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PATHFIT A lower heart rate at rest is more efficient

heart function and better cardiovascular fitness.


Physical fitness is one part of the total fitness that Flexibility

includes the mental, emotional, and social aspects of - Is the ability of the muscles and joints to go
the individual’s total well-being. Physical fitness is the through a full range motion. Flexibility reduces
result of the following factors: the risk of injury, enhances performance and
Good medical and dental care. prevents muscle soreness.
Proper nutrition.
Adequate rest and relaxation. Body Composition
Regular physical activity and or exercises. - Refers to the proportion of lean body mass to
fat body mass. It stresses one’s relatives’ fatness
Physical Fitness is not permanent, the fitness level or leanness in relation to height.
will stop when the regular regimen of routinary
exercises and physical activities stops. Physical Fitness is not only one of the most
important keys to a healthy body; it is the basis of
Physical Fitness – is the ability to perform one’s dynamic, creative, and intellectual activity.
daily task efficiently without undue fatigue with (John Fitzgerald Kennedy)
extra “reserve” in case of emergency.
Skill-Related Fitness (SRF)
Important aspects in order to be considered as - SRF or Performance-Related Fitness refers to the
physically fit: quality of one’s movement skill.
- Being able to perform one’s daily task without
getting too tired before the end of the day. Six (6) Components of SRF
Leisure time – is the amount of time that is left
after the daily routine activities of an individual Balance
have been accomplished. Recreational activities - Is the ability to maintain equilibrium in relation
provide an to changes in body position. It can be
immediate satisfaction to the individual. categorized into static and dynamic balance.
Static Balance – is the ability to maintain
Assessment - refers to the wide variety of methods equilibrium in a fixed position such as standing on
or tools that educators use to evaluate, measure, and one foot or on a balance beam.
document the academic readiness, learning progress, Dynamic Balance - is the ability to maintain one’s
skill acquisition, or educational needs of students. equilibrium while the body is in motion. Ex: walking
on a balance beam.
Health-Related Fitness (HRF)
- Is a function of body’s adaptation to exercise Coordination
and it could be developed and maintain through - Is the harmonious working relationship b/w the
regular and proper exercise program. skeletal muscle and nerves in one aspect of
movement. Hand-eye coordination such as catching,
Five (5) Components of HRF passing, dribbling and volleying a ball. Another
example is stick flip test.
Muscular Strength
- Refers to the ability of the muscle to exert Agility
maximum effort in brief duration. It may be - is the ability of an individual to quickly shift or
developed through muscle contractions. change direction of the body from one point to
Muscular Endurance
- Refers to the ability of the muscle to endure a Speed
sub maximal effort for a prolonged period of Is the ability to perform a task or move from
time. Performing planking and push-up over a long one point to another in the shortest possible
period of time or continuous repetitions of an time. It is also the time spent finishing or
exercise is a demonstration of muscular endurance. completing a performance or task.

Cardiovascular Endurance Power

- Refers to the ability of the heart, blood vessels - Is the ability to perform one maximum effort in
and the lungs to adapt to physical exertion for a a short period of time. (Strength + Speed =
prolonged duration. It is also likely that coronary Power)
heart disease (CHD) is prevented. Example: weightlifting sports activities and burpees.
 60 to 100 BPM – normal resting heart rate for
adults. Reaction-Time
 40 BPM – normal resting heart rate of an - in physical fitness, is how quickly your brain can
athlete. respond consciously to an external stimulus and
initiate a response. Example is ruler drop test and
ball drop test. Types of Exercise
“If you don’t make time for exercise, you’ll probably INTRODUCTION
have to make time for illness.” The aim of PATHFIT Courses is to link
- Robin Sharma interrelated disciplines of PE and Health.
Through this link, a strong goal of promoting
UNIT II physical activity is also encouraged leading
towards the development of one’s health and
Definition of Pertinent Terms fitness resulting to an over-all quality of life. In
order to achieve such goal is to acquire
Aerobic Exercises fundamental understanding of exercise.
- Helps burn fat with the help of oxygen and
carbohydrates to provide your body a steady Four (4) Types of Exercise in the field of health
supply of energy. and fitness:
A low-intensity exercise but in a long-duration
 It is a form of exercise to lose weight. Aerobic Exercise
 Example of aerobic exercise include running, Endurance or aerobic activities increase your
swimming and biking/cycling. breathing and heart rate. They keep our heart,
lungs, and circulatory system healthy and
Exercise improve our overall fitness.
- Is a planned, structured, repetitive activity and Aerobic/endurance exercises include brisk walking,
purposeful in the sense that the improvement or jogging, cycling/biking and dancing.
maintenance of one or more components of
physical fitness is the objective. (WHO) Strength Training
Exercise is a type of physical activity but not Strength exercises make our muscles stronger. It
every physical activity is exercise. helps us stay independent and carry out
everyday activities such as climbing stairs and
Non-Aerobic/Anerobic Exercises carrying groceries. These exercises called
- A type of exercise wherein the body convert the “strength training” or resistance training.”
carbohydrates to energy to help our muscles to Strength exercises include lifting weights, using a
produce force. resistance band and using our own body weight
 It is a high intensity but in a low duration (calisthenics).
 It is recommended for building muscle strength. Balance Exercises
Anerobic exercise is very high intensity or at Help prevent falls, a common problem in older
your maximum level of exertion. Examples include adults. Many lower-body strength exercises will
sprinting and weightlifting. also improve your balance.
 Balance exercises include standing on one foot,
Physical Activity heel-to-toe walk and Tai Chi (moving
WHO define PA as any bodily movement meditation).
produced by skeletal muscles that requires
energy expenditure. Flexibility Exercises
PA refers to all movement including doing leisure Flexibility exercises stretch our muscles and can
time, transport to get to from places, or as help our body stay limber. Being flexible gives
part of a person’s work. our body more freedom of movement for other
 Both moderate- and vigorous-intensity is a exercises and everyday activities.
physical activity that improves health.  Flexibility exercises include shoulder and upper
 Regular PA is proven to help prevent and manage arm stretch, calf stretch and yoga.
non-communicable diseases (NCD’s) such as heart
disease, stroke, diabetes and several cancers. Societal Trends in Exercise
As a nation that loves to eat and drink, we have a
Physical Inactivity pretty high number of over-weight people in our
Also termed as “lack of physical activity has population. Being overweight can lead to a number of
been identified as the fourth leading risk factor health risks, especially cardiovascular issues. This,
for global mortality/death according to WHO. plus the standards of “thin is beautiful” in society
 P’in’A define as failure to accumulate at least pushes many of us spend a lot on sliming and fitness.
150 minutes of moderate PA or 75 minutes of
vigorous PA or combinations of both intensities Top 5 Fitness Trends in the Philippines in the New
per week (1). Normal
 P’in’A as a risk factor for non-communicable
diseases (NCD’s). Zumba
A fitness program that involves cardio and out by our own body through exercise in order
Latin-inspired dance. to make the training safe and effective and help
us to achieve our goals.
A strength and conditioning workout that is made INDIVIDUALITY
up of functional movement performed at a high - Everyone is different and responds differently
intensity level. to training. Some people are able to handle
Yoga higher volumes of training while others may
A group of physical, mental, and spiritual respond better to higher intensities.
practices or disciplines which originated in - No two individuals are exactly alike, all
ancient India. individuals have different performances, fitness
Bodyweight Training/Exercise attributes, lifestyles, nutritional preferences,
Are strength training exercises that use an and respond to exercise and its physical and
individual’s own weight to provide resistance social environments in their own unique way.
against gravity.
Biking/Cycling SPECIFICITY
Is the use of cycles for transport, recreation, Training must be specific to the sport or
exercise or sport. activity, the type of fitness required and the
particular muscle groups.
Global Recommendations for Physical Activity for The training stimulus can only be achieved when
Health it duplicates the movements and energy systems
involved in the exercise. The exercise must have
Recommendations for 18-64 years old: a specific purpose that linked to the sport.

