Class Notes

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1. Mughal decline
2. Rise of regional states
3. Absence of military technology strength and discipline
4. No idea of nationalism
5. Fragmented polity
6. Interceine internal warfare
7. Feudal polity


1. Stable polity
2. Nation state and nationalism
3. Company and state collaboration
4. Naval and military superiority
5. Administration and trade geared to the military needs
6. Driven by conservative values of imperial expansion
7. Advancement in diplomacy, military strategy and leadership
8. Policy of divide and rule



1. Education (traditional)
2. Varna - Jati order
3. Patriarchal
4. Religion and obscrutanism
5. Slavery
6. Jejimani system
7. Mental outlook constrained and limited
8. Feudal social ethos


1. Enlightenment
2. Human dignity and equality
3. Modern and progressive
4. Universities and technical schools
5. Contractual employment
6. Middle classes and working classes emergence
7. White racism and superiority complex



1. Flourishing trade and craft

2. Agricultural product export
3. State minimalistic intervention in trade (free trade)
4. Sink of precious metals
5. Cities of production like murshidabad, surat and mausula.
6. Steep inequalities
7. Presence of a thriving merchant class
8. Feudal economic model in agriculture.


1. Agricultural revolution
2. Commercial revolution
3. On verge of industrial revolution
4. Draining its gold and silver
5. Mercantilism as economic ideology
6. Huge demand for oriental products
7. Financial maturity and financial institutions presence
8. Technological advances.


1. Conservative militarism
2. Orientalism
3. Utilitarianism
4. Liberalism and free trade thinking
5. Evangelicalism
6. Anglicism
7. Racism
8. Economic ideology
9. White man’s burden (providential)

Advent of Europeans

1453 fall of Constantinople to ottoman army

Blockade of eastern commerce

Geographical explorations

1498 Vasco da Gama lands in India


1. Estado da India
2. Blue water policy (oceanic empire)
3. Forced trade
4. Cartaze system
5. Fransisco de almeida
6. Alfonso de Albuquerque


1. Focus on spice trade

2. Triangular trade
3. 1st factory mausula
4. Battle of Bedera


1. 1599 merchant adventures

2. 1600 monopoly charter
3. Capitan Hawkins failed attempt to impress Mughal Jahangir
4. Conflict with Portuguese
5. 1611 trading post in Mausula (farman from Muhammad Quli Qutub Shah)
6. 1615 Thomas roe Jahangir Farman (surat)
7. 1636 Fort St. George at Chennapatna
8. 1662 Fort St. David at Bombay
9. 1698 set up of Calcutta
10. 1717 Magna Carta from Faruksiyyar


1. Company state monopoly

2. Three Carnatic wars
3. Role of Dupliex


1. Serempore and Tranquebar

2. Evangelical work
3. No trade or conquest
4. Role in printing


1. Siraj ud daula
2. The betrayal of Plassey 1757
3. Mir kasim as new Nawab
4. Battle of Buxar 1764
5. Dual government in Bengal
6. Role of Lord Clive
7. Policy of Ring fence


1. How a departure from prevailing Indian medieval states

2. Role of Hyder Ali
3. Significance of Tipu sultan
4. The four Anglo Mysore battles
5. Reforms of Cornwallis
6. Role of Lord wellesly
7. Subsidary Alliance


1. Maratha administration and its flaws

2. The three Anglo Maratha wars
3. Warren Hastings and his Reforms


1. Rise of Punjab under Ranjit singh

2. The two Anglo sikh wars
3. Lord Dalhousie reforms and Doctrine of Lapse

Economic policies

1. Commercialization of agriculture
2. De-industrialization
3. Drain of wealth
4. Railways
5. Famines
6. Ruin of old zamindaris
7. Emergence of absentee landlordism
8. Impoverishment of pesantary

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