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Mark the letter A,B,C and D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the
other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A.called B.helped C.laughed D.kissed
Question 2: A.ceremony B.consider C.enclosure D.economic
Mark the letter A,B,C and D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3: A.audience B.attitude C.interview D.attachment
Question 4: A.aspect B.border C. approach D.danger
Mark the letter A,B,C and D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 5: Yesterday was so much fun,_____?
A.wasn’t it B.isn’t it C.does it D.doesn’t it
Question 6: Two more nuclear power stations were built_____widespread opposition from the
A.despite B.although C.because of D.because
Question 7: You can’t work____for six hours without a break!
A.continue B.continuous C.continuously D.continuation
Question 8: We’d like to finish this work_____dark.
A.before it gets B.before it was getting C.before it had got D.before it will get
Question 9:We should think carefully because the problem is a____nut to crack.
A.tight B.hard C.firm
Question 10: I’m sorry for being late, but my train was_____.
A.kept on B.kept up up D.held on
Question 11: David____all of the action movies by the time hawas 20.
A.was seeing B. sees C.has seen D.had seen
Question 12: The higher they climed,____it got.
A.the more codly B.the colder C.the coldest D.coldest
Question 13: _____that his girlfriend loves reading,he decided to buy her a book.
A.knowing know C.being know D.have known
Question 14:They’re building new houses______the river. C.on
Question 15: When I got home, I found that my apartment_____.
A.burgles B.Had burgled C.had been burgled D.burgled
Question 16: She has a____ring that her mother gave her.
A.old beautiful silver B.beautiful old silver C.beautiful silver old D.silver old beautiful
Question 17: My mother often_____a long hot bath every evening.
A.makes B.has C.does D.goes
Question 18: The tutor paused for a while, waiting for his students to___the information.
A.consume B.inhale C.digest D.swallow
Question 19: The population of the world is growing at an alarming____.
A.rate B.percentage C.propotion D.ratio
Mark the letter A,B,C and D to indicate the word(s) CLOSET in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 20: Atheletes must undergo a mandatory drug test before competing in the
A.remove B.underestimate C.experience D.abandon
Question 21: There’s no instant way of finding a cure-it’s just a process of trial and error.
A.gradual B.immediate C.normal D.positive
Mark the letter A,B,C and D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 22: You shouldn’t feel guilty all the time because you’ve done nothing to be
ashamed of.
A.innocent B.selfish C.ashamed D.optimistic
Question 23: The mayor found himself in hot water over his sensitive comments about
religion. in a difficult situation in trouble likely to be criticized in a simple situation
Mark the letter A,B,C and D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best
completes each of the following questions.
Question 24: So and Ji are talking about the benefit of playing sport.
- Ji:” I believe playing sport can help us build up our fitness level.”
- So:”___________. We can stay in shape when we play sport.”
A.I don’t quite agree B.You can say that again
C.Here you are D.Yes, I don’t believe so
Question 25: Jane and Frank are having a discussion about last summer vacation.
-Jane:”Where did you go last summer, Frank?”
A.Well, I won’t tell you B.I went to Japan to visit my grandparents
C.I plan to go Japan D.Mind your own business
Read the following passage and mark the letter A,B,C or D to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 26 to 30.
Dolphins are regarded as the friendliest creatures in the sea and stories of them helping
drowning sailors have been (26)_____ since Roman times. The more we learn about dolphins,
the more we realize that their society is more complex than people previously imagined. They
look after other dolphins (27)______they are ill, care for pregnant mothers and protect the
weakest in the community, as we do. Some scientists have suggested that dolphins have a
language but it is much more probable that they communicate with (28) _____ other without
needing words. Could any of these mammals be more intelligent than man? Certainly the most
common argument in (29)______ of man's superiority over them that we can kill them more
easily than they can kill us is the least satisfactory. (30)_______, the more we discover about
these remarkable creatures, the less we appear superior when we destroy them.
