Inquiries CO Demo

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Division Passi City Grade Level 12

School Passi National High School Learning Area Inquiries, Investigations

and Immersion
Teacher April Luna Joy P. Brown Quarter 3
Date April 14, 2023 Semester 2

Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of

I. Objectives description of sample.
Performance Standard The learner describes adequately
quantitative research designs, sample,
instrument used, intervention (if applicable),
Learning Competency The learner describes sampling procedure
and the sample.
Learning Competency Code CS_RS12-IIa-c-2
Instructional Objective/s:
 Differentiate the various random sampling techniques.
 Evaluate and decide which random sampling technique best fits for the given situation/research study.

Skill Emphasis:
 Develop critical thinking by evaluating and deciding which random sampling technique best fits for the research
 Identifying / Giving examples
 Comparing closely related concepts
 Communicating
Value Focus
 Show concern for others as conducting or implementing researches.
 Shows interest in the lesson.
 Openness to learn new things.
 Eagerness to share his/her ideas with the class.
 Appreciation of the value of the lesson and its applications in real life situations.
Classroom Management
 Students will work independently, in pairs and in groups of five during this lesson. Indicator 4
 During most of the activities, teacher will group the class into 5 groups. Each group must have a leader, a
secretary, reporter, materials manager, peace officer etc. Each member of the group has their corresponding roles
to play and responsibilities.
 Students may need more time in order to fully construct their projects but this can be done outside of class.
Learner Diversity
 If there are children with special needs in the classroom, the teacher will pair them up with students who can Indicator 6
assist them.
II. Subject Matter Understanding Data and Ways to Systematically Collect Data
III. Learning Resource Materials: bond/pad paper, manila paper, pen, marker, research journals
Melegrito, Ma. Lourdes F. Applied Research: An Introduction to Quantitative Research
Methods and Report Writing, 1st Edition (2016). Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.: 927 Quezon
Ave., Quezon City
IV. Procedure / Learning Tasks:
Preliminary Activities Good morning everyone! Welcome to a very exciting and interactive way of discovering the
3 min wonders of probability sampling through this Lesson. Today, we’ll have a journey together on
the road to learning of the different probability sampling techniques.

A. Prayer
The teacher will ask the students to stand for the prayer.

Father God,
As we start this new day for new learning, we ask for Your guidance.
Lead us all the way. May You let us see through Your eyes, listen through Your ears, and
speak with Your Mouth
Be with us as we explore the world.
Give us the heart to love and be kind to one another. Please watch over all our teachers,
children, and families.
In Jesus’ name. Amen

*for students with different religion, the teacher will not oblige them to make the sign of the
cross or recite the prayer. They can opt to engage in personal worship or prayer, so long as
it is student initiated and does not disrupt classroom instruction.

b. Attendance Check
The teacher will check the attendance of the students and take note of those students
who are absent.

c. Classroom Management/ Rules/ Reminders

The teacher will remind the students to follow the classroom rules and observe the
health and safety protocols throughout the class:

1. Wear your face mask at all times.

(Palaging isuot ang facemask)
2. Know your body temperature.
(Alamin ang iyong temperatura)
3. Wash your hands before you enter the school and classroom.
(Hugasan ang kamay bago pumasok sa paaralan at silid aralan)
4. Sanitize your hands before you enter the classroom
(I-sanitize ang kamay bago pumasok sa silid aralan)
5. Step into a foot bath before entering.
(Itapak ang paa sa footbath bago pumasok)
6. Observe social distancing
(Panalitihin ang tamang distansiya)
7. Cover mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing
(Takpan ang ilong at bibig kung uubo o babahin)
8. Throw the garbage properly
(Itapon ang basura sa tamang lalagyan)
9. If you are sick, stay at home
(Kung ikaw ay may sakit, manatili lamang sa bahay)
10. Participate actively in class discussion and use polite words when talking and
asking questions.
(maging aktibo sa klasi at gumamit ng magalang na mga salita tuwing nagsasalita
at nagtatanong)
11. Maintain proper decorum and respect for the teacher and your classmates.
(Irespeto ang guro at mga kaklasi)
12. When you want to recite, always raise a hand to be recognized.
(Kung nais magsalita, itaas ang kamay para mabigyan pansin ng guro)
13. Avoid making unnecessary noise and disturbing your classmates.
(Iwasan ang mag-ingay sa klasi at distorbohin ang kaklasi)
14. Most importantly, enjoy learning and have fun!
(Ang mahalaga sa lahat, dapat ienjoy ang pag-aaral)

To manage students during the class activity, the teacher prepared colored flag:
Green Flag-START
Red Flag-STOP

The teacher will instruct the students that when they see a red flag, they are going to stop
doing anything. On the other hand the green flag signifies to start or to begin the activity and
yellow flag to keep quiet or be silent.
A. ELICIT: As a review of the past lesson, the teacher will provide questions for the students to answer
in form of a game.
Game: Pass The Box Around!

