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1. Read the following text and make a flow chart showing the specialities of Gazi Pir.

(One is done
for you)

According to some myths and legends, Gazi Pir was a Muslim saint who is said to have
spread Islam in the parts of Bengal close to the Sunderbans. He was credited with many
miracles. For example, he could supposedly calm dangerous animals and make them
docile. He is usually depicted in paats or scroll paintings riding a fierce-looking Bengal
tiger, a snake in his hand, but in no apparent danger. According to some stories, he also
fought crocodiles who threatened the people of a region full of canals and creeks,
indeed, a kind of watery jungle bordering the Bay of Bengal. Because of his alert and
vigilant presence, all predatory animals were said to have been kept within bounds. It
was also believed that he enabled villagers to live close to forests and jungles and
cultivate their lands.

Consequently, people of these regions would pray to him for protection. The story of
Gazi Pir has been preserved in folk literature as well as art and has been performed in
indigenous theatre. In fact, some Gazi’s paat scrolls are part of the collection of the
British Museum.

1. Being credited with miracles

2. Read the following text and make a flowchart showing the situation of adolescent girls in
Bangladesh. (One is done for you)
In Bangladesh, the legal age of marriage for girls is 18. However, 33% of our girls get
married before they are 15 and 60% of them become mothers by the time they reach 19.
When an adolescent girl gets married, she usually drops out of school and thus loses
her mobility. She gets confined to full-time work in her in-law’s household. She loses
social status and all the opportunities of economic independence.

In her in-law’s house, she gets marginalized. She becomes vulnerable to all sorts of
abuse, including dowry-related violence. In our country, it is still a common practice for
the bride’s family to pay dowry. Dowry demands can continue even after marriage. An
adolescent bride, even if her in-laws are supportive, faces enormous health risk during
pregnancy and child birth. Majority of our people are uninformed or insufficiently
informed about contraception and reproductive health. This leads to increased mortality
rates among adolescent brides during childbirth.

► 1. Getting married early

3. Read the following text and make a flowchart showing important aspects of craftwork.
(One is done for you)
A craftwork is an applied form of art, a social and cultural product reflecting the
inclusive nature of folk imagination. A craftwork, which usually doesn’t bear the
signature of its maker, retains a personal touch. When we look at a thirty-year old
nakshikantha we wonder at its motifs and designs that point to the artistic ingenuity
and the presence of the maker in it. The fact that we don’t know her name or any other
details about her doesn’t take anything away from our appreciation of the artist.

Indeed, the intimate nature of the kantha and the tactile feeling it generates animate the
work and make it very inviting. A craftwork is shaped by the interaction of individual
creativity and community aesthetics, utility functions and human values. It is
distinguished by its maker’s desire to locate himself or herself in the wider and ever-
changing cultural aspirations of the community, and subsequently of the market.

► 1. An applied form of art

► 2. Reflection of the inclusive nature of folk imagination
► 3. Retention of Personal touch
► 4. Sign of artistic ingenuity and presence of its maker
► 5. Symbol of individual creativity
► 6. Mark of community aesthetics

4. Read the following text and make a flowchart showing the painful experiences a street
child has to suffer to survive. (One is done for you)
The streets are now my home. Sometimes I find work. I used to collect trash and sell it
to a vendor. I stopped doing that after I had a serious infection and a doctor told me to
stay away from the trash dump. Once I worked for an ice cream shop owner and sold
ice cream on the beach. But I got no money in return. The owner of the shop gave me
something to eat, and let me sleep in his hut at night. The work was difficult and painful.
The ice cream box is quite heavy when it is full. I had to walk for hours, offering my ice
cream to whoever wanted to buy. There were days when I could not even sell one ice

► 1. Homeless
► 2. Penniless
► 3. often unfed
► 4. Deprived of medical treatment
► 5. Living in unhealthy environment
► 6. Deprived of education and recreation

5. Read the following text and make a flow chart showing the major characteristics of
adolescence. (one is done for you)
The time of adolescence is a period of preparation for adulthood during which one
experiences several key developments. Besides physical and sexual maturation, these
experiences include movement toward social and economic independence,
development of identity, the acquisition of skills needed to carry out adult relationships
and roles and the capacity for abstract reasoning. While adolescence is a time of
tremendous growth and potential, it is also a time of considerable risks during which
social contexts exert powerful influences.

Many adolescents face pressure to use alcohol, cigarettes, or other drugs and to initiate
sexual relationships putting themselves at high risk for intentional and unintentional
injuries, unintended pregnancies, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including
the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Many also experience a wide range of
adjustment and mental health problems.

► 1. Physical and sexual maturation

► 2. Movement toward social & economic independence
► 3. Development of identity
► 4. Acquisition skills to carry out adult relationship
► 5. Experiencing tremendous growth & potential
► 6. Experiencing a wide range of adjustment & mental health problems
6. Read the following text and make a flow chart showing the activities of peace movement.
(one is done for you)
A peace movement is a social movement that seeks to achieve ideals such as the
ending of a particular war (or all wars), minimize inter-human violence in a particular
place or type of situation, including ban of guns, and is often linked to the goal of
achieving world peace.

Means to achieve these ends include advocacy of pacifism, non-violent resistance,

diplomacy, boycotts, demonstrations, peace camps; supporting anti-war political
candidates and banning guns, creating open government, direct democracy; supporting
people who expose war-crimes or conspiracies to create wars, and making laws.
Different organizations involved in peace movements may have some diverse goals, but
one common goal is sustainability of peace.

