Bricscad Competitive Battlecard - August 2022: Overview - About Bricsys & Bricscad

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BricsCAD Competitive Battlecard | August 2022 Autodesk confidential: partner


Overview – about Bricsys & BricsCAD


• Bricsys, headquartered in Belgium, is a developer of • Cross-industry, targeting drafters and other • Strong presence in Central Europe
2D/3D CAD and BIM software. In October 2018, Bricsys users of 2D CAD • Investing and attempting to grow in
was acquired by Hexagon AB, a global industrial and • Targeting AutoCAD users that want NAMER/APAC
geospatial technology company headquartered in perpetual or MU licenses • Current base mainly small companies (<10
Sweden. • Starting to target larger enterprise seats, deals <$5K)
• BricsCAD is the name of Bricsys’s flagship CAD product customers to fill in their 2D needs as a
and their entire line of engineering design software; “good enough” CAD
it is positioned as an all-in-one design solution in
.dwg for 2D drafting, 3D modeling, mechanical design, STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES
and BIM.

• DWG interoperability (view, edit DWG files) • Limited depth & breadth of 3rd party
PRODUCTS & PRICING • Users’ knowledge of AutoCAD transfers to ecosystem, community of users (e.g. ~3x
BricsCAD (e.g. commands, scripts, LISP) fewer apps vs AutoCAD, ~2x fewer
Offering Description Subscription Perpetual
• 2D and 3D features – with strong focus on
AI and Automation (e.g. Blockify) • Lacks industry-specific toolsets, relies on
2D + 3D $590 3rd party apps at added cost to user
viewing + $314/year +$118/year • Flexible pricing & licensing (i.e. perpetual,
LISP maintenance subscription & network licensing available) • Lacks true multi-platform experience (no
BricsCAD Lite $1,150 web/mobile editing); viewing only available
• Aggressively targeting AutoCAD base with
BricsCAD Pro + 3D $615/year +$230/year via separate Bricsys 24/7 subscription
modeling maintenance marketing & influencers
• User interface is less modern, more rigid –
BricsCAD Pro $1,780 difficult to customize ribbon
+ Mechanical $950/year +$356/year
tools maintenance
BricsCAD BricsCAD Pro
$1,010/year +$378/year
BIM + BIM tools • An innovative AutoCAD alternative with fast • AutoCAD offers proven durability and file
performance, perpetual licensing options, use integrity in the 2D/3D CAD .dwg space, with
BricsCAD Pro
$2,100 of artificial intelligence and one file format market-leading reliability, accessibility,
BricsCAD + BIM + (.dwg) for 2D/3D CAD drawings and BIM models. efficiency, and unparalleled customization
$1,120/year +$420/year
Ultimate Mechanical
maintenance Since 2019, their messaging has moved from through its extensive system of third-party
direct comparisons to AutoCAD (except for developers, customization options, and the
campaigns) to an emphasis on features and AI. robust Autodesk ecosystem.
BricsCAD Competitive Battlecard | August 2022 Autodesk confidential: partner

Winning vs BricsCAD


“BricsCAD offers • AutoCAD already has the breadth and depth of features Community & • AutoCAD allows for unparalleled customization with a
more commands, that enhance productivity and are in demand by our Ecosystem community of over 2,200 third-party developers and over
variables, leads in customers. 930 ready-made apps just for AutoCAD
Automation/AI” • AutoCAD is heavily invested in ongoing performance, with
Seamless Data • Customers have the flexibility to work with data across
enhancements in 2D/3D graphics and new innovations:
’Trace,’ ‘Count,’ ‘Share,’ and ’Push to Autodesk Docs.’ Accessibility products and storage solutions, including Autodesk
solutions (Autodesk Drive and Autodesk Docs) and third-
party solutions (OneDrive, Box, Dropbox, etc.)
“BricsCAD is • BricsCAD claims to be 2x faster than AutoCAD for LISP
faster” routines; however, AutoCAD runs LISP routines in less AutoCAD on Any • AutoCAD is an integrated experience of apps that work
than 1 second. Device smoothly together across platforms; customers get the
• Some BricsCAD users experience regular crashes and familiar AutoCAD desktop app with cloud-based versions
delays, such as when opening 2018 DWG files. via AutoCAD on mobile, and AutoCAD on the web.

