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Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Research

Vol.3 No.1 DOI: e-ISSN : 2722-8878

Analyzing the Implementation of the Public Utility Vehicle

Modernization Program (PUVMP) to the Employment of PUV
Drivers in the Philippines
Arion Mari P. Malasique#1, Windsor Redz C. Rubio#2, Marie Antoinette L. Rosete#3
Business Economics Department of the University of Santo Tomas
España Blvd, Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Abstract — With the traditional ways of public transportation in the Philippines, the current transportation
system has been deemed inconvenient to daily commuters and public utility operators - traffic congestion, lack
of public vehicles for commuters resulting into longer transportation time and hassle rides, and the
environmental problems that arises in the continuity of using polluting gas are the main reasons as to why
Filipinos continue to demand for a better transport system. The rise of modern transportation promises effective
solutions to address the recurring problem stated above. This study examines the implementation of the Public
Utility Vehicle Modernization Program (PUVMP) on the employment of PUV drivers, especially the small
operators who do not have the capacity to upgrade their vehicles. With the goal of the proposed program, this
study aims to analyze and determine the significant effect of PUVMP to the employment of PUV drivers in the
Philippines. The employment of PUV drivers decreased because of the ongoing health crisis, and there was a
significant difference in the number of traditional PUV units since the modernized units are inadequate.

Keywords — Public Transport, Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program, PUV Drivers, Employment


The Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program (PUVMP) is a comprehensive system reform that was
established in 2017 by the Department of Transportation with the goal of making the country’s public transport
system efficient and environmentally friendly in the succeeding years. PUVMP aims to modernize public fleets,
improve franchise issue procedures, reform the planning and rationalizing of public transport routes, and
promote industry consolidation and professionalization in order to enhance service levels. The Department of
Transportation plans to prolong the quality and environmental sustainability of public transport vehicles and its
operation for a transformative change in the country. With this being said, public transport vehicles with over
fifteen years of service would be phased out, and all public utility operators are required to utilize their new
vehicles in compliance with the Euro IV emissions standards and Philippine National Standards. There were
regulatory reforms that were issued by the Department of Transportation such as new vehicle specifications,
franchise issue procedures and practices for more systematic guidelines. Furthermore, new routes were also
analyzed and compared with the traditional routes for an observation of how effective it is to assign routes for
public utility vehicles. As the main agenda of this program was to modernize public fleets, the government
implemented standards that are to be followed by the public utility operators and drivers.

With the implementation of the PUVMP, the employment for PUV drivers is affected in a way that it
establishes job opportunities for them as it also abolishes their employment or their source of income. Since not
every PUV driver can comply with the expenses of transforming traditional jeepneys to modernized jeepneys
and obtain valid franchises due to problems in consolidating with corporations or cooperatives, it dramatically
affects the employment of PUV drivers here in the Philippines. The transportation availability of the public
modernized vehicles would affect the labor participation of PUV drivers since it is one of the factors for public
service operations. While continuing to propose public transportation investments to address unemployment
concerns, few studies have evaluated the relative impacts of employment accessibility that result from public
transportation services. Public modernized vehicles that are not only available in urban areas but also in rural
areas is an indicator that the PUVMP influences the employment of PUV drivers nationwide.

© 2022, JIEMAR 45

Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Research
Vol.3 No.1 DOI: e-ISSN : 2722-8878

The primary aim of this study is to analyze and assess the implementation of PUVMP to the employment of
PUV drivers in the Philippines. In addition, the main objectives of this study are the following: (1) to determine
the number of valid franchises that are issued to a corporation or cooperative and the number of modernized
public utility vehicle units that operate in different regions of the country from 2020-2021, (2) to determine if
the employment for PUV drivers increases or decreases from 2020-2021 and (3) to identify the possible factors
for the improvement of the PUVMP in relation to the employment of PUV drivers.

The significance of this study is to further understand the implementation of PUVMP and its implications to
the country. This study can help to analyze and assess the said program to the employment of PUV drivers.
Moreover, this study can benefit the future researchers as they explore the implementation of the program in
different perspectives.

This study focuses on determining and assessing how the implementation of PUVMP affects the employment
of PUV drivers. The data that are used to conduct this study are from the affected constituents of the said
program. However, because of the present scenario and circumstances beyond the control of the researchers, the
study limits its coverage on the availability of data and sources which are provided by the Philippine
Government Agencies for public utility vehicles.


