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“Movie analysis”

Name: Dela Cruz, Merielle Kate F. Date:04/20/23

Yr/Section: 11-Humss-102

Title of the movie: The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It
Director of the movie: Michael Chaves
Settings: Atlanta, Georgia
Historical background:

The Conjuring 3 is inspired by the trial of 19-year-old Arne Cheyenne Johnson, who was
charged with murdering his landlord Alan Bono in February 1981. During the trial, the
defendant gained infamy for becoming the first person to claim a defence of demonic
possession in a United States court – although perhaps unsurprisingly this version of events
was not accepted by the judge.
His defence rested on testimony given by the family of his fiancée, Debbie Glatzel. Debbie's
11-year-old brother had reportedly been the subject of demonic possession in the months
prior to the murder, with his parents having grown increasingly worried by a number of
unexplained and ominous events.
The story really starts in July 1980, when the 11-year-old David Glatzel was helping Johnson
clean up a Connecticut rental property he was prepping to move so he could move in.

While there David claimed to have come across a "burnt and black-looking" old man who he
claims pushed him into a waterbed saying he would bring them harm if they moved into the

When David returned home he continued to see the old man. He described him as having a
white beard, wearing jeans and a flannel shirt. David claimed the man's skin was charred as if
he'd been burnt too. The young boy experienced night terrors and woke up with bruises and
scratches on his body. He'd wake screaming and tell his parents he'd seen the sunken features
of the old man "like an animal", with horns, pointy ears and jagged teeth (via People). (The
Conjuring 3 demon appears to have gone a different route, with early photos showing a white
masked man wearing a striped red long coat.)
The family said they also had heard unexplained noises coming from their attic.

In trying to get to the bottom of the issue they had called in Ed and Lorraine Warren – who
by this point were already well-known paranormal experts – to diagnose and cure their son.

Ed Warren said he heard banging and growling sounds coming from their basement, and that
he also say a rocking chair move on its own. Speaking to paranormal researcher Tony Spera,
Ed claimed David's toy dinosaur also walked on its own towards the family. He also said a
deep voice spoke to them saying: "Beware, you're all going to die."

Lorraine also claimed she saw a black mist appear next to David while her husband
interviewed him. “While Ed interviewed the boy, I saw a black, misty form next to him,
which told me we were dealing with something of a negative nature. Soon the child was
complaining that invisible hands were choking him—and there were red marks on him. He
said that he had the feeling of being hit," she told People magazine.

David's mother Judy had previously claimed it was a ghost, but the Warrens rejected this idea
saying it was an indicator of a demon.

Lorraine also claimed she saw David being choked by invisible hands and he told her "he had
the feeling he was being hit". She told People that she could see red marks afterwards and she
heard him growl and hiss. Lorraine also claimed he spoke in unrecognisable voices, that he
recited passages of the Bible as well as Paradise Lost. Debbie Glatzel also claimed he spit,
bit, kicked and swore at her and he flopped around "head to toe like a ragdoll".

She also told the Chippewa Herald Telegram that "he manifested. Just a face on the wall.
High cheekbones. A narrow chin. A thin nose. Big black eyes hidden in dark holes. He
showed his teeth."

Ed Warren also told The Washington Post: "Right away, I knew there was something to this.
I felt like a good fisherman when he knows there's something on the line." He added that he
thought there were 43 demons inside the boy, and David named them all.

Introduction of the characters:

Patrick Wilson as Ed Warren- Ed Warren is a demonologist who specialized in paranormal

