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Secrets of the

A Sourcebook by Monte Cook

If you’ve read the Ptolus book, then you know all

about the Delver’s Guild, a group that brings
adventurers together to exchange information
about the Dungeon below the city, as well as
useful resources in the city proper and even
potential missions. But the Delver’s Guild
has become even more than that.
For a year leading up to the release of Ptolus, game
designer Monte Cook wrote a short article every
week to post on a website just for customers
who had preordered the book. The articles were
brand-new material for the city: NPCs, deities,
locales, creatures, and the like.
We called this website “the Delver’s Guild,” as the
site brought Ptolus fans together to discover new
resources just as its namesake organization did for
adventurers. And now, long after the debut of
Ptolus, the Secrets of the Delver’s Guild are finally
revealed! In these 76 pages you’ll find all the
material from the Delver’s Guild website just waiting
to be introduced to your Ptolus Campaign.

©2007 Monte J. Cook

Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons®
Third Edition Core Books, published by
Wizards of the Coast®

Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, and Wizards of the Coast are registered
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Sword & Sorcery is a
trademark of White Wolf Publishing. Malhavoc is a registered
trademark of Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.

A Sourcebook By
PDF Version 1
March 2007 MONTE COOK

■ Introduction:
Welcome, Delvers!
Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
The Delver’s Guild Office . . . . . .5
First Impressions . . . . . . . . . .5
Gorti Jurgen . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Ollan Navarish . . . . . . . . . . .6

■ Chapter 1: Deities Durambor Headquarters . . . . . .17 Eyvind and Ssethenus, Tyrants .36
The 24 Gods of the Hours . . . . .8 Ged’s Cabinets . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 The Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
The Saga of Father Claw and The Green Mews . . . . . . . . . . . .20 The Lizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
Ni-Gorth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 The Lorn Tower . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Glory, Smuggler . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
Sidebar: 22 Temple Ideas . . . . .10 The Old Goose . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Josiah Crand, Advocate of Light .39
Gaen and Mirresh . . . . . . . . . . .11 The Pointy Hat . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Kabel Dathimol, Knight . . . . . .40
Goddess of Light . . . . . . . . .11 St. Laphest’s Open Arms . . . . . .25 Koban, Hunter of the Night . . .41
Goddess of Laughter . . . . . . .11 Steampump Station 17 . . . . . . .26 Lothao Valinth, Doraedian
Prustan Deities . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Temple of Phoeboul . . . . . . . . .27 Mythlord’s Aide . . . . . . . . . . . .42
Kran, Goddess of Faults . . .12 Information Panel: The Secret Nevin Keastal, Gambler . . . . . .44
The Iron God . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Citation War . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Nupe Skoyter and Taladil,
The Winter Lyehouse . . . . . . . .29 Chaos Cultists . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45
■ Chapter 2: Locales The Brat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45
Crypts of the Nobility . . . . . . . .14 ■ Chapter 3: The Streetwalker . . . . . . . . .45
Abanar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Nonplayer Characters Using These Chaos Cultists .46
Dallimothan . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Aden and Ettista, Pharis Noldstrom,
Erthuo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 the Night Fairies . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Commissar’s Man . . . . . . . . . . .47
Kath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Camrich Rowe, Mage-Spy . . . . .32 The River Snakes . . . . . . . . . . . .48
Khatru . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Denoss Firth, Lawyer Sesthesh, Taerai, and Lyestri,
Nagel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 to the Wealthy . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Escaped Slaves . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
Rau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Doleen Kafter, Sintrik the Scourge . . . . . . . . . .52
Sadar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Scribe of Heroes . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Testhan Jomarth, Arena Healer .53
Shever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Durther Greyfist and the Yula Falass, Security Specialist .54
Vladaam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Bridge of Ard Chorend . . . . . . .35 New Spells . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55

■ Chapter 4: New Template: Soulshade . . . . .66

Tips, Tales, and Treasures Sample Soulshade . . . . . . . . .66
Vertical Ptolus . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57 Creating a Soulshade . . . . . .67
Language Origins . . . . . . . . . . .58 New Monster: Tenebraccus
Dwarvish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58 (Demon of Darkness) . . . . . . . .68
Elvish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58 New Item: Mora . . . . . . . . . . . .69
Litorian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58 New Weapon: Steam Pistol . . . .70
Nallish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58 Variants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70
Palastani . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58 “Adventure Tours” . . . . . . . . . .71
Prustan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58 Thunder-Perfect Mind . . . . . . . .72
Rhothan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58 Tenets of the Belief System . .72
Ren Tehoth . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59 Role of the Avedras . . . . . . .73
The South . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59 Ten Starting Campaign This sourcebook is for use with Ptolus:
Uraq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59 Scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74 Monte Cook’s City by the Spire.
Ancient Westron . . . . . . . . . .59 1. The Long Delay . . . . . . . .74
Dungeon Dressing: The Extra- 2. Mistaken Identity . . . . . . .74
3. Wanted: Adventurers . . . .74
Added Touch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60
Personal Belongings . . . . . . .60 4. Two Groups . . . . . . . . . . .74 WRITING:
Fixed Dungeon Dressing . . .60 5. Lost Child . . . . . . . . . . . .74 Monte Cook
Furnishings . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 6. In God’s Name . . . . . . . . .74
Miscellaneous Stuff . . . . . . .61 7. Rejection . . . . . . . . . . . . .74
Ptolus-Specific Treasures . . . . . .62 8. Tavern Brawl . . . . . . . . . .75 Sue Weinlein Cook
More Treasures . . . . . . . . . .63 9. A Friend in Need . . . . . . .75 COVER ART:
Printing and Books in Ptolus . . .64 10. Strange Noises . . . . . . . .75
Todd Lockwood and Howard Lyon
New Book: Blood of the
Vampire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64 ■ Appendix CARTOGRAPHY:
Random Books in the City . .65 Open Game License . . . . . . . . .76 Ed Bourelle

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Some portions of this book which are Open Game Content originate from the System Reference Document and are Sean K Reynolds, and Keith Strohm
©1999–2007 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. The remainder of these Open Game Content portions of this book is hereby
added to Open Game Content and if so used, should bear the COPYRIGHT NOTICE “Secrets of the Delver’s Guild ©2007 SPECIAL THANKS:
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Check out Sword & Sorcery online at <> and Ptolus online at <>. design; and to our customers, for ask-
ing for this book.

If you’ve read the Ptolus book, then you know all about the Delver’s Guild. It’s a group that allows adventurers
to band together to exchange information about discoveries in the Dungeon below the city, as well as facts
about useful resources in the city proper and even potential missions, both within and below Ptolus.
But, what you may not know, is that the Delver’s Guild has become even more than that.

PTOLUS ONLINE! uring the year leading up to the release of Ptolus, I wanted to give back a little something
to the many people who had demonstrated their faith in the project by preordering the
If you like discovering all-new book. I wanted to help them grow to love the city as I did, even before they could dive
material and ideas to add to your into the book itself. So I wrote a short article every week, and we posted it on a website where
Ptolus Campaign, this book is a everyone who had preordered could access it. The articles were all designed to fit seamlessly into
great place to start. But once the city of Ptolus. They were not previews from the book but brand-new material. Some of the
you’ve exhausted its contents, get pieces took the form of additional nonplayer characters (NPCs), locations, creatures, and similar
online for even more cool new ideas things relevant to the members of the Delver’s Guild organization in Ptolus, while other install-
and source material created ments elaborated on NPCs, locations, and other items mentioned in the book only briefly.
by the Ptolus fan community. Regardless, every Tuesday there would be something new for readers to discover.
We called this website “the Delver’s Guild.” It seemed fitting—the site allowed fans of Ptolus to
You can find the official Ptolus band together to discover new resources and treasures in much the same way that its namesake
forums at the “Okay, Your Turn” organization provided for adventurers. As the months passed, fifty-three new entries made their
message boards on ezboard. Visit way online, ceasing only after the release of the book itself.
<> and click Now we fast forward to 2007, more than six months after the debut of Ptolus. Readers of the
on “Forums” to get there. It’s a official Ptolus message board forums continue to make reference to the Delver’s Guild material
great place to brainstorm ideas, and work it into their campaigns. These characters, locales, and more are becoming every bit as
post your campaign journals, vital to people’s games as those that actually appear in the book. So, we thought it was about
and lots more. time to let those who discovered Ptolus only after its publication get in on this once privileged
Finally, don’t miss the “Delver’s Thus was born Secrets of the Delver’s Guild. In these pages, you’ll find all the material that
Square” fan site, which boasts comprised the Delver’s Guild exclusive website, complete with topical illustrations from the Big
lots of updates featuring all- Book. The chapters here cover new deities, locales, nonplayer characters, and much more—all just
new material on a regular waiting to be introduced to your Ptolus Campaign.
basis. Check out the site at So now, after more than a year since this material first appeared, the secrets are finally out!
<>. Whether it’s your first time reading these campaign enhancements or if you’re only reviewing
material you discovered while awaiting the arrival of the Big Book, I hope you enjoy these addi-
tions to the City of Ptolus.


