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AFSPAliftedfrompartsof India's Top Potential Training Institute for IAS

Assam,Nagaland,Manipur Strategy to Achieve Success :

Interactive session for Interview CSE-2021
Prof. D.P. Agarwal
Result of better security situation, Historic, big
fast-track development: Shah Former Chairman, UPSC
step for peace:

Date : 4th April 2022 Time : 11:30 a.m.
Northeast CMs


& TORA AGARWALA move is MOCK INTERVIEW CSE-2021 Offline & Online
Modes available
NEW DELHI, MARCH 31 Under the guidance of Eminent interview experts, Retd. IAS/IPS/IFS/IES Officers
● significant TORA AGARWALA Shri M.C. Gupta (Retd. IAS) Shri M. Ramachandran (Retd. IAS)
TWO DAYS after Assam and & ESHA ROY * Former Chief Secretary Govt. of Haryana * Former Secretary Govt. of India
Meghalaya resolved a part of THE NDA Govt has been NEW DELHI, MARCH 31 * Former Director of IIPA * Former Chief Secretary Govt. of U.P.
their 50-year boundary dispute reducing areas under AF- Shri Ranjiv Singh Dalal (Retd. IPS) Shri R. Srinivasan IES (Retd.)
in the Centre's push for a “dis- SPA in the Northeast for a THECENTRALGovernment’sde- (Retd. Advisor to the Govt. of India)
* Former Director General of Police, Haryana
pute-free Northeast”, Union while now, but this move cision to remove the Armed Dr. G.C. Srivastava (Retd. IAS)
Home Minister Amit Shah an- covers some districts of Forces Special Powers Act (AF-
Shri Anil K. Sinha (Retd. IAS) * Ex-member Secretary 12th Finance Commission
* Executive Director National Institute of * Vice Chairman Central Administrative Tribunal
nounced on Thursday that the Nagaland and Manipur SPA) from several districts in Disaster Management Govt. of India Shri B.B. Srivastava (Retd. IAS)
ArmedForcesSpecialPowersAct that armed forces had Assam, Nagaland and Manipur
Delhi, Maharashtra: Masks
Shri Arun Jha, IAS (Retd.) * Former Secretary to the Govt. of India Department
(AFSPA) will be removed from red-flagged earlier. It will is “historic” and a “big step” for Former Secretary, Government of India of Land Resources (Ministry of Rural Development)
several districts across Assam, also help the Centre calm peace in the region, according to Shri Skand Ranjan Tayal (Retd. IFS) Shri A.K. Mangotra (Retd. IAS)

not must, but advisable

Nagaland and Manipur. the anger over the Mon chief ministers across the (Former Secretary to Govt. of India)
* Former Ambassador to South Korea, Uzvekistan Shri Anil Kumar, IAS (Retd)
“In a significant step, GoI un- killings in Nagaland. Northeast, where its repeal has
Shri Anil Kumar Upadhyay IFS (Retd) Former Secretary, Govt of India.
der the decisive leadership of EXPLAINED, PAGE 9 been a long-standing demand.
Former Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, M.P Dr. Satendra, IFS (Retd)
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 DisasterManagementAuthority International Disaster Risk Reduction Expert,
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE (DDMA),atameetingchairedby Mrs Sangeeta Gupta, IRS (Retd) Food and Agriculture. UNO
Chief Commissioner Of Income Tax. Prof. Promila Batra
NEWDELHI,MUMBAI,MARCH31 Lieutenant Governor Anil Baijal
onThursday,decidedtodoaway Dr. Bala Prasad (Retd. IFS) Retd. Prof. of Psychology "Psychologist"
(Ex Special Secretary to Govt. of India) Prof. V. Gautam
WITHCOVIDcasesfallingsteadily, with the Rs 500 fine for not

If China breaches LAC

(Retd. Prof. of Environmental Science & Biotech D.U.)
Delhi and Maharashtra — which wearing face masks in public Prof. R. Sharma Prof. S.K. Singh
BUSINESS AS USUAL wereamongtheworsthitregions places from April 1. The fine was (Retd. Prof. of Political Science D.U.) Expert of IR & Internal Security

again, Russia won’t

— decided on Thursday to lift the CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
BY UNNY mask mandate. Both, however, Date : April- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Registration :
advised the continued use of Venue : Hotel Jay Pee Siddharth, 3 Rajendra Place, Delhi. Call : 81266-44-440
help, says US Dy NSA masks in crowded areas.
Sources said the Delhi PAGE 3
Whatsapp DAF to : 8126644440, E-mail : [email protected]
Salient Features
* Personality analysis by Eminent Mock Interview Experts & Retd. IAS, IPS, IFS, IES Officers.
SHUBHAJIT ROY INSIDE HC BAIL TO STUDENTS IN WORLD CUP CASE * One to One Discussion on DAF. * Performance evaluation & Feedback.
NEW DELHI, MARCH 31 * Two mock interviews and one personal sitting with our mock interview experts. * The five members

HOURS BEFORE Russian Foreign

JAISHANKAR SPAR ‘Unity of India not a reed interview panel which consist of Retd. Civil Servants, Mock-Interview Experts, Psychologists and
subject experts. * Each mock interview will be video recorded available to candidate for self analysis.
Minister Sergey Lavrov arrived
in Delhi, United States Deputy
that can bend to slogans’ Our Super Achievers CSE 2020

Singh, the chief architect of the SET TO MEET PM istan T20 World Cup match in
WORLD sanctions imposed on Russia, PAGE 6 AMIL BHATNAGAR October last year, the Allahabad
said that there will be “conse- NEW DELHI, MARCH 31 High Court said the country’s fo-


quences” to countries that “ac-
tively attempt to circumvent the
sides have termed as one with
“no limits,” Singh said that had
IN AN order granting bail to the
three Kashmiri students held on
undations are “enduring” and
the “unity” will not bend to
“empty slogans”.
BUDANIA 15 16 17

19/1A Shakti Nagar, Near Nagia Park Delhi. Call : 011-42547314, 9999458938
TRUST VOTE PAGE 12 Red-flagging the China- implications for India. sedition charges for their com- Arsheed Yusuf, Inayat Altaf
Russia relationship which both CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 ments following the India-Pak- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

New Delhi

Nagpur lawyer
who filed
FROM PAGE ONE beginning of “a new chapter in
Assam’s future”, said Chief
Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma. WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM
“The decision has not come
Fadnavis poll AFSPA exempted whereas Kohima,
Mokokchung, Wokha and
becauseofmarkedimprovement DOWNLOADAPP
affidavit case PMShri@NarendraModiJihasde-
cided to reduce disturbed areas
Longleng are partially exempted
from AFSPA.
of law and order in Assam,” said
arrested by ED under Armed Forces Special
Powers Act (AFSPA) in the states
signed with the Bodo and Karbi

after decades,” Shah posted in a
from 15 police stations in the dis-
tricts of Jiribam, Thoubal,
militants groups in Assam were
alsoamongthe“boldsteps”taken ■ CUSTOMIZABLE WhatCriminalProcedure
by the Centre since 2014, which
resulted in improved law and or-
Indian Express
THE ENFORCEMENT Directorate oftheimprovedsecuritysituation Valley.TheActremainsinforcein der situation in the state.
★★★★★ ■4.6
(ED) on Thursday arrested and fast-tracked development the hills districts. “In view of consistent success
Nagpur-based advocate Satish due to the consistent efforts and “We will continue to exert on the law and order front, the
Uke in connection with an al- several agreements to end insur- pressure on the Centre to com- Governmenthasdecidedtowith- NEWEPISODEEVERYDAY
leged land grabbing case follow- gency and bring lasting peace in pletely remove the Disturbed drawAFSPA,”hesaid,addingthat
ing day-long searches at his res- Northeast” by the Government. Areas tag,” said Manipur Chief concerns over law and order in We take a look at what the Criminal
idence and questioning him. According to the Ministry of Minister N Biren Singh who de- Assam and the Northeast is a Procedure (Identification) Bill, 2022, allows
Uke has, in the past, filed several HomeAffairs(MHA),AFSPAisbe- scribed the Centre's move as an “matter of the past”. “Now the police to do, and the concerns it raises
petitions against politicians, in- ing removed from 15 police sta- “initial step”. Northeastisreadyforinvestment,
cluding BJP leader Devendra tion areas in seven districts of Birensaidthestatewouldalso economic development and in-
Fadnavis, for non-disclosure of Nagaland; 15 police station areas honour Irom Sharmila for her dustrialisation,” he said.
information in election affidavit. insixdistrictsofManipur;and23 struggle against AFSPA. The face On the nine districts and one
On Thursday, the ED began districts entirely and one district of Manipur’s protest against the sub-division of AssamwhereAF-
searching Uke’s residence in partially in Assam. Act,Sharmila--knownastheIron SPAisstillinforce,Sarmasaidthey causeofthepersonalinterestthat Singh, an Indian-American Singh wasappointed Deputy dissoluble union of India. Every
Parvati Nagar area of Nagpur The decision comes in the Lady of Manipur -- undertook a were hoping to “take a call soon”. Union Home Minister Amit Shah officialandthebrainsbehindthe National Security Advisor, deal- citizenofthecountryisthecusto-
around6am.Later,Ukewastaken backdrop of vociferous demands 16-year-long hunger strike to de- “The status has remained where hastakenontheissue,keepingin Us sanctions against leading ing with international econom- dian, and the State is the sentinel
to the office of the agency in forAFSPAtobeliftedaftersixcivil- mand its repeal. the situation is yet to improve to touchwithusconstantly,”hesaid. Russian figures including ics, by the Biden administration of the unity of India and the con-
Nagpur for questioning, said ians were gunned down in Shah has been holding regu- the satisfaction of the Ahead of the 2012 elections, President Vladimir Putin and last year. stitutional values of the nation.”
sources.Accordingtoasource,the Nagaland's Mon district last lartalkswithNortheasternstates Government...itisstillinthetran- and his third term as Chief Lavrov along with top Russian Thefactthatpeopleweretrav-
ED case pertains to an alleged Decemberinabotchedoperation in a bid to resolve boundary dis- sitionstage.Wehopethatwewill Minister, Congress's Okram Ibobi officials and oligarchs, met sen- Masks elling long distances within the
complaintofgrabbingofa1.2acre bysecuritypersonnel.Sevenmore putesandbringinsurgentgroups be able to take a call sooner than Singh had opposed the repeal of ior officials in the Prime reduced from Rs 2,000 to Rs 500 countryforeducationwassome-
prime plot in Nagpur by Uke us- civiliansandasecuritypersonnel to the mainstream. later,”hesaid,addingthatthegov- AFSPA entirely from Manipur. Minister’s Office, Finance and last month. thing to celebrate, the court said.
ingforgedownershipdocuments. died in the retaliatory violence “As a result, most of the ex- ernment had taken steps “cau- Today,Singhremainscautious.“If External Affairs ministries in While the DDMA is yet to is- “Students travelling freely to dif-
Sources said ED has seized a lap- that followed, prompting the tremist groups have laid down tiously but decisively”. the government repeals AFSPA Delhi. He also met Commerce sueadetailedorder,sourcessaid ferentpartsofthecountryinquest
top,somedocumentsandmobile NagalandAssemblytopassares- their arms expressing their faith InNagaland,inthewakeofthe fromsomeareasinthevalley,but and Industry minister Piyush itislikelytoadvisethecontinued of knowledge is the true celebra-
phones owned by Uke. olution for the repeal of AFSPA. in the Constitution of India and killing of six civilians in Mon dis- noneintheHilldistricts,whatwill Goyal Wednesday. Russia has use of masks in crowded areas. tionofIndia'sdiversityandavivid
Earlier,Ukehadsoughtcrimi- However, Mon district re- policiesof theModigovernment. trict by security forces, the bethereactionofthetribalpopu- sanctioned Singh as well. Most of the Covid-related manifestationofIndia'sunity.Itis
nal proceedings against Fadnavis mainsa“disturbedareasincethis Today, all these persons have be- “Disturbed Area” notification is lation of the state? Will there be WhileLavrovarrivedinDelhi curbs in the capital were lifted thedutyofthepeopleofthehoist-
for non-disclosure of two crimi- is a border district, and has a come a part of the democratic being withdrawn from 15 police repercussions, will the hill-valley Thursday evening from Beijing, last month, and all schools will ingstatetocreateenablingcondi-
nal cases against him in his elec- strongpresenceofNSCN-K(YA),” process and are participating in stations in seven districts from dividewiden?Wewillhavetojust he will hold talks with External return to only offline mode from tions for visiting scholars to learn
tion affidavit of 2014. saidsourcesintheNagalandgov- thedevelopmentoftheNortheast. April1.Mondistrictwillremaina wait and see,” said Singh. Affairs minister S Jaishankar on Friday. Sources said hospitals and live the constitutional values
Uke is also the lawyer repre- ernment. About 7,000 militants have sur- “Disturbed Area” under the Act. Chief Ministers of other Friday. British Foreign Secretary will be directed to test and track of our nation. It is also the obliga-
senting Congress leader Nana The notification of “disturbed renderedinthelastfewyears,”the Nagaland Chief Minister Northeast states, too, welcomed Liz Truss, who came early people with flu-like symptoms. tion of young scholars to imbibe
Patole in a Rs 500 crore defama- areas” under AFSPA has been in MHA said. NeiphiuRiotweeted:“Thisisasig- the move. Meghalaya Chief Thursday, held talks with In Maharashtra, the govern- and adhere to such values."
tion suit filed against IPS officer force in Assam since 1990, in “In comparison to 2014, there nificant development towards Minister Conrad Sangma said it Jaishankar. ment announced that all restric- The court quoted three lines
Rashmi Shukla in the alleged Nagaland since 1995, and in hasbeenareductionof74percent bringingstability,security&pros- was an “important step in the Stressing that “friends don’t tions will be lifted from April 2. from poet Alama Iqbal's song
phone tapping case. Manipur, except the Imphal in militancy incidents in 2021. perity to the North East region. largerinterestofthepeopleofthe setredlines”,Singhsaid,“Weare "Gudi Padwa is the beginning of 'Saare Jahan Se Acha Hindustan
Hehadalsofiledapetitionbe- Municipality area, since 2004. Similarly, deaths of security per- Speaking to The Indian Northeast.” During the Mon inci- very keen for all countries, espe- the new year. This is the day to Hamara' to stress on the "con-
foretheNagpurbenchofBombay Starting2015,theGovernmentre- sonnel and civilians have also Express, Nagaland Deputy Chief dent in December, Sangma had cially our allies and partners, not startnewwork...Forthepasttwo stancy of Indian values and per-
High Court asking for a police moved AFSPA entirely from comedownby60percentand84 Minister Y Patton said the state demandedthat“AFSPAshouldbe to create mechanisms that prop years, we've successfully battled petuity of Indian people".
probe into the death of B H Loya, Tripura and Meghalaya, and par- per cent, respectively, during this was "grateful" for the move, as it repealed”. up the ruble and attempt to un- the deadly coronavirus, and to- The judge also said that the
CBI special judge in the tially from Arunachal Pradesh, period,” the MHA said. hadbeenalongstandingdemand. Thanking Modi and Shah, dermine the dollar-based finan- day it seems to be fading. To court is entertaining the bail ap-
Sohrabuddin Shaikh fake en- whichcurrentlyhasthreedistricts Sources in the Ministry said “We have been asking for this for TripuraChiefMinisterBiplabDeb cial system” to circumvent sanc- make a fresh start, the restric- plication directly. “There are ex-
counter case. and two police station areas in a AFSPA is imposed or removed in 30-40 years...after the incident in tweeted that the Northeast, tions. tions imposed... under the ceptionalcircumstancesfordoing
fourth district under the Act. a state fully or partially by the Mondistrictlastyear,theopposi- “which was highly neglected in Underlining that India “cur- Disaster Management Act as so. It is informed that the Agra
Section of IIM-A On Thursday, Shah said the
Central Government after “due
consultation” with state govern-
stronger,” he said.
the previous govt is witnessing
unprecedented development
rently importing Russian energy
doesn't violate any of the sanc-
well as the Epidemic Diseases
Act are being completely lifted
District Bar Association had
faculty opposes for decades, is now witnessing a
new era of peace, prosperity and
tral agencies. The Act is imposed
He added that the removal of
the Disturbed Area status from
now”. He described the decision
as a “big step to ensure peace in
tions”, he said: “We would not
like to see anyone taking advan-
from Gudi Padwa (April 2),"
Chief Minister Uddhav
ing any legal assistance to the ap-
logo change plan unprecedented development”.
In Assam, AFSPA will remain
for six months at one stretch, fol-
Mon district was still “under ob-
the region”.
Mizoram Chief Minister
tageof thesituationtorapidlyin-
crease energy supplies at cross
Thackeray said in a statement.
State Health Minister Rajesh
assaulted in the District Court at
New Delhi: A section of IIM- in the districts of Karbi Anglong, sionisreviewedunderthesuper- for some time. The main issue is Zoramthanga thanked the Prime purposes with our strategic ob- Tope said: "But this doesn't Thecourtsaid:"Lawyershave
Ahmedabad’s faculty has op- WestKarbiAnglong,DimaHasao, vision of the Home Secretary that the district borders Minister and Home Minister, jectivesinthesanctionsregime.” mean people should be compla- an oath inscribed in their con-
posed a proposal to change its Dibrugarh, Tinsukia, Charaideo, “aftertakingtheopinion”ofstates, Myanmar...and some militant tweeting: “#NorthEastIndia is When pressed whether any cent, they need to be careful. science to assist the cause of law
iconiclogo,sayingthemove“will Sivasagar,Golaghat,Jorhatandthe forces and agencies. groups have a strong presence One”. specific transaction like the S- Although it is not mandatory to under all circumstances and to
have far-reaching implications Lakhipur subdivision of Cachar. According to the MHA, the there,” Patton said. Arunachal Pradesh Chief 400 will face consequences, he wear a mask, people are advised servejusticetoallthosewhoseek
andlong-termconsequences”on ChiefMinisterHimantaBiswa Centre has signed several agree- In Manipur, where civil soci- MinisterPemaKhandudescribed was diplomatic: “That's the sub- to wear masks wherever they it at all times.”
its brand and stakeholders. Sarmasaid31,724.94sqkmofthe ments to end insurgencies and ety organisations and activists the move as an “honest and sin- ject of private discussions, I am can, to take care of themselves Thestudentshadbeenbooked
The proposal was approved 78,438sqkmgeographicalareaof bring “lasting peace” to the have long fought for the law’s re- cere attempt at doing something not going to share that…on spe- and others." under IPC Sections 124 A (sedi-
at a March 4 meeting of the IIM- the state is under the “Disturbed Northeastern states over the past peal,ChiefMinisterNBirenSingh different”. Thanking Modi and cific transactions and hypothet- Tope pointed out that many tion), 153-A (promoting enmity
A Board, according to a letter Area” status. He said the Act will three years. These include the said the move was “expected”. Shah, he referred to the decision icals, I'm going to leave those regionsintheUS,UKandEurope between different groups) and
sent by the faculty members to remain in force across the Upper Bodo Accord (2020) and Karbi- Unlikepoliticalpartiessuchas as “a significant step aiming to conversations private.” have already become mask-free. 505(1)(B)(withintenttocause,or
the IIM-A board of governors Assam and hill districts. Anglong Agreement (2021) in the Congress and Conrad bring peace, stability & prosper- Making a case for the sanc- "But we have made it optional. which is likely to cause, fear or
chairman Kumar Mangalam “InUpperAssam,ULFA-Iisstill Assam;theNLFT(SD)Agreement Sangma's NPP, the BJP did not ity”intheNorthEast.“Weallstand tions, Singh said: “The intent of The decision has been taken by alarm to the public, or to any sec-
Birla. Former IIM-A director active and we have also noticed (2019) to bring militants into the havetherepealof AFSPAasapart solidlyinsupportofthisstrongde- these sanctions is to change the the chief minister and all others tionofthepublic),and66-Fofthe
BakulDholakiasaidtheproposal the movement of other militant mainstream in Tripura; the Bru- of its manifesto. Instead, the BJP cision,” he tweeted. strategic calculus to show un- in consultation with the task Information Technology Act, for
“defieslogic”and will“dilutethe groupsinthatarea.Inthehilldis- Reang refugee agreement (2020) attacked the Congress on in- While AFSPA was repealed in equivocally that if he continues force and the health depart- allegedly sending WhatsApp
identity” of the country’s fore- tricts of Karbi Anglong and Dima for resettlement in Tripura. creased violence from insurgent Mizoram,TripuraandMeghalaya, towagethisneedless,illegal,un- ment," he said. messages “against the country”
most business school. Hasao, we have signed a peace On Tuesday, the chief minis- groups,aswellasallegedextra-ju- it still remains in force in parts of provoked war of aggression, it The Maharashtra govern- after the cricket match.
The existing logo is inspired treaty with Karbi groups, but our ters of Assam and Meghalaya dicial killings, which had taken Arunachal Pradesh. will be a strategic failure.” mentisyettoissueofficialorders The chargesheet had been
by lattice work of the Siddi dialoguewiththeDimasamilitant signed an agreement in the pres- place by security forces and the He listed out “five channels in this regard. filedunderthesameIPCsections.
Saiyyed Mosque in Ahmedabad organisation (Dimasa National ence of Shah to resolve six out of police. US Dy NSA of sanctions:” imposing “imme- Welcoming the bail,
and bears a Sanskrit shloka - Liberation Army) is in an ad- 12areasofdisputealongtheirbor- “There were two reasons for “No one should kid them- diateandacutecosts”onRussia's HC bail MadhuvanDutt,amemberofthe
Vidya Viniyogat Vikasa. vanced stage. The moment we der,resultinginabout70percent this. First of all, because we ex- selves -- Russia is going to be the largest banks and central bank; Sheikh and Showkat Ahmed accused'slegalcounselteam,said:
Dholakia, who was IIM-A di- signapeacetreatywithDNLA,we of the border between the two pected this to happen, and sec- junior partner in this relation- cuttingoff “necessary”technolo- Ganai have spent the past five “We thank the Honorable Court
rector between 2002 and 2007, will be able to withdraw AFSPA states becoming dispute-free. ondly we wanted our manifesto ship with China. And the more gies; revoking MFN status and monthsintheAgraDistrictJail,af- for looking at the merits of the
said at least 45 faculty members from the hill districts,” he said. The first major move at the to reflect new projects. Whereas leverage that China gains over denial of IMF, World Bank, bor- tertheywerearrestedonOctober case since the students do not
had signed the letter. Sarma saidthatinCachardis- Central level on AFSPA was taken scrutinising the need for AFSPA Russia, the less favourable that is rowing privileges from Russia; 26forcommentsmadefollowing have any criminal background
Thelettersaidtwonewlogos trict’sLakhipur,apartfromaHmar in 2004, when the Jeevan Reddy has been a continuous process,” for India,” he said. “I don't think “holding to account the Russian Pakistan's victory over India. The and hail from poor families. The
had been proposed — one inter- militantgroup,anumberofother CommitteesetupbythethenUPA Biren said. anyone would believe that if Kleptocracy” and “downgrading threewerestudyingatanAgraen- students will finally get to go
nationalandtheotherdomestic. insurgent outfits were active. government had recommended Fresh from his recent victory China once again breached the Russia's status as a leading en- gineering college under the PM home.”
The faculty was informed of this In Nagaland, the Centre ac- itsrepeal.Followingthis,aCabinet in the Assembly polls, Biren said Line of Actual Control, Russia ergy supplier.” Special Scholarship Scheme Nasir Khuehami, spokesper-
intheacademiccouncilmeeting cepted the recommendation of a sub-committeewasformedtoex- the Prime Minister had met the would come running in India's “I have come here in a spirit (PMSSS). sontheJ&KStudents'Association
onMarch4,itstated.“Thefaculty high-level committee formed in amine the matter. However, the “aspirations of the Northeast and defence. And so that's the con- of friendship to explain the InhisorderWednesday,Judge which has been assisting the stu-
members were never informed the aftermath of the Mon killings NDA government rejected the the Manipuri people in particu- text in which we really want the mechanisms of our sanctions, Ajay Bhanot said: "The unity of dents in their legal battle, said:
that there is a need to redesign and decided to withdraw AFSPA Reddy Committee's recommen- lar”. democracies across the world the importance of joining us to Indiaisnotmadeofbambooreeds "The three have suffered a great
the logo. Nor was a committee in a phased manner from April 1. dationsanddissolvedtheCabinet “This has been a long-stand- and specifically, the Quad to expresssharedresolveandtoad- which will bend to the passing deal,frombeingroughedupatthe
formed, that we are aware of, The withdrawal covers an area of sub-committee. (WITHJIMMY ingdemandanddesireofthepeo- come together and voice your vance shared interests. And, and windsofemptyslogans.Thefoun- Agra Sessions Court to facing re-
whose term of reference include 4,138sqkm,whichisabout25per LEIVONINIMPHAL) pleofthestate.ThePrimeMinister sharedinterestsandyourshared yes, there are consequences to dationsofournationaremoreen- current delays in hearing of their
logo redesign. No inputs were cent of the total area of the state. has created trust and confidence concerns about the develop- countries that actively attempt during.Eternalidealsbindthein- case. The bail order has restored
sought from faculty; no presen- The districts of Shamator, Northeast CMs among the people of Manipur. ments in Ukraine and the impli- to circumvent or backfill the destructible unity of India. andreposedthefaithofcommon
tationsweremade...,”itsaid. ENS Tseminyu and Tuensang are fully Thedevelopmentmarkedthe And this could only happen be- cations.” sanctions,” Singh said. Constitutionalvaluescreateanin- man in the judiciary.”


New medical education
Complainant backtracks, won’t withdraw case guidelines recommend
March 30, 2022 stated, “I in-
moved by the former officer,
directed Chitroda to file an
of the complaint)”.
The court had remarked
Bhatt had sought quashing
of the private criminal com- ‘Charakh Shapath’ in
place of Hippocratic oath
SERVICE teracted about my decision affidavit Thursday. that“allthiscouldhavebeen plaint by Chitroda against
AHMEDABAD, MARCH 31 with my family members Bhattwasfacing fourpri- avoided” and the court, ad- them in relation to the
and realised my decision to vate complaints filed in the vocates and other litigants Jamjodhpur riots of October
TWO DAYS after orally in- withdrawcomplaintisinap- court of Judicial Magistrate could have done “so much 1990. tion course”, beginning June 12
forming the Gujarat High propriate. I now intend to FirstClassof Jamjodhpur, al- constructive work during Bhatt and Zala are cur- ANONNA DUTT every year and culminating on
Court that he wants to with- withdraw my instruction leging custodial torture, of this period”. Justice Kariel rently in judicial custody, NEW DELHI, MARCH 31 the International Yoga Day.
draw the complaint of cus- about withdrawal of my which two were quashed by added, “Since it is a flip-flop, sentenced to life imprison- The revised curriculum initi-
todial torture by former IPS complaint.” the HC in 2009. let’s wait till the actual affi- ment, following conviction Students who have joined the ates community health training
officer Sanjiv Bhatt in 1990, Jamjodhpur resident TheGujaratgovernment, davit is filed.” in another case of alleged currentMBBSbatchwilltakethe from the first year itself and re-
during the Jamjodhpur riots, Chitroda's advocate Vijay H through public prosecutor The submission came custodial death during the Maharshi Charakh Shapath in- mainsthroughoutthecourse,un-
Mahesh Chitroda, the pri- Patel had told the high court Mitesh Amin on Tuesday, duringthe hearingof quash- same event. stead of the Hippocratic oath, der which students will conduct
vate complainant, Thursday Tuesdayabouthisclient'sin- had submitted that “if wis- ingpetitionsmovedbyBhatt ThepetitionbyBhattand with the the medical education field visits to community health
filed an affidavit stating he tention to withdraw the dom has prevailed on the and another accused former Zala seeking quasing of regulatory authority including it centresandadoptvillagesnotcov-
was withdrawing his deci- complaint to which Justice privatecomplainantnowaf- police constable Pravinsinh Chitroda's complaint is now as a part of its revised compe- ered by primary health centres.
sion as he found it “inappro- Nikhil Kariel who was hear- ter 30 years, the state would Zala. The petitions, filed in listed for April 22, for pro- tency-based medical education. Accordingtodoctors,thecur-
priate”. ing the quashing petition not object to it (withdrawal 1996 by Zala and in 1999 by nouncement of final verdict. Making the decision official, rent curriculum teaches com-
National Medical Commission’s munity medicine third year on-
guidelines state: “Modified wards. Forensic medicine and
PM’s exam townhall to be held today ‘MaharshiCharakShapath’isrec-
ommended when a candidate is
start in second year, has been
New Delhi: After a year’s share tips on handling year Thursday, holds sig- introducedtomedicaleducation.” shifted to third year.
gap, when it had moved exam stress, to be held at nificance in the wake of This comes days after “The courses have been
online due to the pan- theTalkatoraStadiumhere. the country coming out of Minister of State for Health and moved arounda bit, andthat’sit.
demic, Prime Minister Education Minister the pandemic and exams Family Welfare Dr Bharti Pravin With the pandemic, the focus
NarendraModi’s ‘Pariksha Dharmendra Pradhan ac- shifting to offline mode. Pawar said in a reply to Rajya should have been on subjects
Pe Charcha’ will be held in companied by School “Thestudents,teachers Sabha, “As informed by the such as virology and microbiol-
a town hall interactive for- Education Secretary Anita and parents who will get National Medical Commission ogy but no such thing has hap-
mat in Delhi Friday. Karwal inspected the toaskquestionshavebeen (NMC),thereisnoproposalof re- pened in the revised curricu-
Contact for Advt. Booking: M/s Friends Publicity Service Around1,000students, venue on Thursday. short-listed on the basis of placement of Hippocratic Oath lum,” Dr Rohan Krishnan,
teachers, and parents will The Education an online creative writing with Charak Shapath.” presidentof theFederationof All
(M): 9212665841, 9212008155 participate in the event, Ministry said the event, competition...,” its state- The new guidelines also rec- India Medical Association
during which the PM will which will enter its fifth ment said. ENS ommenda10-dayyoga“founda- (FAIMA), said.

New Delhi
Soon, no fine for not wearing
a mask in public: DDMA order withthedecisiontodoawaywith
EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE fines. Dr T Jacob John, virologist
NEW DELHI, MARCH 31 from Christian Medical College-
THEDELHIDisasterManagement shoulddefinitelybeovernow,in-
Authority(DDMA)hasdecidedto stead the government should fo-
do away with fines for not wear- cusonpromotingmasksinplaces
ingmasksinpublic,officialssaid. like crowded markets. Masks
A meeting of the Authority, shoulddefinitelybepromoted—
headed by L-G Anil Baijal was The penalty for not wearing masks in public was reduced bytellingpeopleabouttheirben-
held Thursday where the deci- from Rs 2,000 to Rs 500 last month. Archive efits—especiallywithinhospitals
sion was taken. It was attended asitwillreduceotherrespiratory
byChiefMinisterArvindKejriwal, infections too. The only places
Deputy CM Manish Sisodia, rev- from Rs 2,000 to Rs 500. those with flu-like symptoms. A where it should be avoided are
enue minister Kailash Gahlot, Accordingtosources,thepro- push for a sustained awareness ATMs and other security-sensi-
Chief Secretary Vijay Dev, AIIMS posal to lift fines entirely for not campaign for wearing masks is tive areas where facial recogni-
director Dr Randeep Guleria, wearingmaskswasdiscussedfor also expected, officials said. tion is important.”
NCDCheadDrSKSinghandICMR a long time, with some officials After the meeting, Baijal DrJugalKishore,head,depart-
Delhi’s Dr S Panda. suggesting the fines not be re- tweeted,“Whileappreciatingthe ment of community medicine at
Most Covid-related restric- moved entirely. “Many were of efforts made by all stakeholders Safdarjung Hospital, however,
tions,includingacaponthenum- the opinion that wearing masks in management of Covid, (I) em- saidmaskingshouldnotbeman-
ber of people who can attend should remain mandatory. phasisedupontheneedtofollow dated as it does little to prevent
weddings and funerals, market However, it was finally decided the five-fold strategy of Test, infections in a real-life setting:
timings,runningweeklymarkets that no fine would be issued. The Track,Treat,Vaccinateandadher- “Whenwesaythatif bothpeople
etc were lifted last month. While order will contain an advisory, ence to Covid Appropriate wearmasks,itreducestransmis-
fines for not wearing masks in a which asks people to remain Behaviour as advised by the sion by x per cent, results are
personal vehicle were lifted en- masked in public,” a source said. Ministry of Health and Family based on pristine lab conditions.
tirely,thepenaltyfornotwearing Officials,however,saidhospi- Welfare, Government of India.” In real life, no one can ensure
masks in public was reduced talswillbeaskedtotestandtrack Experts, meanwhile, agree proper and 100% masking.”


Man mowed (A Govt. ofIndiaEnterprises) Advt. No. 01/2022



died after he fell under a Rourkela Steel Plant invites personnel, fulfilling the eligibility criteria given below, to appear in the Walk-in-Interview on
truck which then allegedly 20/04/2022 (Reporting Time: 9.00 a.m. to 12 noon) at New Conference Hall, Ispat General Hospital, Sector-19,
mowed him down at Sardar RourkelaforengagementasDoctors(Specialist/GDMO),oncontractualbasis,foritsHospitalsatRourkela.
Patel Marg Wednesday, police Sl. Discipline Nos. tobe UpperAge Qualificationas on01/04/2022 Monthly
said. The incident took place No Engaged limitas on01/04/2022 Remuneration
early morning when the de-
1 Specialist 02 69years MBBSwith MD/DNBinMedicine Rs.1,60,000/-
ceased, Kunwar Arora, was cy-
cling near Maurya Hotel. The
truck driver allegedly fled after MBBSwithMD/DNBin Rs.1,60,000/-
the accident, and no arrest has Specialist Radiology/RadioDiagnosis
01 69 years
been made yet, said police. (Radiology)
MBBSwithPG Diplomain Rs 1,20,000/-
According to police, they re- Radiology/MedicalRadioDiagnosis
2 GDMO 06 69years MBBS Rs. 90,000/-
was rushed to RML hospital but
was declared dead on arrival. # Qualificationmustbe from a University/ Institute recognized byMedical CouncilofIndia
Amrutha Guguloth, DCP # Preference will begivento experienceson relevant fields.
(New Delhi), said, “It was found GENERAL:
that Arora fell after losing his 1. Selected candidates will beallowed to join subjectto being foundmedicallyfitby the Company’s Medical Board.
balance and came under the 2. NoTA/DA will be paidto the candidates for appearinginwalk-in-interview.
rear wheel of a Sena Bhawan 3. Eligible candidates may walk-in for interview along with all relevant testimonials in original with a set of self
truck. Sena Bhawan has been attested photocopies showing proof of age, academic & professional qualifications, Valid Registration Certificate
contacted for details of the issued by Medical Council of India or State Medical Council, experience if any, Photo ID proof etc., and one recent
driver.” A case has been regis- passport sizecolourphotographdulyattested by a GazettedOfficer on the date,timeand venue mentioned above.
tered under sections of rash For full details of advertisement please visit Company’s website at at the link “Careers”. Any
driving and causing death by subsequent changes if made in this employment notice shall be communicated through SAIL website
negligence, police said. ENS atthelink“Careers”. Candidatesareadvisedtokeepthemselvesupdatedofthechanges,ifany.

