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2 Is that the street where / which you

Language Test 8B* crashed your car?

3 People which / who have lots of money
aren’t always happy.
1 Complete the sentences with the correct
4 We went to see the town where / which
form of the verbs in brackets.
Shakespeare was born.
5 The man which / who took my bike was
1 The flowers                    (look) better
wearing a black jacket.
if you put them in a bigger vase.
6 Is that the laptop where / which you
2 You wouldn’t feel so tired if you          
borrowed from your friend?
(go) to bed earlier!
7 An engineer is a person which / who builds
3 I think it                    (be) better if
we waited here.
4 Would you buy a new car if you        
(have) more money? ___/7 marks
5 If they worked harder, they
                    (finish) the job more quickly. 4 Complete the text with where, which or
6 I would enjoy the party more if the music who.
(not be) so loud. Seattle is a city 1              has interesting
7 Where would you live if you buildings, lovely parks and a famous market. It
                   (can) live anywhere in the is also a city 2              it rains a lot! Of
world? course, it’s nice to live in a place 3            
8                     (you / be) upset if has a warm climate, but the people       4

nobody came to your party? live in Seattle love it. I want to go there one day
to see the house 5            my mother was
___/8 marks born.

2 Complete the second sentence in each pair ___/5 marks

so that it means the same as the first
sentence. Vocabulary
1 I can’t tell you the answer because I don’t 5 Match the sentences and questions 1–10
know it. with the replies a–j.
If                                                       , I would
tell you. 1 It’s so hot! Let’s open the windows.      
2 She can’t help you because she hasn’t got 2 Was your mum angry?      
enough time. 3 The final scene in the film is scary.      
                                                       if she had 4 Is your new house good?      
enough time. 5 This insect is very, very small!      
3 He feels hungry at nine o’clock because he 6 Did you have a bad day?      
doesn’t have breakfast. 7 Was your uncle pleased with
If                                                       , he the photos?      
wouldn’t feel hungry at nine o’clock. 8 Are you tired, Sophie?      
4 I think you should go there by bus. 9 It’s cold in here.      
If                                                       , I would 10 Does the hotel have a big pool?      
go there by bus.
5 You break things because you aren’t a Yes, it’s freezing.
careful. b Yes, he was thrilled.
If you were careful,                       c Yes, it’s huge.
d Yes, it’s brilliant!
___/5 marks e Yes, it was awful.
f Yes, it’s terrifying.
3 Choose the correct options. g Yes, It’s really tiny.
h Yes, please! I’m boiling.
1 Paul gave me the book which / who I i Yes, she was furious.
wanted to borrow. j Yes, I’m exhausted.

___/10 marks
6 Complete the sentences with the words in
the box. 8 Complete the dialogues with the words in
backache burn cough cut the boxes. There is one extra word in each
rash sore throat sprained ankle box.
stomachache toothache
temperature Dialogue 1
1 Alex has got a                    . He must go
to the dentist. feel fine good poor right
2 Sue ate three big green apples. Now she’s
got a                    . Adam Are you all 1            , Olivia?
3 Linda feels cold, but her head feels hot. Olivia I’ve hurt my foot.
She’s got a                    . Adam 2
            you! How does it 3           ?
4 Dave has got lots of red spots on his face Olivia Not too 4           . I’m going to the
and neck. He’s got a doctor.
5 Elaine was using a knife when she got a Dialogue 2
on her hand.
6 Frank was carrying heavy boxes bit fine help how
yesterday. Today he’s got a
                  . 5
Rachel             do you feel today, Andy?
7 I’ve got a bad                    I can’t sleep,
Andy I’m 6            , thanks. In fact, I’m
and my sister can hear me at night from leaving hospital tomorrow. What
her room. about you?
8 Helen put her hand on the hot cooker. Now Rachel I’m a 7            better, thanks.
she’s got a                   .
Andy That’s good.
9 I fell when I was walking the dog. Now I’ve
got a                  .
Dialogue 3
10 Jane was shouting at the children all
morning. Now she’s got a                   .
awful got matter poor
Ian Hi, Beth. What’s the 8            ?
___/10 marks
Beth I’ve 9            a terrible
7 Complete the dialogue with the words in Ian That’s 10            !
the box.
awful brilliant freezing sore ___/10 marks
Helen Please bring me my jumper, Vince.
Total: ___/60 marks
I’m 1                         , and I feel
Vince Have you got a
Helen Maybe. My head is very hot, and
I’ve got a 4                        
Vince Go and see a doctor.
Helen I hate going to the doctor!
Vince Try Doctor Morris. He’s 5              
. I’m sure you’ll like him.
Helen All right.

___/5 marks

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