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The RecSports Participant Handbook will govern all aspects of play not considered playing rules of the
sport. Participants are expected to follow the Handbook rules of conduct as well as the sport-specific
rules outlined below. The Handbook is available at Key Handbook items include:
• Registration & Payment – Handbook pg. 7
• Captain Responsibilities – Handbook pg. 9
• Team Name Requirements – Handbook pg. 10
• Playoff Requirements – Handbook pg. 12
• Default/Forfeit Instructions and Consequences – Handbook pg. 14
• Participant Eligibility/ID Requirements – Handbook pg. 15
• Adding Players to Roster/Participation Limits – Handbook pg. 18
• Team/Participant Conduct – Handbook pg. 21
• Nexus Policies –

Schedules for league play are posted online through

All games will be played at the Wellness Center Esports Nexus, or at remote locations.

Please feel free to contact UND Esports Nexus staff with any questions or concerns.

Mike Wozniak Coordinator of Campus 701-777-3256 [email protected]

Sebastien Reese Program Manager 701-777-0212 [email protected]
Wellness Center 701-777-9355
• All Weapons / Agents / Abilities are allowed unless currently disabled in Ranked Play.
• Maps will be decided randomly or by community vote.
o Maps must be in the current Ranked Pool.
• Teams will be randomly created by Nexus staff.
o Players will not be able to switch teams once the tournament has begun.
• If registration is team-based, scoring will run as follows:
o At the end of each match, the winning team will submit a screenshot of the match in the
Discord thread for the tournament.
▪ You must include the following information in the screenshot.
• Player Names
• Score of the match
• AVG Combat Score
• Econ Rating
• First Bloods
• Plants / Defused
• And the Date / Time the game was played
o Tournament format will be double elimination.
▪ Depending on the total number of teams there will either be a best-of-3 round
system, or single elimination.
▪ We may also change the round system from single elimination to best-of-3 in
later rounds (i.e., semifinals, finals).
o Scoring for the teams will be the following:
▪ First Place – Whichever team places first in the main bracket
▪ Second Place – Whichever team places second in the main bracket
▪ Third Place – Whichever team loses in the loser’s bracket finals.
• If registration is player-based, scoring will run as follows:
o Number of matches will be determined at the start of the tournament based on the
number of registered players.
o Teams will be randomly created with registered players.
▪ Players may play on a different team each round to ensure that all players have
the same number of matches played.
o All Games will be played in unrated and at the end of the match points will be assigned
▪ Kills = 2 points
▪ Assist = 1 point
▪ Highest Combat score = 2 points
▪ Highest KD = 2 points
▪ Lowest Deaths = 2 Point
o 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places will be awarded based on final scores at the end of all matches.

• Bad manner: Players who excessively BM or have poor sportsmanship as determined by
Wellness staff will receive a warning.
o This includes behavior towards other players or Nexus staff.
o This also includes trolling or intentionally throwing the game, and excessive
o Another instance beyond that warning will result in removal from the tournament.
• Any instance of cheating will result in an immediate removal from the tournament. Cheating
includes but is not limited to:
o Teaming
o Using voice or text chat to give hints
o Hacking
o Ghosting
o Stream sniping
o Use of a 3rd party program that gives one player an unfair advantage over another.

• All officials’ calls are final!
• Teams must report their own scores by sending the results of their game through the UND
Nexus Discord.
• This must contain a screenshot of the end screen
• Discords may only be populated by the players playing during the games.
• All players must use the UND Discord.
• Teams that utilize the Nexus must adhere to Nexus policies.
• After each game please try to leave as quickly as possible so that the next teams can get ready.
• Rules are subject to change at the discretion of the Wellness & Health Promotion staff.

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