“BricsCAD is less • AutoCAD provides time-saving benefits & enhanced Reliability • AutoCAD has the core infrastructure, proven durability, and
expensive, offers productivity through robust, reliable software, automated file integrity for large and complex global projects, and has
perpetual industry specific toolsets & a customizable platform been in the market for 40 years.
licenses” • AutoCAD is more cost-effective when considering add-ons
that must be purchased in addition to BricsCAD: Automation & • 7 specialized industry toolsets: Architecture, Mechanical,
• Since BricsCAD offers no toolsets, users may need Efficiency Electrical, MEP, Map 3D, Plant 3D and Raster Design; these
to purchase 3rd party apps – e.g., “Civil Site Design” toolsets automate workflows, saving customers up to 55%
is an additional $1,245/year on top of BricsCAD Pro or more of their time*
• Access libraries with over 750,000 intelligent objects and
• Importing non-DWG 3D models requires purchase
of “BricsCAD Communicator” at $280/ year parts to quickly place in drawings
• Web/Mobile viewing of DWGs requires an additional
Bricsys 24/7 subscription Trusted DWG • The .dwg file format was created by Autodesk for AutoCAD,
making AutoCAD the most efficient and accurate way to edit
and view DWGs.
“BricsCAD builds • Autodesk purposefully does not “expand the DWG” with *Productivity data based on a series of studies commissioned by Autodesk to an outside consultant. The seven toolset studies compared basic AutoCAD to the
specialized toolsets within AutoCAD when performing tasks commonly done by experienced AutoCAD users. Overall productivity gain calculation based on
CAD, BIM, and file extensions, which reduces file bloat and instability. adding the completion times of specific tasks in the toolset and also in basic AutoCAD and then calculating the percent difference between the two totals
across seven studies. As with all performance tests, results may vary based on machine, operating system, filters, and even source material. While every
MCAD on the With AutoCAD, your DWGs have best-in-class fidelity, effort has been made to make the tests as fair and objective as possible, your results may differ. Product information and specifications are subject to
same DWG accuracy and performance. change without notice. Autodesk provides this information “as is,” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied.

platform & are Autodesk leverages more efficient methods to provide this
looking to extend
value within the Autodesk ecosystem: interoperability
.dwg file format. with other Autodesk products (Revit, 3ds Max, etc.). • AutoCAD 2023 vs. Competition Feature Comparison (EN-NAMER)
• AutoCAD Sales Tools: Productivity Studies
BricsCAD Competitive Battlecard | August 2022 Autodesk confidential: partner

BricsCAD - Key differences

(as of August 05, 2022*)

Specialized toolsets Each subscription gets access to seven specialized Only Mechanical toolset is available, separately, at
toolsets, built specifically for use in architecture, a subscription price of $1,290/year, or a perpetual
mechanical design, electrical engineering, plant price of $1,700 (+$425/year maintenance).
design and more.

Community and 3rd Over 930 ready-made apps just for AutoCAD, Around 375 applications created by third party
party applications developed by a community of over 2,200 third- developers to supplement BricsCAD
party developers across 85 countries.

Multiplatform Each subscription includes access to: Mobile and Web access require a separate
experience subscription to Bricsys 24/7 in addition to the
• AutoCAD on mobile: edit and access latest
BricsCAD software:
drawings at the job site or in the field.
- Mobile app and Web platform provide access to
• AutoCAD on the web: edit and access AutoCAD on
drawings, but editing is not possible.
a web browser with zero install.

Cloud storage • Two-way Integrations with OneDrive, Box, - No two- way integration with OneDrive, Box,
Dropbox, and Google Drive allow customers to Dropbox and Google Drive: any DWG opened
access any DWG file with leading cloud storage through the Web via these cloud storage
providers and open directly within them. providers will open with AutoCAD Web viewer
and not BricsCAD.
• Autodesk Drive and Autodesk Docs allows
customers to store many different file types that - Additional cloud storage and sharing capabilities
can be accessed, viewed, and used across require a separate Bricsys 24/7 subscription.
Autodesk’s ecosystem of programs.
BricsCAD Competitive Battlecard | August 2022 Autodesk confidential: partner

Choose your AutoCAD based on your needs

3D designer within Engineer, designer working

User Reviewer, light drafter Heavy 2D drafter
AEC & PDM industries on large & complex projects

2D drafting, with some 2D & 3D capability,

2D drafting, always up-to- Multi-product collaboration
Need / objective automation (efficiency for industry-specific needs,
date with no install & solving complex problems
redundant tasks) computer-led automations

Access DWGs on the Web & Mobile devices

View, annotate and share drawings

Create & edit 2D Geometry

Customize ribbon & tool palette

Attach & import data from PDFs, DGNs

Create & edit 3D models with solids,

surfaces & mesh objects

Add custom functions via third party

add-on apps and APIs

Apply & monitor CAD standards

Create realistic renderings & use point clouds

Access 7 leading industry toolsets, with

object libraries & automations

Access multiple products (e.g. Revit,

Civil3D), for BIM and other needs
Foundational Advanced automation
drafting and modelling
Autodesk, the Autodesk logo, AutoCAD, the AutoCAD logo, AutoCAD LT, and the AutoCAD LT logo, are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective
holders. Autodesk reserves the right to alter product and services offerings, and specifications and pricing at any time without notice, and is not responsible for typographical or graphical errors that may appear in this document. © 2022 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.

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