Plus One PE & Arts G6 Revision

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Physical Education

and Arts

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Tariro A. Dzamara
Pfungwa Mugomba
Nyusa Madembo
Matlidah Dondo
Physical Education
and Arts

Grade 6
Revision Guide
(with answers)

Pfungwa Mugomba Nyusa Madembo Matlida Dondo

Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays.................................................................................... 1

Topic 1: Physical Education..................................................................................................................... 1

Topic 2: Sport (Game Skills)................................................................................................................... 5
Topic 3: Mass Displays............................................................................................................................ 10

Visual and Performing Arts.................................................................................................................. 12

Topic 1: History of Arts and Culture........................................................................................................ 12

Topic 2: The Creative Process and Performance..................................................................................... 15
Topic 3: Aesthetic Values and Appreciation............................................................................................ 17
Topic 4: Arts Technology......................................................................................................................... 19


Examination Practice 1............................................................................................................................ 23

Examination Practice 2............................................................................................................................ 27
Examination Practice 3............................................................................................................................ 31
Examination Practice 4............................................................................................................................ 35
Examination Practice 5............................................................................................................................ 40
Examination Practice 6............................................................................................................................ 44
Examination Practice 7............................................................................................................................ 48
Examination Practice 8............................................................................................................................ 52
Examination Practice 9............................................................................................................................ 56
Examination Practice 10.......................................................................................................................... 60
Examination Practice 11.......................................................................................................................... 64
Examination Practice 12.......................................................................................................................... 68
Examination Practice 13.......................................................................................................................... 73
Examination Practice 14.......................................................................................................................... 77
Examination Practice 15.......................................................................................................................... 81
Answers............................................................................................................................ 86
What makes a physical education programme successful:
Supports student achievement through:
(a) balancing the dimensions of wellness.
(c) embracing a comprehensive school community health approach.
(d) incorporating service learning.
(e) designing a personal plan for well-being.
Benefits of learning physical education in schools
1. Lifelong learning
(a) Learners in Physical Education who are engaged in constructing and applying physical education
knowledge naturally build the ability to continue learning in the area.
(b) T hroughout their study of Physical Education, learners will develop a holistic balance in the attitudes,
understanding, skills, tactics and strategies necessary to learn it.
(c) Learners will develop skills in transferring this learning to a variety of contexts which will support them
as lifelong learners.
2. Sense of self, community and place
Learners will experience multiple opportunities to grow in all aspects of their lives, while learning to share
these understandings as they support others in achieving a balanced self.
3. Engaged citizens
(a) Learners will experience opportunities to initiate, plan for, and lead positive change which enhances the
personal well-being of self and others.
(b) L earners will reflect on the various influences that affect decisions and engage in activities that contribute
to social, cultural and well being of all citizens.
4. Developing social responsibility
(a) Learners develop the ability to participate with others in accomplishing common goals.
(b) T
 he competency is achieved through using moral reasoning processes, engaging in communitarian
thinking and dialogue and taking social action.


You should be able to:
•• identifying body parts that store and transport food and air.
•• explain the process of storing and transporting food and air.

•• The legs assist in making the body move forward in water by making a kicking action.
•• A turn is a reversal of direction of travel by a swimmer and is done when a swimmer reaches the end
of a swimming pool but still has one or more remaining pool lengths.
•• There are several types of diving which include sitting dive, feet first diving, fall in, frog’s jump,
headers, spring dive, kneeling dive, standing dive and diving from the starting block.
•• There are devices that can be used to assist in rescuing a drowning person and these are:
‫ ־־‬Life jacket that is inflated with air.
‫ ־־‬Tube inflated with air.
‫ ־־‬Rope for a victim to hold onto whilst being pulled out.
‫ ־־‬Pole a victim has to hold onto.
•• There are several types of diving which include sitting dive, feet first diving, fall in, frog’s jump,
headers, spring dive, kneeling dive, standing dive and diving from the starting block.
•• Aqua aerobics are exercises done in a swimming pool.
•• Water polo is an invasion game played in water with a team of seven players at any given time and
uses the front crawl only in playing the game.


