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Design of a 5-Axis Fixture System

Submitted in Partial Fulllment of the Requirements of the Major Qualifying Project Program Worcester Polytechnic Institute Worcester, Massachusetts

Sponsoring Agency: Submitted to: Project Advisor: Project Liaison:

Middleton Aerospace

Dr. Yiming Rong, Department of Mechanical Eng., WPI Robert Traverdian, Middleton Aerospace John Toomey, Middleton Aerospace

Submitted by:

Brian Dorchik, Mechanical Engineering 2007 Steven Feroli, Mechanical Engineering 2007 Ryan McGlone, Mechanical Engineering 2007 Ryan McLaughlin, Mechanical Engineering 2007

27 April 2006

Design of a 5-Axis Holding Fixture

Aug 06 - May 07

The Middleton Aerospace Corporation designs and manufactures specialty aerospace parts for aircraft manufacturers. Many of the parts require sophisticated xturing in order to be machined. Middleton operates a variety of CNC machine brands all of which have differently designed tables. They needed a way of sharing the xturing systems with all of the machines. After reviewing the xtures and machines, we designed, manufactured, and tested a xturing system which would eliminate the need for different xtures for each machine.

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Design of a 5-Axis Holding Fixture

Aug 06 - May 07

Table of Contents
Abstract Table of Contents List of Tables List of Figures Executive Summary 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Background and Literature Review 2.1 5-Axis CNC Machining 2.2 Fixture Design
2.2.1 The 5 steps of xture design 2.2.2 Work Holding 2.2.3 Locating

2.3 Part Holding Methods

2.3.1 Bolting 2.3.2 Clamping 2.3.3 Ball Locks

3.0 Methods 3.1 Part Analysis 3.2 Current Fixture Analysis 3.3 Sub Plate Design 3.4 Design Analysis 4.0 Results and Analysis 4.1 Sub Plate Design
4.1.1 Dimensions 4.1.2 Material

4.2 Fixture Modications 4.3 Cost Analysis 5.0 Conclusion References Appendices Appendix A: Sponsor Description Appendix B: Project Timeline Appendix C: Part Analysis
C.1 Part 6066T50G02 C.2 Part 6057T42G02 C.3 Part 70351-38111-105 C.4 Part Comparison

Appendix D: Additional Files

i ii iii iii iv 1 2 2 5 5 13 13 14 14 15 15 17 17 18 18 18 19 21 24 24 24 25 27 28 29 29 30 31 37 38 38 38 32

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Design of a 5-Axis Holding Fixture

Aug 06 - May 07

List of Tables
Table 2.1: Run Costs 9

List of Figures
Figure 2.1: The Axis Orientations on the Cincinnati T35 Figure 2.2: T35 Pallet Figure 2.3: Degrees of Freedom & 3-2-1 Rule Figure 2.4: Machine Vice Figure 2.5: Ball Lock Locating Shank Figure 2.6: Ball Lock Linear Bushing Figure 2.7: Ball Lock Receiving Bushing Figure 3.1: Examining Current Processes Flow Diagram Figure 4.1: Fixturing System Flow Chart Figure 4.2: Proposed Sub-plate Design and Hole Pattern Figure 4.3: Sub-plate to Table Attachment Figure 4.4: Ball Lock System Figure 4.5: Fixturing System Mock-Up Exploded and Assembled View Figure 4.6: Break Even Cost Analysis of Sub-plate Design Figure B.1: Estimated Project Timeline 3 4 14 15 16 16 16 17 21 22 23 23 25 26 30

Worcester Polytechnic Institute


Design of a 5-Axis Holding Fixture

Aug 06 - May 07

Executive Summary
The Middleton Aerospace Corporation designs and manufactures specialty aerospace parts for aircraft manufacturers. They currently used two different types of 5-axis CNC milling machines, which have different work table congurations. Middleton approached WPI with the task of creating a universal xture system for their two different CNC mills. Creating a universal system would help cut down on manufacturing time and shop costs, and would allow Middleton to operate more efciently. The requirements of the system are for it to be easy to use, allow for quick change outs and be recongurable with previously made xtures. The team from WPI approached the problem by rst analyzing the current parts Middleton manufactures and the different xtures they use. After doing the analysis of the different parts and xtures the team decided the best solution to the problem would be to create a universal machine to xture interface. The team recommends creating a sub-plate for each machine table, with the mounting surfaces of both machines identical it would allow xtures for both machines to be used interchangeably. The plates should be made from A35 plate steel for its durability and ability to resist thermal contraction and expansion during the winter when the shop doors are opened and closed. There will be three sets of mounting holes at dened offset angles to prevent the xtures from being improperly loaded. The plate will be mounted to the machine table using four bolts located in the four corners. Finally, ball locks will be used to secure the xtures to the sub-plates. The use of ball locks will drastically cut down on the amount of time it takes to load xtures in and out of the machine. A preliminary cost analysis shows that if Middleton were to purchase eight plates and incorporate them into their current processes, the plates would pay for themselves in approximately four months by cutting down on the amount of shop hours required.