The Delver’s Guild is one of the most powerful and prominent guilds in the city. It offers its members information about
job opportunities and events pertaining to the exploration of regions below Ptolus, which many call the Dungeon.
It also maintains the city’s most extensive collection of maps of the underground areas and an impressive
library for research. Most active adventurers in the city belong to the Delver’s Guild. . . .

efore we get into all the new deities, The purpose of the Delver’s Guild is to organize Delver’s Guild: Ptolus, page 108
locales, NPCs, and more, we offer a brief and empower explorers who seek to plumb the
introduction to the Delver’s Guild, the depths of ‘the Dungeon.’ The Dungeon? That’s Dungeon: Ptolus, page 415
organization of adventurers in Ptolus from which just our name for all the various subterranean Ghul: Ptolus, page 486
this book takes its name. In particular, we detail a regions below Ptolus, whether they be natural
couple members of the Delver’s Guild staff, using caverns or part of the network of tunnels and Dwarvenhearth: Ptolus,
the same stat block format that you see in the chambers created more than a thousand years page 460
Ptolus book. ago by the Half God, Ghul. Intimidating? It Banewarrens: Ptolus, page 419
doesn’t have to be—not with the Delver’s Guild
THE DELVER’S GUILD OFFICE on your side. Undercity Market: Ptolus,
The guild office is located just off the main sur- “Oh yes, technically ‘the Dungeon’ also covers page 423
face entrance to the Undercity Market. This is areas like Dwarvenhearth and the Banewarrens,
where members interact with guild representa- but I think we’re getting ahead of ourselves. Library and Maproom: Ptolus,
tives, and newcomers discover information about “One of the most interesting and valuable serv- page 322
the guild and memberships. While information ices we offer Dungeon explorers, whom we call
about the office and the guild in general is avail- delvers, is an extensive library and maproom
able in the Ptolus book, this introduction offers a cataloging the various regions that our members
great deal more about two important figures in have explored so far. These facilities are located
the office, Gorti Jurgen and Ollan Navarish. in Oldtown and are open to members of all
FIRST IMPRESSIONS “Yes, we offer three levels of membership.
Upon entering the Delver’s Guild office, a new- Since you are new, the only levels available to you
comer is bound to be approached in short order are associate guildsman, or—for slightly higher
by the manager of the facility, a pleasing-looking yearly dues—guildsman. Later on, however, you’ll
human woman of middle years. But be warned: qualify for the master delver and perhaps even
She likes to talk. the grand master levels. One interesting thing you This carved wooden sign hangs
“Welcome to the Delver’s Guild. I can see that might consider is that at the master delver level above the door to the guild’s
you’re new here. Are you interested in joining? and above, we offer retrieval insurance, should Undercity office.

Other Skills: Craft (trapmaking) +9, Diplomacy

+9, Forgery +3, Gather Information +7,
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +9, Knowledge
(local) +8, Profession (administrator) +9,
Sleight of Hand +5, Survival +3.
Crucial Feats: Quick Draw.
Other Feats: Alertness, Weapon Finesse.
Possessions: +1 studded leather armor, master-
work short sword (concealed—Search DC
17), masterwork daggers (3, concealed
[Search DC 19]); potions of bear’s endurance,
invisibility, and see invisibility, gold ring
(worth 50 gp), thieves’ tools, master delver
lapel pin, 55 gp.

Ollan Navarish stands a bit more than six and a
half feet tall and possesses a powerful physique
despite the fact that he is fifty-four years old.
Having lived a hard life, he now spends his days
The Dungeon below Ptolus can you come to an untimely end while exploring. The providing security for the Delver’s Guild main
be a dangerous and bewildering money in the insurance plan goes to pay a office. Once a well-known (if unpopular) face in
place. Wise adventurers start retrieval team to bring back your remains. the Arena, Ollan can be cruel at times, but such
out with guild maps—and “So what level of membership would you like behavior usually comes from his lack of careful
even retrieval insurance. to start with today?” thought and some lack of empathy.
Ollan is not particularly bright, and he possess-
GORTI JURGEN es few social skills. Years of combat in the Arena
Arena: Ptolus, page 315 Gorti Jurgen is the Delver’s Guild’s chief represen- have left him with multiple scars that cover his
tative in the Undercity office. Gorti is a pleasant, face, arms, and chest. Ollan has never married. He
attractive middle-aged woman with short blond is infatuated with the slightly younger Gorti, who
The Guildmaster Delver is hair who dresses smartly and always carries a pad is aware of his feelings but attempts to ignore
Sorum Dandubal (male human of paper and an ink pen. She greets every member them as well as his clumsy attempts to win her
expert4/fighter4). and potential member, every situation and prob- favor.
lem, with a smile and an indefatigable optimism.
She and her staff handle new memberships, mem- Ollan Navarish
ber questions and concerns, and other administra- Male human (Lawful Neutral)
Warrior7 CR 6
tive details. Gorti answers directly to the
HD 7d8+21 hp 60
Guildmaster Delver.
Init +4 Speed 20 feet
Although she sometimes seems a bit aloof, AC 15 (+5 armor), touch 10, flat-footed 15
Gorti is simply very focused on her work. She was BAB/Grapple +7/+10
married, but her husband—a laborer—was killed Attack +12 melee (1d12+5, greataxe) or
years ago while working to clear an unstable, col- +8 ranged (1d8+3, longbow)
lapsed passage off the Undercity Market. They Full Attack +12/+7 melee (1d12+5, greataxe) or
had no children, and now her work is her life. +8/+3 ranged (1d8+3, longbow)
Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +5
Gorti Jurgen Str 16, Dex 11, Con 16, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 6
Female human (Neutral Good) Crucial Skills: Intimidate +2.
Expert4/Rogue1 CR 4 Other Skills: Climb +5, Knowledge (dun-
HD 4d6-8 + 1d6–2 hp 14 geoneering) +2.
Init +3 Speed 30 feet Crucial Feats: Power Attack.
AC 17 (+3 Dex, +4 armor), touch 13, Other Feats: Improved Initiative, Iron Will,
flat-footed 14 Weapon Focus (greataxe).
Gorti supervises the office’s BAB/Grapple +2/+2 Possessions: Masterwork chainmail armor,
fifteen staff members. For Attack/Full Attack +7 melee (1d6, short sword), +1 greataxe, potion of cure moderate wounds,
more details on the facilities, or +7 ranged (1d4, dagger) masterwork mighty longbow (+3), arrows
see Ptolus, page 424. Fort –1, Ref +6, Will +6 (24), 50 feet of hemp rope, backpack, spikes
Str 10, Dex 17, Con 7, Int 15, Wis 15, Cha 14 (5), mallet, climber’s kit, guildsman lapel
Languages: Common, Dwarvish, and Elvish. pin, 71 gp.
Crucial Skills: Bluff +4, Disable Device +6,
Escape Artist +5, Hide +7, Listen +4,
Search +9, Sense Motive +6, Spot +4.

Chapter 1:

Chapter 4: Cosmology and Religion in the Ptolus book includes a lengthy list of the gods still worshipped or
remembered throughout the Empire of Tarsis, of which Ptolus is a part. When writing entries for the online
Delver’s Guild, I had a good time choosing some of these deities and expanding on their brief writeups.

he topic of religion, of course, is very even have both at once, comparing and contrast- Check out the description of the
important to the Ptolus setting and to ing the two approaches. That’s what I did in my Temple of Phoeboul in the
divine spellcasters in particular. When campaigns. Locales chapter, page 27.
designing the Big Book, I tried to do something a You won’t find much expansion on the
bit different with the concept, however. The Lothianite faith in this chapter (but check out St.
world’s most popular roleplaying game, histori- Laphest’s Open Arms charity in the Locales
cally, has always pulled in two different directions chapter). Instead, what you’ll find is additional
on the topic of religion. On the one hand, clerics histories and descriptions of some other gods,
have been portrayed mainly as medieval Christian many of them quite ancient. And many of them
priests or religious knights. On the other hand, of personal interest to the players in my Ptolus
the game has long been a place of multiple pan- Campaign. The legend of Father Claw and Ni-
theons and a plethora of gods, either from the Gorth, for example, factored into my game from
real world or simply made-up fantasy deities. In the start, as one of the PC clerics—Sister Mara—
this way both monotheism and polytheism seem had run afoul of the minions of the dragon god
very true to the Core Rules. in her backstory. Another character, Shurrin
So in Ptolus, as well, we have both. The Delano, decided to become a cleric of Mirresh
Church of Lothian is the “official” religion of the and delighted in throwing neighborhood parties
Empire of Tarsis. It’s a very Roman Catholic-like to advance happiness and laughter. (Later he Church of Lothian: Ptolus,
church, and virtually monotheistic. A little over came to venerate her sister Gaen as well.) page 64
half of the city’s residents are Lothianites. While the Cosmology and Religion chapter of
But then, in addition to the worship of Ptolus provides context for the setting’s many Many of the cosmological
Lothian, Ptolus has hundreds of other religions— deities, you can always toss out all the setting’s aspects of Ptolus are loosely
the rest of the city’s populace reveres a vast num- cosmological aspects if you want to use some- based on ancient Gnosticism.
ber of different gods. This means that, if you thing else without much problem. The big, bad
desire a more real-world medieval Europe flavor, outsiders of the setting (the Galchutt) can easily Galchutt: Ptolus, page 60
the game can focus on Lothian’s faith. Or, if a become demon lords, evil gods, or whatever
whole bunch of different gods is just what the you’d like. And the gods introduced here can
DM ordered, you can have that instead. You can work in any fashion you care to try.

