Sop 524 Vip Security

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To establish a procedure relating to the provision of VIP security services when requested from
the Sheriff’s Office.


It is the policy of the Fairfax County Sheriff’s Office to establish a policy that provides appropriately
trained staff to assist the Fairfax County Police Department as needed in the provision of VIP
security. Through properly trained and equipped deputies, the Sheriff’s Office will assist the
Police Department in the protection of life and property during VIP escorts.


A. General:

1. Any request for additional security services for VIP visitors will be directed to the
Sheriff who will decide the level of participation needed from the Sheriff’s Office

2. The Sheriff will designate an individual as supervisor and coordinator of the given
security detail. This duty will normally be assigned to the Chief of Court Security
who provides security for Judges and Magistrates during local area transports.
He / She will work in partnership with the Chief of Confinement in establishing an
appropriately trained team of deputies for assignment.

3. The Sheriff and his coordinator will meet with the Police Department and the
advance party/VIP security representatives to prepare necessary plans for the
provision of services and a delineation of specific responsibilities.

4. VIP designations for levels of security required will be determined by the Police
Department and confirmed with the Sheriff‘s coordinator.

B. Security Considerations

Advanced planning, normally involving the Police Department Coordinator, a

representative from the VIP security team and the Sheriff’s Office Coordinator will meet to
consider the following:

1. VIP itinerary and schedule of activity - look for conflicts with other heavily
attended activities during the same period.

2. Travel routes - plan and reconnoiter the quickest and safest routes, as well as
alternate routing. Identify possible hazardous locations. Determine if there are
any planned construction or maintenance activities along the routes.

3. Discuss safe locations - identify public buildings and other places where VIP’s
can be taken in case of an emergency.

4. Ensure that medical needs are identified which might require treatment/
hospitalization/ availability/ medication or emergency service personnel and

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5. Hotels/ Restaurants - determine any plans, needs and coordinate

recommendations based on security considerations.

6. Communications - if VIP has security personnel, communications arrangements

must be coordinated precisely among the participating agencies to ensure
uninterrupted communication.

7. Inspection of buildings - areas to be frequented by the VIP must be physically

inspected to ensure familiarity with layouts, exits, stairwells, hallways, etc.

8. Media - media coverage should be determined well ahead and any arrangements
made in agreement by all parties with security coverage a primary concern.

9. Intelligence - Any information concerning possible trouble spots should be

obtained. Information concerning any threats received or persons who could be
potential problems should be obtained and provided to all security team

10. VIP Party Make-up - Complete information as to who will be included in the VIP
party, vehicles to be used, security arrangements normally used, security
equipment and identification devices normally available/used must be obtained or
planned. Any names of contact personnel, security staff and license numbers are

11. Explicit coordination of the operation within the participating groups and agencies
is required.

12. Equipment - requirements will be determined and coordinated between agencies

regarding equipment needed such as vehicles, body armor, weapons, etc. for
both security personnel and the VIP party members.

C. Basic Protection Principles

1. All personnel on duty during a VIP visit should be made aware of the visit, general
visit itinerary and security plans. Specific details and exact timing may be
restricted on a need to know basis.

2. Security will generally be tightest when the VIP is moving either on foot or when
stationary during a public appearance. This may require protecting the VIP’s
residence location and any party vehicles.

3. When coordinating with the VIP’s security personnel and the Fairfax County
Police, impact on the personal lifestyle of the VIP should be minimized as much
as possible preserving the personal bodyguard security procedures. Security may
be planned on a double ring concept. The outer ring limits access to the VIP and
the inner ring prevents/limits any personal contact.

4. In the event of an emergency, the duty of the personal bodyguard is to protect

and remove the VIP from danger not to assist with quelling the disturbance or
apprehending the perpetrator(s).

5. Officers selected for this assignment must have a class ‘A’ physical rating. All
should be assigned and proficient in the use of the same type weapon,
ammunition, handcuffs, communications equipment and security identifier.

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Everyone should be equipped with body armor.

6. Close in security personnel should remain near enough to the VIP so that in one
large step they can reach out and touch the VIP. The VIP should never however
be touched except as an emergency signal of impending danger. Radio traffic
should not include any specific references to time or place unless it is part of the
essential emergency radio traffic. When the VIP is stationary, security personnel
should focus all attention outward in order to spot potential trouble.

7. Dress and attire for the security staff will be consistent with the event and uniform
among the agencies involved. When in civilian attire, all Sheriff’s Office
equipment shall be kept out of sight.

8. Staff assigned to stationary posts shall not leave those posts unless properly
relieved by an authorized replacement. The designated supervisor will ensure
there is adequate and appropriately trained relief staff. There will be no
unauthorized intrusions or personal messages/deliveries on post. Officers shall
be polite to the public but, will not allow any distracting conversations. There will
be no acknowledgment or recognition given when the VIP passes the post area.

9. During VIP ground/foot movement, the security/body guards form a protective

formation around the VIP. Tight security is achieved with no less than four staff
persons. If an emergency arises, the team will collapse around the VIP and
follow the procedures agreed upon to reduce the VIP target size and immediately
remove from the area. Any weapons or assailants will be attacked and
smothered by other security personnel.

D. After Action Reporting

After the mission has been completed, the security supervisor will submit a detailed
written report to the Sheriff describing the activities, resources utilized, any problems
noted, and providing any recommendations for future assignments.

E. Escort Services

Unless directed by the security supervisor, only marked vehicles will be used for escort
services. Escorts for civilian vehicles will be conducted in compliance with all applicable
traffic laws. In the case of escorts during medical emergencies, PSCC should be notified
immediately in order to make a medical assessment of the situation, and to notify the
hospital of you’re pending arrival.



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