2.1 The Philippine Public Transport

The World Bank’s Implementation Completion and Result Report (2011) notes that the average jeepney
occupancy is 10.6 people and bus occupancy is 43.4 people. Simultaneously, there has been a need to move
from monomodal travel which uses only one mode of transportation per trip to multinational travel which uses
multiple modes of transportation per trip. This shift in modes promotes the long-term sustainability of
transportation networks because each transportation mode would have its proper role and function. Guillen
(2007) stated that the Philippines, like any other developing countries, faces challenges in the land transportation
sector. Only the National Capital Region (NCR) has mass public transportation such as the LRT and MRT. The
rest of the country relies on road-based vehicles, especially public utility vehicles (PUVs): buses, taxis, jeepneys,
etc. The National Capital Region of the Philippines, Metro Manila faces severe traffic congestion (Numbeo,
2018). About 50% of the roads operate already at volume/capacity (V/C) ratios above 0.80 (ALMEC, 2014). For
the baseline scenario, the average travel time for a single person trip was 1.17 hours in 2014 and will rise to 1.33
hours in 2030 (ALMEC, 2014). Currently, the entire daily transportation cost (operating and time costs) is PHP
3.5 billion, and if no government intervention is implemented, it will rise to PHP 5.4 billion by 2035 (JICA,

According to the Asian Development Bank (2012), road-based public transport in other urban areas in Metro
Manila is provided entirely by the private sector. There are an estimated 433 bus companies operating 805
routes. Majority of the bus companies own more than 10 units; only 7 bus companies own 100 units or more.
Jeepneys serve 785 routes in Metro Manila with several jeepney operators owning only one unit.

One of the most well-known examples of Filipino craftsmanship and art is the Jeepney. It has been referred
to as a “moving form of street arts” and has been part of Philippine culture since its inception (Menez, 1988).
Back in the American period, wherein a load of jeepneys left over by the American soldiers, the jeep's
enculturation was one of the main modes of transport in the Philippines (Ines, 2017). As such, jeepneys can
accommodate from 13 to 23 passengers, depending on the length of the body. Jeepney drivers often work long
shifts which can last up to 18 hours if necessary. The length of the working hours is usually dictated by the
owner of the unit and the earnings of the driver (Seva et al., 2011). It is in this matter that designing the structure
of the jeepneys, both in terms of exterior and interior characteristics becomes a difficult task particularly when
considering the overall safety and appropriateness of each relevant component that affects the drivers' working
environment (Coz et al., 2015).

Jeepney will remain as the dominant carrier in every metropolis. It cannot easily be removed in the public
transportation system because it provides livelihood to the drivers. Also, there is a strong existence of jeepney
associations and cooperatives (Bacero et al., 2010).

© 2022, JIEMAR 46

Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Research
Vol.3 No.1 DOI: e-ISSN : 2722-8878

2.2 The Implementation of Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program (PUVMP)

One of the practical solutions to the problems in transport can be found in the development of
sustainable public transport systems providing mobility, accessibility and customer service comparable to
private vehicles. Sustainable transport systems are designed to improve the service quality, reduce pollution,
limit the state subsidies to urban transport, increase the efficiency of transport networks and land usage, enhance
the mobility of people with disabilities and prevent conflicts of interests among the public transportation
stakeholders (Spirin, Zavyalov & Zavyalova, 2016).

The transportation system has a significant effect on regional patterns of development, economic
viability, environmental impacts and socially acceptable quality of life. It is unsurprising that government
agencies continue to invest significant resources in the preparation and development of more efficient
transportation systems (Murray et al., 1998). The status of transport as public services and transport policy
orientation should be identified by a basic law for transport as well as clarifying the developing direction of
“innovation, coordination, green openness and sharing.” Furthermore, it is suggested to establish a systematic,
authoritative public transport policy-making procedure through legislation (Su, 2017).

Jeepney is one of the most popular modes of public transportation in the Philippines, as it is the
primary means of transportation utilized by Filipino commuters to go to their destinations. However, the
government decided to implement a modernization program in which old regular jeepneys would phase out and
be replaced with modernized jeepneys due to issues such as a lack of maintenance system, ensuring the safety of
passengers and drivers, negative environmental effects, and improper loading and unloading of
passengers.(Andalencio et al., 2020).

Low-cost Transport Modes like Jeepneys involve a potentially wide range of policy and empirical
issues. Despite the services and advantages that they offered, these modes had been the object of growing public
criticism for transport and traffic problems attributed to them. However, appreciation of these modes had been
increasing as a relatively cheap and flexible means of mobility for the urban masses, a major source of
"informal" employment particularly for poor migrants to the city, and as an indigenous and potentially capital-
saving adaptation of transport technology in the developing countries. Thus, there was a question whether these
modes of transportation were not on balance, socially beneficial and should somehow be retained - perhaps with
some modifications in their vehicles, their organization and operations, and their roles - and integrated in the
urban transport systems that Asian cities were proposing to modernize (Ocampo, 1982).

In all of the case studies, it is clear that minibuses (in some form or another) play an important part in
developing countries' urban public transportation. From the way these studies have been reported, it is evident
that the role of smaller vehicles is a contentious issue including a conflict between users, operators and
transportation planners (Vijayakumar, 1986). Certain strategies, such as transportation planning is required to
ensure that the overall growth of metropolitan areas does not negatively impact the quality of life of individuals
who dwell there (Kargarfard et al., 2015; Murray and Wu, 2003).

As most Asian and European countries continue to observe a systematic mode of transportation with
cashless payment, timed bus schedules, limited passenger capacity, and organized manner of routes, their
advanced transportation system makes their country more globally competent. The Philippines must keep up
with the pace of modernization in the transportation sector. The development of a transportation system should
come from a socio-economic context. Due to its extensive usage of infrastructure, the transportation sector is an
essential part of the economy and a common tool for development. This is certainly relevant in today's global
economy where mobility of people and freight, as well as information and communication technologies, have
become more linked to economic prospects. There is a clear connection between the quality and quantity of
transportation infrastructure and the level of economic development. High-density transport infrastructure and
connected networks are typically associated with high levels of development (Rodrigue & Notteboom, 2018).