THE TWENTY-FOUR GODS hour—either that particular hour or one in which

an important upcoming event will take place.
OF THE HOURS Priests of the Twenty-Four Gods of the Hours
People are fascinated with the different aspects of have access to the Luck and Travel domains, the
time. They attribute the various days and seasons Sun or the Trickery domain (but never both), as
with personas and associate different atti- well as the Law, Good, or Evil domain (but
tudes with the months of the never more than one). The favored
year. And then, of course, weapon of the Twenty-Four Gods
Twenty-Four Gods of the Hours: there are the Twenty- of the Hours is the mace.
Ptolus, page 70 Four Gods of the Their symbol is a sundial.
Hours. The Temple to the
The Twenty- Twenty-Four Gods of
Four Gods of the the Hours is an open,
Hours, as their circular forum with
collective name each god symbolized
would suggest, by a portion of the
each govern one cycle of the day
hour of each day. depicted in the stone
These minor gods pavement. The only
are normally wor- priest of the faith is
shipped as a group Redrea Karros (female
In Ptolus, as in the rest of the rather than as individ- human cleric5), a middle-
Empire, people tell time on a ual deities. The only aged woman with short
twenty-four-hour clock: 1st Hour exceptions are the rare brown hair and a stocky build
begins the hour after midnight, devotees who choose one hour who is present only occasionally. Few
followed by 2nd Hour and so on, to be their specific patron. These Ptolusites are faithful devotees of these
all the way to 23rd Hour. people usually tailor their lives around their patron gods. Those who come to the temple do so only
hour, ensuring that important events occur during when appeals to other gods seem to have fallen
that hour. Mostly, though, worshippers attempt to on deaf ears. Most people see them as rather
honor whichever god presides over a specific insignificant deities.


Name Alignment Special Title

Gallesini LE One of the Three Emperors of the Dawn
Errashickal N One of the Three Emperors of the Dawn
Marlachasan LG One of the Three Emperors of the Dawn
Holicassi LG Morning Lord
Cassah LG Sunkeeper
Kosoran NG Suntender
Nabaral NG Usher of Daytime
Nux LG King of the Noonday Sun
Jultino NG Prince of the Day
Oggesear NG Duke of the Light
Darlogicom N Thane of the Sky
Furthinal N Patron of Toil
Theen LG Lord of Travel
Sarm LG One of the Three Lords of Dusk
Watchmakers and clockmakers Slindorima N One of the Three Lords of Dusk
are very likely to venerate the Rilberal LE One of the Three Lords of Dusk
Twenty-Four Gods of the Hours. Wasumal NE Prince of Shadow
Missul NE Moonshepherd
Arceptinos LE Mistress of Midnight
Lorreth NE Lady of Sleep
Pelied NE Thief of Stars
Ennithi N Keeper of Secrets
Taynikkil N Warden of the Mysteries
Briddet LE Lady of the Scurrying Things

THE SAGA OF FATHER CLAW Dragon like none before him, but in those dark
serpent’s eyes he saw not salvation but dread,
AND NI-GORTH despair, and death. Ni-Gorth discovered that
From the Kordallian Sagas, Book II, Chapter 1. Father Claw was not a creature to be venerated.
“Long ago, my children, the world was young. Does the hare revere the wolf? Does the fawn
Young like a boy with whose face was still revere the lion? He learned that the Dragon could
smooth. Even worlds have a birth, a life, and, only be reviled. To do otherwise was a form of
yes, a death. suicide.
“In the days just after our world’s birth, when “In secret, then, Ni-Gorth labored as none
men had not yet mastered the magic of the writ- before him. Using skill unknown today, he forged
ten word, when elves walked the world in many the mighty dragonchain, a word spoken today The symbol of Father claw is a
forms, and when dwarves hid from both day and only in whispers. Then Ni-Gorth, a man above black dragon’s head.
night for the consistency of the lightless caverns, men, took his creation and tricked his dread mas-
there was a dragon. ter, binding Father Claw to the heart of a moun-
“Now, you may say, surely there were many tain which is today long forgotten, even by the
dragons. And so there were. But there was only earth itself.
one Dragon. “Ni-Gorth chained Father Claw and rid the Father Claw: Ptolus, page 69
“Men named him Father Claw out of respect world of his evil. And for his efforts, this priest
and fear. His flying form could darken the bright- found as his reward only the curved knives of his
est day, his breath could lay waste to a city—and fellows. The other priests fell upon him with
there were few enough cities then as it was. vengeance and fury until he lay dead. Still, no
Father Claw’s heart was as black as his scales, effort on their part, no scheme they could dream
and he brought only misery and death. would break the dragonchain. Father Claw Long ago, the Wizard-Priests of
“Where did such a dragon come from, chil- remained imprisoned, and they rotted away wait- Ni-Gorth tried to destroy the
dren? Was he the first of his kind? In those days, ing for their lord to free himself. Spire and its fell fortress. They
they used the term ‘uncreated,’ for those things “But that is not the end of the tale. No, chil- worked tirelessly to organize all
that were not crafted by the Creator’s hand but dren. For so great was the power and purity of the races of Praemal against the
had seeped into the world from elsewhere. Ni-Gorth that he returned. You see, as difficult as Dread One.
Perhaps Father Claw was such a thing, for surely it is to believe on some dark days, there is a sort
neither the Creator nor his children would give of justice in the world. Ni-Gorth himself ascended
life to such a peril. Oh, they crafted evil as well as to godhood, the first of what we call today the
good, it is true, but Father Claw’s power could New Gods. Those who revered him for his skills Ni-Gorth: Ptolus, page 70
have allowed him to challenge even them. Was he and deeds were great craftsmen in their own Wizard-Priests of Ni-Gorth:
a god himself? In those timelost days, who can right. Books read still today speak with respect of Ptolus, page 80
say? Today? Absolutely, my children. the Wizard-Priests of Ni-Gorth and their won- Seven Jewels of Parnaith: Ptolus,
“Great was his power and the terror he drous creations. It was their hands that crafted page 526
inspired. Nevertheless, there were those who the Seven Jewels of Parnaith, which encompass all
turned toward Father Claw rather than away in things and yet more. But that, my children, is a
fear. They erected tall obelisks of the blue-black tale for another day.
stone of Nethasokar in his honor. They offered “Of course, never forget that Father Claw, with
blood sacrifices on altars of obsidian in his name. heart as black as his scales, broke free of the
“And Father Claw was pleased. dragonchain many lifetimes later. And he remains
“Each of these new priests of Father Claw took free even today.”
upon themselves a new name to brand their very
essence with their devotion. Geddis became Ni- Father Claw is a chaotic evil god with the
Geddis. Verrath became Ni-Verrath, and Sodoll domains Chaos, Destruction, and Evil. His priests
became Ni-Sodoll. These dark souls learned to all wear black hooded robes and carry silver dag-
use acid as a weapon. They forged swords that gers, his favored weapon. All take the moniker
hungered for blood, death, and even souls in the “Ni-” before their name. His symbol is a black
same manner that their master hungered. The dragon or a black dragon’s head.
priests of Father Claw were feared and hated and Ni-Gorth is a true neutral god of Magic and
put to the sword if found. Strength. He has no priests today, but in the past Iristul Vladaam is obsessed with
“And so in time the priests of Father Claw fol- they were all wizard/clerics specializing in magical collecting the hungerswords of
lowed their master’s directive and retreated to the craftsmanship. Some of the Wizard-Priests of Ni- Father Claw’s priests. For more
secret city of Shoggoth, whose location remains Gorth were human and some were elves. His on his quest and this noble fami-
hidden in the mists of mystery even still today. symbol was a golden chain with a dragon’s head ly, see Ptolus, page 96.
“Time passed, as time is wont to do, and a on either end, and his favored weapon was the
priest of Father Claw rose through the ranks. His flail.
name was Ni-Gorth. This mortal soul knew the

The number of temples and shrines in the
Temple District of Ptolus is staggering, and new
DM TIP religions are coming in all the time. The following
list holds suggestions for the DM who is creating
While exploring the Dungeon, an or detailing churches on his own, to give each
adventurer might come upon the temple and religion a touch of unique flavor when
home of a long-thought-vanished the player characters visit. Although nowhere
deity named Destor. The worship near comprehensive, the list can inspire further
of this god of lightning and ill ideas from creative DMs.
luck was prohibited in the city, 1. Only halflings are allowed within the inner
and the resulting dearth of sanctum, even though it is not the temple of a
worshippers has reduced the solely halfling deity.
god to the size of a small doll 2. A statue of the god cries tears of milk on
dwelling in an underground holy days.
annex of his last temple. 3. Devout worshippers prostrate themselves
before the altar for such long periods of time,
Destor will make a tempting they have to be dragged out of the temple so they
offer to the player character who do not die of dehydration.
discovers him, promising the 4. All the doors in the temple have bells
character powers and prestige as attached to them.
his champion if only he would 5. Windows and skylights have been carefully
re-establish the faith in the city. placed and shaped inside the temple. These com-
Of course, that’s not as easy as bine with small hanging mirrors that sway gently
it sounds, for the Church of in the wind to create dozens of sacred shapes of
Lothian is always on guard light—many of which move—throughout the
against dangerous religions temple.
attempting to gain a grasp 6. No one wearing red (the color of blood) is allowed in the main sanctuary. Likewise, people
on the populace. with wounds are also forbidden.
7. A crack in one wall of an old temple is (roughly) in the shape of a holy symbol, It is taken as
For more on Destor, see a sign from the god.
Ptolus, page 69. 8. Birds of all varieties are kept in the temple, most allowed to move about freely.
9. Acolytes must continue to sing the eternal perfect note at all times. Three acolytes take turns
during a three-hour shift intoning the same note, with three new acolytes taking the shift after
them, and so on.
10. The high priest died a year ago. His body was left where it lay, next to the altar, as a sign of
his devotion.
11. The temple’s interior has a snake motif, even though the religion is not snake-related. The
church uses the temple of a snake god that was driven out of the city for various crimes, and has
not yet had the opportunity to change all the imagery.
12. The high priestess is highly prejudiced against orcs and half-orcs, even though that is not a
part of the religion’s official dogma.
13. Shoes or foot coverings of any kind cannot be worn in the temple.
14. The temple also sells a well-known curative for coughs brewed by the priests.
15. The temple has no windows. It is lit only by candles within.
16. The floors of the temple are made of a rare wood imported from the distant south that has
a very distinctive, nutty odor.
17. A saint’s perfectly-preserved severed hand still clutches the staff used by the high priest
during important ceremonies.
18. Every hour, on the hour, a priest performs a ritualized dance in front of the temple, sanctify-
ing the entrance.
19. The temple was recently robbed and desecrated by an enemy religion. Signs of loss and
damage are everywhere.
20. The priests of the temple are highly political and speak as much about current events as
21. No one may speak within the temple louder than a whisper.
22. All the clergy of the temple are branded with their god’s holy symbol on their right cheek.

