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Leaves of Grass – Poem XXXI – By Walt Whitman.

1. I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey work of the stars,

2. And the pismire is equally perfect, and a grain of sand, and the egg of

3. the wren,

4. And the tree-toad is a chef-d’oeuvre for the highest,

5. And the running blackberry would adorn the parlors of heaven,

6. And the narrowest hinge in my hand puts to scorn all machinery,

7. And the cow crunching with depress’d head surpasses any statue,

8. And a smile is miracle enough to stagger sextillions of infidels.

9. I find I incorporate gneiss, coal, long-threaded moss, fruits, grains,

10. esculent roots,

11. And am stucco’d with quadrupeds and birds all over,

12. And have distanced what is behind me for good reasons,

13. But call any thing back again when I desire it.

14. In vain the speeding or shyness,

15. In vain the plutonic rocks send their old heat against my approach,

16. In vain the mastodon retreats beneath its own powder’d bones,

17. In vain objects stand leagues off and assume manifold shapes,

18. In vain the ocean settling in hollows and the great monsters lying low,

19. In vain the buzzard houses herself with the sky,

20. In vain the snake slides through the creepers and logs,

21. In vain the elk takes to the inner passes of the woods,

22. In vain the razor-bill’d auk sails far north to Labrador,

23. I follow quickly, I ascend to the nest in the fissure of the cliff.

Verse Representation Person Pannel

1.I believe a leaf of grass is Señas hacia abajo, mirar Persona 1 Aire
hacia el cielo con los brazos
no less than the journey
work of the stars,

5.And the running Señas hacia los lados, Persona 2 Fuego

indicando algo que se
blackberry would adorn the
extiende y tocándolo a
parlors of heaven, medida que trepa hasta
llegar al cielo

6.And the narrowest hinge Toca su mano y la mira, Persona 2 Fuego

in my hand puts to scorn all

8.And a smile is miracle Esboza una sonrisa, Persona 3 Tierra

enough to stagger

sextillions of infidels.

11.And am stucco’d with Movimiento de pájaros Persona 1 Agua

mirando al público
quadrupeds and birds all


12And have distanced what Espalda al público, Persona 2 Fuego

mirando al panel
is behind me for good
reasons, (de pie)

15.In vain the plutonic Calor, reacción al calor, Persona 2 Fuego

interacción con el panel de
rocks send their old heat
against my approach,

16.In vain the mastodon Remover el polvo y Persona 3 Tierra

esconder algo
retreats beneath its own

powder’d bones,

17.In vain objects stand Observando la distancia, Persona 1. Agua

mirando hacia el Cielo.
leagues off and assume
Haciendo movimientos de
manifold shapes, agua.

18. In vain the ocean

settling in hollows and the

great monsters lying low,

19.In vain the buzzard Observación panorámica Persona 2. Aire.

hacia el Cielo
houses herself with the sky,

23.I follow quickly, I Observar a la distancia. Todos juntos. En el

ascend to the nest in the
fissure of the cliff. scenario

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