Worcester Polytechnic Institute


Design of a 5-Axis Holding Fixture

Aug 06 - May 07

1.0 Introduction
The Middleton Aerospace Company designs and manufactures specialty aerospace parts for aircraft manufacturers. Many of the parts are highly sophisticated and require several xtures for machining. For each operation that is performed a different xture is typically used. This means that each time an operation is complete the part, with its current xture, must be taken out of the CNC machine and re-xtured for the next operation. Middletons current problem is that they operate a variety of CNC machine brands, all of which have differently designed tables. This means that each parts system of xtures could have xtures that only t on a certain CNC machine. If that particular machine is in use or is not working, a new xture would have to be made for in order to complete the operation on a different machine. The goal of the project is to develop a way for Middleton to use all of their xtures in all of their CNC machines. In order to understand the complete manufacturing process of the parts we are dealing with, information needs to be gathered on the current parts and xturing process at Middleton. Information on the CNC machines will be gathered and the similarities and differences of the tables and xtures will be analyzed. Based on this data a new process and design will be created. Finally, we will look at the effectiveness of the proposed designs and improvements to verify that it will improve the manufacturing process. While working on this project there are a number of things we will need to overcome to complete the project. Some of these will include learning the manufacturing process at Middleton Aerospace and the processes used on the parts we are working with. We will also need tolearn and understand some of the key processes and methods used in xture design.By the completion of this project, we intend to be able to present adesign system ofxtures to Middleton Aerospace to help optimize their current processes.

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Design of a 5-Axis Holding Fixture

Aug 06 - May 07

2.0 Background and Literature Review

For this project our main focus is xture design. Much of our research has been focused a few main topics. First our research focused on CNC machining to understand the process of the machining of the part. Next, we researched methods of xture design to get an understanding of the basic principals of xture design. We also researched the varying part holding methods to actually hold the part in a xture.

2.1 5-Axis CNC Machining

Computer Numerical Control (CNC) is a computer assisted process to control general-purpose machines from instructions generated by a processor and stored in a memory system or storage media for present use as well as future use. Controlled machines by numerical command can be adapted to any kind of machine or process that requires direction by human intelligence. In this case, the project deals with 5 Axis Horizontal CNC Machining Centers. CNC is a specied form of control system where position is the principal controlled variable. Numerical values, representing desired positions of tools and symbolic information corresponding to secondary functions, are recorded in some form (tape, disk, network, etc.) where the information can be stored and revised indenitely. Hard drives, tape readers, and other converters transform this information into signals that intimately operate servo-mechanisms on each axis of the machine whose motions are to be controlled.1 Middle Aerospace Corporation currently owns and operates two 5 Axis Horizontal CNC Machining Centers, a Cincinnati T35 and a Mitsui Seiki HU-80. Five axis controls provide multiple axis-machining capabilities beyond the standard three-axis CNC toolpath movements. The simultaneous contouring axes of a ve-axes milling center include the three X, Y, and Z axes; the A axis, which is a rotary tilting of the

Madison. p. 7 2

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Design of a 5-Axis Holding Fixture

Aug 06 - May 07

spindle , or Z axis, parallel to the A axis; and the B axis, which can be a rotary index table or an additional tilting of the spindle parallel to the X axis.2 The basic units of the machine provide the following movements:
X Axis Moving column assembly for longitudinal movement Y Axis Moving carrier for vertical movement Z Axis Moving pallet for cross movement A Axis Contouring spindle for pivoting spindle about the X Axis B Axis Contouring table for rotating work piece about the Y Axis A Axis Rotary Spindle for Tool Tilt

Figure 2.1: The Axis Orientations on the Cincinnati T35

The aspect of the machining center that this project is concerned with is the xed base unit. It consists of the front base (pallet support) and the rear base (column support) units which are bolted together and supported by adjustable leveling screws. These units form a T conguration which provides direct support for all horizontal (X and Z axes) movement. The front base supports the pallet slide and integrates the cross (Z Axis) movement by means of a precision ball screw drive. The rear base supports the column,

Madison. p. 7 3

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Design of a 5-Axis Holding Fixture

Aug 06 - May 07

which is driven by a ball screw, in a direction perpendicular to the table movement to provide longitudinal (X axis) movement.

Figure 2.2: T-35 Pallet

The machines, integrated with the control, comprises the system and is referred to as a machining center. The machining center has been designed to automatically change tools for milling, drilling, tapping, boring, and reaming; in fact, performs most types of machining operations, all in one handling of the work piece.

