Piercing The Veil Concept Builders Vs NLRC PDF

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Name et. al.
G.R. No. G.R. No. 108734 | May 29, 1996
Facts On November, 1981, private respondents were served individual written notices of
termination of employment by petitioner, stating that their contracts of
employment had expired and the project in which they were hired had been
completed. Public respondent found however, that at the time of said termination,
the project in which they were hired had not yet been finished and completed. In
fact, petitioner had to engage the services of sub-contractors whose workers
performed the functions of private respondents. Aggrieved, private respondents
filed a complaint for illegal dismissal, unfair labor practice and non-payment of their
legal holiday pay, overtime pay and thirteenth-month pay against petitioner with
the Labor Arbiter (LA).

The LA ruled against the petitioner. The NLRC also dismissed petitioner’s motion
for reconsideration on the ground that the said decision had already become final
and executory.
Issue Whether or not the doctrine of piercing the corporate veil should apply in this
Ruling Yes. It is a fundamental principle of corporation law that a corporation is an entity
separate and distinct from its stockholders and from other corporations to which
it may be connected. But, this separate and distinct personality of a corporation is
merely a fiction created by law for convenience and to promote justice. So, when
the notion of separate juridical personality is used to defeat public convenience,
justify wrong, protect fraud or defend crime, or is used as a device to defeat the
labor laws, this separate personality of the corporation may be disregarded or the
veil of corporate fiction pierced. This is true likewise when the corporation is
merely an adjunct, a business conduit or an alter ego of another corporation.

No hard and fast rule can be accurately laid down, but certainly, there are some
probative factors of identity that will justify the application of the doctrine of
piercing the corporate veil, to wit:
1. Stock ownership by one or common ownership of both corporations.
2. Identity of directors and officers.
3. The manner of keeping corporate books and records.
4. Methods of conducting the business.

The SEC en banc explained the "instrumentality rule" which the courts have applied
in disregarding the separate juridical personality of corporations as follows:
"Where one corporation is so organized and controlled and its affairs are
conducted so that it is, in fact, a mere instrumentality or adjunct of the
other, the fiction of the corporate entity of the ‘instrumentality’ may be

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disregarded. The control necessary to invoke the rule is not majority or even
complete stock control but such domination of finances, policies and
practices that the controlled corporation has, so to speak, no separate mind,
will or existence of its own, and is but a conduit for its principal. It must be
kept in mind that the control must be shown to have been exercised at the
time the acts complained of took place. Moreover, the control and breach
of duty must proximately cause the injury or unjust loss for which the
complaint is made."

The test in determining the applicability of the doctrine of piercing the veil of
corporate fiction is as follows:
1. Control, not mere majority or complete stock control, but complete
domination, not only of finances but of policy and business practice in
respect to the transaction attacked so that the corporate entity as to this
transaction had at the time no separate mind, will or existence of its own;
2. Such control must have been used by the defendant to commit fraud or
wrong, to perpetuate the violation of a statutory or other positive legal
duty, or dishonest and unjust act in contravention of plaintiff’s legal
rights; and
3. The aforesaid control and breach of duty must proximately cause the
injury or unjust loss complained of.

The absence of one of the elements prevents piercing the corporate veil. In applying
the “instrumentality” or “alter-ego” doctrine, the courts are concerned with reality
and not form, with how the corporation operated and the individual defendant’s
relationship to that operation. Thus, the question of whether a corporation is mere
alter-ego, a mere sheet of paper corporation, a sham or a subterfuge is purely one
of fact.

In this case, while petitioner claimed that it ceased on operations on April 29, 1986,
it filed an information sheet with the SEC on May 15, 1987 stating that its office
address is at 355 Maysan Road, Valenzuela Metro Manila. On the other hand, third-
party claimant Hydro, on the same day, filed an information sheet with the same
address, both information sheets filed by the same Virgilio O. Casino. Both
companies have the same president, the same BOD, the same corporate officers
and substantially the same subscribers.

Clearly, petitioner ceased its business operations in order to evade the payment to
private respondents of back wages and to bar their reinstatement to their former
position. Hydro is obviously a business conduit of petitioner corporation and its
emergence was skilfully orchestrated to avoid the financial liability attached to
petitioner corporation.

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