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CPA Review Batch 43  May 2022 CPA Licensure Examination  Week No. 4

AUDITING (Auditing Theory) J. IRENEO  M. NGINA  F. TUGAS


1. Why should CPAs in the Philippines adhere to the Statement of Membership Obligations (SMOs) of
the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC)?
A. because of globalization and ASEAN integration
B. because the Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA) is a member-
professional organization of IFAC
C. because it is required by the Code of Ethics
D. because it is required by the CPD Act of 2016

2. Which of the following is/are included among the fundamental objectives of the Statement of
Membership Obligations (SMOs)?
A. to provide clear benchmarks to current IFAC member bodies only.
B. to support the adoption and implementation of international standards and other
pronouncements issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board
(IAASB), International Accounting Education Standards Board (IAESB), International
Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA), International Public Sector Accounting
Standards Board (IPSASB), and International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B

3. This SMO is issued by the IFAC Board and sets out requirements for IFAC member bodies with
respect to international standards issued by the International Accounting Education Standards
Board (IAESB), an independent standard-setting body supported by IFAC.
A. SMO 1 – Quality Assurance
B. SMO 2 – International Education Standards for Professional Accountants and Other
Pronouncements Issued by the IAESB
C. SMO 4 – IESBA Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants
D. SMO 6 – Investigation and Discipline

4. Emma Jean, a Filipino certified public accountant (CPA), is an accounting teacher in a higher
education institution in Davao City. She plans to become an ASEAN Chartered Professional
Accountant (ACPA). For this purpose, which of the following is/are among the requirements?
I. NBI clearance
II. Photocopies of CPD certificates of credit units earned
III. Certificate for ACPA Registration from nACPAE since she is a CPA in the education sector
IV. Registration Fee of ₱1,500

A. I only C. IV only
B. I, II, and IV only D. I, II, III and IV

5. Which of the following statements about the Philippine Accountancy Act of 2004 is LEAST LIKELY
A. It shall provide for and govern the standardization and regulation of accounting education
and the examination for registration of certified public accountants.
B. It shall provide for and govern the supervision, control, and regulation of the practice of
Filipino professional accountants in the Philippines and abroad.
C. It is aligned with the policy of the State to recognize accountants in nation building and
D. It aims to develop and nurture professional accountants whose standards of practice and
service shall be excellent, qualitative, world class, and globally competitive.

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6. A person is deemed to be in practice of the accounting profession in commerce and industry when
A. Holds, or is appointed to a position in an accounting professional group in government or
in a government-owned and/or controlled corporation, where decision-making requires
professional knowledge in the science of accounting.
B. Is involved in decision-making requiring professional knowledge in the science of
accounting, as well as the accounting aspects of finance and taxation, or is employed in a
position that requires a CPA.
C. Is in an educational institution which involves teaching of accounting, auditing,
management advisory services, accounting aspect of finance, business law, taxation, and
other technically-related subjects.
D. Holds out himself/herself as one skilled in the knowledge, science and practice of
accounting, and as someone qualified to render professional services as a CPA.

7. According to the IRR of RA 9298, the following can teach business law:
CPAs Members of the IBP
A. Yes Yes
B. Yes No
C. No Yes
D. No No

8. The following first-time candidates had these CPALE ratings:

Examinees CPALE Ratings
Subject Subject Subject Subject Subject Subject
1 2 3 4 5 6
Berlin 90 88 95 74 74 64
Manila 87 68 65 75 81 76
Nairobi 94 71 61 73 86 84
Rio 89 78 64 74 85 82
Tokyo 81 89 73 65 65 77

Statement 1: Only two candidates failed.

Statement 2: One candidate had to retake only one subject.
Statement 3: Two candidates would receive conditional credits.
Statement 4: Only two candidates passed.

a. Only one statement is correct. c. Only three statements are correct.

b. Only two statements are correct. d. All statements are correct.

9. Any candidate who fails in two (2) complete CPA Board Examinations shall be disqualified from
taking another set of examinations unless he/she submits certificate of completion of refresher
course to the satisfaction of the PRBOA that he/she enrolled in and completed at least twenty-four
(24) units of subjects given in the licensure examination. Such a certificate shall be valid for ___
years from the date of completion.
A. One C. Three
B. Two D. Four

10. The PRBOA, subject to the approval of the PRC, may revise or exclude any of the subjects and
their syllabi, and add new ones as the need arises, provided that the change shall not be more
often than:
A. Every two years. C. Every four years.
B. Every three years. D. Every five years.