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Design of a 5-Axis Holding Fixture

Aug 06 - May 07

2.2 Fixture Design

Before designing a proper xture, following concerns must be dealt with: the necessity of multiple xtures owing to workpiece geometry complexity, the number of workpieces per xture, the determination of suitable surfaces on the workpiece for locating and clamping, and the sequence of work holding steps. The xture conguration process would yield the following information:
Types of locators and clamps Positions of locators and clamps Clamping sequence and magnitudes of clamping forces

The detailed designs (geometry, dimensions, and tolerances) of individual workholding elements are determined by workpiece geometry, contact information (point, line, or plane contact between the locators and workpiece surfaces), expected frequency of utilization (e.g., batch production versus mass manufacturing), availibility of off-the-shelf standard device geometries, mode of operation (manual versus automatic), and nally conditions of manufacturing (clean-room versus machining with coolants) (Benhabib 2003). 2.2.1 The 5 steps of xture design By Ray Okolischan, Vice President, Carr Lane Manufacturing Co Step 1: Dene Requirments Dene the problem that needs to be solved and the needs to be met. Questions that needs to be asked:
Is the new tooling required for rst-time production or to improve existing production? If improving an existing job, is the goal greater accuracy, faster cycle times, or both? Is the tooling intended for one part or an entire family of parts?

Step 2: Gather/Analyze Information Collect all relevant data and assemble it for evaluation. The main sources of information are the part print, process sheets, and machine specications. Keep good

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Design of a 5-Axis Holding Fixture

Aug 06 - May 07

notes on all ideas, thoughts, observations, and any other data about the part or xture for later reference. 4 things that need to be taken into consideration:
Workpiece specications Size and shape of the part, accuracy required, properties of the part material, locating and clamping surfaces, and the size of the run. Operation variables type of operations required to make the part, number of operations performed, sequence of operations, inspection requirements, aand time restrictions. Availability of equipment - The tooling designer should verify what equipment will be used for each operation. Typically, equipment criteria include the following factors: types and sizes of machines, inspection equipment, scheduling, cutting tools, and plant facilities. Personnel Considerations - Fixture designers should put themselves in the machine operator's shoes and consider all the operational scenarios they can. Designers should consider not only correct usage of the xture, but also possible incorrect usage. They must ask, "Is there any way for me to hurt myself while operating this equipment?"

Step 3: Develop Several Options This phase of the xture-design process requires the most creativity. A typical workpiece can be located and clamped several different ways. The natural tendency is to think of one solution, then develop and rene it while blocking out other, perhaps better solutions. A designer should brainstorm for several good tooling alternatives, not just choose one path right away. During this phase, the designer's goal should be adding options, not discarding them. In the interest of economy, alternative designs should be developed only far enough to make sure they are feasible and to do a cost estimate. The designer usually starts with at least three options: permanent, modular, and general-purpose workholding. Each of these options has many clamping and locating options of its own. The more standard locating and clamping devices that a designer is familiar with, the more creative he can be.

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Design of a 5-Axis Holding Fixture

Aug 06 - May 07

Areas for locating a part include at exterior surfaces (machined and unmachined), cylindrical and curved exterior surfaces, and internal features (such as holes and slots). The choice of standard locating devices is quite extensive. Similarly, there are countless ways to clamp a part, using a wide array of standard clamping devices. For example, a workpiece can be clamped from the top, or by gripping its outside edge or an internal surface. For preliminary drawings of the xture, use several colored pencils. Often black is used to sketch the xture, red for the part, and blue for the machine tool. Use isometric graph paper to keep the sketch proportional. The exact procedure used to construct the preliminary design sketches is not as important as the items sketched. Generally, the preliminary sketch should start should start with the part to be xtured. The required locating and supporting elements, including a base, should be the next items added. Then sketch the clamping devices. Finally, add the machine tool and cutting tools. Sketching these items together helps identify any problem areas in the design of the complete xture. Step 4: Choose the Best Option The fourth phase of the tool-design process is a cost/benet analysis of different tooling options. Some benets, such as greater operator comfort and safety, are difcult to express in dollars but are still important. Other factors, such as tooling durability, are difcult to estimate. In analyzing xture costs, the emphasis is on comparing one method to another, rather than nding exact costs. Estimates are acceptable. Sometimes these methods compare both proposed and existing xtures, so that, where possible, actual production data can be used instead of estimates. To evaluate the cost of any workholding alternative, rst estimate the initial cost of the xture. To make this estimate, draw an accurate sketch of the xture. Number and list each

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Design of a 5-Axis Holding Fixture

Aug 06 - May 07

part and component of the xture individually. Here it is important to have an orderly method for outlining this information. For modular xtures, total component cost should be amortized over the system's typical lifetime. Although somewhat arbitrary, dividing total component cost by 100 (10 uses per year, for 10 years) gives a fair estimate. The next step is calculating the cost of material and labor for each tooling element. Once again it is important to have an orderly system for listing the data. First list the cost of each component, then itemize the operations needed to mount, machine, and assemble that component. Once those steps are listed, estimate the time required for each operation for each component, then multiply by the labor rate. This amount should then be added to the cost of the components and of the design to nd the estimated cost of the xture. The total cost to manufacture a part is the sum of per-piece run cost, setup cost, and tooling cost. Expressed as a formula:

These variables are described below with sample values from three tooling options: a modular xture, a permanent xture, and a hydraulically powered permanent xture. Run Cost. This is the variable cost per piece to produce a part, at shop labor rate (material cost does not need to be included as long as it is the same for all xturing options). In our example, run costs for the permanent and modular xtures are the same, while power workholding lowers costs by improving cycle time and reducing scrap.
Modular xture: $4.50 Permanent xture: $4.50 Permanent hydraulic xture: $3.50