investigations. He and his wife allegedly investigated 10,000 cases, including the ones at the
center of The Conjuring movies. Ed was indeed a part of the case that alleged Arne Johnson
was possessed by a demon when he murdered his landlord. Alongside his wife, he found the
New England Society for Psychic Research in 1952, which investigated hauntings. Ed passed
away in 2006.
Vera Farmiga as Lorraine Warren- Lorraine Warren is also a demonologist and self-
proclaimed clairvoyant who is able to sense things about people and objects to weave
together what happened. Together with her husband, Lorraine was called upon to investigate
thousands of cases. She died in 2019 at the age of 92. In The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me
Do It, she is able to figure out the details of two different cases, one of which involved a
murder and suicide of two teenagers, one of whom was possessed. In the film, Lorrain
establishes a two-way connection with the occultist, which puts her life in danger.
Ruairi O'Connor as Arne Cheyenne Johnson- Arne Cheyenne Johnson was actually
convicted of the crime he’s shown committing in the film. He worked with a tree service and
lived with his girlfriend Debbie Glatzel above the kennel where she worked. After killing his
and Debbie’s landlord, Arne claimed demonic possession as a defense in his trial, which is
also what is shown in The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It. In real life, Arne was
charged with first-degree manslaughter and sentenced to up to 20 years in prison, of which he
served five.
Sarah Catherine Hook as Debbie Glatzel- Debbie is Arne’s girlfriend and the sister of
David Glatzel. She works at the kennel and was present throughout David’s exorcism, Arne’s
killing of Bruno (whose real name was changed for the film), and his subsequent trial. The
film stays true to Debbie’s role in the story. In real life, Debbie marries Arne one year before
he gets out of prison and she stands by her account of what happened and the Warrens'
account of demonic possession. 
Julian Hilliard as David Glatzel- David Glatzel is the initial subject of demonic possession
in the film before the story pivots to Arne. David is Debbie’s kid brother who is looking
forward to Arne asking his sister to marry him. In the film, David becomes possessed after
moving into the Glatzel’s new home and he starts convulsing and attacking others. In real
life, claims suggest David saw visions of an old man who also transformed into a demonic
creature, with the Warrens suggesting he actually levitated during this time. 
John Noble as Kastner- Kastner was formerly a priest who studied and researched the occult
before leaving it behind to retire. He helps Ed and Lorraine in their quest to discover more
about the witch’s totem they find beneath the Glatzel’s home. What they ultimately discover
is that Kastner is much closer to the case than he was letting on. 
Eugenie Bondurant as The Occultist- The occultist, whose name is Isla, is the primary
antagonist of The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It. She’s behind the seemingly demonic
possessions that are the focus of the film and her backstory unfolds as she forges a connection
with Lorraine and tries to get her and Ed out of the way to continue her work with the occult. 
Shannon Kook as Drew Thomas- Drew Thomas has been working with the Warrens for
several years by the time of The Conjuring 3’s  events. He films exorcisms and aids the
Warrens in their paranormal research dating back to 2013’s The Conjuring.
Ronnie Gene Blevins as Bruno Sauls - Bruno Sauls is the landlord and Debbie Glatzel’s
boss at the dog kennel who is killed by Arne Johnson. Bruno’s real-life counterpart, whose
name is actually Alan Bono, is the only person whose name was changed for the film.
Steve Coulter as Father Gordon - Father Gordon is the Warrens’ spiritual advisor and a
liaison who communicates with the Vatican on their behalf.
Keith Arthur Bolden as Sergeant Clay - Sergeant Clay is investigating the disappearance
of Jessica Louis Strong and the Warrens aid him in finding out what happened to her in
exchange for information about the totem. He doesn’t buy into Lorraine’s clairvoyance, but
he’s willing to come along. 
Ingrid Bisu as Jessica Louise Strong - Jessica Louis Strong is the disappeared teenager
whose case Sergeant Clay is investigating. As it turns out, her case is tied to the occultist and
it’s up to the Warrens to figure out what really happened to her and how sinister it is. 
Andrea Andrade as Katie Lincoln - Katie Lincoln is Jessica’s best friend who was killed
just before Jessica’s disappearance. The events leading up to her death are still a mystery,
which is why Sergeant Clay is stumped.
Ashley LeConte Campbell as Meryl - Meryl is Arne Cheyenne Johnson’s attorney who
initially doesn’t believe his “devil made me do it” defense would hold up in court because of
a lack of evidence. 
Sterling Jerins as Judy Warren - Judy is Ed and Lorraine’s daughter, who is all grown-up
in The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It. While she had a slightly bigger role in previous
films (specifically in The Conjuring), Judy only appears in one or two scenes at the most
while Ed is recovering from his heart attack in the hospital.
Mitchell Hoog as Young Ed Warren and Megan Ashley Brown as Young Loraine
Warren - Young Lorraine and Young Ed appear in flashbacks a few times throughout the
Paul Wilson as Carl Glatzel - Carl Glatzel is David and Debbie’s father who, while seen
throughout the early parts of the film, doesn’t play a large role in the events following the
Charlene Amoia as Judy Glatzel - Judy Glatzel is Debbie and David’s mother whose role,
like Carl’s, is limited in the film beyond the first act. In real life, Judy and Carl had another
child, Carl Jr., who was older than David, but doesn’t appear in the film. 
Mark Rowe as Sergeant Thomas - Sergeant Thomas is yet another police officer
investigating the case.
Chris Green as Cop - He is the officer who finds Arne walking down the street after he kills
Bruno and arrests him. 
Lindsay Ayliffe as Judge - The judge presided over Arne Johnson’s hearing in court. In real
life, the judge was Robert Callahan, who rejected Arne’s defense that the devil made him do
Synopsis of the movie:
Paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren take on one of the most sensational cases
of their careers after a cop stumbles upon a dazed and bloodied young man walking down the
road. Accused of murder, the suspect claims demonic possession as his defense, forcing the
Warrens into a supernatural inquiry unlike anything they've ever seen before.
Plot of the movie:
In 1981, demonologists Ed and Lorraine Warren document the exorcism of 8-year-old David
Glatzel, attended by his family, his sister Debbie, her boyfriend Arne Johnson, and Father
Gordon in Brookfield, Connecticut. During the exorcism, Arne invites the demon to enter his
body instead of David's. Ed witnesses the demon transport itself from David's body to Arne's
while he suffers from a heart attack and is taken to a hospital in an unconscious state.
The following month, Ed wakes up at the hospital and reveals to Lorraine that he witnessed
the demon enter Arne's body. She sends the police to the Glatzel household, warning them
that a tragedy will occur there. Arne and Debbie return to their apartment located above a
kennel where Debbie works. After feeling unwell, Arne murders his landlord, Bruno Sauls,
by stabbing him 22 times due to his demonic possession. With the support of the Warrens, his
case becomes the first American murder trial to claim demonic possession as a defense,
resulting in the beginning of an investigation into David's original possession. The Warrens
later discover a satanic curse passed on through a witch's totem and meet with Kastner, a
former priest who previously dealt with the Disciples of the Ram cult. He tells them that an
occultist had intentionally left the totem, resulting in the creation of a curse on the Glatzels,
causing the possession of David.
The Warrens travel to Danvers, Massachusetts, to investigate the death of Katie Lincoln, who
was also stabbed 22 times. Detectives had found a totem at the home of Katie's friend Jessica,
who is missing. Lorraine initiates a vision to recreate the murder and discovers that Jessica
had stabbed Katie while possessed before jumping to her death off of a cliff, which allows
detectives to recover her body. The Warrens travel to the funeral home where her body rests,
and Lorraine touches the corpse's hand to help find the location of the occultist. Lorraine, in a
vision, witnesses the occultist attempting to have Arne kill himself but stops her just in time.
Lorraine is threatened by the occultist and she tells Ed that the connection works both ways.
The Warrens return to their house in Connecticut to investigate further. Drew reveals that he
has found a book of Stregherian witchcraft which states that for the curse to be lifted, the altar
used by the occultist must be destroyed. Ed is affected by the curse, a totem being discovered
in a vase of flowers delivered to the house, but is stopped by Drew when attacking Lorraine.
When they realize Katie attended nearby Fairfield University, they begin to assume the
occultist is operating in the area. Lorraine returns to Kastner for help, and he reveals that he
had secretly raised a daughter, Isla, in violation of the requirement of clerical celibacy in the
Catholic Church. As he researched the occult, Isla grew fascinated in it, later becoming the
occultist. Kastner tells Lorraine that Isla's altar must be in the tunnels underneath the house,
leading her into them before Isla finds and kills him. Ed soon arrives and finds his way into
the tunnels through a locked drain hole with a sledgehammer. He is briefly bewitched by Isla
and attempts to kill Lorraine, but she forces him to recall the time they first met, reminding
him of their love. Ed regains his senses and destroys the altar, saving himself, Lorraine and
Arne. Isla arrives at her broken altar, only to be killed by the demon she had summoned after
failing to complete the curse.
Ed places the cup from the altar in the artifact room, along with the Valak painting and
the Annabelle doll. Arne is convicted of manslaughter but ends up serving a sentence of only
five years, marrying Debbie while in prison. Ed shows Lorraine a gazebo like the one in
which they first kissed.
The shot of multiple copies of Lorraine endlessly spiraling into the distance.This moment
was foreshadowed during the opening scenes of David’s exorcism, when the camera that
Drew was filming with was knocked over. As the camera continued to record the monitor it
was connected to. An image of the screen began to replivate itself, in a very similar pattern
to what happens to Lorraine in a deleted scene.
The Conjuring 2 had shown Ed and Lorraine dancing to their song, with the third part now
playing out their romance in youth onscreen. This sets up the fourth movie to take another
step further by showing Ed and Lorraine as young demonologists around the time they got
married. The flashbacks offer brief details to Ed and Lorraine’s first meeting and date when
they were in their late teens. 