11. Evaluate the following statements:

I. In a year, the Professional Regulatory Board of Accountancy (PRBOA) ordinarily administers
three (3) CPA licensure examinations in the Philippines.
II. As of the most recent update, a professional identification card has a validity of five (5)

A. True, True C. False, True

B. True, False D. False, False

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12. A certificate under seal, bearing a registration number, issued to an individual, by the PRC, upon
recommendation by the Board of Accountancy, signifying that the individual has complied with all
the legal and procedural requirements for such issuance, including, in appropriate cases, having
successfully passed the CPA licensure examinations.
A. Certificate of registration. C. Certificate of identification.
B. Certificate of accreditation. D. Certificate of quality review.

13. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programs for accountancy shall have these objectives:
• To raise and maintain the professional’s capability for
delivering professional services Yes Yes No Yes
• To attain and maintain the minimum standards and
quality in the practice of the profession No Yes Yes No
• To make the profession financially rewarding Yes No Yes No

14. CPD competence areas include:

A. technical skills. C. professional values, ethics, and attitudes.
B. professional competence. D. All of the above.

15. With reference to membership to IFAC, aspiring professional accountants are required to complete
practical experience by the end of initial professional development as compliance to:
A. International Education Standard (IES) 3
B. International Education Standard (IES) 5
C. International Education Standard (IES) 6
D. International Education Standard (IES) 7

16. Per PRBOA Resolution 254 Series of 2017, which of the following statements is INCORRECT?
A. The following can be a CPD provider: sole proprietor, partnership, corporation, government
institutions, and foreign entities.
B. Members of PRBOA are disqualified to be a CPD provider during their incumbency.
C. Application for CPD program accreditation should be filed 60 days before the offering of
the program.
D. The CPD monitor should submit the monitoring report to PRC within 15 working days after
the conduct of the program.

17. With respect to the most recent IRR (PRC Resolution 1146 Series of 2019) for CPD Law, which of
the following statements is INCORRECT?
A. The new provisions would take effect by March 1, 2019.
B. It would refer to CPD Law of 2016.
C. 15 CPD credit units would be required for the renewal of the PRC ID.
D. 120 CPD credit units would be required for the accreditation of CPAs in government.

18. What is the minimum number of CPD credit units that a registered professional accountant in public
practice should accumulate for accreditation within the three-year period starting 2019?
A. 15 credit units C. 100 credit units
B. 45 credit units D. 120 credit units

19. Which of the following is NOT a ground for the suspension or revocation of certificate of registration
and professional identification card?
A. Possession of an unsound mind
B. Practice in more than one field of accountancy
C. Conviction of a criminal offense involving moral turpitude
D. Unprofessional or unethical conduct, malpractice, or violation of RA 9298.

20. The punishment, upon conviction, for any person who has violated any of the provisions of the
Accountancy Act of 2004, or any of its Implementing Rules and Regulations as promulgated by the
Board of Accountancy:
A. A fine of not less than fifty thousand pesos (₱50,000.00) and imprisonment for a period
not exceeding two (2) years.
B. A fine of not less than fifty thousand pesos (₱50,000.00) but not an imprisonment.
C. No fine but an imprisonment for a period not exceeding two (2) years.
D. A fine of not less than fifty thousand pesos (₱50,000.00) or imprisonment for a period not
exceeding two (2) years, or both.