You should be able to:
•• show preparatory phase for sprints, middle and long distance running and race walking.
•• execute the appropriate sprinting techniques-pawing action with increased speed.
•• demonstrate a higher level of endurance in fairly long distance events.
•• execute correct baton exchange.
•• execute horizontal and vertical jumping techniques.
•• demonstrate the correct handling of implements.
•• execute correct throwing techniques within a marked circle.
Important insights
•• Athletics can be done at school and at clubs.
•• Athletics is made up of many activities that include running, walking, throwing and jumping.
•• Activities that include running and walking are described as track events as some are run in lanes and
include sprints and relays.
•• Activities that involve jumping and throwing are classified as field events. The fields of play can and
are normally inside other playing fields and include javelin, discus, hammer throws, high jump, long
jump and triple jump.
•• The sprint start technique has four stages namely position on the line, on your marks, set and gun.
•• Relays are also run-in lanes and the runners exchange a baton and the types of baton exchange are
upward and downward sweep baton exchange.
•• In relays there are exchange zones and a check mark which is a mutually agreed position between an
oncoming and outgoing runner to get ready.
•• Hurdling is a race where athletes are expected to run over obstacles and the height for girls is 76cm
whilst 84cm for boys.
•• In jumping there are four distinct stages which are approach run, take off, flight and landing.

•• The defensive principles are:
‫ ־־‬Delay - ability to slow down an offensive move, disrupt pace or numerical advantage of the
attacking team.
‫ ־־‬Depth - the defenders’ position on the part of the field as they don’t have to leave too much space
in front or behind.
‫ ־־‬Balance - the shape that is taken by the whole defence when defending in areas where the ball is
and even in areas where the ball is not found.
‫ ־־‬Concentration - the ability of the defence to focus, reducing the chances of making mistakes.


You should be able to:
•• aim at stationary target within a 40m distance.
•• aim at fast moving targets for height with different shapes after a short run and jump.
•• demonstrate the correct postures in readiness to execute skill.
Important insights
•• Target games are activities in which players send an object towards a target while avoiding obstacles
and the targets might be stationary or mobile.
•• The major strength should be aiming and the games are bull’s eye, knock down, target 5, through the
goal, pinwheel, golf, bowling, archery, darts and snooker.
•• Combat games include wrestling, taekwondo, wushu, karate, boxing, tug of war and judo.
•• Aiming is pointing or directing towards something that you want to hit.
•• It is very important to maintain balance when aiming and this helps the athlete to remain upright and
•• An athlete needs to put his or her body in a comfortable position that allows easy performance and
that is known as stance.
•• A player can also transfer weight to one side of the body-composure/discipline/patience-necessary to
maintain defensive shape.


You should be able to:
•• perform strokes for height, spin, distance and power.
•• strike the ball or object to a target over a specified distance.
•• stroke the ball or object over a barrier not more than 1,5m in height.
Important insights
•• The games are played on a court divided by a net and strokes are used. They involve sending a ball
over the net to the other side of the playing field.
•• Examples of the games are pickle ball, lawn tennis, table tennis, badminton and volleyball.
•• Strokes are the act of swinging or striking a ball with a racquet and the following strokes are common:

You should be able to:
•• demonstrate the belaying techniques.
•• state the materials used in building a raft.
•• conduct water related activities.
•• perform various water related based activities.
•• demonstrate techniques of climbing and abseiling.
•• use given clues to find places and objects.
•• demonstrate cycling techniques in different environments.
•• demonstrate ability to link movement themes with improved level of skill and variety.
Important insights
•• A landform is any natural feature found on the land.
•• A map is a diagrammatic representation of landforms and landforms can be drawn on paper using a
•• Familiarise with areas to do adventure as adventure games are in different forms.
•• The activities that one can get involved in are cycling, abseiling, climbing, descending, animal riding,
camping and orienteering.
•• Equipment needed for cycling are jacket, helmet, reflective leg band, goggles and gloves.
•• Mounting is an act of getting on top of the bicycle and dismounting is getting off the bicycle.
•• Orienteering is an outdoor adventure activity that exercises both the mind and the body.
•• People involved use a map and compass to travel along a route they do not know as quickly as possible.
•• Climbing - a sport of climbing mountains and the equipment used include rope, helmet, harness, boots,
belay (rappel device), pulley and climbing pack.
Climbing techniques include:
(a) Edging - step on a hold with the rubber on the edge of your shoe and use the inside edge where your big
toe offers stability on smaller holds.
(b) Smearing - if you do not have foot hold, rely on your shoes’ rubber soles for friction against the rock.
•• Abseiling - is the act of descending or climbing down a rock face by using a double rope fixed at a
higher point and coiled around the body.
•• Belaying - is the process of holding the climbing rope and the climber in the event of a fall.
•• Cycling/biking - use of bicycles for exercise, sport or recreation and this promotes weight loss,
improves mental well-being, building muscles, strengthens immune system, reduces risk of heart
problems and reduces stress levels.
•• There are a number of water-based activities that include:
(a) B oat racing - is the use of power boats to participate in races and can be done as a sport or for
recreational purposes.
(b) Fishing - an activity where people catch fish for eating at home or for sale.
(c) K ite surfing - done on flat water surface using a kite to move forward as the wind blows through
(d) Rafting - a competitive sport or recreational outdoor activity in which inflatable rafts are used to
navigate a river or other water bodies.