Question 26: A.general B.common C.typical D.unique
Question 27: A.which B.that C.where D.when
Question 28: A.many B.little C.each D.a few
Question 29: A. favor B.advance C.need D.order
Question 30: A.Therefore B.On the contrary C.Additionally D.So
Read the following passage and mark the letter A,B,C or D to indicate the correct correct
answer to each of the questions from 31 to 35.
The adorable clone, named Elizabeth Ann, is a species of black-footed ferret, one of the most
endangered mammals in North America, according to the World Wildlife Fund for Nature.
Born on Dec. 10, 2020, Elizabeth Ann was created using cells from "Willa," a wild black-footed
ferret who died and had her cells cryopreserved in 1988, according to a statement from the
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), which was involved in the cloning.
The feat marks the first time an endangered species in the U.S. has been cloned, the
statement said. "It was a commitment to seeing this species survive that has led to the
successful birth of Elizabeth Ann," Ryan Phelan, executive director of Revive & Restore, a
conservation organization that was involved with the cloning, said in the statement. "To see
her now thriving ushers in a new era for her species and for conservation-dependent species
Black-footed ferrets were once thought to be extinct, but scientists found a small population
in 1981, which allowed conservationists to start captive breeding programs for the species.
About 250 to 350 of the ferrets live in captivity, and 300 more live in reintroduction sites in
the wild, according to Revive & Restore. But the limited genetic diversity of the species has
challenged its recovery, making the creatures prone to health disorders and certain infections,
the Times reported.
Since Willa was not one of the "seven founders" of the population, her genes — which are
now possessed by Elizabeth Ann — could bring much-needed variation to the population's
Several other endangered animals have been cloned in other parts of the world, including
gaur, or wild cattle, in 2001, bucardo, or wild goats, in 2009, and wild coyotes in 2012,
according to Scientific American.
(Adapt from:
Question 31: Which could be the best title of the passage?
A. First cloned endangered species in the US.
B. New technology to save the biodiversity.
C. The use of biotechnology in conservation.
D. The first step towards human cloning.
Question 32: The word “ushers in” in pagraph 2 mostly means____.
A.escorts B.guides C.signals D.causes
Question 33: The word “her” in paragraph 1 refers to_______.
A. Willa B.Elizabeth Ann ferret D.clone
Question 34: According to the passage, Elizabeth Ann___.
A. will serve as a key to the mystery of black-footed ferret’s genetics.
B. will be the only clone due to the controversial nature of the practice.
C. will be recorded in the history of biology as a technological miracle.
D. will help bring genetic diversity to the black-footed ferret population.
Question 35: Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE , according to the passage?
A. Researchers have successfully cloned a highly endangered ferret species.
B. Before cloning, black-footed ferrets were a story of conservation failure.
C. Elizabeth Ann was cloned using cells frozen more than three deacades ago.
D. Genetic similarity makes today’s ferrets potentially susceptible to diseases.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A,B,C or D to indicate the correct correct
answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
Once your child is born, they start learning motor skills, language skills, cognitive skills, and
emotional skills.
Regarding motor skills, it is largely the family’s responsibility for teaching these skills. Even
if your child is in daycare, the work that parents put in at home to teach these skills is much
more effective than in the few hours your child is under someone else’s care. Your child will
learn how to sit up, walk, run, climb, hold a spoon and so on. These seem quite natural to us as
adults, but they are skills that have to be fine-tuned at a very young age, and they
also reinforce your child’s independence which is essential for their development.
Language skills are another essential component of the role of family in child development. If
you do not speak to your child and teach them your language, they will never learn. One
infamous example of this occurring is with Genie, a child who was locked in a dark room with
extremely little human contact until she was rescued at age 13. She was never able to develop
language fluency because it was never taught to her. So, teaching your children language skills
from a young age is also essential to child development.
Another skill that is very important for child development is emotion. Emotional skills are
important throughout your child’s entire life as they teach them when to have sympathy and
compassion for others as well as teach them how to deal with the highs and lows that come
with life. If your child does not have proper emotional skills, they will not be able to deal with
bad outcomes. If they lack emotional skills, it could lead to destructive choices when they are
To help develop your child’s emotional skills, teaching them to smile and wave when they are
babies is a good place to start. When they get a bit older, teaching them to share is very
important. In a family, because there are multiple people, the family can be very helpful in
developing a child’s skills with the multiple perspectives. To bring this more to foundational
building blocks, while your child is very young, something very helpful for family members to
do is to teach children basic emotions. When a child is feeling a certain way, naming emotions
and describing them are important ways for your child to understand how they are feeling.
