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(AC-S02) Week 2 - Pre-Task: Quiz - Countries and

Due No due date Points 20 Questions 5
Available Aug 16 at 12am - Aug 22 at 11:59pm 7 days Time Limit 20 Minutes

Hi! It's time to test what you've learned. Fill in the blanks with the questions that are
missing in the dialogue. Remember to start your sentences with capital letters.
Don't use accents as apostrophes. Look at the first example to see the accepted
(¡Hola! Es momento de poner a prueba lo que has aprendido. Escribe las preguntas que faltan en el diálogo. Recuerda
iniciar tus oraciones con mayúscula. No uses acentos como apóstrofes. Mira el primer ejemplo para descubrir las
respuestas aceptadas.)

Attempt History
Attempt Time Score
LATEST Attempt 1 11 minutes 10.67 out of 20

Score for this quiz: 10.67 out of 20

Submitted Aug 21 at 4:32pm
This attempt took 11 minutes.

Fill in the blanks with the correct question to the answer:

Correct answers:

What is your last name

What's your last name
What’s your last name

Incorrect answers:

WHAT IS YOUR LAST NAME - Don't use all capital letters.

what is your last name - Don't forget to use a capital letter to start
your sentence.
What´s your last name - Don't use accents as apostrophes.

Question 1 2 / 4 pts

- Hi what's your

name ?

-I'm Pierre Dumont.

Answer 1:

ou Answered Hi

orrect Answer What

orrect Answer What's

orrect Answer What’s

Answer 2:

ou Answered what's

orrect Answer is

orrect Answer 's

orrect Answer ’s
orrect Answer your

Answer 3:

Correct! your

orrect Answer full

Answer 4:

Correct! name

Question 2 1.33 / 4 pts

- You are from Italy?

-No, I'm not. I'm from France.

Answer 1:

ou Answered You

orrect Answer Are

Answer 2:

ou Answered are

orrect Answer you

Answer 3:

Correct! from

Question 3 0 / 4 pts
- You speak Italian?

-No, I'm not. I'm French.

Answer 1:

ou Answered You

orrect Answer Are

Answer 2:

ou Answered speak

orrect Answer you

Question 4 4 / 4 pts

- where are you

from ?

-I'm from Lyon.

Answer 1:

Correct! Where

Answer 2:

Correct! are

Answer 3:

Correct! you

Answer 4:
Correct! from

Question 5 3.33 / 4 pts

- What is the

capital of city ?

-The capital of France is Paris.

Answer 1:

Correct! What

Answer 2:

Correct! is

orrect Answer 's

orrect Answer ’s

Answer 3:

Correct! the

Answer 4:

Correct! capital

Answer 5:

Correct! of

Answer 6:

ou Answered city

orrect Answer France

Quiz Score: 10.67 out of 20

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