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Honorable Kevin McCarthy

United States House of Representatives

Honorable Rick Scott

Committee on Homeland Security
And Government Affairs

Honorable Mark Green

House Homeland security Committee

Honorable Jim Jordan

Committee on the Judiciary
Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

Honorable James Comer

House Oversight Committee

January 16, 2023

Distinguished Members,

DHS Secretary Mayorkas and TSA/FAMS are Classifying Innocent Americans as

Domestic Terrorists

We have recently become aware that the Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
and the Federal Air Marshal Service (FAMS) are improperly classifying innocent Americans as
“Domestic Terrorists” on internal TSA/FAMS databases and watchlists. Most of these
classifications occur in the absence of any investigation or even any follow up.

is a Federal Air Marshal with over 27 years of law enforcement

experience currently assigned to the field office. On January 4, 2021
traveled to Washington D.C. to attend a Trump rally at the Ellipse park
near the White House. Following a speech on January 6, 2021 returned to hotel.
It’s important to note never set foot near the Capitol grounds. In fact,
suffers from a disability that makes it difficult for her to walk long distances.

On July 13, 2021, booked airline tickets to travel to see family. Upon her
booking airline tickets who worked in the section of the
FAM office noticed that the TSA/FAMS had classified his wife as a “Domestic Terrorist” and as
such assigned teams of air marshals to her flights to conduct in-depth surveillance of and
companions, which in this case were their children. FAM immediately notified his
chain of command about the mistake, their response was to “let it work itself out”.
flew and the air marshal teams assigned to surveil her and their children made note on their
conversations, noting their behaviors, documenting her electronic devices, and following her
and their children even after they left the aircraft.

Most recently in December 2022 was still labeled a “Domestic Terrorist” as she
and FAM flew to visit family over the holidays. FAM per policy had to identify
himself to the teams of air marshals assigned to he and his wife’s flight as he was carrying his
agency issued firearm on the flight. You can imagine the scene when a team of air marshals are
assigned to surveil a person labeled a terrorist and the co-traveler of that person approaches
the team and identifies himself as a federal agent carrying a gun. Under current TSA policy that
team would have a duty to immediately report as an insider threat. Moreover,
the FAM team that was assigned to follow said they were originally
scheduled for a high-risk international mission, but the agency broke that trip down so they
could be assigned to flight. Thus, the international flight went uncovered.

Over two years after January 6, 2021 has never been questioned or even
approached by any law enforcement agencies about being in D.C. on January 6th or about being
a domestic terrorist. FAM has made several pleas with his management to stop this
obvious mistake. Still today is classified as a domestic terrorist and whenever she
travels TSA/FAMS assigns teams of air marshals to surveil her every move. What makes this
situation even more unbelievable is that the very agency that classifies as a
terrorist allows her husband to hold a top-secret security clearance and carry weapons on
aircraft. Yet to date not one agency supervisor has ever questioned . These facts suggest
the label is false and the FAMS has reason to know it is improperly classifying Americans as
is not alone. We have been hearing many similar stories form our FAM
membership about being assigned to surveil people that TSA/FAMS labeled domestic terrorists,
specifically due to being in D.C. on or about January 6th. We received a complaint from a
person with intimate knowledge of the FAMS unit that assigns these special missions that the
head of that unit Mr. John Muth gave the FBI the names of every person who flew into or out of
D.C. on or about January 6, 2021. We believe that Mr. Muth and other managers within the
FAMS kept that same list of names and improperly entered them into the TSA/FAMS databases.
We believe their incentive is to show Congress false inflated mission coverage numbers. At the
expense of Americans constitutional rights.

We respectfully request you exercise your oversight authority and fully investigate the
TSA and FAMS domestic surveillance programs to determine, among other things, how and why
TSA has been labeling Americans as terrorists. Additionally, we request you investigate how
many high-risk missions are being broken down due to the border deployments and following
Americans improperly labeled as terrorists. The actions of Mr. Mayorkas and TSA/FAMS
amount to at best massive fraud, waste, and abuse of taxpayer money and trust. At worst we
have a government agency that has succumb to political bias and is intentionally violating
Americans’ first amendment rights and right to due process.

The AMNC stands ready to provide evidence and testimony in regards to all the
allegations in this letter.

Respectfully submitted,

David Londo
Air Marshal National Council

Sonya Hightower-LaBosco
Executive Director
Air Marshal National Council

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