You should be able to:
•• play music as a percussion band.
•• combine percussion and other musical instruments.
•• sing theme related songs.
•• dance to theme related recorded music.
Important insights
•• Mass Displays is an act that involves a group of people performing in a way which shows a theme.
•• Mass Displays has benefits and they include the sense of beauty, leadership, teamwork, discipline and
social cohesion.
•• Music during Mass Displays is used to enter and exit the performance area.
•• Musical songs are played to entertain, teach the audience and also to guide the performers.
•• Music can be produced using various instruments depending on the type of sound one wants to produce
and dance to.
•• Athletes can use mbira, shakers, clappers, jingles, marimba and shakers for music in Mass Displays.
•• Music normally comes from background sources to which performers dance.
•• Music during Mass Displays serves the following:
‫־־‬ edutainment to the audience.
‫־־‬ promotes fitness and health to the performers.
‫־־‬ teaches about history and development.
‫־־‬ promotes unity and peace.
‫־־‬ celebrates a particular achievement and event.
‫־־‬ inspires the audience.
‫־־‬ motivates sport athletes.


You should be able to:
•• design shapes and symbols for background art.
•• decorate shapes and symbols, mount shapes and symbols.
•• display background art depicting themes.
Important insights
•• Themes are the topics that are used to formulate shapes and drawings.
•• Colours have meaning for background art.
•• The colour wheel has twelve colours as follows.
•• There are three primary colours namely red, yellow and blue and these are in their natural hues.

Visual and Performing Arts (VPA) as a learning area enculturates primary school learners in many aspects
of history, creativity, aesthetics, arts technology and the business sector. It exposes learners to the arts
industry which in turn creates a platform for them to develop artistic skills as well as understand how art is
produced, distributed and consumed. In addition, VPA entails the following;
(a) Learners aquire historical knowledge of arts which they positively develop for the benefit of the nation’s arts
industry and thus contribute to its economic development.
(b) VPA exposes learners to their cultural practices, customs and traditions which gives learners a national
identity and ensures that the country’s cultural practices are perpetuated.
(c) Learners are engaged in developing their creativity combined with the use of technology through which
they can utilise in various entrepreneurial sectors for sustainability.
(d) Learners enhance their psycho-motor skills through VPA in it’s wide sprectrum of practical arts activities.
(e) Development of an understanding and appreciation of aesthetics and values of the arts industry with a
positive analytical mentality.
(f) VPA instills appropriate soft skills together with the development and continuation of the spirit of Ubuntu/
Vumunhu/ Unhu within learners which in turn ensures positive socio-economic practices in music, visual
arts, theatre and dance.


You should be able to:
•• identify African music.
•• describe types of music in Africa.
•• sing songs from different cultures in Africa.
•• explain the roles of musicians in pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial periods.
•• analyse musical pieces from various cultures.
•• evaluate the role of children, men and women in music.
•• play musical instruments.
Important insights
•• Africa has a wide range of musical genres that define the diverse African cultures.
•• Examples of African musical genres include Mbira music from Zimbabwe, Kwaito from South Africa,
Rhumba from DRC and Jiti from Zimbabwe.
Musicians played important roles in different colonial eras such as the following:
(a) Pre-colonial - singing during social, cultural and religious ceremonies.
providing entertainment for the kings and chiefs.
(b) Colonial
- providing entertainment for the freedom fighters.
- unifying the masses (the people).
- encouraging people to fight for liberation.

(c) Mood - Emotion developed by the play within the audience.
•• Acting requires the use of gestures, facial expressions as well as voice projection in order to bring out
emotions and make the acting effective.

You should be able to:
•• invent multiple possibilities to solve a given movement.
•• develop movement materials into a dance sequence.
•• practice the dance sequence.
•• compare the difference between imitating movement and creating own dance sequence.
•• demonstrate the ability to coordinate movement with different musical rhythms and styles.
•• develop thematic material through dance sequencing.
•• rehearse dance sequence for a paying audience.
Important insights
•• There are two categories of movements in dance which are axial (stationary) and locomotor (movement).
•• Axial movements include bending, pushing, pulling, rising, shaking, stretching, twisting and turning.
•• Locomotor movements involve walking, running, hoping, jumping, skipping, leaping and sliding.
•• Both axial and locomotor movements can be used to solve movement problems in dance by
incorporating them effectively in multiple dance patterns.
•• A dance sequence is a combination of dance patterns arranged together.
•• Dance movements can be copied from each other in imitated dances or dancers can create their own
varied dance patterns.
•• Music provide rhythmic patterns that aid in dance movement and creation of dance styles.
•• Dance sequences can be created in relation to a theme by arranging dance patterns that bring out the