Setup Cost. This is the cost to retrieve a xture, set it up on the machine, and return it to storage after use. The permanent xture is fastest to set up, the power workholding

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Design of a 5-Axis Holding Fixture

Aug 06 - May 07

xture is slightly slower due to hydraulic connections, and the modular xture is slowest due to the assembly required.
Modular xture: $240 Permanent xture: $80 Permanent hydraulic xture: $100

Lot Size. This is the average quantity manufactured each time the xture is set up. In this example, lot size is 100 for all three options. Tooling Cost. This is the total cost of labor plus material to design and build a xture. The modular xture is least expensive because components can be re-used.
Modular xture: $341 Permanent xture: $1632 Permanent hydraulic xture: $3350

Total Quantity Over Tooling Lifetime. This quantity is the lesser of 1) total anticipated production quantity and 2) the quantity that can be produced before the xture wears out. The following results are obtained by evaluating the cost-per-part formula at different lifetime quantities. For a one-time run of 100 pieces, the modular xture is clearly the most economical choice. If 10 runs (1000 pieces) are expected, the permanent xture is best. For 2500 pieces and above, the power workholding xture would be the best choice. This analysis assumes that all noneconomic factors are equal.
Permanent Hydraulic $38.00 7.85 5.84 5.17 4.84

Pieces 100 1000 2500 5000 10,000

Modular $10.31 7.24 7.04 6.97 6.93

Permanent $21.62 6.93 5.95 5.65 5.46

Table 2.1: Run Costs

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Design of a 5-Axis Holding Fixture

Aug 06 - May 07

Step 5: Implement the Design: Use standard components. The economies of standardized parts apply to tooling components as well as to manufactured products. Standard, readily available components include clamps, locators, supports, studs, nuts, pins, and a host of other elements. Most designers would never think of having the shop make cap screws, bolts, or nuts for a xture. Likewise, no standard tooling components should be made in-house. The rst rule of economic design is: Never build any component you can buy. Commercially available tooling components are manufactured in large quantities for much greater economy. In most cases, the cost of buying a component is less than 20% of the cost of making it. Labor is usually the greatest cost element in the building of any xture. Standard tooling components are one way to cut labor costs. Browse through catalogs and magazines to nd new products and application ideas to make designs simpler and less expensive. Use pre-nished materials. Pre-nished and preformed materials should be used where possible to lower costs and simplify construction. These materials include precisionground at stock, drill rod, structural sections, cast tooling sections, precast tooling bodies, tooling plates, and other standard preformed materials. Including these materials in a design both reduces the design time and lowers the labor cost. Eliminate nishing operations. Finishing operations should never be performed for cosmetic purposes. Making a xture look better often can double its cost. Here are a few suggestions to keep in mind with regard to nishing operations.
Machine only the areas important to the function and operation of the component. For example, do not machine the edges of a baseplate. Just remove the burrs. Harden only those areas of the xture subject to wear. Grind only the areas of the xture where necessary for operation.

Worcester Polytechnic Institute


Design of a 5-Axis Holding Fixture

Aug 06 - May 07

Keep tolerances as liberal as possible. The most cost-effective tooling tolerance for a locator is approximately 30% to 50% of the workpiece's tolerance. Tighter tolerances normally add extra cost to the tooling with little benet to the process. Where necessary, tighter tolerances can be used, but tighter tolerances do not necessarily result in a better xture, only a more expensive one. Simplify tooling details. Elaborate designs often add little or nothing to the function of the xture. More often, a power clamp can do the same job at a fraction of the cost. Keep the function and operation of a xture as simple as possible. The likelihood of breakdowns and other problems increases with complex designs. These problems multiply when moving parts are added to the design. Misalignment, inaccuracy, wear, and malfunctions caused by chips and debris can cause many problems in the best xture designs. Reducing design complexity also reduces misunderstandings between the designer and the machine operator. Whenever possible, a xture's function and operation should be obvious to the operator without instructions. Once sketches and the basic xture design have been completed, nal engineering drawings, also called shop prints, are used in the toolroom to build the xture. The easiest way to reduce manual drawing time is by simplifying the drawing. Words or symbols should be used in place of drawn details where practical. All extra or unnecessary views, projections, and details should be eliminated from the drawing. Drawing a complete clamp assembly, for example, adds very little to the total design. Simply showing the nose of the clamp, drawn in its proper relation to the workpiece and labeled with its part number, conveys the same information in a fraction of the time. For drawings that require more detail, use tracing templates to reduce drawing time. These templates show most standard components in several views. If necessary, they may be enlarged or reduced on a copier to any scale needed for a drawing.