New Delhi

LAST 24 HOURS CASES HOSPITAL BEDS 9,791 9,728 Mar30 Mar 31

54,356 18,64,970 ICU BEDS 2,203 2,191 Cases N/A 17

Cases Recoveries Deaths Tests Deaths N/A 0
Mar 30
Mar 31
Total 458* 18,38,360 26,152 3,743,48,550
*Total active cases in Delhi Deaths 0 0


‘Hooliganism will not help
Day after attack on CM’s house, 8 country’: Kejriwal slams BJP
from BJP’s youth wing arrested The family also said they Surya,alongwithBJYMworkers,

FOLLOWING AN attack on his

house allegedly by protesters
from the BJP’s youth wing BJYM,
JIGNASA SINHA know Raju who works as a busi- protesting outside the CM’s res- whobroketheboombarrierout-
NEW DELHI, MARCH 31 nessman. They claimed that the idence. Asked about Surya’s in- side his residence and flung
men had permission from the volvement, the senior police of- paint on the main gate, Delhi
A DAY after members of the police to protest. ficer said, “We have footage Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal
Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha Bablu’s family said he works where he is seen with protesters Thursday condemned the
(BJYM) barged through police at a private firm in Delhi and who laterindulge in vandalism.” “hooliganism” and said he was
barricades, banged on the main went with his friends for a Nearly 200 members of the just an ordinary citizen ready to He was speaking at an event where he flagged off e-autos. PTI
gate of Chief Minister Arvind protest.Pyarelal,hisbrother,said, BJYM, the BJP’s youth wing, had die for the country.
Kejriwal’s residence and dam- “We don’t know much about his staged a protest outside “Kejriwal is not important... I
aged CCTVs outside, police said work. He was associated with Kejriwal's house on Wednesday am an ordinary citizen of the sage reaches the youth? The or- don outside the CM’s residence.
they have arrested eight mem- the BJYM but we didn’t know he against his remarks on the ‘The country.Icanlaydownmylifefor dinary youth will think this is The petition also prays for com-
bers of the outfit in connection was going for the protest." Kashmir Files’ movie. The men the country. But with this type of only right. This is a wrong mes- pliance of an earlier court order
with the vandalism. As reported by The Indian broke the boom barrier, kicked goondagardi,thecountrywillnot sage, and the country cannot for securing the road outside
DCP (North) Sagar Singh Express, an application for the andbangedthemaingatebefore move forward,” he said. Police progress like this,” he added. Kejriwal’s residence.
Kalsi said the men — Nearly 200 members of the BJYM, the BJP’s youth wing, protest, filed by a BJP office painting it red. They also al- Thursdayarrestedeightpeoplein Submitting that the violence
Chandrakant (27), Pradeep staged a protest outside Kejriwal’s house on Wednesday bearer, was rejected by the legedly broke a CCTV camera connection with the attack.
AAP MLA moves HC, was directed towards the CM
Tiwari (27), Raju Singh (28), against his remarks on the 'The Kashmir Files'. Amit Mehra arrangements cell of North dis- outside the residence. Speaking at an event where seeks SIT probe and his family, Bhardwaj has ar-
Jitender Bisht (40), Naveen trict police, yet the group went Police had said a case was he flagged off electric autorick- On Thursday, AAP MLA gued that it was meant to sub-
Kumar (38), Bablu Kumar (35), ahead with it. registered under IPC sections shaws, the AAP chief said: “If we Saurabh Bhardwaj approached due the highest elected official
Neeraj Dixit (25) and Sunny (21) of the BJYM for years. “We have Pradeep’s family said he DCP Singh Kalsi said: “We 186 (obstructing public servant wanttotakethecountryforward the Delhi High Court with a peti- of the capital by use of force and,
—wereidentifiedbasedonCCTV neverfacedanyissuesbefore.He worksasa‘mahamantri’andhas have arrested eight persons so in discharge of public func- and make a 21st century Bharat, tion seeking constitution of a therefore, also the elected gov-
footage and technical evidence got a call a day before the protest been associated with the party far. All were sent to judicial cus- tions), 188 (disobedience to or- then we will have to work to- SpecialInvestigationTeamforan ernmentof thecapital.“Thiswas
recovered from the spot. from his friends. He is a ‘ma- foryears.Allfamilymembersare tody by the court. We identified der duly promulgated by pub- gether and with love. Only then independent probe into the at- a direct attack on democracy,”
Families of the accused said hamantri’ of the youth wing and associated with the BJP as work- some from the footage. Around lic servant), 353 (assault or will the country progress. tack.Bhardwajhassaidthat are- reads the petition.
theywereunawareof thearrests theycalledhimtoprotestagainst ers. Ram Badal, his father, said, 20 persons have been identified criminal force to deter public Seventy-five years of the coun- tired judge of the High Court AccusingDelhiPoliceofcom-
until last night, when police the CM. Police took him to the “Pradeep completed his bache- and teams have been sent for servant from discharge of his try have already been destroyed should head the SIT. pletelyabdicatingitsduty,hehas
came and took the men. station in the afternoon where lorsinLLB.Wedon’tknowmuch raids.”Aseniorpoliceofficersaid duty) and 332 (voluntarily caus- with dirty politics, fighting with Bhardwaj in the petition, allegedthatitappearspolice“was
Vikas, Chandrakant's elder he gave his details. We didn’t about his work. I was out yester- thatall the accused are residents ing hurt to deter public servant each other, and goondagardi.” which will come up for hearing hand in glove with goons as the
brother, said the 27-year-old is knowtheywouldbarge in lateat day when the protest happened. of Delhi and members of BJYM. from his duty) and section 3 of “Now,if the rulingpartydoes onFriday,alsosoughtaprobeinto goons are members of the ruling
pursuing a diploma in civil engi- nightandpickupmybrother.He I later found out he had been ar- Video footage from the spot the Prevention of Damage to thissortof goondagardiinthena- roleof policeofficersresponsible partyinthecentralgovernment”
neering and has been a member wassimplyprotesting...,”hesaid. rested...” showed Lok Sabha MP Tejasvi Public Property Act. tional capital, then what mes- for maintaining the security cor- which controls the force.

Forgot biscuits for his kids, so he went Ridership is now 73% of
out-of-turn back: Friend of man killed in hit-and-run pre-Covid figures, says
outgoing Delhi Metro MD
ingontheroad.Theredjeepthat and found that the vehicle used
New Delhi: Police JIGNASA SINHA hit him fled. I saw the CCTV intheoffencewasrentedandar-
Commissioner Rakesh NEW DELHI, MARCH 31 footage,thedriverdidthisinten- rested the driver. Arun works as
Asthana has approved tionally. It can’t be an accident. a butler for an NRI who is stay-
out-of-turn promotions ON WEDNESDAY morning, Welosteverything...,”healleged. ing in New Delhi for a month.”
for at least 124 personnel. Girdhar (39) was heading home Laadkumar, his niece, said he During questioning, police MALLICA JOSHI &
Inanorderreleasedbythe from a teashop when he realised was a hard-working man but saidArunconfessedhefellasleep GAYATHRI MANI
Delhi Police HQ, the he forgot to buy biscuits for his earned a meagre pay of Rs 800 a while driving. “We checked if he NEW DELHI, MARCH 31
names of four personnel, children.Hewascrossingtheroad day: “They have been through a hadanyconnectionwiththe de-
who gunned down as- togototheshopwhenaTharjeep Girdhar (39) was a mason lot... Around a year back, maasi ceased but there’s nothing. The AFTER HELMING the Delhi
sailants who killed gang- mowedhimdownatJanpathand (Rekha) lost her fifth child... he two are strangers and it was an MetroRailCorporationforovera
sterJitenderGogiatRohini the driver allegedly fled. diedsoonafterbirth.Theirthree- accident,” said an officer. decade, Managing Director
court last year, have also A mason from UP’s Jhansi, packed some for his wife and year-old son has also not been Police said while Arun was in ManguSinghbidsfarewelltothe
been mentioned. Girdhar is survived by his wife children. On our way back, he keeping well for a few months. the jeep, the NRI was in a white organisation he has been part of
Rekha and their four children said he forgot to take biscuits for Wetookhimtotwo-threedoctors Mercedes and he came back to since1998.Thepandemichitthe
SCtocivic aged 12, 8, 5 and 3. The family
the kids. I insisted that he come
back, but he said his kids are
but he keeps getting high fever
and has difficulty breathing. We
check on Girdhar minutes after
the incident. “The NRI was in an-
Metro’s ridership, he tells The
Indian Express, but is now 73% of
body:PayRs have now gone back to Jhansi.
A video of the incident was
waiting for biscuits and went
anything and is inconsolable.”
other car with a driver. When he
realised a pedestrian got into an
ery, however, will take time.
Outgoing DMRC MD Mangu Singh (left) with his successor
Vikas Kumar.
2ksolatium circulated on social media. In it,
a red vehicle is seen hitting
him. After 5-10 minutes, people
started screaming and I found
Meanwhile, police said the
accident because of his butler,
he came back to help. He has You have been associated
amonthto Girdhar, who was trying to cross
theroadinfrontof aLexusshow-
that my friend was severely in-
jured. He later died at the hospi-
under sections of rash driving
some stock and investment
business and has been staying at
with Delhi Metro since the
beginning. What do you see
How long do you
think it will take
people and serving
the purpose of pro-
Khorievictees roomatJanpath.Thedriver,who tal,” said Ali, who has known DCP (New Delhi) Amrutha a hotel in the capital for a as your biggest achievement? for Delhi Metro viding a world-class

New Delhi: The Supreme

works as a butler for an NRI, was
arrested the same day.
Girdhar for nearly 10-15 years.
Girdhar’s elder brother,
a call around 8 am from Janpath
month,” said an officer who did
not want to be named.
I think creating a network of
400 km in a city like Delhi in just
to completely
recover from the THE EXPRESS service. The issue is
basically the arbitra-
Court Thursday quizzed
the Faridabad Municipal
was withhimminutesbefore he
Jamna, said they were outside
the house when they heard a
Road about the accident. The in-
jured man was shifted to RML
Police said Arun also works
achievement. Creating similar
impact of Covid?
We were opti-
tion payment. This
payment is nothing
Corporation over alleged died.“Wewereoutforourmorn- shopkeeper screaming. “We hospital but was declared dead theNRIwithhispersonalandof- networks outside India in cities mistic about the but the refund of
delay in readying alter- ing tea around 7 am and Girdhar rushed out and saw Girdhar ly- on arrival. We conducted raids ficial work around the city. like New York, London and situation all along M ANGU SINGH
nate accommodation for Moscow took about 100 years. I andtodaywhenall I don’t think this is a

Protests at Manesar: Workers say

rehabilitating people think this the best achievement restrictions have verybigburden...The
evictedfromforestlandin for me and Delhi Metro. beenremoved,withinamonth’s Delhi Metro is already under a
Khori Gaon and directed time, we are back to almost 73% debt of Rs 35,000 crore. All our
ittopaysolatiumamount How will lack of availability of pre-Covid ridership. We are lines have been constructed by
of Rs 2,000 per month to
those eligible for allot-
ment till possession is
targeted due to unionisation demand of space in Delhi impact
Metro’s expansion plans?
very hopeful that once schools taking loans, so this will be simi-
and colleges are also opened lar to that... Structures have been
fully, ridership will touch 80% built,lineshavebeenconstructed
handed over to them. demandasalaryhike,regularisa- toformaunionasworkers,espe- violatedcourt’sinjunctionorders forexpansionnetworkarethekey. plus. The remaining 15% will and you know that you have to
PAVNEET SINGH CHADHA tion of services of contractual cially women, had to suffer ha- and blocked entry to the prem- Ifyousee,inPhaseIVitself,were- probablytaketimetocomeback make the payments, so in addi-
Markazmosque GURGAON, MARCH 31 workers,andtoensuretheycome
stances of eve-teasing. We also
supply were halted and we suf-
alised that there will be problem
in getting enough land for creat-
to pre-Covid levels as some sec- tion to Rs 35,000 crore, you will
tions are still working from haveanotherRs5,000croredebt,
canreopen AFTER130workers,including76 “The company tried to dissuade wanted to address safety con- fered substantial loss. We filed a ing depots. So, we are not con- home. Also, journeys which are so it should not be a big issue.

duringRamzan, women, of manufacturing com-

pany JNS Instruments Ltd were
people from joining the union.
Our salaries had not been in-
cerns at work. We only get one
jacket and a pair of shoes, and
said the firm had transferred 9
structing any new depots for
Phase IV. Originally, two depots
Onlythosewhoareworkingand How has the tussle between
withconditions arrestedfor allegedlyriotingand
setting a bus on fire in IMT
quests were turned down. In
money for that is deducted from
our salaries... Apart from salary
women permanent workers to
Bhiwadi after promotion and
were planned in the Detailed
Project Report (DPR) for Pink and
going to office are using the the Central and the State
Metro. We hope to recover up to governments, which are
New Delhi: Police Manesar, workers continued to November 2021, I took five days hike,workersshouldalsobeenti- gavethemahikefortrainingpur- Magenta lines, but we have com- 90%butitmaytakeuptoayearto equal stakeholders in DMRC,
Thursday told the Delhi proteston Wednesdaydemand- off work, and when I returned, I tled to social security benefits...” poses: “Five have joined, others pletely avoided it. We decided to be back at pre-Covid levels. affected you?
Waqf Board that Markaz ing reinstatement of suspended wassummonedtotheoffice...and A spokesperson of JNS did not; their case is subjudice.” augmentexistingdepotsbyinno- No,IthinkDMRCisveryfortu-
Nizamuddinmosquewill workers who they alleged had intimated that I had been pro- InstrumentsLtdsaid,“Theallega- Subhash Chand, SHO, IMT vativewaysof arrangingfacilities How big a burden does the nateinthatsense,whateveristhe
be permitted to reopen been targeted by the firm after motedandtransferredtoBhiwadi. tionsarebaseless.Wehaveastaff Manesar police station, said, “130 inside the depot with available arbitral award that DMRC has politics,whateveristhedifference
during the month of they decided to form a union. Ihadtoreportthere,therewasno of over1,300workerswithama- werearrestedandreleasedonbail. land and we have been very suc- to pay to Delhi Airport Metro of opinion between the two gov-
Ramzan with the same The company denied the claims. notice. How can I just leave my jority of women and there is a TwoFIRshavebeenregistered:on cessfully able to do that. The de- Express Private Limited put ernments it has never affected
termsandconditionslaid Sushila, a permanent worker family and move in a day? The healthy work environment. We thecomplaintofaJNSInstruments pot at Sarita Vihar has been aug- on the Metro? DMRC’sworking.Ultimately,both
down by the High Court who lives in Manesar and has next day, they did not let me en- have not opposed workers’ deci- Ltd official and the bus driver.” mentedtoservetheTughlakabad- Letusseethepositiveaspects havesupportedusandDMRChas
on March 16 for Shab-e- been working as a line operator ter the office,” she said. sion to form a union or to stage Whileworkersclaimedtheywere Aerocity Corridor and the one at oftheentirething.Theairportline never had any issues as far as the
Barat. ENS for17years,saidWednesdaythat Rinki,oneoftheworkerslead- protests, which is their right. But lathicharged during the protest, Mukundpur...willservetheexten- is a very successful project. The tussle between the two govern-
they decided to form a union to ingtheprotests,saidtheydecided yesterday (Tuesday), protesters policedeniedit. sionoftheexistingMagentaLine. line is running, it is serving the ments is concerned.

CM flags off first e-auto fleet, 35 registered so far Audit team to look into structural
been registered and around 20-
25 are in process of issuance of
registration,” said transport
DMRC for their last-mile con-
nectivity, which they have said
they will give to women auto
issues of 60 societies: Gurgaon DC
commissioner Ashish Kundra. drivers. That is still being structural audit team. They will, process—visualinspection,non-
BLUEANDlilacelectric autosbe- Online applications were in- processed by DMRC,” Kundra PAVNEET SINGH CHADHA prima facie, conduct verification destructivetesting,verificationof
gan plying on the city’s roads vited to allot 4,261 e-autos in said. GURGAON, MARCH 31 of infrastructure and structural grade,anddetailedstructuralau-
Thursday, after they were OctoberandNovemberlastyear. A total of 663 e-autos have issues of these societies. In cases dit—astheaudit’smethodology.
flagged off by Chief Minister Of these, 1,406 e-autos (33% of been allotted to the DMRC to be THEGURGAONdeputycommis- where larger structural issues The DC held a meeting with
Arvind Kejriwal. E-auto drivers the total) were meant to be for handed over to women drivers, sioner (DC)Thursdaygavedirec- persist, we will get a probe con- 12 structural audit firms, repre-
whohadcompletedtheregistra- women. But only 743 applica- withpermissiontooperatethem tions to constitute a structural ducted under the supervision of sentatives of RWAs and district
tion of their vehicles attended tions were received from through an aggregator. audit team that will address government agencies and in administrationofficialsThursday,
the flag-off. women. A fresh round of appli- Transport Minister Kailash complaints related to irregulari- cases where only smaller infra- and sought suggestions to make
Speaking at the event, cationswasinvitedfromwomen Gahlot, who attended the flag ties in construction and struc- structure issues are reported, highrisessafe.Officialssaidadis-
Kejriwal said: “With the launch E-autos have been allotted through a computerised draw. in February this year, and 93 off, said a subsidy of Rs 30,000 tural safety received from over these private agencies can pro- cussion was held on redressal of
of e-auto, 3,500 drivers’ families womenhaveapplied.Thelilace- per e-auto and a 5% rebate on 60 colonies and group housing pose corrective measures...” complaints related to structural
will now have a livelihood, autos are for women. loans has been ensured. “We are societies in the past two years. Hesaidthetermsandcriteria safetyofbuildingsandstepstobe
which includes 500 women — a fuel-based to electric ones. In women driving these e-autos “When we invited applica- in talks with the DMRC and we Gurgaon DC Nishant Kumar for empanelment in terms of taken to ensure that an incident
matter of great pride for Delhi.” this direction, these electric au- were handed their official docu- tions, we said one-third will be will ensure that charging facili- Yadav said, “Since over 60 com- costing, expenses for audit and like the one that occurred in
He added: “Keeping the situ- toshave beenintroduced,which ments.” for women. But not enough ties are made available at every plaints have been received from experience were also discussed. Chintels Paradiso society, where
ation of pollution in Delhi in will now regularly operate The e-autos have been allot- women were there, and who- Metro station soon,” he said, ac- societies, we have decided to Itwassuggestedbystructuralen- two women were killed after a
mind,wearegraduallyinitiating throughout Delhi. As a symbolic ted through a computerised ever applied got it. We have also cording to a communication empanel structural auditors and gineers that the administration largeportionofanapartmenthad
aparadigmshiftinvehiclesfrom gesture, some of the men and draw. “Around 35 e-autos have given a number of these to the from the Delhi government. private agencies as part of a needed to adopt a four-step collapsed, is not repeated.

New Delhi


Budget Session

From The Gallery

SoniaslamsgovtoverNREGAcuts;ministershitback Union minister Giriraj Singh, who was in have a problem with a minister responding
“You are retired, but not LIZ MATHEW theHouse,madeaninterventiontosaySonia's to a submission, which shows that they just
tired.” NEW DELHI, MARCH 31 “allegations”are“farfromthetruth”.Hesaid: want to play politics with it.”
“Iwanttorespondtothemonebyone.Theis- DMK MP C N Annadurai also demanded
VENKAIAH NAIDU, Chairman, CONGRESS PRESIDENT Sonia Gandhi on sue raised by the leader is far from the truth. that wages under the job guarantee scheme
addressing the 72 retiring Rajya Sabha Wednesday tore into the government over The budgetary allocation for MGNREGA in should be increased.
members budgetary cuts in allocation for MGNREGA, 2013-14 (UPA years) was Rs 33,000 crore, Maintaining that the minister’s interven-
which she maintained is weakening the le- whereas under Prime Minister Narendra tion made it clear that Sonia’s observations
QUOTE OF THE DAY gal guarantee of timely payment and jobs.
Although it was a Zero Hour submission
Modi it had reached Rs 1.12 lakh crore. She
should not try to show us the mirror.”
“touched a raw nerve” in the government,
Congress leader Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury,
“After receiving the in Lok Sabha, to which the government usu- I&B Minister Anurag Thakur also joined said: “She struck the right chord. The govern-
ally does not respond, two Union ministers the issue and said the Modi government has mentwasleftinatizzy.Otherwisewhywould
report, we will find out hit back, alleging that Sonia's statement was allocated Rs 1.12 lakh crore for MGNREGA. three ministers, one after the other, get up to
exactly what is the far from the truth, and that even budgetary Congress president Sonia Gandhi speaks in Lok Sabha on Thursday. PTI Lashing out at the Opposition for “politicis- defend the government? During Zero Hour,
allocation remained unutilised under the ing the issue”, Thakur said: “Until 2013-14, ministers generally don't reply. We raise so
reason behind that. On Congress-led UPA. evenallocatedfundswerenotutilised.There many issues during Zero Hour every day, but
the basis of that report, Sonia's submission, demanding ade- played a constructive role in saving the gov- delays in payment to workers, Sonia said the were complaints even in the ministers' con- wenevergetanoralorwrittenreply.(But)to-
quate allocations to MGNREGA and ensuring ernment. However, constant cuts are being states were told that their annual labour stituencies. But Modi-ji's government has day three ministers rose to counter and rebut
we will take appropriate payments within 15 days, and the counter madeinbudgetaryallocationforthescheme.” budget will not be approved unless they provided more than Rs 1 lakh crore budget what Sonia Gandhi had said.”
action against the by the treasury benches — that the Sonia maintained that the approach is meet conditions related to social audit and for this. Under the UPA, only corruption data Chowdhury said, “I can understand if the
Opposition was “trying to do politics with “weakening the legal guarantee of timely appointment of Lokpal. “Social auditing is used to come from the constituencies.” minister concerned gives a reply. But after
manufacturer.” the scheme” — led to uproarious scenes in payment and jobs”. She said: “This year's good..andsocialauditingbytheGramSabhas Thakur said the Modi government has Giriraj Singh, the Rural Development
NITIN GADKARI, Union Minister, on Lok Sabha during Zero Hour. MGNREGA budget is 35 per cent less than cannot be compromised,” she said, adding started geotagging and addressed this issue. Minister who is in charge of MGNREGA,
recent incidents of electric vehicles Sonia, who has raisedmultiplematters of 2020, even when unemployment is rising that it cannot be made an excuse to create “Today, MGNREGA workers get their money spoke, Anurag Thakur got up. He is the min-
catching fire. public importance in the second half of the continuously. Due to the cuts in budget, pay- hurdles for the scheme. in their accounts with the click of a button,” ister for Information and Broadcasting and
Budgetsession,said:“MGNREGA,whichwas ment of workers gets delayed. The Supreme “IrequesttheCentralgovernmenttoallo- he said. Youth Affairs and Sports. And then Arjun
ridiculed by several people a few years ago, Court has called this a forced labour.” cate adequate funds for MGNREGA, ensure AsCongressmembersprotestedThakur's Ram shows there was weight
5 QUESTIONS hascomeinsupporttothegovernmentinpro- Expressing concern over several states payment of workers within 15 days of work, intervention, which came after the Rural and merit in Sonia Gandhi's arguments. The
viding timely help to crores of affected poor having negative balance in their accounts to and pay compensation in case of delay in Development Minister’s response, Thakur government's attitude was surprising. It
families during Covid and lockdown, and the tune of Rs 5,000 crore, which has led to payment of wages," Sonia said. said: “It is really strange. Opposition MPs showsitisdictatorialeveninsidetheHouse.”



Rajya Sabha bids goodbye to 72 Retiring MPs reminisce
members, PM hails contribution about past, advise on future
VISHWANATH one. In this context, maybe, I would like on
MANOJ C G the strength of my experience of the past six
What is the issue you raised under NEW DELHI, MARCH 31 years to make one suggestion to whoever is
Rule 377 in Lok Sabha? ESHA ROY listening.Theparliamentaryagenda isstruc-
I raised the issue of the suicide of a NEW DELHI, MARCH 31 ANUMBERof RajyaSabhamemberswhoare tured on the basis of lawmaking.The second
gynaecologist in Rajasthan after a reitiring gave farewell speeches in the Upper half of every parliamentary day is taken up
case was registered against her. RAJYA SABHA Thursday bade farewell to 72 House on Thursday. Here is what they said: by lawmaking; that was certainly the neces-
The issue has been mishandled. membersretiringthisyearasPrimeMinister sity of a time when Indiawas building an ed-
Yesterday (Wednesday) was NarendraModihailedtheircontributionand Prasanna Acharya (BJD) ifice, a structure,” he said.
Doctor’s Day and I thought this MPs fondly reminisced on their experiences. BJD MP Prasanna “Today, we have come to a situation
issue must be highlighted on “Char deewaron mein paya hua, char Acharya said in his farewell where lawmaking is less important than de-
behalf of doctors. dishaon mein le jayein, ye hum sabka sankalp speech in Rajya Sabha that livery, performance and facilitation.
rahe (We may be moving out of these four “when the majority pre- Therefore, in my view, when we will move,
How has the issue been walls,butweshouldtakethisexperiencefrom vails, the minority should when this House and the other House move
mishandled? heretoallfourdirections),”Modisaid,adding not be ignored”. to the other Parliament building, I think,
AsperSupremeCourtguidelines,an that he hopes most members return. “Democracy, no doubt, is about the ma- there is a case, and I am saying this on a very
expertgrouphastotakeadecisionon Hesaidknowledgealonecan’tbringabout jority. But democracy can’t live without the personal level, for actually looking at
whethermedicalnegligencetook thechangethatthecombinedforceofknowl- Opposition, which means the minority. whetherlawmakingshouldbecomethecen-
place.Theseissuesareveryclinical edgeandexperiencecan,whichmanysenior Democracymeansbothmajorityandminor- tral focus of the Parliamentary agenda or
andnoteveryonecanjudgeadoctor’s retiring members brought to the House. ity. When themajorityprevails, the minority move to something else,” he added.
method.Registeringacaseof Section “When experienced people retire, a lot should not be ignored. The Opposition gives
302(murderundertheIndianPenal would be said about them in the House but vibration to democratic bodies. I hope both Naresh Gujral (Akali Dal)
Code)beforethathashappenedis the responsibility of those remaining in- sides and all of us will realise this,” he said. Shiromani Akali Dal's
veryunjust.Frommediareports,she creases. The tales of experience left behind Rajya Sabha members at the Parliament House complex on Thursday. Renuka Puri Acharya is the leader of the BJD parlia- Naresh Gujral, a three-time
askedthatherhusbandandchildren by those retiring, remaining members have mentary party in Rajya Sabha. His remarks Rajya Sabha MP, proposed
notbetargeted…Itshowshow totakethatforward,’’saidthePrimeMinister, are significant as the BJD is seen as a fence thatParliamentshouldhave
distraughtthedoctormusthave been wishing the departing members’ luck. PrasannaAcharya,SanjayRaut,NareshGujral, BalwinderSinghBhunderof ShiromaniAkali sitter which has, however, on many occa- one special session every
forthesafetyof herfamily. The 72 Rajya Sabha members are set to Sardar Sukhdev Singh Dhindsa and Satish Dal — are also completing their tenures. sions sided with the government when it yeardedicatedtodiscussing
retire between March and July. Sixty-five of ChandraMisrahaveservedthreetermseach. Chairpersons of five department-related came to passage of crucial Bills. the problems the country is facing. The ses-
How can doctors be protected? them represent 19 states while seven are Another 15 Members have served two ParliamentaryStandingCommitteesof Rajya sion,hesaid,shouldbedevoidof government
I am a general surgeon myself and I nominated members. terms each. Sabha are retiring — Anand Sharma, Jairam Anand Sharma (Congress) business and criticism of the government.
am concerned that a wrong message While there are 45 first-time members P. Chidambaram has the longest legisla- Ramesh, T G Venkatesh, Vijayasai Reddy and Pointing out that politi- “I have seen in my 15 years, a lot of dis-
is going out to medical professionals retiring, 27 have served two terms or more, tive experience — one term in Rajya Sabha Vinay Sahasrabuddhe. cal and ideological differ- ruptions in this House, including the whole
across the country that a doctor can “reflecting the loss of experience that the and seven terms in Lok Sabha. “WearehonouredthatthePrimeMinister ences are the strength of session being wiped away. I have moved one
be harassed and pushed to suicide. House would be incurring” noted Rajya Praful Patel served four terms each in hasalsocometotheHouse.Thisisthefirsttime democracy, Congress's Private Member's Bill which says the House
Doctors must be given an Sabha Chairman Venkaiah Naidu. both Houses. I’mseeingtheHousesofull.Therearetwofor- Anand Sharma said these must meet for 100 days and if there are dis-
opportunity to be heard. We need Nine women Members, including boxer The four ministers completing their mer PMs here and members from across sec- differences should never be ruptions, then, the House automatically gets
competent doctors in the country. M.C.MaryKom,arealsoretiringinthisround. termsareNirmalaSitharaman,PiyushGoyal, torsandfieldswhobringtheirexpertisetothis made“personal”andthatthereshouldnotbe extended by that many hours or days. And I
Among those retiring, A. K. Antony and Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi and Ramachandra House. Thirteen friends from my own party any bitterness injected. think... there should be one session every
Do we need a better law to deal Ambika Soni have served five terms. Prasad Singh. areretiring,includingsomeveryseniormem- Hesaiddemocracywillflourishwhenna- yearwherethereisnogovernmentbusiness,
with medical negligence? AnandSharma,SureshPrabhuandPraful Floor leaders of four parties — Prasanna bers...,” said Leader of the Opposition tional parties remain strong and regional no criticism of the government, but we dis-
We can have a better law, but I don’t Patel have completed four terms each. Acharya of BJD, Sanjay Raut of Shiv Sena, Mallikarjun Kharge. FULLREPORTON parties thrive, as India cannot have just one cuss ideas which face the country, the prob-
think that is the answer. I have Subramanian Swamy, Jairam Ramesh, Satish Chandra Misra of BSP and Sardar idea and one vision. lems that face the country and together we
spoken in support of the law He also said it was sad that political op- do sagarmanthan and find solutions for this
brought to protect doctors during ponents are seen as enemies nowadays. country,” he said.
Covid. My heart also goes out to the
family of the patient… It is a hard
time for them also, but these risks
Naidu points out contributions, and disruptions “The kind of bitterness that we are see-
ing of late... it in a way hurts the dignity of
this great House. I am proud that during my
Satish Chandra Misra (BSP)
Bidding farewell to
are very common. ing the last four years, this august House has long parliamentary life... there has not been Rajya Sabha after 18 years,
ESHA ROY lostover35percentof itsvaluablefunctional a single instance when somebody has ob- BSP’s Satish Chandra Misra
How can such situations be NEW DELHI, MARCH 31 time. This needs to be curbed before it be- jected to a word that I had said. Never ever... reflectedonhisparty’selec-
handled then? comes too late,” said Naidu. even one single word has been expunged in toral slide and made a push
What we need is better awareness “IT IS not often that such a valuable pool of “I am glad to note that most of the this House,” he said. for a change in mindset to
and communication of risks to the Members retires in one go,” said Rajya Sabha Membersretiringkeptthemselvesawayfrom eradicate the caste system. He also said ups
family. In emotive situations, no law Chairman M Venkaiah Naidu Thursday as he disabling tendencies; most of them,” he said. Swapan Dasgupta (nominated) and downs were natural in politics.
can stop the family from feeling bade goodbye to 72 members of the House. Hesaidtheretirementof aboutone-third Swapan Dasgupta sug- “When I entered the House in 2004, the
how they feel. There have been Heindividuallypointedoutthecontribu- of theMembersof theHouseeverytwoyears gested it was time to have a BSPhadonlyfourmembers.Thereweretwo,
cases like these in my constituency tions of members and hoped many would enables continuity of the institution while lookatwhetherlawmaking and two of us — BSP chief Mayawati and I —
too, even one just six months ago. I return, but also flagged disruptions in House MPs Priyanka Chaturvedi and M C offeringscopeforinfusingfreshideasbynew should become the central joined.Wetookouroathtogether.Fromfour...
intervened and spoke to both sides proceedings in recent years, a subject he has Mary Kom. Renuka Puri Members. “These 72 Members constitute a focus of the parliamentary wesawthegrowth...Atonestagewewere15.
and consoled the family. But we raisedmultiple times on different platforms, vast pool of considerable legislative experi- agenda or to “move to Itisanothermatterthatwehavecomedown.
need to sensitise our police about including within Parliament. ence, domain knowledge, parliamentary something else”. These upsanddowns... itis nature'slaw...this
Supreme Court guidelines that they “Itis…aprivilegetobeaMemberof Rajya Functioning of the Legislature is being skillsandprovenperformanceinthisHouse,” “Thisisoneof the lastfewsessionswhich will continue. I think we should not change
cannot just register a murder case. Sabha. Unfortunately, at a broader level, that marred by persistent and often unjustifiable he said. “We would be missing this pool of will be held in this Parliament building. I our thinking on the basis of where we were
privilege is not being put to the best use. disruptions. It is disturbing to note that dur- wisdom and experience.” think, soon, everybody will move to the new and where we are now,” Misra said.

