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CFAP 06: Audit, Assurance and Related Services Scope of ISA 720:

ISA 720: Other Information 1. Introduction to Other Information

Secret Sheet for Quick Revision 2. Auditor's Responsibilities regarding Other Information
(By Muhammad Asif, FCA) 3. Auditor's Course of Action if there is inconsistency
4. Drafting examples of Other Information in different situations

1. Introduction 2. Auditor's Responsibilities 4. Drafting

Definition: ① Communicate management Other Information obtained before Audit Report Other Information Some obtained
All information in Annual Report, except expectation to obtain Other Obtained after Audit before, Some
F/S and Audit Report. Information. Report (Case C) After (Case D)
② Obtain Other Information (Before
Examples: audit report, or After audit report, No Misstatement in Misstatement in Report Modified due to Report Modified due to
– Directors' Report, Chairman's Review or Some Before and Some After). Other Information Other Information misstatement in F/S, same scope limitation, same
③ Read whether it is inconsistent (Case A) (Case B) matter included in Other matter included in Other
Matters Discussed: with F/S or Auditor's knowledge. Information (Case E) Information (Case F)
– Financial Highlights (EPS, Revenue,
– Operating Highlights (units sold,
summary of locations, disclosure of new
products launched).

When not included:

– Disclaimer of opinion
– For Unlisted company, Other 3. Inconsistency b/w Other Information
information not available before report. & F/S or Auditor's Knowledge

F/S are misstated Auditor's knowledge/understanding is deficient Other Information is Misstated

(e.g. EPS) (e.g. new director) [whether financial or operational, whether error/omission/misleading]

① Discuss with Management & TCWG ① Update Undersanding Before Audit Report After Audit Report
② Modify Opinion ② Revise Risk (Ask management/TCWG to correct) (Ask management/TCWG to correct)
③ Re-evaluate effect of
uncorrected misstatements
on F/S and Report
Other Information Other Information Other Information Other Information
Corrected NOT Corrected Corrected NOT Corrected

Check correction ① Describe misstatement in – Check Correction. Take appropriate action depending on legal rights
"Other Information" section – No revision in report. and obligations e.g.
② Withdrawal or Disclaimer of – New Report
Opinion if refusal creates doubts – Communicate Shareholders
on Integrity of Management, and – Communicate Regulatory Authorities
Reliability of Evidence. – Consider implications for engagement continuance

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