GAEN AND MIRRESH The Temple of Gaen (left) is

Two sister goddesses well known in Ptolus—and located just off the Street of a
throughout the entire region of Palastan—are Million Gods in the Temple
Gaen, Goddess of Light, and Mirresh, Goddess District. See Ptolus, page 385.
of Laughter.

The worship of Gaen is second only to the wor- Gaen: Ptolus, page 69
ship of Lothian in Ptolus, although it is an Lothian: Ptolus, page 66
extremely distant second. Her faithful number City Council: Ptolus, page 148
more than a thousand in the city—so many that
there is talk of building a second temple.
However, the City Council has ruled that,
although Lothianite chapels and small temples GODDESS OF LAUGHTER Mirresh: Ptolus, page 69
are located throughout the city, any other new Mirresh is Gaen’s less popular younger sister.
temples would have to be built in the Temple She is a goddess of laughter, frivolity, and pleas-
District. Since there is little reason to place two ant diversions. Her priests attempt to bring joy
temples of Gaen so close together, this has pre- and love to the hearts of her faithful, and in
vented the drive to found a second temple from fact, to all people. To further this goal, they hold
gaining any momentum. special festivals, parties, and parades throughout
Gaen is Lawful Good and offers the domains the year. They give away toys and create puzzles
of Good, Law, and Light. Her symbol is a blaz- and games for children. They even dress up as
ing sunburst, and her favored weapon is the clowns or put on comedic plays and puppet
heavy mace. Her priests wear golden robes and shows to entertain and spread happiness.
preach fevered sermons on not just avoiding Mirresh’s followers learn that no matter what
evil, but rooting it out and destroying it. “The happens, one should always find time for laugh-
light banishes the dark and cold from even the ter, even in the darkest times. They are not blind
worst of places if given the chance,” is their optimists or naive children; they just believe Blazing sunburst holy symbol as
credo. that, regardless of how bad things can get, there a magic item: Ptolus, page 386
The clerics and paladins (of which there are is always something to smile about—even if just Light domain: Ptolus, page 637
many) crusade against malevolence in its most for a moment.
obvious and basest forms: demons and undead Mirresh has few full-time worshippers but
(and all those who revere either or both) as well many give her prayers of thanks and honor her
as evil monsters, slavers, murderers, assassins, during celebrations of great joy, such as wed-
and so forth. Gaen is much more focused on her dings, births, and coming-of-age ceremonies.
Good aspect than on Law. The Neutral Good Mirresh oversees the
Gaen is depicted as a gigantic human woman, domains of Good, Protection, and Trickery. She
typically bare-breasted, wearing a golden helm uses a laughing (usually female) face as her sym-
and wielding a sword made of light. Her most bol and the rapier as her favored weapon,
sacred rites have a sexual component, as her although some priests of Mirresh take vows of
priests—male and female—are her lovers. She pacifism. Her clerics have no specific garb,
grants them the light from her soul through although they often wear bright colors, particu-
sexual ecstasy. larly when celebrating one of her many festivals
Two of the most powerful clerics in the city, or holy days. Steron Vsool, famed champion of
Barit Calomar (male human cleric18) and She is depicted as an extremely beautiful Gaen, is the city’s most powerful
Melior Kalen (male human cleric18), as well as human woman, laughing and dancing playfully, paladin. See Ptolus, page 386.
the most powerful paladin, Steron Vsool (male or as a cavorting young human girl. She is often
human paladin20), are all devotees of Gaen. shown with flowers and flowering plants, but Barit Calomar and Melior Kalen:
The Temple of Gaen in Ptolus, a massive she has no real connection to nature (and neither Ptolus, page 385
structure with a striking silver dome, is just off do her priests—in fact, her temples are almost
the Street of a Million Gods. The temple main- always found in large urban areas). Knights of the Pale: Ptolus,
tains close connections with the Knights of the The Temple of Mirresh in Ptolus is on the page 125
Pale and the Keepers of the Veil (despite both Street of a Million Gods. Although small and Keepers of the Veil: Ptolus,
groups’ more obvious associations to the fairly innocuous, it’s a location that many page 119
Church of Lothian), as well as the Knights of Ptolusites know, as it marks the starting point Church of Lothian: Ptolus,
the Golden Cross. for parades and spectacles and is the central page 64
focus for wonderful parties. Knights of the Golden Cross:
Ptolus, page 124

Two thousand years ago, long before the com-
ing of Lothian, the people known as the Prust
worshipped a great variety of
minor and rather miscellaneous
Taken as a whole, the Prustan
gods were a fairly harsh lot. Their
portfolios dealt with the negative
more often than the positive, and
their worshippers begged their
deities not to act, rather than to act.
Rather than praying to a god of fer-
tility or abundance for a blessing, the
ancient Prust prayed to their god of
pestilence and blight, Guellatha, so
that she would stay her hand. This
reflected the people’s complex notion
that the world was an inherently good
place, but that thinking beings—whether
mortal or immortal—were inherently
destructive and ruinous. The Prust didn’t
revere their gods so much as fear them,
Read more about Prustan history although the deities that still have worshippers
in Ptolus Chapter 5 and about its today have managed to transcend this relation-
geography in Ptolus Chapter 2. ship, at least somewhat. weapon is scimitar. Kran’s clerics are typically a
But sadly, the cults revering most of these spiteful, back-biting, and scheming lot that
deities are now long gone, their patrons—if they enjoys finding out the dark secrets of others and
ever truly existed—forgotten. Of the few that using these secrets against them to gain power
Kran: Ptolus, page 69 survive, one of the stranger is Kran, the and influence. Occasionally they resort to simple
Goddess of Faults. blackmail as well.
Kran’s worship is barely tolerated in the
KRAN, GODDESS OF FAULTS Empire. Those who know only a little about the
Other Prustan gods include Portrayed as a hunched, decrepit crone, Kran deity believe her religion to focus on knowing
Castain (a god of life supplanted oversees the shortcomings in all things. She one’s own faults and overcoming them. Her
by Lothian), Kharos (a god of knows the weaknesses of her worshippers’ ene- worshippers sometimes portray her as a kindly
magic), Teun (Mother of All mies and how to exploit them. However, she old woman who shares advice about becoming a
Machines), and Tevra (the knows the faults of her faithful as well, and better person.
Clockwork Goddess). For details, holds this knowledge over them like a threat. Kran’s temple in Ptolus lies in the Temple
see the individual entries in A Neutral Evil deity, Kran carries the domains District on Discourse Street. It is a dark tower of
Ptolus, pages 68–70. of Evil and Knowledge. Her symbol is a narrow grey-blue stone with windows of red stained
green eye within a red triangle, and her favored glass.


Another old Prustan deity still revered today is
the mysterious Iron God. Iron God: Ptolus, page 69
Most of the Iron God’s current worshippers
are dwarves, both Grailwarden and Stonelost.
(Originally the Iron God was a purely
Grailwarden dwarf deity, but the dwarves who
would become the Stonelost adopted him almost
as soon as they learned of him.) In the heyday of
the Empire, the Iron God had many human wor-
shippers as well.
The lord of all things iron and steel*, the Iron
God is a master of the forge, of strength, and of
weapons of war. More than just that, though, he
is a god of tools and machines with iron gears,
iron wheels, and iron furnaces burning coal to Grailwarden dwarves: Ptolus,
fire iron pistons. His followers invariably work page 48
as craftsmen, smiths, or machinists. Stonelost dwarves: Ptolus,
The Iron God is a Lawful Neutral deity who page 49
governs the domains of Earth, Fire, and Tech-
nology. He offers as his symbol alternatively an
iron sphere or a mask of iron. His weapon is the
warhammer. Followers of the Iron God do not
create images of the god himself; they tend to
avoid anthropomorphizing him if at all possible. Wandering Smith: Ptolus,
Thus, the Iron God is not the smith, but the iron page 367.
itself. He is not the forger, but the forge. He
dwells within all worked iron, and any such
object is holy to his priests.
While no image of the Iron God is ever seen,
many people associate him with the mysterious In Ptolus, the Iron God’s temple lies on
Wandering Smith (pictured above). This figure Chalice Road. A long, low building with large
is widely believed to be a divine avatar who iron buttresses, it sees only a small amount of
bequeaths valuable items from his forge to activity. (There is also an ancient and abandoned
those in need and then vanishes without a word. temple of his in Dwarvenhearth, far below
The Iron God’s priests wear iron masks in Ptolus.) It is possible that, if the Shuul technolo-
addition to their heavy armor. They typically say gists succeed in reinstating the “old ways,” the
little. The Iron God has no holy books and little temple of the Iron God may prosper.
in the way of dogma. His is a religion of intu- * For an interesting take on a similar deity
ition and gut feeling. “You feel the iron, and you and his divine habitat, see “The World Dwarvenhearth temple: Ptolus,
listen to the iron,” a devotee might say, as Forge,” Chapter 4 in The Book of Hallowed page 482
though that sums up the religion in its entirety. Might II: Portents and Visions. The Shuul: Ptolus, page 131

Chapter 2:

Even though the Ptolus book itself contains hundreds of locations, a city as varied and complex as this one
always has a few surprises waiting. From noble crypts to soapmaking manufactories, these new locales
are perfect to augment a variety of districts throughout the city.