Due to the country’s fast economic growth, the PUVs are expected to rise in numbers. Concerns about
the sector's environmental, safety, and efficiency have led to the establishment of the PUVMP (DOTr, 2018), a
program that seeks to transform the entire sector and modernize the public utility vehicles. It seeks to change the
way the Philippines' current public transportation system operates, as well as its rules, business models, and
cultural meanings (Sunio et al., 2019). The program incorporates different components: (1) regulatory reform,
(2) local public transport route planning for local government units, (3) route rationalization, (4) fleet

© 2022, JIEMAR 47

Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Research
Vol.3 No.1 DOI: e-ISSN : 2722-8878

modernization, (5) industry consolidation, (6) financing, (7) vehicle useful life program, (8) pilot
implementation, (9) stakeholder support mechanisms and (10) communication. PUVMP entails the complete
overhaul of a complex informal transportation infrastructure. It is a reform project to restructure the informal
transportation industry, involving a wide range of stakeholders and a coevolution of institutions, business
models, and behaviors (Mateo-Babiano et al., 2020). Considered as the flagship non-infrastructure project of the
current administration, PUVMP is not only about the modernizing and smartening of all forms of public
transportation (formal and informal), it is also about changing the way people think, act, and organize in the
transportation industry (GIZ, 2019).

In 2017, the government launched the PUVMP which aspires to make the public transportation system
more efficient and environment-friendly by phasing out old PUVs that are at least 15 years old, and replacing
them with safer, more comfortable and more sustainable alternatives. These include electric jeepney, electric
bus, electric tricycle and their EURO-4 diesel vehicles counterpart or better. The PUVMP aims to employ
around 100,000 e-trikes annually and 200,000 e-jeepney in the next six years. Currently, the price of e-trikes
ranges from USD 3,500 to USD 9,500 and USD 25,000 to USD 30,800 for e-jeepneys which are more
expensive than their counterparts. To support operators and owners adopting the PUVMP, the government gives
“5-6-7-8” financial incentives which include 5% subsidy for each unit of vehicle, 6% interest rate for purchase
loan payable in 7 years and maximum PHP 80,000 (USD 1500) equity subsidy (Agaton, Collera & Guno, 2020).

With the implementation of PUVMP, operators are likely to consolidate ensuring better fleet
management and more efficient and effective road usage. PUV drivers, on the other hand, will be paid a regular
salary and will be given proper training, as well as other benefits. As a result, there is no need for drivers to
work long hours in order to compete for passengers (Cerio, 2017). With these current operational characteristics
of the jeepney industry, the fifth component of the modernization program - industry consolidation, it is
envisioned that smaller transport industry players will be strategically merged to form cooperatives or
corporations to facilitate the successful implementation of the program. Industry consolidation would entail
requiring individual franchise holders to either join or form legal entities with assistance from the DOTr and its
attached agencies such as the Office for Transport Cooperatives (OTC). These legal entities are expected to
own, manage and operate the modernized fleet in an organized manner (Pontawe & Napalang, 2018).

In the case of PUVMP, a number of transport operators who lack the financial means to update their
fleet are the ones who are most affected by the destabilizing processes. Sunio et al. (2019) claimed, “Transport
groups represent the most active resistance to the jeepney modernization program.'' The "No to Jeepney
Phaseout" Coalition was founded by a number of transportation organizations. For them, the PUVMP is all
about phasing out old jeepneys, which means thousands of jeepney drivers and operators will lose their jobs
across the country.

Most jeepney operators and drivers claim that a modernisation program is unnecessary since they
cannot afford an updated unit. Meanwhile, passengers' perceptions of the planned financial and minimum fare
are limited to the middle and working classes. All passengers chose the jeepney as their form of transportation
because it was the cheapest in the country. Furthermore, the cost of a modernized jeepney was anticipated to be
between 1.2 and 1.3 million pesos. As a result, the company alleged that government monies were used to fund
the modernization effort. According to the stakeholders, improved jeepney characteristics would improve the
transportation system. The company also claimed that the updated unit was better for the environment because
the government mandated euro-4 engines, which cut pollutants in Metro Manila.

The stakeholders were concerned about the job losses induced by the upgrading initiative. Independent
jeepney operators and drivers who did not have access to the upgraded vehicles had no choice but to continue
operating. The cultural lineage of the jeepney, which will be erased once the jeepney modernisation is executed
and seen, was the most significant reason impeding their full support for the program. If there was no discipline
among jeepney drivers, jeepney modernization was not good for the country. Passengers expected world-class
transportation with superior service and amenities like air conditioning, WiFi, GPS, and surveillance cameras.
Half of jeepney drivers believe the Philippines is not ready for jeepney modernization, and the other half believe
the program was implemented too late at the right time and price. (Andalecio et al., 2020).