You should be able to:
•• recognise songs in binary form.
•• analyse texture in songs.
•• fit in performance directions in songs.
•• translate music pieces from staff notation to tonic solfa and vice versa.
Important insights
•• Music that has a question-and-answer phrase continually repeated is said to be in binary form.
•• Examples of songs in binary form include the folk songs Chemutengure and Majaira kudya zvekukwata.
•• Music has major musical elements which include the following:

•• Writing music using software requires knowledge of the stave/staff as well as time signatures and
•• The treble stave is used for composition of high-pitched melodic lines such as soprano, alto and tenor
whilst the bass stave is for low sounding melodic line such as bass.
•• Music software utilises musical symbols and markings especially when indicating the tempo or
dynamic levels.
•• Examples of tempo markings include ritardando, lento, largo, moderato.
•• Dynamic markings include crescendo, decrescendo, forte, piano, fortissimo, mezzo forte and mezzo
•• The internet can be used to upload music when marketing and advertising or to download music from
official web sites.


You should be able to:
•• identify relevant and appropriate technology used in the past and used currently in visual arts.
•• use different software to produce different art works.
•• explore Corel Draw, Adobe package and other software.
•• identify ethics in visual arts when using the internet.
Important insights
•• Visual Arts in the past made use of indigenous tools and media such as painting with blood or leaf
juice as well as painted on rocks using eggshells.
•• Post-colonial Visual Arts makes use of a variety of technological media and tools such as computer
software and hardware, cameras, smartphones and the internet.
•• Software used in visual arts include Photo Paint, Corel Draw and Adobe Suite which has the following
(a) Photoshop - to edit photographs
(b) Illustrator - to draw images and sketches
(c) InDesign - to design books and book covers
•• Software used in visual art can allow artists to put their ownership copyrights on their works. This is
done to avoid their work from being pirated.
•• Ethics should always be practiced when using the internet. For example, not uploading another artist’s
work without permission or pirating the work of other artists.


You should be able to:
•• identify appropriate sound, visual and lighting effects for a selected one act play.
•• create appropriate sound, visual and lighting effects for one-act play.
•• apply sound, visual and lighting effects for selected one-act plays.
•• evaluate the impact of sound, visual and lighting effects.




SPECIMEN PAPER Time: 2 hours


1. Read all the instructions carefully.

2. Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so by the invigilator.

3. Use only an HB pencil for all entries on the answer sheet.

4. When you are told to start, choose one correct answer from the suggested answers and
shade it very dark as shown in the examples at the top of the answer sheet.

5. If you wish to change your answer, erase it completely with a pencil rubber and
then shade the new choice.

6. If more than one lozenge is shaded for any one answer, that answer will be regarded as
7. Answer all the questions on the separate answer sheet provided.

8. If you do not understand the instructions, ask the invigilator to explain them to you
before you start.


Each question carries one mark

This question paper comprises 8 printed pages.
Specimen Paper .

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•• When you are told to start, choose one correct answer from the suggested answers.
•• Answer all the questions on the separate answer sheet.

1. Which group of people is associated with Amarabi music?

A. BaTswana B. VaKaranga C. AmaNdebele D. MaNdau
2. Who dominated the music industry during the colonial period?
A. males B. females C. children D. elderly
3. Identify the type of time signature shown below.

A. complicated B. simple C. rhythmic D. melodic

4. In music, rhythm is defined as
A. the highest note in a major scale. B. a combination of clefs.
C. the change in the volume levels of music. D. the arrangement of notes that shows movement.
Use the diagram below to answer question 5 to 7:

5. How many bars does the song have?

A. five B. seven C. eight D. three

31. State one instrument used by a brass band.
A. electric guitar B. electric drum C. woodwind D. trombone
32. How much fluid must one take in after every fifteen minutes of exercise?
A. 150mls B. 200mls C. 250ml D. 300mls
33. Where should throws land in an event?
A. inside marked area B. outside marked area
C. before marked area D. after marked area
34. Which type of formation can be performed easily in mass displays?
A. flower B. star C. line D. circle
35. What is referred to by the ability to position one’s body well?
A. flexibility B. coordination C. strength D. endurance
36. Where are carbohydrates stored in the body?
A. stomach B. skin belly C. muscles D. head
37. What is the maximum number of runs a batsman can get from a single shot?
A. 6 B. 5 C. 4 D. 3
38. What is the term that refers to complete physical, social and mental well-being of a human being?
A. lifestyle B. health C. strength D. agility
39. How many holes are there on a standard golf course?
18 B. 16 C.
14 D. 12

40. Which activity can the landform above be used for?

A. canoeing B. mountaineering C. kite surfing D. rafting



•• When you are told to start, choose one correct answer from the suggested answers.
•• Answer all the questions on the separate answer sheet.