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21. A CPA whose certificate has been revoked:

A. Is required to take the CPA Board Licensure examinations before reinstatement
B. May be reinstated by the PRBOA after the expiration of two (2) years from the date of
C. Can no longer be reinstated as a Certified Public Accountant
D. Has committed a crime involving moral turpitude

22. Evaluate the following statements:

I. A BSA graduate is NOT allowed to practice public accountancy under his or her own name
immediately upon passing the CPA Board Exams.
II. The certificate of accreditation for CPAs in education is granted only once and remains in
effect until withdrawn, suspended, or revoked in accordance with RA 9298.
A. True, True C. False, True
B. True, False D. False, False

23. Evaluate the following statements:

I. Single practitioners and partnerships for the practice of public accountancy shall be
registered certified public accountants in the Philippines.
II. A certificate of accreditation shall be issued to certified public accountants in public practice
only upon showing, that such registrant has acquired a minimum of three (3) years
meaningful experience in any of the areas of public practice including taxation.
A. True, True C. False, True
B. True, False D. False, False

24. Which of the following functions would usually be performed by a senior (experienced) associate?
A. Signs the audit report.
B. Performs detailed audit procedures.
C. Prepares the audit program and performs more complex audit procedures
D. Tasked with liaison work between partners and other team members

25. The amount of professional fees depend largely on the:

A. Size and capitalization of the company under audit.
B. Amount of profit for the year.
C. Availability of cash.
D. Volume of audit work and degree of competence and responsibilities involved.

26. Under this method of billing a client, billing is done on the basis of actual time spent by the staff
multiplied by the hourly rates agreed upon.
A. Per diem basis C. Flat or fixed fee basis
B. Retainer fee basis D. Maximum fee basis

27. Which of the following cannot be mentioned by an author in publicizing a book in accounting?
A. Name C. Membership in professional organization
B. Qualifications D. Services that the author’s firm provides

28. May a CPA give a brochure to a non-client?

A. No, because this is a violation of the revised rules on advertising
B. Yes, since this is acceptable under the revised rules on advertising
C. No, unless the non-client becomes a client within ten (10) days from receipt of the brochure
D. Yes, if the non-client has made an unsolicited request

29. Subjects or citizens of foreign countries:

A. May be allowed to practice accountancy in the Philippines, regardless of the provisions of
existing laws and international treaty obligations, including mutual recognition agreements
entered into by the Philippine government with other countries.
B. Are not allowed to practice accountancy in the Philippines, unless they take, and pass, the
certified public accountant licensure examination given by the Board of Accountancy
C. May be allowed to practice accountancy in the Philippines, subject to the provisions of
existing laws and international treaty obligations, including mutual recognition agreements
entered into by the Philippine government with other countries.
D. Are never allowed to practice accountancy in the Philippines because they will jeopardize
the interests of Filipino certified public accountants.

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30. RA 9298 provides that temporary or special permits may be issued to Foreign CPAs in the following
A. A foreign CPA was called for consultation which, in the judgment of the Board of
Accountancy, is essential for the development of the Philippines. The permit restricts the
foreign CPA’s practice to the particular consultation work being performed. No Filipino CPA
was qualified for such consultation.
B. A foreign CPA was engaged to lecture on fields essential to accountancy education in the
Philippines. The permit restricts the CPA to teaching only, and limited public practice
provided such practice is conducted outside class hours.
C. A foreign CPA, an IFRS expert, is engaged for services essential for the advancement of
accountancy in the Philippines which can also be performed by Filipino CPAs
D. All of the above situations do not justify the issuance of a temporary or special permit.

31. Violations of the IRR shall subject the CPA to fines and penalties as provided for in RA 9298,
including its IRR. Such violations include:
I. Engaging in public accounting practice without first registering with the PRBOA & the SEC
II. Continuing to engage in the practice of public accountancy after the expiration of the
III. Continuing to engage in the practice of public accountancy after suspension, revocation
or withdrawal of registration
IV. Giving any false information, data, statistics, reports or other statement which tend to
mislead, obstruct, or obscure the registration of an Individual CPA, Firm or Partnership of
CPAs under the IRR.
V. Giving any misrepresentation to the effect that registration was secured in truth when in
fact, it was not secured
VI. Failure or refusal to undergo quality review