 Do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity PROGRESSION

aerobic PA per week or do at least 75 minutes  The amount and intensity of your exercise should
of vigorous-intensity aerobic PA per week or an be increased gradually. We need to increase the
equivalent combination of moderate and vigorous FITT gradually in order to see some development
intensity activity. or improvement and also to avoid overtraining
 Aerobic activity should be performed in bouts of that leads to serious injury. It rejects the “no
at least 10 minutes duration. pain, no gain” theory.
 For additional health benefits, adults should
increase their moderate intensity aerobic PA to OVERLOAD
300 minutes per week or engage in 150 minutes  Refers to the observation that a body system
of vigorous-intensity aerobic PA per week, or an must be exercised at a level beyond which it is
equivalent combination of moderate and vigorous presently accustomed. Training that challenges
intensity activity. the body to meet and adapt greater than normal
 Muscle strengthening activities should be done physiological stress.
involving major muscle groups on 2 or more days  To increase strength and endurance, you need to
a week. add new resistance, time, or intensity to your
Why Do People Exercise?
Weight Control – for health and self-presentation. The body becomes accustomed to exercising at a
Reduced Cardiovascular Risk – including physical given level. This adaptation results in improved
and psychological health. efficiency, less effort and less muscle
Reduction in stress and depression. breakdown at that level. That is why the first
Enjoyment – individuality tailored programs. time you ran two miles you were sore after, but now
Enhancement of Self-esteem it’s just a warmup for your main workout. This is
Opportunities to Socialize – sense of commitment. why you need to change the stimulus via higher
intensity or longer duration in order to continue
The Filipino Physical Activity Pyramid Guide improvements.