1. Name the musical gadget in the picture.

A. transcript
B. microphone
C. radio station
D. staff notation
2. Nowadays the role of musicians is to
A. compose music.
B. fight people.
C. rebel against the society.
D. own music.
3. On the scale below, which pitch is low?

A. m B. f C. d D. r
4. Music which can only be listened to is called
A. visual music. B. western music.
C. recorded music. D. audio music.
5. The following are basic notes except
A. crotchet. B. quaver.
C. minim. D. forte.

30. Which throwing event is being practiced?

A. discus B. shot C. javelin D. medicine ball throw

31. Games whereby participants send an object to a specific target while avoiding obstacles are called
A. net games. B. striking games. C. target games. D. invasion games.
32. ______ is the movement of the legs as the batsman/woman hits the ball to give direction to the shot.
A. grip B. stance C. follow through D. footwork
33. ________ is a posture in martial arts.
A. upright B. slope C. donkey D. elephant
34. Participants in orienteering use____________ to locate points.
A. whistles B. maps C. pencils D. torches
35. What is a routine in gymnastics?
A. group of musicians
B. set/sequence of activities in a performance
C. the banner holder
D. performance for people to watch
36. When you are covered in water, you are __________ in water.
A. floating B. killed C. fine D. submerged
37. ___________ explains holding of an implement.
A. Striking B. Footwork C. Stance D. Grip
38. Which of the following guides the choice of sketches to be used for background art?
A. teachers B. spectators C. themes D. artefacts
39. Give an example of sedentary behaviour.
A. playing games on a laptop B. taking a walk
B. gardening D. playing girls soccer
40. Which swimming stroke is shown below?

A. breaststroke B. front crawl C. backstroke D. diving



•• When you are told to start, choose one correct answer from the suggested answers.
•• Answer all the questions on the separate answer sheet.

1. Name a historical period characterised by gender balance in the music industry?

A. post-colonial B. pre-colonial C. colonial D. all historical periods
2. Musical instruments that give a definite pitch are called ______________ instruments.
A. untuned B. tuned C. African D. Western
3. Identify the longest note value in the melody below?

A. crotchet B. quaver C. dotted crotchet D. semibreve

4. Which note represents the root triad in C major?
5. A choral song that has two parts singing at the same time produces
A. competition. B. discord. C. harmony. D. scales.
6. The speed of music is also called its
A. rhythm. B. melody. C. volume. D. tempo.
7. Identify a music software from the ones below.
A. Ms Word B. InDesign C. Sibelius D. Ms Excel
8. The two types of clefs used in staff notation are the treble and ____________ clef.
A. melody B. bass C. opera D. harmony
9. Which of the following ceremonies is depicted by Chinyambera dance?
A. hunting B. war C. marriage D. burial
10. Traditional dances that involve a link with the ancestral spirits are referred to as ___________ dances.
A. taboo B. sacred C. Western D. mbira

29. Identify a disease that is not infectious.
A. rickets B. cholera C. typhoid D. dysentery
30. Which one is a safety rule for cleaning the bathroom?
A. wear safety shoes B. wear scrum cap C. keep floors dry D. wear a mask
31. Which rescuing device can be inflated with air?
A. pole B. life jacket C. rope D. tree branch
32. Under which group of games does Water Polo fall under?
A. invasion games B. net games C. target games D. striking games
33. State an event that can be run strictly following assigned in lanes.
A. 100 metres B. 800 metres C. 10 000 metres D. 1 500 metres
34. What is the standard distance in Formulae One?
A. 20metres B. 40metres C. 60metres D. 80metres
35. In the up sweep baton exchange, what shape must be formed between the thumb and index finger?
A. T shape B. W shape C. V shape D. L shape
36. Identify the sporting discipline that is the odd one out.
A. handball B. volleyball C. table tennis D. lawn tennis
37. Who controls and directs the flow of action in cricket?
A. judge B. umpire C. referee D. coach
38. State one instrument used by a brass band.
A. electric guitar B. electric drum C. woodwind D. trombone

39. Give the other name for single balances shown on the picture.
A. small group balance
B. balance with a partner
C. balance on a partner
D. individual balance
40. Name any organ from the digestive system.
A. lungs B. heart C. head D. small intestines

•• When you are told to start, choose one correct answer from the suggested answers.
•• Answer all the questions on the separate answer sheet.