Throughout this chapter, map s in the Ptolus book itself, this chapter does The Abanar crypt has been broken into numerous
coordinates and location num- more than just present routine facts about times, both by ghouls and by adventurers assum-
bers given for a locale correspond the locales in it—it gives information that ing that the wealthy members of the house are
to the city of Ptolus poster map. the DM can really use, not all of which is the kind buried with their valuables. The members of
of background that you are used to seeing in setting House Abanar have thus given up on the crypt
Noble families: Ptolus, page 87 products. It’s all there to provide the DM with the and bury their dead in secret elsewhere.
tools to run a game set in Ptolus smoothly.
House Abanar: Ptolus, page 88 Having run urban campaigns rather extensively, DALLIMOTHAN
I’ve learned that it’s important to be able to create Although the Dallimothan
House Dallimothan: Ptolus, new locations or to tailor existing ones on the fly, crypt is an impressive mon-
page 89 to serve the needs of the game. Sometimes you just ument with a huge statue
have to have a stable nearby. Sometimes a tavern of a rearing dragon atop
suddenly needs a second story. So feel free to adjust it, the place stands empty.
these locales as needed to make them work for you. Members of House
Dallimothan are incredibly
CRYPTS OF THE NOBILITY long lived and, in the history of Ptolus, only a very
Each of the ten noble families in Ptolus has its small handful of them have died. Their remains are
own large family crypt in the Necropolis, consumed in a ritual, their spirits loosed in a spe-
although not all of them are actively used. Each cial magical chamber called the Dragon Vault, in
is different from the others. the Dallimothan tower in the Nobles’ Quarter.

This relatively small crypt Another rarely used crypt,
is not actually used by the the Erthuo family inter-
family now, although associ- ment structure is small and
ate members of the house surprisingly nondescript.
pay handsomely to be Perhaps this is because
House Erthuo: Ptolus, page 91 interred in nearby tombs. most members of this

10 11




12 44 22
11 55


1. Crypts of Nobility (page 14, Necropolis, K–L 3–4) 8. St. Laphest’s Open Arms (page 25, Guildsman District, L7)
2. Durambor Headquarters (page 17, South Market, G8) 9. Steampump Station 17 (page 26, Oldtown, D6)
3. Ged’s Cabinets (page 18, Midtown, J5) 10. Temple of Phoeboul (page 27, Temple District, H4)
4. The Green Mews (page 20, South Market, F8) 11. Citation Streets (page 28, Oldtown and South Market, 7B–C and 8D)
5. The Lorn Tower (page 21, Guildsman District, M8) 12. The Winter Lyehouse (page 29, South Market, E8)
6. The Old Goose (page 22, Midtown, G6)
7. The Pointy Hat (page 24, Oldtown, E5) * Note that the numbers on these locales apply to the above map only.

house of elves prefer to be cremated, their ashes were able to gain entrance, it is likely that one Moonsilver Forest: Ptolus,
scattered in the Moonsilver Forest or at sea. might find more than 15,000 gp worth of treas- page 42
ure, assuming the interloper could survive the
KATH various glyphs of warding. House Kath: Ptolus, page 92
House Kath uses its crypt
still today to inter its dead, KHATRU
including honored servants Like the family’s keep in
and other associated indi- the Nobles’ Quarter, House
viduals. This large, horse- Khatru’s crypt on a slight
shoe-shaped structure is rise in the Necropolis looks
topped with many elegant like a small fortress.
statues. Magic seals the only entrance, prevent- As recently as ten years
ing all but Kath hands from unsealing it. Neither ago, Khatru positioned
divination nor necromancy magic works within guards at the crypt to keep
the crypt or even within twenty feet of it. This it safe. However, they kept disappearing at night,
safeguard successfully keeps away most of the and eventually the practice was stopped. Now
intruders likely to disturb it. Khatru uses a crypt beneath the estate for solemn
House Kath does bury its dead with valuables burials when a member of the noble family pass- House Khatru: Ptolus, page 92
and grave goods, in the ancient tradition. If one es away.

NAGEL 2d6 greater shadows lurk within the crypt night or

House Nagel has a large day. In truth, these are not intruders at all, but
House Nagel: Ptolus, page 93 crypt in the Necropolis, in actually the spirits of those members of the family
which much of the one- (and their servants) who have passed on to this
large and powerful family shadowy existence, still loyal to the house.
has been interred. Today it
House Shever: Ptolus, page 96 shows signs of neglect. No SHEVER
one has yet actually broken This round crypt holds
House Rau: Ptolus, page 93 in, and the lock on the many members of House
stone door (DC 30 to Shever, including the
open) still holds. recently passed Hallia,
mother of Thollos, head of
RAU the house. He has servants
House Rau has an exten- keep fresh flowers posi-
sive underground crypt tioned in vases at the door
beneath its estate, and so to the crypt in her honor.
the crypt in the Necropolis To keep out grave robbers, the entrance is a steel
exists purely for show. door secured with elaborate mechanical locks
Like that of House (three separate DC 35 Open Lock checks to open).
Dallimothan, there are no
bodies within it. VLADAAM
The crypt of House
SADAR Vladaam is a long, gothic
House Dallimothan: Ptolus, Protected by magical wards structure, with elaborate
page 89 and traps, the large, some- stone ornamentation, gar-
what plain crypt of House goyles, and various graven
House Sadar: Ptolus, page 94 Sadar is secure against tomb figurines. The crypt has not
robbers looking for valu- been used in decades, but
ables. Undead, in the form the interior floor hides a
of shadows, are not kept secret hatch (Search, DC
out, however and in fact 25, to find) concealing a staircase. Beneath the
seem to be called there. crypt lies a secret lair of the Forsaken, used
Rather than disturbing anything, the shadows help (secretly) with the blessing of the house. During
protect the place. At night, one might expect to the day, 1d4+1 typical Forsaken cultists can be
find 3d10 shadows and 2d6 greater shadows sur- found here with 1d6 zombie servants. At night,
rounding the crypt. Another 2d10 shadows and they are roaming about and the lair is empty.

House Vladaam: Ptolus, page 96

The Forsaken: Ptolus, page 112

Visitors to the Necropolis can see a

variety of holy symbols marking
the crypts of noble families.

o South Market (South Street, #281, G8)
d 35,000 gp
“Durambor” is the name of a small cabal of
Grailwarden dwarves, a rival group to the
Gurhorond dwarves who operate out of the Star
Jewelers workshop in the Guildsman District. The
Durambor buy all kinds of gems and jewels and
send them back to their homeland far to the east.
Merchants such as Myraeth Tuneweaver, who
might buy such treasures secondhand from oth-
ers, turn around and sell them to the Durambor.
The gem-laden vaults of the Durambor set
thieves’ mouths to drool across the city, so they
keep tight security with able guards (male and
female dwarf fighters4), usually at least four at
any given time, in addition to a commander (male
dwarf fighter8).
No windows look into the round, squat tower
of the Durambor. The main door has a devious
triple lock (Open Lock, DC 30 each; if one fails,
the others reset—no taking twenty once one is
unlocked) and the back door opens only from the
inside, thanks to a complex mechanism (Disable
Device, DC 29). The vault itself is locked similar-
ly to the main door and is trapped with whirling
poisoned blades as well.
Whirling Poisoned Blades: CR 7; mechanical;
timed trigger; automatic reset; hidden lock
bypass (Search DC 28, Open Lock DC 30);
Attack +10 melee (1d4+4/19–20 plus poi-
son, dagger); poison (purple worm poison,
Fortitude save, DC 24, resists, 1d6
Strength/2d6 Strength); multiple targets
(one target in each of the five-foot squares
adjacent to the vault door); Search DC 28;
Disable Device DC 28.

The Durambor ship all the jewels they have

purchased back to Grail Keep. No one outside
the organization knows exactly why, or why the The Durambor ally themselves with the Shuul, Grailwarden dwarves: Ptolus,
dwarves of Grail Keep need so many jewels that a group interested in rekindling the technological page 48
they employ an entire group just to buy and ship advancements of the Empire’s past. These Gurhorond: Ptolus, page 191
them. Reportedly, branches of the Durambor dwarves eagerly await the day when their allies Star Jewelers: Ptolus, page 191
exist in other major Imperial cities as well. In any get their aeroship service up and running to trans- Myraeth Tuneweaver: Ptolus,
event, the dwarves are always looking for capa- port their jewels. This is likely two to three years page 213
ble mercenaries to help protect the shipments off, at best.
they send across the continent from brigands. Scenario: A dwarf named Sert Nightforge hires
They pay well the player characters to break into the Durambor
(1,000 gp for headquarters. However, his directions are very
approximately specific. He doesn’t want anyone inside harmed,
fifty days’ work: and he only wants the PCs to steal one jewel in
twenty-five days particular—then replace it with a gem of equal
there, twenty-five value that he provides.
days back), but Sert sold the Durambor a gem of seeing by mis- Grail Keep: Ptolus, page 42
they expect more take. The Durambor don’t know it’s magical, and
than a typical 1st- he doesn’t want to tell them. He’s already offered The Shuul: Ptolus, page 131
level warrior for to buy it back, but they refused. Aeroships: Ptolus, page 562
that rate.