Worcester Polytechnic Institute


Design of a 5-Axis Holding Fixture

Aug 06 - May 07

Once the proper tracing template is selected, simply slip it under the drawing sheet and align it with the drawing. When the template is properly positioned, tape it down and trace the component on the drawing sheet. Tracing templates save drawing time and improve the quality of the drawing. Computers are rapidly replacing drawing boards as the preferred tool for preparing engineering drawings. Almost every area of design is affected by the computer. Computers, from large mainframes to micros, are becoming standard equipment in many design departments. A standard tooling library often is used to add the xturing components and elements to the drawing. Using a standard library in designing the xture dramatically reduces drawing time. All components are drawn to full scale in a variety of views. Scaling down is best done in the nal drawing, not when storing standard-component drawings. Storing a large xture base at 1/4 scale does little good, because all components will have to be 1/4 scale to t on it. For ease of use, all components should be stored at full scale. Each component can be called up from the library and placed on the drawing where it is required. A CAD system also can be useful during the initial phase of the workholder design as numerous tooling options are developed. CAD is sometimes faster than sketching by hand, especially when detailed cost estimates are required. Once drawings have been thoroughly checked, the next step is actually building the actual xture. During the building stage, the designer should make sure the toolroom personnel know exactly what must be done when making the xture. By periodically checking with the xture builder, the designer can help eliminate any possible misunderstandings and speed the building process. If there are any difculties with the design, the designer and builder, working together, can solve the problems with a minimum of lost time.

Worcester Polytechnic Institute


Design of a 5-Axis Holding Fixture

Aug 06 - May 07

After the xture is completed and inspected, it should be tested. The xture is set up on the machine tool and several parts are run. The designer should be on hand to help solve any problems. When the xture proves itself in this phase, it is ready for production. 2.2.2 Work Holding Work holding in manufacturing is the restriction of movement of a part or work piece for the purpose of allowing a fabrication or application of an assembly process. A xture is a work holding device used in machining and assembly for securely locating and holding the work piece without providing a built-in guidance to the manufacturing tool. Fixtures, must provide maximum accuracy (including measures to prevent incorrect work holding) and be designed for ease of mounting and clamping of the work piece by humans or robots (Benhabib 2003). Design of a xture requires the examination of the work pieces geometry, the fabrication processes, and the specic machines to be used. The work pieces geometry includes the material, mechanical properties, and tolerances of the work piece. The fabrication process involves the tool paths, machining and/or assembly forces, and the environment containing the work piece. The xture must be able to hold the work piece in place while it is subjected to external forces (Benhabib 2003). 2.2.3 Locating A solid body has twelve degrees of freedom (DOF) of mobility in three-dimensional free space: six degrees of linear movement freedom along the X, Y and Z axes and six of rotational freedom along the X, Y and Z axes. The goal of a xture is to eliminate all mobility and simultaneously provide adequate support to the workpiece to counteract external forces (Benhabib 2003). The principle rule of locating a workpiece is the 3-2-1 rule. The use of six locators is enough to fully restrict a workpieces degrees of freedom. The rst location restricted is the largest plane of the workpiece, also know as the primary plane. Three locators are placed on this plane restricting X and Y rotational and Z linear motion. The second largest

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Design of a 5-Axis Holding Fixture

Aug 06 - May 07

surface, the secondary plane requires two locators eliminating Z rotational and X linear motion. The nal locator is used on the smallest surface restricting Y linear motion. The remaining degrees of freedom can be restricted by a clamping device (Drozda 1989), (Benhabib 2003).

Figure 2.3: Degrees of Freedom & 3-2-1 Rule

For the better accuracy, locators should make contact with machined parts of the workpiece. This is not always possible and placement of the locators is determined by the workpiecess stress analysis. Locators may be placed on the edge, underneath or in existing holes on the workpiece. (Boyes 1985)

2.3 Part Holding Methods

One of the major areas to consider when completing a xture design is the method in which the part is held. The xture design will specify where the part can be held, but then care needs to be taken as to the choice of the type of holding. There are varying was of part holding, and each has it own benets and drawbacks. The choice of holding methods depends on many factors including but not limited to tolerances, part material, forces on the part, and the xture design itself. 2.3.1 Bolting Bolting to the machine table is the simplest and most basic way to hold a xture or workpiece in place. Most machine tables have sets of channels cut into them that act as

Worcester Polytechnic Institute


Design of a 5-Axis Holding Fixture

Aug 06 - May 07

guides for the bolts and braces to hold the bolts in place. When a part/xture is secured using the bolting method the machine operator places the piece on the table and runs the bolts through the holes on the workpiece/xture. Then once the piece is in place the operator tightens the nuts onto the bolts with a wrench. 2.3.2 Clamping The clamping method uses vises and clamps to hold the workpiece/xture. The clamps are usually bolted down to the cutting table in the machine, and not really meant to be moved. The clamp can be tightened manually with a wrench, or can be tightened with hydraulics or pneumatics. Clamps can be made to hold many types of part/xtures (round, square and awkward shapes), and are much faster than bolting each workpiece/xture down. Restriction of movement with clamps will vary because, unlike the other methods, clamping relies heavily on friction to hold the piece in place. Unlike the other holding methods, clamping may not fully restrict movement on and about all axiss.

