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Dear Ms. (Name),


With effective from DD/MM/YYY, you have been re-designated as (Position). Kindly note that your
remuneration and all other terms and conditions of employment remain unchanged.

The Company will continue to provide guidance and support whenever needed. Should you require any
further clarification or support, you are advised to consult your immediate superior promptly and we
encourage frequent interactions with between you and your immediate superior.

Please signify your acceptance of these terms and conditions by signing the enclosed duplicate and returning
it to us. We wish you a successful career with the Company.

Yours sincerely

Human Resource


This is to confirm that I, (Name) holder of IC No. XXXXXX-XX-XXXX accept the re-designation of
employment to the position (Position) with the Company on the terms and conditions indicated herein.


Confidential Page 1 DD/MM/YYYY

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