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Exercise 1.

1. Read the following reading materials and make a reaction paper for each:

a. ‘Insight’, by Roque J. Ferriols, SJ

(Manuel Dy, Philosophy of Man, Manila: Goodwill Bookstore,1986, p.3)

"Insight", a piece by Roque J. Ferriols, was brief and concise. It circulated about what is the definition, example,
and purpose of an insight. Ferriols describedphilosophizing as something that is easier to do than to define.
Indeed, I was able to understand what he means by that.

Then he transitioned from philosophy to thinking, to the main topic of his piece, insight. I stand by his definition
of insight which is seeing with the mind. I liked how he explained it without directly expalaning it. Ferriols used
joke as his example, to see its point is an example of insight. To be able t analyze the point of the joke is thinking
deeply and understanding it.

Another situation wherein he explained insight and what to do with the insight is using a metaphor. Juan
constructed his insight about the generations of men when he compared his situation to his grandfather. From
then, he was able to establish an insight that men, fom a highly spirited, dashing, and full of vigor will be weak,
wither, and die when they served their purpose, that is to produce the next generation.

In summary, insight is seeing it with the eye but having the mind analyze it. The question, "what to do with the
insight?" was also answered. Having an insight to certain things is having perspective, and clarifying it or deeply
realizing it is when you do something to the insight. The depth of these discoveries is therefore the depth of
reality. And a person's posture toward reality has always required a balance between a sense of knowledge and a
sense of ignorance.

b. ‘The Philosophical Enterprise’, by John Kavanaugh

(Manuel Dy, Philosophy of Man, Manila: Goodwill Bookstore, 1986, p17)

Philosophy has broad range of definition, but one thing is for sure, it has something to do with seeking
understanding and truths. In its textbook definition, it is the the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge,
reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline. Back then, I was asked of what is my
philosophy in life, honestly, I do not know how to answer. But then, I came to understand what my belief and
views about the world. My personal philosophy is "every individual is destined to be someone in their lives, it is
just a matter of timming and effort whether they achieve it immediately or not."

John Kavanaugh, SJ, is a professor of philosophyand medical ethics. He corrected the false conceptions about
philosophers accused as isolated thinkers, academians, and scholarly ones and pholosphy having all questions
answered and isolated from other disciplines. He elaborated the dischiplines of philosophy, Discipline of
Questioning, Discipline of Liberation, and Discipline of Personhood.

Kavanaugh explained the disciplie of questioning as finding out what drives, moves, leads one to philosophize as
sheer human exigency, in order to understand philosophy. He also emphasized that humans are capable of inquire
and to seek answers to the questions they raised themselves.

Philopphizing as the dischipline of liberation is asking questions. Liberation is being free of being caged, and
asking questions will free you to a lot of things such as encapsulation, conditioning, determination. Under this
dicipline, questioning is defined as removing the bounderies and being limitless. This results to growth, learning,
and continuous curiosity of humans.

Discipline of Personhood is when philosophy is practiced as a discipline of personhood, it develops into an

authentic discipline of inquiry and freedom. Under the discipline of personhood, philosophizing is a personal task.
The questions I ask to myself is essential to my growth as an individual, that is the belief of this discipline.

In conlusion, philosopphy always starts with a question and ends with another question. It is a continuous process
of seeking understanding and truth about the world, the self , and the relationship between them. It is simply the
boundless search for answers and unveiling the truth behind these answers.
boundless search for answers and unveiling the truth behind these answers.
Exercise 2.0

1. Distinguish one item from another:

a. Formal Logic vs. Material Logic

Formal Logic focuses more on the validity and correctness of arguments
instead of its truthfulness. On the contrary, material logic emphasizes the
truthfulness of the argument rathern than the correctness of the form.

b. Sign vs. Symbol

Sign is defined a language that has its own right used for communication,
while symbol is a form of a sign that represents a deep meaning.

c. Logic vs. Epistemology

Logic puts emphasis on reasoning which is less than what thinking is.
Epistemology, however, is a theory of knowledge concerned with methods,
validity, and scope and it differentiates a justified belief on just an opinion.

d. Inductive vs. Deductive

Inductive process, unlike Deductive process, is where starts from a specific
instances where a conclusion is drawn or established. Dective process, a
process in which general postulate is assumed as true that would result to
enferrence of the particular.