However in 2021, during the ongoing health crisis, operations were halted by the government as per the
rules of quarantine. Over 13 million Filipinos have lost their jobs or livelihoods during the COVID-19

© 2022, JIEMAR 48

Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Research
Vol.3 No.1 DOI: e-ISSN : 2722-8878

pandemic. Tens of thousands of jeepney drivers have been displaced since March 2020 as they were no longer
allowed to operate (Torres, 2021). Many drivers were begging and asking for financial assistance from the
government, and hoping to drive again. Westernan (2018) stated that Jeepney drivers and operators do not earn a
lot as earnings depend on factors such as profitability of the route, passenger volume and seating capacity. The
government should study the program because low jeepney drivers cannot afford the new vehicles. This will
result in joblessness and hardship for the jeepney drivers (Recio, 2020).

Varying social groupings have different resilience capacities, with the more vulnerable social groups
often being the most affected. Existing negative externalities connected with home segregation and community
effects could be exacerbated by the epidemic. According to Gutierrez, Miravet, and Domenech (2020),
disadvantaged areas are more densely populated urban environments and are less permeable to physical distance
requirements and changes in transportation networks, in addition to having a higher share of less qualified jobs.
Avoiding public transportation could become a common practice, resulting in the marginalization of low-wage

2.2.1 Significance of Fleet Management and Industry Consolidation

The quality of the fleet and its standardization in relation to maintenance activities and the elements
that result in quality for the passenger and driver (e.g. rear engine, low floor, air conditioning, brake assist,
automatic transmission) have a significant impact on the three sets of elements that make up the quality concept
- for the user, shareholders (and taxpayers), and workers. The fleet's quality is determined by strategic decisions
to sustain service excellence, not by system requirements or contractual obligations. Air conditioning,
automated transmissions, and vehicles with rear engines have an impact on both service quality and worker
activity (Brunoro et al. 2015).

Fleet management has become necessary for transport service delivery systems whether in the public or
private sector. Fleet management can be seen as monitoring and increasing how efficient one can perceive a
transportation fleet (Gitahi & Ogollah, 2014). It includes the management of vehicles like cars, ships, vans and
trucks. A lot of functions are considered when it comes to fleet management including financing vehicles,
maintenance of vehicles, vehicle telematics and driver shifting.

The primary aim of fleet management is to significantly decrease the risks associated with vehicle
operation, efficiency, productivity and minimizing the transportation and staff cost entirely. Accordingly,
Besiou et al., (2012) claim that a strategy that ensures sustainable fleet management is one that seeks to
minimize environmental effect through the integration of cleaner vehicles and fuels, fuel efficient operation and
driving; and by minimizing the quantum of traffic it creates on the road.

The results of the case study conducted by Pontawe et. al., (2018) shows that based on the experience
of their team in modernizing their jeepney units, it can be concluded that fleet management and industry
consolidation are both significant components of the DOTr PUV Modernization Program. The financial viability
of modernizing the jeepneys would greatly depend on having efficient and well-managed operations of the new
PUJ units. Findings prove that the bigger the fleet, the bigger the income, hence more financially viable PUV
modernization. Fleet management shall be the core concept of the PUV Modernization Program. This would
allow the industry to shift from boundary to fixed salaries, allow transport groups to purchase new vehicles
without burdening individual operators about their creditworthiness, and would result in an increase in
operational scale which will allow the fleet to acquire the necessary manpower (mechanic, dispatcher,
conductors, safety officers, etc.) as fleet management results in lower operating costs;
fuel, tire, spare parts, batteries.

According to Pontawe (2018), non-fiscal incentives and regulatory backstops are also important in
making sure that modernization programs succeed. The provision of non-fiscal incentives such as low emission
zones, exemption from coding, and tax waiver may entice jeepney operators to voluntarily or willingly
modernize their old units. Meanwhile, regulatory backstops such as the imposition of a mandatory age limit
would force owners of old and polluting vehicles to participate in modernization programs.

2.3 Employment
Better economic and social opportunities and advantages result from effective transportation networks
in a country, which can magnify the good effects of better market access, employment, and more expenditures.

© 2022, JIEMAR 49

Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Research
Vol.3 No.1 DOI: e-ISSN : 2722-8878

When transportation infrastructures are insufficient in terms of capacity or reliability, it can result in lost or
missed opportunities, as well as a lower quality of life (Rodrigue & Notteboom, 2018). The development of
sustainable public transport systems brings together engineers, researchers, marketing specialists, urban
designers and customer service managers, social workers to produce innovative solutions to public
transportation and help create universal strategies to global problems associated with urbanization (Spirin et al.,
Creating new or improving existing public transit for communities that most need it can allow people
to access the jobs they need while keeping costs manageable. By simply shifting our spending away from roads
and highways and into public transit, we can create 20 percent more jobs without spending a single additional
dollar. Putting transit in communities with high unemployment creates 2.5 times more jobs (Plano, 2015).

According to the American Public Transportation Association (2020), increased investment in public
transportation can lead to significant economic growth as a result of both the short-term stimulus impact of
public transportation outlays and a longer-term, cumulative impact on economic productivity.