GED’S CABINETS Ged Morrowlost

p Midtown (Katterwood, Mona Lane, #207, J5) Male halfling (Small), (Chaotic Neutral)
11 d 9,300 gp Rogue9
HD 9d6+9
CR 9
hp 45
Ged and Brooke Morrowlost, halflings both, Init +3 Speed 20 feet
are a married couple. They own and run a car- AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 19
Katterwood: Ptolus, page 200 pentry shop in Katterwood, the halfling neighbor- BAB/Grapple +6/+2
hood of Midtown. Ged specializes in cabinetry, Attack +7 melee (1d4+1, small short sword),
but he also builds other wooden items. Cabinets or +11 ranged (1d4+2, small short bow)
and furniture in various stages of construction fill Full Attack +7/+2 melee (1d4+1, small short
the front room of the shop. sword), or +11/+6 ranged (1d4+2, small
The back room of the shop looks very differ- short bow)
SA +4d6+4 sneak attack
ent, however. This is where Ged and Brooke man-
SQ Evasion, improved uncanny dodge, trap
age their secondary business. Ged Morrowlost is
sense +3
known in certain circles as “the Guide” and Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +6
sometimes as “the Ferryman.” Ged knows where Str 10, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 11.
Forsaken: Ptolus, page 112 secret things are, and for a fee, he will guide the Crucial Skills: Balance +10, Bluff +7, Climb
The Vai: Ptolus, page 139 right people to them. He knows where to find +12, Escape Artist +10, Hide +7, Intimidate
Knights of the Secret Sun: hidden Forsaken hideouts, criminal safe houses, +5, Listen +4, Move Silently +16, Search
Ptolus, page 127 and even the Vai, the Knights of the Secret Sun, +10, Sense Motive +14, Tumble +14.
Naltegro Suun: Ptolus, page 130 and the Naltegro Suun. He knows both the city Other Skills: Craft (woodworking) +10, Gather
and the labyrinths below. Information +9, Knowledge (local) +10,
Open Lock +17.
Ged generally charges about 200 gp for his
Crucial Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot,
services, but he also requires that a client give him
Quick Draw.
a special password or phrase. The inhabitants or Other Feats: Great Fortitude.
organization controlling the destination provide Languages: Common, Goblin, Halfling.
this secret signal—Ged only leads those whom the Possessions: Short bow, +1 arrows (10),
people at the destination want to see. He won’t, +2 arrows (10), +1 flaming arrows (6), +2
for example, lead the undead-hating Keepers of studded leather armor of silent moves, +1
the Veil to a hidden Forsaken base. That’s just small sword of subtlety, climber’s kit, 50 feet
bad for business—while he is paid by those he of silk rope, masterwork thieves’ tools,
guides, he is also paid by those he guides them to. 15 gp.
For example, a potential client comes into
Brooke Morrowlost
Ged’s shop. “I’m looking for a safe house—
Female halfling (Small), (Chaotic Neutral)
Keepers of the Veil: Ptolus, Tolbrook sent me,” he says. “Tolbrook sent me” Wizard9 CR 9
page 119 is a pass phrase given to Ged for a particular HD 9d4+18 hp 41
Killraven Crime League hideout in the Rivergate Init +3 Speed 20 feet
district. So Ged asks for 200 gp and they are on AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 11
their way. If someone comes in and says only, BAB/Grapple +4/–3
Killraven Crime League: Ptolus, “I’m looking for the Killraven safe house in Attack/Full Attack +9 ranged (1d4+1, small
page 121 Rivergate,” Ged acts as though he has no idea light crossbow)
what the person is talking about and asks him or Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +7
Str 5, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 21, Wis 11, Cha 10.
her to leave.
Crucial Skills: Climb –1, Escape Artist +7,
In a typical situation, Brooke follows along
Hide +7, Jump –1, Listen +2, Move Silently
invisibly and uses clairvoyance/clairaudience and +5, Sense Motive +2.
see invisible to make sure they are not being fol- Other Skills: Craft (woodworking) +7,
lowed or about to walk into danger. Ged and Decipher Script +13, Knowledge (arcana)
Brooke are quite capable and not afraid to get +15, Knowledge (geography) +16,
into combat. They have contingency plans for Knowledge (local) +12, Knowledge (nobility
when things go bad, usually involving The Three, and royalty) +16.
a trio of rogues who work for them. The Three Crucial Feats: Point Blank Shot.
prepare ambushes that Ged can lead foes into. Other Feats: Brew Potion, Craft Wondrous
Item, Scribe Scroll, Toughness, Weapon
Sometimes they just follow behind to watch for
Focus (crossbow, light).
danger and intervene if Ged gets in trouble. Their
Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Elvish,
goal in a fight generally involves providing flank- Gnomish, Halfling.
ing for Ged. Spells: 4/5/5/4/3/1, save DC 15 + spell level.
As Ged provides a valuable service to many 0—detect magic, ghost sound, mage hand,
powerful and dangerous organizations, harming message.
him might be the last act of a very foolish individ- 1st—alarm, charm person, color spray, shield,
ual. summon monster I.

2nd—false life, invisibility (2), mirror image, The Three

You can use one of these typical
see invisible. Female humans (Neutral)
shop layouts to represent Ged’s
3rd—clairaudience/clairvoyance, fly, hold Rogue3 CR 3
person, suggestion. HD 3d6 hp 12 cabinet store.
4th—ice storm, polymorph, stoneskin. Init +7 Speed 30 feet
5th—cone of cold. AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10
Possessions: +1 small light crossbow, +1 bolts Attack/Full Attack +3 melee (1d6, short
(10), headband of intellect +2, wand of light- sword), or +6 ranged (1d8, light crossbow)
ning bolt (10th level, 10 charges), scroll of SA Sneak attack +2d6
fox’s cunning, invisibility (x3), scroll of ice SQ Evasion, uncanny dodge, trap sense
storm; potions of bull’s strength, false life, Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +2
and fly; spellbook, 156 gp. Str 10, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 17, Wis 13, Cha 9. FROM MY CAMPAIGN
Spellbook: 0—acid splash, arcane mark, danc- Crucial Skills: Bluff +5, Climb +9, Disable TO YOURS
ing lights, daze, detect magic, detect poison, Device +9, Hide +9, Listen +9, Move
disrupt undead, flare, ghost sound, light, Silently +7, Search +11, Spot +3, Use Magic Ged conducted a group of player
mage hand, mending, message, open/close, Device +4. characters using a stolen pass-
prestidigitation, ray of frost, read magic, Other Skills: Forgery +8, Gather Information word to an infamous Forsaken
resistance, touch of fatigue. +7, Heal +3, Open Lock +7, Sleight of refuge beneath the Clock Tower
1st—alarm, cause fear, charm person, color Hand +5, Use Rope +6. in Oldtown. It didn’t go well for
spray, floating disk, hypnotism, magic Crucial Feats: N/A. the Forsaken, but the slip-up led
weapon, shield, summon monster I. Other Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative, Ged to install new magical safe-
2nd—blur, bull’s strength, darkness, false life, Investigator. guards to protect against pur-
invisibility, minor image, mirror image, Possessions: Masterwork light crossbow,
loined passwords.
misdirection, owl’s wisdom, rope trick, see bolts (20), masterwork short sword;
invisible, whispering wind. potions of invisibility, cat’s grace, and cure
3rd—clairaudience/clairvoyance, fly, hold moderate wounds; 25 gp.
person, suggestion.
4th—arcane eye, ice storm, polymorph, remove
curse, stoneskin.
5th—cone of cold, telekinesis.


S South Market (South Gate, Emperor’s Road,
#266, F8) 11 ld 260 gp (excluding horses)
Jakom Mullar runs a large stables for travel-
ers. The stables consist of three buildings—the
actual stables, a shed for storing feed and equip-
ment, and Jakom’s house, where he lives with
his wife, Erbecca (female human commoner2),
and three children. The two older children,
Teriss (male human commoner1) and Rollo
(male human fighter1) help with the stables,
although Rollo is getting ready to leave and join
the Order of Iron Might.
The stables earn a good deal of money for the
Order of Iron Might: Ptolus, family. Located right next to the South Gate in
page 130 the South Market district, the Green Mews often
has to turn away customers, even though the
Mullars have space for twenty horses.
Jakom is a large man with thinning dark hair
and bushy eyebrows. He’s good-natured and
likes to trade jokes with travelers. He’s also
eager to tell tales of other visitors who have bling that goes on. Korben is putting pressure on
brought in pegasi mounts, a giant stag, and Jakom to work for him, but Jakom doesn’t need
once, for just one night, a unicorn. Such happen- Korben’s money. The only pressure Korben can
ings are rare, and Jakom tends to embellish the put on him is veiled threats against the stables
tales a bit, but he’s proud that such “important and Jakom’s family.
folk” have entrusted him with the care of their Scenario: Jakom knows that if his boys found
special and exotic creatures. out about this, they’d try to deal with Korben
Scenario: Jakom’s real love, however, is on their own (which would be suicide). He needs
wrestling. Every Fireday evening, he competes in help and isn’t too proud to ask the player char-
local wrestling matches. Despite his lack of com- acters for their assistance to protect his family
bat training, Jakom is a good wrestler and per- and their livelihood and home. The PCs can go
forms well in the matches. Unfortunately, the on the defensive and hang about the stables, or
crime boss Korben Trollone (who works for they could try to find Korben’s headquarters and
Kevris Killraven) has recently moved in on the take the issue up with him there. A show of real
wrestling matches and taken control of the gam- force may get Korben, a relatively small-time
Korben Trollone: Ptolus, criminal, to back off, as Jakom isn’t worth a lot
page 361 of trouble. However, Korben will remember the
player characters if they humiliate him or his
Kevris Killraven: Ptolus, page 121 hired muscle.

