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Unit 5: Evaluating Messages and/or Images of Different Types of Texts Reflecting

Different Cultures

At the end of the unit, you are expected to:

● apply concepts of Media Literacy thru oral, audio-visual, and/ or web-based
presentations for different target audiences in local and global settings using appropriate


Look at the image below. What do you see? What is the image all about? If you were to ask
questions about the image, what would be your questions?

Source: Creative Commons

"1970s Advertising - Poster – Romeo and Juliet (Denmark)"
by ChowKaiDeng


To start with, let us first explore media through the Key Concepts of Media Literacy.

Key Concepts of Media Literacy (Center for Media Literacy, 2005)

Five Core Concepts Five Key Questions of Guide Questions

Key Concepts Media Literacy

1. All media messages 1. Who created this What kind of “text” is it?
are ‘constructed.’ message?
What are the various elements (building blocks)
that make up the whole?
How similar or different is it to others of the
same genre?
Which technologies are used in its creation?
What choices were made that might have been
made differently?
How many people did it take to create this
message? What are their various jobs?
2. Media messages 2. What creative What do you notice…(about the way the
are constructed using techniques are used to message is constructed)?
a creative language
attract my attention? • Colors? Shapes? Size?
with its own rules.
• Sounds, Words? Silence?
• Props, sets, clothing?
• Movement?
• Composition? Lighting?
Where is the camera?
What is the viewpoint?
How is the story told visually? What are people
Are there any symbols? Visual metaphors?
What’s the emotional appeal? Persuasive
devices used?
What makes it seem “real?”

3. Different people 3. How might different Have you ever experienced anything like this in
experience the same people understand your life?
media message this message differently How close is this portrayal to your experience?
differently. than me?
What did you learn from this media text?
What did you learn about yourself from
experiencing the media text?
What did you learn from other people’s
response? From their experience of life?
How many other interpretations could there be?
How could we hear about them?
Are other viewpoints just as valid as mine?
How can you explain the different responses?

4. Media have 4. What values, What kinds of behaviors/consequences are

embedded values and lifestyles and points of depicted?
view are represented in,
points of view. What type of person is the reader/
or omitted from this
watcher/listener invited to identify with?
What questions come to mind as you watch
/read /listen?
What ideas or values are being “sold” in this
What political ideas are communicated in the
message? Economic ideas?
What judgments or statements are made about
how we treat other people?
What is the overall worldview of the message?
What ideas or perspectives are left out? How
would you find what’s missing?

5. Most media 5. Why is this message Who is in control of the creation and
messages are being sent? transmission of this message?
organized to gain
Why are they sending it? How do you know?
profit and/or power.
Who are they sending it to? How do you know?
What’s being sold in this message? What’s
being told?
Who profits from this message? Who pays for it?
Who is served by or benefits from the message
– the public?
– private interests?
– individuals?
– institutions?
What economic decisions may have influenced
the construction or transmission of this

For you to understand better the key concepts of Media Literacy, read the attached detailed
discussion notes (for OBL)/ read the article 5 on your module 1 folder. This article is from


A. Refer to the questions that you wrote about the given image (poster).
1. Do your questions relate with the any of the five Key Questions of Media Literacy?
2. Which among your questions will help you analyze better the given image?
3. Having understood the Key Concepts of Media Literacy, are there other questions that
you would like to ask to interpret the message of the image? If any, what is it?


Guided by the 5 key questions/core concepts of Media Literacy, analyze the poster
(Romeo and Juliet) given on the Engage part of this unit. Write a short paragraph of your
analysis (5-7 sentences only).


SHORT TASK 4: QUIZ – Multimodal Texts Analysis (Teacher-prepared texts) – 30 points

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