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“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to
him in his own language, that goes to his heart. ”- Nelson Mandela. There are numerous
benefits to learn English as a foreign language but in this essay, I will try to explain only
three reasons that why you should learn English as a second language. As we know
languages are most important part of communications and especially these days
communication has a big role in People’s lives and most challenges and conflicts in the
world caused by misunderstanding and lack of a good communication .

As we mentioned above there are many reasons to learn English as a second language.
First of all, English is native language of United States and when you decide to live in
United States as an immigrant or other countries you have to learn native language of
your hosting country because you have decided to change you homeland country and in
this new home you have to feel free, like you were feeling in your former home.

You can communicate better with people of your hosting country also you can find new
friends and for finding of new friends in this new home you have to know their language
for better communication and enjoying your free time.

When you learn English, if your new home is United States you can find better jobs,
better opportunities also you can enjoy media like radio, TV and news papers of this new

Second, English is an international language. English is now the language of global

business. This means that in the international business community, English is used for
Communication by people who do not speak the same language. English is generally
considered to be second only to Mandarin Chinese in the number of people who speak
the language.

Communication plays a vital role in today’s global challenge, be it in business or

personal affairs. Among the often used mediums for communication, the English
language serves as a pivotal force in bridging barriers in communication which can make
or break international relations and state of affairs. Third, English is language of
computer and internet. These new inventions, for the first time invented in the United
States and in the beginning of these new revolutionary inventions they were available
only in English. Although these days they are available in ost languages of the world but,
if you learn English it could be a preference for you because they are more useable in the
English language. As I mentioned before English is an international language and these
days are the era of social media and with knowing English you can communicate with
the other people all over the world online on the other hand these days are the
information era too and not only you can get a lot of information for free online. Also
you can get a lot of short courses and even university degree as a paid courses online too
and most of these courses are in English.

In conclusion, there are many reasons for learning English language but we mentioned
above about three of them and these are: English is native language of the United States
and as an immigrant you have to learn it, second one it is an international language for
business and travel. Third, English is a famous language of computer and internet and
with learning English these could be more useful and more enjoyable. Also you have the
chance of learning some courses and earning higher degrees online too. Also, you can
learn English language online.
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