Jakom Mullar
Male human (Lawful Good)
Commoner5 CR 4
Korben Trollone’s office (a.k.a.
HD 5d4 hp 15
“Edarth’s Loans,” found in
Init +1 Speed 30 feet
Ptolus, page 360) is available AC 11, flat footed 10, touch 11
as a free set of miniatures- BAB/Grapple +2/+9
scale Adventure Maps from Attack/Full Attack +5 melee (1d3+3, unarmed
SkeletonKey Games on strike)
the Ptolus CD-Rom. Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +2
Str 16, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 11.
Crucial Skills: Jump +8, Spot +3.
Other Skills: Craft (carpentry) +5, Handle
Animal +8, Profession (stablehand) +6,
Use Rope +2.
Crucial Feats: Improved Grapple, Improved
This storefront represents the Unarmed Strike.
look of the Green Mews. Other Feats: Skill Focus (Handle Animal).
Possessions: 5 gp, 11 sp, 4 cp


INFO Checks
m Guildsman District (Overlook Road, M8)
l 0 gp A Knowledge (local) or Gather
At the very end of Overlook Road in the Information check reveals the
Guildsman District, perched on the outcropping following about Lorn Tower:
of land that locals have long called Windswept
Point (although a few know it as Lassiter’s Lorn Tower rests at the very tip
Point), stands an old tower of greying white of Windswept Point (DC 15).
stone leaning ever so slightly to the north. It is
empty now. Cassinas Lorn built the tower
The commonly accepted story behind the three centuries ago (DC 18).
tower is that a wealthy woman named Cassinas
Lorn built the tower almost three hundred years There was no Cassinas Lorn
ago, well before there was a Guildsman District (DC 25).
but not before there was a lighthouse standing
out on Beacon Island. Lorn Tower looked out Lorn Tower was once called
toward the lighthouse because Cassinas was in Faethasin’s Needle (DC 26).
love with the lighthouse keeper. The object of Lorn Tower
her affections did not return them and refused Lorn Tower was the site of the
to let Cassinas on the island, so she built her infamous Needle’s Siege
home as close to it as possible. She would sit at (DC 30).
the top of her tower and stare at the island and lasted for three weeks, most of it being a siege
its lighthouse from afar until she died of old age after Loritari sealed herself and her closest fol-
with a broken heart. Her survivors had no lowers inside Faethasin’s Needle. The then
interest in the tower, and it has stood vacant Captain of the Watch (in those days there was
ever since. Some say that Cassinas’ ghost still only one) employed a sorcerer named Rachian
watches at the top of the tower on clear, moon- Mok to create a magical means to pass through
lit nights. the walls of the tower, surprising Loritari and
This, however, is all fabrication. There was her guards. The end of the battle then came
no Cassinas Lorn, and in fact the tower has swiftly.
only relatively recently gained that moniker, the As a result of this event, called the Needle’s
name coming from the fact that it is a lonely Siege by some historians, two things occurred.
structure at the very end of the point. The real First, small-time criminals saw how dangerous
history of the tower is perhaps even more inter- life had become for them. The City Watch had
esting. Lorn Tower is approximately two hun- clearly begun a crackdown on their activities
dred years old, built as the city flourished and and was willing to go to great lengths to bring
grew but had not yet nearly achieved the size them to justice. Maven Balacazar, ancestor of
and density it has today. Originally the place Menon and founder of the Balacazar crime fami-
was called Faethasin’s Needle, named for the ly, used this fear to organize the criminals in
elven noble family that had it built. The goal secret.
was to create a place for the family and their The other effect of the siege was the beginning
friends to watch the ships come in to the bur- of a friendly relationship between the Ptolus
geoning port. However, the human builders did City Watch and spellcasters willing to help them.
not construct it to the family’s liking, and the This only further added to the general accept-
elves never used the tower. ance of arcanists in Ptolus, which continued
The structure sat empty for many years until even through the so-called Days of Blood. This
a small criminal gang run by a Harrow elf (and, admittedly, other events) contributed to
named Loritari “appropriated” it and used it as conditions that led to Ptolus having by far the
its base of operations for many years. During largest population of wizards and sorcerers in
that time, they even barricaded and guarded the the world.
road now known as Overlook Road so that no Lorn Tower, however, has remained relatively The Lighthouse on Beacon
one could approach the tower. Loritari gained a empty since those days. The four-story tower has Island: Ptolus, page 172
reputation as a ruthless woman who threw occasionally been home to vagrants, vermin, or
more than one ineffectual underling or cap- squatters, but these are usually cleared out now Harrow elves: Ptolus, page 52
tured enemy from the top of the tower to the and again by members of the City Watch who City Watch: Ptolus, page 150
rocks at the bottom of the cliffs. Eventually, in know the truth about the place and see it as an
what can only be described as a major battle, important site of past victories. Days of Blood: Ptolus, page 84
more than fifty City Watch guards stormed the
street barricades and the tower itself. This battle


t Midtown (Tavern Row, #175, G6) 11 22
l 210 gp
At the north end of Tavern Row in Midtown
The Old Goose (see Ptolus, lies a nondescript building. Unlike much of the
page 221) is a quiet local pub rest of the row, it doesn’t abut any other build-
where most of the clientele ing—it has a small, weedy yard spotted with the
knows each other. occasional bit of trash. The building itself is old,
but fairly well-cared for. Its most interesting fea-
ture is its abnormally large door, positioned
directly under a wooden sign with a faded and
chipped painting of a goose.
The Old Goose is a tavern run by a centaur
named Unos. Old and somewhat irritable, Unos
is a veteran of a small conflict of around forty ern, they might cause trouble—and even if they
years ago called the Riversrun Uprising. About a don’t, he still has to watch them closely to make
Aram: Ptolus, page 50 hundred aram (the name centaurs use for them- sure they obey the rules of the Old Goose,
selves) as well as a few humans and halflings which are posted on the wall (see next page).
took it upon themselves to throw off the Eventually, he has to learn their names, who
Imperial yoke to call themselves truly free in the they are, and get to know them. In time, how-
region to the south and west of Ptolus called ever, he warms to a new customer, and when he
County Alimoss. Everything went fine until the does, that person has found both a friend and a
Imperial tax collector came, and the insurgents home away from home for life.
killed him and his retinue. When the Empire sent Unos employs a human man named Calron
in troops, a short but bloody battle ensued. The Nord (commoner2) to help behind the bar and
aram fled into the wilderness, where they stayed in the storeroom. On most evenings, when it’s
for three years. busy, Erras Purell (female human commoner2)
Unos doesn’t talk about that time unless it is comes in to help with customers. Calron is
very late at night and he’s in a reflective mood. middle aged, with classic good looks and a
On such a night he might tell you about the gentle manner. Despite the fact that he is mar-
epiphany he had concerning war, the Empire, ried, the much younger Erras has fallen in love
Ptolus, and how the best method of “fighting” with him. This led to a single night of indiscre-
the Empire is actually just waiting it out, until it tion for Calron a few months ago, which he
collapses on itself. And he might tell you about still regrets and Erras still clings to.
how he left the wilderness one night and came to The tavern consists of a large taproom fur-
this city, eventually earning enough money to nished with nine tables and a long bar, with a
buy this tavern. storeroom in the back. The storeroom is large
The Old Goose has a crowd of loyal cus- enough that it not only holds dozens of kegs,
tomers who come in almost every night and will but offers Unos a place to sleep at night. On any
go nowhere else. Unos knows them all by name, given night, the Old Goose has about twenty
and each and every one of them considers the customers. It’s generally fairly quiet, with a few
centaur their friend. Unos doesn’t really want games of chance being played—usually dice, but
new customers. He is satisfied with the ones he sometimes a few patrons take to throwing darts
has, and new customers just mean more work. at the target on the wall next to the bar.
Whether you’re a new or an old He knows that if new people come into the tav-
customer, it’s always a good idea Unos
to obey the generally accepted Male centaur (Neutral)
“Rules of Tavern Etiquette.” See Large monstrous humanoid
Warrior3 CR5
page 217 of Ptolus for the list.
Init +7 Speed 35 feet
HD 4d8+24 + 3d8+18 hp 82
AC 22, touch 14, flat-footed 18
Space 10 feet Reach 5 feet
BAB/Grapple +7/+19
Attack +15 melee (3d6+13, greataxe) or
+11 ranged (1d12, heavy crossbow)
Full Attack +15/+10 melee (3d6+13, greataxe)
and +9 melee (1d6+8, 2 hooves) or +1
greataxe +15/+10 (3d6+13/x3) or +11 ranged
(1d12, heavy crossbow)