1. From the following, identify one social function of music

A. fishing. B. giving birth. C. funeral. D. social media.
2. A major scale consists of how many different pitches?
A. seven B. five C. eight D. three
3. The bottom number of a given time signature indicate
A. value of the beat B. number of beats C. speed D. group of beats
4. Identify a compound time signature.
4 C. 3 6
A. 2 B. D.
4 4 4 8
5. Name the major scale for the tonic triad shown below.

A. D major B. G major C. C major D. F major

6. Which ruins do we find the zigzag pattern commonly used?
A. Great Zimbabwe
B. Vumba
C. Matopo Hills
D. Victoria Falls
7. Give a 3 dimensional shape from the following.
A. carpet B. sphere C. circle D. triangle
8. Which of the following occupation is not art related?
A. sculptor B. curator C. potter D. choreographer
9. Identify a visual art software.
A. cubase B. sibelius C. photoshop D. finale

20. A ___________is a contemporary dance instrument.
A. saxophone B. ngoma C. magavhu D. marimba
21. Which one of the following is an important part of the human respiratory system?

A. small intestines B. liver C. kidneys D. lungs

22. Which condition caused by too much eating without exercise?
A. Obesity B. Anorexia nervosa C. Goitre D. Bulimia nervosa
23. What name is given to parts of the body we can see?
A. limbs B. internal body parts C. body system D. external body parts
24. Body parts which are involved in the breathing system form are called
A. digestive system. B. circulatory system.
C. blood system. D. respiratory system.
25. A dislocation occurs when
A. a muscle is detached from its origin.
B. a bone protrudes through the skin.
C. the bones at a joint are forced out of position.
D. the ligaments are stretched beyond normal range of position.
26. Why should athletes drink water before, during and after the physical activity?
A. to have a good skin B. to calm down thirst
C. to stay hydrated D. to reduce injuries
27. State an example of exercise.
A. Soccer B. Rugby C. History D. Squats
28. Which one is not a percussion instrument?
A. scissors B. triangle C. shakers D. cymbals
29. Which one of these body parts is not a part of the upper body?
A. hands B. elbows C. knees D. neck
30. What term do we use to describe a point from which the weight of the body may be considered to act?
A. body B. centre of gravity
C. combat games D. stance
31. Which of the following is a phase in long jump?
A. take off B. landing
C. approach run D. jumping

•• When you are told to start, choose one correct answer from the suggested answers.
•• Answer all the questions on the separate answer sheet.

1. A song that has a question-and-answer phase is said to be in ___________ form.

A. binary B. western
C. compound D. simple
2. The diagram below shows the

A. scale. B. stave.
C. modulator. D. treble clef.
3. What do we call the ability to interpret and perform musical notes at first glance?
A. singing B. classical
C. sight reading D. adjudication
4. Which among the following is not a musical element?
A. melody B. rhythm
C. timbre D. interval
5. The highness or lowness of a sound is referred as
A. triad. B. tonic.
C. harmony. D. pitch.
6. Which term is used for the words that are written in conjunction with a music melody?
A. song. B. lyrics.
C. tonic sol-fa. D. notation.
7. Name a clef which clef is also known as the F clef.
A. bass B. middle-C
C. treble D. G clef
8. The following are careers in music except
A. teacher. B. adjudicator.
C. composer. D. painter.

18. Body actions done by actors during a play or act are known as
A. blocking. B. movements. C. reactions. D. gestures.
19. Give an effect that is can be used to produce the effect of a train passing by during a play.
A. visual B. lighting C. musical D. sound
20. Identify an example of a career in theatre.
A. script writer B. sculptor C. chorister D. choreographer
21. Name a disease that can make one pass blood, mucus and or pus in the stool when severe.
A. dysentery B. marasmus C. typhoid D. cholera
22. Which one is not a survival swimming stroke when drowning in water?
A. back stroke B. front crawl C. breast stroke D. side stroke
23. In a 4 x 100metre relay on a standard track, how many athletes have to negotiate bends?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
24. Who is known as the playmaker in handball?
A. circle runner B. centre C. left winger D. right winger

25. Which field event is being competed in above?

A. javelin B. pole vault C. discus D. hammer
26. What must happen to the legs of the swimmer in a tumble turn?
A. rest against the walls of the pool.
B. slide against the walls of the pool.
C. push against the walls of the pool.
D. dive against the walls of the pool.
27. Which defensive principle in invasion games refers to the ability to slow down an opponent?
A. depth B. balance C. delay D. concentration
28. An athlete covered three and a quarter lap in athletics, how many metres are they?
A. 1000 metres B. 3000 metres C. 1500 metres D. 3750 metres
29. Which of the following is not a locomotion activity in gymnastics?
A. tiger balance B. cartwheel C. backward roll D. forward roll
30. Which food nutrient do we get from carrots?
A. proteins B. vitamins C. fats D. minerals

•• When you are told to start, choose one correct answer from the suggested answers.
•• Answer all the questions on the separate answer sheet.