Figure 2.4: Machine Vice

2.3.3 Ball Locks The Ball lock system is unique, instead of having the machine operator bolt down the xture, all that is required is for the operator to place the xture into the mounts and give each lock a quarter turn with a hex wrench. The turn of the wrench forces ball bearings in the shank to press out and create tension with the receiving bushing. The use of ball locks

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Design of a 5-Axis Holding Fixture

Aug 06 - May 07

in xture design is more efcient than traditional clamping or bolting by cutting down on process time. The ball lock system has three main components:

Figure 2.5, 2.6, 2.7: Ball Lock Locating Shank, Linear Bushing, and Receiving Bushing.

The receiving bushing is mounted on the table, the linear bushing goes into the hole on the work piece/xture (to protect it from scrapes and mars) and the locating shank goes through the hole and locks into the receiving bushing.

Worcester Polytechnic Institute


Design of a 5-Axis Holding Fixture

Aug 06 - May 07

3.0 Methods
In order to development a solution for the project there are several steps that need to be taken. We will start by analyzing the parts, machining process, xtures, and tables on the CNC machines. We will then look for which aspect of the manufacturing process can be changed in order to solve this problem. Once that has been done we can do a cost analysis to see how much it will cost to solve the problem and how much money can actually be saved.

3.1 Part Analysis

Part analysis is an important rst step in the design of a xture. In our design we will rst look at many major areas of the parts we are designing xtures for. These areas include the major concepts of part geometry and machining processes. There are also many smaller areas to look at including, but not limited to: part material, mechanical properties, part tolerances, part dimensions, machine tool paths, workshop environment, and tooling and machine forces.

Examining Current Processes

Part Geometry Machining Process Fixturing



Tool Paths Clamps


Mechanical Properties


Contact Information

Forces Enviroment Clamping Areas Cleanliness




Coolant Use


Figure 3.1: Examining Current Processes Flow Diagram

Worcester Polytechnic Institute


Design of a 5-Axis Holding Fixture

Aug 06 - May 07

3.2 Current Fixture Analysis

As part of this project we would like to improve upon what Middleton Aerospace already has in use and not present any designs that may be counterproductive. We will be looking at the current operations of Middleton Aerospace for certain parts. This information will be a valuable tool in our design of a new xturing system to improve upon what Middleton has in place currently.

3.3 Sub Plate Design

Through our research we will design a new xturing system for some of the parts Middleton Aerospace produces. This system will consist of two major components, a machine table to xture interface and a xture to part interface. With this design the current CNC machines in use at Middleton with be able to have a universal t machine table. This will allow for a great increase in functionality and usability. The xture to part interface will hold the part securely while it is being machined.

3.4 Design Analysis

The xture analysis of our design will be the nal step of our project. This will include an analysis of the usability, tolerances of the part and xturing system, tool paths, and stresses on the part. The analysis will verify that the xturing system will be practical, useable, and efcient.

Worcester Polytechnic Institute


Design of a 5-Axis Holding Fixture

Aug 06 - May 07

4.0 Results and Analysis

To start we requested drawings of some typical parts that are machined at Middleton. We were given two CAD drawings of fan housings and one of a gear housing. We then looked at the drawings of the xtures that go with each of these parts. We listed the similarities and differences and matched the xtures with their respective operations. Much of this analysis can be reviewed in Appendix C. After analyzing the xtures and parts we look closely at the tables of the two different machines they are operating. Each table had the same length and width dimensions of 31.5 x 31.5 inches. The tables also have the corners removed making them the same shape. The major problem is that their interface to the xtures are very different. The top of the table is what the xture is mounted onto. The HU80 and the T-35 both use T-bolt channels to attach xtures to the tables. These channels are shaped so a T-nut will lock into the channel and not rotate. The sizes of the channels are very comparable to each other and Middleton already has the hardware for the use of the tables. The major difference in between the two tables is the orientation of these channels. On the HU80, the channels run 90 degrees from each other from the center of the table. In the center of the table is a center hole for center locating. On the T-35, the channels run parallel to each other on the face of the table. The T-35 does not have a center hole for locating but a perpendicular channel, different to the T-bolt channels, for locating. The difference in the pattern and location of these features create the need for different xtures for the different tables. Currently when a part needs to have an operation machined they pick which machine that can be use at the time to perform the operation. This depends on which machines are being used or are operational at the time. If the T-35 is being used or is not operational then the part must be machined in the HU80. Once they know which machine they will be using they must develop and build a xture for the part for that particular operation. The xture that is required for the particular operation may already be designed and built but if

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Design of a 5-Axis Holding Fixture