Public transportation in the U.S. is funded by a combination of rider-paid fares, local/state revenue
sources, federal funding, and other sources. To estimate the number of jobs supported just by federal investment
in public transportation, it is necessary to recalculate the job figures using the specific spending mix that is
applicable for federal funding. As previously noted, federal funding is focused on capital investment and
preventative maintenance and by using the federal standard accounting system definition, this translates to 63%
for capital expenses and 37% for operating expenses.

Capital investment in public transportation (including vehicle and equipment acquisitions and
supporting facilities) is a substantial source of jobs. The analysis indicates that nearly 24,000 jobs are supported
for a year, per billion dollars of spending on public transportation capital. In addition, public transportation
operations (i.e. management, operations and maintenance of vehicles, and facilities) are also an important source
of employment. For every billion dollars spent on public transportation operations, nearly 41,000 jobs are
supported for a year (Weisbrod, 2009).

Many people in the United States also depend on public transit to get to work. Analysis of on-board
surveys around the nation shows that 50 percent or more of transit users commuting to work did not have a car
available for that trip. This implies that public transit provides a critical role in job access and likely supports
employment in the United States.

In Brazil, transportation choices are made at levels that go beyond the company's exclusive influencing
authority. Both criteria for the service supplied by corporations and conditions for financing operations dictate
the scope of the company's investment as a result of historical issues and political decisions. They emphasize the
preservation of good working conditions, equipment quality, maintenance and hiring practices, as well as
flexibility to deal with numerous occurrences that could modify the course of operations in comparison to what
was anticipated (Brunoro et al. 2015).

2.4 Synthesis
The published journal articles and related studies above present the background of PUVMP and its
significance to the economy in terms of how it affects the employment of PUV drivers. As problems in the
transportation system of the Philippines continue to arise, the program provides a lot of promising solutions in
order for the country to develop a secured and convenient transport system which is linked to employment of
PUV drivers. The valid franchises and the modernized public utility vehicle units which serve as the
independent variables are part of the main focus for the related literature since these are the factors that affect
employment. In addition, the employment levels and the reason for unemployment of the drivers are also
included as part of the dependent variable. The COVID-19 pandemic is included in chapter II as it is one of the
determinants affecting the employment level of drivers during the years of the implementation of PUVMP. As
stated in the literature review, during the ongoing health crisis, operations were halted by the government as per
the rules of quarantine. Over 13 million Filipinos have lost their jobs or livelihoods during the COVID-19
pandemic. Tens of thousands of jeepney drivers have been displaced since March 2020 as they were no longer
allowed to operate (Torres, 2021).

© 2022, JIEMAR 50

Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Research
Vol.3 No.1 DOI: e-ISSN : 2722-8878

As there are limited studies concerning how public transportation affects the employment level of PUV
drivers in different countries, the related studies above focus on how public transportation affects the economy
in terms of employment as a whole.

2.5 Simulacrum

The research simulacrum directs the flow of study in terms of determining the impact between
dependent variable (employment of PUV drivers) and independent variables (valid franchises and modernized
public utility vehicle units). With this, the study suggests the following hypotheses in its alternative and null
 H1: The valid franchises have a positive impact on the employment of PUV drivers.
 H0: The valid franchises have a negative impact on the employment of PUV drivers.
 H2: The modernized public utility vehicle units have a positive impact on the employment of PUV
 H0: The modernized public utility vehicle units have a negative impact on the employment of PUV


3.1 Research Design

In this study, various research methods were used to analyze the effect of the independent variables
(Valid Franchises and Modernized Public Utility Vehicle Units) to the dependent variable (Employment of PUV
drivers). According to the LTFRB, the modernization of PUV units refers to the new vehicle standards that are
being developed which is based on comprehensive consultations with involved government agencies, jeepney
associations, and local and international manufacturers. The variable was measured by the number of units that
were modernized in different regions of the Philippines from 2020-2021. The LTFRB also defined that the valid
franchises refer to the strategic merging of smaller transport industry players to form into a consortium either by
forming corporations or cooperatives for the issuance of franchise for road-based public transport services. The
variable was measured by the number of valid franchises that were issued to the corporations or cooperatives in
different regions of the Philippines from 2020-2021. The 32 observations were obtained from the 2 years of the
implementation of PUVMP and 16 regions. Furthermore, the employment of PUV drivers was measured from
the share of drivers in modernized units that operate to the total number of PUV drivers.

The researchers used a quantitative approach to meet the primary aim and objectives of the study. The
numerical data is essential for the justification of how such independent variables influenced the dependent

© 2022, JIEMAR 51

Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Research
Vol.3 No.1 DOI: e-ISSN : 2722-8878

3.2 Study Site

This study was conducted and analyzed in the Philippines. The data were collected from 2020 to 2021
in different regions of the country which were based on reliable sources such as the Philippine government
agencies for public utility vehicles.

3.3 Data Collection Procedure

The researchers analyzed the data on the number of valid franchises that were issued to a corporation or
cooperative and the number of modernized public utility vehicles as a direct result of the new regulatory
requirements on vehicle specifications. Moreover, the data were inferred from various Philippine government
agencies such as the Department of Transportation (DOTr) and Land Transport Franchising and Regulatory
Board (LTFRB).