- The Filipino Pyramid Guide was conceptualized and RECOVERY

supported by the Philippine Association for the  The body cannot repair itself without rest and
Study of Overweight and Obesity (PASOO, time to recover. Both short and long periods like
2000) to serve as a visual representation for hours, days or weeks in a session are necessary
Filipinos in keeping track of their daily physical to ensure your body does not suffer from
activities. exhaustion or overuse injuries. At the basic
level, the more you train the more sleep your
PRINCIPLE OF EXERCISE body needs, despite the adaptations you have
Understanding the principles of exercise allows made to said training.
us to monitor the stress (exercise load) carried
REVERSIBILITY or an area we want to improve on, and then
- The principle simply states that if an individual focus on the actionable steps you need to take
stop to exercise, the body returns to its initial to achieve your goal.
level of fitness or lose the effect of training.
This refers to the idea that “if you don’t use it,
you will lose it”. How to set SMART Fitness Goal?
- That’s why all of the sports coaches ask their  Your goals should be realistic and achievable
athletes to stay active in the offseason because within a certain time frame, and specific to your
training begin to be lost as soon as training lifestyle and training habits.
stops.  Using the SMART framework, we should consider
five main focus areas when setting our goals to
FITT PRINCIPLE help make them more achievable.
It is an exercise prescription to help
participants understand how long and how hard SMART GOAL
they should exercise. S – SPECIFIC
FITT is acronym that stands for Frequency, M – MEASURABLE
Intensity, Time, and Type. A – ATTAINABLE
FITT Principle actually enables us to push our R – RELEVANT
limits just enough to make progress without T – TIME-BOUND
harming our body.
SMART Goals are goals that are:
 Refers to the frequency of exercise undertaken or Specific
“how often” one does the physical Be specific and clearly define your goal. When
activity/exercise. PA can only be beneficial if you have a specific goal, it’s easier to identify
done several days a week. when you have reached it and plan what you
 Frequency often depends on various factors, need to do to get there.
including the type of workout, how hard, fitness Measurable
level, and exercise fitness goal. Make your goal measurable. When you can track
your progress against a benchmark, you know if
INTENSITY you are getting closer to achieving your goals.
Refers to the intensity of exercise undertaken or Achievable
“how hard” one performs the physical activity. Your goals need to be achievable. For example,
It is determined by the type of activity and the setting a goal of doing 20 push-ups on your toes
fitness he wants to develop. for two weeks is probably not achievable if you
Increasing or decreasing intensity depends on are new or returning to fitness.
the type of workout or activity. Relevant
You need to set goals that are relevant to you,
TIME considering your lifestyle, resources, current
 Refers to the duration or “how long” one does the fitness level, any health conditions, available
physical activity or exercise. It depends on the time and what feels meaningful to you.
type of activity and the part of fitness one Time-bound
wants to develop. Goal should be time specific. Setting a start
 Increasing or decreasing the duration/time spend time and deadline is a great way to stay on
is based on the several factors including the track. This allows you to work out a plan to
current fitness level, age, weight, and health achieve your goal by breaking it into daily
condition. actions.
Note: don’t add time to your workouts until you’re
ready to do so. Once your endurance builds, now you UNIT III
can gradually increase the time spent for exercising.
- Refers to the type of activity one does to build Definition of Cardiorespiratory Endurance Training
a specific part of fitness or to gain a specific Cardiorespiratory endurance refers to the ability
benefit. of the heart and lungs to deliver oxygen to
- Refers to the sort of activity to complete working muscles during continuous physical
aerobic or strengthening activities/exercise. activity or extended period of time, which is an
important indicator of how physical fit and
GOAL SETTING healthy you are.
 Goal setting is a powerful way of helping us to
plan ahead and achieve what we want in life. Benefits of Cardiorespiratory Endurance Training
 To create our own health and fitness goals, we
need to identify first what we want to achieve
Lowered risk of disease such as: heart disease, HIIT is a type of interval training exercise. It
high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, cancer and incorporates several rounds that alternate
stroke. between several minutes of high intensity
Increases your energy, strength and stamina. movements to significantly increase the heart
Helps control blood pressure. rate to at least 80% of one’s maximum heart
More active immune system rate, followed by short periods of lower
Stronger bones intensity movements.
Better mood HIIT is a training protocol alternating short
Staying independent longer. periods of intense or explosive anaerobic
Fewer unhealthy behaviors. exercise with brief recovery periods until the
Increased life span. point of exhaustion.
Reduced chance of metabolic syndrome. HIIT involves short bursts of intense exercise
Helps burn calories, fats and maintain an ideal alternated with low intensity recovery periods.
weight. Typically, a HIIT workout will be 10–30 minutes in
duration. Despite how short the workout is, it can
Kinds of Cardiorespiratory Endurance Training produce health benefits similar to twice as much
Activities like walking, jogging, running, cycling, moderate-intensity exercise.
swimming, aerobics, rowing, stair climbing, hiking,
cross country skiing, jumping rope, cross training Benefits of HIIT
and many types of dancing are “pure” aerobic  Can burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time.
activities including sports such as soccer, basketball,  Your metabolic rate is higher for hours after HIIT
squash and tennis may also improve our exercise.
cardiovascular fitness.  Can help you lose fat.
 You might gain muscle.
Kinds of exercise and workout for cardiorespiratory  Can improve oxygen consumption.
endurance training and these are:  Can reduce heart rate and blood pressure.
 Power Walking  Can reduce blood sugar.
 Dance Aerobics  Improves aerobic and anaerobic performance.
 HIIT (Higher Intensity Interval Training)
 Boot Camp Workout Examples of HIIT workouts
 Tabata Workout - Using a stationary bike, pedal as hard and fast as
 Pound Workout possible for 30 seconds. Then, pedal at a slow, easy
pace for 2–4 minutes. Repeat this pattern for 15–
Power Walking 30 minutes.
- Power Walking or Speed Walking is an exercise - After jogging to warm up, sprint as fast as you can
technique or the act of walking that emphasizes for 15 seconds. Then, walk or jog at a slow pace for
speed and arm motion as a means of increasing 1–2 minutes. Repeat this pattern for 10–20 minutes.
health benefits.
- The quality power walking as opposed to jogging or Boot Camp Workout
running, at least one foot must be in contact A fitness boot camp is a type of group physical
with the ground at all times. training program that may be conducted by
- Regular power walking is good for your gyms, personal trainers or other organizations.
cardiovascular health, joint health, and These programs are designed to build strength
emotional well-being. and fitness through a variety of types of
Dance Aerobics Boot camp workouts include an intense mix of
 It is a form of physical exercise that combines aerobic, strength training and speed elements.
rhythmic aerobic exercise with stretching and One boot camp workout might stress body weight
strength training routines with the goal of exercises (calisthenics) while another stresses
improving all elements of fitness specifically HRF military-style drills.
components. It is also a type of high-intensity interval
 It is usually performed to music and may be training (HIIT) bursts of intense activity
practiced in a group setting led by fitness alternated with intervals of lighter activity.
instructor/professional, although it can be done
solo and without musical accompaniment. Tabata Workout
 It is a type of physical exercise that makes you  Tabata is a style of high-intensity interval
sweat causes you to breathe harder and gets training (HIIT) that involves 20 seconds of
your heart beating faster than at rest. maximum effort, followed by 10 seconds of
 A cardiovascular workout which is a rest, for a certain number of rounds. It was
choreographed and repetitive movement routine founded by Japanese scientist Izumi Tabata, who
set to music in a group of exercise setting. compared the effects of moderate vs high
intensity training.
Higher Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
 HIIT training can be an effective way to
improve anaerobic and aerobic systems
significantly, whereas moderate intensity
exercise only improves your aerobic fitness.
 The ideal Tabata workout is a about 20-25 minutes
and the number of exercises and sets can be
modified in order to suits all fitness levels.
 Basically, Tabata workout is a higher intensity
version of HIIT, with shorter and more rigidly
defined workouts.