Such a film should not have been cleared SC upholds HC order scrapping BJP, ally win both RS
seats from Assam
for screening: Pawar on Kashmir Files 10.5% quota for Vanniyars in TN
vires the Constitution, it said. TORA AGARWALA
shouldmakeeveryeffortfortheirrehabilita- NEW DELHI, MARCH 31 Thecourtalsoruledthatthoughtherewas NEW DELHI, MARCH 31
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE NCP chief Sharad tion and not stoke anger against minorities. AHMEDABAD, MARCH 31 no fetter placed on the power of the state to
NEW DELHI, MARCH 31 Pawar said BJP Pawar'sremarkscomeatatimewhenthe legislate, and caste could be the basis of such A DAYof high drama, markedbythesuspen-
was creating a feeling that his party is going soft on the BJP THESUPREMECourtonThursdayupheldthe internal reservation, it could not be the sole sion of a Congress MLA and allegations of
AT A time when the BJP and the AAP are en- ‘poisonous wasgaininggroundwithintheShivSena,the Madras High Court judgment striking down basis. cross-voting, culminated in the BJP and ally
gaged in a war of words over Delhi Chief atmosphere’ NCP’s ally in Maharashtra’s ruling coalition. the law brought in Tamil Nadu last year that The Bench referred to the SupremeCourt United Peoples Party Liberal (UPPL) winning
Minister Arvind Kejriwal's comments onthe Pawar also criticised the BJP for dragging provided 10.5 per cent reservation to ruling in the Indra Sawhney case, saying “on both Rajya Sabha seats from Assam.
movie The Kashmir Files, NCP chief Sharad JawaharlalNehruintothedebateoverKashmir. Vanniyars,withintheMostBackwardClasses the issueof caste-basedclassification”, ithad OnThursdaynight,AssamChief Minister
Pawar on Thursday accused the BJP of creat- promoting the movie. The party’s communi- He argued that it was V P Singh who was PM (MBC) community, in government jobs and “stated that caste could be the starting point Himanta Biswa Sarma tweeted: “We won
ing a “poisonous atmosphere” by spreading cation department head Randeep Surjewala when the exodus of Kashmir Pandits began. admission to educational institutions. but not sole basis. Similarly, caste can be the both the Rajya Sabha seats from Assam (one
“false propaganda” about the exodus of had accused the government of trying to “TheVPSinghgovernmentwasbackedby The top court said it was done solely on starting point for providing internal reserva- bytheBJPandotherbyUPPL,ourpartner)by
Kashmiri Pandits from the Kashmir Valley. spread hatred in society through the movie. the BJP. Mufti Mohammad Sayeed was the the basis of numbers without adequate data tion but it is incumbent on the state govern- ahugemarginof 11and9votesrespectively.”
“Suchafilmshouldnothavebeencleared Pawar said that Kashmiri Pandits did, in- homeministerandJagmohan,wholatercon- to show the relative backwardness of the ment to justify the reasonableness of the de- The ruling BJP-led coalition had fielded
for screening. But it is given tax concessions deed, have to flee the Valley, but he pointed tested the Lok Sabha polls from Delhi as a BJP Vanniyar community. cision and to demonstrate that caste is not Pabitra Margherita (of the BJP) and Rwngra
andthoseresponsibleforkeepingthecountry outthatMuslims,too,weretargetedinasim- candidate, was the governor of Jammu and Upholding the HC judgment, a Bench of the sole basis”. Narzary (of the UPPL), both of whom won.
united are encouraging people to watch the ilar manner. “Pakistan-based terror groups Kashmir,” Pawar said. He added that the then Justices L Nageswara Rao and B R Gavai said The Madras HC had ruled that the law Former state Congress president Ripun Bora
film that stokes anger among people,” Pawar wereresponsiblefor the attackson Kashmiri J&K chief minister Farooq Abdullah had quit itwasof theopinionthatthelawdidnotpro- brought in bythethenAIADMKgovernment lost the lone seat the party was contesting.
said, addressing a convention of the minori- Pandits and Muslims,” he said. followingdifferenceswithJagmohan,andthat vide any substantial basis to treat Vanniyar shortly before the elections was without The days leading up to voting had wit-
ties department of the Delhi unit of his party. If the Narendra Modi government really itwasthegovernorwhofacilitatedthedepar- as a separate group as compared to others quantifiable data on the socio-educational nessed the Congress and the AIUDF levelling
TheCongress,too,hadattackedtheBJPfor cared about Kashmiri Pandits, Pawar said, it ture of Kashmiri Pandits from the Valley. among MBCs. Thus, the 2021 Act was ultra status of the Vanniyars. allegationsof cross-votingagainsteachother.

New Delhi

Faceoff over sanctions: ‘Most Now, Pokhriyal to

be evicted, to make
Russian oil buyers in Europe’ room for Scindia
On ‘moral’ position, Jaishankar underlines how Afghanistan didn’t resonate in Europe


Chirag Paswan from a bungalow
allotted to his late father Ram
Vilas Paswan, the next big evic-
tion on the government's radar
is of former Union Education
Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal
Nishank from 27, Safdarjung


“CHALTE CHALTE mere yeh geet yaad rakhna, kabhi alvida na S Jaishankar with UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss. PTI
Road, a bungalow that was allot-
ted to Union Aviation Minister
Jyotiraditya Scindia last year.
Ex-Union Education Minister
Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank

kehna...”—thisevergreenKishoreKumarsongsungbyagroup Sources said a team of rooms with quarters for the do-
of MPs summed up the mood of the lawmakers at a dinner Directorate of Estates personnel mestic help, are allotted to serv-
hostedThursdaybyRajyaSabhaChairmanMVenkaiahNaidu will be sent on Monday to begin ingministers,RajyaSabhamem-
for the retiring MPs. It was a welcome break for MPs from eviction. Since Pokhriyal is no bers, and senior members of the
across thepolitical divideasthey entertainedeach otherwith longer a minister, he is not eligi- judiciary. Pokhriyal was allotted
songs. While DMK's Tiruchi Siva sang P B Sreenivas's 1960's ble for a Type VIII accommoda- the property when he was the
hit Tamil song 'Mouname paarvaiyaal Oru paattu paataven- tion, said sources. Union Education Minister.
dum',NCP'sVandanaChavansangtheKishoreKumarnumber 27, Safdarjung Road, a corner However,citinghealthconcerns,
'Ruk jaana nahin tu kahin haarke" and Sonal Mansingh sang a bungalownearSafdarjung'sTomb he resigned from the post in July
Meera bhajan. Trinamool's Dola Sen and BJP's Rupa Ganguly inLutyens'Delhi,washometothe last year, just ahead of the
sang Bangla songs. TMC's Santanu Sen played the guitar, and Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla with US Deputy Scindiasforyears.Itwasearlieral- Cabinet reshuffle. As per the
outgoing BJP member Ramachandra Jhangra regaled every- NSA Economics Daleep Singh in New Delhi on Thursday. PTI Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov arrives in Delhi. PTI lotted to Scindia's late father, rules,heshouldhavevacatedthe
onewithaHindisong.PrimeMinisterNarendraModiattended MadhavraoScindia,whenhewas premises within one month of
the dinner, as did floor leaders of all political parties. a Union minister. Jyotiraditya his resignation.
haveoutlinedtheUK'sapproach perative. “When oil prices go up, August last year, when Taliban Scindiaoccupiedthebungalowtill In its latest eviction notice on
SHUBHAJIT ROY to sanctions and the fact that we Ithinkit'snaturalforcountriesto took over the country. 2019,whenheleftafterlosingthe February 3, the Department of


are ending our dependence on
Russian oil by the end of this
go out into the market and look
But I am pretty sure if we wait
Jaishankar said: “I would say
some of it also depends on prox-
Lok Sabha elections.
According to sources, after
Scindia switched over to the BJP
Estates said "all persons who
may be in occupation of the said
premises, 27, Safdarjung Road"
THE BJP headquarters will have a special visitor this week — Thursday between External I'mnotgoingtotellIndiawhatto twoorthreemonthsandactually strongly a particular country or and was made Union minister are ordered to vacate the prem-
on his maiden visit to India, Nepal Prime Minister Sher Affairsminister S Jaishankarand do.WhatIhavesaidisasamem- look at who are the big buyers of societyrelatestowhatishappen- lastyear,hewasgiventheoption ises with immediate effect. The
Bahadur Deuba will be at the BJP office on party president J P his counterpart, visiting British ber of the UK Government that Russian gas and oil, I suspect the ing.Ithinkwhatwesawhappen- of at least three bungalows. But ordernotedthatif theoccupants
Nadda’s invitation. Party leaders say the invitation was ex- ForeignSecretaryLizTruss,high- has signed up to the Budapest list won't be very different from ing in Afghanistan last summer he requested to be allotted 27, refused to comply, they were "li-
tended to markthe long-standingwarmandcordialrelations lightedthedivergencesbetween Memorandum, I feel a strong re- what it used to be. And I suspect hadastrongimpacthere.Iwould SafdarjungRoad.WithPokhriyal able to be evicted from the said
between the two countries. This is also perhaps the first time NewDelhiandLondonontheis- sponsibility on behalf of the we won't be at the top 10 of that sayitdidn'thavethesameimpact not vacating the premises, premises, if need be, by the use
that a visiting head of state will be at the party headquarters. sue of sanctions on Russia. United Kingdom to take all the list,” Jaishankar said. in Europe. I think people didn't Scindiahas been livingat hispri- of force as may be necessary".
WithSecretaryTrusslistening, action we can, to support the On how China will behave necessarily relate to the coming vate residence in Anand Lok. WhilePokhriyaldidnotwant
NO RECUSAL, PLEASE Jaishankar said talk of sanctions
people of Ukraine but that is not
the same as going around telling
seeing Russian aggression, she
said, “I have spoken to my
didn't identify with people who
"Ramesh Pokhriyal has been
living at 27, Safdurjung Road
to comment on the matter, a
source close to him said the Lok
SUPREME COURT judge Justice Krishna Murari on Thursday Europe that was buying more oil other countries what to do”. Chinese counterpart Wang Yi. are affected the same way. Truth sincethepastfewyears.Butsince Sabha Secretariat had informed
soughttorecusehimselffromabenchhearingamatterinvolv- from Russia than before the war. Jaishankar responded by un- China is clear that it respects is, many of us have similar or he is no longer a union minister, theurbandevelopmentministry
ing Spicejet and its former promoter, Kalanithi Maran, as his While the British Foreign derlining that in March, Europe Ukraine sovereignty, and that is sharedbeliefs,values,butthereis hewasgivenanewaccommoda- last year thatPokhriyalwasenti-
son works with the airline. CJI N V Ramana, who was heading Secretary repeatedly talked had bought 15 per cent more oil an important principle that as a abilitytorelate,theabilitytoiden- tionat2,TughlaqLanebuthasso tled to a Type VIII bungalow.
the bench, conveyed this to senior advocates Mukul Rohatgi about Russian aggression, and gas from Russia than it did memberof theP-5andarespon- tify, some of it is proximity… the farnotmovedout.Ateamwillbe Following this, the source said,
and Dushyant Dave, who appeared for the two sides, but they Jaishankar did not name Russia the month before. “If you look at sible nation, China needs to stick intensity of the reaction may not sent on Monday to begin the Pokhriyal asked the ministry to
“insisted” that the judge hear it. “In England, son can appear in his statements during the 45- the major buyers of oil and gas to. And therefore we shouldn't be the same all over the world.” eviction," said a senior official. allow him to retain the accom-
before the father judge and have lunch together. What is this minute panel discussion at the from Russia, I think you'll find seeChinasupportingRussia'sac- Accordingtosources,despite modation on Safdarjung Road,
misunderstanding we have in our country,” asked Dave. first India-UK Strategic Futures most of them are in Europe. We tions in Ukraine.” Lavrov to meet PM repeated notices from the which is a Type VIII bungalow.
Weighing in, the CJI remarked, “The walls of maintaining dis- Forum, jointly organised by ourselves get the bulk of our en- On the imperatives of taking Russian Foreign minister Directorate of Estates, Pokhriyal "However, when he did not hear
tanceismoreinSC.InHC,wehadnosuchproblem.Theyused Indian Council of World Affairs ergy supplies from the Middle a moral position, Jaishankar Sergey Lavrov, who arrived on has resisted eviction. He sought from the ministry, he informed
to come to our chambers. Here the distance is 1 km.” Rohatgi and Policy Exchange. This fol- East, about 7.5-8 pc of our oil drewparallelswiththesituation Thursday, will meet Jaishankar permission to retain the bunga- them that he would move to the
saidwhathappensinthecourtshouldhavenobearingonwhat lowed a bilateral meeting. from the US in the past, maybe in Afghanistan last year and said and PM Narendra Modi on low, but his request was denied. Type VII bungalow allotted to
happensoutside,andadded,“YourLordshipsshouldbreakthis In response to questions on less than percent from Russia.” that how Europe was not af- Friday, Russian Foreign ministry According to the rules of the himtilltheyfindaTypeVIIIbun-
rule.”ButtheCJIsaid,“Thatistheculturedevelopedhere,which India buying oil from Russia at HesaidthatIndia’spurchases fectedthesamewayasIndiawas spokesperson Maria Zakharova Directorate of Estate, Type VIII galow. He will move by April 2,"
Icannotchange.”Withthecounselsupporting,thebenchcom- discounted rates, Truss said: “I werebasedontheeconomicim- due to the turn of events in was quoted as saying. bungalows, which have seven said the source.
prising Justice Murari went on to hear the matter.


Stalin seeks PM’s nod one-day special

session today
More voices call for harmony; Bommai
to help Lanka Tamils KANCHAN VASDEV
for ‘restraint before going public’
CHANDIGARH, MARCH 31 resolve this issue soon.” ness.Theybrokethetrustof tem-
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Speaking in the Assembly on ple authorities when they shut
MANOJ C G IN THE first confrontation be- BENGALURU, MARCH 31 Thursday, Bommai said, “We shop protesting against the High
NEW DELHI, MARCH 31 tweenCentreandstateeversince havebeenlivingwithourbeliefs. Court decision on the hijab issue,
Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has BIOCONEXECUTIVEChairperson Everyone should cooperate in prodded on by the PFI (Popular
ON A three-day visit to Delhi, taken over the reins of the state, Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw's re- maintaining peace and order. Front of India) and other Islamic
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Punjab government has called a marksonWednesdayofa"grow- Karnataka is known for peace radical organisations. This an- Outside late Ram Vilas Paswan’s New Delhi residence, which
Stalin on Thursday met PM one-day special Vidhan Sabha ingreligiousdivide"inKarnataka and progress... When social is- gered the temple management is being vacated, on Thursday. Anil Sharma
Narendra Modi and urged the sessiononFriday,toreiteratethe has found resonance in parts of sues arise, there is a possibility whodecidedthattheyhavebeen

HC junks Paswan wife’s

Centre to allow the state govern- state's claim on Chandigarh. thecorporateworldevenasChief forustodiscussandresolveit.So let down and will not have them
menttoprovidehumanitarianaid This comes days after Union Minister Basavaraj Bommai on before going public, everyone within temple premises during
toSriLankanTamils.Hesaidmany Minister Amit Shah’s recent an- Thursdaycalledfor“restraintbe- should observe restraint.” festivals,'' Pai said, adding,
of them are fleeing Lanka and
coming to the state through the Tamil Nadu CM MK Stalin
nouncement on Central service
rules on Chandigarh employees
On Wednesday, in what
Reacting to the controversy
triggered by the Biocon chief's
"Members of both communities
should settle differences and not plea: Not your party office
sea route in the wake of the eco- with PM Narendra Modi in and hours after the Union marked the first significant cor- tweet, R K Misra, co-founder of allow radicals like PFI to destroy Chirag Paswan, Lok Janshakti
nomic crisis in the island-nation. New Delhi, Thursday. Twitter Cabinetcleared the decisionand porate voice of concern over the YuluBike,astart-upthatprovides communalharmony.Butthegov- EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Party (LJP) president and Lok
Stalinhandedovera14-point notified it. recent events in Karnataka – electricbikeservicesincities,told ernment should ensure the right NEW DELHI, MARCH 31 Sabha MP from Jamui in Bihar.
charter of demands to Modi. He CM Bhagwant Mann will be from the hijab row to efforts by The Indian Express that of everybody to do business is The petition was filed by Reena
also met Home Minister Amit inDelhi.SoniatoldStalinthatshe bringing a resolution criticising Hindutva groups to keep out Mazumdar-Shawwasrightinex- protected,'' he added. The Delhi High Court on Paswan, Chirag's mother.
Shah, Defence Minister Rajnath came to say 'vanakkam' (greet- theCentre’smove.Thestatesees Muslimtradersfromtemplefes- pressingherconcerns."Whatshe Vishwaprasad Alva, founder Thursday dismissed the petition Itwasarguedbeforethecourt
Singh, and Road Transport and ings)andwillmeethimagaindur- it as infringement on Punjab’s tivals, to calls for a ban on halal says is right. We all have to work of bio-medical firm Skanray filed by the family of late Union thatmorethan100people,includ-
HighwaysMinisterNitinGadkari. ing the inauguration of DMK rightsasitisnottheonlythathas meat – Mazumdar-Shaw had together to see that this does not Technologies, said, " We have re- minister Ram Vilas Paswan ing the staff, are in the bungalow
He had had a brief meeting headquarters in Delhi on irked the state. Eariler, too, the tweeted: “Karnataka has always go out of hand,'' Misra said. cently seen a lot of companies against the Centre's decision to at present and the family needs
also with Congress president Saturday.Duringhismeetingwith CentrehadtweakedBhakraBeas forgedinclusiveeconomicdevel- T V Mohandas Pai, chairman grappling with problems of evict them from 12, Janpath. moretimetovacatethepremises.
Sonia Gandhi, who went to the Modi,Stalintoldhimthattheeco- Management Board (BBMB) opment and we must not allow of AarinCapitalPartnersandfor- somegroupsdemandingspecial “It'snotyourpartyheadquar- The court said the process
DMK'sofficeinParliamentHouse nomic crisis in Lanka is forcing rules on appointments of chair- such communal exclusion — if merInfosyschieffinancialofficer, prayer rooms and breaks during ters," Justice Yashwant Varma has already been initiated and
to greet him. Sonia's reachout is Tamilstofleethecountry.Hesaid man and member secretary of IT/BT became communal it said there is a need to settle dif- working hours for religious ritu- said while refusing to interfere cannot be stopped now, after
interesting given Stalin is set to 16peoplereachedtheTamilNadu theboard.Ithadstatedthatthese would destroy our global lead- ferencesandpreventthedestruc- als... Values are eroding but peo- with the eviction process initi- Additional Solicitor General
meetDelhiCMArvindKejriwalon shores recently. “They have em- two posts would be filled not ership.”ShealsotaggedBommai tion of communal harmony. "All ple seem to get more religious ated on Wednesday by the ChetanSharma,representingthe
Friday and the two are likely to barked on the perilous journey only from Punjab and Haryana and said: “Please resolve this religious institutions have the and violent in their pursuit of Directorate of Estate, under the Centre, told the court that five
visit Delhi government schools due to unaffordable essential but from across the country. growing religious divide.” right to decide who can set up God…Retaliation with a ban on Union Ministry of Housing and truckloads of goods left the
and mohalla clinics. commodities in Sri Lanka.... It is Chandigarh administration’s In a subsequent tweet, she shops or do business inside their traders of a particular faith is not Urban Affairs. premises on Wednesday. The
Stalin will also meet the also informed that more such employees have been governed posted, “Our CM is a very pro- premises. In many Hindu tem- the right thing to do in any case," The bungalow is presently family was seeking four more
Gandhis formally during his stay people may be arriving,” he said. by Punjab service rules so far. gressive leader. I am sure he will ples, Muslims used to do busi- Vishwaprasad Alva said. occupied by the late leader's son months to vacate the premises.

From an English teacher to Army jawan and Yogi’s new target: 10,000 jobs in 100 days
PoW, to the leader of Gujjar quota agitation MAULSHREE SETH
Evam Pronnati (Promotion)
Board, the chief minister told
With incidents of paper leak
casting uncertainty over the ex-
him, Kumar, an IPS officer, was
suspended for allegedly failing
careerasamiddleschoolteacher Devi contested the panchayat LUCKNOW, MARCH 31 themtoshortentherecruitment aminations, the chief minister to control crime in the district,
HAMZA KHAN in Karauli and was soon pro- poll in 2001 and won. He then process and ensure digitisation also told the chairpersons to se- the government said. "The sus-
JAIPUR, MARCH 31 moted to the position of an contested the Zila Parishad elec- AFTER FACING the Opposition's for transparency. lect those agencies for conduct- pensions have sent several mes-
English teacher at a secondary tion as a BJP candidate, but lost heatovertheunemployment is- “The chief minister directed ing examinations that do not sages.Firstof all,thegovernment
FROM AN English teacher to a school.Decadeslater,hisfluency again. While Gujjars had been sue in the recently concluded officialstoexploretheuseoftech- have a “tainted past”. He also di- is serious about zero tolerance
Prisoner of War (PoW) to one of in English and Hindi came in seekingreservationthroughtheir Assembly election campaign, nology for conducting competi- rected officers to ensure that toward corruption and crime.
the tallest Gujjar leaders, Kirori handywhenhespearheadedthe inclusion in the STs category UttarPradeshChief MinisterYogi tive examinations to ensure reservation norms are followed Failing to tackle them will entail
SinghBainsla,whowasthearchi- K.S. BAINSLA Gujjar quota stir. since the mid-1970s, this gained Adityanath on Thursday chaired transparencyandreducetheinci- in the selection process. action,” said a senior officer.
tectof theGujjarreservationagi- 1939-2022 Bainslajoinedthearmyinhis tractionintherun-uptothe2003 a meeting of the heads of all the dentsof paperleaktoalmostnil,” In his previous term, the BJP Thursday's decisions are an
tation in Rajasthan, passed away early 20s as a jawan. He was part Rajasthan Assembly elections. state recruitment boards and Director (Information) Shishir governmenthadfacedallegations extension of the chief minister's
inJaipuronThursdaymorningaf- of it in the war against China in Duringher‘ParivartanYatra’,BJP gave them the target to give jobs Singh,whowasalsointhemeet- of neglecting reservation norms recent direction to officials and
teraprolongedillness.Hewas82. clared) brought dead.” 1962 as well as the wars against leader Vasundhara Raje, on June to over 10,000 youths in the first ing, told The Indian Express. intheselectionprocess–acharge ministerstoset threeshort-term
Bainsla's son Vijay told The Bainsla is survived by three Pakistan in 1965 and 1971. He 18,2003,madeacommitmentto 100 days of his second term. With allegations of the re- refuted by his government. goals –first100days,sixmonths
Indian Express, “He asked us for sons and a daughter. His funeral was a PoW in the 1965 war. He Gujjars for their inclusion in the In a high-level review meet- cruitment process extending for Earlier in the day, the CM or- and 1 year – for the government.
some water at around 5.30 am will take place on Friday at his retiredasaLieutenantColonelin STs list, if voted to power. ing with the chairpersons of Lok months and sometimes years, dered the suspension of Inthefirstweekof hissecond
and went to sleep. He didn’t native Moondiya village in 1994.Hethenreturnedtohisna- WhileBainslahadgrabbedna- Sewa Aayog, Uttar Pradesh Adityanath also directed the se- Sonbhadra District Magistrate term,soonafterheallocatedport-
wakeupfollowingthat.Wetried Karauli in eastern Rajasthan, tive village and started harbour- tionalheadlinesin2007-08,itwas Adhinasta Sewa Aayog, Uttar lectionboardchairpersonstoen- TK Shibu and Ghaziabad SSP foliostohisministers,Adityanath
cardiopulmonary resuscitation family sources said. ing political ambitions. He con- the2010-11developmentswhich Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha surethatrecruitmentrelatedtoa Pawan Kumar. While Shibu, an not only set out goals for his gov-
(CPR) and even took him to a Born on September 12, 1939, tested panchayat elections in cemented his status as one of the Sewa Chayan Board as well as particularfinancialyearorsession IASofficer,wassuspendedforal- ernmentbutalsoemphasisedfix-
hospital where he was (de- at Moondiya, Bainsla started his 1996 but lost. His wife Resham tallest leaders of the community. UttarPradeshPoliceSewaBharti iscompletedinthatsessionitself. legations of corruption against ing the accountability.

New Delhi
Journalist Rana Gujarat passes Bill to BAJRANG DAL WORKER’S MURDER Ponzi firm owner held for Rs 500 crore fraud in Odisha
Ayyub moves Karnataka court orders Bhubaneswar: The Economic Thursday arrested the head of a swindling Rs 500 crore. The firm

HC against ED pave way for 11 new probe against minister for Offences Wing (EOW) of the
Odisha Crime Branch on
System Private Ltd., for allegedly
had allegedly cheated people
fromfourstates,officialssaid. ENS

lookout circular
private universities ‘provocative speech’ Government of India
Department of Atomic Energy
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE out of a total 19 applications for
NEW DELHI, MARCH 31 RITU SHARMA newuniversities11havebeenap- CriminalProcedureCode(CrPC). Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
GANDHINAGAR, MARCH 31 proved. EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE KS Eshwarappa (accused 1) and
TWO DAYS after she was The Bill was unanimously BENGALURU, MARCH 31 another Bharatiya Janata Party NUCLEAR RECYCLE BOARD(NRB), Mumbai
stoppedatMumbai airportfrom THE Gujarat Assembly Thursday passedamidobjectionsexpressed (BJP)leaderChannabasappa(ac-
flying to London, journalist Rana unanimouslypassedTheGujarat by the opposition to increasing ASPECIALcourtforpeople’srep- cused2)havebeennamedasthe ADVERTISEMENT NO. 01/2022(NRB)
Ayyub on Thursday approached Private Universities privatisationintheeducationsec- resentatives has directed the respondents in the case.
Delhi High Court against the (Amendment) Bill, 2022, paving torwithoutanygovernmentcon- Karnataka Police to register a Riyazallegedthatevenbefore
lookout circular issued against wayforelevenprivateuniversities trol over institutes in matters like case against Rural Development theDoddapetepolicearrestedthe (CATEGORY – I & II), SCIENTIFIC ASSISTANT/B & TECHNICIAN/B FOR
her by the Enforcement including Adani University, fee and admissions. and Panchayat Raj Minister KS accused in the murder,
Directorate (ED) in connection Transstadia University, Whileexpressingtheirobjec- Eshwarappa over his alleged Eshwarappahadbegunpropagat- NRB (TARAPUR & KALPAKKAM) & PRPD, KALPAKKAM
with a case of alleged money SwaminarayanUniversityamong tions, Congress MLAs Virji provocativespeechafterBajrang ingpubliclythatHarshawaskilled Online APPLICATIONS are invited from the eligible candidates for
laundering. otherssetupbycorporateentities, Thummar and Kirit Patel sug- Dal member Harsha’s murder in due to “political and religious”
Ayyub’s counsel made a religious and social trusts in the gested including MLAs in the Shivamogga in February. causes, promoting enmity be- appointment to the following posts:
mentioning for urgent listing of state. committeesofprivateuniversities Hearing a private complaint tween Hindus and Muslims. 1.Stipendiary Trainee Category-I Total No.of posts :71 (UR-27,
the case before the division With the passing of this Bill, to monitor their activities. registered by Riyaz Ahamed, a Eshwarappa’swords, Riyaz said,
bench headed by acting Chief thenumberofprivateuniversities “Make an arrangement resident of Shivamogga, judge “triggered a violent funeral pro- EWS- 8, OBC-18, SC-10, ST-7 & PWD-1 )
JusticeVipinSanghionThursday in the state will increase from ex- wheretwoMLAscanbeincluded Preeth J ordered the Doddapete cession on February 21 in which 2.Stipendiary Trainee Category-II Total No.of posts :189 (UR-118,
morning. isting43to54.Amongthesenew inthecommitteesoftheseprivate policeto investigate the case un- stones were hurled at buildings
Justice Sanghi said the mat- universities, three are in universities for monitoring and der section 156 (3) of the and vehicles were torched”. EWS-14, OBC-33, SC-23 & PWD-1)
ter will ordinarily be listed for Gandhinagar, two each in control. As these private univer- 3.Scientific Assistant/B (Safety) (Direct Recruitment) Total No.of
Friday in case it is filed before Ahmedabad and Junagadh, and sities charge exorbitant fee from
noon. Later, the case was cleared one each in Bhavnagar, Surat, students and many a times mer- Post : 01 ( UR)
for hearing on Friday before Kheda and Patan. itorious students are not able to
Justice Chandra Dhari Singh. Education Minister Jitu get admission,” said Virji
4.Technician/B (Library Science) (Direct Recruitment) Total No.of
In the petition, Ayyub has VaghaniinformedtheHousethat Thummar. Post : 01 (PwBD – HH(PD)
said that almost two hours after
shewasdetainedatMumbaiair- 5.Technician/B (Rigger) (Direct Recruitment) Total No.of Post : 04
port, the ED emailed summons ( UR-1, EWS-1 & SC-2)
to her, directing her to remain
present before it on April 1. The
• For detailed Advertisement & to apply online visit our website:
information sought in the sum-
mons is a “verbatim copy” of the
information already sought in
• Only ONLINE APPLICATIONS will be accepted.
the summons dated January 25 • ONLINE portal for submission of applications will be available:
and is a “sham exercise” to jus-
from 01.04.2022 to 30.04.2022
tify the arbitrary action of deny-
inghertherighttotravel,thepe- • Last date for submission of ONLINE applications : 30.04.2022
tition argues.

आइये और सा ी बिनये भारत के

ु करो के हडलम
15 रा यो से आये बन ू
उ पाद क ंृखला का......
झारखड ं , महारा , आसाम, उ राखड ं ,
ं ाल, आं दश
प.बग े , ह रयाणा, नागालड,
ओिडसा, राज थान, उ र दश े , नई द ली,
ज मू क मीर, िबहार एवं म य दश े

