-out
• This is used to protect against too low
oil pressure in forced lubrication
systems. It is a differential control,
using two connections. One side
responds to the suction pressure of
compressor and the other responds
to the oil pressure. If the differential
oil pressure fails, or falls below a
minimum value, the control stops the
compressor after a certain time delay.
6. a) Sketch a diagrammatic arrangement of a fully
automatic direct expansion domestic refrigeration
b) State, with reasons, Five desirable thermodynamic
properties of a refrigerant.
1. Low boiling point.
2. Low condensing pressure.
3. High specific enthalpy of evaporation.
4. Low specific volume in vapour state.
5. High critical temperature.
Refrigeration Oil

Fully miscible with HFCs, even at low temperatures likely to be

encountered in service.
Wax free and hence have very low pour points. This makes sure that
evaporator internals remain clean (Consequently efficient heat transfer)
and avoids pipe blockages.
Hydrolytic stability is enhanced by additives in order to resist breakdown
due to contamination by water.
Viscosity in the range 32 – 220 cSt 40 0C
Closed Flash Point about 220 0C
Pour Point below -25 0C
Synthetic and Low Wax Mineral Oil
The synthetic base stocks are fully miscible with HFCs, in
particular R134a, even at temperatures well below the minimum
likely to be encountered in service. They are also fully miscible
with refrigerant R12.
Synthetic grades have been formulated using a unique low
treatment additive package to enhance hydrolytic stability, load
carrying and inhibition against copper plating. They are wax free
and hence have very low pour points. This makes sure that
evaporator internals remain clean (consequently efficient heat
transfer) and avoids pipe blockages.
7. With reference to the lubrication of refrigeration compressors:
(a) state the advantage of using fully synthetic oils; (2)
(b) explain why oil may be carried over from the compressor; (3)
( c) describe a device which returns oil from the compressor
discharge to the compressor sump; (3)
( d) state TWO reasons why an accumulation of oil in the evaporator
is undesirable. (2)
Flooded type Evaporator
•Midea flooded type screw chiller is equipped with flooded shell
and tube evaporator
Advantages and disadvantages of Dry Type and Flooded Type
The Flooded Type evaporator draws water in the tube and the
refrigerant evaporates outside the tube cluster, so the heat
transfer surface is substantially in contact with the liquid
refrigerant. Generally, the amount of refrigerant charged in the
casing is about 55% to 65% of the effective volume of the
cylinder, and the refrigerant liquid is heated and vaporized and
then returned to the compressor through the liquid separator at
the top of the cylinder. Easy operation and management, high
heat transfer coefficient.
1. When the evaporation temperature of the refrigeration system is lower than 0 °C, the
water in the pipe is easy to freeze and destroy the evaporation pipe;
2. Large amount of refrigerant charge;
3. Influenced by the height of the refrigerant liquid column, the evaporation temperature at
the bottom of the cylinder is high, which will reduce the heat transfer temperature
4. The lower part of the evaporator cylinder will accumulate oil, and there must be reliable
oil return measures, otherwise it will affect the safe operation of the system.
The refrigerant of the Dry Type evaporator flows inside the tube, and the water flows
outside the tube cluster. There are usually several processes for refrigerant flow. Due to the
gradual gasification of the refrigerant liquid, the higher the flow rate, the more the number
of process tubes. In order to increase the water side heat exchange, a plurality of baffles are
arranged on the outer side of the tube heat transfer tube, so that the water flows across the
tube cluster multiple times.
1. Lubricating oil enters the compressor with the refrigerant,
there is generally no problem of oil accumulation
2. There is less refrigerant in the filling, generally only about
1/3 of the full liquid type;
3. When T0 is around 0 °C, the water will not freeze.

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