1. What is the value of the note shown below?

A. 3 B. 4 D. 2
1 C.
2. Music alphabet starts from which letter?
A. D B. C C. A D. G
3. In using the Internet, the learners should always
A. bully others. B. hack peoples accounts.
C. obey copy right laws. D. watch pornography.
4. Give an example of a tempo marking.
A. Forte B. mf C. Largo D. pp
5. Staccato means
A. short and detached. B. play softly. C. finale. D. increase speed.
6. Long ago art was more of __________ more than material used.
A. tradition B. style C. taboo D. skills
7. What contributed to the development of visual art in post-colonial era?
A. manpower B. resources C. technology D. art galleries
8. Nowadays clay has been replaced by
A. ceramic materials. B. wood.
C. ashes. D. mud.
9. Which patterns are shown at Khami ruins?
A. circles B. beading
C. herringbone pattens D. textile

•• When you are told to start, choose one correct answer from the suggested answers.
•• Answer all the questions on the separate answer sheet.

1. Which of the following musical instruments is of Zimbabwean origin?

A. trombone B. bassoon C. clarinet D. ngororombe
2. Name a musical instrument that produces sound when worn around the legs.
A. Hosho B. Hwamanda C. Amahlwayi D. Indlukula
3. What is the name of the symbol shown below?

A. Treble clef B. Bass clef C. G clef D. Middle-C

4. A time signature with the type of beat being divisible by 2 is referred to as
A. compound. B. reflex. C. simple. D. duple.
5. Give an example of an ethical practice in music.
A. pirating music in the streets
B. buying music online from official cites
C. downloading music for free unregistered cites
D. copying an artist’s music without permission
6. What is the art of writing musical songs?
A. performing B. creating C. composing D. singing
7. Which musical career focuses on performing musical pieces?
A. composer
B. adjudicator
C. producer
D. singer

18. What gives the storyline of a play?
A. attire. B. costume. C. theme. D. script.
19. Give an example of a career in theatre arts.
A. dancing B. acting C. singing D. drawing
20. Which of the following can be used to create the mood of a play?
A. monologue B. musical effects C. sub-text D. skit
21. Describe how one can reduce drowning in a swimming pool.
A. keep the pool water clean B. do not swallow pool water
C. swimming pools must be fenced D. do not use the pool when ill
22. Which body part must cross the line first for an athlete to be declared winner in athletics?
torso B. hand C.
leg D. stomach

23. How many primary colours can be seen on the traffic robot?
A. none B. one C. two D. three
24. Name the body organ that is the central control system.
A. nose B. chest C. brain D. heart
25. How many soccer players are defenders in a 3-5-2 formation?
A. 3 B. 5 C. 2 D. 1
26. What name is given to the muscle found below the lungs?
A. ribs B. air sac C. windpipe D. diaphragm
27. Identify a disease that is prevented by eating food rich in vitamins.
A. beri beri B. goitre C. nagana D. cholera
28. Which discipline poses the most danger when participating in?
A. netball B. golf C. boxing D. handball
29. What determines the type of music for Mass Displays?
A. personal decision B. theme
C. competition D. physical activity
30. Why is saliva mixed with food in the mouth?
A. so that food moves down the gullet smoothly.
B. so that food moves down the oxygen smoothly.
C. so that food moves down the liver smoothly.
D. so that food moves down the small intestines smoothly.

•• When you are told to start, choose one correct answer from the suggested answers.
•• Answer all the questions on the separate answer sheet.

1. The distance between two notes is called

A. a triad B. an interval C. a scale D. a tonic
2. How many sharps does G major have?
A. 1 B. 3 C. 0 D. 4
3. Identify a series of 5 lines.
A. major scale B. triad C. stave D. flat
4. Dynamics refers to the
A. speed. B. volume. C. pitch. D. harmony.
5. The note on the first line of the stave is

F. B. C. C. A. D. E.
6. Aesthetic means
A. beauty. B. history. C. culture. D. religion.
7. What is the colour blue associated with?
A. edible things B. fresh water C. death D. royalty
8. What does jewellery show?
A. someone’s status. B. poverty. C. realism. D. credit.
9. Which materials were used in the past to make clothes?
A. plastic B. tie and dye C. animal skins D. wool
10. Which of the following is an advantage of using technology?
A. video editing is smooth. B. expensive.
C. requires knowledge and skills. D. easy to use.