2. Illustrate how language construction works?

Language is constructed when first, an individual audience grasp the idea then
the mind process it into a concept.
3. What is Nyaya logic?
Nyaya originated from India, which means logical argument, or syllogism. It is
concerned with the idea of freeing the soul from being enslaved by using
systematic reasoning.
4. Why logic an Art? Why Science?
Technically, logic means “the science and art of correct thinking and
inferential reasoning.” It is a science because it is concerned with rightful
thinking in which rules are based from general principles of the nature of mind
and of truth.

Quality Quanity
1. Loving Positive Particular
2. Prof. Lumagbas Positive Singular
3. FEU Positive Singular
4. Illegal Negative Universal
5. Team Positive Singular
6. Location Positive N/A
7. Information Positive N/A
8. Eclectic Positive Particular
9. Some Historians Positive Particular
10. Ants Positive Universal
11. All men Positive Universal
12. Not all guys Negative Particular
13. Whosoever makes it. Positive Particular
14. Civilians Positive Universal
15. Any priest Positive Universal
16. Peter Positive Singular
17. Castles Positive Universal
18. Immortal Negative Universal
19. Each Revolutionar Positive Universal
20. Flamboyant Positive N/A

1. All PUP employees are brave and wise. Universal
2. Gabby is a pretty housemate. Singular
3. Prof. Blah Blah is not an inefficient teacher. Singular
4. No Lasalista is not arrogant. Particular
5. Mt. Natib is in Bataan. Singular
6. Few logicians are not non-intellectuals. Particular
7. Some politicians are dumb. Particular
8. Almost all examination questions are easy. Particular
9. Women are fickle minded. Universal
10. It is good to know. Particular
11. PUP is the best university in the country today. Singular
12. Sen. Trillanes is not without any sin. Singular
13. Pido runs. Singular
14. Graft and corruption in the Philippines is not not institutional. Singular
15. Tonnete is gay. Singular
Exercise 4.0

I. Direction: Identify what type of categorical propositions are the following (write A, E, I , and O )

1. Josie is evil. A
2. Not all caregivers are caring. I
3. Few government clerks are devoted to service. I
4. Some Americans are rich. I
5. Aristotle is not wise. E
6. All grandparents understand. A
7. No university is not wet market. E
8. Controversial singers are hard to forget. I
9. Robert is not Jonel. E
10. The mountain is risky. A

II. Direction: State the quantity or extension of the predicate terms and subject terms of the following
propositions. Using Venn diagram and Boolean diagrams, make corresponding diagrams for each

1. No PUP student is intelligent.



2. All masteral degree holders are arrogant.



3. Most UP students are behaved.



4. Wherever you go, I go.



5. A dog barks.

6. No nonformal are non-moral.


7. Some Singaporeans are not not immoral.



8. Logic is a science.


9. Pedro and Juan are humans.



10. The client is a chronic liar.



III. Direction: State what type of hypothetical propositions are the following:

1. Juan Dela Cruz is either dead or Alive. Disjunctive

2. Maria Santos is either pregnant or suffering from a tumor in the ovary. Disjunctive
3. Toto is not gay and not a gentleman. Conjunctive
4. The drummer is Ronnel or Jessie. Disjunctive
5. Manila implies poverty. Conditional
6. The Koran is a holy book and a literary work. Disjunctive
7. The proposition is either disjunctive or conjunctive. Disjunctive
8. One cannot be here and there at the same time. Conjunctive
9. Maria Santos walks, then she moves her feet. Conditional
10. You and me against the world. Conjunctive
5.0 Exercises

Direction: Choose the best answer.

1. All Government Agencies are not free from corruption is False. What is the correct inference?

2. The ombudsman is honest is true. What is the correct inference? A

3. Jose P. Rizal is the son of Francisco Mercado is false. What is the correct inference? A

4. ABC is DEF is false. What is the correct inference? A

5. If All PUP students are diligent is true. Some PUP students are not diligent is C

6. In opposition, if I proposition is false. What is the correct inference? C

7. In opposition, if O proposition is true. What is the correct inference? E

8. If it is true that Some couples are moral. Then Some couples are not moral is C

9. If it is true that All genius are not kind. Then C

10. Sub-contraries can be true at the same time is B

11. Some magicians are genius. What is the equivalent proposition? D

12. Most diesel engines are inexpensive. What is the equivalent proposition? B

13. If it is true that All Ms are not S, then what is the correct inference? B

14. Which of the following is correct? C

15. Which of the following is incorrect? C

Exercise 6.0

I. On Basic Form of Categorical Syllogisms

Direction : Identify the terms in each syllogism, encircle the major term, underline the minor term and place a big
letter M above the middle term.

1. All disciplined are catholics.

Some disciplined are idealists.
Therefore, Some idealists are catholics.