3.4 Data Analysis

In order to analyze the data that were provided by the government agencies, the researchers used
descriptive statistics. Manikandan (2011) stated that the central tendency is defined as the statistical measure
that identifies a single value as representative of an entire distribution. The measures of central tendency such as
mean and median were used to provide an accurate description of the entire data and to analyze the patterns of
the results. The mean and median depicts the characteristics of the data and presents insights across a large data
set into bite-sized descriptions. The researchers also used other statistical tools such as dispersion statistics (i.e.,
variance, standard deviation and interquartile range) and shape statistics (i.e., skewness and kurtosis).

Bar graphs were used to compare the provided data. According to King (2018), graphs are the most
effective way to visually summarize and highlight the findings of a study. Graphs allow readers to easily digest
the results of a study or notice overall patterns. In addition, percentage change was also included to figure out
the degree of change over time of the variables.


This research used 32 observations from 2020-2021 in different regions and the Central Office in Quezon
City as well. The data that were collected allow the researchers to meet the objectives of the study: (1) to
determine the number of valid franchises and the number of modernized public utility vehicle units, (2) to
determine if the employment for PUV drivers increases or decreases from 2020-2021 and (3) to identify the
possible factors for the improvement of the PUVMP in relation to the employment of PUV drivers.

Table 4.1 Summary Statistics, using the 32 observations from different regions in the Philippines for 2020-
Variables Mean Median Minimum Maximum
Total Number of Valid Franchises 15177 7973 1743 54429
Valid Franchises for PUVMP 229 122 0 948
Total Number of PUV Units 23703 10731 2227 1.20E+05
Modernized PUV Units 140.19 49 0 647
Variables Std. Dev. C.V. Skewness Ex. kurtosis
Total Number of Valid Franchises 16506 1.0875 1.458 0.7874
Valid Franchises for PUVMP 250.63 1.0944 1.6344 1.7151
Total Number of PUV Units 27822 1.1737 2.0379 3.7502
Modernized PUV Units 193.99 1.3838 1.5532 1.0157
Variables 5% Perc. 95% Perc. IQ range Missing obs.
Total Number of Valid Franchises 1760.6 53951 18415 0
Valid Franchises for PUVMP 7.8 886.25 239.25 0
Total Number of PUV Units 2348.6 1.04E+05 28496 0

© 2022, JIEMAR 52

Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Research
Vol.3 No.1 DOI: e-ISSN : 2722-8878

Modernized PUV Units 0 641.8 158.25 0

Table 4.1 shows that the mean for the total number of valid franchises is 15,177 while the average
number of valid franchises for PUVMP is 229. In addition, the mean for the total number of PUV units is
23,703 and 140.19 for the modernized PUV units.

The standard deviation for the total number of valid franchises is 16,506 while the valid franchises for
modernized PUV units are 250.63. Furthermore, the standard deviation for the total number of PUV units is
27822 and 193.99 for the modernized PUV units.

Graph 4.1 Total Number of Valid Franchises and Total Number of PUV Units for year 2020

Graph 4.1 shows that in 2020, it can be observed that the Central office and NCR have the highest total
number of PUV units and total number of valid franchises. On the other hand, Regions IX and CARAGA have
the lowest total number of modernized PUV units and total number of valid franchises among all regions.
Although Regions IX and Caraga have the lowest number of PUV units and valid franchises, Regions I, II, and
VIII still have lower figures to be compared than other regions presented in the graph.

Graph 4.2 Valid Franchises for PUVMP and Modernized PUV Units for year 2020

© 2022, JIEMAR 53

Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Research
Vol.3 No.1 DOI: e-ISSN : 2722-8878

Graph 4.2 shows that in 2020, NCR, Region VII, and the Central Office have the highest number of
modernized PUV units and the number of valid franchises for PUVMP. On the other hand, it can be observed
that CAR has no modernized PUV units and no valid franchises that were issued for PUVMP and Region IX has
no modernized PUV units. Further, Regions I, V, and XI have the lowest number of modernized PUV units and
number of valid franchises for PUVMP.

Graph 4.3 Total Number of Valid Franchises and Total Number of PUV Units for year 2021

Graph 4.3 shows that in 2021, it can be observed that NCR and the Central Office still have the highest
total number of PUV units and total number of valid franchises. While Regions IX and CARAGA still have the
lowest total number of PUV units and total number of valid franchises among all regions. In addition, Regions I,
II, VIII, IX, and Caraga also have lower figures to be compared than the other regions presented in the graph.

© 2022, JIEMAR 54

Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Research
Vol.3 No.1 DOI: e-ISSN : 2722-8878

Graph 4.4 Valid Franchises for PUVMP and Modernized PUV Units for year 2021

Graph 4.4 shows that in 2021, NCR, Region VII, and Central office still have the highest number of
modernized PUV units and the number of valid franchises for PUVMP. On the other hand, it can be observed
that CAR and Region IX have no modernized PUV units. Further, Regions I, V, and XI have the lowest number
of modernized PUV units and number of valid franchises for PUVMP.

