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Paraphrasing MCQ Exercise 3

1. The city council refused to give permission to the 4. The telephone conversation between the two sisters
rock group for a performance in the stadium. took approximately two hours.

A) The rock group wanted to perform in the stadium A) The sisters took the two telephones for two hours.
and asked the city council to give them permission. B) The sisters talked on the phone for almost two
B) The city council wanted the rock group to perform hours.
in the stadium instead of the city. C) The telephone was busy for two hours before they
C) The rock group was not able to receive permission could talk to each other.
to perform in the stadium. D) A conversation with my sister will take place in
D) .The rock group's performance in the stadium was about two hours.
not funded by the city council. E) It takes approximately two hours to have a
E) The rock group’s refusal to perform in the stadium conversation with my sister.
made the city council angry. 5. The rate of suicide in Japan is extremely high among
2. The attachment of the two young people to their young people.
professor proved to be valuable for both sides.
A) Young people in Japan like to commit suicide.
A) They proved that it was valuable to attach the two B) The number of young people in Japan who kill
young people to their professor. themselves is high.
B) The two young people proved the value of the C) The Japanese are highly interested in committing
attachment between teacher and students. suicide.

C) The professor asked to prove the worth of what D) Japanese youths commit many more murders than
the students had said to him. in other countries.
D) Establishing a trusting relationship between E) The high rate of suicide is only among the young
students and teachers can be worthwhile for all of Japan.
concerned. 6. Tristy was so disappointed about the job she wasn't
E) After the intimate relationship between the able to get that she cried for several hours.
teacher and the students was proven, there were
A) Depressed about the job she was unable to get,
many people who felt they were no longer of any
Tristy cried for a long time.
B) Tristy wasn't all that disappointed about the job so
3. The commercials on television caused many
she didn't cry all that long.
problems in families as young children cannot
distinguish between what is presented and reality. C) Being upset about many things she cried until she
heard that she had gotten the new job.
A) Children have difficulty understanding the D) The job she had wanted wasn't all that good, as
relationship between real life and television she later learned, so she was not all that
commercials, but families educate them. disappointed.
B) Families sometimes want to live the lives they see E) Getting a job wasn't important enough to cry
on commercials because they would prefer the life about.
they see on television to the life they really lead.
7. Steven was accused of starting the fire that burned
C) Many problems are caused by television as down the two factory buildings.
children are often influenced by what is shown in
commercials. A) It was felt that the fire that had burned down the
D) The inability of children to distinguish between two factory buildings was started by Steven.
real life and television commercials has caused them B) Although they had no proof, Steven was the one
to want what they should not have. suspected of starting the fire which burned down the
E) Children cause their families a great many two factory buildings.
problems because they want to watch too much C) The accusations against Steven were dropped
television. after the two buildings burned down at the factory.
D) They accused Steven after they had proof that the
two factory buildings had been burned down.
E) Steven denied the accusation that he had started
the fire that burned down the two factory buildings.

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Paraphrasing MCQ Exercise 3

8. The computer indicated that there was a virus in the 12. Janice was foolish to attempt such a long trip in that
disk which had just been placed into it. broken-down car.

A) The virus was indicated for the computer to work A) Janice's idea was not as good as we thought.
correctly. B) Janice should have not decided on taking that car
B) The indications were that the computer had on a trip.
established a virus. C) If I were Janice, I would have thought twice about
C) The disk which was to be placed in the computer going on that long trip with that old car that needed
wanted a virus to work correctly. repair.
D) The disk which was in the computer stated that D) The broken car was going to be repaired if Janice
there was a virus in the computer. could make the long trip to the garage.
E) The computer noted that the disk which was E) What a fool she is to think that that car is the right
placed into it had a virus. way to make such a trip.
9. The fees for the services of the paediatrician were 13. She cautiously looked both ways before she crossed
extremely high. the street.