Pound Workout
It is a type of exhilarating full-body workout with
rock-star flair consist of drumming, cardio,
conditioning and strength training with yoga and
Pilates inspired movements that rocks the body
and mind.
Using Ripstix, a lightly weighted drumsticks
engineered specifically for exercising, its
transforms drumming into an incredibly effective
way of working out.
Pound workout or Rock out workout is designed for
all fitness levels, it provides the perfect
atmosphere for letting loose, getting energized,
toning up and rock’n’out!
THE ENTRPRENEURIAL MIND entrepreneurship is now more important than
ever to our economy.
 The United States, the nation has a long history
Entrepreneurship: A Global Social Movement of entrepreneurialism. Americans are taught
The term "global entrepreneur" refers to people about entrepreneurs like Henry Ford and Andrew
who look for and engage in novel and creative Carnegie and inventors like Thomas Edison and
business ventures, such as exporting, licensing, Benjamin Franklin when they are young.
setting up a new sales office, or acquiring  The United States was the first to embrace
another business across international boundaries. entrepreneurial activities while rejecting
Global entrepreneurship - is the practice of managerial capitalism in the late 1970s.
entrepreneurship on a global scale.
Why is Global Entrepreneurship important? HISTORY”
- Entrepreneurship provides jobs, many of which
are created by businesses that are less than Henry Kaiser
five years old. By offering cutting-edge 1914 marked the start of his entrepreneurial
technologies, goods, and services, entrepreneurs career with a pavement business. In the years
stimulate economic growth. that followed, he created a string of incredibly
- Existing businesses are forced to become more prosperous businesses in the steel, construction,
competitive due to increased entrepreneurship shipbuilding, automotive, and healthcare sectors.
competition. Long-term and short-term job The Kaiser Permanente health maintenance group
prospects are both created by entrepreneurs. is likely most known for being founded by Kaiser.

What is Social Entrepreneurship, Why it is Thomas Alva Edison

important in today's society? Is regarded by many as history's greatest
 Social entrepreneurs serve as role models for innovator. Over a thousand U.S. patents have been
others who might be looking for meaning and awarded to him. Patents for numerous
purpose in their career. The people who utilize innovations, such as the lamp and the
products and services that affect social change phonograph. The first power plant in history was
not only improve their lives but also help them also made possible by Edison's work on
find significance in them. electricity.


