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Class - X

SECOND PAPER Subject code:
Time: 2 hours 1 0 8
Full marks- 50

N.B. – [The figures in the right margin indicate full marks. Answer all the questions.]

Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition and articles (a/an/the)

1. as necessary. Some of the blanks may not require article. Put a cross 0.5x10=5
(x) in those blanks.

Yesterday, we had (a) ___ breakfast at 7 a.m. At that time, I participated in

a chitchat about (b) ___ Sri Lankans’ economic crisis which was presided
(c) ___ by my friend as there were several movements against the
government going on. When he opined that the country was beset (d) ___
many internal problems, I pulled him by (e) ___ ear and also patted him (f)
___ the head affectionately and requested him to think more about his
country. Later, he told me that Elon Musk bought Twitter for forty-four
billion dollars. He added that Musk, the C.E.O. of Tesla and the richest
man (g) ___ earth, planned to take (h) ___ social-media company private
and said that he wanted Twitter to adhere more closely (i) ___ the
principles of free speech, which, in a statement, Musk called “the bedrock
of (j) ___ functioning democracy”.

Complete the following text with right form of the verbs given in the
2. box. 0.5x10=5
expect be punish do

speak consider brag listen

In the past of a mysterious village, everybody was devoted to (a) ___

himself the best. Each man and each woman (b) ___ thought to be
incompetent for that kind of mentality. But it was better for them to avoid
(c) ___ about something lest they (d) ___ by karma. Moreover, if a person
had done any good to an individual, he or she (e) ___ not to get good
behaviour in return from that individual. Later, he acted as if he (f) ___
nothing. A large number of people (g) ___ against this thinking. Only one
and a half men out of hundred (h) ___ with the theory. They preferred (i)
___ to (j) ___.

3. Change the sentences according to the directions: 1x5=5

(a) They considered me a teacher. (Passive)
(b) I am not worried about you. (Imperative)
(c) He didn’t make the question less easy than we expected. (Positive)
(d) There was nobody without it. (Affirmative)
(e) Nobody studies hard to get a good mark. (Interrogative)

Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root
4. words given in the parentheses. 0.5x10=5
The dead (a) — (war) was brought before the widow. She stood beside the
dead body. She was (b) — (speech) because she was (c) — (whelmed)
with grief. All standing around the dead body, (d) — (called) the good
qualities of her husband. But she was still standing (e) — (moved). She
burst into tears when her child was given into her lap. She wept (f) —
(bitter) thinking of the (g) — (fortune) of her child as it had become (h) —
(father). She also felt proud of her husband’s (i) — (hero). Her husband
embraced (j) — (martyr).

Make tag questions of these statements:

5. (a) Even in a congenial environment the woman narrowly captured the 5
lecture of the speaker, _______________?
(b) The learner even finding a lot has got a sage nowhere else for learning
the secrets of the universe, _______________?
(c) Either Rahman or Mina is going to the party tonight, _______?
(d) Happy New Year, _______________?
(e) Shimla went there, and her friend did also, _______________?

Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following

6. text. 1x5=5
once my mother said to me who came to you my friend rafiq mom she
asked what did he want i said his mother is ill he needs some money i have
given him five hundred taka my mother said wonderful.

Part B: Composition (40 Marks)

Write a CV with cover letter for the post of a Public Relation Officer in an
7. insurance company. 10

Write a Notice about the closing of your school on account of summer

8. vacation. 10
- MUH -


1. X








2. Considering
should be punished
would not have expected
had done

3. I was considered to be a teacher by them.

Let me not be worried about you.
He made the question as easy as we expected.
Everybody had it.
Who studies hard to get a good mark? / Does anybody study hard to get a good mark?
4. Warrior

5. Didn’t she?

has he?

Aren’t they?

Don’t I?

Didn’t they?

9. a) don’t they?

b) doesn’t he?

c) didn’t we?

d) isn’t he/aren’t you?

e) doesn’t it?

10. a) Otherwise

b) At the same time/ besides

c) For instance

d) So,

e) Last of all

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