Once this foundation is set, children can learn how to respond to their feelings and move
Question 36: Which of the following could be the best title of the passage?
A. Skills and the Relation with Child Development.
B. The Most Essential Skills in Child Development.
C. Teaching Skills:When is the Best Time?
D. Family’s Roles in Child’s Skill Development.
Question 37: The word “reinforce” in pagraph 2 could be best replaced by______.
A.strengthen B.harbor C.subside D.damage
Question 38: The story of genie mentioned in paragraph 3 proves that______.
A. communication with others may help children develop their language skills.
B. public did not know anything about the evil that happened to the poor girl.
C. a teenager is unable to learn language skills as naturally as a child.
D. children may not grow up without having human contact daily.
Question 39: The phrase “highs and lows” in paragraph 4 most probably means____.
A.joys and sorrows B.happiness and sadness and hatred D.successes and failures
Question 40: According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
A. Parents have the greater influence on their child’s motor skills than others do.
B. Children have to make great efforts to learn the skills considered spontaneous to adults.
C. Emotion is the most indispensable skill for a child to become nature.
D. Children should be taught how to express their emotions when they are babies.
Question 41: The word “they’ in the last paragraph refers to_____.
A.emotions B.your children C.ways members
Question 42: Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A. Children may become depraved if their parents cannot be a good model.
B. Children probably develop their skills completely in an extended family.
C. The situation of Genie is not popular in the modern society.
D. A child will be more indepentdent if he knows how to respect others’ emotions.
Mark the letter A,B,C and D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each
of the following questions.
Question 43: Last summer we go to Greece for a month.
A. summer B.go C.for D.month
Question 44: Everyone has his own ideas about the best way to bring up children.
A. his B.about C.way D.bring up
Question 45: Marina is easily distinguished because she is the only student who doesn’t
wear the uniform.
A. distinguised B.only C.wear D.uniform
Mark the letter A,B,C and D to indicate the sentence that is closet meaning to each of the
following questions.
Question 46: The last time I saw her was over 20 years ago.
A. I haven’t seen her for over 20 years.
B. I haven’t seen her since I was over 20 years old.
C. I used to have 20 years to see her.
D. I didn’t see her 20 years ago.
Question 47:”Why don’t we go to a cafe to do assignments?”, said Linda.
A. Linda wants to go to a cafe to do assignments.
B. Linda suggested going to a cafe to do assignments.
C. Linda told she didn’t want to go a cafe to do assignments.
D. Linda warned against going to a cafe to do assignments.
Question 48: It is mandatory for everyone to stay at home during social distancing.
A. Everyone must have stayed at home during social distancing.
B. Everyone may stay at home during social distancing.
C. Everyone should stay at home during social distancing.
D. Everyone must stay at home during social distancing.
Mark the letter A,B,C and D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of
sentences in the following questions.
Question 49: Jon stopped to buy a cup of coffee. He missed the train to Ho Chi Minh city.
A. If Jon hadn’t stopped to buy a cup of coffee, he wouldn’t have missed the train to Ho Chi
Minh city.
B. Suppose Jon stopped to buy a cup of coffee, he wouldn’t have missed the train to Ho Chi
Minh city.
C. Without being stopped to buy a cup of coffee, he wouldn’t have missed the train to Ho Chi
Minh city.
D. But for stopping to buy a cup of coffee, he won’t miss the train to Ho Chi Minh city.
Question 50: I took a painkiller and drank a cup of orange juice. My headache was relieved.
A. Only when I take a painkiller and drink a cup of orange juice was my headache relieved.
B. Not until I took a painkiller and drank a cup of orange juice was my headache relieved.
C. It was not until I took a painkiller and drank a cup of orange juice was my headache
D. Hardly had I taken a painkiller and drink a cup of orange juice when my headache was

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