Aug 06 - May 07

it was originally made for the T-35 and they need to machine the part in the HU80 then a new xture must be created. This requires a lot of time and money to produce. To make a xture for aerospace parts is not an easy task. These parts are generally several feet in diameter and weight hundreds of pounds. In addition they are made of expensive materials and are highly sophisticated. When a xture is designed for a part there are many things that need to be considered. The type of material, the material removal rate, and tool paths need to be analyzed so that a xture, that will securely fasten the part to the table while the operation runs, can be created. In manufacturing, the cost of xtures must be considered when giving a customer a quote on a product, when several sets of xtures are required the cost can add up quickly. These xtures not only have to be added into the price but they also cannot be thrown out after they are done using them. The customer owns the xtures, so Middleton must store the xtures in the event they need to use them again. This takes up a lot of storage space and becomes a nuisance to move around the warehouse. Machining an aerospace part requires several xtures when working with just one style of CNC table but when more need to be created to use a different table the amount can increase drastically. Not only does this become expensive it also creates more room for errors in machining. The parts must be constantly rexured, oriented, and moved between different machines. During these processes the parts can potentially dropped, bumped, cracked, or set up incorrectly. These mistakes are always a potential no matter what your manufacturing process is but the more the parts have to be moved around and rextured the more the risk is increased for damaging them. After analyzing these problems our team could see that many of these problems were stemming from the fact that the machines had different style tables. If Middletons 5-axis CNC machines had similar tables the amount of xtures required would drastically reduce. When the T-35 was in use they could switch to the HU80 and still use the same xtures. The amount of xtures in the warehouse and shop would be reduced. Now time will not be wasted moving heavy xtures around. The risk of damaging the parts would go down
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Design of a 5-Axis Holding Fixture

Aug 06 - May 07

because the parts would be handled less and there would be less chance of a part being mis-xtured. The results of using this system can be seen below in gure 4.1.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Fixture 1

Fixture 2
Ease of Use

Fast Changeovers


HU80 5-axis Mill

Cinn T35 5-axis Mill

Figure 4.1: Fixturing System Flow Chart

4.1 Sub Plate Design

The xture is located and attached on the sub plate in three ways. The rst is to ensure the xture is located in the center of the table/sub plate. This is done by using the already existing center locators on the current xtures. The center locators differ in size but sleeves can be added to the sub plate to guarantee a proper t and true center positioning. The largest center locator is 1.968 in. in diameter. The other method is rotational locating. This is done by placing a locating hole on the sub plate for proper loading. The employee loading the xture and part would only have to align the rotational locator to a hole in the xture. This locator is the second fail safe for proper loading. The xture is then bolted to the sub plate using the designed hole pattern. The xture system is attached to the sub plate to the designed hole pattern. The designed hole pattern is in the 0-105-135 orientation to ensure proper loading of the xture every time. The designed hole pattern is the third and nal fail safe for proper
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Design of a 5-Axis Holding Fixture

Aug 06 - May 07

loading. The designed hole pattern will also eliminate all mobility and simultaneously provide adequate support to the workpiece to counteract external forces (Benhabib 2003). The hole pattern can be seen in Figure 4.2.

Figure 4.2: Proposed Sub-plate Design and Hole Pattern

The sub plate was designed to bolt to the table in four corner locations using four -13 Bolts and T-nuts as seen in Figure 4.3 on the following page. The sub plate is designed to be the same dimensions as the table. To secure the sub plate to the table it needs to be aligned over the edges of the machine table and in the proper orientation to correlate to what the machine programing requires. The sub plate is then bolted down to the machine table using the four bolt holes in the sub plate and t-channel nuts.

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Design of a 5-Axis Holding Fixture

Aug 06 - May 07

Figure 4.3: Subplate to Table Attachment

To secure the xtures to our sub-plate we will be using a ball lock system, manufactured by Carr Lane. There are two different mounting options for the receiving bushings in the system we will be using, face-mount and back-mount. The face-mount bushings are installed from the top of the plate into a counter bored hole. Within the main hole will be three small threaded holes for the bushing to bolt into. The back mount holes are installed from the bottom of the plate into a slip-t bored . Our design uses the facemount bushings installed in the top of the subplate. The bushing system is shown in Figure 4.4.

Figure 4.4: Ball Lock System

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Design of a 5-Axis Holding Fixture

Aug 06 - May 07

Each bushing must be installed approximately .012 inches below the top of the sub plate. Depending on the length and type of locating shank used, each ball lock will be able to produce between 750 and 20,000 pounds of holding force. The locating shanks can accommodate up to a two inch thick xture. However; if the xture is thicker than two inches, the holes can be counter bored to the proper depth. 4.1.1 Dimensions The designs of both the sub plate for the HU80 and T35 were size to correspond to the same size of the machine tables. This eliminates many design considerations in the machine due to clearances in interference with the machine itself. The thickness of the sub plate was designed to be four inches, as requested by Middleton Aerospace. We felt that this was unnecessarily high and recommended that a height of two inches would be sufcient. Two inches would give enough room to install the ball locks and there would be enough material to support any xture while not restricting the lock out dimensions of the machines. 4.1.2 Material There are many different types of materials that we could choose from for the subplate. After making visits to the machine shop and asking several questions we feel that A36 commercial plate steel should be used. Plate steel is a strong durable material that can be purchases in a variety of thicknesses. One of the biggest reasons why we chose it was the fact that the temperature in the shop changes drastically when loading doors are opened and closed in the winter. This can cause some metals, such as aluminum, to contract and expand. Steels temperature can change within our limits and not deform. If we chose a material that could deform it would make loading and unloading very difcult. It could also effect machining if a part was left on the plate while it deformed and then machining resumed.