A) The services of the child's doctor were free. A) After she crossed the street, she looked both
B) The cost of seeing the child specialist was very ways.
high. B) She looked both ways because she couldn't decide
C) The doctor charged a fee for the services he where to go.

rendered. C) Carefully looking in both ways, she turned around

D) The paediatrician is a children's doctor who and decided to cross the street.
charges great fees. D) She crossed the street so that she could look both
E) The high quality of the paediatrician’s services ways.
was without cost. E) Before she crossed the street, she carefully looked
10. What a shame that your cake fell off the table before in both directions and then decided to cross.
we had a chance to taste it! 14. The best treatment for flu is to rest in bed and take
plenty of fluids.
A) It was a waste to attempt to taste the cake after it
fell off the table. A) Drinking large amounts of liquid and getting
B) We were able to taste the delicious cake before it treatment is the best way for flu.
fell on the floor. B) Flu is best treated with bed rest and large
C) It was unfortunate that we couldn’t taste the cake amounts of fluids to drink.
before it fell off the table. C) I would like to have flu so I could rest in bed and
D) The cake shamefully fell off the table after we have a drink once in a while.
tasted it. D) Resting in bed and taking frequent baths is the
E) Your'cake was very good when we tasted it before best way of treating the flu.
it fell on the floor. E) Flu is best treated with rest and drowning a fever.
11. The police warned everyone to lock their doors at 15. He desperately urged her to turn back and give up
night and not to let any strangers into their homes. her attempts to prove she was a better skier than he
was, as the weather was very bad and she might hurt
A) The citizens were informed by the authorities that herself.
they shoûld take precautions in protecting their
A) The weather was so bad. that she had to turn back
homes and in dealing with strangers.
and urge him to give up.
B) It was necessary for people to prevent entry into
B) Her attempts to be better were prevented by the
their home by aliens.
bad weather.
C) The strangers informed everyone to prevent entry
C) He was afraid she would hurt herself during the
into their homes by the. police.
D) The police were not allowing people to invite
D) She was so stubborn about proving herself better
unusual or unknown people into their homes.
that he had to urge her to be careful.
E) Everyone was forbidden to lock their doors and to
E) He tried to make her change her mind because
keep everyone they didn't know out of their homes
she might be in danger due to weather conditions.
until the criminals were found.

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Paraphrasing MCQ Exercise 3

16. After having been away for three months, the sights, 18. The new casual attitude towards interpersonal
sounds and smells of home seemed very special. relationships among students has not caused any
problems as yet.
A) I had been away for so long that I had forgotten
the sounds and smells of the old sights. A) We are still waiting for new problems to arise due
B) I had been away for so long that the old sights, to the new attitudes towards sports relationships.
sounds and smells of our home were no longer B) The relationships have still not become casual but
familiar. the problems have not changed yet.
C) People will only realise the value of little things C) No problems have arisen because of the relaxed
like sights, sounds and smells in their home when atmosphere regarding students' relationships.
they have been away for a long time like I was. D) There are no problems expected among the
D) I realised the importance of our home after I had students who have a new relationship which is
been away for three months and I missed even the relaxed.
sights, sounds and smells. E) The relationships among students have changed
E) Three months time is long enough for one to begin but there is no problem because of the
to miss the sights, sounds and smells of even their administration's attitude.
old familiar homes. 19. It would be appropriate to dress formally for the
dinner at the embassy this evening.
17. The near catastrophe in Istanbul was averted by the
A) I would be dressed formally for the embassy
dinner tonight.

A) There was almost a catastrophe in Istanbul but the

police were able to prevent it. B) They want us to dress in the embassy for the
B) The police in Istanbul almost had to avert the formal dinner this evening.
catastrophe. C) Tonight there is a dinner at the embassy with a
C) The catastrophe was nearly averted by the police. dress.
D) The police were almost able to prevent the D) The dinner at the embassy requires formal attire.
disaster. E) The dinner at the embassy requires that we dress
E) The catastrophe nearby in Istanbul was almost tonight.
inverted by the police. 20. The water lilies and water pads on the river gave a
lovely effect to the view behind my hotel.

A) The view outside of the hotel was of water lilies

and water pads.
B) The scene behind the hotel I was at was of a
lovely water lily and water pad.
C) The atmosphere of the back of the hotel was nice
because of the water lilies and water pads.
D) The water lilies and water pads give a view of the
back of the hotel,
E) The view behind my hotel was very pleasant
because of the effect of the water lilies and water
pads floating on the river.

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Paraphrasing MCQ Exercise 3

Answer Key:

1: C 11: A
2: D 12: C
3: C 13: E
4: B 14: B
5: B 15: E
6: A 16: D
7: A 17: A
8: E 18: C
9: B 19: D
10: C 20: E

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