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Sl. No. Module Duration

Module 1 12 weeks

Module 2 12 weeks


1. Title of the Course : Certificate course in FITTING & PLUMBING

2. Duration of the Course : Six Month

3. Type of the Course : Full Time Institutional



1. liltroduction to Tools & Equipment:

* Hand tools of the trade·
* Stock and dies

*Pipe vice

*Bench vice

* Blow lamp stove

* Fermle m/c
* Bending m/c
2. Documentation :
* Glossary of tem1s
* Basic engineering drawings I sketches
* Info sheets I job cards

· * Time sheets

* Record book I log book

* Store requisition
3. Basic Materials :
* Galvanized pipes
* Cast iron pipes

*PVC pipe

* SW pipes



* Solder I Lead
4. Testing:
*Water test
* Pressure test

*Smoke test

*Ball test

Practicals :
1. Taps & Valves :

* Understanding working principles

* Understanding methods of testing
* Use of basic tools and bench vice
* Selection of taps and valves
* Dismantling taps & valves
* Inspecting glands, washer
* Assembling taps and valves in position
* Ensuring no leaks when tested
* Safety
* Site tidiness
2. Cutting I Threading I Bending I Gl Pipes :
* Use of hand tools
* Use of cutting tools

*Use of bending machine

* Use of pipe Dies & Vice

* Lubrication
* Understanding basic sketches & drawing
* Mark out and cut to size
.. * Threading and bending

*Awareness of tolerance


* Site tidiness
3. Jointing I Assembling GI Pipes :
* Understanding types of pipes & fittings
*Understanding methods ofjoining
* Use of chain wrench
* Interpretation of sketches & drawings
* Joining and assembling GI pipes with supplied fittings
* Importance of line & level

*Awareness of tolerance


* Site tidiness
4. PVC Pipe Bending :
*Understanding types of PVC pipes and fittings
*Understanding methods of bending
* Use blow lamp & flame control
* Interpretation of sketches & drawings
* Mark out and cut to size
* Bend PVC pipes
* Importance of line & level
• J * Awareness of tolerance

; *Safety



* Site tidiness
5. PVC .Jointing :
* Understanding types of PVC pipe joints
* Understanding methods ofjointing
*Use of hand tools
*Use of beveling reamer
* Use of blow lamp & flame control
* Application of solvents
* Assembly methods
* Interpretation of sketches & drawings
* Join PVC pipe
* Importance of line & level

*Awareness oftolerance

* Safety
* Site tidiness
6. S.W. Pipe laying I jointing:
* Understanding types of SW pipe
* Understanding methods oflaying I jointing
* Use of hand tools
* Use of sight rails
* Assembly methods
* Interpretation of sketches & drawings
* Importance of gradient I alignment
* Understanding self cleansing gradients
* Join SW pipe

*Testing methods

* Awareness of tolerance


* Site tidiness

1. Basic Materials:
"' Galvanized pipes
* Cast iron pipes
*PVC pipe
* SW pipes
* Fittings


* Solder I Lead
2. Testing:
*Water test
* Pressure test
*Smoke test
* Ball test

3. Safety:
* Health & Safety
* Eye protection
* Hand & Foot protection
* Overall personal safety
*Working at heights (Ladders I scaffold)
* Electricity

Practicals :
1. Cast Iron Cutting I Jointing :
* Understanding methods of cutting
* Use of hand tools
* Interpretation of sketches & drawings
* Importance of alignment
* Understanding methods ofjointing
* Use of chain wheel
* Introduction to gasket
* Handling lead
* Testing methods

*Awareness of tolerance


* Site tidiness
2. Alkathcnc flanging I Jointing :
* Understanding Alkathene Flange
* Forming tools
* Assembly methods

*Types of fittings

* Connecting Alkathene to G.I. pipe

* Interpretation of sketches & drawings
* Importance of alignment
* Understanding methods ofjointing
* Testing methods
* Aware ness of tolerance