► 1. Ending of War
► 2. Minimizing inter human violence
► 3. Banning guns
► 4. Advocating Pacism and nonviolent resistance
► 5. Supporting people who are against war-crimes
► 6. Achieving global peace

7. Read the following text and make a flow chart showing the causes and aspects of conflict.
(No. 1 has been done for you)
Conflict can be described as a disagreement among groups or individuals characterized
by antagonism and hostility. This is usually fueled by the opposition of one party to
another in an attempt to reach an objective different from that of the other party. The
elements involved in the conflict have varied sets of principles and values, thus allowing
a conflict to arise. Conflict can be defined in many ways but one of the simplest is that it
pertains to the opposing ideas and actions of different entities, resulting in an
antagonistic state.

Conflict is an inevitable part of life. All of us possess our own opinions, ideas and sets
of beliefs. We have our own ways of looking at things and we act according to what we
think is proper. Hence, we often find ourselves in conflict in different scenarios; it may
involve other individuals, groups of people, or a struggle within our own selves.
Consequently, conflict influences our actions and decisions in one way or other.

► 1. Disagreement among groups or individuals

► 2. Fueled by the opposition of one party to another
► 3. Pertains to the opposing ideas and actions of different entities
► 4. An inevitable part of life
► 5. Influences our actions and decisions in one way or another
► 6. Can be destructive if left uncontrolled

8. Read the following text and make a flow-chart highlighting the different aspects of socio-
cultural life as reflected in folk music. (No. 1 has been done for you)
In Bangladesh folk music has great variety, with songs being composed on culture,
festivals, views of life, natural beauty, rivers and rural and riverine life. These songs are
also about social inequality and poverty, about the material world and the supernatural.
Mystical songs have been composed using the metaphors of rivers and boats. Since the
country is basically riverine, the Bhatiyali forms an important genre of folk music.

Folk music is formed and develops according to the environment. Differences in the
natural environment are reflected in the people of the different regions. The dialects too
vary across the different regions. Bangladeshi folk music therefore varies from region to
region. Thus there are the northern Bhawaiya, the eastern Bhatiyali and the
southwestern Baul songs.

► 1. Songs reflecting rural and riverine life

► 2. Reflection of social inequality and poverty
► 3. Reflection of the material world
► 4. Reflection of supernatural issues
► 5. Reflection of differ-ences in the natural environment
► 6. Various dialects across different regions

9. Read the following text and make a flow-chart showing the names of some significant
diasporas and causes mentioned in the passage. (No. 1 has been done for you)
The term ‘diaspora’ is used to refer to people who have left their homelands and settled
in other parts of the world, either because they were forced to do so or because they
wanted to leave on their own. The word is increasingly used for such people as a
collective group and/or a community. The world has seen many diasporas but scholars
have been studying the phenomenon with great interest only in recent decades. Among
the great diasporas of history is that of the Jewish people, who were forced to leave
their lands in ancient times.

The movement of Aryans from Central Europe to the Indian sub-continent thousands of
years ago is also a noteworthy diaspora, although the causes of this diaspora are
unclear. In twentieth century history, the Palestinian diaspora has attracted a lot of
attention and been a cause of concern for world leaders because of the plight of the
Palestinians. There have been massive diasporas in Africa, too, over the centuries,
either because of war or because of the ravages of nature. But the chief reason why the
phenomenon of diaspora is attracting so much attention now is globalization.

► 1. Diaspora of the Jewish people

► 2. Movement of Aryans
► 3. Diasporas in Africa
► 4. Force to leave the country
► 5. Because of war or the ravages of nature
► 6. Globalization

10. Read the following text and make a flow-chart showing the factors causing the
disappearance of the mangrove forest. (One is done for you)
A vast mangrove forest shared by Bangladesh and India that is home to possibly 500
Bengal tigers is being rapidly destroyed by erosion, rising sea levels and storm surges,
according to a major study by researchers at the Zoological Society of London (ZSL)
and others. Natalie Pettorelli, one of the report’s authors, said : “Coastline retreat is
evident everywhere. A continuing rate of retreat would see these parts of the mangrove
disappear within 50 years.

On the Indian side of the Sundarbans, the island which extends most into the Bay of
Bengal has receded by an average of 150 metres a year, with a maximum of just over
200 metres; this would see the disappearance of the island in about 20 years.” The
Sundarbans is known for vanishing islands but the scientists said the current retreat of
the mangrove forests on the southern coastline is not normal. “The causes for
increasing coastline retreat, other than anthropogenic ones, include increased
frequency of storm surges and other extreme natural events, rises in sea-level and
increased salinity which increases the vulnerability of mangroves,” said Pettorelli.

► 1. Frequent storm surges

► 2. Erosion
► 3. Rising sea level
► 4. Increased salinity
► 5. Burning and cutting down trees
► 6. Capturing land and settlement

► 2. Ability to calm dangerous animals and make them docile

► 3. Having bravery and heroism
► 4. Daring to fight crocodiles
► 5. Ability to control all predatory animals
► 6. Having tendency to help and protect endangered people

► 2. Deprived of education

► 3. Loss of her mobility

► 4. Loss of social status and all the opportunities of independence

► 5. Vulnerable to all sorts of abuse including dowryrelated violence

► 6. Facing health hazards during pregnancy

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