Direction: While music is being played, a ball will be passed. When the music stops, the last
person who touches the ball will answer a question. Each correct answer is equivalent to one
puzzle piece. The game is over if all the puzzle pieces are revealed.

Question pool:
Indicator 6 1. This is the totality of all the objects, elements, persons, and characteristics under
consideration.--- POPULATION
Use differentiated, developmentally 2. The representative subset of the population refers to the___.--- SAMPLE
appropriate learning experiences to address 3. Sampling pertains to the systematic process of selecting the group to be analyzed
learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interest in the research study.--- SAMPLING
and experiences. 4. What is the mathematical equation of the slovin’s fomula
(The teacher used game activity to help
students’ access prior knowledge. Through
this simple activity students are able recall
their previous lesson in a fun and creative
way. This strategy is very appealing to
students than the traditional question and
answer strategy. Here the students can
physically interact with his/her classmates.
The activity is developmentally and gender
sensitive as everyone is given the opportunity
to participate in the game.)
B. ENGAGE: At this time, I will group the class into 5 groups. Each group will be given a paper. Now,
students must be able to look for words in the pool of scrambled letters. There are exactly 6
words that you need to find. The group who can find all 6 words in the shortest possible time
Indicator 2 will receive a reward.
Used a range of teaching strategies that
enhance learner achievement in literacy R G H E U L I A S R I L
and numeracy skill S T R A T I F Y E D U U
(The teacher utilized the WORD FOCUS S A M P L I N G W O U T
FOR TODAY as a strategy capture the S D G A D R T J L Z R E
students’ attention and stimulate their T E C H N I Q U E B I R
thinking. Also this activity enhances
students’ language literacy..

Well done children, the 6 words are: Random, Cluster, Stratified, Systematic, Sampling, and
Technique. These are our Word Focus for Today. These are the important words that we will
encounter as we discuss our lesson for today. It is important for us to learn how to correctly
Indicator 1 pronounce these words and understand the meaning of these words. The following are the
definitions of the words from Merriam Dictionary and Oxford Languages..
Apply knowledge of content within and
across curriculum teaching areas Word Part of Speech Meaning
(The teacher utilized the word focused of
Sampling Verb The act, process, or technique of selecting
the day as an integration of the English a suitable sample
subject in the lesson. In the activity, the Technique Noun A method of accomplishing a desired aim
teacher explicitly demonstrates the correct Random Adjective Happening, done or chosen by chance
pronunciation of the words and provided
the meaning of each term, thus broadens
rather than according to a plan. It happens
students’ vocabulary ). totally by chance.
Cluster Noun A group of similar things or people
positioned or occurring closely together.
Stratify Verb To divide into layers or classes.
Systematic Adjective Done or acting to a fixed plan, system or
Presentation of lesson (inductive approach)
I. Presentation of lesson objectives
II. Lesson overview
A. EXPLORE: The teacher will remind the students before the start of the group activity about the protocols
to be observed (wearing of mask, social distancing and using alcohol/sanitizers regularly)
and the 3 colored flags; Green Flag-START Red Flag-STOP Yellow- SILENCE

The teacher will instruct the students that when they see a red flag, they are going to stop
doing anything. On the other hand the green flag signifies to start or to begin the activity and
yellow flag to keep quiet or be silent.
Indicator 1

Apply knowledge of content within and The teacher will group the class into 4 groups. Each group must have a leader, a secretary,
across curriculum teaching areas reporter, materials manager, peace officer etc. Each member of the group has their
corresponding roles to play and responsibilities.
(The teacher cites intra and
interdisciplinary content relationship as the
teacher provide questions that involve
simple mathematical analysis in the Activity: RANDOM SAMPLING TECHNIQUES
Objective: The learner describes sampling procedure in a fun and enjoyable way

Indicator 4 *Refer to the appendices for sample activity sheets

*Contextualization approach: In activity 4, the Sitio in Brgy. Man-it in Passi City was utilized
Managed classroom structure to engage as an example. See attached Activity Sheet.
learners, individually or in groups, in
meaningful exploration, discovery and
hands-on activities with a range of physical
learning environments

(The teacher establishes classroom

practices which promote open
communication between the teachers and
learners and among the learners and their
peers. The activities involved students in
an analysis of their explorations and used
reflective activities to clarify and modify
their understanding)

The teacher will facilitate the students while they are performing the activity ensuring that all
students are given individual roles/ assignment. The teacher also ensures that all students
male or female are given equal opportunity to share their ideas in class.
C. EXPLAIN: 15 min  To foster critical thinking skills, students will answer the guide questions after the
 Each group is given 3 min to share and explain to the class their answers.
Indicator 4  A PowerPoint presentation will be utilized in explaining the 4 types of probability/
random sampling techniques.
Managed classroom structure to engage
learners, individually or in groups, in Discussion through PowerPoint presentation:
meaningful exploration, discovery and
hands-on activities with a range of physical
learning environments