Exposition: The Warrens investigate a murder that may be linked to a demonic


Rising Action: Lorraine enters the underground tunnel that leads to the Occultist’s altar room and
encounters the Occultist’s while running away from the Occultist’s she trips and encounters a
double of herself appears in front of her copying her every movements that freaks her out. So she
ran to the Occultist’s room before this copycat could get her. Then the Occultist appears and tries
to kill her but she escapes.

Climax: Ed appears that seems to be under control of the Occultist’s control and tries to kill
Lorraine. Meanwhile, The Occultist is trying to make Arne commit suicide to complete the curse
But failswhen Ed destroys the altar.

Falling Action:. Isla arrives at her broken altar, only to be killed by the demon she had
summoned after failing to complete the curse.

Resolution: Arne, was saved from the Occultist’s control.

Lesson from the movie:

Do research before buying a house. ...
Don't play hiding games. ...
Those bruises are not caused by an iron deficiency. ...
Your child is not talking to an imaginary friend. ...
Don't use a Ouija board. ...
Cut down that old tree. ...
Get rid of the old TV. ...
The Conjuring 3 is meant to highlight Ed and Lorraine Warren's involvement with Arne
Johnson, who would be the first suspect accused of murder to claim demonic possession as
his defense after aiding a 12-year-old possessed David Glatzel by asking the demon to take
him instead.
If you like horror movies I recommend you watch this because it’s not like those horror
movies that are based on imagination. This movie I based on TRUE STORY that makes it
more interesting and exciting for the people who are interested in watching.

Theme: Horror, Mystery

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