New Delhi

Andhra: 8 IAS officers found Rajasthan doctor’s suicide: BJP leader

guilty of contempt of court
held, patient kin say didn’t file complaint
SREENIVAS JANYALA the officers ignored its orders not Teams are searching for Balya BJP leaders.
HYDERABAD, MARCH 31 toallowconstructionofbuildings HAMZA KHAN Dr Archana Joshi [the prime accused],” said As they protested, the local
inside school premises for non- JAIPUR, MARCH 31 Sharma Rajkumar Gupta, who joined as police arrived and assured them
THEANDHRAPradeshHighCourt educational purposes. died on Dausa SP on Thursday. Gupta’s of appropriate action and an in-
on Thursday found eight IAS offi- In June 2020, the court had THERAJASTHANPoliceThursday Tuesday predecessor Anil Kumar was vestigation.
cers guilty of contempt of court. takencognizanceofpetitionsfiled arrested two people including a transferred late on Wednesday Later, Dr Sharma and Dr
They were initially sentenced to by people from several districts BJPleaderforallegedlyabettinga following an outcry over Dr Upadhaya were booked under
twoweeksinprison,butthecourt stating the government was con- doctor’ssuicide—apparentlytrig- labourer, told The Indian Sharma’s death. IPC Section 302 (murder).
spared them from doing time in structingstructuresonvacantland gered by a murder FIR over a pa- Express. “I was tense then and Joshi is an associate of BJP Apparently disturbed by the de-
jailaftertheytenderedanapology. inside school premises, which tient’s death — in Dausa district. someone made me sign on a Rajya Sabha MP Kirodi Lal velopments and the FIR, Dr
Following the apology, the court weretobeusedaswardorvillage The arrests happened on a piece of paper, I don’t remember Meena. Sharma left a note and died by
toldtheofficerstodocommunity secretariats and Rythu Bharosa day the patient’s husband de- who it was.” The patient who died was suicide Tuesday.
GOVERNMENT OF ASSAM serviceonceamonthforayearin Kendras(RBKs)—setuptoensure nied getting this FIR filed against Meanwhile, Jitender 22-year-old Asha Bairwa who BasedonDrUpadhaya’scom-
OFFICE OF THE DIVISIONAL FOREST OFFICER social welfare hostels. betterdeliveryof schemes. Dr Archana Sharma andclaimed Gothwal, a former BJP MLA who had given birth at Anand plaint, a second FIR was lodged
he was made to sign a piece of is currently pradesh mantri Hospital in Lalsot, Dausa, on againstlocalleaderJoshiandoth-
Email: [email protected]
M.P. STATE LIVESTOCK & POULTRY paper by an unknown person. (state secretary), and one Ram Monday. The hospital is run by ersunderIPCSections306(abet-
“I didn’t write the complaint. Manohar were arrested on the Dr Sharma and Dr Upadhaya. mentof suicide),384(extortion)
N.I.T No.B/101/1/e Auction / Changbandha/1715 DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION I am a labourer, koi moti baat hoti charges of abetment of suicide Following her death, Bairwa and 388 (extortion by threat of
Short e-Auction Notice Main Road No. 3, Kotara Sultanabad, Bhopal–462003 (M.P.) hai to parh leta hun, likhna kum and extortion brought by Dr and his relatives went back to accusationof anoffencepunish-
Tele Fax : 0755-2776086, [email protected]/ he aata hai mere ko (I can read a Sharma’s husband, Dr Suneet their village with the body. But able with death); Gothwal and
Under the provisions of Rule 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 & 37 of the
Assam Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 2013 bids are invited little but can barely write),” Upadhaya. they returned some time later Ram Manohar have been ar-
online in 2(two) bid systems (Technical and Financial) by the INVITING E-TENDER Laluram Bairwa, who works as a “We have arrested both. with the body — and some local rested under this FIR.
undersigned as Schedule-A of the Auction Document from
NIT No.-01/MPLPDC/Purchase/2022-23 Dated 1st April, 2022
Registered Contractors/ Companies / Firms / Societies /
Individuals, etc for the award of Contract / Lease for the
following Minor Mineral Concession Areas (Mahal).
Online Tenders are invited by Managing Director, M.P. STATE
SI. Name of Mineral Concession
No. Area
(in Ha.)
TION for “Purchase of Dewormer Oxfendazole + Ivermectin”
for the year of 2022-23.
TACT DETAILS/EMAIL praise Centre’s
1 Changbandha-Boalkamri Sand 7(seven) 4.0
Last date for Submit bid online 13.04.2022 up to 17.30
The amount of EMD is : Rs. 10 Lacs (Rs. Ten Lacs Only)
30 LACS 9996107464
[email protected] ‘success’ in
Mahal Years
Details of e Auction will be available on
Tender documents can be purchased Online From https://
Maoist areas
FARIDABAD, HARYANA portal from 05.04.2022. M.P. Madhyam/104232/2022 MANAGING DIRECTOR
JANASAYOG/C/14145/21 Dhubri Division RWS&S DIVISION, KENDRAPARA Department of Tourism NEW DELHI, APRIL 1
At: Ichhapur, Post: Shree Baladevjew, Government of Odisha
´fd›¸ffÔ¨f»f dUôb°f dU°fSX¯f d³f¦f¸f d»f. O-1898
Email: [email protected]
Identification No.RWS/ 109 /2021-2022 R-11
Paryatan Bhawan, Lewis Road, Bhubaneswar, 751014
Phone: (0674) 243 2177 I Fax: (0674)-243 0887
have issued a statement praising
A»´fIYf»fe³f BÊ-d³fdUQf Àfc¨f³ff Letter No. 2722/ Dated 30.03.22
1st Corrigendum
the Narendra Modi-led central
government’s efforts in combat-
dUôb°f ÀfbS Ãff d³fQZVff»f¹f ÀfZ 'I ' ´fi¸ff¯f ´fÂf ´fif~, A³fb·fUe EUÔ ´fid°fdâ°f R ¸fûÊa/EþZ³Àfe¹fûÔ This corrigendum has been made for the NIT-109 invited online vide this office letter No 3197/ TSM/ TCT-TSP-MISC-0051-2021 Date: 31.03.22 ingMaoistviolenceinthecountry.
ÀfZ IZ ¸ff²¹f¸f ÀfZ A»´fI f»fe³f BÊ-d³fdUQf dQ³ffÔI
No. 1757 / Dated. 10.03.2022 with date for selling, closing, clarification and opening TENDER NOTICE Issued under the banner of
which was on dt. 31.03.2022 (selling date), 22.04.2022 (closing date), 02.04.2022
12.04.2022 Àf¸f¹f 11:00 ¶fþZ °fI Af¸fÔdÂf°f I e þf°fe W` dþÀfI f ´fi±f¸f ·ff¦f CÀfe (clarification date) 25.04.2022 (opening date) to be read as 19.04.2022, 04.05.2022, Request for proposal for “Selection of an agency for website operation, 'Track The Truth', the statement
dQ³f Àf¸f¹f 14:00 ¶fþZ Jû»ff þf¹fZ¦ffÜ 1. BÊq-d³fdUQf ÀfÔ0-66/2021-22 ²fSûWS 22.04.2022 and 05.05.2022 respectively and EMD @ 1% to be deposited online as maintenance, augmentation and mobile app development for Department of called the central schemes
the date of closing of tender falls on 04.05.2022 as per the corrigendum for which
SfdVf-10000.00 d³fdUQf SfdVf-1180.00 (þeEÀfMe ÀfdW°f) dUôb°f dU°fS¯f J¯O- EMD relaxation was upto 31.03.2022. All other terms and condition remain
Tourism, Government of Odisha” launchedbyPrimeMinisterModi
¦fiZM S ³fûEOf IZ I f¹fÊÃfZÂf ¸fZÔ EI U¿fÊ I e AUd²f ¸fZÔ þ¸ff ¹fûþ³ff IZ A³°f¦fÊ°f dUd·f³³f unaltered. Department of Tourism, Government of Odisha invites proposals from prospective a “game changer” in Maoist-af-
SI Name of Work Estimated EMD to be Cost of Period of applicants for “Request for proposal for Selection of an agency for website fected areas and credited the
I f¹fûÊÔ I û I Sf³fZ WZ°fb ¶ff‘ EþZ³Àfe d³f¹fbö I S³fZ ÀfZ Àf¸¶fd³²f°f I f¹fÊÜ 2. BÊ0-d³fdUQf No Cost(Apprx.) deposited Tender comple-
operation, maintenance, augmentation and mobile app development for “hands-on, persuasive style of
ÀfÔ0-67/2021-22 ²fSûWS SfdVf-10000.00 d³fdUQf SfdVf-1180.00 (þeEÀfMe Rs. In Lakhs online Paper tion
Department of Tourism, Government of Odisha”. working”of HomeMinisterAmit
ÀfdW°f) dUôb°f ³f¦fSe¹f dU°fS¯f J¯O-°fÈ°fe¹f, ³fûEOf IZ I f¹fÊÃfZÂf ¸fZÔ ´fc¯fÊ þ¸ff ¹fûþ³ff 1. Execution of New 70 LPCD RPWS
Scheme to Doligaon, Ratapanga
` 10000 330 days
Interested bidders may download the RFP document from tender section of Department Shah as a motivating factor.
IZ A³°f¦fÊ°f 33/11 IZ Ue C´fIZ ³Qi ÀfZ¢MS 168 ÀfZ d³f¦fÊ°f 11 IZ Ue R eOS ³fa0 8 I û and Guludia on clubbed up mode of Tourism website accessed in the link below: “The past year is a milestone
dOÀ¸fZ³M»f I S³fZ IZ C´fSf³°f ³fBÊ 11 IZ Ue ·fcd¸f¦f°f »ffBʳf d³f¸ffʯf I S³fZ ÀfZ Àf¸¶fd³²f°f under Mahakalapada Block in the
District of Kendrapara. (JJM Funds) en/dot/quickLinks/tender.html incontainingIndia’sdecades-old
I f¹fÊÜ 3. BÊ0-d³fdUQf ÀfÔ0-68/2021-22 ²fSûWS SfdVf-58000.00 d³fdUQf SfdVf- Due date and time for submission of bids: on or before 25.04.2022 up to 3:00 PM Maoist insurgency… the num-
3540.00 (þeEÀfMe ÀfdW°f) dUq ³fqdUq¸f¯O»f-dõ°fe¹f, ³fûEOf IZ I f¹fÊÃfZÂf ¸faZ 33 2. Execution of New 70 LPCD RPWS ` ` ` 10000 330 days Sd/- berof Maoist-affectedpolicesta-
Scheme to Kaltunga, Kantilo of 316.04 317000
IZ Ue, 11 IZ Ue ·fcd¸f¦f°f dUôb°f »ffB³fûÔ IZ ¶fiZI -OfC³fûÔ I û °UdS°f ¦fd°f ÀfZ AM`¯O I S³fZ Mahakalapada Block and Mundilo Additional Secretary to Govt. tions has reduced significantly
WZ°fb ³fUe³f°f¸f M`¢³fû»ffgþe ¹fbö R f»M »fûIZ MS ¸fVfe³f (UfW³f-Afg´fSZM S ÀfdW°f) of Derabish Block on clubbed up OIPR-37001/11/0028/21-22 in the past decade from almost
mode in the District of Kendrapara. 450 to about 200 and districts
C´f»f¶²f I Sf°fZ WbE NeI I S³fZ EUÔ A³¹f Àf¸¶fd³²f°f I f¹fÊÜ d³fdUQf ÀfZ Àf¸¶fÔd²f°f Àf¸fÀ°f (JJM Funds)
from about 100 to 50,” the state-
dUUS¯f °f±ff ÀfÔVfû²f³f/d³fdUQf dUÀ°ffS I e þf³fI fSe UZ¶fÀffBM Sd/-
ment said.
°f±ff ´fS QZJe þf ÀfI °fe W`Ü A²feÃf¯f Ad·f¹f³°ff dUôb°f (ER. B.K. NAYAK)
Such success was not possi-
³f¦fSe¹f dU°fS¯f ¸f¯O»f-dõ°fe¹f, ³füEOfÜ WXÀ°ff/-A²feÃf¯f Ad·f¹f³°ff, d½fôb°f ³f¦fSe¹f Executive Engineer,
ble “without decisive political
dU°fS¯f ¸f¯O»f-dõ°fe¹f ´fdV¸ffÔ¨f»f dUôb°f dU°fS¯f d³f¦f¸f d»f., Àf`¢MS-18 (AÔÀf»f), RWS&S Division, Kendrapara
will and implementation of a
³füEOfÜ ´fÂffaI 6575 d½f.³f.d½f.¸f.dõ./³fûEOf/dQ³ffaI -31/03/2022 OIPR-25004/11/0069/2122
clearly delineated path of devel-
opment, welfare and intelli-
Rajasthan State Road Development And
IYF¹FFÊÕX¹F IYF¹FÊ´FFÕX³F Ad·F¹Fa°FF, Construction Corporation Ltd., JAIPUR
ment added.
w.e.f 01.04.2022
Tell Fee Rates
[email protected]
Jaipur-Bhilwara (State Highway-12) Air India: probe
BÊ-´Fiû¢¹FûSX¸FZÔMX d³Fd½FQF ÀFc¨F³FF The general public is informed that user fee to be collected for use of road at Renwal
on as man says
toll plaza (Chainage km 20/050), Malpura toll plaza (Chainage Km 71/460), Kekri toll
d³F¸³FFadIY°F IYF¹FÊ WZX°Fb ´Fi´FÂF kkEll ¸FZÔ d³Fd½FQF AF¸FadÂF°F IYe ªFF°Fe W`XÜ
plaza (Chainage Km 125/250) and Shahpura toll plaza (Chainage Km 178/460) on
State Highway - 12 (Jaipur- Bhilwara Road) at following rates w.e.f. Date
01.04.l2022 time 00.00 AM
served non-veg
Type of Vehicle Name of Fee rate for Fee for return Fee for vehicles
Toll Plaza vehicle for journey within for monthly
³FÕX ªFÕX´FiQF¹F ¹FûªF³FFAûa IYF IYF¹FÊÜ one way
trip (in
24 hrs from pass valid for 50
the time of journeys in a
d³F.ÀFc.IiY./dQ³FFaIY dÀFÀMX¸F IiY. ¦FiF¸F/d½F.J. A³Fb¸FFd³F°F ÕXF¦F°F rupee) payment (in month (In NEW DELHI, MARCH 31
Rupees) Rupees)
(÷Y. ÕXFJ ¸FZÔ) 1 Car/Jeep/ Van or Light Motor
Vehicle or Tractor with trolley
Renwal 100.00 150.00 3330.00
Malpura 75.00 110.00 2485.00
304.29.03.2022 96168 IbY÷YÀFIZYSXF E½Fa ¸FbOÞX°FSXFBÊ/dRaY¦FZ¾½FSX 167.58 carrying non-agricultural
produce Kekri 75.00 110.00 2440.00 has barred some of its crew
305.29.03.2022 96169 ªF¸FFWXe E½Fa J´FSXe/dRaY¦FZ¾½FSX 152.74 Shahpura 50.00 75.00 1690.00 members from flying duties and
2 Light Commercial Vehicle, Renwal 150.00 225.00 4995.00 launched an investigation after
306.29.03.2022 96171 SX½FZÕXe E½Fa ÀFû³FFdÀFne/dRaY¦FZ¾½FSX 175.45 Light Goods Vehicle or Mini
Malpura 110.00 170.00 3730.00
a passenger on its Tokyo-Delhi
Kekri 110.00 165.00 3660.00
307.29.03.2022 96172 ¶FZÕXMbXIYSXe E½Fa ªFZÔªFSXF SmXMÑXû./dRaY¦FZ¾½FSX 175.67 Shahpura 75.00 115.00 2535.00 flight on March 25 alleged he
308.29.03.2022 96175 õFSX°FSXF, IbYSmXIZYSXF/LbXSXF 120.21 3 Bus or Truck Renwal
7460.00 “Anissueof non-vegmealal-
309.29.03.2022 96189 IbYIYQF/LbXSXF 113.62 Kekri
leged to have been served to one
310.29.03.2022 96191 Aû³F½FF, AFÀFSXF E½Fa °F½FSmÔX¦FF/LbXSXF 184.57 4 Heavy Construction Machinery Renwal 500.00 750.00 16655.00
of the passengers... was raised in
(HCM) or Earth Moving Malpura 375.00 560.00 12435.00 the social media platform. The
311.29.03.2022 96192 ³FF¦FÓFSX E½Fa J˜Xe/LbXSXFX 98.31 Equipment (EME) or Multi Axle
vehicle (MAV) (three to six
Kekri 365.00 550.00 12200.00 concerned crew were immedi-
312.29.03.2022 96193 ªFb³F½FF³Fe E½Fa IbY¸WXSX¸FSXF/LbXSXF 135.74 5
Oversized Vehicles (seven or
ately barred from flying duties
and an inquiry has been initi-
³FûM:- CX´FSXûöY IYF¹FûÊ IYe d³Fd½FQF WZX°Fb d¶FOX ÀF¶Fd¸F¾F³F dQ³FFaIY 04.04.2022 °F±FF d¶FOX more axles) Malpura
14640.00 ated. Air Indiahas zero tolerance
ÀF¶Fd¸F¾F³F IYe Aad°F¸F d°Fd±F dQ³FFaIY 18.04.2022 W`XÜ Shahpura 305.00 455.00 10135.00 towards any kind of lapse in
WXÀ°FF/- 1. Rate of monthly pass for a person who owns a mechanical vehicle registered for
service even if it is inadvertent,”
an Air India spokesperson said.
IYF¹FÊ´FFÕX³F Ad·F¹Fa°FF non-commercial purposes and resides within a distance of 20 Kms from the toll
plaza is Rs. 350/- (Rs Three Hundred Fifty Only) per calendar month for the year “Various SOPs for crew have
ÕXûIY À½FFÀ±¹F ¹FFadÂFIYe J¯OX, 2022-23. been reiterated to ensure no
Project Director
69093 ¦FdSX¹FF¶FaQ (LX.¦F.) UNIT-Bhilwara scope is left for such aberra-
tions,” the spokesperson added.

Notice Inviting Tender

CAD-3380 For manufacture & supply of Fish Net Twines
No. 56/Net/OPDC Date: 30.03.22
OPDCL invites sealed bids under two-bid system invited from the registered
manufacturers/ suppliers having valid GST and PAN for manufacture & supply of Fish net
twines in designated place of OPDC. The details of the bidding process are as follows:
Bidders fulfilling the prescribed eligibility criteria of the tender can access and download
the complete Tender Document and other details from
The bid calendars under the end to end process are:
SI. List of Key Events Critical Dates
1 Date of Issue of Tender 30th March 2022
2 Last Date for Submission of Bid 19th April 2022, 2 pm
3 Date of Opening of Technical & Financial Bid 19th April 2022, 3 pm
The bid complete in all respects must reach the undersigned by Speed Post/
Registered Post/Drop in the Tender Box only latest by 19th April 2022, 2 pm in a
sealed envelope clearly mentioning on the top of it “Tender for manufacture & supply of
Fish net twines.
The bid processing fee Rs. 1000/- + GST 18% = Rs. 1,180/- in shape of Banker's
Cheque / DD in favour of MD OPDC Ltd drawn in any scheduled commercial; bank
payable at Bhubaneswar.
The proposals received beyond the last date and time will be rejected. The authority
reserves the right to reject any/ all proposals without assigning any reason thereof.
Managing Director

New Delhi

If there are questions of current or contemporary relevance that you would like
explained, please write to [email protected]


AFSPA and the Northeast

TOTAL DOSES 184,06,55,005
■ Firstdose ■ Seconddose

Adult Age group 15-18

91,28,34,643 5,71,08,229 The Act, which gives sweeping powers to the armed forces, has been fully or partially withdrawn from
79,36,70,716 3,79,47,928 parts of 3 N-E states. Why is the decision significant, and why had AFSPA been imposed in the first place?

dependent body.


WHERE IT REMAINS Liftedfullyfrom23districtsandpartiallyfrom
THE CENTRE on Thursday significantly re- around60%ofstate'sarea. Cases in Nagaland have not been investi-
duced the footprint of the Armed Forces ■ AFSPAinforce gated. In Manipur, with the Supreme Court
ADULTS Special Powers Act (AFSPA), 1958 in the ■ Partiallylifted havingtakenuptheextra-judicialkillings,the
Northeast,withdrawingitentirelyfrom23dis- ■ Fullylifted CBIhasinvestigated39cases(94killings)and
12,00,000 tricts in Assam, and partially from seven dis- Guwahati filedchargesheetsin29cases.In7cases,pros-
8,93,185 8,40,618 trictsinNagaland,sixdistrictsinManipur,and ecution has begun, In two cases that involved
onedistrictinAssam.Oncethedecisionisno- joint operations of the Assam Rifles and
tifiedinthegazette,AFSPAremainsinforcein ManipuriCommandos,theCentrehasdenied
6,00,000 partsof thesethreestatesaswellasinpartsof Kohima permission to investigate the paramilitary
98,157 Arunachal Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir. force personnel.
Whyisthedecisionsignificant? Whatattemptshavebeenmadetorepeal
0 AFSPA, which has been called draconian, AFSPA or reduceitsareaof operationin
gives sweeping powers to the armed forces. Meghalaya thepast?
March 21 LAST 10 DAYS (daily) March 30 For example, it allows them to open fire, even NAGALAND In2000,theactivistIromSharmilabegana
causing death, against any person in contra- Withdrawntotally hungerstrikethatwouldcontinuefor16years
AGE GROUP 15-18 vention to the law or carrying arms and am-
munition,andgivesthempowerstoarrestin- MANIPUR andpartiallyfrom
against AFSPA in Manipur. In 2004, the then
central government set up a five-member
dividuals without warrants, on the basis of Partiallyliftedfrom6valley 4.Withdrawal committee under former Supreme Court
3,50,000 “reasonablesuspicion”,andalsosearchprem- districts.Remainsinforce covers25%of Justice Jeevan Reddy, which submitted its re-
2,18,633 ises without warrants. It can be imposed by inthehilldistricts. state'sarea. portin2005recommendingtherepealof AF-
the Centre or the Governor of a state, on the SPA,callingit“highlyundesirable”,andsaying
2,85,844 stateorpartsofit,aftertheseareasaredeclared it had become a symbol of oppression.
1,75,000 “disturbed’’ under Section 3. WhywasAFSPAimposedontheNortheast thepeople? Subsequently, the Second Administrative
79,134 TheNortheasthaslivedundertheshadow inthefirstplace? In Nagaland, 60 years of living under the Reforms Commission, headed by Veeerapa
of AFSPAfornearly60years,creatingafeeling When the Naga nationalist movement AFSPA regime has had psychological conse- Moily, endorsed these recommendations.
of alienation from the rest of the country. The kicked off in the 1950s with the setting up of quences,traumaandalienationof thepeople. Former home secretary G K Pillai too sup-
0 move is expected to help demilitarise the re- the Naga National Council — the predecessor Former chief secretary Jamir said that while portedtherepealofAFSPA.Formerhomemin-
LAST 10 DAYS (daily) gion; it will lift restrictions of movements of the NSCN — Assam police forces allegedly theNaganationlistmovementstartedpeace- ister P Chidambaram has said that the Act, if
March 21 March 30 throughcheckpointsandfriskingofresidents. usedforcetoquellthemovement.Asanarmed fully, the use of force and AFSPA furthered the not repealed, should at least be amended.
movement took root in Nagaland, AFSPA was feelingof alienationof theNagapeople,solid-
Afterbeinginforceformanyyears,why passed in Parliament, and subsequently im- ifying Naga nationalism. Whatpositionshavestategovernments
hasitbeenwithdrawnnow? posedontheentirestate.“Wehavebeenliving Various incidents of violence have been takenonthelaw?
EVERYDAY EXPLAINERS The decision has come as the result of a
combination of circumstances.
under the shadow of AFSPA since it was en-
recorded in the Northeastern states, as AFSPA
gives sweeping powers to security forces. In a
While the Act gives powers to the central
government to unilaterally take the decision
SCIENCE Overthelasttwodecades,variouspartsof
the Northeast have seen a reduction in insur-
retary Alemtemshi Jamir, now a Nationalist
Democratic Progressive Party (NDPP) leader.
writ petition filed in the Supreme Court in
2012, the families of victims of extra-judicial
to impose AFSPA, this is usually done infor-
mally in consonance with the state govern-

gencies, some of them up to 60 years old. A In Manipur, too, it was imposed in 1958 in killings alleged 1,528 fake encounters had ment. The Centre takes its decision after hav-
numberofmajorgroupswerealreadyintalks thethreeNaga-dominateddistrictsofSenapati, takenplaceinthestatefromMay1979toMay ingreceivedarecommendationfromthestate
with the Indian government, and these talks TamenglongandUkhrul,wheretheNNCwas 2012.TheSupremeCourtsetupacommission government.Therehavebeeninstanceswhere

received traction during the current regime. active.Itwasimposedinthe1960sintheKuki- to scrutinise six of these cases, and the com- theCentrehasoverruledthestate,suchasthe
In Nagaland, all major groups — the Zomi dominated Manipur district of mission found all six to be fake encounters. imposition of AFSPA in Tripura in 1972.
NSCN(I-M)andNagaNationalPoliticalGroups Churachandpur,whichwasundertheswayof The fight to repeal AFSPA has largely been
(NNPGs)—areatadvancedstagesofconclud- theMizoinsurgentmovement,andextended Arethereanychecksandbalances? driven by civil society groups. Until the Oting
INDIA HAS allowed easier clearance GMO development ing agreements with the government. totherestof thestatein1979,whengroupsin While the Act gives powers to security firing, no state government had openly de-
norms for "genome edited plants falling Ingeneticallymodifiedorganisms,the In Manipur, insurgency as well as heavy the Meitei-dominated Imphal Valley groups forces to open fire, this cannot be done with- mandedtherepealofAFSPAfromtheirstates.
in the categories of SDN1 and SDN2", dis- geneticmaterialof thehostismodifiedby militarisation have been on the decline since began an armed insurgency. outpriorwarninggiventothesuspect.It says After Oting, the Nagaland Assembly passed a
tinguishing them from genetically mod- introducing foreign genetic material. Soil 2012,whentheSupremeCourtstartedhearing Assecessionistandnationalistmovements thatafterapprehensionof suspects,thesecu- resolutionforthefirsttimeforrepealofAFSPA.
ified (GM) crops. bacteriaisthebestsourceforgenes.Incot- a PIL on extra-judicial killings. startedsproutinginotherNortheasternstates, rity forces have to hand them over to the lo- Three chief ministers —Neiphiu Rio of
ton for example, the introduction of the In Nagaland, the killing of 14 villagers in AFSPA started being extended and imposed. cal police station within 24 hours. It says the Nagaland, N Biren of Manipur, and Conrad
Genome editing cry1Acandcry2Abgenesminedfromthe Oting, Mon,isseenashavinghadatellingim- armed forces must act in cooperation with Sangma of Meghalaya — have demanded its
A decade ago, a technique to ‘cut’ DNA soilbacteriumBacillusthuringiensis(Bt)al- pact on reviving the demand to repeal AFSPA. WhathasmadeAFSPAunpopularamong the district administration and not as an in- repeal.
strands and edit genes was discovered, lowsthecottonplanttogenerateendotox-

What’s in India’s maritime deal with Sri Lanka

whichallowedscientiststomaketargeted ins to fight the pest pink bollworm.
interventions in the genome sequence of Inagriculture,genomeeditingandge-
organisms.ThisisknownasCRISPR(clus- netic engineering aim to generate vari-
tered regularly interspaced palindromic ants that are better yielding and more re-
repeat) gene editing. Depending on the sistant to biotic and abiotic stress. Earlier,
nature of the edit, the process is classified such variety improvement was done such as in anti-smuggling and anti-terrorism thatithelpedtobill,andwhichwascontrover- ing trafficking and transnational organised
as SDN 1, SDN 2, and SDN 3. SDN1 intro- through selective breeding, which in- NIRUPAMASUBRAMANIAN operations in the Indian Ocean Region. sially leased to it by Sri Lanka in 2016. crime;cybersecurity,protectionof criticalin-
duces changes in the host genome’s DNA volved crossing plants to produce the de- NEWDELHI,MARCH31 Seven other sub-units along Sri Lanka’s frastructure and technology and humanitar-
through small insertions/ deletions with- sired trait in the offspring. Genetic engi- Enhancing capacity coastlinewillmakeuptheproposednewnet- ian assistance and disaster relief.
outtheintroductionof foreigngeneticma- neering has made this more accurate and INDIA AND SRI Lanka have signed a memo- MRCCsarepartofaninternationalnetwork work.Insituationsinwhichregionalassistance
terial. In SDN2, a small DNA template is also given scientists greater control on randumofunderstandingforthepublic-sector under the UN’s International Maritime hastobemobilised,ashappenedwiththetwo Sri Lanka clarification
usedtogeneratespecificchanges.Neither trait development. Bharat Electronics Ltd (BEL) to set up a state- Organisationthatmonitorssealaneswiththe recent ship fires in Sri Lankan waters, this The MRCC has been controversial in Sri
process involves alien genetic material, of the art Maritime Rescue Co-ordination objective of swift response to emergencies MRCCwillbeabletosharerealtime informa- Lanka. Parts of the agreement were leaked to
and the end result is indistinguishable PARTHA SARATHI BISWAS Centre (MRCC) in Colombo. The MoU was suchasvesselsindistress,rescueofpeople,and tion with its Indian counterparts. theSriLankanpresslastweek.OnTuesday,Sri
from conventionally bred varieties. Longer version on signed on March 28 during External Affairs preventionofandcontainingdisasterssuchas Lanka’sDefenceMinistryissuedaclarification
Minister S Jaishankar’s visit to Colombo. oilspills.Eachcountryisresponsibleforitsown SAGAR push ontheMRCC,aswellasonrecentagreements
Theagreementenhancesco-operationon Search and Rescue Region (SRR). In India, the SriLanka'sSRRisaswatheof 1,778,062.24 with India for a naval floating dock and
maritimesecurityinapartoftheIndianOcean CoastGuardistheco-oridnatingagencyforthe sq km of the Indian Ocean, and nearly 200 Dornier aircraft. It said the security pacts
regionwheretheIndia-Chinarivalryhastaken work of MRCCs; in Sri Lanka, it is the Navy. shipspassthroughthesewaterseveryday.The would"neitherresultinhindrancenorthreat
INSTITUTE FOR IAS EXAMINATION centrestage over the last decade. Earlier this Bangalore-basedBELhasproposedtheset- agreementappearstobepartofIndia'sSAGAR to the national security of Sri Lanka".
month, India also provided a naval floating tingupofadvancedsoftwaresystemsthatwill (SecurityandGrowthforallintheRegion)ini- “The establishment of MRCC is highly es-
FREE INTERVIEW MODULE dock to the Sri Lankan Navy, and two Dornier enhanceSriLanka'scapacitiesforcommunica- tiativeintheIndianOcean,whichhasalsoseen sential to instantly respond to the search and
aircraft to the Sri Lankan Air Force. An Indian tion and co-ordination in its SRR in the Indian India,SriLankaandMaldivesgiveanewpush rescueservicesofvesselsindistressoperating
Navy team recently conducted a weeklong Ocean, where it is the first responder. to their 2011 Colombo Security Conclave that in the region and ensure safety of vessels in
trainingfor theSriLankanAirForceandNavy The enhanced MRCC, to be established now includes Mauritius. compliance to various international conven-
in helicopter operations. The two navies also with a grant of $6 m from India, will work out The recent meeting of the CSC National tions.SriLankaNavy(SLN)istheauthorityre-
9-B, Bada Bazar Marg, Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi - 110060, Ph: 011-41007500;
conductedajointexerciseinseasoffColombo. of the Navy headquarters at Colombo, with a SecurityAdvisersidentified“fivepillars”ofco- sponsibleforconductingMaritimeSearchand | Email: [email protected] Theengagementisexpectedtocreate"in- sub-centre at Hambantota, where a Chinese operation:maritimesafetyandsecurity;coun- Rescue(SAR)operationsforcommercialships
teroperabilityandseamlessmaritimeactions", state-ownedcompanyrunsadeepwaterport tering terrorism and radicalisation; combat- around the island’s SAR region,” it said.


How does provident fund interest rate cut impact your retirement corpus?
of Rs 450 crore after disbursing the interest.
Keepingtherateat8.5%wouldhaveresulted KEY NUMBERS instruments that generates a positive post-
tax real interest.
April 1, 2021. The annual contribution to EPF
in a deficit of Rs 3,500 crore. Labour and Employment Minister and Gratuity — and also voluntary contribu-
THE EPFO'S corpus for FY22 stood Ministry data. EPFO has also Bhupender Yadav, while announcing the in- tions to EPF — will be added. If the aggregate
HowdoEPFratescomparewithsmall at Rs 9.4 lakh crore, up from Rs 8.29 redeemed Non-Convertible terestrate,said:“EPFO’sinvestmentsarenot contributionexceedsRs2.5lakh,theinterest
savingsinstruments? lakh crore last fiscal. Its income Debentures of Air India in EPFO’s like commercial bonds; it’s a commitment, income on that will be taxed at the marginal
Even after the rate has been cut by 40 ba- from investments in 2021-22 was Rs portfolio, raising Rs 8,944.32 crore assurance to workers. The Trust’s money tax rate. Importantly, only the contribution
sis points and there has been no downward 76,768 crore, compared to about Rs against the face value of Rs shouldbesafe,secure,andofferoptimumre- linked to the employee’s component — not
Aanchal Magazine revision for small savings instruments, EPF,
which enjoys ‘EEE’ benefit (at all three stages
70,457 crore in 2020-21. 7,772.50 crore. turns.Thisinterestratecomesatatimewhen
10-year fixed deposit with the State Bank of
the employer’s contribution — will be con-
sidered for taxation purposes.
& Sandeep Singh ofinvestment,accumulation,andwithdrawal) REDEMPTION OF equity HIGH WITHDRAWALS and lower Indiagivesaround5.45%interest,whilesim- So, for an individual in the higher tax
forcontributionsuptoRs2.5lakhperannum, investment, carried out during contributions were seen in the ilarsavingsinstrumentslikePPFofferinterest bracket of 30%, the interest income on con-
TWO WEEKS after the Central Board of offers the highest return to subscribers. Last February, resulted in realisation of aftermath of the pandemic. Until rate in the range of 6.8-7.1%. Social security tributions above Rs 2.5 lakh will be taxed at
Trustees of the Employees’ Provident Fund year,the2021-22Budgetproposedtotaxthe capital gains of Rs 5,529.7 crore, Dec 31, EPFO had settled 56.79 lakh has to be kept in mind along with the global thesamemarginaltaxrate.Thismeans,if an
Organisation (EPFO) recommended a cut in interest income on contributions exceeding which will be included in the claims worth Rs 14,310.21 crore situationandmarketvolatility.Wecannotin- individualcontributesRs3lakheveryyearto
interest rates from 8.5% to 8.1% for 2021-22, Rs2.5lakhinayear.Againsttheinterestoffer- income for 2021-22, as per Labour provided under the advance facility. vest in instruments with high risk, so the in- PF(includingvoluntaryPFcontribution)then
theCentreonThursdayannounceditwould ing of 8.1% on EPF, the highest interest offer- terest rate was recommended at 8.10%..." theinterestonhercontributionaboveRs2.5
hold the interest rates on small savings ing among small schemes is 7.6% for invest- Over the years, the Finance Ministry has lakh — that is, Rs 50,000 — will be taxed. So,
schemes. This came as a surprise — after the mentsintheSukanyaSamriddhiScheme.The March2021,andwhomakesanannualcon- cuttingtheinterestrate? questioned the high rate retained by EPFO, the interest income of Rs 4,050 (8.1% on Rs
EPF rate cut, markets were expecting small seniorcitizens’savingsschemeoffers7.4%,and tributionofRs1.2lakhthatgrowsat5%every Thecutinratesisablowtoalargesection and has nudgeditto cutitto sub-8% levels. It 50,000) will be taxed at the marginal rate. If
savings rates to be reduced. PublicProvidentFund7.1%. year on account of salary hikes, would have of the salaried class that mostly saves for re- hadquestionedthe2019-20and2018-19in- the individual falls in the highest tax bracket
The post-tax return of 8.1% on EPF is the seen her corpus grow to Rs 1.32 crore at the tirementandotherkeylifegoalsthroughEPF. terestratesof 8.65%,asalsotheEPFO’sexpo- of 30%, she will have to pay tax of Rs 1,262.
lowestrateinatleastfourdecades.TheEPFO, Howwilltheratecutimpactthecorpus? endof 20yearsat8.5%.At8.1%,however,this At a time when CPI inflation has crossed 6%, suretoIL&FSandsimilarentities,whichwas For an individual contributing Rs 12 lakh
which has an active subscriber base of more Itwillhaveanotableimpactattheendof willgrowtoonlyRs1.25crore—Rs7lakhless. most fixed income instruments, including deemed "risky". inayear,thetaxwillbeapplicableoninterest
than 6.7 crore and 6.9 lakh contributing es- service. For example, an individual who has fixed deposits, are generating negative post- income on Rs 9.5 lakh (Rs 12 lakh minus Rs
tablishments,willhaveanestimatedsurplus an EPF corpus of Rs 10 lakh at the end of Whathasthegovernmentsaidon tax real interest rates. EPF is among the few HowwillthetaxonEPFincomework? 2.5lakh).HertaxliabilitywouldbeRs23,985.

New Delhi



Deliberate violence is more to be
quenched than a fire.