YOU THINK One of Apple's founders. He developed an
operating system with Steve Wozniak and later
The Truths About Entrepreneurship produced various goods, such as computers,
smartphones, tablets, music players, and more.
Truth #1 Apple continuously introduces new goods and
Entrepreneurship is not reserved for startups. remains a technological innovation.
Truth #2
Entrepreneurs do not have a special set of Types Of Entrepreneurships
personality traits.  Some types of entrepreneurships focus on
Truth #3 innovation or societal change, others strive for
Entrepreneurship can be taught (it’s a method rapid expansion or growth from an existing
that requires practice) business model and still others generate profits
Truth #4 to support the entrepreneur’s lifestyle with no
Entrepreneurs are not extreme risk-takers. plans for expansion.
Truth #5  Understanding the different types of
Entrepreneurs collaborate more than they entrepreneurships, and which one align with your
compete. business aspirations, can help you make more
Truth #6 informed decisions about the future of your
Entrepreneurs act more than they plan. company.
Truth #7
Entrepreneurship is a life skill. Social entrepreneurship
 Driven by a desire to give back to the community,
A Brief History of the Evolution of Entrepreneurship social entrepreneurs seek to offer solutions to
in the United States. important social problems, which may include:
 The means through which new employees are
created, income is generated, innovation is • Addressing social inequality
advanced, productivity is increased, and company • Engaging with environmental concerns
models and procedures are improved • Supporting more equitable economic development
entrepreneurship. Despite the difficulties,
Scalable startup entrepreneurship THE OLDER AND NEWER VIEWS OF
 Scalable startup entrepreneurs dream big, ENTREPRENEURSHIP:
focusing on innovative ideas that can expand
their business and generate as much profit as The older view, the predictive logic of
quickly as possible. entrepreneurship is a linear process in which steps
Most scalable startup entrepreneurs: are followed and outcomes are ideally predictable.
• Find a gap in the market and focus on filling that It is used in situations of certainty.
need. The newer view, the creation logic of
• Seek to create a scalable business that’s ready to entrepreneurship is a mindset and a method that
expand and serve a larger market. requires practice. It is used when situations are
• Have high margins, as well as a lean and agile unpredictable and uncertain.
staff prepared to pivot as the business grows.
The prediction and creation logics do not lead to
Small business entrepreneurship conflicting aims or results because their approaches
 Small business entrepreneurs are focused on to action differ, not the goals themselves.
creating and running their own business, either
on their own or with the help of family Entrepreneurs should and do use both viewpoints;
members. yet we are skilled predictions because we have spent
Small business owners: years perfecting these talents.
• Seek to make a living from their business
activities and generate enough profit to support  An early entrepreneurial venture unlikely to have
their family and lifestyle. access to sophisticated predictive tools, nor is it
• Typically, aren't focused on rapid growth and just a smaller version of a large organization.
expansion.  The majority of entrepreneurs are more likely to
• Instead of courting investors, they may choose to start with a general idea that is worth pursuing
get a business loan for financing. rather than a concrete plan with a formulated
Large company entrepreneurship
 Some businesses naturally grow over time, and COMPARISON AND CONTRAST OF THE TWO
large company entrepreneurship aims to grow a MAIN PERSPECTIVE OF ENTREPRENEUR
large company from an existing business model. The two main perspectives on entrepreneurship make
Large company entrepreneurship: us rethink that entrepreneurship is no longer about
• Concentrates on generating profits, a focus that a path of starting and growing a venture using a
allows the business owner to sustain their lifestyle, linear
as well as support the continued growth of the step-by-step process. Instead, it is a much
business. messier, ongoing practice of creating opportunities,
• Aims to continue growing the existing business taking smart actions, learning and iterating, and
model, a factor that distinguishes it from innovative using a portfolio of skills to navigate an ever-
ownership, which seeks to bring a completely new changing world.
idea to the market.
Prediction requires thinking about and analyzing
Innovation entrepreneurship existing information in order to predict the future,
 Innovative entrepreneurs create their businesses and creation is most concerned with acting and
with the intent of bringing completely new collecting new data—real and relevant data—in order
products or new ideas to market. to create the future.
Innovative entrepreneurs:
• Are creative problem-solvers that invent new To further examine the creation and prediction
products, services and solutions to improve their approaches, here is an example based on a thought
customers' lives. experiment called "Curry in a Hurry" devised by Darden
• Are often driven by a mission or vision for the School of Business Professor Saras D. Sarasvathy.
world. You have the finances and resources for research
• Focus on how their idea or product will change and marketing.
society. You have the time to invest in Intensive planning
• Are sometimes called disruptors as they can and research.
change the business landscape in their industry or
even create new technologies that affect society. To implement the creation approach.
You would take a look at what means you have to
You could contact some of your friends who work in
TWO MAIN PERSPECTIVES ON nearby businesses and bring them and their
ENTREPRENEURSHIP colleagues some samples of your food, which might
lead to a lunch delivery service.
They feel entrepreneurs benefit from creative
exercises that encourage interaction with
others, problem solving, idea generation, learning
THE CREATION APPROACH IN ACTION from trial and error, and so on.
 Suddenly you have a wealth of different
business ideas in widely varied industries. Your
original goal starting a restaurant has evolved
and multiplied into several different streams, THE SKILL OF EXPERIMENTATION
demonstrating how it is possible to change, - Experimentation is best stated as acting in order
shape, and construct ideas in practice through to learn by attempting something, learning from
action. the effort, and incorporating that information
into the next iteration.
CREATION APPROACH IN ACTION - Experimentation in the context of
Indian cookbook entrepreneurship entails taking action, such as
Cooking Show walking out of the building and gathering real-
Restaurant world data to test new concepts, rather than
Lunch Delivery Service sitting at a desk scanning database for the
Food-theme tour newest research. It entails asking probing
Teaching Classes questions, confirming assumptions, and not taking
anything for granted.
What is Creation Approach?
- The venture creation approach builds upon The Skill of Empathy
combined learning philosophies in order to allow  Understanding the emotion, circumstances,
students to 'test the water' while reflecting intentions, thoughts, and needs of others.
upon real-life situations and explore Empathy is being able to relate to how others are
entrepreneurial behaviours when creating new feeling because you have been in a similar
ventures. situation yourself.
- It aligns with the work of Dr. Saras Sarasvathy
and her 'theory of effectuation' based on the Why is empathy so important for an entrepreneur?
idea that because the future is unpredictable yet  Developing empathy is essential for truly
controllable, entrepreneurs can affect the understanding the reality of being an
future. Sarasvathy believes is futile for entrepreneur as well as evaluating your own
entrepreneurs to try and predict the future. ability to become an entrepreneur.

Theory of Effectuation The Skill of Creativity

 The idea that the Future in unpredictable yet  Requires a general openness to the world and
controllable and entrepreneurs can affect the relates to unleashing our creative ability to
future. create and find opportunities and solve problems.

1997 How do you create opportunities?

- Dr. Sarasvathy traveled to 17 states across the  It all depends on how much you want to learn,
United States to interview 30 entrepreneurs how curious you are, and how much energy you
from different types and sizes of organizations have to implement your idea.
and from a variety of industries to assess their
thinking patterns. Each entrepreneur was given a The skill of Reflection
17-page problem that involved making decisions  Helps make sense of all the other actions
to build a company from a specific product idea. required play, empathy, creativity and
By the end of the study. Sarasvathy discovered experimentation.
that 89% of the more experienced serial
entrepreneurs used more creative. effectual 6 DIFFERENT WAYS TO PRACTICE REFLECTION
thinking more often than its contrary predictive
or causal thinking. Narrative Reflection
Emotional Reflection
Evaluative Reflection
THE SKILL OF PLAY Critical Reflection
Frees the imagination, opens our minds to a
wealth of opportunities, and possibilities, helps ENTREPRENEURSHIP IS MORE THAN A METHOD
us to be more innovative as Entrepreneurs. THAN A PROCESS
Why should entrepreneurship be fun? Fajardo (2009) defines entrepreneurship as the
new or different ways of doing things using
technology, marketing, human relations and Entrepreneurship as a Method
management. It also means an economical and A set of practices
faster method of distributing goods. Phases of learning
Method Iterative
is a different way to interpret and understand Creative
entrepreneurial failure or success. It offers a Action focused.
rooted paradigm that applies across all sectors Investment for Learning
and a self-check mechanism that helps Collaborative
entrepreneurs craft their own path in venturing. DEVELOPING AN ENTREPRENEURIAL MINDSET
Can be defined as the steps taken in order to Power of Mindset
establish a new enterprise. It is a step-by-step "SUCCESS STARTS IN MIND"
method; one has to follow to set up an
enterprise. Power and Benefits of a Positive Mindset
Help you set and achieve goals.
Entrepreneurship is more a method than a process, Take action toward your dreams.
why? Bounce back from setbacks and failures.
 Entrepreneurship is not predictable and,
therefore, cannot adequately be taught as a ROBERT DONAT - FOUNDER AND CEO OF GPS
process. Instead, approaching entrepreneurship INSIGHT
as a method, as advocated in this text, results
in a body of skills that constitute a toolkit for WHAT IS MINDSET?
entrepreneurial action. - Mindset has traditionally been defined as “the
established set of attitudes held by someone”.
The Entrepreneurship Process: An Outdated View Research has shown that our mindset needn’t be
Step 1: Think of a product or service to sell. “set” at all.
Step 2: Do market research - Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck
Step 3: Get some financial projections. proposes that there are two types of mindset:
Step 4: Find a partnership. FIXED MINDSET
Step 5: Write a business plan. The assumption held by people who perceive
Step 6: Get financing. their talents and abilities as set traits.
Step 7: Find space, build a prototype, hire people. GROWTH MINDSET
Step 8: Bring your product/service to market. The assumption held by people who believe that
Step 9: Manage the business. their abilities can be developed through
Step 10: Find an exit. dedication, effort, and hard work.