A. I, II, III, IV, V, and VI C. I, II, III, IV, and VI

B. I, II, III, IV, and V D. I, II, IV, V, and VI
32. Fill out the table below to summarize pointers on the PRBOA:
7 members
Nominations APO- 5 nominees, PRC chooses 3, President
One (1) complete term 12 years
Maximum no. of years
Vice Chairman (term) 1year
Two (2) consecutive complete terms 6 years
33. The following are qualifications of the members of the Board of Accountancy, EXCEPT:
A. Natural-born citizen and resident of the Philippines.
B. Duly registered CPA with at least five (5) years of work experience in any scope of practice
of accountancy.
C. Good moral character, not convicted of crimes involving moral turpitude.
D. No direct, or indirect pecuniary interest in any school, college, university or institution
conferring the B.S. Accountancy degree or providing CPA Review classes.
34. These qualifications are common to members of the PRBOA and the CPALE applicants, EXCEPT:
A. good moral character. C. Both A and B.
B. natural-born Filipino citizen. D. Neither A nor B.
35. The Accredited Integrated Professional Organization (AIPO) shall submit its nominations for the
PRBOA, with complete documentation, to the Commission
A. Not later than sixty (60) days prior to the expiry of the term of an incumbent chairman or
B. On the date of expiry of the term of an incumbent chairman or member.
C. After the 60th day from the expiry of the term of an incumbent chairman or member.
D. Upon request by the Commission for the submission of nominations.

36. The following are among the powers and functions of the PRBOA, EXCEPT:
A. To prescribe and/or adopt a Code of Ethics for the practice of accountancy
B. To ensure, in coordination with DepEd and CHED that all senior high schools and higher
education institutions offering accountancy-related programs and strand comply with
prescribed policies, standards and requirements
C. To conduct an oversight into the quality of audits of financial statements
D. None of the choices

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37. The following are grounds for suspension or removal of members of the PRBOA, EXCEPT:
A. Neglect of duty or incompetence.
B. Violation or tolerance of any violation of RA 9298 and its IRR, or the Code of Ethics and
technical and professional standards of practice for CPAs.
C. Pending case on a crime involving moral turpitude.
D. Manipulation or rigging of the CPA licensure examination results.

38. According to the IRR of RA 9298, this group is tasked to assist the PRC in accepting, evaluating,
and approving applications for accreditation of CPE programs, activities or sources as to their
relevance to the profession and determine the number of CPE credit units to be earned on the
basis of the contents of the programs, activity or source submitted by the CPE providers.
A. PRC Quality Review Committee C. PRC CPE Council
B. PRC Education Technical Council D. PRC CPD Committee

39. The Quality Review Committee (QRC) shall have the following functions:
A. Conduct quality control review on applicants for registration to practice public accountancy
and render a report on such quality review
B. Revoke the certificate of registration and professional ID of an individual CPA, firm, or
partnership of CPAs who have not observed quality control measures.
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B

40. Evaluate the following statements:

I. The Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants is registered with the SEC as a stock
corporation and recognized by the PRBOA, subject to the approval by the PRC.
II. Membership in PICPA shall be a bar to membership in any other association of certified
public accountants.
A. True, True C. False, True
B. True, False D. False, False

41. Sectoral organizations have been established to promote the interests of groups of professional
accountants. Which of the following is the sectoral organization for CPAs employed under oil and
gas companies?

42. In compliance with the SEC, auditors accredited under this/these group/s are allowed to perform
FS audit services to pre-need companies.
A. Group A only C. Groups A, B, and C only
B. Groups A and B only D. All groups (A to D)

43. Which of the following is a CORRECT qualification of the Chairman and two Commissioners of COA?
A. A naturalized citizen of the Philippines
B. At least forty (40) years of age upon appointment
C. CPAs with no less than five (5) years of auditing experience or members of the Philippine
bar who have been engaged in law practice for at least five (5) years
D. Must not have been candidates for any elective position preceding appointment

44. In the COA logo, the ___ silver stars on the blue background represent the national scope of
jurisdiction of the Commission and the ___ gold coins on red base represent the functions of the
A. 3; 6 C. 4; 6
B. 3; 7 D. 4: 7

45. Evaluate the following statements:

Statement 1: The vision of COA is to ensure accountability for public resources, promote
transparency, and help improve government operations, in partnership with
stakeholders, for the benefit of the Filipino people.
Statement 2: The Commission on Audit can conduct special audits on NGOs upon request by
proper authorities or as determined by the Chairman.

a. Only statement 1 is correct. c. Only statement 2 is correct.

b. Both statements are correct. d. Both statements are incorrect.

- END -

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