The army’s government

No-confidence motion against Imran Khan does
not signal deepening of democracy in Pakistan

HOUSE AND STREET Sharat Sabharwal

BJP must rein in its workers who attacked Delhi CM’s residence. ANOTHERPRIME MINISTERof Pakistanison coming the army chief on the completion of Pakistan. Recent events, if anything, reaffirm
the verge of losing office without complet- Bajwa’s tenure in November this year. Bajwa thearmy’ssupremacy.Theirsupportbrought
Doesn’t behove a ruling party to blink at thuggery of its own

inghistenure.WhatwentwrongwithImran hadhiswayinmovingHameedoutof theISI, Imran Khan to power and warded off threats
N A DAY when Union Home Minister Amit Shah was making a vivid speech Khan’s prime ministership? What does his but the damage was done. This was followed fromhisopponentsandtheir“neutrality”has
in Parliament, invoking “janata ka faisla (people’s verdict)” and taunting po- impending departure mean for Pakistan and bysignalsofneutralityinpoliticalaffairsfrom placed him on a slippery slope. As the num-
India? thearmyleadership.TheOpposition’sefforts bers game turned decisively against Khan on
ImranKhan’spoliticalcareer—whichwas that had hitherto failed to dislodge Imran March30,BajwametbothhimandPresident
bateontheDelhiMunicipalCorporation(Amendment)Bill2022,asectionof flounderingsincethefoundingofthePakistan Khan from office gathered steam, culminat- Arif Alvi,signallingthathewasnotadisinter-
his partymen pushed their way up to the Delhi Chief Minister’s residence and acted like Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) in 1996 -- was given a ing in a joint no-confidence motion against ested bystander.
lumpens. Nearly 200 members of the BJP’s youth wing, Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha boost by the army from 2011 onwards to thegovernment.Thesmallpartiesalliedwith Though Imran Khan has proved to be ut-
(BJYM),brokethroughbarricades,vandalisedaCCTVcamera,kickedandbangedthemain counter Nawaz Sharif. He promised “Naya thegovernmenthadstartedhobnobbingwith terly inept, his fate begs the question — yet
gate and threw colour on it. They were ostensibly protesting against CM Kejriwal’s com- Pakistan”andwonthe2018electionwiththe the Opposition. The dissidents within the PTI again--whetheranyprimeminister,eventhe
army’s support. This resulted in a hybrid also found their voice. The ensuing wheeling mostcompetentone,cansucceedinPakistan
arrangement, in which Khan flaunted his and dealing have resulted in the numbers in without a radical shift in its internal and ex-
national president and BJP MP Tejasvi Surya, the leadership’s posterboy who has acquired proximity to the army and was seen as doing theNationalAssemblyshiftingagainstImran ternal orientation. The civil-military imbal-
areputationformakingincendiaryremarksagainstminorities—andwho,recently,hadto its bidding. He adopted an autocratic style of Khan and, barring a last-minute miracle, the ance ends up paralysing every prime minis-
“unconditionally” swallow some of his words when, ahead of the Goa polls, he made a governance,therebyalienatingsomecloseas- fate of his government appears sealed. ter. Further, Pakistan’s army-led adversarial
provocation too many, calling for bringing back into the Hindu fold all those who had con- sociates. He hounded his political opponents Owing to the army’s tight Themost-talked-ofscenariointheeventof posturetowardsamuchbiggerandbetteren-
verted to Islam and Christianity. Surely, the BJP can spot the bizarre contrast in these two through selective accountability and gal- control over Pakistan’s Imran Khan’s ouster is a government headed dowedIndiaplacesunsustainableburdenson
vanised them into joint action. However, he foreign and security policies, by PML(N) President Shehbaz Sharif, who is its cash-strapped economy.
scenesof ademocracy.Surely,itcannotcongratulateitself forimpalingtheOppositionwith
did not display the requisite political and ad- more acceptable to the army than his elder Owing to the army’s tight control over
sharpargumentsontheflooroftheHouse,thehighestforumofdebate,withoutfirstexpress- ministrative acumen to deal with Pakistan’s the fate of a civilian leader brother,Nawaz.However,hemaynotwantto Pakistan’s foreign and security policies, the
ing contrition for the thuggish protest outside the Delhi CM’s residence on Wednesday. intractable problems. can, at best, have a marginal remain in power for too long and incur the fateofacivilianleadercan,atbest,haveamar-
The hostilities between the BJP and AAP have recently received a boost due to the lat- Lessthanfouryearslater,heisontheedge impact on Pakistan’s external burdenofanti-incumbency.Oppositionunity ginal impact on Pakistan’s external posture
ter’s Punjab victory. Its high-profile success for the second time in Delhi had already set of apoliticalprecipiceandNayaPakistancon- posture and key will also not last too long as all parties posi- and key relationships. The dispensation suc-
itona collisioncoursewiththeBJP.Atthe same time,ithas alsobecome clear that theAAP tinues to stare at its long-standing problems. tionthemselvesfortheelectiondueinthenor- ceeding Imran Khan’s -- in the event of his
He has presided over an economy charac- relationships. The mal course in the second half of 2023. ouster--willtakepowerwithPakistanalready
is carving out for itself a less tidy, more complex trajectory. On the BJP-led Centre’s August
terisedbyhighinflation,sliding(Pakistani)ru- dispensation succeeding Therefore,Pakistancouldseeanearlyelection. in an electoral cycle and is likely to focus on
5 scrapping of Article 370 in Kashmir, for instance, the AAP was the first in the Opposition
pee,dwindlingforeignexchangereservesand Imran Khan’s — in the event The army seems to have no clear favourite as theeconomytogivesomerelieftopeopleand
to explicitly support the decision. It has also not hesitated to take the battle to the BJP a mounting debt burden. The relationship of now and unless it acquires one before the earn their goodwill, thus ruling out any bold
with its own endorsement of, and participation in, a performative patriotism and reli- of his ouster — will take
with India remains fraught. His attempts to election,itmaysettleforalessthanidealsce- foreign policy moves. If, however, the eco-
giosity in public spaces, be it in a temple in Delhi or Ayodhya. Whether or not the AAP’s forge a relationship that goes beyond power with Pakistan already nario, confident of its ability to deal with an nomic focus leads to a move to resume trade
strategy is the best way to take on the BJP’s challenge is debatable. But it may have al- Afghanistan with the Biden administration in an electoral cycle and is inconvenient dispensation. with India (its suspension since August 2019
ready made it a little more difficult for the BJP to label Kejriwal’s party as “anti Hindu” or have failed. He managed to alienate Saudi likely to focus on the Imran Khan has responded by, inter alia, has hurt the Pakistani economy and is resen-
Arabia in 2020, making them recall one of wrappinghimselfintheflagandclaimingthat ted by segments of trade and industry), we
“pro Muslim” or "pro terror" reflexively, a ploy it uses with almost every Opposition party.
their loans and end the deferred payment fa-
economy to give some relief he has defended Pakistan’s interests despite shouldfacilitatetheprocessasithelpsourex-
Perhaps the lumpenism by the BJYM Wednesday was meant to pin one of these labels cilityforoilimports.Thearmyleadershiphad to people and earn their external pressures. This is also an attempt at porterstoo.Moreover,Khanhaspaintedhim-
on AAP. Or it was a show of muscle by a party out to fix anyone who stands up to disagree. tostepintomollifytheSaudis.Hehasfailedto goodwill, thus ruling out any image-buildingforfuturepoliticalbattles.He self into a corner by calling for the reversal of
Whatever it was, the BJP must condemn itunequivocally. And Delhi Police,which registe- stem extremism and terrorism. bold foreign policy moves. If, alleges a foreign conspiracy and funding to thedecisiontowithdrawthespecialstatusof
red an FIR against “unidentified persons” even though the culprits are caught on camera, Every civilian surrogate promoted by the oust him and has played up a letter purport- JammuandKashmirforanybilateralengage-
however, the economic focus edlyconveyingathreatfromanAmericanof- ment,indulginginanti-Indiarhetoricandpok-
brazen and unabashed, must know that its cave-in is being watched. In Parliament, Shah
thematthecostoftheirwrath.Therewerere- leads to a move to resume ficial in the context of his visit to Russia last ing his nose in India’s internal political disco-
said “BJP workers don’t need to be afraid of anyone.” Perhaps he should tell his younger
colleagues, who broke barricades and clambered atop a police vehicle, that not being
ports of the army leadership’s unhappiness trade with India (its month amid the raging Ukrainian crisis. urse. He has seemed politically incapable of
with the performance of Usman Buzdar — suspension since August WithoutnamingtheUS,aseniorministerhas carrying forward army chief Bajwa’s tactical
afraid is not a licence to spread fear. Because blinking at the thuggery of its own does not ImranKhan’sappointeeatthehelminPunjab claimed that the foreign country threatened agenda to lower the temperature with India.
behove a ruling party. province — and the PM’s foreign policy fail- 2019 has hurt the Pakistani troubleforPakistanincasetheno-confidence If a new dispensation manages to shun
ures. Things came to a head late last year be- economy and is resented by motionagainstKhanfailed--achargedenied ImranKhan’santi-Indiarhetoric,thatwouldin
causeof ImranKhan’sdesiretoretainthefor- segments of trade and by the Americans. All this is tilting at wind- itselfbeaplusforIndia’sproblematicrelation-

mer director-general of the ISI, Faiz Hameed, industry), we should mills. The PM has lost in a purely internal po- ship with Pakistan.
againstthewishesof armychief QamarJaved litical game.
Bajwa,whosuspectedHameedofforgingself- facilitate the process as it Theno-confidencemotion,however,does The writer is a former Indian High
serving links with the PM with an eye on be- helps our exporters too. not signal a consolidation of democracy in Commissioner to Pakistan
Another accident at a sewer line in Delhi bares hazardous
nature of sanitation work. And the abdications of employers


N TUESDAY, SEWER lines claimed four more lives in the city. Though the
victims in northwest Delhi were not sanitation sector employees, the inci-
dent speaks of the many abdications that have imperilled work at sanita-
tion sites in the country. Three telephone linesmen accidentally fell into an
open septic pit below the overhead wires they were repairing. Much like the 340-odd
sanitation workers, who according to government data, died while working at sewers C K Daphtary’s wit enlivened and delighted, inside and outside the courtroom
and septic tanks between 2016 and 2020, the victims of Tuesday’s mishap were failed by
their employers. They were not shielded by the protective gear mandated for such haz-
ardous work by the safety laws of the country. An autorickshaw driver who jumped into
Fali S Nariman
the toxic cesspool to rescue the linesmen, was the fourth victim. The entangled wires and
CKDAPHTARY(1893–1983)stoodheadand as Attorney-General of India (1963 to 1968) versation between them.
noxious gases in the pit that hobbled the rescue mission, are testimony to the unsafe shoulders above the rest of his generation, and resumed private practice, we were both ST:(holdingacigarettebetweenthirdand
working conditions at sewer lines that take a toll all too frequently. aswellasthegenerationof lawyerssucceed- briefed in a case in Bombay — on opposite fourthfingerinaloosely-clenchedfist,aswas
Amongst the first importantsteps taken by PrimeMinister Narendra Modi afterheas- ing him. He had a benign and dignified face sides. It was an important company case be- his habit, and occasionally inhaling):
sumed office in 2014 was to end the culture of silence on matters related to sanitation. and his head was like that of the Roman sen- fore the high court. I was briefed by a US “Chandubhai, bolo” (“Chandubhai, speak”).
Unfortunately, however, the zeal that led to the accomplishment of most of the goals of ator, Cicero. Like that other great “CK” of Company (Firestone), and Daphtary for the CK:(puffingathispipe,hiseyessparkling
the first phase of the Swachh Bharat Mission hasn’t translated into meaningful improve- cricketing fame (C K Nayudu) he is remem- Indianshareholders.Ihadmadeagreateffort withmischief):“Sunderlal,tamépehlabolo”
bered more for the “sixes” he kept scoring to prepare an efficient case since I was being (Sunderlal, you speak first”).
ment in the working conditions of those who plumb sewage pits. Some local govern-
inside and outside the court than for his oth- opposedbyapersonwhowas,evenathisage, In those dark days, when informers were
ment agencies, including the Delhi Jal Board, did provide safety kits to the sewer clean- erwise consistent “run rate”, which too was thebestadvocateinthecountry.Iconcluded around,youonlyspokewhenyouwerecom-
ers and attempted to mechanise septic tank cleaning. Last year, the National Human phenomenal! my arguments on the second day and pelled to. Unwittingly, these stalwarts of the
Rights Commission (NHRC) advised that sanitary workers should be treated as "front- He had a rare gift of what the French call thought I did reasonably well. Daphtary rose Bar had encapsulated, in an innocent spon-
line health workers for all purposes” and called for fixing responsibility for deaths at san- the “mot juste”: He sometimes used it to the to argue, and spluttered “my learned friend taneous one-act play, the entire sordid cli-
itation sites. However, municipalities and government agencies continue to subcontract chagrin of the other party — though he was ...”; he then cleared his throat, and again said mate of the times
neverunkind.Whenmanydecadesagoanat- I concluded my arguments “my learned friend...”. The judge said, “Mr IonceaskedhimaboutJinnah—Daphtary
work at sanitation sites to private contractors, many of whom are fly-by-night-opera-
tempt was made by a disgruntled litigant on on the second day and Daphtary why don’t you sit down and take a hadbeenajuniorinJinnah’schamber.InCK’s
tors,whodonotmaintainproperrollsof theiremployees.Theintertwiningof workatsan- the life of Chief Justice Hidayatullah (CJI from sip of water.” CK, who was waiting for this opinion,hewasthebestadvocateof histime
itationsites withcaste and thedesperate poverty of some of the workers makes the prob-
thought I did reasonably
February 1968 to December 1970) the CJI opening, said “no, no, my Lord, it is not my — which meant that he did not share Chief
lem even more intractable. grappledbravelywiththeassailant(whohad well. Daphtary rose to argue, throat. It is the arguments of my learned Justice M C Chagla’s scepticism about the
The NHRC has asked the Delhi government, the city’s police commissioner and the an open knife in hand) in Court Room No.1, and spluttered ‘my learned friend — I simply cannot swallow them!” maker of Pakistan.
chairman of the MTNL to submit a “detailed report” on the incident within four weeks. andwiththehelpoftheassistantregistrarand friend ...’; he then cleared his He could be witty also when things were CK was always in great humour. He and
oneof ourownadvocates,soonoverpowered throat, and again said ‘my bad—epitomisedduringthedarkdaysof the Cicily celebrated their 50th wedding an-
It has demanded action against the responsible officers. There is no doubt that account-
him. But not before the assailant had injured internal Emergency of June 1975. I had niversary. After the evening became con-
ability must be fixed. But for far too long, employers have paid short shrift to the dignity one of the other justices (A N Grover) sitting learned friend...’. The judge shifted from Bombay to Delhi in May 1972, vivial we all called for a speech. Daphtary
of workers at sanitation sites. It’s high time this fundamental problem is addressed. ontheBenchwithhim—whosufferedagash said, ‘Mr Daphtary, why since I had been appointed Additional rose and said: “You know, Cicily has been my
onhishead.WhenDaphtaryvisitedthatjudge don’t you sit down and take a Solicitor-General of India. A day after the wife for 50 long years. She has been a good
in the hospital, seeing his head bandaged but Emergency was declared, I resigned and re- wife but in married life of this length I must
sip of water.’ CK, who was
CHEERS, MR CM pleased to learn that he was out of danger, he
tardly, these assassins — they always attack
waiting for this opening,
said, ‘no, no, my Lord, it is
CK and ST Desai — both Senior Advocates —
were distinguished Gujarati-speaking con-
frankly confess that the first 49 years have
been the most difficult!”
It was great to have known him, and I am
you on your weakest part!” not my throat. It is the temporaries. They always came in early to delightedtobeabletowriteabouthimonhis
Nitish Kumar’s tirade against tipplers is proof: The injured judge was taken aback, but the Bar Library, each sat opposite the other, birthday, April Fool’s Day.
seeing the mischievous twinkle in CK’s eye,
arguments of my learned occasionally exchanging pleasantries, occa-
Sobriety isn’t all that it is made out to be

laughed heartily. friend — I simply cannot sionally not. One morning in August 1975, I The writer is a constitutional jurist and senior
OUR YOURSELF A stiff one before you hear this one. According to Bihar Chief Years after Daphtary had stepped down swallow them!’ was the sole witness to the following con- advocate, Supreme Court
Minister Nitish Kumar, those who drink alcohol are “not Indians”. “They are
mahapaapis,” he thundered in the state assembly. Now, if one could down a
glass of mahua for every innocuous little thing that self-styled custodians of
desi indignation have declared “un-Indian”, it would at least make for pleasant evenings.
But to have a seasoned socialist leader, a six-time chief minister, join in this juvenile la- APRIL 1, 1982, FORTY YEARS AGO
bellingisratherdispiriting.ItsuggeststhatevenaPatialapegof sobriety—arguablyNitish
Kumar’s current choice of poison — might be injurious to health and reason. TALKS WITH CHINA India-Pakistan relationship and said the Commission, it has asked the Jyoti Basu
The irony is that the Bihar CM’s rant came when the assembly was voting to amend the that India wanted a no-war pact, which government if it was ready, and if it could
state’sharshprohibitionlaw,andtotakeitsstingoff forfirst-timeoffenders.Aclearsignthat A CHINESE DELEGATION would visit India would reflect an abiding relationship make arrangements for adhering to the
within the next two months to continue between the two countries. But he time-tables.
the dialogue between the two countries, also said that there was a history of
its needs, it is now tottering on the ground. From bootlegging to hooch death tragedies to
overburdened prisons and courts, it has left a trail of broken bottles and promises.
External Affairs Minister P V Narasimha
Rao told the Lok Sabha. While refuting
no-war pacts and India did not want
a repetition.
It's hard to break a habit — drinkers know that best. Most also know that hurling moral Opposition criticism that India was FOUR MEMBERS OF the Press Commission
indignation at a bottle of Old Monk doesn’t make it less tempting than before. Neither will dragging its feet on the matter, Rao said
that both sides had a lot of homework to
BENGAL ELECTION are giving a dissenting note that amounts
to a severe indictment of the commission
knows,someenterprisingchapmightwellbeopeningabranchof MahapaapiThekajustto do before the next round of talks. “We are WEST BENGAL IS likely to go to the polls in for its majority report likely to be pre-
in touch with them, and we will continue the middle of May this year to elect a new sented to the government next week. The
to explore all possibilities to ensure that legislative assembly. The Election dissenters, who are eminent journalists
ing his inner WhatsApp uncle, and dial down on the moral panic. The long lines at liquor the dialogue fructifies,” he added. Commission has sent a communication to and experts, have alleged that the report
shopsacrossthecountryshouldtellhimthatevenhyper-nationalism—that mostheadyof Winding up a two-day debate on grants the Left Front government suggesting a sought to arm the government with pow-
intoxicants — isn’t going to come between a tippler and her drink. Let’s raise a toast to that. for his ministry, Rao also referred to the timetable for the elections. According to ers that can cow down the press.

New Delhi



“This no longer seems like a grand democratic victory for the opposition, which
had started its campaign with slogans calling for respecting the vote and an
elected, not selected prime minister.” — DAWN

Death of a doctor foretold Crisis &

Those who drove Archana Sharma to suicide must be punished. But a society
that condones daily acts of coercion, injustice and violence is equally culpable
Pandemichashighlighted theneedforstrikinganew
attention to the lack of adequate science
from and on developing countries. These
countries have in turn been asking for the
inclusionof whatisbroadlytermedas“grey
Shah Alam Khan literature”ornon-peer-reviewedliterature
(such as reports and working papers in the
public space) in the IPCC process, wherein
ARCHANA SHARMA, A doctor who was Purnamita Dasgupta authors assess available literature to arrive
booked for allegedly causing the death of a at their recommendations for policymak-
pregnant woman at a private facility in THE FOOTPRINT OF the Covid-19 pan- ers. Such “grey” resources are very often
Rajasthan’s Dausa district, committed sui- demic across the sectors of the economy supported by respected donor organisa-
cide on Tuesday. Her death has come as a has instilled a new reckoning for resilience tionsandgovernmentsandcanbevaluable
shock to the medical and non-medical fra- and sustainability on the economic, social sources of information in contexts where
ternity of the country. The doctor’s family and environmental (ESG) front. The neces- the resources for research and publishing
has alleged that the FIR against her was in- sity of good ESG practices in business, for are limited. Sometimes,the priority for na-
stigated by the local political leadership. instance, is being increasingly felt, while tionalandlocalgovernmentsindeveloping
Karl Marx once said that the suicide of there has been widespread recognition of countries is to allocate available resources
an individual is the failure of the society as a the benefits of cleaner air and water. and efforts for quicker policy response or
whole. Nothing could be more appropriate Encouraging signals on sustainable devel- urgent implementation. Good science en-
in a country where every sunrise comes opment are observed across stakeholders compasses the formal and the informal,
with brutality and every moonrise sees de- including academia, policymakers and the theory and empiricism, the traditional
feat in its most brutal form for millions of its industrialandconsumersegmentsthatput along with the modern. It relies on evolu-
citizens. scientific research into practice. Climate tion through acknowledging the gaps and
Violence and coercion form the essential change has become a top concern for dis- unknowns, the negatives and positives of
fabric of our society. The concoction of force, cussion across the scientific committee. past knowledge. The understanding of
threat and power is so toxic that the act of The Intergovernmental Panel on adaptationfinance,adaptationcosting,and
suicideinitself becomesanillegiblefootnote. Climate Change (IPCC) published its latest mappingof climateimpactsandadaptation
In a country where mental health issues are report on climate impacts, vulnerability needsof communitiesingeographicallyre-
not just poorly understood but also inade- andadaptationlastmonth,whichsuggests motelocations,forinstance,couldimprove
quatelyaddressed,thesuicideof adoctorfol- that adaptation to climate impacts in the with suitable sourcing of information.
lowing harassment shouldn’t come as a sur- near to medium term can help communi- Sustainable development, inclusive of
prise. It should be clear to us that we live in a ties and ecosystems become resilient climate resilience, calls for an ensemble
land where the biases of caste, gender, class against the threatsfrom currentand future approach — one that places contextually
and religion are ubiquitous and no one, in- levelsof warming.Attheriskof oversimpli- appropriate emphasis on tackling climate
cluding doctors, is immune to it. Despite the fication, the message seems to be that change impacts and development needs
current ruckus regarding the death of a col- while a single extreme weather event can in a world with growing challenges.
league, it is important — and sad — to men- erode decadesof economic progress for af- Emerging evidence indicates that devel-
tionthatmanyamongthemedicalfraternity fectedcommunities,theseverityof climate oping countries that were well on target
are themselves impervious to the manifes- impacts can be mediated by adequate pre- towards achieving or even out-perform-
tation of violence, force and coercion until it paredness. Ecosystem-based adaptation, ing SDG1 poverty targets may have to
happens to themselves or someone dear to for instance, is recommended for taking work harder to reach their projected
them. careof communitiesandsocial well-being, pre–Covid levels of achievement. The
The criminal nature of those who drove while restoring forests, lands and marine pathway to be adopted is one of an inte-
her to take the extreme step is reprehensi- ecosystems.Thereportdetails thevariabil- grated risk assessment approach, where
ble. But we must remember that her suicide ity in projected climate impacts and the solutions are interventions that impact
is not the first or the last of its kind — violent C R Sasikumar vulnerabilities that can be expected across the immediate, near and medium-term
coerciveactionsoftenpushthetargetstoend regions the world over due to differences outcomes for developing economies.
theirlives.InourresponsetoSharma’sdeath, of the masses. Should we be surprised that world. A part of this brutality arises from the intherangeof warming,geographicalloca- Striking the right balance is at any time a
itisonlyappropriatethattheemphasisisnot a doctor who is perceived to have erred is breach of trust between the “god” and the tion, demographics and the unique bio- choice driven as much by enablers (capa-
merely restricted to the moral or psycholog- taken to task by the masses? “devotee”. This exclusive relationship is dan- physical, social and cultural contexts. It is bilities, lifestyles and values, financial
ical dimension but also on the social aspect. Most of my doctor friends who run gerous. Unfortunately, most doctors do not also logical and well-established that the flows, technical know-how) as by con-
This tragic incident reveals many layers healthcare facilities are understandably dis- object to being worshipped as “god”. It gives need for climate action on the adaptation straints (warming levels, poverty, inequal-
of Indian society. We are a country which traught at the suicide. But these same peo- them innumerable privileges. But this spe- front will be a differentiated one, and that ity, lack of health and education).
has turned deeply capitalist in a very short ple were ignorant — or dismissive — of the cious halo makes them vulnerable when cost-effectiveadaptationdependsonahost The pandemic highlighted the need
period of time. The influence of capitalism suicide of Payal Tadvi, a doctor from a tribal they fail as humans. of enablers on which global partnerships for balance in nature-people relation-
on our daily life is not only profound but community in 2019, who lived in Mumbai. Any suicide is a tragedy of unsurmount- need to deliver. Enablers include interna- ships, even as it tested the ability of the
acutely stressful. The very fact that the un- She killed herself following harassment by able proportions for the family. It has multi- tionalcooperation,inclusivetechnology,fi- developing world to be self-reliant in a sit-
fortunate patient in question had to seek caste-privileged seniors. It may seem unfair ple ramifications for those left behind. Truly, nancial flows, knowledge sharing and ca- uation where countries across the world
treatment in a private healthcare setup is a to compare the two tragedies, but we are it is the end point of the collective failure of pacity building, with institutions and acted to protect their own people and
glaring example of the failure of the public forced to do so to glean insight into the way society. Hence, its prevention begins within innovationstosupportpolicydevelopment economies. While the SDGs (particularly
system. In the absence of a vibrant public society functions and responds in a bizarrely the society. Suicides which happen due to and on-ground implementation. for poverty alleviation, good health and
healthcare system, violence and threats on complex country like ours. Whataboutery In a country where mental coercion and threat of violence are not truly The IPCC report presents the latest well-being, jobs) became an anchor for
doctors have significantly increased over the of this kind helps us in understanding the health issues are not just suicides, they are murders committed by all findings on various aspects of climate sci- defining recovery in the developing world,
last couple of decades. The “paying” patient iniquity in our midst. As long as we continue poorly understood but also of us. In India we harbour suicides in our ence based on an assessment of the avail- it was also evident that a well-prepared
now demands “five-star” facilities. Doctors to ignore suicides precipitated by some form shanties, colonies, homes, colleges, schools able peer-reviewed literature by expert society is one that is well equipped to take
“sell” treatment and the patient has been re- of brutal browbeating, it is foolhardy to be- inadequately addressed, the and professional institutions. We vote for authors on the subject matter. The expan- care of its own. Pursuing the report’s call
duced to a mere consumer. lieve that the browbeating won’t happen suicide of a doctor following suicide connivers. We worship power. We sive reports are based on the work of some for climate-resilient development path-
We live in a country where the political with us. Every Rohith (Vemula) or Payal shall harassment shouldn’t come love the talk of death as a means of retribu- of the best scientific minds. Expectedly, ways requires follow-up action. Trust and
leadership boasts to have “cleaned” up the give reason to the cowards to push an tion. We are all waiting to participate in the the reports are designed to be compre- confidence building, that developing
as a surprise. It should be
system through encounters, where alleged Archana to take her life. next suicide. If we do not want that to hap- hensive and to come up with robust rec- countries will see improvements in the
criminals are killed in police custody. What In India doctors are considered gods. This clear to us that we live in a pen, then we must raise our voice at every ommendations. In this spirit, it would be enablers for climate action and invest-
message does such action convey to a poorly is unique. The anger of the Indian patient is land where the biases of act of injustice, abuse, prejudice, threat and fair to mention a few words on the need to ments in efforts for overcoming con-
educated society, when patently illegal vio- also, therefore, unique. In 2012, a gynaecol- caste, gender, class and violence aimed at the ordinary Indian. highlight the gaps in the literature, ac- straints, define the path to success.
lence is condoned at the highest levels of the ogist, T Sethulakshmi, was hacked to death knowledge the uncertainties in climate
executive. The absence of justice is not only by a man whose pregnant wife had died in
religion are ubiquitous and The writer is Professor, Department of science and uncover the most effective The writer is Chair Professor in
complemented by the ruling class but a her care in Thoothukudi. I can hardly re- no one, including doctors, is Orthopaedics, AIIMS, New Delhi. ways to articulate recommendations that Environmental Economics, at the Institute
sense of impunity is also sown in the minds count such a murder from anywhere in the immune to it. Views are personal lead to action. of Economic Growth. Views are personal


End of illiberal liberalism FIRST STEP THISREFERSTOtheeditorial,‘Resolving
The old order is giving way, a new common sense is taking shape THISREFERSTOtheeditorial,‘Sixdown’ stress’ (IE, March 31). Ever since Uday
(IE, March 31). As has been rightly Kotak was put at the helm at IL&FS, ex-
Vinay Sahasrabuddhe pointedout,thehistoricagreementthat
has made 70 per cent of the Assam-
pectations were sky high from him to
Meghalaya border dispute-free should cumulated by the company. When we
IT MIGHT BE a mere coincidence that three lishment does not seem ready to learn and while being unconcerned about other belief Pandits for no fault of theirs. Movie viewers mark the beginning and not the end of learn that it takes as much as 465 days
important developments took place within mend its ways. systems.TheIndianpositionshinesasanex- don’t miss the point that the establishment negotiations. As is to be expected, the to get approval for a resolution plan, we
the span of a fortnight: The hijab verdict of Let’s start with the hijab. The Karnataka ample of a genuinely secular approach de- —includingthemedia—sheepishlyacceded task of resolving the disputes in the re- know what we lack. And as far as the
theKarnatakaHighCourt,India’sarticulately- High Court judgment makes only a limited scribed as “sarva patha sam bhaav”, and for totheterrorists’demandthattheybereferred maining six areas of contestation will number of subsidiaries and cross liabil-
statedpositionattheUNonthesubjectof ob- point.Itsaysthatitistoofar-fetchedtoargue the first time in many years, India has not to as “militants”. This realisation makes peo- be more complex and will call for give ities are concerned, we should not as-
serving the International Day to Combat that the school dress code militates against beenshyabouttakingaclearpositiononsim- ple restless and orients their anger more to- and take. Time is also of the essence in sume that IL&FS is an isolated case,
Islamophobia and, finally, the release and fundamentalrights.Thecourtthenstatesthat ilar issues. There was absolutely no logic in wards the same so-called progressive estab- arriving at peaceful solutions for the there would be many such companies
huge box-office success of the movie, The “the prescription of dress code for the stu- not accepting India’s suggestion that instead lishment, than towards the Muslims as a outstandingissuesas theinhabitants of in the IBC process. The government has
Kashmir Files. These were three different dents, that too within the four walls of the of institutingtheInternationalDaytoCombat community. It is a fact that these so-called the disputed areas have been suffering much to do to start seeing a faster re-
events, but the message from them is one: classroom, as distinguished from the rest of Islamophobia, let there be an Anti- progressives,whohavepamperedthefanati- forlongduetolackof infrastructureand covery of money from such cases.
Pamperinganycommunityandacceptingits the school premises, does not offend consti- Religiophobia Day. It is distressing, to say the cism of some, have harmed the social and connectivity and the insurgent groups Bal Govind, Noida
unreasonable demands actually harms the tutionally-protectedcategoryof rights,when least,thatcountriesthathavegreatlysuffered economic development of the whole com- and criminals have been jeopardising
cause of that community, instead of helping
from terrorism, inadvertently promoted by
their special treatment of the supporters of
Muslims in India and their so-called pro-
N Rama Rao, Gurugram
velopments is about “anti-pamperism”. the point that those who advocate that the thesupremacyof onebelief system,alsopre- tectors would do well to realise that most THISREFERSTOthearticle,‘Moscowre-
Treated as a mere vote-bank for several
couldn’t argue that the hijab is a symbol of
ferred to remain silent and support the irra-
tionally conceived UN move.
Indians endorse the Karnataka High Court
verdict, support the government's position
A DEBT LESSON alitycheck’(IE,Mar31).In international
politics, the strong do what they need
tireapproachof theestablishmenttothesub- gender equality or liberalism. Any argument Seenagainstthisbackdrop,onecanguess of institutingAnti-ReligiophobiaDayinstead THISREFERSTOtheeditorial,‘Resolving to and the weak suffer what they must.
jectof MuslimsinIndia—theirsocialandeco- infavourof thehijabis,infact,tantamountto why The Kashmir Files touched a chord in of the International Day to Combat stress’(IE,March31).TheIL&FSsagaun- India need not jump into the morality
nomic empowerment as well as their the advocacy of male chauvinism and sup- hearts across India. Remember, it doesn’t IslamophobiaandalsofeelthatTheKashmir derlines the need to speed up the reso- issue of the Russian misadventure in
emotionalintegration—hasbeenthatof han- pressionof women.Favouringthehijabinthe evoke any hatred towards any particular be- Files gives a voice to the voiceless victims of lution process, both at the IBC and cor- Ukraine and embrace the West blindly.
dlingahotpotato.Insteadof dealingwiththe nameof liberalismistakingthelibertytoim- lief system. It is to the credit of the makers the mindless terrorism of the past several porate levels. It also highlights the lax That the world understands and recog-
entire gamut of issues with the courage of pose illiberal ideas. that when the movie ends, people feel sad decadesinJammuandKashmir.Thisissobe- regulatory control of NBFCs by the RBI nises the utility of India's position is
conviction, many have been skirted, pushed All over the world, opinion-makers have about themselves, the echo chamber that cause they are avowedly against any emo- and the complete absence of corporate proven by the fact that top diplomats of
under the carpet and their dispassionate dithered in calling a spade a spade and tried theyhaveinadvertentlyallowedtothriveand tionalorculturalsecessionismorspreadinga governance in the IL&FS group. While Russia, the UK and Germany are in New
analysis has been avoided. Meekly surren- to camouflage their cold feet as liberalism. theestablishmentthatserveduspseudo-sec- sense of separateness for the sake of being the RBI has revamped its regulatory Delhi in the same week. At this stage,
dering to unreasonable demands had be- This was starkly evident in the UN’s recent ularism in the name of true secularism sim- politically correct. mechanism for NBFCs and banks, cor- like the Turkish president, the Indian
come the usual way, right from the pre- resolution on the institution of the ply for their political ends. Like in the hijab After all, it is a mockery of integration if porate governance remains a matter of PM can take the diplomatic initiative to
Independence era. The entire so-called International Day to Combat Islamophobia. case and the International Day to Combat onetriestoaccommodatesecessionismsim- concern, as repeated failures show. broker peace between the warring par-
progressive establishment stands guilty of Indiacourageouslyandlogicallyopposedthe Islamophobia, here too popular feelings are ply to get the tag of “progressive”. Similarly, Unlesscorporateboardsdischargetheir ties in Europe. Both Russia and Ukraine
treating issues concerning Muslims either singling out of Islamophobia, leaving aside evidently againstgivingspecialtreatmentto liberalismcannotjustbeabouttoleratingthe obligations responsibly, IL&FS may not are likely to trust India as it has no
emotionallyorpolitically,insteadof intellec- the phobias against other belief systems. A adherents of any particular belief system. illiberal. be the last disaster we have seen. vested interests in the affair.
tuallyandonthegroundsof reasonandlogic. global body like the UN did not coveritself in People are against the disregarding of all hu- Hemant Contractor, Pune H N Bhagwat, Chiplun
The consequences have been disastrous. But any glory by succumbing to the pressures of man rights and the insensitivity towards the The writer is MP, Rajya Sabha and former
apparently, the so-called progressive estab- one very powerful religio-political lobby cruelty and injustice faced by the Kashmiri national vice-president of the BJP

New Delhi

The Constitutional Court in Seoul upheld a ban on tattooing on Thursday, confirming
South Korea as the only developed country that permits no one but medical profession-
als to perform the procedure. Tattoo artists derided the decision, calling it backward and
lacking cultural understanding. Despite the decades-old ban, South Korea has nearly
50,000 tattoo artists, who risk police raids and prosecution for practising their trade.