Entrepreneurship is certainly not linear or Fixed Mindset Vs. Growth Mindset

predictable; it is ill-defined, unstructured, and
complex. Fixed Mindset
 They believe that brains and talent alone are
The environment for entrepreneurship is fluid, enough for success and go through life with the
dynamic, uncertain, and ambiguous. goal of looking smart all the time.
 They take any constructive criticism of their
Assumptions Underlying the Practice of capabilities very personally.
Entrepreneurship  They tend to attribute others’ success with luck or
 It applies to novices and experts regardless of some sort of unfair advantage.
experience levels.  People with fixed mindset will tell themselves that
 It is inclusive, which means it includes any they are no good at something to avoid challenge,
organization at any stage of business. failure, or looking dumb.
 It requires continuous practice with a focus on
doing, then learning. Growth Mindset
 It is designed for an unpredictable environment.  They think that brains and talents are not the key
to lifelong success, but merely just a starting point.
Method vs Process  They are eager to enhance their qualities to
Entrepreneurship as a Process lifelong learning, training, and practice.
Known inputs and predicted outputs.  They see failure as an opportunity to improve their
Steps to complete. performance and to learn from their mistakes.
Linear  They tend to persevere rather than to give up.
Planning focus Recent studies have found that overly praising or being
Expected return. praised simply for our intelligence can create a fixed
Competitive mindset.
desired impact, which some people equate to
Dweck observes the growth mindset in successful passion.
athletes, businesspeople, writers, musicians; in fact,
anyone who commits to a goal and puts in the hard What is Passion?
work and practice to attain it. She believes that  Passion can be defined as positive emotions.
people with growth mindsets tend to be more  Passion has associated with a wide range of
successful and happier than those with fixed positive effects such as:
mindsets. Although many of us tend to exhibit one o Strength and courage
mindset or the other, it is important to recognize o Motivation
that mindsets can be changed. Even if your mindset o Love
is a fixed one, it is possible to learn a growth o Pride
mindset and thereby boost your chances for o Joy, and many more.
happiness and success. Passion is not all that needed to be successful,
research shows that positive feelings motivate
How can you do that? entrepreneurs.
BY BECOMING AWARE OF THAT “VOICE” IN Note: It is possible to become blinded by passion.
As we have explored, our mindset is not dependent on Habit is sometimes unconscious pattern of
luck, nor is it fixed: we each have the capability to behavior that is carried out often and regularly.
adjust our mindset to recognize and seize Good habits can be learned through a “habit
opportunities and take action even under the most loop” – a process which our brains decided
unlikely or uncertain circumstances, as long as we whether or not a certain behavior should be
work hard and practice. This is why the mindset is stored and repeated.
essential to entrepreneurship.
The growth mindset is essential to a mindset for - Is a process whereby people can influence and
entrepreneurship. control their own behavior, actions, and thinking
to achieve the self-direction and self-motivation
Entrepreneurial Mindset necessary to build their entrepreneurial business
The ability to quickly sense, take action, and ventures. Entrepreneurship requires a deep
get organized under uncertain conditions. This understanding of self and an ability to motivate
also includes the ability to persevere, accept and oneself to act.
learn from failure, and get comfortable with a
certain level of discomfort. ELEMENTS OF SELF-LEADERSHIP

Cognitive Strategies SELF - LEADERSHIP:

