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School Ramon Magsaysay High School Grade Level Grade 10

LESSON Teacher John Loreto R. Mentes Learning Area Science

EXEMPLAR Teaching Date February 23-25 Quarter 3rd Quarter
Teaching Time 1:45-2:30 No. of Days 3 days

After going through this lesson, you are expected to:

I. OBJECTIVES  explain the overall role of the endocrine system and the nervous system;
 enumerate the major endocrine glands and their function;
 describe the parts of the nervous systems and their functions;
 describe the diseases of the endocrine glands and the nervous system; and
 state the several ways to keep the endocrine system healthy.

The learners demonstrate understanding of:

A. Content Standards  organism as having feedback mechanism, which are coordinated by the nervous and
endocrine systems; and
 how these feedback mechanisms help the organism maintain homeostasis to reproduce
and survive.

B. Performance

C. Learning
Explain the role of hormones involved in the female and male reproductive systems

(Write the LC code)

II. CONTENT The Endocrine


A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide

2. Learner’s Materials

3. Textbook pages SCIENCE LINKS 10 PP 205-219

4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR)

B. Other Learning
Resources Images from


Directions: describe the location and the function of the endocrine system.
Parts Location Functions
1. Sex hormones
2. Vas deference
3. Cervix
4. Vulva
5. Mons veneris

A. Reviewing
previous lesson
or presenting the
new lesson

B. Establishing ENGAGE
a purpose for Directions: Watch the following video and answer the guide question below.
lesson Source:

C. Presenting
instances of the
new lesson
Guide Question:
1. What is the system being describe in the video?
2. What are the parts of the endocrine system?
3. What is the human endocrine system are called? And how does the endocrine system
check and balance the body?

D. Discussing new EXPLORE

concepts and
The Hormone Map of The body
practicing new skills
Directions: Base on what you learn map out the following hormones being produces by
a specific organ using the

E. Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new
skills #2


F. Developing Using the map as a guide the concept on how each of the gland has specific hormones
mastery (leads to shall be explained.
Assessment 3)

1. Hypothalamus- oxytocin, ADH, (located in the middle of the brain)

2. Pituitary- Adrenocorticotropic hormone, Thyroid stimulating hormone, and Growth
G. Finding practical
hormone (located in the lower front of the hypothalamus)
applications of
concepts and skills 3. Adrenal- adrenalin (located at the upper part of the kidney)
in daily living 4. Pancreases – insulin (located beneath the stomach)
5. Parathyroid- parathyroid hormone (located inside the thyroid gland
H. Making generalizations 6. Thyroid gland- thyroxine calcitonin (located in front of the pituitary gland)
and 7. Reproductive gland- estrogen, progesterone, testosterone
abstractions about
the lesson

Glands on strike
Directions: List down the following health problems that might occur if your glands
decided to go on a strike!


1. What are the ways to keep the endocrine system healthy

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