Ukraine faces assault in east Imran addresses

Heavy fighting rages near Kyiv; Ukraine says Russian forces leaving Chernobyl
nation, says will not
quit, play till last ball
Solomon Islands PM
Manasseh Sogavare. HEAVY FIGHTING raged on the
outskirtsof Kyivandotherzones
Thursday amid indications the
To face no-trust
Kremlin is using talk of de-esca-
lation as cover while regrouping vote on Sunday CAPTAIN SPEAKS...
islandsinkdraft deploying them for a stepped- “...Our policy was not anti-US, -
of securitypact up offensive in eastern Ukraine. SAJJAD HUSSAIN Europe, or even India [...] it became
UkrainePresidentVolodymyr ISLAMABAD, MARCH 31 anti-Indian after New Delhi revoked
Beijing: China and the Zelenskyy said in an early morn- the special status of Kashmir
Solomon Islands have ing video address that Ukraine is A DEFIANT Pakistan Prime and broke international
signed a draft version of a seeing“abuildupofRussianforces Minister Imran Khan said on
securitypactthatcouldsee fornewstrikesontheDonbas,and Thursday that he will not resign
law in August 2019”
Chinese police and other we are preparing for that.” despite losing the majority and
forcestakeupdutiesinthe Meanwhile,aconvoyofbuses insisted that he will play till the “The nation should “When I started
PacificIslandnation,draw- headedtoMariupolinanotherbid last ball and face the vote of no-
ing concerns from tradi- to evacuate people from the be- confidence in the National
decide where the politics, I included
tional partners New sieged port city after the Russian Assembly on Sunday which will country should go…I three things in my
Zealand, Australia and the militaryagreedtoalimitedcease- decidewherethecountrywillgo. always played until the party’s manifesto.
US. The Solomon Islands fireinthearea.Andanewroundof In a live-address to the na- last ball. I will never Justice, which means
government on Thursday talksaimedatstoppingthefight- tion, 69-year-old Khan also dis- resign.” law is the same for the
said the draft agreement ing was scheduled for Friday. cussed a ‘threat letter’ and powerful and the
had been initialed by rep- The Red Cross said its teams termeditaspartof aforeigncon- “Those against me weak. Humanity
resentatives of the two were headed for Mariupol with spiracy to remove him as he was
sides and will now “be relief and medical supplies and not acceptable for following an
should have because there is
cleaned up and await sig- hoped to help pull civilians out A destroyed building during fighting between Russian and Ukrainian forces in the village of independent foreign policy. He resigned…they should kindness in an Islamic
natures of the two coun- of the beleaguered city. Yasnohorodka, on the outskirts of Kyiv, Ukraine, on Wednesday. AP namedtheUSasthe countrybe- not have sold state, and third, self-
tries’ foreign ministers.” Russian troops, meanwhile, hindthethreatletterinwhatap- themselves for money. reliance (khuddari)
Theagreementaimsto“re- began leaving the Chernobyl nu- peared to be a slip of tongue. I will fight against the because a Muslim
spond to Solomon Islands’
soft and hard domestic
clear plant after soldiers got “sig-
nificant doses” of radiation from
EUROPE SAYS BLACKMAIL Biden orders Khan’saddresscameatacrit-
ical juncture of his political ca-
conspiracy and will
never let it succeed.”
nation cannot be a
Putin sets deadline for
largest release
threats. In its statement, digging trenches at the highly reer when he lost majority after
Solomon Islands said it contaminatedsite,Ukraine’sstate defection from his Pakistan
would continue to “work power company said Thursday. Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party. Two

from US oil
ing a safe nation where all
co-exist peacefully.” AP
Energoatom, the operator,
gavenoimmediatedetailsonthe ruble gas payments reserve
of his allied parties also with-
drew their support and joined Isthevote ON TO REACH DEAL
condition of the troops or how
many were affected. But it said In televised remarks, Putin
the ranks of the opposition.
“The nation should decide ● close? BETWEEN PM AND OPP’
theRussianshaddugininthefor- REUTERS said buyers of Russian gas “must Washington: Under growing where the country should go…I Lahore: With Pakistan PM
NEW ZEALAND est inside the exclusion zone BERLIN/LONDON, MARCH 31 open ruble accounts in Russian pressure to bring down high en- always played until the last ball. IMRAN FACES a tight vote. Imran Khan virtually losing
aroundthenow-closedplant.The banks. It is from these accounts ergy prices, President Biden an- I will never resign,” he said. He became PM after his themajorityinthe342-mem-
Mansentenced troops “panicked at the first sign RUSSIAN PRESIDENT Vladimir that payments will be made for nounced on Thursday that the “Those against me should have party, PTI, won the most ber National Assembly after

forthreatening of illness,” which “showed up

very quickly,” and began to pre-
Putin is demanding foreign buy-
ers pay for Russian gas in rubles
gas delivered starting from to-
morrow,” or April 1.
US would release up to 180 mil-
lion barrels of oil from a strate-
resigned…they should not have
sold themselves for money.”
seats in the 2018 general
elections. However, the PTI
defection of two key allies,
backdoor efforts are under-
tokillPMArdern pare to leave, Energoatom said.
plies cut, a move European capi-
“If such payments are not
nomic impact of the war.
Calling the rebel lawmakers
as “traitors”, Khan said they will
did not have a simple ma-
jority by itself and had to
way to reach a deal between
the premier and the joint op-
Wellington: A New Stoltenberg said alliance intelli- tals rejected and which Berlin fault on the part of buyers, with Withmidtermelectionsonly be brandedassuchfortherestof form a coalition. The PTI has position to dissolve the lower
Zealand man on genceindicatesthatRussiaisnot said amounted to “blackmail”. all the ensuing consequences. a few months away, gasoline their lives as he pleaded them to 155 members and Khan house, as per a highly placed
Thursday was sentenced scaling back its military opera- Putin’s move, via a decree Nobodysellsusanythingforfree, prices have risen nearly $1.50 a come back and foil the attempt crossed the 172-votethresh- source. “Talks are focused on
to one year in prison for tionsbutisinsteadrepositioning signed on Thursday, leaves and we are not going to do char- gallon over the last year, under- to topple his government. oldtobeelectedPMin2018 one-point – the joint opposi-
threatening to kill Prime andredeployingforcestojoinat- Europe facing the prospect of ity either - that is, existing con- cutting consumer confidence. “I will fight against the con- withthehelpof coalition tion withdraws the no-trust
Minister Jacinda Ardern. tacks in the Donbas. The Donbas losingmorethanathirdof itsgas tracts will be stopped,” he said. And the cost of diesel, the fuel spiracy and will never let it suc- partners.ThePTI-ledcoali- motion against Khan and in
Prosecutors said Michael is the predominantly Russian- supply.Germany,themostheav- It was not immediately clear used by most farmers and ship- ceed,” Khan said as he vowed to tionincreased its numbers return he dissolves the
Cruickshank, 56, sent 88 speakingindustrialregionwhere ily reliant on Russia, has already whether in practice there might pers, has gone up even faster. face the no-trust vote in the as- over the past three years. National Assembly calling for
emails to government of- Moscow-backedseparatistshave activated an emergency plan still be a way for foreign firms to “I know how much it hurts,” sembly on Sunday. fresh polls,” the source said.
ficials in 2019 and 2020, been battling Ukrainian forces that could lead to rationing in continue payment without us- Biden said Thursday as he an- His speech came hours after “Thetopmanintheestablish-
calling them criminals, since 2014. In the past few days, Europe’s biggest economy. ing rubles, which the EU and G7 nounced the release of oil. “As Deputy Speaker Qasim Suri NationalAssemblyShehbazSharif ment may be a guarantor if
slave-traders and state- theKremlin,inaseemingshiftin Energy exports are Putin’s group of states have ruled out. you’ve heard me say before, I abruptly adjourned the National on March 28. Khan needs 172 the understanding (deal) be-
sanctioned terrorists. But its war aims, said that its “main mostpowerfulleverashetriesto Germany Economy Minister grew up in a family like many of AssemblysessiontillSundayafter votesinthelowerhouseof342to tweentheoppositionandthe
it was two emails that he goal” now is gaining control of hit back against sweeping Robert Habeck said Russia had you where the price of a gallon oppositionlawmakersdemanded foiltheOpposition'sbidtotopple government reaches,” he
sent in January 2020 that the Donbas. “Russia is trying to Western sanctions imposed on not been able to divide Europe gasolinewentup,itwasadiscus- animmediatevoteontheno-trust him.However,Oppositionclaims added “If this deal is cut, the
crossed a line by threat- regroup, resupply and reinforce Russian banks, companies, and and said Western allies were de- sion at the kitchen table.” “Our motion.Theresolutionagainstthe ithasthesupportof175lawmak- new elections will be held in
ening violence. In one its offensive in the Donbas re- associates of the Kremlin in re- termined to not be “black- prices are rising because of embattledpremierwastabledby ersandtheprimeministershould August this year,” he said. PTI
email, Cruickshank gion,” Stoltenberg said. sponse to Russia’s invasion. mailed” by Russia. Putin’saction,”Bidenadded. NYT theLeaderoftheOppositioninthe immediately resign. PTI
threatened to blow

Xi backs Afghanistan at regional meet

Ardern’s head off and in
another said he would
Crisis deepens, Sri Lanka Search finds 49k
“personally wipe you off
pieces of plane
to turn off streetlights
this f------ planet,” The
New Zealand Herald re-
ported. AP ASSOCIATED PRESS UN SEEKS $4.4 BN in China crash
FOR AFGHANISTAN Beijing: Chinese officials said

Resolution to COLOMBO, MARCH 31 CHINESE LEADER Xi Jinping is-

sued strong backing for
Geneva:The UN’s aid coordi-
nation office, backed by
age in last week’s crash of a China
startNational SRI LANKA is turning off street-
lights to save electricity, a minis-
Afghanistan at a regional con-
ference on Thursday, while
Britain, Germany and Qatar,
is launching its biggest-ever
done and that more than 49,000
SikhDaytabled ter said on Thursday, as its eco- making no mention of human appeal for funds for a single Flight MU5735 plunged from
Washington: More than a nomic crisis in decades brought rights abuses by the country’s country in hopes of collect- 29,000 feet into a mountainside
dozenlawmakersinclud- more power cuts and halted Taliban leaders. China’s foreign ing $4.4 billion to help in southern China’s Guangxi re-
ing Indian American tradingonitsmainstockmarket. minister, meanwhile, led calls Afghanistan, a decidedly gion, killing all 132 people on
Congressman Raja The island of 22 million peo- for the US to unfreeze Afghan ambitious call to assist the board. The impact created a 20-
Krishnamoorthi, have in- ple is struggling with rolling The powercuts add to the assets held abroad and end impoverished country meter crater, set off a fire in the
troduced a resolution in blackouts for up to 13 hours a pain of Sri Lankans already sanctions on the government. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi with his Pakistan again run by Taliban mili- surrounding forest and smashed
the House of day because the government dealing with shortages. AP XipledgedChina’ssupportin counterpart Shah Mahmood Qureshi (left) and Taliban- tants. Some 23 million peo- the plane into small parts scat-
Representatives to desig- does not have enough foreign a message to a gathering of rep- appointed Afghanistan Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi ple face acute food insecu- tered over a wide area, some of
nate April 14 of each year exchange for fuel imports. resentatives from Afghanistan, at a meeting in China’s Tunxi district on Wednesday. AP rity, the UN says. AP them buried underground.
as National Sikh Day. The “We have already instructed $500 million credit line from China, Russia, Pakistan, Iran, Zhu Tao, the director of avi-
resolution supports the officials to shut off streetlights India was expected on Saturday, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and ation safety for the Civil
designation of ‘‘National around the country to help con- Wanniarachchi said, though she Uzbekistan in a central Chinese pire to, which “serves the com- tecting the rights of all ethnic NATO should “earnestly assume Aviation Administration of
Sikh Day'' to honour and serve power,” Power Minister warned that would not fix the city, spotlighting Beijing’s aspi- mon interests of regional coun- groups. It also “urged the coun- the primary responsibility for China, said that important parts,
celebrate the important Pavithra Wanniarachchi said. issue. "Once that arrives we will rations to play a leading role in tries and the international com- tries mainly responsible for the the reconstruction and develop- including the horizontal stabi-
role played by the Sikh The power cuts add to the be able to reduce load shedding Afghanistan following the with- munity,” Xi said. current predicament in ment of Afghanistan, and return lizer, engine and remains of the
community in strength- pain of Sri Lankans already deal- hours but until we receive rains, drawal of US forces last August. A joint statement issued after Afghanistan” to fulfill commit- the property of the Afghan peo- right wing tip had been recov-
ening and inspiring the ing with shortages of essentials probably some time in May, A “peaceful, stable, devel- the meeting noted the impor- ments on its economic recovery. ple as soon as possible,” in a ref- ered after nearly 10 days of
people of the US. PTI and rocketing prices. powercutswillhavetocontinue," oped and prosperous tanceofensuringwomen’srights China’s Foreign Ministry said erence to the $7 billion in frozen searching, according to the offi-
A diesel shipment under a the minister said. REUTERS Afghanistan”iswhatAfghansas- andchildren’seducationandpro- the sides agreed that the US and Afghan assets held by the US. cial Xinhua News Agency. AP


Shanghai residents rush to stock up as second stage of lockdown looms

Pudong in the east. Public trans- residents told Reuters they could fortheireffortsandsacrifices,es-
port in western areas will halt,
with residents confined to their
be asked to stay in longer, espe-
cially as the number of new in- Britain ends free virus tests pecially as some spent a long
time in quarantine and lock-
SHANGHAI, MARCH 31 homes from 3 am on Friday fections keeps rising. London: The British govern- macies or online suppliers. down. But it urged them to keep
(1900 GMT Thursday). Authorities would decide ment is ending the supply of Tests will remain free for co-operating to rein in the virus.
RESIDENTSOF China’scommer- In central Shanghai, veg- how to lift the first stage of lock- free rapid coronavirus tests to staff in high-risk settings such Ma, the Shanghai govern-
cial capital of Shanghai scram- etable sellers and butchers down on the basis of testing re- most of the population even as hospitals, nursing homes, mentofficial,however,acknowl-
bled on Thursday to stock up hawked their wares from be- sultsandadvicefromexperts,city though Covid infections re- hospices and prisons, but un- edged that the city could have
groceries as they braced for a hind barriers and on side- government official Ma Chunlei main at record levels, and der the government’s “Living done more, adding that author-
lockdown in the city's western walks. Restaurants hoping to told a daily news conference. health officials warn the pan- with Covid” plan most other ities were trying to improve dis-
areas to stop the spread of cut losses advertised deep dis- Shanghai’sdailytallyof infec- demic could still have nasty people in England will now tribution of food and issueswith
COVID-19, while authorities ap- counts through chat groups tions eased for the first time in surprises in store. have to pay. Some free testing securing medical help.
pealed for continued compli- on social media. “Lockdown about two weeks, authorities Starting Friday, most peo- will continue for several "Our knowledge about the
ance with curbs. super deal! 50% off on steaks”, said on Thursday. Workers set up barriers outside a restaurant to seal off the pleinEnglandwillhavetobuy weeks in Scotland, Wales and highly contagious Omicron vari-
The city, home to 26 million advertised a pamphlet from a It reported 5,298 locally area in Shanghai on Thursday. Reuters lateral flow tests from phar- Northern Ireland. AP ant has been insufficient, we
people, is in the fourth day of a high-end steak house. transmitted new asymptomatic were inadequately prepared for
two-stagelockdowndividedbe- The two-stage lockdown be- cases and 355 symptomatic the fast-rising number of in-
tweenthehistoriccentrewestof gan on Monday in eastern dis- casesforWednesday,versuscor- Shanghai makes up almost about 20% of those with symp- dia with videos and images of treatment and buying food. fected patients, and our control
the Huangpu River and the fi- tricts, where the curbs are to be responding figures of 5,656 and 80% of local asymptomatic cases toms. Many residents have crowded quarantine centres, In a letter to residents, the measures have not been up to
nancial and industrial district of liftedat5amonFriday.Butsome 326 the previous day. acrossChinaforWednesday,and vented frustration on social me- whileseekinghelpwithmedical city government thanked them speed," he said. REUTERS

New Delhi



`51,542 `75.79 $110.27 `66,905
Note: Gold, silver rates at Delhi spot market, gold per 10g, silver per 1 kg; Crude oil (Indian basket) as of March 30

SENSEX: 58,568.51 ▼ 115.48 (0.20%) NIFTY: 17,464.75 ▼ 33.50 (0.19%) NIKKEI: 27,821.43 ▼ 205.82 HANG SENG: 21,996.85 ▼ 235.18 FTSE: 7,566.80 ▼ 11.95 DAX: 14,561.61 ▼ 44.44
International market data till 1900 IST

Small savings

Why have some

‘Technicalissue’:Motorthird schemes’ interest
e-scooters been partycoverhiketobedelayed rates unchanged
catching fire?
happened in May 2019. The an- Earlier, in a relief for the cus- NEWDELHI,MARCH31
GEORGEMATHEW nual hike was put on hold due to tomers,aftertakingovertheexer- ■ PPF: 7.1%
MUMBAI,MARCH31 the Covid pandemic that hit the cise from the insurance regulator, THEGOVERNMENTonThursday ■ NSC: 6.8%
countryinMarch2020. Insurance Regulatory and said it had decided to keep inter- ■ 1-year term deposit:
lithiumionsfromtheanodeto THE INSURANCE industry’s plan Insurers collected Rs 38,570 Development Authority of India est rates on small savings instru- 5.5%
SOUMYARENDRABARIK the cathode and vice versa to hike third party motor insur- crore as third party motor pre- (Irdai) for the first time, the ments like Public Provident Fund ■ Sukanya Samriddhi
NEWDELHI,MARCH31 through the separator. The ancepremiumforthefirsttimeaf- miumtillFebruary28inthefiscal Ministry of Road Transport and (PPF),NationalSavingsCertificate Yojana: 7.6%
movementofthelithiumions terthreeyearsfromApril1islikely 2021-22. “Notice is hereby given Highways had proposed revising (NSC) and Sukanya Samriddhi ■ 5-year senior
OVER THE last five days, there createsfreeelectronsinthean- towitnessadelay. that the said draft rules shall be the motor third party premium Yojana unchanged for the April- citizens’ savings: 7.4%
have been at least four re- ode which creates a charge at TheMinistryofRoadTransport taken into consideration after the ratesmostlyintherangeof5to10 June quarter, despite the RBI call- ■ Savings deposits: 4%
ported incidents of two- thepositivecurrentcollector. and Highways, which issued the TrafficinChandigarh.General expiryof aperiodof 30daysfrom percentforthenextfiscal. ing for a reduction in these rates ■ Term deposits of 1-5
wheeler electric vehicles — Thekeythingsthatmakea original draft proposal on the re- insurerswillbegettinga thedateonwhichthecopiesofthis Further,inabidtopromoteen- in the 9-118 basis points range. years: 5.5-6.7%
made by the likes of Ola, Li-ionbatterybetterthanother visedmotorthirdpartymotorpre- chancetorevisemotorthird notification as published in the vironment friendly vehicles, the Interest rates on small saving ■ 5-year recurring
Okinawa and Pure EV — kind of battery, and more miumonMarch4forpublicfeed- partyratesafter3years. File Gazette of India, are made avail- draft notification has proposed a schemes are reset every quarter deposits: 5.8%
abruptly bursting into flames, suited for things like electric back, had originally planned to able to the public,” the Ministry 15 per cent discount for electric but have not been revised since
bringing to the fore safety is- cars and smartphones are: allow insurers to implement the said while reissuing the proposal privatecars,electrictwowheelers, Q1FY21.TheCentralBoardofTru-
sues related to such vehicles, lightweight,highenergyden- revised rates from April 1. ter May 15 after completing the on March 17. Objections and sug- electric goods carrying commer- steesoftheEmployees’Provident recurring deposits will earn a
especially the batteries that sity, and ability to recharge. However, for some technical rea- entire set of legal formalities in- gestionstothesedraftrules,ifany, cial vehicles and electric passen- FundOrganisation(EPFO),inMar- higher interest of 5.8 per cent.
powerthem. Apart from that, Li-ion batter- son,theministryhasreissuedthe cluding insurers notifying their may be sent to the joint secretary ger carrying vehicles. The third ch, recommended cutting inter- Theinterestrateswererevised
EVs are powered by iesalsotypicallyhavealonger samedraftproposalonMarch17. clients about the new rates,” (MVL, Transport & Toll), Ministry party motor premium, which is estratesonEPFdepositsto8.1per for the first quarter of 2021-22
lithium-ionbatteries lifespan compared “Thereweresometechnicalis- sourcessaid.Generalinsurerswill of Road Transport and Highways mandatoryforvehicles,istheonly cent, the lowest in four decades. (April-March), having been re-
of the kind used in toaleadacidbattery. sues for which the draft proposal begettinganopportunitytorevise and Insurance Regulatory and segment that is still regulated by “Therateofinterestonvarious duced sharply by 40-110 basis
cellphones and However, one of hastobereissued.Nowtherevised the motor third party rates after Development Authority of India, thegovernment/Irdai. Fullreport smallsavingsschemesforthefirst points, but the decision was later
smartwatches, the biggest benefits ratescanonlybeimplementedaf- threeyearssincelastrevisionhad theministrysaid. quarter of ... 2022-23 ... shall re- rolled back, with the Finance
which are generally of Li-ion batteries — mainunchangedfromthecurrent Ministry saying that the “orders
considered to be ef- itshighenergyden- rates applicable for the fourth issuedbyoversightshallbewith-
ficient and light
compared to their
counterparts. However, they
sity — can also be a
‘Tight coal supply, high import FY22: Markets gain 18% quarterforFY2021-22,”aFinance
Ministry notification said.
This means the interest rates
drawn”.Thereductionof interest
happened in the run-up to the
to put pressure on power tariff’ on PPF and NSC — two popular West Bengal Assembly elections.
idencedbyrecentincidents. WhydidOla,Okinawa
andotherEVs’batteries Tight supply of coal to power plants and expected rise in
Oil slumps 5% schemes—willcontinueat7.1 per
Whatarelithiumion catchfire? import of the dry fuel amid high global prices will put Houston:Oilpricestumbled The one-year term deposit rveBankof India(RBI)calledfora
batteries? The actual reasons behind upward pressure on electricity tariff, as per an Icra report VOLATILE STOCK markets on over5percentonThursday scheme will continue to earn an reduction in small savings rates.
Fromelectriccarstosmart- the Ola and Okinawa EVs Thursday closed 0.20 per cent withtheUSannouncingthe interest rate of 5.5 per cent in the “The existing rates of interest on
phonestolaptops,lithiumion catching fire are currently un- Coal import dependency for lower on the lastdayof thefinan- largest ever release from its Q1FY23, while the girl child sav- SSIs need to be reduced in the
(Li-ion)batteriesaretodaythe knownasthecompanieshave power sector is likely to rise Share of coal imports in cial year after swinging between Strategic Petroleum Rese- ings scheme, Sukanya Samriddhi rangeof9-118bpsforQ1of2022-
most popular battery type, said they are investigating the moderately in near-term, given overall coal requirements gains and losses. However, the rve, while OPEC+ stuck to Yojana, will earn 7.6 per cent. 23 to align them with the for-
powering millions of con- matter.However,Okinawahas the continued tight domestic for power sector fell to Sensex which shed 115 points on its existing deal for May The interest rate on the five- mula-based rates,” it had noted.
sumer electronics around the said from its preliminary ob- coal supply position over the about 4% in April- Thursday,gained18.29percent,or output. REUTERS year senior citizens’ savings sch- Speaking in Rajya Sabha last
world.ALi-ionbatteryconsists servations, based on “credible last six months February 2021FY22 9,059 points, at 58,568.51 during eme, which is paid quarterly, will week, Finance Minister Nirmala
of an anode, cathode, separa- sources, the media and local against 8% in FY21 the fiscal ended March 2022. The remainat7.4percent.Theinterest Sitharaman said the revision in
tor,electrolyte,andtwocurrent authorities”, the fire was a re- Outlook for thermal generation NSE Nifty index lost 34 points at totightenliquidityandhikerates, rate on savings deposits will con- EPF deposit rates was dictated by
collectors.Theanodeandcath- sult of short circuiting due to and distribution segments 17,464.75duringtheday. coupled with the Russia-Ukraine tinuetobe4per centper annum. therealitiesofcurrenttimes.“The
ode is where the lithium is “negligenceinchargingtheve- within the power sector The Sensex is down 3,676 conflict,hittingsentiment.Foreign Termdepositsof1-5yearswillsee fact remains that these are rates
stored while the electrolyte hicle”. Full report on continues to remain negative points from the FY22 high of portfolio investors were sellers in aninterestrateintherangeof5.5- which are prevailing today, andit
carries positively charged Source: Icra Ratings/PTI 62,245.43 registered on October FY22 and pulled out about Rs 6.7 per cent, to be paid quarterly, (EPFO interest rate) is still higher
19,2021withtheUSFedplanning 2,30,000croresinceOctober2021. whiletheinterestrateonfive-year than the rest,” she said.

Domestic gas
price rises
Rupee-ruble trade not to be SpiceJet settles Credit Suisse dispute ‘in-principle’
over two-fold
New Delhi: The government on
affected by sanctions: Russia their allies which have led to a
craft engines and components.
The Swiss banking conglom-
tion of the Madras HC verdict.
“With regard to the dispute
pending between Credit Suisse
and SpiceJet Limited, we would
a SpiceJet spokesperson said.
The person added, “SpiceJet
had already deposited $5million
on the direction of the Hon’ble
Thursday hiked the price of the ENSECONOMICBUREAU sharpfallintheRussianstockma- SPICEJET SAID on Thursday it has Court,whichorderedwindingup liketoinformthatthepartieshave Madras High Court in the Credit
majority of domestically pro- NEWDELHI,MARCH31 rket and in the value of the ruble. arrived at an in-principle com- of SpiceJet and even directed an nowreachedanin-principlecom- Suissecaseandthereisnoadverse
duced natural gas by about 110 TheEUhasbarredseveralRussian mercial settlement with Credit official liquidator attached to the mercialsettlementof thedispute financialliabilityontheCompany.
per cent on the back of rising in- RUSSIA HAS assured the Indian banksfromtheSWIFTmessaging Suisse in the $24-million dispute high court to take over the assets andtheprocessofdocumentation Thesettlementinvolvespayment
ternationalgasprices.Thepriceof government that trade between systemthatenablesinternational betweenthetwoparties.Thedis- of the airline. However, the court isunderway.Thesettlementwith of settlementamountoveramu-
natural gas produced from fields thetwonationsintheirdomestic financialtransactions.TheUShas pute pertains to Credit Suisse al- allowedSpiceJettoappealitscase Credit Suisse follows SpiceJet’s tually agreed period of time.” An
awarded to state-owned ONGC currencies was not restricted by banned all energy imports from leging that the low-cost airline intheSupremeCourt.OnJanuary successful settlements with De e-mailquerysenttoCreditSuisse
andOil Indiaregulated underthe Westernsanctions.Sourcesaware Russia and sought to restrict failed to honour its commitment 28,theapexcourtgrantedSpiceJet Havilland Aircraft of Canada didnotelicitaresponseatthetime
Administered Price Mechanism of the developments said the Russianaccesstohigh-techcom- topaythebillsforover$24million three weeks to resolve its finan- Limited (DHC), Boeing, aircraft of publication. Full report on
(APM) was hiked to $6.1 per mil- Russian embassy had written to AGazprom pipelineinAmur, ponents,bothhardwareandsoft- raised towards maintenance, re- cialdisputeandstayedtheopera- lessorsCDBAviationandAvolon,”
lionBritishthermalunit(mmBtu) the Ministry of External Affairs Russia.Indianoilrefiners ware, made with any parts or in-
for the April-September period, andtheMinistryofCommerceas- have alreadybeenallowedto tellectual property from the US.
up from $2.9 per mmBTu cur- suringofficialsthattradebetween buyRussiancrude. Reuters file Government officials here
rently,accordingtothePetroleum the two countries through a pro- noted that the Department of
PlanningandAnalysisCell(PPAC). posed rupee-ruble trade would FinancialServicesandtheRBIare
Thehike,whichwillcomeinto not violate sanctions imposed on bytheUS,UKorEU,”saidasource working on a payment mecha-
effect on Friday, will likely lead to Russia by the US, UK and EU. aware of developments, adding nismtoallowtradebetweenIndia
a rise in prices of CNG and piped Merchandise trade between that the letter noted there were andRussiatocontinue.TheCentre
naturalgas.Thepriceof domesti- India and Russia stood at $10.75 manyways to processpayments. has already greenlit new pur-
cally produced natural gas is re- billion in the first 10 months of Theissueofanalternativepay- chasesofRussiancrudeoilbystate
vised in line with the average FY22,withIndiaexportinggoods mentmechanismtoenableIndia- ownedoilrefiners.Therupee-ru-
prices in four key global markets worth about $2.8 billion and im- Russia trade is likely to be taken ble trade between the two na-
— US Henry Hub, Canada Alberta porting goods worth $7.9 billion. up at Russian Foreign Minister tions, if approved, could be along
gas, UK NBP, and Russian Natural “There are several options SergeyLavrov’songoingvisithere. the lines of an earlier payment
Gas—everysixmonths.APMgas available. The point they made in In response to its invasion of mechanism with Iran which was
accounts for over 90 per cent of the letter is that trade in rupee or Ukraine, Russia is facing a slew of also subject to US sanctions, said
ONGC natural gas output. ENS ruble is not affected by sanctions sanctionsfromtheEU,theUSand sources aware of the matter.

