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❖ Understand their implications to the teaching and learning process: “How to teach”, “What to
teach” and “Why teach”.
❖ Appreciate the influence of these philosophical ideas on Philippine education.
❖ Enumerate some weaknesses of these educational philosophies.
❖ Understand their implications to the teaching and learning
process: "How to teach”, “What to teach”
and “Why teach”.
Progressivists are Progressivists teachers
Progressivist teachers
identified with need-based employ experiential methods.
teach to develop learners
and relevant curriculum. They believe that one learns
into becoming enlightened
by doing.
and intelligent citizens of a
This is a curriculum that For John Dewey: book
democratic society.
“responds to students’ needs learning is no substitute for
actual experience.
They teach learners so they and that relates to students’
personal lives and Teaching Method: Problem-
may live life fully NOW not to
experiences.” solving method.
prepare them for adult life.
- Scientific method
Project Method Demonstration

Socialized Method Debates

Conferences Inquiry

Group work Discussion

Planning and Participation in

Role play activities
Progressivism and the Teacher

As a facilitator or guide

Determine student interest

Stimulate direct learning process

Enhance learning by using different mode of
teaching including computer

Involve student in curriculum development

Provide experiences and as a result students can

learn by doing
Assessment by
evaluating of child’s
project and productions
Assessment by the
class presentation Quizzes or
or workshop oral questioning
organized by group or Feedback
of learners

Performance Multiple
based choice
assessment question

Students and the Countries are not
progressive financially strong enough to
classrooms lack in the supply materials for actual

Progressivism system The role of teacher is only

of education required to facilitate or guide means
more funding or not required to expert in
budget. their subject.
Helping individuals how to solve
problems, providing student
freedom to pursue their interest.
Progressivism is a theory of
education that is concerned
All students have value and dignity,
with “learning by doing “that their needs and interests
children learn best when respected and given priority

pursuing their own interests

and satisfying their own Students construct knowledge from what
needs. they see, hear and do. Process of knowing
is more important than product.
It is a philosophy of
Learning founded
on the premise
that, by reflecting on
our experiences,
we construct our own
understanding of the world
we live in.
To develop intrinsically The learners are taught how to The teacher provides
learn. They are taught learning students with data or
motivated and process and skills such as: experiences that allow them
independent learners searching, critiquing and to hypothesize, predict,
adequately equipped with evaluating information, reflecting, manipulate objects, pose
making meaning out of them, questions, research,
learning skills for them to drawing insights, posing
be able to construct investigate, imagine, and
questions, researching and
knowledge and make constructing new knowledge out
The teacher’s role is to
of bits of information learned.
meaning of them. facilitate this process.
Constructivism and the Teacher
As a facilitator rather than information provider.

Support and challenge students thinking.

Encourage students to experiment with ideas, workout their own

understanding and develop ownership their ideas.

Incorporate social interaction and authentic real world

task .

Combine explanations with examples and discussions.

Promote learning with assessment.

Fetherston, 2006 Eggen&Kauchack, 2010

Constructivism and the Teacher
Prepare any scrap or scratch paper and make a list of constructivism-related information.
Utilize only single key words..
It may not work for all Learners may enjoy this method of
discovering learning, but do not
students. Depending on the
always actively construct meaning,
group. All student have they simply copy what the better
different prior knowledge. students do (Merril, 1991).

Too idealistic. Students need The role of teacher is

guidance and direction
limited because it doesn’t
rather than being told that
allow for much direct
they can create their own
meanings. teaching.
To develop truly driven, independent,
and well-equipped students who can
both make and interpret knowledge..
Constructivism is a learning
philosophy based on the
notion that by reflecting on It is child centered rather than
curriculum centered. The learners
our experiences, we may are taught how to learn.
develop our own knowledge
of the world in which we Students develop new understanding using
what they already know, and existing

live.. information determines what new or modified

knowledge they will construct from new
learning experiences.
❖ Appreciate the influence of these
philosophical ideas on Philippine education.




-As the learning

progresses, more and
more details are introduced.

-The concepts are taught early

then re-taught in succeeding years
with increasing sophistication and

-Constructivism encourages
different activities where
students can reflect, discuss
with their teacher or with their
peers their outcomes,
understand it,
then learn it.

-Students are to
experience the world.

-Learning is rooted in
questions of students that
arise through experiencing
the world.

-It is therefore,
active and not
passive in

Cabando-Zamora, Windel (2015)

a) What are the activities and/or techniques utilized as found on the Learner’s Module (LM) in Filipino Grade 9 that signify
progressive educational thought?;
b) Are these activities responsive to the student’s interest, personal active participation and social development?;
c) Do these employed techniques give the learners the opportunities to reconstruct meaningful experiences and societal change?;
d) Do the suggested activities encourage the learners to engage in problem-solving and social tasks?; and
e) Do the techniques used on the LM direct and/or promote creativity, discovery, self-actualization, equality and heterogeneous

This study focuses only on the applications of the Progressivism on the specific
written curriculum-1st Edition (2014) Learner’s Module (LM) entitled Panitikang
Asyano-Ikasiyam na Baitang (Modyul ng Mag-aaral sa Filipino),which includes
chapters 1, 2 and 3 only, the official instructional reference produced by the
Department of Education.
❖ Enumerate some weaknesses of these
educational philosophies.

The chaos and noisiness of the The constructivism curriculum

classroom could not handled by one teacher in eliminates standardized testing
the large amount of students in the public and grades.
education system.
Limited in question- Dominant group drives the whole class
answer tests and written towards their thinking while leaving other
responses. students behind.

It is a lot more work for the teacher Constructivism requires

to plan a lesson objective and a variety of differentiation so that students
activities in order to make the learn at the optimal
chaos more organized . cognitive level

Does not have teacher With an average number of students in one classroom,
teachers are unable to customize the curriculum to
directed or skill-centered each student, as their prior knowledge will vary.
Constructivism can be
Is hard to teach when it comes to time-consuming and does not
teaching subjects on the humanity’s prepare students well for
and critical reading. standardized tests.
Weiss, S., DeFalco, A., & Weiss, E. (2005). Progressive = permissive? not according to john
dewey ... subjects matter! University of South Carolina Aiken: Essays In Education 14, 2.
Retrieved from
All educational endeavors—from instruction in the classroom to
curriculum selection to the formulation of policies at the school, district,
state, and federal levels—inexorably hinge on philosophical
presuppositions, assertions, and viewpoints. So, knowledge and grasp of
philosophy are necessary for meaningful and justifiable educational activity.
In that sense, education philosophy is crucial for the appropriate direction
of educational practice.
Students, parents, and people in general would benefit from
understanding education philosophy, in addition to educators,
administrators, and policy makers at all levels. It is likely the most
fundamental and inclusive field of applied philosophy due to its relevance,
scope, and potential influence.
• Clement Dr. I. Progressivism, Textbook on Communication And Education
Technology. 3rd Edition. Bangalore: EMMESS Medical Publishers; 2016. Page No:
• Egger, P., & Kauchak, D. (2010). Educational Psychology:Windpws on Classrooms
(8th ed.). New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc.
• Fetherstone, T.(2006) Becoming an Effective Teacher. South Melbourne:Thompson
• Neeraja KP. Progressivism, Textbook of Nursing Education.1st Edition. New Delhi:
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd; 2003. Page No: 32-33
• Pramilaa R. Progressivism, Nursing Communication And Education Technology. 1st
Edition. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd; 2010. Page No :

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