Table 4.2 Percentage Change

Total Number Valid Total
Type of Service / Modernized
of Valid Franchises Number of
Region PUV Units
Franchises for PUVMP PUV Units

Central Office 9.23 24.89 20.64 14.05

NCR 1.02 19.55 0.61 1.25
Region I 46.14 197.96 0.92 0
Region II 10.36 0.94 12.86 0
Region III 0.73 21.20 0.38 0
Region IV (A&B) 2.81 32.47 0.22 0
Region V 1.25 333.33 1.77 0
Region VI 7.40 70.54 1.24 0
Region VII 19.07 90.83 4.76 0
Region VIII 60.11 61.70 21.92 0
Region IX 36.96 4.55 6.46 0
Region X 33.51 95.24 15.46 0
Region XI 4.59 7.14 3.11 0
Region XII 1.45 120.75 4.83 0
CAR 1.10 - 1.48 0

© 2022, JIEMAR 55

Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Research
Vol.3 No.1 DOI: e-ISSN : 2722-8878

CARAGA 9.37 13.39 7.75 0

Note: Bold figures represent percentage decrease

Table 4.2 shows that it can be observed that the total numbers of valid franchises decreased except
regions V and XII. While for the number of valid franchises for PUVMP, the percentage change increased
except Region IX. Region VIII has the highest percentage of decrease while region III has the lowest percentage
of decrease. In addition, it can also be observed that the number of valid franchises for PUVMP in all regions
except region IX increased. For CAR, the number of valid franchises for PUVMP increased from 0 to 87
franchises. It indicates that there are no valid franchises that are issued in a one year period. Region XII has the
highest percentage of increase, while Region II has the lowest percentage of increase.

As for the total number of PUV units, Regions III, V, XII, and CAR only have a percentage increase
among other regions. Region VIII has the highest percentage increase, while Region IV (A&B) has the lowest
percentage decrease. Moreover, only the Central Office and NCR have a percentage increase in the number of
modernized PUV units. Almost all regions starting from Region I up to CARAGA have no percentage change
since there are no modernized PUV units that are operating over the two-year period.

Table 4.3 Percentage of Valid Franchises Issued and Modernized PUV Units Operated in 2020 to 2021

Percentage of Percentage of
Type of Service /
Year Valid Franchises Modernized
(for PUVMP) PUV Units

2020 0.87 0.35

Central Office
2021 1.20 0.51
2020 1.48 0.98
2021 1.78 1.00
2020 0.72 0.11
Region I
2021 3.99 0.11
2020 2.05 0.69
Region II
2021 2.31 0.79
2020 1.00 0.51
Region III
2021 1.22 0.51
2020 0.61 0.26
Region IV (A&B)
2021 0.83 0.27
2020 0.17 0.13
Region V
2021 0.71 0.13
2020 0.90 0.20
Region VI
2021 1.66 0.20
2020 2.55 1.44
Region VII
2021 6.00 1.52
2020 4.30 1.53
Region VIII
2021 17.44 1.96
2020 1.55 0
Region IX
2021 2.35 0
2020 1.48 0.34
Region X
2021 4.35 0.40

© 2022, JIEMAR 56

Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Research
Vol.3 No.1 DOI: e-ISSN : 2722-8878

2020 0.31 0.08

Region XI
2021 0.35 0.08
2020 1.05 0.56
Region XII
2021 2.29 0.53
2020 0 0
2021 0.99 0
2020 5.73 4.02
2021 7.18 4.36

Table 4.3 shows that CARAGA has the highest percentage of valid franchises for PUVMP in 2020,
while Region VIII has the highest percentage for 2021. Meanwhile, CAR and Region V have the lowest
percentage for 2020-2021. In addition, CARAGA has the highest percentage of modernized PUV units in 2020-
2021 while Regions IX and CAR have the lowest percentage for 2020-2021 because there were no modernized
PUV units in those regions.


Due to the lack of data from the initial year of the implementation of the PUVMP up until 2019, there were
only 32 observations that were assessed and analyzed. The researchers found out that the number of valid
franchises and the modernized PUV units that were operating in different regions from 2020 to 2021 were not
sufficient to sustain the employment of PUV drivers due to the ongoing health crisis. As stated in the literature
review, operations were halted by the government as per the rules of quarantine. Over 13 million Filipinos have
lost their jobs or livelihoods during the COVID-19 pandemic. Tens of thousands of jeepney drivers have been
displaced since March 2020 as they were no longer allowed to operate (Torres, 2021).

The employment of PUV drivers decreased because of the pandemic, and there was a significant difference in
the number of traditional PUV units since the modernized units are inadequate. The number of valid franchises
is bigger than the number of modernized units, which leads some franchises to have 2 or more units. Even
though there are modernized units, it is hard to say if they are sufficient. Among all regions, only NCR had the
most number of modernized units. It had to be developed in an urbanized area where a lot of people are finding
convenient ways to commute from one place to another. Based on the data that the researchers found, it is hard
to come up with the conclusion that the modernization of the PUV units was effective because; (1) the
modernized puv units were insufficient, (2 ) urbanized areas were prioritized but still lacked in numbers than the
traditional ones so the latter was still preferred and (3) the pandemic poses a threat to the livelihood of numerous
Filipino PUV drivers and potential franchise holders since they cannot afford to purchase new modernized
vehicles for their survival. This is because safety protocols include social distancing and limited vehicles for
transportation. As modernized PUV units only increased for NCR and Central Office, the researchers can
conclude that the reason why there are limited units is because the drivers cannot afford the new modernized
ones and would rather stick to the traditional units since they had to pay a huge amount for a new project.