2. All CA students are bright.

Joan is a CA Student.
Therefore, Joan is bright.

3. No P is S.
All T is P.
Therefore, No T is S.

4. No Major term is Middle Term.

Some minor term is a major term.
Therefore, some minor term is not a middle term.

5. No musician is dumb.
Some dumb are adults.
Some adults are not musicians.

II. On moods and figures

Direction: Identity which of the following forms of syllogisms are valid and invalid moods and figures. Just check
the corresponding box. according to their

Valid Invalid
1. AAA-1 ✓
2. EAE3 ✓
3. AAI4 ✓
4. AAI3 ✓
5. EIO4 ✓
6. AEE3 ✓
7. EAO2 ✓
8. AEE2 ✓
9. EIO3 ✓
10. EIO1 ✓
11 AII4 ✓
12. AII1 ✓
13. OAO3 ✓
14. AEE 1 ✓
15. AII3 ✓
16. AOO3 ✓
17. EIO1 ✓
18. EIO4 ✓
19. IAI 2 ✓
20. EEA 1 ✓

III. On the General Rules of Categorical Syllogism.

Direction: Determine the validity of the following syllogism using the general rules of syllogism by checking the
corresponding box. Where the syllogism is invalid, state the rule violated in the last or fourth column corresponding
the syllogism.

Valid Invalid Rule Violated

1. No Man is not an animal; but no baby is not a man; ✓ None
therefore, all babies are animals.
2. All animals are beings; all raccoons are animals; ✓ None
therefore, all raccoons are beings.
3. Some mammals are men; some singers are ✓ Rule number 3
mammals; therefore, some singers are men.
4. All M are T; Some t are M; therefore, some t are T. ✓ None
5. All S is P; Some x are not S; therefore, some x are ✓ Rule number 2 (wrong fig.)
not P.
6. All M are T; But all M are t; therefore, some t are T. ✓ Rule number 6
7. Jaworski is a member of Ginebra team; some ✓ Standard Form
members of Ginebra team are good ball players;
therefore, Jaworski is a good ball player.
8. Manny is not Tony; Tony is not Lito; therefore Lito ✓ Standard Form
is not Tony.
9. No day care worker is mean; Some day care workers are ✓ None
eloquent; therefore, some eloquent are not mean.
10. All Y is X; No X is B; therefore, No B is Y. ✓ None

IV. On Hypothetical Syllogism

Direction: Identify whether each syllogism is valid or not by checking the corresponding box.
Valid Invalid
1. If x, then y; y ; therefore, x. ✓
2. If y, then x; y; therefore, not x. ✓
3. Either the cloth is white or red; the clothe is red; therefore, the clothe is not white. ✓
4. B cannot be both C and D ; B is C; therefore, B is D. ✓
5. The drummer’s name is Michael and Paul; the drummer’s name is not Paul; therefore, the drummer’s name is Michael. ✓
6. Linda cannot be both sungle and married at the same time; Linda is not married; therefore, Linda is single. ✓
7. The argument cannot be false and true at the same time; The argument is not true; therefore, the argument is false. ✓
8. If the argument is valid, then the bill is acceptable; the bill is acceptable; therefore, the argument is valid. ✓
9. The law is either unconstitutional or constitutional, the law is constitutional; therefore, the law is not unconstitutional. ✓
10. The vocalist is either wearing a shirt or pants or both; the vocalist is not wearing pants; therefore, the vocalist is wearing shirt. ✓
Exercise 7.0

What fallacy do the following arguments violate?

1. Ghosts do not really exist because no one has ever proven their existence yet. Fallacy Of Relevance
2. The allegations of the accused are far from truth because the witnesses she presented are all chronic liars. Fallacy of Ambiguity
3. Slaves should be given their freedom because it’s apity seeing them behind bars and in chains. Fallacy Of Relevance
4. The sheriff went to a house which was part of the attached properties of the defendant. Fallacy Of Relevance
He informed the occupants of the house. The one of the occupants replied: “ This
house should not be attached, I’ll kill anybody who would try to get this property from us.”
5. A priest talking about the ill effects of contraceptives. Fallacy of Ambiguity
6. Robert, a Kapampangan, is arrogant. Therefore. All Kapampangans are arrogant. Fallacy of Relevance
7. This product is of high quality because it is being praised by most bouse keepers. Fallacy of Relevance
8. All bachelors are unmarried. Fallacy of Ambiguity
9. Triangles have 3 sides. Fallacy of Ambiguity
10. Psychology students are excellent. Therefore, their teachers are all efficient. Fallacy of Relevance

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