* Site tidiness
3. Malcing service connections :
* Understanding service connections
* Understanding ferrules, water meter
* Introduction local authority by-laws
* Connect cast iron main with domestic service
* Using ferrule, valve and water metei·
* Testing methods


* Site tidiness
4. Connecting house sewer to main :
* Understanding sewer connection to main
* Understanding interceptor traps
* Introduction local
* Connect interceptor manhole with main sewer using
SW pipes
* Testing methods
* Safety
* Site tidiness
5. Fixing s~mitary Fixtures :
* Understanding, handling, lifting sanitary fixtures
* Care in fitting and leveling
* Introduction local authority by-laws
* Fix low level water closet
* Connect to soil stack, seal connections
* Testing methods


* Site tidiness
6. Installing Water Pump, connecting supply pipe:
* Understanding handling water pump
*Understanding working principle of Water pump and
foot valve
* Methods of connections
* Connect pump to pump base
* Connect supply pipes, foot valves, etc.
* Care in fitting and leveling
* Introduction local authority by-laws

*Testing methods


* Site tidiness
7. Skill Consolidation Installation Work Project:
* Interpretation of working drawings
* Types of sanitary fixtures and appliances
* Storage cistern, tanks
* Understanding local authority by-laws
* Distribution water supply pipe connections
* Position install sanitary fixtures and appliances
* Testing methods


* Site tidiness
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List of Tools and Eauioments (for batch of 16 student)

Sr. No. Hems _Quantity
I. Rule steel 300 mm both in inch and mm I no.
2. Rule wooden 4 fold. 600 mm I no.
3. Hacksaw frame adjustable for 2SO to 300 mm I no.
4. Scriber 200 mm I no.
s. Centre punch I 00 mm I no.
6. Chisel Cold flat 20 111111 I no.
7. Hammer bal\ pein 800 grams I no.
8. Hammer bal\ pein SO grains I no.
9. File flat rough 300 111111 I no.
10. Level spirit wooden 300 111111 l no.
II. Plumb bob 50 grams I no.
12. Trowel C- 125-lS: 6013 I no.
13. Stilison wrench 200 & 3SO mm I each
14. Screw driver 50 m111 I no.
15. Wooden Mallet smal\ IS : 2022 I no.
16. Cutting pliers 200 lS : 36SO I no.
17. Steel tape l no.

List of Materials Reauired (for batch of 16 student)

Sr. No. Items Size
I. G. I. Pipe "B" ( l.S.l.) V:.!''
2. -do­ lj,"
3. -do- I"
4. P.V.C. Pipe
5. C.l. Pipe 3"

6. -do- !OOmm

7. S.W.G. pipe 4"

8. A.C. pipe !OOmm

9. G.I. Socket Y2'', ~",1"

10. G.l. Reducing Socket 1

/z"x 3/4", '/2"x 1", 3/.,"x l"

II. G.l. Elbow Y2'\ 3/t,'\ 1"

12. G.l.R. Elbow '/2"x :y;·, 1/2"x I", :Y.''x I"

13. G.l. Tee Y2'', ~··, 1''
14. G.I.R. Tee '/2" X 3/4", 1/2'' X 1''
IS. G.l. Union Yz", :Y..", I"
16. G.l. Bend v2H, 3jtiH
17. G.I. Flange 2"

18. G.l. Jam Nut Y2", Y4,, 1'' '

19. Stop Cock G.l. and.Brass \12"

20. Bile Cock C.l. , Brass and P.V.C. Y2"

21. Gate Valve Yz"
22. Wheel Valve Yz"
23. W.C. Indian
24. W.V. European ',

25. Sinks
26. Wash Basin 630x4SO mm
27. Flushing cistcms
28. Hack Saw Blade Y/' X 12"
29. G.l. Nipple Y2" x 2", Y2" x 4", Yl"x 6, Yl"x 9"
30. "S" Trap I X W'
31. "P" Tap 4"

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