The ways in which people solve problems such as o Self – Observation
reasoning, analyzing, experimenting, and so o Self - Goal Setting
forth. o Self – Reward
o Self – Punishment
The entrepreneurial mindset involves Employing o Self – Cueing
numerous cognitive strategies to Identify
opportunities, consider alternative options, and take 3 Main Strategies of Self- Leadership
Metacognition Help increase self-awareness to manage behaviors
The process of thinking about one’s own thinking particularly when dealing with necessary but
and learning. It involves knowing when you know, unpleasant tasks. These strategies include self-
knowing when you don’t know, and knowing what observation, self-goal setting, self-reward,
to do when you don’t know. In other words, it self-punishment, and self-cueing.
involves self-monitoring and correcting your own
Endeavor to make aspects of a task or activity
Entrepreneurs regularly engage in metacognitive more enjoyable by building in certain features,
process. or by reshaping perceptions to focus on the most
positive aspect s of the task and the value it
Passion & Entrepreneurship holds. These strategies include Self-cuing.
- The entrepreneurial mindset is about
understanding yourself, who you are, and how CONSTRUCTIVE THOUGHTS PATTERNS
you view the world. It deeply connects to your STRATEGIES
Help us to form positive and productive ways of preference for judging over generating ideas,
thinking that can benefit our performance. dislike for incubating ideas,
Constructive thought pattern strategies include perceived lack of challenge, and
identifying destructive belief s and assumptions inability to distinguish reality from fantasy.
and reframing those thought s through practicing
self-talk and mental imagery. Fear that has the most detrimental effect on our
capacity to be creative. The danger of fear is that
o THE CONCEPT OF SELF-LEADERSHIP HAS BEEN it can cause self-doubt, insecurity, and discomfort
RELATED TO MANY OTHER AREAS SUCH AS even before the beginning of the creative process.
OPTIMISM, HAPPINESS, CONSCIOUSNESS, It can also block us from sharing our creativity with
EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE, AMONG others because of the risk of failure, negative
BUSINESS VENTURES. The importance of creativity and its necessity in
navigating the uncharted waters in an uncertain
THE CREATIVITY HABIT world is also reflected in our biology. In human
anatomy, it has long been known that the brain is
WHY DOES CREATIVITY A DIFFICULT CONCEPT divided into two hemispheres.
LEFT HEMISPHERE - controls movement, sensation,
- Creativity is a difficult concept to define, mainly and perception on the right side of our body,
because it covers such a wide breadth of
processes and people—from artists to writers, to RIGHT HEMISPHERE - does the same on the left
inventors, to entrepreneurs—all of whom could side of our body.
be described as creative. Yet creativity can be
elusive, and sometimes we spot it only after it is - In the 1960s, researchers proposed that each
presented to us. of the two hemispheres had its own distinct
- Because of its elusiveness, there is no concrete thinking and emotional functions.
or agreed definition of creativity; however, we
like to define creativity as the capacity to - This idea was then further expanded to propose
produce new ideas, insights, inventions, “left-brained” and “right-brained” orientations
products, or artistic objects that are considered as though they were personality types.
to be unique, useful, and of value to others.
- Creativity is not something we are born with, - According to the left-brain, right-brain
but a developed skill— creativity is creating in dominance theory, the right side of the brain is
action. Studies have shown that people who are best at expressive and creative tasks. Some of
creative are open to experience, persistent, the abilities popularly associated with the right
adaptable, original, motivated, self-reliant, and side of the brain include 2: Recognizing faces &
they do not fear failure. Expressing emotions.


Daniel Pink uses the right-brain/left-brain model to
describe how today’s society is moving from left-
brain thinking to right-brain thinking.
There is some evidence that entrepreneurs are more
creative than others. A study published in 2008
Pink observes, people have tended to use left-
found that students enrolled in entrepreneurship
brain thinking over right-brain thinking because
programs scored higher in personal creativity than
most tasks and activities in the agricultural and
students from other programs. This tells us that
industrial age demanded these attributes. Those
while everyone has the capacity to be creative,
were the times when jobs were more methodical
entrepreneurs score higher on creativity simply
and predictable. Today, many of the methodical
because they are practicing the creative process
tasks have been outsourced or have been taken
more regularly.
over by computers. Pink holds that we now live in
a “conceptual age” that requires us to use both
the left and right sides of the brain to create
new opportunities and possibilities—in other
James L. Adams, a Stanford University professor
words, to succeed in today’s world, we need a
who specialized in creativity, identified six main
different way of thinking.
emotional roadblocks preventing us from practicing
Csikszentmihalyi referred to these highly creative
individuals as having “dialectic” personalities, and
no appetite for chaos,
concluded that for people to be creative, they need Improvisation
to operate at both ends of the poles. Has a significant effect on our brain activity.
Scientists have studied the effects of
Csikszentmihalyi’s study is consistent with Pink’s improvisation on brain activity by asking six
argument that we are living in a conceptual age that trained jazz pianists to volunteer to play a
requires us to tap into our creative potential and combination of learned and improvised pieces of
think with both sides of our brain. music while lying in an MRI machine. When it
came to analyzing the brain scans, the scientists
Entrepreneurs found that the musicians tended to switch off
Have a tendency to be intolerant of authority, the self-sensoring part of the brain, which gave
exhibit good salesmanship skills, have high self- them the ability to freely expressed themselves
confidence, and believe strongly in their without restrictions. In other words, we have a
abilities. They also tend to be both optimistic brain that is designed to generate unpredictable
and pragmatic. They work hard and are driven ideas when the self- monitoring part is
by an intense commitment to the success of the suppressed.
organization. Here again, we see evidence that
an entrepreneurial mindset requires more than THE MINDSET AS THE PATHWAY TO ACTION
one kind of thinking.
The mindset is the pathway to action. There is no
Having a creative mind leads us for future success. entrepreneurship without action, and the mindset is
Without creativity, there is no innovation. antecedent to action.


