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Blockchain is a peer-to-peer _____________ distributed ledger technology

that makes the records of any digital asset transparent and unchangeable.

A. Decentralized
B. Demanding
C. Secure
D. Popular

Answer: A) Decentralized

2. Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency, which is an application of Blockchain.

A. True
B. False

Answer: A) True

3. Blockchain can perform user transactions without involving any third-

party intermediaries.

A. With the help of the third party

B. Without involving any third party
C. Without involving any owned
D. Without involving any authenticated

Answer: B) Without involving any third party

4. What does P2P stand for?

A. Peer to Peer
B. Product to Product
C. Password to Password
D. None of the above

Answer: A) Peer to Peer

5. Blockchain has ____ versions.

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

Answer: B) 3

6. Who introduced the digital online cryptocurrency known as Bitcoin?

A. Satoshi Nakamoto
B. Nick Szabo
C. Wei Dai
D. Hal Finney

Answer: A) Satoshi Nakamoto

7. A blockchain enables peer-to-peer transfer of digital currency without

any intermediaries such as banks.

A. False
B. True

Answer: B) True

8. Did Blockchain enable a centralized or a decentralized system for the

exchange of value?

A. Decentralized
B. Centralized
C. None of the above
D. Can't say

Answer: A) Decentralized

9. What does a block in a Blockchain have?

A. Header & Digital ledger

B. Bitcoins & Input
C. Transactions & Bitcoins
D. Header & Transaction
Answer: D) Header & Transaction

10. What is the genesis block?

A. Any block created by the founder

B. The last block created in the Blockchain
C. The first block of a Blockchain
D. The first transaction in each block

Answer: C) The first block of a Blockchain

11. What is Blockchain?

A. A currency
B. A ledger
C. A type of currency
D. A distributed ledger on a peer-to-peer network

Answer: D) A distributed ledger on a peer-to-peer network

12. Bitcoin is based on _________ blockchain.

A. Private
B. Public
C. Public Permissioned
D. Permissioned

Answer: B) Public

13. BATM stands for _____.

A. Bounded access transaction machine

B. Broadcast ATM
C. Bitcoin ATM
D. Blockchain ATM

Answer: C) Bitcoin ATM

14. What is a DApp?

A. A type of cryptocurrency
B. A condiment
C. A type of blockchain
D. A decentralized application

Answer: D) A decentralized application

15. Which is/are the applications of Blockchain?

A. Cross-border payments
B. Anti-money laundering tracking system
C. Supply chain and logistics monitoring
D. All the above

Answer: D) All the above

16. What is a smart contract?

A. Programs stored on a blockchain that run when predetermined conditions

are met
B. Online contract
C. Digital contract
D. All the above

Answer: A) Programs stored on a blockchain that run when predetermined

conditions are met

17. Blockchain is a ______ ?

A. Push technology
B. Pull technology
C. Both push and pull technology
D. None of the above

Answer: A) Push technology

18. What is a miner?

A. A type of blockchain
B. An algorithm that predicts the next part of the chain
C. A person doing calculations to verify a transaction
D. Computers that validate and process blockchain transactions

Answer: D) Computers that validate and process blockchain transactions

19. Where is a Blockchain’s central server?

A. Where the blockchain is created

B. Located with the owner of the server
C. There is no central server, it is distributed
D. Ordered Node

Answer: C) There is no central server, it is distributed

20. Blockchain does not provide?

A. Security
B. Immutability
C. Fault tolerance
D. Fast transaction time

Answer: D) Fast transaction time

21. Bitcoin is created by ______.

A. Saifedean Ammius
B. Satoshi Nakamoto
C. Vitalik Buterin
D. None of these

Answer: B) Satoshi Nakamoto

22. Decentralized blockchains are immutable?

A. True
B. False
C. Can be true or false
D. Cannot say
Answer: A) True

23. A blockchain is a type of?

A. Object
B. Database
C. Table
D. View

Answer: B) Database

24. What does UTXO stand for?

A. Unspent Trade Offer

B. Unspent Transaction xeroxed Output
C. Unique Transaction Offer
D. Unspent Transaction Output

Answer: D) Unspent Transaction Output

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