(The teacher establishes classroom

practices which promote open
communication between the teachers and
learners and among the learners and their
peers. The activities involved students in
an analysis of their explorations and used
reflective activities to clarify and modify
their understanding)

The teacher will also present a short video presentation about the different probability
sampling techniques.
D. ELABORATE: 10 min Bring the lesson to a conclusion by asking students to stand up and pair up with
someone in the room other than in their group. Once in pairs, ask each student to
Indicator 3 explain to their new partner what they learned with regards to the different probability
sampling techniques. Give each student approximately 30 seconds to speak and
Applied a range of teaching strategies to share their learning with their partner. Students could also ask their partners/teacher
develop critical and creative thinking, as to clarify parts of the lesson that they didn’t fully understand.
well as other higher order thinking skills

(The teacher provides students the Also, the teacher will ask the students to create a simple mind map or a graphic
opportunity to expand and solidify their organizer about the things that he/she learned from the discussions. The teacher will
understanding of the concept and/or apply also ask the student to discuss with his/her pair the simple mind map that he/she
it to a real-world situation. The teacher is developed. The mind map will sum up the things that students are able to understand
able to create a learning environment that from the lesson. This will serve as another form of assessment for the students. The
sustains learner’s active engagement and
mind maps will reflect students understanding and can also show if students have
self-motivation. Also the use of
metacognitive strategies like the creation misconceptions about the lesson. This is an example of a metacognition activity
of a simple mind map or a graphic wherein the students think about what they learn.
organizer fosters student creative and
critical thinking skills) Metacognition is simply 'thinking about thinking. Part of metacognition is actively
monitoring one's own learning and making changes to one's own learning behaviors
and strategies based on this monitoring.
E. EVALUATE: 5 min Informal/Formative Evaluation
 Observation of students’ progress and understanding throughout Explore &
Elaborate activity.
 Responses to probing questions to small groups.

Formal/Summative Evaluation
 Final project and completed worksheet can be graded and based on the accuracy
of explanation/ justification.
Indicator 3
Multiple Choice Test
Applied a range of teaching strategies to Determine the Sampling Procedure
develop critical and creative thinking, as Directions: Identify the sampling procedure used in each given situation. Choose the letter of
well as other higher order thinking skills the correct answer.
(The teacher provides an assessment
1. A politician wanted to survey voters to determine whether to fund a highway
wherein the students’ will critically analyze
construction in a city. To obtain the sample, the politician obtained a complete list of
the given situation and identify which
registered voters and assigned a unique number to each individual. Then, a sample
probability sampling technique is
appropriate to use. This way students’ are
was selected based on a list of random numbers generated by a computer program.
trained to think critically) Which sampling method was used for this study?
a. Cluster Sampling
b. Simple Random Sampling
c. Systematic Random Sampling
d. Stratified Random Sampling

2. A human resources worker wants to find the average salary of all employees in a
company. To do this, they take the list of employee IDs and choose every 20th
employee. Which of the following is the sampling method used?
a. Simple Random Sampling
b. Stratified Random Sampling
c. Cluster Sampling
d. Systematic Random Sampling

3. A sociologist conducts an opinion survey in a major city. Part of the research plan
calls for describing and comparing the opinions of four different ethnic groups:
African Americans, Asian Americans, European Americans, and Native Americans.
For a total sample of 300, the researcher selects 75 participants from each of the
four predetermined subgroups.
a. Simple Random Sampling
b. Stratified Random Sampling
c. Cluster Sampling
d. Systematic Random Sampling

4. Alex’s target population for his study is the employees of hotels in Iloilo City. Since
there are too many employees in these establishments, he randomly selected ten
hotels. And then he considered all employees as participants in his study.
a. Cluster Sampling
b. Simple Random Sampling
c. Systematic Random Sampling
d. Stratified Random Sampling

5. Dianne wants to know if the new learning modalities in the first semester affect the
academic performance of senior high students. He took all the lists of all students in
her school and selected every 6th name to be part of her study.
a. Simple Random Sampling
b. Stratified Random Sampling
c. Cluster Sampling
d. Systematic Random Sampling

(Practical Application)

 As an application to your quantitative research study, determine your target population, sample size, and the best
sampling technique to utilize for it. Draft out your plan and make sure to include all the details in determining your
sample. Your work/plan will be presented and deliberated to the class.

Mastery Level:
Instructional Decision:
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on
the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who requires
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lesson work? No.
of learners who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me achieve?

Prepared by: Checked by:

Teacher II ABM Subject Group Head

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