4.2 Fixture Modications

As part of our design, modications will need to be done to the xtures currently in use at Middleton. Each xture will need three holes through the base of the xture and
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Design of a 5-Axis Holding Fixture

Aug 06 - May 07

liner bushings installed in each hole. There is enough material on all xtures for these modications to take place. After the modications are complete, the nal system will look like Figure 4.5. In Figure 4.5, a pseudo xture is used to show the practicality of the system.

Figure 4.5: Fixturing System Mock-Up Exploded and Assembled View

4.3 Cost Analysis

The approximate cost of sub-plate construction for Middleton Aerospace including necessary machining and ball lock system is $3200 per plate if it were made in house. This cost is based on a ratio of 1 minute of labor = 1 inch of cutting. Cutting 1 inch of metal does not take 1 minute but this ratio will make up for the time it takes to load, unload, draw out, and measure the material. Time was added for grinding of the top of the plate to ensure it is even and drilling time for the holes. Middleton requires construction of eight (8) plates. As shown in gure 4.6 on the next page, it is projected that Middleton Aerospace will regain the cost of implementing the system in as little as four months.
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Design of a 5-Axis Holding Fixture

Aug 06 - May 07

Figure 4.6: Break Even Cost Analysis of Sub-plate Design

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Design of a 5-Axis Holding Fixture

Aug 06 - May 07

5.0 Conclusion
The proposed xturing system has been presented to Middleton Aerospace Corporation and they are very pleased. They have plans to implement our designs into their shop as soon as possible These designs will allow for faster load and unload times and cut down on the number of man hours required on each operation. These changes fulll a signicant demand from Middleton Aerospaces customers to produce a large volume of parts while also maintaining quality and lowering prices.

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Design of a 5-Axis Holding Fixture

Aug 06 - May 07

Benhabib, B (2003). Manufacturing-Design, Production, Automation AND Integration. Marcel Dekker, New York, New York. Boyes, William E (1982). Jigs and Fixtures. Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Marketing Services Dept., Dearborn Mich. Cincinnati T35 Specications and Manuals. Drozda, Tom. (1989). Jigs and Fixtures. Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Publications Development Dept., Dearborn Mich. Nee, A. Y.C. & Ong, S.K. (2001). Intelligent Set-Up Planning Systems for Parts Production in Manufacturing Systems. Chapter 5. Obtained Electronically: ejournals/search/. Madison, James. CNC Machining Handbook. Industrial Press. Inc. p. 5. September 1, 1996.

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Design of a 5-Axis Holding Fixture

Aug 06 - May 07

Appendix A: Sponsor Description
Middleton Aerospace Corp. 206 S. Main St. Middleton, MA 01949 Phone: (978)774-6000 Fax: (978)777-5640 Middleton Aerospace Co. manufactures critical rotating and non-rotating parts for major engine builders in the United States as well as for a number of the world's armed forces. The company applies the latest CAD/CAM technology, is ISO 9002 certied and retains Mil-9858 and AQAP-4 approvals, to meet the stringent demands of its customers. Employing approximately 125 people, Middleton manufactures both prototype and production parts, using numerically controlled machines, and can turn, mill and grind parts as large as 60 inches in diameter. Middleton is known as a world class manufacturer of aircraft engine cases and frames. They have also established themselves as a state of the art producer of complex shafts for aircraft engines. Their new exible manufacturing Cell for shafts opened in 1997, in Peabody Ma., is creating great interest from many customers.

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Design of a 5-Axis Holding Fixture

Aug 06 - May 07

Appendix B: Project Timeline

Project Timeline
Sep-06 General Project Definition Background Research Technical Machine Analysis Part Analysis Fixture Analysis Machine Fixture Design Part Fixture Design Fixtured Design Analysis Report Introduction Background Methods Results Conclusion References Executive Summary Poster Oct-06 Nov-06 Dec-06 Jan-07 Feb-07 Mar-07 Apr-07

Figure B.1: Estimated Project Timeline

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Design of a 5-Axis Holding Fixture

Aug 06 - May 07

Appendix C: Part Analysis

Removed for security reasons, please contact the authors for more information.

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Design of a 5-Axis Holding Fixture

Aug 06 - May 07

Appendix D: Additional Files

The following additional electronic les are also included as part of this project:
carrlane-20blrc-default.prt carrlane-20bls100-def-793238418.prt carrlane-20bls100-default_2_ass.prt carrlane-20bls100-default_20bls.prt carrlane-20bls100-default_14201.prt carrlane-20bls100-default_mball.prt carrlane-50bls200-default_2_ass.prt carrlane-50bls200-default_mball.prt cinasm.asm cincytnut.prt cintable2.prt xturemqp.prt hu80asm.asm hu80bolt275.prt hu80sub2in1-2-13.prt hu80table.prt subplateand20balllock.asm t35sub2in-1-2-13.prt

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