E-mail: [email protected]

hefty discounts on oil
PRESS NIT No. 11/DD(H)/NORTH (2021-22) (Re-invite)
S. Name of Work Estimated Earnest Tender Publication date of Last date & time receipt
NewDelhi:TheI-TDepartm- No Cost Money Processing tender in e- for receipt of tender from
. (Rs.) Fee (Fresh) procurement Solution e-procurement solution
ent said searches on an au-
1. Development by Land Scaping Phase-II 30,81,866/- 61,650/- 500/- 30.03.2022 09.04.2022 Time 12:00 PM
tomaker’sDelhi–NCRprem- vasionofUkraineonFebruary23, at Haider Pur WTP (Re-invited)
ises led to documents that ENSECONOMICBUREAU addedthesources.SinceBrentoil Tender ID:- 2022_DJB_219925_1.

showed`800croreexpendi- NEWDELHI,MARCH31 priceshavesincerisenfromabout The more detail required above can be seen on website
turebookedinguiseofserv- $97 per barrel to $107, the dis- Sd/-
icebuysfromacertainenti- RUSSIAISofferingheftydiscounts counts may go up further. Dy. Dir. (Horti.) North
ISSUED BY P.R.O. (WATER) C/o Director (Horticulture)
ty. Hero MotoCorp was the to India for direct oil purchases, Russia wants India to buy 15 Advt. No. J.S.V. 1335(2021-22)
company, sources said. FE which will make it attractive for millionbarrelsthisyear,oneofthe “STOP CORONA; WEAR MASK, FOLLOW PHYSICAL DISTANCING, MAINTAIN HAND HYGIENE”
New Delhi to get into contracts sources said. The offer comes as
Creditofftake with Moscow despite elevated
freight costs, sources said.
European nations cut down on
purchases amid mounting west-
Mumbai:Non-foodbankcr- Russiaisofferingadiscountof ern sanctions on Moscow. China,
NEW DELHI-110075
editsaw8%inFebruaryagai- as much as $30-35/barrel on its meanwhile, has been reportedly
Press N.I.T. No. 40 (2021-22)/EE(T)M-9
nst6.6%ayearago,asperRBI flagship Ural grade to India; the taking advantage of the situation
data,ascreditgrowthtoagri- discountwillbeappliedonprices andimportingRussianoilatheav- S. Name of work Amount EMD (Rs.) Date of release of Last date /time receipt of
cultureandindustrygrew. thatwereprevailingbeforeitsin- ily-discounted rates. FE N. Put to
tender in
e-procurement solution
tender through
e-procurement solution
1 Improvement of sewerage system by replacing old damaged Rs. Rs. 92,800/- 30.03.2022 12.04.2022

CADwidens choked sewer lines by new sewer lines at U block Subhash 46,36,016/- upto 3.00 PM

Future Retail CEO quits

park in Matiala constituency under EE(M)-34 (Re-invite)-1
(Tender I.D. No. 2022_DJB_219915_1)
Mumbai: Current account 2 Replacement of 100mm dia damaged water line by P/L/J Rs. Rs. 55,200/- 30.03.2022 12.04.2022
100mm dia D.I. pipe line at K-block gali no. 6D and adjoining 27,55,668/- upto 3.00 PM
deficit(CAD)inQ3FY22rose gali, Mahipalpur in Bijwasan constituency under AEE(M)-36
to $23 billion (2.7% of GDP), Mumbai: Future Retail (FRL) CEO made by the Nomination and (Re-invite)1
(Tender I.D. No. 2022_DJB_219915_2)
against $9.9 billion (1.3% of SadashivNayakhasresignedfrom Remuneration Committee of the 3 Installation of T/Well, construction of T/Well room and Rs. Rs. 82,900/- 30.03.2022 12.04.2022
GDP)inQ2FY22and$2.2bil- the post seven months after his Company,weherebyinformthat interconnection of T/Well by P/L 150/100 mm dia D.I. water 41,44,016 upto 3.00 PM
line from I and FC drain/BSF Camp to Chawla Village in
lion(0.3%ofGDP)inQ3FY21, appointment. An FRL filing said, KishoreBiyani,whoholdsthepo- Matiala Constituency under EE(M)-34 (Re-invite)-2
showed RBI data. ENS “Sadashiv Nayak, who was ap- sition of Executive Chairman has (Tender I.D. No. 2022_DJB_219915_3)
4 Replacement of sewerage system in Shiv Mandir Marg and Rs. Rs. 96,800/- 30.03.2022 12.04.2022
pointedasChiefExecutiveOfficer been re-appointedfora periodof adjoining streets of Raj Nagar-I of Palam constrituency under 48,35,760/- upto 3.00 PM

Coreoutputup effectiveAugust25,2021,hasten-
deredhisresignation whichisef-
1, 2022,” it said. 5
EE(M)-37 (Re-invite)-1
(Tender I.D. No. 2022_DJB_219915_4)
Replacement of old damaged water pipe line by P/L 100mm Rs. Rs. 30.03.2022 12.04.2022
NewDelhi:Februarycorese- fective from the closure of busi- FRL’s director Rahul Garg had dia D.I. water line in Balmiki Basti, Shahbad Mohammadpur 56,55,007/- 1,13,100/- upto 3.00 PM
in Bijwasan constituency under AEE(M)-36 (Re-invite)1
ctoroutputrose5.8%,against ness hours of March 31, 2022.” earlier resigned from the board. (Tender I.D. No. 2022_DJB_219915_5)
3.3% contraction a year ago. ItaddedKishoreBiyani,Future FRL has already defaulted on a NIT along with all the terms & conditions is available on DJB web sitet Sd/-
The Centre’s fiscal deficit as Group founder-CEO, has been payment of Rs 3,494.56 crore to ISSUED BY P.R.O. (WATER) (Satish Kumar)
of February-end was 82.7% reappointed executive chairman banks in January under the OTR Advt. No. J.S.V. 1336(2021-22) EXECUTIVE ENGINEER(T)M-9
offullyearbudgettarget. PTI of FRL for another three years. planandtheaccounthasbeende- STOP CORONA: “Wear Mask, Follow Physical Distancing, Maintain Hand Hygiene”
“Based on the recommendation claredasNPAbythelenders. ENS

New Delhi

I,Karmbir S/o Randhir singh R/o- I,KULVINDER SINGH S/O I,Sukhdev Singh Syan S/o-Prem
315 Bank Wali Gali Auchandi SURJEET SINGH BEDI R/O F- Singh R/O-B-80,Second floor,
Delhi-110039 changed my 19,THIRD-FLOOR, GALINO.4, Lajpat-nagar-1, Delhi-110024,
name to Karambir. VIRENDER-NAGAR,DELHI- have changed my name to
0040608507-4 110058.HAVE CHANGED MY Sukhdeev Singh. 0040608501-7
I,Yatin S/o Harish Kumar R/o-
KHAN R/O B-374/5, GALI NO. 468/4,Ram Nagar,Near Shiv
13/1, SUBHASH VIHAR, NORTH I,Jai Parkash S/O Laxman R/O, Mandir,Gurugram, Haryana,
I, HAKIM KHAN, S/o CHAW Q-1/8, Phase-1, Budh-Vihar have changed my name to
KHAN, R/o- House No-344, GHONDA, DELHI-53 Have
changed my name to FATMA delhi-110086 have changed my Yatin Grover for all future
Sohna Bye Pass Road, Ward No- name to Jai Prakash purpose. 0040608511-7
7, Sohna, Gurgaon, Haryana BEGUM. 0040608082-7
122103 Have Changed my 0040608511-1 I,Vivek Kumar Sadh, S/o:Anil
I,Poonam Kapoor W/o Vikram
name to HAKAM DIN for all Kapoor R/o A-283,Sector-8, I,KARAM SINGH,R/o F-43, Kumar Sadh, R/o:D-20026,16th-
purposes. 0070779234-1 Omaxe City,Sonipat, Haryana- Mansarovar park Shahdara Avenue,Gaur city-2, Greater-
131001,have changed my Delhi-110032,Have changed my Noida West,Gautam-Buddha
I, Gopal Ramprasad Pandey S/O Nagar,U.P-201009,Changed my
sh. Ram Prasad Pandey R/O daughter’s name from Riya minor daughter name kajal to
Kapur to Riya Kapoor. Kajal Kaur,for all future name to Vivek Sadh.
493, 4th floor, Tower Amantha,
Gaur Saundaryam Techzone-4, 0040608507-9 Purposes. 0040608501-4 0040608485-5
Greater Noida West, Gautam I,KARAM SINGH,R/o F-43, I,Vishal Singh,S/O Vijay Kumar
I,Pooja Rani W/o Sandeep
Buddha Nagar, U.P-201318 have Mansarovar park Shahdara Singh,R/O K-1103,Great-Value
Mehta R/o C-201,Venus
changed my name to Gopal Delhi-110032,Have changed my Sharanam,Sector-107,Noida,
Apartment Rani Bagh Delhi-
Pandey. 0070779302-1 minor daughter name Komal to GautamBudh-Nagar-201304,
110034,changed my name to
I, Gautam Kumar S/O Mahadev Pooja Mehta. 0040608507-3 Komal Kaur,for all future U.P.Have Changed my Name to
Rabidas, R/o C-5, Metro Purposes. 0040608501-3 Vishal Kumar Singh.
I,Paras Prasad Singh S/O Ram
Enclave Sector-7 Pushp Vihar I,Imran S/o Shahbuddin R/o 0040608507-6
Binod Prasad Singh,R/O A-2/59
Malviya Nagar, South Delhi- CPB-27, New Seelampur Delhi-
D,Kali Mandir,Aya Nagar,Delhi- I,T M MALHOTRA,S/O RAMESH
110017, have changed the 110053 have changed my name
110047changed my name to CHANDER,R/O-395,GALI.NO.23,
name of my minor daughter to Mohd Imran. 0040608523-5
Parasmani Singh. 40608523-6 BLOCK-D, TOMAR-COLONY,
Anshika Kumari aged about 6
I,Dhaval Subhash Kulkarni R/o- BURARI,DELHI-110084,have
Years and She shall hereafter I,PRINCE KUMAR S/O LAXMAN
374,Naval Technical officers changed my name to TILAK
be known as Anshika Gautam. LAL R/O HNO.C-139-140,J.J.
CGHS-Ltd,Sector-22, Dwarka MOHAN. 0040608511-4
110041.HAVE CHANGED MY Delhi-110075,have changed my I, Mohua Tiwari or Mahua
I, Bimla, W/o Ramkisan, R/o NAME TO PRINCE CHHILWAL. minor Daughter name from Arvind Tiwari, R/o Flat No. A-
School, Dahakwada, Amroha, Mokshada to Mokshada 704, 7th Floor Skytech Matrott,
0040608485-2 Dhaval Kulkarni,for all future
Uttar Pradesh-244221, have Sector 76, Noida Uttar Pradesh
changed my name and shall I,Nidhi Kumari,D/O Jagdev Singh purposes 0040608446-2 have changed my name to
hereafter be known as Vimla R/O A-2/63, Safdarjung I,Dev Kumar,S/o.Late Shri.Ratan Mahua Tiwari.
Devi. 0070779244-1 Enclave,New Delhi-110029,have Singh R/o.Flat.No.6123/4, PUBLIC NOTICE
Changed my Name to Nidhi Sector-D,Pocket-6, Santushti- “It is hereby notified for General Public
I, Ashutosh Shrivastava S/o that Smt. Satwant Kaur W/o Late
Rana. 0040608507-7 Apartment,Vasant-Kunj,New I,SHALINI D/O-RAJENDER
Rakesh Bhushan Srivastava Saroop Singh, Currently residing at Old
Delhi-110070,have Changed my SINGH,R/O QTR NO 44 RK Age Home is the absolute owner of
R/o M-306, Monarch, Tower, I,Neel Kamal Syan W/o-Sukhdev property bearing no. F-71, Vishnu
minor Son’s name,from Bhavya PURAM SEC-2,NEW DELHI- Garden New Delhi-18 and have two
Ajnara Gen-X, Crossing Singh R/O-B-80,Second-floor, children; a son namely Gurvinder
Panwar to Bhavik Panwar,for 110022,HAVE CHANGED MY
Republik, Ghaziabad, UP- Lajpat nagar-1, Delhi-110024, Singh and a daughter namely Ranjit
all,Future Purposes. NAME,FROM SHALINI TO Kaur. That she is of unsound mind and
201016 have changed my name have changed my name to Neel is not competent to execute any will or
to Ashutosh Srivastava. Kamal. 0040608501-6 0040608515-8 contract in favour of any person. That
DATED.29.MAR.2022. any will or contract executed by her in
favour of any person shall stand null
0040608427-1 I,Munish Khanna S/o Vinod I,DALMIA MOHIT SUNILKUMAR, and void.”
I, Altaf Hussain Ganie,S/O-Gh Khanna R/o C-226 Avantika S/o SUNILBHAI
Mohd Ganie ,R/O- Uttersoo, Enrl. No. D-3167/99
changed my name to Manish Add.Q291,TOWER-Q,DLF- SINGH BATRA,R/O BQ-151,
Tehsil Shangus, District- Ch. No. 267, Western Wing
Khanna. 0040608507-1 ULTIMA, SECTOR-81,GURGAON, SHALIMAR BAGH,DELHI- Tis Hazari Court Delhi-110054
Anantnag. In my service
HARYANA-122004,Changed my 110088.HAVE CHANGED MY
records the name of my son I,Mohammad Yaqoob,S/o
has been wrongly mentioned Bismilla Khan R/o.A-31, 1st-
as Mosin Altaf instead of Floor Shaheen-Bagh,Abul DALMIA. 0040608501-5 0040608485-4
Mohsin Altaf.It needs Fazal-Enclave Part-2,Okhla, I,CHHOTI DEVI W/O LAXMAN LAL I,SANDHYA DAS,Mother
correction. Objections be filed Jamia-Nagar N.Delhi-110025, R/O C-139-140,J.J.COLONY, OF,PALLAB DAS R/O.SMQ-
to concerned authorities changed my name to DELHI-110041.HAVE CHANGED 204/8,WAC,SUBROTO PARK,
within seven days. Mohammad Yaqoob Khan. MY NAME TO KAVITA,FOR ALL NEW DELHI-110010,HAVE
0020436770-1 0040608511-3 FUTURE PURPOSES. CHANGED MY NAME FROM
I, AMIR RAZA SIDDIQUI, S/o I,Mansha Devi,W/o Raghwendra
MOHAMMAD ALAM SIDIQUI, Singh,R/o 515-B I,Bhawna Grover,W/o Nishant DATED-31/03/2022 BEFORE
R/O- E-256, 3rd Floor, Shastri Molarband Extn Badarpur Grover,R/o 1675,Outram-Line NCT-DELHI. 0040608515-5
Nagar, Delhi-52 Have Changed Delhi-110044,have changed my Kingsway-Camp Dr.Mukherjee-
my name to AMIR RAZA SIDIQUI name Mansha to Mansha Nagar Delhi-110009,Have I,Renu Rastogi,D/o-Khushali
for all purposes. 70779235-1 Devi,for all future purposes Changed my Name to Bhawna Ram,R/o B-59/B,2nd-Floor,
0040608485-6 Thukral Grover,for all Rear-Entrance,Kalka ji,New- PUBLIC NOTICE
I Vipin Chandra S/O, Lt. Dr. Amir
purposes. 0040608501-2 Delhi-110019,hereby declare
Chandra Shastri, R/o 545, 2nd This is to informed to all General
I,MAYANK SAHRAWAT S/O, that have changed my name as Public that the Property Documents
Floor, Rishi Nagar, Rani Bagh, I,BHUPESH SINGH,S/O
KULDEEP SINGH R/O,116, Renuka Bala,for all purposes. of my Client Raj Kumar Katyal S/o
Delhi -110034, Solemnly affirm RAJENDER SINGH,R/O Late Sh. Shyam Lal Katyal, 3/73
and declare that I am also QTR.NO.44 RK.PURAM SEC-2 0040608511-6 NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New
KALAN DELHI-110041,HAVE Delhi-110016 has been Lost Any
known as Vipin Chandra NEW-DELHI-110022,HAVE
CHANGED MY NAME TO I,Ria Vij W/o Mohit Gandhi R/o Where
Kushal and both the names are CHANGED MY NAME,FROM Property Description
MAYANK SEHRAWAT. 38, Ground Floor, Shakti
of one and the same person. BHUPESH SINGH TO BHUPESH 1. Original Building Sanction Letter
0040608501-8 Vihar,Pitampura, Delhi Issued By DDA of Property C-6/112,
0040608480-1 SINGH PANWAR VIDE- Changed Name to Ria Gandhi. Yamuna Vihar, Delhi-110053
I,LAXMAN DASS S/O KUNDAN AFFIDAVIT DATED-29.MAR.2022. If any person Find this Document
I Rajbir dharmashya S/o Sh.
Rampat R/o H/No-104
LAL R/O HNO.139-140,J.J. 0040608515-6
Return back at my Address.
If any person misused these lost INSTITUTE ON MANAGEMENT
COLONY, BAKKARWALA,DELHI- I,Raghav Kohli,R/O 181 Jagriti
Document this should be treated null
Khampur Delhi-110036, have I,Ashish Kumar S/O Parhlad
110041.HAVE CHANGED MY Enclave Delhi,Have Changed and void.
changed my surname from Kumar R/O plot no.286-A,KH. Sd/-
NAME TO LAXMAN LAL. My Name To Raaghav Kohli S/O
Rajbir Dharmashya to Rajbir
NO-189,kakrola village, Sunil Kohli 0040608507-5
V.K. Sharma
Advocate KK-237 ( IMAGE )
Singh for all future purposes. Kakrola,South West Delhi,
0040608453-1 I,Kiran Kumari W/o Manoj Delhi-110078,do hereby
C-11/96, Yamuna Vihar,
I Daljit Singh, Daljit Singh
Kumar Sharma R/o.E-21, solemnly affirm and declare
Sector-22,Noida-Gautam that I have changed my name
Khokhar S/o Sewa Singh R/o
221/8C, Gali No.6, S Block,
Buddha-Nagar,U.P.-201301, from Wakeel Yadav to Ashish
I, Vijay Mathur s/o Late Sh. N.P.
My client Ms. Punita Sharma W/O Late Siripur, BHUBANESWAR-751003,
have changed my name to Kumar for all future purposes. Sh. Rakesh Kumar R/O H/No. B-88,
Vishnu Garden, Post Office
Kiran Sharma vide-Affidavit 0040608485-8
Mathur have lost my Share
Certificate of Flat No. E-53 DGS
Subhadra Colony, Sarai Rohilla,
Omkar nagar, Saraswati vihar, North
Tilak Nagar, New Delhi - 110018
No.DL11653021801892U. West Delhi - 110035 declares that she
Ph. - (0674) 2974145,
have changed my name to I,Akanshu Goel,S/o Sunil Cooperative Group House has from this date of publication
Daljeet Singh 0040608478-1 0040608507-10
Goel,R/o C-23A, UGF, Mahindra Building Society Plot No6, debarred/disowned her son Mr.
Prateek Dogra aged 29 years from all
E-mail : [email protected]
I,Khajan Singh Pipal,S/o Munshi Park,Uttam Nagar, Delhi- Sector 22 Dwarka Phase 1 New PUBLIC NOTICE practical purposes and divested him of No.1423/IMAGE, Dated : 31.03.2022
I,Raj Kumar Singh,S/o Gaj Pal all present and future, claims, title,
R/o-76, Kalakhuri,Jahangir Ram Pipal,R/o.6437,,2, 110059,have changed my name Delhi. Ph: 9899027335 I, Raj Bahadur Singh, advocate on behalf my
client namely Sh. Ranveer, aged about 65
inheritance and Interest from all her
movable & immovable properties due
Pur,Khurja, Bulandshahar,U.P.- Block-8,Dev Nagar,Karol-Bagh, to Akanshhu Goel. 0050194678-1
The last date for submission of Request for Proposal
years S/o Late Sh. Gubbu Ran, R/o House to his cruelties/bad behavior. Further
203141,have changed my name New Delhi-110005,declare that No.-74, Aya Nagar, Ghoda Mohalla, New my client is not responsible for any of
0040608501-1 It is notified that the original- Delhi, caused this notice to the General her son's acts/deeds.
to Raj Kumar vide-Affidavit Khajan Singh and Khajan singh
deed and other-related Public that my above said client has debarred
(RFP) documents which was fixed on 02.04.2022
Pipal both names are one and I,ANITA W/O- RAJEEV KUMAR and disowned his son namely Sh. Rinku,
Same person. 0040608507-12 GUPTA R/O 397,BLOCK-A, documents-related to my aged about 39 years, who was earlier residing
at House No. 74 Aya Nagar, Ghoda Mohalla,
earlier has been extended to 11.04.2022 upto
0040608507-11 SHASTRI NAGAR, DELHI-110052 residential-property at Ward- New Delhi-110047 but now my client doesn’t PITAMPURA, DELHI -110034. 3.00 P.M.
I, Sangeeta Goel R/o E-64 Saket 45,Mochiwada, Churu- know about his present address, from all his
I,NEELIMA W/O KULVINDER have changed my name to movable and immovable assets/ properties Date of opening of Technical proposal-
Near PVR South Delhi-110017 331001,Rajasthan,have been
SINGH BEDI R/O F-19,THIRD- ANITA GUPTA. 0040608511-5 throughout India because of his act(s) and

have changed my minor child’s lost on-01.02.2022.If found,the conduct and now my above said client have 11.04.2022 at 5.00 P.M.
name from Shaurya Goel to I, WSEEM AHMAD, S/o NAYEEM same may please be returned no concern with his aforesaid son.
Shourya Goel for all purposes. AHMAD, R/O- Plot No-324/7, to Sh.Sarwan Kumar Soni,
If any person deals with my aforesaid son, in
any way, in that case he/she/they would be
Date of Technical presentation- 20.04.2022 at
Khasra No-57/16, Extn-2C, R/o.4345/4C, Soni-Sadan,
doing so at their own risk.
11.30 A.M.
NEELIMA BEDI. 0040608523-2 Sd/-
Nangloi, Delhi-110041 Have Ansari Road, DaryaGanj,New- RAJ BAHADUR SINGH Date of opening of Financial proposal- To be
Ispatika Apartments, Plot- I, SANJAY SHARMA, S/o Sh. Vijay Changed my name to WASIM Delhi-110002.The founder shall Advocate

No.29, Sector-4,Dwarka, New- Prasad, R/o Flat No. 59, AHMAD for all purposes. be suitably rewarded
En. No. D/47/1998(R)
66, Church Road Bhogal
intimated later.
Delhi-110078, have changed my Himalaya Apartments, Plot No.
0070779236-1 0040608511-10
New Delhi-110013 The details of the corrigendum relating to the
61, I.P. Extension, Patparganj,
East Delhi, Delhi-110092, have I, VANDANA MAURYA D/o
queries of different bidders are available in
REDDY. 0040608523-8
changed the name of my Minor Rajaram Maurya R/o B- / /
I,karanjit singh,S/O Lakhwinder LOST & FOUND PUBLIC NOTICE
Singh R/O.469A Baba-Faridpuri
Daughter Aanya Sharma aged 169,Dabua colony, Delhi Tent
That my client Sh. Rosan Lal and Smt.
12 years to Kaira Sharma for all House, Sector-10, Nit I Dhanna Singh Arora s/o
West Patel-Nagar,New Delhi- future purposes. 70779311-1 Faridabad-121001 have M.S. Arora R/o 383/15
Kalawati R/o F-5/172, Sultan Puri,
Nithari, Sultanpuri C-Block, Delhi- All other terms & conditions shall remain
110008,have Changed my Name
I,Babita Dave W/o No.14390422Y
changes my name form KM East Azad Nagar, Delhi
110086, have disowned their son namely
Mr. Akshay Kumar from their movable unchanged.
Karan Jeet Singh,all future have lost my
Purposes. 0040608501-9 HAV Munesh Kumar R/o Village
VANDANA to VANDANA and immovable properties as they have
become dishonest and disobedient
I,Priya Devi,Spouse of
Shikarpur,Near Banquet
SHARE bearing book no.
towards my clients. My clients shall have
no concern, connection and will not be
Hall,Najafgarh,Delhi-43,have 0040608516-1
no.4278936X Sone Lal Baski, changed my name to Babita
ONE, Certificate No. 50, responsible in respect of any kind of
liabilities dealings, acts, criminal’s OIPR - 01408/11/0004/2122
I, Kajal Tiwari, D/o Anand Tiwari, Membership No. 52 (Fat
Resident village Tetrahi PO- Devi vide affdavit dt.31.3.2022
proceedings etc. done by them in any
W/o Santosh Dubey, R/o House no 315, Himgiri manner. My clients have also broken up
Tetrahi, PS- Janki Nagar,The all their relation with them.
0040608485-10 No-234, Gali No-9, Chandan Apartment, J Block, Vikas
Banmankhi Dist-Purnia,State- Sd/- PARAS CHAUDHARY
Vihar, West Sant Nagar Burari, Puri, ND-18) LION’s (ADVOCATE)
Delhi-110084, have changed my Coop. GROUP HOUSING
New Delhi,do hereby solemnly VED KUMAR Resident of house COURT, NEW DELHI
name and shall hereafter be SOCIETY LTD. (REGD.),
affirm and declare that I have No.171, B1, Aravali Apartment,
known as Kajal Dubey. 1241 Gulabi Bagh Delhi-
changed my name from Priya Sector-34, Noida-201301 have
Baski to Priya Devi. changed my name from SAHIL 0070779294-1 7. Finder may contact
0040608485-9 I, ILTaf Ahmed S/o Manta R/o-
Permanently. 0040608516-2 266 Ekta Vihar,R.k.puram
I,No-9112587Y,NK-Riyaz Ahmad
I, Ruchica Soni W/o Ashutosh sector-6,Delhi-110022,have PUBLIC NOTICE
Naikoo,S/O- Mohd Ramzan
Srivastava R/o M-306, changed my name from ILtaf That Mr. Divya Garg is into Agreement for
Naikoo ,R/O- Nagam, Tehsil Purchase with Mr. Dinesh Bakshi and Mrs.
Monarch, Tower, Ajnara Gen-X, Ahmed to ELtaf, for all future
Kokernag, District-Anantnag. Anuradha Bakshi who are the Present owner
Crossing Republik, Ghaziabad, purposes 0040608446-1 of the property as Unit No. 1003, 10th Floor,
In my service records the name
of my daughter has been UP-201016 have changed my I, Harshdeep Sharma S/o
Block-T9, “EXOTICA DREAMVILLE”, situated
at Plot No. GH-01A, Sector-16C, Greater Noida,
wrongly mentioned as Saqiba name to Ruchika Srivastava. Kuldeep R/o Moh Chaudhriyan Gautambudh Nagar, U.P. That the Original Sub-
Riyaz instead of Maryam 0040608427-2 Raisan, Haldaur (Rural), Bijnor, Lease Deed dated 07.09.2017 is available but
it’s page No. 7 is missing. That Mr. Divya Garg
Riyaz.It needs correction. Uttar Pradesh-246726, that is availing loan from SBI and it is declared
I, Ram Kumari, D/o Shri
Objections be filed to name of my father has been publicly. That any person(s)/Appropriate authority
concerned authorities within Sukhbeer Singh, R/o Near nh2, etc if finds the misplaced page No. 7 of the Sub-
wrongly written as Manoj
seven days. 0020436769-1 D/60, Balaji Puram, Lease Deed dated 07.09.2017 in favour of
Kumar Sharma in my aforesaid owners may come forward and inform
Aurangabad, Mathura, Uttar
Educational Documents. The the undersigned within 15 days from the date of
I,No-9088610A,Ex-NK Syed Pradesh- 281006, have changed Publication.
actual name of my father is M-NO- 9871596542,
Ashaq Hussain S/O- Syed my name and shall hereafter
Kuldeep 0070779289-1 JYOTI SINGH (ADVOCATE)
Masoom Shah,R/O-Chowkibal, be known as Rama Chaudhary.
Tehsil-Kralpora,District- I, Praveen Sharma, S/o Bishan
Kupwara.In my service records Dass, R/o Flat No-21133, Tower-
D o B of my daughter namely I, Lalit Kumar S/O Sh.Subh Karan 10, Mahagun, Mywoods, Opp
Rukhsar Fatima has been Jain R/O E-45-46, U.G.F, North Gaur City-2, Greater Noida
wrongly mentioned as 09-09- Side, Block-E, Arya Samaj West, Gautam Buddha Nagar,
1992 Instead of 15.11.1993.It Road,Uttam Nagar, New Delhi- Uttar Pradesh-201304, declare
needs correction.. Objections 110059 inform that Lalit Kumar that Praveen Sharma &
be filed to Unit 13 JAKLI within & Lalit Kumar Jain both are one Praveen Billan Loch are name
seven days.. 0020436772-1 & same person for all future of one person. 0070779317-1
purposes. 0040608460-1
I, Nitin Kumar Parashar, S/o I,SAAD S/O MOHD YUNUS,R/O
Girraj Kishore Sharma, R/o Flat I,SURJEET SINGH S/O INDER HOUSE NO.330, SHAHZADA
No-407, Tower-9, Purvanchal SINGH BEDI R/O F-19,3rd- BAGH PHASE-1, INDERLOK,
Royal Park, Sector-137, Noida, FLOOR, GALINO.4,VIRENDER- DELHI-110035,have changed
Gautam Buddha Nagar, Uttar NAGAR,DELHI-110058.HAVE my name to MOHD SAAD.
Pradesh-201305, have changed CHANGED MY NAME TO
my name to Nitin Parashar for SURJEET SINGH BEDI.
all future purposes. 0040608523-4 I,SHUSHANT KUMAR,S/O
I,Sandeep Kumar Mehta S/o H.NO.B-20 3RD-FLOOR NEAR-
I,Sanjay Kumar S/O Banke Singh Madan Lal R/o C-201,Venus PATEL PARK WEST PATEL-
R/O,Flat No-11/74, 1st-Floor Apartment Rani Bagh Delhi- NAGAR CENTRAL,DELHI-
Subhash Nagar Delhi-110063, 110034,changed my name to 110008,HAVE CHANGED MY
have changed my name to Sandeep Mehta. NAME TO SHUSHANT KUMAR
Sanjay 0040608511-2 0040608507-2 LOKHANDE. 0040608485-7

New Delhi
The Brihanmumbai Electric
Supply & Transport Undertaking

E-tender is Re-invited for the supply of following items.
(1) 73065 (Corrigendum) (2) 73047

Note : For more details, log on to website



Ist & Ground Floor, I.T. Bhawan, Mehli, Shimla-171013
Tel. No. 0177-2623259, 2623513, 2626320, 2623513
GOVERNAMENT OF KARNATAKA 2623043, FAX: 0177-2626320 Website:
Water Resource Department No.: SEDC/VidhanSabha/VR/2K22-11672 Date: 30-03-2022
Office of the Executive Engineer, WRDO, No.2 e-TENDER NOTICE
gauging Division, Bagalkote. e-Tenders are invited from eligible bidders for Installation of
Video Recording System, at Vidhan Sabha Tapovan, Dharamshala.
No:WRDO/GD-2/PB/TN/TRG-AWS/2021-22/ 1522 Date:30.03.2022 Pre-Bid meeting will be held on 12/04/2022 (11:30AM) through
Video Conferencing.
TENDER NOTIFICATION Last date for online e-bid submission is 30/04/2022 (upto 02:30
(THROUGH E-PROCUREMENT PORTAL ONLY) PM) and shall be opened on 02/05/2022 at 2:30PM. Detailed Tender
Document containing Technical Specifications and Terms &
Item wise tender by e-procurement portal in the Conditions are available on HPSEDC website and
prescribed form for the work The Supply, Installation,
Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of RTDAS for 0879/HP
General Manager (Technical)
Hydrological Information System of 16 Automatic Weather
Station (AWS) & 237 Telemetric Rain gauge stations (TRG)
with Telemetry System under Yermarus Circle (Bagalkot, OFFICE OF THE URBAN IMPROVEMENT
Kalburgi & Dharwad divisons) and integrate with Data Center TRUST, UDAIPUR (RAJ.)
located at Bangalore, Karnataka. No.:F-14( )Engg/EE-IV/2021-22/605-607 Date: 30-03-2022
is invited by the undersigned on behalf of Governer, Govt of EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI)
Karnataka, Bangalore from the eligible bidder under the UIT, Udaipur invites Expression of Interest from the organisations of
repute to develop Bungee Jumping and Sky Cycling at Rajiv Gandhi
Head of Account, NHP. The bid is as per National Competitive Smriti Udhyan, Rani Road, near Fatehsagar Lake, Udaipur on PPP
Bidding. The amount of Security Deposit as per e-portal (by mode.
e-portal) contactors can access and submission of Interested firms/organizations may submit the expression of interest to
undersigned on or before 11th May, 2022. The firm must include in their
completed e-tendering documents from 31-03-2022 to
EOI proposal as per detailed below:
0 9 . 0 5 . 2 0 2 2 u pto 1 5 . 0 0 h o u rs i n t h e we bs i te Interested Firms/Organizations may submit E-Tender Bids as per Tender will be opened on 10- following scheduled dates :-
1. Date of start of submission of Tech. & Financial Bids through E-Tender - 07-04-2022 at
05-2022 . Date of prebid Meeting is on 11-04-2022 in the 10:00 AM
O/O The Project Director, NHP,WRDO,Bengaluru through e- 2. Last date of submission of Tech. & Financial Bids through E-Tender - 11-05-2022
06:00 PM

procurement 3. Last date of Submission of Online Payment (EMD, Tender & Processing Fee) - 1 1 - 0 5 - 2 0 2 2
Upto 06.00 PM
For more conditions and details visit website 4. Pre-Bid meeting will be held on (Meeting Hall, UIT, Udaipur) - 28-04-2022 at 12.30 PM OR at undersigned in all 5. Opening of Technical Bid - 12-05-2022 at 11:00 AM

All other details may be seen on website of UIT, Udaipur :
working days during office hours on telephone No. 08354-,
Sd/- (S.GPatil ) (Chater Singh Chouhan)
Executive Engineer, Executive Engineer
WRDO, No.2 Gauging Division, Baglkot. UBN : ITU2122WSOB00680 Urban Improvement Trust, Udaipur


e-NIT No. 35/WSMP of 03/2022 Dated: - 30-03-2022
Executive Engineer Water Supply Master Plan Division Srinagar on behalf of Lt. Governor of J&K, invites tenders by e-tendering mode from
approved Registered Firms/Contractors eligible (As Per Qualification Criteria Mentioned in Tender Document):
The tender inviting authority is Executive Engineer WSMP Division Srinagar. The awarding authority is Chief Engineer Jal Shakti
PHE Department Kashmir.
Sr. Particulars of the Work Estimated Tender Bid Time of Completion
No. Cost (Lacs) Fee (in Rs.) Validity of work (Days)
1. Design (Including Geo-Technical Analysis/ Soil Investigation), Rs. 727.02 5000/- 180 days 18 Months
Construction, successful testing and commissioning including trial
run for 06 months of 5.5MGD (25MLD) rapid sand W.T.P comprising
of intake chamber, 02 No. Clariflocculator with flash mixers, filter
house, Raw water main, Delivery main, Clear water sumps, back-
wash tank with all electro Mechanical, instruments/installation as a
composite unit to be constructed at Alusteng.

Critical Dates:
1 Publish Date 31-03-2022
2 Document Download/sale start Date 31-03-2022
3 Date of Pre-bid meeting 12-04-2022
4 Bid submission start date 31-03-2022
5 Bid submission end date 23-04-2022
6 Date and time of Bid opening 25-04-2022 (at 1400 Hours)

1. Bid documents can be accessed and downloaded from the website
2. The pre-bid meeting will be held in the office chamber of the Chief Engineer, Kashmir, PHE Department.
3. The whole bidding process shall be completed online on tender portal The intending bidders can download the bid
document from the tender portal and can submit their bids by uploading them on the tender portal.
4. The valid bids received shall be opened online in the office of the Chief Engineer, Kashmir, Jal Shakti (PHE) Department Srinagar.
5. Bids must be accompanied by bid security Declaration and cost of Tender Document as specified in column 4 of the table and shall be
payable at Srinagar.
a. The cost of tender documents should be in form of RTGS/DD/TR/e Challan in favour of Executive Engineer, WSMP, Jal Shakti (PHE)
6. The bid shall remain valid for a period of 180 days from the last date of submission of bids. If any bidder withdraws his bid before the
said period or makes any modifications in the terms and conditions of the bid, the said earnest money shall stand forfeited and the bid
shall be declared non-responsive.
7. Other details can be seen in the bidding documents from the website
8. Queries by email if any should be made at [email protected].
No:10067-96 Executive Engineer,
Date: 30-03-2022 DIPK-20275 Jal Shakti, WSMP Div. Srinagar


Website: email: [email protected]

No. DME/1.5Tesla/LMCH/329/2021
E-Tenders are invited online through e-procurement system i.e. through website from the intending Manufacturer/Accredited Dealers for Supply,
Installation & Commissioning of 1.5 Tesla MRI Machine for Lakhimpur Medical College &
Hospital, North Lakhimpur On Turnkey Basis, under the Health & F.W. Department, Govt. of
The Equipment had invited for bids earlier vide no. DME/1.5Tesla/LMCH/32/2021/22402, Dated
04/12/2021, however due to unavoidable circumstances, the tender has been cancelled and
now is being tendered again. The Pre-bid meeting minutes (dated 21-12-2021 & 05-03-2022)
and other corrigendum relating to the earlier tender shall be part of this tender.
The e-Tender is Two-Bid System, to be submitted with affixed Court Fee Stamp Rs.8.25
(Rupees eight point two five paisa) only (for local bidders) or IPO of Rs. 10/- (Rupees Ten) only
(in case of bidders from outside of the State of Assam) in favour of "Director of Medical
Education, Assam, Sixmile, Khanapara,Guwahati-781022
Important dates of the e-Tender
Sl. No. Scheduled Start Date Start Time End Date End Time
1. e-Tender Publishing 30-03-2022 11.00 AM - -
2. e-Tender Download 30-03-2022 11.30 AM 13-04-2022 12.00 Noon
3. Pre-Bid meeting Pre-bid Meeting held on dated 21-12-2021 & 05-03-2022 against the earlier tender
vide no. DME/1.5Tesla/ MCH/32 /2021/22402, Dated 04/12/2021 will stands
4. Bid Submission 31-03-2022 12.00 Noon 13-04-2022 02.00 PM
5. Bid Opening 13-04-2022 05.00 PM

1. Brief Schedule
Sl. Description Bid Security Delivery/ Installation Tender Eligibility
No. (Name of the Items) (E.M.D.) schedule/ Completion period fees in Rs.
1. Supply & Installation & Rs. 10.00 120 days Rs. Manufacturer/
Commissioning of 1.5 Tesla Lakh 10,000/- accredited
MRI Machine at Lakhimpur Dealer
Medical College & Hospital,
North Lakhimpur On
Turnkey Basis

The detailed information of bidding documents are available online through e-procurement
system i.e. through website only. The bidder would be required to
register in the website for submission of the bids. The bidders are required to have Digital
Signature (DSC) from any of the Certifying Authorities. Aspiring bidders who have not obtained
the user ID and password for participating in e-procurement may obtain the same by registering
in the The requirements to register with the e-procurement portal
are available on the website indicated above. The tender fees is non refundable and payable
in favour of the "Director of Medical Education, Assam, Sixmile, Khanapara, Guwahati-781022,
at SBI-Dispur (Guwahati) Branch.
JANASANYOG / C/14087/21 Director of Medical Education, Assam

New Delhi

Delhi Jal Board: Govt. of NCT Delhi “IMPORTANT”

OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ENGINEER (SDW) NW Whilst care is taken prior to acceptance of
advertising copy, it is not possible to verify its
First Floor, Keshopur STP, Delhi- 110018 contants. The Indian Express (P) Limited cannot IDA NACHARAM, HYDERABAD - 500076. Phone : 27152207, 08 & 09
E-mail: [email protected] be held responsible for such contents, nor for any Tender Notification No.TF/GG/Tenders/Vitamins/1276/2022-23, Dt.31.03.2022
PRESS NIT NO. 70 (21-22) loss or damage incurred as a result of Telangana Foods invites Tenders for Vitamins viz. 40MTs of Maize Starch, 50 Kgs Folic
EE(C)SDW-NW transactions with companies, associations or Acid, 3000 Kgs of Citric Acid, 400Kgs Vitamin-B1, 300 Kgs of Vitamin-B2 and 12 Mts of
Item Name of Work Amount put Earnest Tender Fee Date of release of Last date/time of receipt of individuals adversing in its newspapers or Vitamin-C and “Civil Works & Steel Structures for the construction of 33/11KVA Generator
No. to Tender (in Money (in (in Rs. tender in e tender through e-
Rs.) Rs.) procurement system procurement solution
Publications. We therefore recommend that shed in Telangana Foods premises”. For details please visit website:
readers make necessary inquiries before sending
1 Covering of wet sump and Repair/ maintenance of 39,97,961/- 68,000/- 500/- 29.03.2022 11.04.2022 Up to 03:00 PM any monies or entering into any agreements with and website:
building and construction of walkway at sec. 9 SPS
advertisers or otherwise acting on an R.O. No: 2906-PP/CL-AGENCY/ADVT/1/2021-22 Dt : 31-03-2022 Sd /- Managing Director
Rohini. (RE-INVITED) Tender ID 2022_DJB_219859_1
advertisement in any manner whatsoever.
Further details in this regard can be seen at ( Sd/-
ISSUED BY P.R.O. (WATER) (Anil Kumar Sharma)
Advt. No. J.S.V. 1333(2021-22) Executive Engineer (Civil) SDW-NW
“STOP CORONA: Wear Mask, Follow Physical Distancing, Maintain Hand Hygiene”


IiY./CMHO/2022/ (...dõ°Fe¹F JbÕXe d³Fd½FQF...) ²F¸F°FSXe, dQ³FFaIY.....
Directorate of Urban Local Bodies, Jammu
Panama Chowk, Narwal Road, Adjoining Architect Organization (Near Canal)
Email: [email protected]; Phone: 0191-2470051
Notice Inviting Tender (NIT)
1. Director, Directorate of Urban Local Bodies, Jammu (DULBJ) invites online bids on two stage system for the
following works:
NIT Reference No. Name of Project/ Work(s) Bid Security/ Cost of Contract
(Earnest Document/ Period
Money) (Rs.) Tender Fee (Rs.)