5.3 Recommendations
The researchers had come up with the following recommendations based on the given data and results
in the study.

As the costs for loans are not attainable for many drivers and operators, the costs for acquiring a newly-
operating modernized PUV unit should be reduced for drivers, operators, and private entities to procure such
modernized vehicles that would benefit potential investors and drivers. With this, employment will increase for
drivers and the number of modernized PUV units will increase.

Since one of the reasons for the implementation of PUVMP was to give efficient and reliable service to the
public, the government should innovate and find a way to enhance the overall design of the units to increase the
satisfaction of the commuters. As long as the satisfaction of commuters is met, the demand for Modernized PUV

© 2022, JIEMAR 57

Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Research
Vol.3 No.1 DOI: e-ISSN : 2722-8878

units will increase. Thus, providing efficiency and effectiveness for all individuals is significant for such new
modernized units.

Over the past years of the implementation of PUVMP, LTFRB and DOTr were the government agencies that
were in charge of the said program. The institutional capacities at the Department of Transportation and relevant
agencies (LTFRB, Office of Transportation Cooperatives, etc.) are visibly insufficient in comparison to the
urgency and scale of the program, which has resulted in poor results over the past years. The Department of
Transportation must increase its internal ability to execute and support the PUVMP on a long-term basis. If the
numbers of the agencies increase, they will have more capacity to cater to the needs of the drivers, leading to
more job opportunities.

The PUVMP has already concentrated on the jeepney industry, expanding the scope of the program to
include both buses and jeepneys. However, it stands to reason for such an initiative to have a broader reach and
to include buses. Many outdated buses must be replaced, and some jeepney routes must be converted to bus
lines. Social dislocation should be strictly avoided, according to a general principle. As a result, if a jeepney
route is upgraded to a bus route, the existing jeepney operators and drivers on the route should be given the
choice to create a cooperative and should be given first priority in using the new bus services. The government
should also make it easier for new bus cooperatives to form partnerships with established bus firms or consortia.
When they expand the program to bus drivers as well, it would help increase the number of drivers in having a

When there is an effective transportation system available for commuters, the demand for Public Utility
Vehicles will increase in order to cater to the people who need their services. Thus, further increasing job
opportunities for drivers. There is a need for long-term solutions or plans for PUVMP in terms of financing.
Ever since the pandemic has struck the country, the number of modernized PUV units declined, showing the fact
that the government was not prepared in addressing the transportation system problems in catering to the needs
of the commuters amid pandemic. If there was a proper plan in financing the PUV units, even if there was an
ongoing pandemic, commuters and drivers alike would continue doing/availing the services, giving way for
modernized units to be availed by commuters. This would then result in an increase for the employment of
drivers if only modernized PUV units operated in times of crisis.


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Appendix A: Compilation of Data

Type of Service / Total Number of Valid Franchises Total Number of Modernized

Region Valid Franchises for PUVMP PUV Units PUV Units

Central Office 2020 54,429 474 120,340 427

© 2022, JIEMAR 60

Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Research
Vol.3 No.1 DOI: e-ISSN : 2722-8878

2021 49,403 592 95,501 487

2020 53,694 793 65,399 639

2021 53,144 948 64,998 647

2020 6,794 49 8,945 10

Region I
2021 3,659 146 8,863 10

2020 5,174 106 5,667 39

Region II
2021 4,638 107 4,938 39

2020 25,093 250 38,093 194

Region III
2021 24,909 303 38,237 194

2020 31,820 194 38,151 100

Region IV (A&B)
2021 30,926 257 37,104 100

2020 7,212 12 8,914 12

Region V
2021 7,302 52 9,072 12

2020 12,442 112 17,292 34

Region VI
2021 11,521 191 17,078 34

2020 17,563 447 30,979 447

Region VII
2021 14,213 853 29,504 447

2020 4,370 188 6,482 99

Region VIII
2021 1,743 304 5,061 99

2020 2,838 44 3,807 0

Region IX
2021 1,789 42 3,561 0

2020 7,096 105 14,268 48

Region X
2021 4,718 205 12,062 48

2020 9,060 28 16,568 13

Region XI
2021 8,644 30 16,052 13

2020 5,035 53 8,966 50

Region XII
2021 5,108 117 9,399 50

2020 8,855 0 9,216 0

2021 8,758 87 9,352 0

2020 1,953 112 2,414 97

2021 1,770 127 2,227 97

© 2022, JIEMAR 61

Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Research
Vol.3 No.1 DOI: e-ISSN : 2722-8878

Appendix B: Formulas

Calculating Percentage Increase

x 100

Calculating Percentage Decrease

x 100

x 100

x 100

© 2022, JIEMAR 62

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