21. Why do players run into space in invasion games?
A. to receive passes
B. to do zig zag runs
C. to mark opponents
D. to clear ball
22. You can aim using a
A. catapult. B. ball. C. bow and arrow. D. instruments.
23. Movement with uniform or patterned repetition of a beat is called
A. pattern. B. rhythm. C. uniform. D. beat.
24. The other name for out sweep phase in swimming is the
A. down sweep. B. catch phase. C. recovery phase. D. in-sweep.
25. What is used to play the marimba instrument?
A. mallets B. clappers C. shakers D. triangle

26. Which fitness element is developed by the activity above?

A. flexibility B. strength C. body composition D. endurance
27. Arena displays are complimented by
A. background art. B. colours. C. shapes. D. people.
28. If primary colours are mixed they, produce ________ colours.
A. primary B. tertiary C. semi-primary D. secondary
29. When your team is attacking, the other team will be
A. offensive. B. moving. C. defending. D. passing.
30. What can be used to strike a ball?
A. a stone B. a basket C. implements D. bones
31. Three things addressed by movement are
A. concepts, skills important to participation and enjoyment of physical activities.
B. posture, sportsmanship and provocation.
C. stress reduction, poor motor skills and leisure.
D. sequence, outdoor adventure and participation in physical activities.



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. C 1. B 1. A 1. C 1. D 1. D 1. B 1. C
2. A 2. A 2. B 2. C 2. C 2. A 2. B 2. C
3. B 3. C 3. C 3. C 3. A 3. C 3. B 3. A
4. D 4. D 4. B 4. D 4. C 4. A 4. C 4. D
5. B 5. D 5. C 5. B 5. C 5. D 5. B 5. B
6. B 6. B 6. D 6. D 6. B 6. D 6. B 6. A
7. B 7. A 7. C 7. C 7. C 7. B 7. C 7. B
8. A 8. B 8. B 8. C 8. B 8. C 8. B 8. D
9. C 9. C 9. A 9. B 9. A 9. A 9. B 9. C
10. D 10. D 10. B 10. B 10. C 10. C 10. C 10. D
11. B 11. C 11. B 11. A 11. C 11. D 11. D 11. B
12. A 12. C 12. A 12. A 12. A 12. D 12. C 12. A
13. B 13. C 13. D 13. C 13. C 13. C 13. C 13. B
14. B 14. B 14. A 14. A 14. A 14. A 14. B 14. A
15. C 15. A 15. C 15. D 15. A 15. B 15. A 15. D
16. A 16. B 16. D 16. C 16. B 16. B 16. A 16. A
17. B 17. B 17. B 17. D 17. B 17. A 17. B 17. B
18. C 18. C 18. D 18. B 18. B 18. A 18. D 18. D
19. D 19. B 19. A 19. A 19. C 19. A 19. C 19. B
20. C 20. A 20. D 20. C 20. C 20. C 20. C 20. A
21. B 21. C 21. A 21. A 21. B 21. A 21. C 21. D
22. A 22. A 22. A 22. C 22. C 22. C 22. A 22. A
23. B 23. B 23. A 23. B 23. C 23. B 23. B 23. D
24. A 24. D 24. D 24. B 24. C 24. C 24. A 24. D
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26. A 26. A 26. B 26. C 26. B 26. C 26. C 26. C
27. B 27. C 27. B 27. C 27. B 27. A 27. A 27. D
28. D 28. B 28. A 28. A 28. B 28. A 28. D 28. A
29. B 29. C 29. A 29. B 29. C 29. B 29. A 29. C
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32. A 32. D 32. A 32. B 32. B 32. B 32. B 32. B
33. A 33. A 33. A 33. D 33. B 33. B 33. C 33. D
34. C 34. B 34. D 34. B 34. A 34. D 34. A 34. D
35. B 35. B 35. C 35. A 35. C 35. D 35. A 35. D
36. C 36. D 36. A 36. A 36. C 36. A 36. D 36. A
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38. B 38. C 38. D 38. B 38. B 38. D 38. B 38. A
39. A 39. A 39. D 39. A 39. A 39. A 39. D 39. B
40. B 40. B 40. D 40. C 40. A 40. A 40. D 40. D


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