DULBJ/NIT/10/ Request for proposal for selection of NGOs/ INR 3,75,00/- Rs. 1000/- 12
2021-22 Agencies to undertake field activities related to IEC (Rupees Three (Rupees One Months
(Information, Education and Communication) under Lacs Seventy- Thousand)
Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban) in 16 ULBs across Five Thousand
Jammu Division (Cluster 2)-3rd Call. only)
The 16 ULBs are as given below,
1. Kathua 2. Billawar 3. Basholi 4. Lakhanpur
5. Parole 6. Hiranagar 7. Doda 8. Bhaderwah
9. Thathri 10. Udhampur 11. Ramnagar 12. Chenani
13. Kishtwar 14. Ramban 15. Banihal 16. Batote

2. Important RFP timeline is as mentioned below:

Name of Project/Work(s) Availability of Tender on- Last Date & Date & Time of opening of tender
line for bidding Time for on-line
From To Submission of Bids Technical Bid Financial Bid
Request for proposal for selec- 29-03-2022 12-04-2022 12-04-2022 12-04-2022 To be intimated
tion of NGOs/ Agencies to under- 11:00 Hrs. 12:00 Hrs. 16:00 Hrs. 17:00 Hrs. later
take field activities related to IEC
(Information, Education and
Communication) under Swachh
Bharat Mission (Urban) in 16 WXÀ°FF/-
ULBs across Jammu Division
(Cluster 2)- 3rd Call. ¸Fb£¹F d¨FdIY°ÀFF E½Fa À½FFÀ±¹F Ad²FIYFSXe,
31938 dªF»WXF ²F¸F°FSXe (LX.¦F.)
3. Online Pre-Bid meeting schedule is as mentioned below:

Request for proposal for selection of NGOs/ Agencies to under-

take field activities related to IEC (Information, Education and
Communication) under Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban) in 16
ULBs across Jammu Division (Cluster 2)-3rd Call
4. For additional details such as estimated cost, important date, detailed information, qualification and eligibility cri-
teria, visit website for downloading of RFP.
For participating in the above e-tender, the bidders shall have to get them registered with
and get user ID, password, Class 3, digital signatures Certificate (DSC) is mandatory to participate in the e-ten-
dering process. For any clarification/ difficulty/ regarding e-tendering process bidders can contact on the given SPORTS BRANCH, GOVT. OF NCT OF DELHI
phone number 0191-2470051.
6. The bidders should keep checking the website for any addenda/corrigenda and the bidder should incorporate the CHHATTRASAL STADIUM, MODEL TOWN, DELHI
same in their bid documents. No addenda/corrigenda shall be published in the newspaper.
No: DULBJ/NIT/10/2021-22 -Sd- No. DE.41/Sports/ 2018/9509 Dated: 29.03.2022
Date: 28.03.2022 Director
Urban Local Bodies, Jammu
E-Procurement Tender Notice
Name of Work Online Tender for hiring of
photography & video coverage
Tender ID 2022_DE_219792_1
Date of release of Tender through e- 29.03.2022 at 10.00 AM
procurement platform
Last date and time for receipt of 18.04.2022 upto 11.30 AM
Tender through E-procurement
Opening of Technical Bid 18.04.2022 at 12.30 PM

Entire details can be seen at

Deputy Director of Education
(Sports Branch)


E-PROCUREMENT TENDER NOTICE 2021 No. DE.41/Sports/2018/9510 Dated: 29.3.22
IFB No. -NHP-2020-2021-CG-3_2 E-Procurement Tender Notice
eProcurement Portal:
Name of Work Online Tender for supply/ procurement
Notice Inviting Tender (Third Call ) of trophies & medals for various
Tender ID No.:2022_WRCWB_680623_1,
tournaments organized by Sports
NIT No. 398/SAC/2021-22, Raipur, Dated: 25.03.2022
Online Tenders are Invited for The Following Works up to
branch, Directorate of Education
02.05.2022 at 15:00 Hour (1ST) :- Tender ID 2022_DE_219794_1
Name of Work :Hiring of Services of Technical and Office Date of release of Tender 29.03.2022 at 10.00 AM
Staff for Chhattisgarh under National Hydrology Project.
through e-procurement
The details can be viewed and downloaded online
directly from the Integrated e-Procurement Portal (https:// platform from Date 30.03.2022, at 9:30 Last date and time for 18.04.2022 upto 11.30 AM
Hours (IST) onwards.
receipt of Tender through E-
NOTE :- All eligible/interested contractors/bidders are mandated
to get enrolled on the Integrated e-procurement portal (https://
procurement ) in order to download the tender Opening of Technical Bid 18.04.2022 at 12.30 PM
documents and participate in the subsequent bidding process.
Entire details can be seen at
Hydrometeorology, Division No.4 (SANJAY KUMAR AMBASTA)
Raipur, Chhattisgarh Deputy Director of Education
For, Superintending Engineer, Water Resources &
69054 Ground Water Survey Circle, Raipur (C.G.) DIP/Shabdarth/0776/21-22 (Sports Branch)

New Delhi
Qatar and FIFA criticised
harshly ahead of draw Waiting in queue for World Cup
ASSOCIATED PRESS New Zealand-Costa Rica most exciting play-off; Wales, Scotland, Ukraine in three-way race in Europe

A NORWEGIAN soccer official delivered a

Total spots allotted: 13 THE CUP AND THE DIP
scathing criticism of World Cup host Qatar Howqualificationworks: 55countries POT 1:
and FIFA to an audience of executives on are divided into ten groups. Winners of the
Thursday on the eve of the tournament’s groups directly qualify for the World Cup. Qatar, Brazil, Belgium, France,
draw. Three further places are allocated on the ba- Argentina, England, Spain,
Qatar’s record of protecting the rights of sis of playoffs that involve 10 runners-up Portugal.
migrant workers — who have built tens of from the groups and two of the best Nations POT 2:
billion of dollars of projects needed for the League teams who didn’t finish in the top
World Cup — and its criminalization of ho- two of their qualifying group. These teams Mexico, Netherlands, Denmark,
mosexualitywas aired by Lise Klaveness, the are then divided into three ‘paths’ – each Germany, Uruguay, Switzerland,
newly elected head of soccer in Norway and Lise Klaveness is the newly-elected with four teams playing a semi-final and a USA, Croatia.
one of the few women ever to lead a FIFA head of soccer in Norway and one of final. The three teams that emerge from this POT 3:
member federation. the few women ever to lead a FIFA final, take the last three spots.
Senegal, Iran, Japan, Morocco,
It was a rare show of dissent and tension member federation. AP Teams that have qualified: Germany,
Serbia, Poland, South Korea,
in the typically tightly scripted annual meet- Denmark, France, Belgium, Croatia, Spain,
ing of soccer’s 211 member countries, and Serbia, England, Switzerland, Netherlands,
targeted issues that have dogged Qatar and The Russian delegation watching in the Poland, Portugal POT 4:
FIFA’scontroversialchoiceof theMiddleEast roomincludingAlexeySorokin,aformerFIFA Team that can still make it to the WC:
Cameroon, Canada, Ecuador,
country for more than a decade. Council member who led the organization Either Wales, Scotland or Ukraine will take
Saudi Arabia, Ghana,
“In 2010, the World Cup was awarded by of the 2018 World Cup in his country. the final spot
Wales/Scotland/Ukraine, Costa
FIFA in unacceptable ways with unaccept- AlthoughFIFAhasbannedRussianteams, Story of the qualifiers: Russia’s inva-
Rica/New Zealand,
able consequences,” Klaveness, who is gay, including the men’s national team from sion of Ukraine meant UEFA and FIFA com-
said in a six-minute speech. “There is no World Cup qualifying, the soccer federation bined to ban them from international and Senegal pipped Egypt for the Africa spot after Mo Salah missed a crucial penalty
room for employers who do not secure the hasnotbeensuspended.“Wearenothiding,” club competitions. Initially there was a sug- this week. Nigeria’s eye-catching jerseys will be missing too at Qatar. REUTERS
freedom and safety of World Cup workers. Sorokin said before the meeting. “We have gestion that the Russian team could play un-
Noroomforhoststhatcannotlegallyguaran- every right to be here.” der a neutral flag but countries like Sweden to drag their teams into Qatar. two-legged ties to decide the five teams that Teams that have qualified: Iran, South
tee the safety and respect of LGBTQ+ people and Norway outrightly refused to play with end up going to the World Cup. Korea, Saudi Arabia and Japan.
coming to this theater of dreams.” the Russians due to their war mongering. CONCACAF Teams thathave qualified: Cameroon, Teams that can still qualify: United
FIFA had worked this week in Doha to No biennial WC: Infantino Shockof thequalifiers: Thereisnobig- Total spots allotted: 3.5 Morocco, Senegal, Ghana and Tunisia. Arab Emirates and Australia
keep the Norwegian’s speech off the main GIANNI INFANTINOhassteppedsharplyback ger shock than Italy failing to qualify – again. How qualification works: Teams Teams that can still qualify: None Story of the qualifiers: With four wins
Congress agenda, and then gave the floor to from hotly contested plans for a biennial But such is the format of qualification that a ranked 1-5th in the region automatically Story of the qualifiers: The Nigerian in Group B of the AFC’s third round, Oman
rebuttals from a Latin American soccer offi- World Cup, telling world soccer’s leadership freak loss turned out to be their downfall. reach the final round. Teams ranked 6-35th football team might not move past the occa- did quite wellinthe WorldCupqualification,
cial and the head of Qatar’s organizing com- that FIFA had never proposed such an idea. And to no other than North Macedonia – a are part of six groups. The winners of these sional Round-of-16 appearance but their almost toppling Australia over for the third
mittee. TheFIFApresidenthasbeenunderfireforthe regularforEurope’sbigboylashings.Roberto groupsplayhomeandaway.Thethreeteams green jersey’s have become a part of the cul- spot in the group.
“This is not the right forum and not the past year, particularly in Europe, for propos- Mancini kept his job afterwards, but the remaining join the five teams already in the tural fabric of the World Cup. But that won’t Shock of the qualifiers: Australia lost
right moment,” Honduras soccer federation alstoincreasethefrequencyof theglobalex- Azurri were left out of Qatar. final round. The eight teams then play in a be the case in Qatar as Nigeria went down to thrice and drew thrice to narrowly seal the
general secretary Jose Ernesto Mejia said in travaganza from every four years, to every home and away format. The top three qual- Ghana 1-1 on the back of the away goal rule. third spot by a point. They most likely will
translated comments.Klaveness was chided two. SOUTH AMERICA (CONMEBOL) ifywhilethefourth-placedteamplaysaplay- Shock of the qualifiers: A distraught face Peru in the inter-continental playoff but
by Hassan Al-Thawadi, who fronted Qatar’s But at FIFA's congress in Qatar on Total spots allotted: 4.5 off against an Oceania team. Mohamed Salah missed a crucial penalty must first beat UAE.
bid more than 12 years ago and has led the Thursday, Infantino told assembled heads of Howqualificationworks: Alltencoun- Teams that have qualified: Canada, during Egypt’s shootout against Senegal.
organizing committee ever since. worldfootballthatthesport’sgoverningbody tries play in one group on a home and away Mexico and the United States Camera caught green laser lights being OCEANIA (OFC)
“You did not attempt to contact us and hadnotbeenproposingthemovewhichwas basis.Topfourqualifydirectlywhilethefifth- Teamsthat can still qualify: Costa Rica pointed at the Liverpool forward’s face as he Total spots allotted: 0.5
did not attempt to engage in dialogue before threateningtosplitthesoccerworld.“Letme placed country goes onto an international Story of the qualifiers: Canada with stepped up to take the penalty. Later Salah How qualification works: A three-
addressing congress today,” he said.Al- be very clear that FIFA has not proposed a bi- playoff game against the winners of the AFC their immigrant players captured the imag- wasseeninavideoinsinuatingthathemight round affair, Round 1 saw Cook Islands and
Thawadi said Qatar’s door was always open ennial process,” Infantino said. playoffs. ination of the World Cup qualifying, reach- not play for Egypt again. Tonga as the lowest ranked OFC teams. A
for people to “educate themselves before The last FIFA congress passed to the ad- Teams that have qualified: Brazil, ing the Qatar WC after a 36-year gap. This one-off playoff matchwasdeclinedbyTonga,
passing judgement.” ministration a vote, with 88 percent voted in Argentina, Ecuador, Uruguay would be Canada’s only-second appearance ASIA (AFC) giving Cook Islands the bye. In Round 2 two
QatarandFIFAhaveconsistentlysaidtak- favour, to study the feasibility of the World Teams that can still make it: Peru in the tournament. Total spots allotted: 4.5 groups of four teams are split with the top
ing the World Cup to the country has accel- Cup every two years. Story of the qualifiers: Various covid Shock of the qualifiers: No real shock Howqualificationworks: Afourround two nations progressing. Round three is
erated positive changes in the nation’s laws A report compiled by KPMG and FTI's related delays meant that the qualifiers, as Canada’s superior stars were set to take process that starts off with 12 lowest ranked basedonthefourteamsplayingintwosemi-
and society. Delta Partners, showed the plan, and result- which were meant to begin in September over and ensure that Costa Rica, who usually nations playing in two-legged ties. Six of finalsandafinal.Thewinnerof thefinalplays
ThewarinUkrainethentookcenterstage ingchangestotheClubWorldCup,couldcost 2020, got delayed by a month. Then, quali- book their berth to the finals earlier, would those countries join 34 other countries in theCONCACAFteam(inthiscase,CostaRica)
as a three-minute video message was aired the big domestic soccer leagues and UEFA fiers in March 2021 got delayed due to have to go the playoff route. Round 2 where teams are divided into eight in an inter-continental playoff.
from the head of the country’s soccer feder- around8billioneuros($8.88billion)persea- European players not getting clearances to groups of five countries. Seven group win- Teams that have qualified: None
ation, Andriy Pavelko. soninlostTVrightsandmatchdayandcom- flytoSouthAmericaandback.Therewasalso AFRICA (CAF) ners and five best runners-up progressed to Teams that can still qualify: New
Pavelko wore an armored vest as he mercial agreements. thematterof Brazil’sposterboyfortheircur- Total spots allotted: 5 the third round (Qatar automatically quali- Zealand
spoke from Kyiv while behind him people The reportsaid even the least disruptive rent generation of football, Neymar, saying Howqualificationworks: 54countries fied). Remaining 12 teams are divided into Story of the qualifiers: As usual, these
packed sandbags several meters highto pro- options would cost them billions annually. that this could be his last World Cup. vie for five spots. 28 of the lowest ranked two groups of six teams. Winners and run- qualifiers are New Zealand’s to lose. And de-
tect a monument. The biggest hit would be to TV revenues. It Shock of the qualifiers: Traditionally countries play two-legged ties. The 14 win- ners-up qualify. Third-placed teams from spite various covid related cancellations, the
He said children in Ukraine were suffer- calculated that the 40 biggest domestic it is Colombia and Chile who are in the reck- ners are joined by 26 top ranked African both groups then face off in an Asian playoff. Kiwis have set up a clash against Costa Rica
ingfrom“terriblepsychologicalinjuries”dur- leaguesaroundtheworldandUEFA stoodto oning for World Cup spots. But despite a countries. These 40 countries are split into Winner gets to take on the South American on June 13/14 in Qatar.
ing the war and that maybe soccer would lose as much as 5 billion euros per season in tense battle towards the end, James 10 groups of four teams. The ten winners fourth-placed team in an inter-continental Shock of the qualifiers: None.
help them in the future. audio visual deals alone. REUTERS Rodriquez and Alexis Sanchez were not able from these groups then face each other in playoff. -ENS

OVER THE HEDGE by Michael Fry & T Lewis

ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 20) LIBRA (Sep 24 - Oct 23)
The Moon is Powerful social stars
indicating that you mean that teamwork
may take some time is vital if you want to
off. You're ready for a complete important
break in your routine. If you're tasks on schedule. This is no
planning to stay in, go out, time to be a loner, even if you
and if you're going out you have had enough of other
might decide to stay in. And, people's time-wasting and
if a new romance has been complaints. If partners are
mooted, you'll be clicking into despondent, you may have to
gear towards the end of play the cheer-leader.
the week.
SCORPIO (Oct 24 - Nov 22)
TAURUS (Apr 21 - May 21) Please consider
Various planets taking on more
swanning around responsibilities at
in ambitious regions work, and realise
CALVIN & HOBBES by Bill Watterson of your solar chart that your interests will only be
urge you to forget about served if you, in turn, look after
insecurities that have dogged others. Don't rise to
your steps for too long. provocation, but do tackle other
Concentrate now on building people at the right moment,
up your long-term reputation when they are receptive to
and see to it that people who your opinions.
ACROSS DOWN once ignored you have good
reason to respect you. SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23 - Dec 22)
1 Seasonal review (9) 2 A lump in the throat
You are often
8 An odd type of route (5) (5) GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) accused of having
9 Desserts for festive occasions 3 Showing an inclination to do You may have been too many irons in the
(7) some gardening? (6) putting your head fire - a typical
10 Take exception to an article 4 Local ranch where Incas ate before your heart, complaint. However, from this
(6) perhaps (8) but right now the week onwards you should
trend seems to be to put heart consider slimming down your
11 A girl came in to study the 5 What one does with a
first, head second. If you're financial commitments,
weapon (6) bookmaker of course (3,3) making plans at work, aim for holding on only to what is
12 Maybe more cuts will 6 Masses of people moving options which make a clean necessary. Think about how you
attract one (8) about in the morning in the break with the past, for you can make the space for fresh
15 Aren’t such soldiers streets (7) don't want lingering problems good fortune to come in.
involved in civil war? (8) 7 Take a repeated action for MARVIN by Tom Armstrong to drag on.
CAPRICORN (Dec 23 - Jan 20)
18 This by itself is only a retreat that is chaotic (9) CANCER (June 22 - July 23) This is the last day in
gradual process (6) 11 It makes home clean and The financial a sequence of
20 Cleaning brush barely used changes its colour (9) situation should be planetary aspects
(6) 13 Star as a roof-raiser? (8) quite buoyant but, as which have raised
21 Nimbleness of US soldier in 14 Out of place competitor so often happens, the romantic temperature.
once you begin to feel more This doesn't mean that you'll
Italy on manoeuvres (7) (4-3) prosperous, you spend more have no relationships left, just
22 Love to scold and harangue 16 The first composer to go and so end up out of pocket. that your needs are moving on.
(5) (6) Try to be a little more Even if there is still just the
23 Couldn’t find reason for 17 All set out to see the girl (6) imaginative about future plans, merest emotional spark left,
failed campaign (4,5) 19 Louts break up the plant (5) and don't let others take you you may do your best to fan it
for a ride. into a flame.
SolutionsCrossword4702:Across: 1Endives,4Famed,7Tiff,8Railways,10 LEO (July 24 - Aug 23) AQUARIUS (Jan 21- Feb 19)
AdamandEve,12Packet,13Blanks,15Streamline,18Clangour,19Love,20Ambit, All your marvellous If you've been doing
21Essayed.Down:1Extra,2Defiance,3Shandy,4Fullvolume,5Moan,6Deserts,9 intuitions should anything you ought
be telling you not to have done, get
that now is the your story ready.
moment to make a bid for Your best tack for the rest of the
ultimate success. The Moon is month is to try and show people
JUMBLED WORDS DifficultyLevel1s
on your side, and the worst risk just how funny the situation is,

you run is a spot of taking their attention away from

Instructions embarrassment. Still, it could be anything that may have gone
Givenbelowarefourjumbledwords.Solvethejumblestomakeproperwordsandmovethemto TosolveaSudokupuzzle, worse. And you'll get over wrong in recent weeks.
therespectivesquaresbelow.Selectthelettersintheshadedsquaresandjumblethemtoget everydigitfrom1to9 it before long.
PISCES (Feb 20 - Mar 20)

theanswerforthegivenquip. mustappearineachofthe
Inanetworkedworld,___isthemostimportant____-EricSchmidt(5,.,8) VIRGO (Aug 24 - Sep 23) You should think
nineverticalcolumns,in Start to wind down. fast, but don't be
eachoftheninehorizontal Strangely enough, seduced into
OERRR HRTNUU rowsandineachofthe your chart is imagining that the
nineboxes. beginning to look facts are everything. You also
decidedly more serious, not to need to do right by other
mention more organised, people. In love and at work your
STOAT CILCCY DifficultyLevel efficient and jolly worthwhile. goal should be to put over your
You should evade the ideas in as poetic a way as
1s=Veryeasy;2s=Easy; occasional rumour or suspicion possible. You don't just have to
3s=Medium;4s=Hard; and avoid giving the impression tell other people what you
5s=VeryHard;6s= that you've got something want, you also have to get them
Answer: In a networked world, trust is the most important currency - Eric Schmidt Genius to hide. to agree with you.

New Delhi

Lucknow turn giant-killers EMOTIONAL

Hot heads, calm minds and everything in between at the game
Bounce back from opening game loss to chase CSK’s 210 thanks to Lewis’s explosive half-century

LucKLess at Lucknow
Captains and coaching staff these days
and a feel of the game. If KL Rahul and
the Lucknow Super Giants had indeed
delved into the stats, it didn’t seem so
cleaners during the Powerplay.
It's an open secret that Uthappa’s
years of age, his reflexes are bound to
be slower than in his younger days.
Rahul even got a reminder in the first
over – whenever Avesh Khan got the
ball to climb chest-high or above,
went the journey as he reached his 50 wise heads in the dugout who call the
in half as many deliveries. shots. But going by events in the first
Rahul is very early in his captaincy two games, the franchise’s best hope
role, and showed in South Africa that would be that Rahul learns on the job,
he has plenty to learn. His track record andthattooquickly.IfIPLcaptaincyisa
atPunjabKingswasn’ttooinspiringei- testing ground for a future leadership
ther. It’s the quest for a known Indian rolewiththenationalside,Rahulisnot
face and lack of options that may have getting good grades at the moment.
put him in charge. Very often in fran- Super Giants’ maiden IPL season may
chisecricket,itisthecoachingstaffand get underwhelming in a hurry.

Dushmantha’s woes MS excels. MS. Word.

Fieldersaremade TheCSKplayersstoodin
to look silliest a circle, hands on each
whentheyletthe other’s shoulders just
ball nutmeg beforethechasebegan.
them.Nextonthe Andwhodidallthetalk-
embarrassing ing?FormercaptainMS
Evin Lewis’ unbeaten 23-ball 55 consisted of six fours and three sixes. sportzpics/IPL scale would be if Dhoni, of course. To his
theyendupover- right, stood Ravindra Jadeja, head down
running the ball. and listening intently as Dhoni went on
WhenAveshbouncedMoeenAli,hewaseas- No hitting Bishnoi Sri Lanka seamer for a while. Nothing has changed, it
SYNOPSIS: Dew factor and Lewis’s ily hooked over vacant fine leg for six. Whenthesecond-leastexpensivereturns Dushmantha seemed. The last time he was in a men-
clean hitting makes life difficult for If anything, perhaps this is what could from his bowling side was Avesh’s 38 runs Chameera, blessed with a powerful arm tor’srole,itendedinadebacleforIndiaat
CSK bowlers be held just a bit against LSG captain KL from four overs, Ravi Bishnoi stood out with fromthedeepandfastlegs,butnotjudge- theT20WorldCup.Buthewassparedthe
Rahul. On a pitch where there was pace, 2 for 24. It is not just that he bowls in the late ment, endured the blushes twice in the blushesasRaviShastriandhisoldsupport
bounce and the new ball especially was 90s. So can Krunal Pandya, in fact he can fire space of five balls. First, when he was staff tookthehit.Notmanyraisedfingers
coming on, his two deep fielders in the pow- it in quicker, but he conceded 36 from three sweepingthecover,heslidtopicktheball, at Dhoni, whose halo keeps increasing
ABHISHEK PUROHIT erplay were far too often caught too square. overs, and was kept away for his last as two only to realise that the ball was spinning year after year in India. This IPL was his
MUMBAI, MARCH 31 This is in hindsight, of course, but after a few left-handers Moeen Ali and Shivam Dube away massively, akin to a wrong ’un. He firstrealbrushwithcricketafterthatmen-
fours, for instance, to fine leg that deep back- were in the middle. His one-time Baroda didhisbesttopausetheslideandchange tor role and he started by passing the ba-
CHENNAI SUPER Kings posted 211 but ran ward square leg could only watch, there was teammate Deepak Hooda was used for an direction,butwasnogymnastortrapeze tontoJadeja.Inthelasttwogames,hehas
out of quality bowling options by the end as maybe a case for moving the boundary rid- over of part-time off-spin in place of Krunal, artist to twist his body from reaching the exploded nicely with the bat, pulling out
Evin Lewis’ 55 off 23 led Lucknow Super ers finer. Or at least pushing the bowlers to and went for 12. ropes. He flashed a sorry smile. Soon, he all the nostalgic hits for the fans. His wise
Giants to a six-wicket victory. bowl more to their field. As a result, CSK The obvious advantage Bishnoi brings is was cursing himself at deep cover, as he mutteringsfrombehindthestumpshave
surged to 73 for 1 in the powerplay; LSG did- thetheoreticalpossibilitythathecanturnthe over-ran a ball that went straight on and continuedandtheonlythingremainingis
Dew factor n’t do badly, but they were still somewhat ball both ways, although he rarely bowls the trickledtotheboundarycushion.Perhaps, thatmotherof allDhoninostalgia:Ahel-
At the Brabourne Stadium, as well as at behind at 55 for 0. leg break.But there have beennumerous leg- thistime,hewasexpectingawrong’un. icopter six.
Wankhede Stadium, the fielder can be four gies who bowl flat and quick, do not turn the
steps away on the edge of the boundary but
the ball will still beat him more often than
Lewis’s clean hitting
Evin Lewis’s push helped LSG pull in
ball much, and are still hit in this unforgiving
Zip-zap-zoom Bish
not, as the small and already quick outfield front. CSK were going full trying to deny the is that his natural trajectory as well as line are Commentators raved the accuracy and the
getsevenquickerwiththedew.OnThursday batsmen the space to get under the ball but difficulttolineupagainst.Fortheleft-handers abouthowquicklyRavi zip returned as Robin
night, the moisture was so copious the ball whenever they missed by inches, the probablymoreso,asmostofhisdeliveriesfur- Bishnoihadjudgedthe Uthappa found to his
hadtobechangedinthe16thoverof theCSK Trinidadian left-hander either squeezed Opener Robin Uthappa’s 27-ball 50 led therskidawayfromtheirhittingarc.Buteven nature of the pitch and detriment. It skid in so
innings. Fielders were causing little clouds themsquareontheoff sideforfoursorbelted Chennai Super Kings to 210/7. right-handers such as Robin Uthappa and increased the speed on quickly,over100kmph,
of spray to fly when they went sprawling in them for straight sixes. sportzpics/IPL AmbatiRayuduweredoneinbythespeed,an- hissliders.Notasurprise that Uthappa lost his
thedeep.Asweretheropesusedbygrounds- CSKendedupbowlingoutDwayneBravo gle and zip off the surface. as he has been helping shapeandwastrapped
men during the strategic timeouts to try and andDwainePretorius,theirtwo leastexpen- Bishnoi gave the last delivery of his spell in preparing pitches by in front. Though the
soak up some of the liquid. It is hard to be too sive bowlers, by the 18th. They’d had to de- the last two, Dube kept serving it up in the some flight and Ravindra Jadeja promptly rolling black soil into a umpiredidn’tsidewith
harsh on how bowlers, fielders and fielding pend on Pretorius, the sixth bowler to be slotatfriendlymediumpace, andLewiskept bashed him to the straight boundary. To wicket and watering it him, Bishnoi was so
captains deliver in such conditions. used,toremovetheLSGopenersafterastand muscling him down the ground. Ayush Bishnoi’s credit, until then, he had barely al- as part of his formative convincedthathefran-
Could LSG have tried the bouncer more, of 99 in 10.2 overs. Moeen Ali had put down Badoni,who’dstruckanimpressivehalf-cen- lowed batsmen to lean into their hitting years. The googly and tically signalled to his
for instance? Avesh Khan did ping Robin a sitter of a catch that would have seen tury in LSG’s opener against Gujarat Titans, shape;insteaditwas he who hadkeptburst- sliders he always had, captain KL Rahul to go
Uthappa on the helmet in the very first over, Quinton de Kock gone for 30; he finally fell hastened the end with a few powerful blows ing from awkward lengths. andwhenaslightprob- upstairs.MoeenAlitoo
but probably too enthused by that, he also for 61 off 45. of his own. BRIEF SCORES: Chennai Super Kings 210 lem crept up during his found the going tough
sent one flying over the keeper for four byes So CSK chose to go with Shivam Dube for This was CSK’s second loss in two games, for 7 (Uthappa 50, Dube 49, Bishnoi 2-24) second IPL season, his againsthim,repeatedly
two deliveries later. The short boundaries, the 19th, with left-arm seamer Mukesh bothbysix-wicketmargins.Atleasttheirbat- lost to Lucknow Super Giants 211 for 4 (de coach Anil Kumble getting beaten by the
particularly those in the ‘V’, at the Cricket Choudhary bowling the last. But Lewis effec- ting had failed to fire against Kolkata Knight Kock 61, Lewis 55*, Rahul 40, Pretorius 2-31) rested him from a few games and went to onethatslidawayatsomepace.
Club of India have to be a factor in determin- tively sealed the game in the penultimate Riders in the tournament opener. That was- by six wickets work on his run-up. Once that was sorted, Photos: sportzpics/IPL
ing how much the bouncer should be used. over, which cost CSK 25. With 34 needed off n’t the case on Thursday night. Playing tonight: KKR vs PBKS, 7:30 PM

England crush
S. Africa, set up final
clash with Australia
nament with three straight
REUTERS defeats, England have re-
CHRISTCHURCH, MARCH 31 bounded with five wins.
Thursday's victory was their
DANNI WYATT scored her most complete performance
second one-day international of the tournament, with
century and Sophie Sophia Dunkley chipping in
Ecclestone took six wickets as 60 in a 116-run partnership
champions England crushed with Wyatt for the fifth
South Africa by 137 runs on wicket. The English may need
Thursday to set up a mouth- to lift their game again, how-
watering Women's World ever, to beat undefeated
Cup final against heavy- Australia at the same venue
weights Australia. on Sunday. Meg Lanning's
Wyatt, dropped five side thrashed West Indies in
times, punished South Africa the other semi-final and have
with 129 off 125 balls to help a chip on their shoulder after
England build an imposing being knocked out of the
293 for eight at 2017 semi-finals. Australia

Christchurch's Hagley Oval. are unlikely to reproduce

South Africa had won the toss South Africa's ragged fielding
and elected to field. display, which saw Wyatt
Ecclestone, the world's dropped on 22, 36, 77, 116
top-ranked spinner, cele- and 117 before she was
brated a personal best 6-36 caught by Lizelle Lee after
as South Africa collapsed to hitting Masabata Klaas to
be all out for 156. short third man.
"Really pleased, that was Australia and England
a really complete perform- have won all of the 50-over
ance from the girls today, World Cups barring New
something we've been Zealand's sole triumph in
searching for," England cap- 2000 on home soil.
tain Heather Knight said. "I BRIEF SCORES: England
think we'll go in as underdogs women 293 for 8 (Wyatt 129,
(against Australia) for sure Dunkley 60, Ismail 3-46) beat
but we're all equal at the start SA Women 156 all out (Du
of the game." Preez 30, Ecclestone 6-36,
Having started the tour- Shrubsole 2-27) by 137 runs

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