- Is the art of spontaneously creating something Self-efficacy
without preparation.  Is an essential part of the entrepreneurial
mindset, and it is thought to be a good indicator
The ability to function in an uncertain world of entrepreneurial intentions as well as a strong
requires a degree of improvisation. precursor to action. It can enable the
Entrepreneurs may begin with a certain idea or entrepreneur to more effectively confront
direction, but obstacles such as limited demands or stressors and thus improve
resources, unforseen market conditions, or even entrepreneurial performance.
conflicts with team members can prevent them
from executing their initial plans. The General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES)
Entrepreneurs starting new ventures who display - Was designed by researchers to assess the
more signs of improvisational behavior tended to degree to which we believe our actions are
outperform those who do not have the same responsible for successful results.
tendencies. - It measures the belief we have in our ability to
carry out difficult tasks, cope with adversity,
IMPROVISATION GUIDELINES persist in reaching our goals, and recover from
 Improvisation is not just for actors or musicians. - It is thought to be an accurate way of testing
 Nothing suggested is questioned or rejected (no self-efficacy levels.
matter how crazy it might sound).
 Ideas are taken on board, expanded, and passed  Self-efficacy can change over time.
on for further input.  The more you practice something, such as
 Everything is important. entrepreneurship, the greater the likelihood
 It is a group activity- you will have the support that your self-efficacy related to
of the group. entrepreneurial action will increase.
 You can trust that the group will solve a certain
 It's about listening closely and accepting what RECOGNITION
you're given.
 It's about being spontaneous, imaginative, and o To recognize opportunities and act to start new
dealing with the unexpected. businesses, one must have the proper
entrepreneurial mindset.
One of the most useful improvisation exercises to o It gives business owners the self-assurance to
address the fear of engaging in spontaneous network, identify missing requirements in the
creations is the "Yes, and" principle. market, and have the perseverance to pursue
This means listening to what others have to say and opportunities.
building on it by starting with the words "Yes, and".
Linear Model
Linear – one way
This model of communication proposes that
communication only goes one way (from the
sender to the receiver, end.)

Aristotle’s Model of Communication

 Speaker
 Speech
 Audience
 Effect

Interactive Model
- In this model, decoding and encoding process
happens vice versa.
Principles of Effective Communication

Transactional Model
 Transactional Model of Communication only
differs with interactive model of communication
in it’s inclusion of the noises or interferences
that both communicator might encounter in the
 In the previous model, the communication
process happens vice versa, while in this model,
it happens two-way.

The Writing Process

o The communication must be complete. It should
Oral Communication vs. Written Communication
convey all facts required by the audience.
o A complete communication always gives additional
 The main difference between the two is that
information whenever required. It leaves no
one is supposed to be heard and the other to be
questions in the mind of receiver.
read. Ina way, the disadvantage lies to the one
that is not accompanied by pitch and gestures.
o This refers to conveying the most information
You are only as good in writing as you are as good in
with the least unnecessary words.
 Not applicable to all.
In the Metro station - Ezra Pound
 Vocabulary/Penmanship
Father of imagism - Ezra Pound
 Specific format, Application
 What you learned is what you can apply.
o Consider your audience, their point of view,
Steps in Writing
their mental, physical, and psychological state,
Step 1 – Pre-Writing and Researching.
their emotions, and background.
Step 2 – Drafting
o To exercise empathy.
Step 3 – Revising
Step 4 – Editing and Proofreading.
o To deliver your message clearly.
Principles of an Effective Written Communication
Know your goal and state it clearly.
Use the correct tone of your purpose.
o Make your statement factual and specific.
Keep language simple.
Be mindful of your grammar.
Stay on topic and keep it concise.
o To be polite, positive, and not biased.
Use active voice.
Get feedback.
o To be exact, well-timed, and error-free.
Barriers in Written Communication
o To use appropriate and correct words/language
while communicating.
Psychological Barriers
- Emotional State
The Communication Models
- Mental State/Exhaustion
- Distress Conclusion.
- Low Self-Esteem
A Guide to Writing a Cover Letter
Language Barriers
- Jargons Introduction
- Abbreviations - Question:
- Grammatical errors Why are you writing?
- Use of vernaculars - Answer:
In response to a job advertisement.
Physical Barriers - Question:
- Noise What are you writing about?
- Environment - Answer:

Physiological Barriers
- The overall physical state of receiver or sender.
- Exhaustion
- Lack of sleep.
- Tiredness

Attitudinal Barriers
- Prejudgment
- Biases
- Negative attitude towards the topic.
Name the specific job opening. (Many companies
Overcoming Barriers to Effective Written list numerous job openings.)
Do sweat the small stuff. - Question:
Get the target meaning. What exactly do you want to say?
Consider the non-verbal aspects of your - Answer:
message. The reason why you are qualified for the job.
Review, Reflect, and Revise.
What is next?
 Typically comes with the resume of the applicant When can you meet with the personnel director to
along with other application necessities such as discuss this job opening?
recommendation letter(s), certificate of
employment from previous employer/company, AN APPLICATION LETTER:
portfolio, etc. o Is a standalone document.
 Normally serves as the introduction to the o More detailed and longer than a cover letter.
applicant’s resume, meaning it can be more o Can be tailored for a job interview or a
concise. scholarship grant. It can also provide
 Commonly starts with a brief introduction of the information about your academic goals.
applicant, their previous work experience/s, and o Is a letter that expresses your interest in
the position they’re applying for. applying / filling in for that position / program /
 In terms of content, it has similar components grant. It can be sent / submitted prior to the
that of an application letter, but a shorter actual application process.
version. o Provides deeper insight into an applicant's
 Is usually attached with other requirements for experience and skills.
a job application.
 Overall, is a letter telling your interviewer why COMPONENTS OF AN APPLICATION LETTER:
they should hire you instead of other o The essential components of a letter (writer’s
candidates. address, date, receiver’s address, salutation,
closing statement, and signature.)
o The essential components of a letter (writer’s Body.
address, date, receiver’s address, salutation,
closing statement, and signature.)



Cover letters:
o Are concise.
o Are tailored for a specific job / position.
o Are commonly attached with other application
o Are sent / submitted during the application

Application letters:
o Are longer and more detailed.
o Can be used for job applications, scholarship
grants, internship programs, etc.
o Are standalone documents.
o Expresses interest in taking part / filling in for
the Vacancy.

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