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Forte 2023

Forte is designed to help you understand your exceptional strengths, how you're
performing against Amazon's high bar, and how you can continue to grow and
deliver for customers.
Business title: Automation Analyst
Manager: Mini Sood, minisood@
Finalized by: Mini Sood, minisood@

Performance summary
The performance summary represents how you performed compared to
expectations for your role and level. There are 3 possible performance
summaries: Exceeds High Bar, Meets High Bar, and Needs Improvement. To
determine your summary, your manager re�ected on your work using
information gathered throughout the year, along with peer feedback and your
Your Performance summary:
Meets High Bar
Your performance this year met Amazon’s high performance bar for your role
and level. Your contributions met expectations in delivering for your customers.

Leadership Principles summary

The Leadership Principles help de�ne our culture, represent how we innovate on
behalf of customers, and underpin how Amazonians work. The Leadership
Principles summary explains your e�ectiveness at demonstrating Leadership
Principles while delivering for customers at your current role and level. There are
three Leadership Principles summaries: Role Model, Solid Strength, and
Development Needed.
Your Leadership Principles summary:
Solid Strength
You consistently demonstrate Amazon’s Leadership Principles in how you work.
You are strong on many Leadership Principles and continue to grow in others.
Your growth and strength Leadership Principles

Growth Area | Strength

Are Right, A Lot

Learn and Be Curious

Think Big

Earn Trust

Deliver Results

Invent and Simplify

Have Backbone; Disagree and Commit

Dive Deep

Customer Obsession

Hire and Develop the Best

Bias for Action

Strive to be Earth's Best Employer

Success and Scale Bring Broad Responsibility


Insist on the Highest Standards


Self Manager Peer

Leadership Principles definitions

Super powers
A super power is an exceptional strength - one that stands out most about you.

Your self-re�ection
Describe what you're most excited about at work
I would not use the word “excited” when it comes to working. I would rather say
that I am mostly motivated to go to work because I am paid to do my job. For, I
value honesty and work ethic more than something that can only last a few
minutes or days.

Describe how you contribute when you’re at your best

I can contribute to the company in several ways. Firstly, I am a learner and
worker. I will come into the role, �t into the team and work at a pace to ensure
to see a positive return on investment.

Manager feedback
You bring a lot of strengths to your work at Amazon. What stands out for me is:
The employee has curiosity and zeal to learn and work towards his goals.

Peer feedback
Abhishek has great command over things and is a great communicator, so that's
his superpower.

Abhishek is helpful and good team player .Very curious to know about things
and have good observation skills, have a positive attitude and helping nature.

Hard working person and having insights on multiple tasks.

He is capable of doing more. He is a fast learner.

Manages his work well and communicate with people well and good behavioral
on �oor.

good coworker.

Growth ideas
Growth ideas are suggestions of things you can do to develop and grow.

Your self-re�ection
What growth ideas do you have for yourself?
Improve time management.
Develop a growth mindset.
Learn new things.
Improve communication skills.

Manager feedback
Growth ideas from me:
The most important quality is ownership towards the work which if not
demonstrated impacts the e�ectiveness of work. This is a continuous learning
which needs to be understood, adopted and incorporated as a part of all tasks.

Peer feedback

Abhishek can volunteer more in work place which is best way to grow and learn
new skills and gain knowledge.

I recommend Abhishek to take up ownership in training and helping the newer

folks in team, as he has great command over things and is a great communicator



be interacted .

focus on career improvement

Thank you!

Amazon con�dential

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