SQ Darkvision 60 feet Scenario: If the PCs get the chance to ingratiate

Fort +10 Ref +8 Will +7 themselves in Unos’ eyes, he confides in them one
Str 26, Dex 16, Con 22, Int 11, Wis 15, Cha 11. night that, while he has always managed to run
Crucial Skills: Handle Animal +1, Listen +6, off agents of Ireve Nal, a crime boss in Midtown, Ireve Nal: Ptolus, page 106
Move Silently +12, Ride +6,
things have worsened lately. New criminals, this
Spot +7, Survival +4.
time working for someone
Other Skills: N/A
Crucial Feats: Power Attack. named Durant,
Other Feats: Blind-Fight, have moved into
Improved Initiative. the area. As
Possessions: +1 chainmail, always, they’re
+1 greataxe, masterwork looking to extort
heavy crossbow, bolts protection money,
(20), periapt of wisdom but Unos isn’t sure
+2, potion of bear’s he can stave them
endurance, 88 sp.
off, despite the fact
that he’s still very
Encounter: The player strong and powerful
characters have arrived (not that he would put Durant: Ptolus, page 122
at the Old Goose to it that way; he’s quite
meet someone. modest). He believes
Although it’s early in that a single show of
the evening, two force the next time they
young human men come around will keep
are already drunk. them away.
They have taken to Of course, Durant works
throwing darts a bit for Kevris Killraven, and
wildly around the room getting involved in this situa-
rather than at the target, thinking it funny tion could entangle the play- Kevris Killraven: Ptolus, page 121
to come close to hitting other customers. er characters in much more Menon Balacazar: Ptolus,
As the PCs watch, Unos single-handedly than they bargained for. Not only will Durant’s page 101
throws them out, knocking one unconscious men return later, but they strike directly at the
with the flat of his greataxe and his powerful PCs as well—over and over again. Eventually, one
hooves. If the adventurers try to help, Unos of Ireve Nal’s underbosses offers to help the char-
doesn’t take their attempt well and yells at them acters. But Ireve Nal works for Menon Balacazar,
to just sit down and drink. so that, too, is a slippery slope….


tr Oldtown (Vock Row, a.k.a. Dweomer Street,
#46, E5) 11 22 dh 9,450 gp
Vock Row: Ptolus, page 333 The infamous Vock Row—or, as most people
call it, Dweomer Street—caters to arcanists of all
types. The various establishments here sell spell
components, obscure books, alchemical equip-
ment, and far stranger things. A small pub serves
as the keystone for the area.
The Pointy Hat is a bar and eatery, so named
because of the (long out of fashion) habit of old-
school wizards to wear tall, pointed hats. Not sur-
prisingly, however, the owner and manager, Naillis
Deverini (male gnome sorcerer5), does himself
wear a tall, pointed hat. In fact, he wears a variety
of them—he owns so many that most people think
he wears a different one every day (this is not
actually true). He also wears bright, garish cloth-
ing and sports a pointed black beard; occasionally all the food and drink served in the Pointy Hat
he wears a long, grey, false beard instead. is blue (a minor spell tints those dishes not easily
Naillis’ various eccentricities are not so striking dyed). When Lunas is full, Naillis and his staff
that he stands out in a neighborhood of all speak backward. And these are only a few
eccentrics. Just the opposite: Customers expect examples.
strange predilections and outlandish whims from Naillis’ two long-suffering helpers are Thyo
the Pointy Hat. For example, every other Queens- Ressut (male human expert4) and Myrla
day, Naillis decorates the interior of the establish- Fallashonal (female human commoner2/sorcer-
Lunas: Ptolus, page 40 ment to look like the pavilion of a barbarian king er1). Thyo is tall and thin, and extremely intelli-
and insists that the staff and the patrons speak of gent. Although he helps serve, he is also the main
magic as “foul deviltry” all day. On random days, cook. Myrla is short (just a bit taller than Naillis)
and round. She serves drinks and food, but
Edict of Deviltry: Ptolus, page 84 recently discovered that she has some talent for
magic as well.
Clearly, Ptolus is the only city in the world that
could offer not one but two taverns dedicated to
arcane spellcasters. The Pointy Hat’s “rival” is
Danbury’s: Ptolus, page 202 Danbury’s in Midtown. Danbury’s, however, is a
far more serious place. Patrons seeking important
meetings and hushed conversation regarding mag-
ical lore go to Danbury’s. Locals of Dweomer
Street and visitors looking for an interesting expe-
rience come to the Pointy Hat.
Encounter: The player characters walk into the
Pointy Hat and into what immediately appears to
be a barroom brawl, with burly thugs smashing
chairs and bottles over each other’s heads, and lit-
erally throwing each other across the room. After
a few moments, it may seem that the fight is more
entertaining than actually violent. Any PCs who
get involved, or even those who have been in a
real barroom brawl before, can make Will saves
(DC 16) to see that it is all an illusion. Whether
or not the PCs realize it, the illusion ends after
another minute or two, and the brawlers, thugs,
and damaged furniture all disappear. The patrons
all clap, and Naillis introduces the two illusionists
to the crowd: Garreth Numalun (male human
illusionist7) and Uma Pastorif (female gnome illu-
sionist9). Both pass around cards with their
names and contact information on them.

ST. LAPHEST’S OPEN ARMS St. Laphest’s. The paladin makes her home at
m Guildsman District (Curtain Street, L7) St. Laphest’s and spends all of her off-time there
d 120 gp as well. She is tall and muscular, with bright,
A minor Lothianite saint, Laphest exemplifies shining eyes and long, brilliantly red hair.
the trait of charity; thus he is embraced by the Ironically, the soup kitchen’s other defender Order of Dayra: Ptolus, page 67
Order of Dayra, a sisterhood of the faithful hates Klavissa and shows up only when she’s not
interested in helping others. Amid their various around. Bergard Ollut (male human warrior7)
orphanages and poor houses is a soup kitchen lives his life as a thug and a criminal. Although
known as St. Laphest’s Open Arms, which lies short, Bergard is notoriously tough and tena-
just south of the Warrens in the Guildsman cious. He carries a magic short sword that he
District. calls his “butter knife.” Long ago, however, he
St. Laphest’s is a small two-story building set saw how much St. Laphest’s Open Arms helped
apart from those around it only by the faded sign his impoverished family and the people of his
depicting a robed figure with arms outstretched. neighborhood. As he gained greater status among
The ground floor has just two rooms: a large the criminals and gang members in the Warrens,
dining hall and the kitchen. The second floor is he used his influence to make it clear that St.
used mainly for storage and as quarters for the Laphest’s was not to be touched. In fact, it was
sisters who work there. to be venerated. The idea spread. Even some of
Every day, St. Laphest’s provides almost the most ruthless cutthroats in the Warrens
two hundred meals for the needy, free recognize that the sisters of St.
of charge. When possible, they also Laphest’s are on their side.
hand out blankets and clothing Unfortunately, the largest and
as well. Although the facility most powerful gang in the
has no beds available, people Warrens, the Pale Dogs, does
without homes can use the not recognize this idea, at
building as shelter during least not without a catch— Pale Dogs: Ptolus, page 131
inclement weather or when they want Sister Auga to
a cold wind blows off the pay them protection money
Whitewind Sea. to safeguard the soup
Sister Auga Mittermire kitchen and those it serves,
(female human cleric3/ as well as the staff. So far,
expert4) administers the Sister Auga has refused;
facility. A slight woman in between Klavissa and
her late forties with a long Bergard (and Bergard’s lack-
face and blue eyes, Auga eys), they’ve remained safe
keeps her brown hair nonetheless.
trimmed short. She hopes one Scenario: The Church hires
day to expand St. Laphest’s into the player characters to track
a school and dormitory for the down an evil magic item that was
area’s poor children. That day likely turned over to them to be destroyed
remains far off, as St. Laphest’s is lack- but then stolen before it could be dealt
ing in funds and gets only a modicum of sup- with. The item is the knife of blood money, a
port from the Church of Lothian. In fact, Church magical item that, once per day, turns fresh
elders have attempted to shut down the soup blood into 10 gold coins. The PCs follow clues Church of Lothian: Ptolus,
kitchen, claiming that, while it does good works, suggesting that the thief was a halfling rogue page 64
keeping it open in such a dangerous area is too named Yori Foss. Surprisingly, the trail leads to
risky. Sister Auga says that’s exactly why St. St. Laphest’s; the PCs eventually discover that
Laphest’s Open Arms is so important. Sister Auga found out about the item and had
It is indeed a dangerous area of town, with Yori steal it for her. She intended to use the knife For information on other official
gangs and criminals (and occasionally, worse to draw her own blood daily and earn the Lothianite saints, see Ptolus,
things) wandering about. Fortunately, the soup money for the good of the soup kitchen. Once page 67.
kitchen and its staff have two protectors, both discovered, Auga does not lie. She begs the
somewhat unlikely. Sister Klavissa Norand adventurers not to reveal her secret, because it
(female human paladin8) watches over the place would be just the ammunition her superiors need
when she can. Originally a member of the Order to shut down her facility. The PCs will have to
of Dayra, Klavissa was reassigned to the decide for themselves whether or not they
Church’s Order of the Dawn because of her agree—and whether or not they should talk Order of the Dawn: Ptolus,
impressive fighting skills. However, Klavissa Sister Auga out of using the dagger, considering page 67
agrees with Auga regarding the importance of it is for a good cause.

m Oldtown (below Four Fountains Street, D6)
a 125 gp
At one time, when the Empire held technology
less tenuously in its grasp, a number of steam-
driven pumps throughout the Ptolus sewer sys-
Sewer system: Ptolus, page 439 tem helped keep the sewage moving. Today, due
to a lack of machine parts and technical know-
how, only two of the pumps are still maintained
in functioning order. One of those is located in
what is still called Steampump Station 17.
The station is a single chamber twenty feet
square and located at a sewer junction beneath
Four Fountains Street in Oldtown. The steam
pump is a massive machine with a large, wood-
X burning boiler. Just as its name suggests, it
pumps the sewage and rainwater along to keep
it from getting clogged at this important junc-
The station is staffed by two individuals. The
first, Garret Naol, is a tall, lanky man with long
red hair and freckles. Garret maintains the
steam-powered pump at Station 17 as though his
life depended upon it. He even crafts his own
parts for it when needed.
The other is Uter Darkdelve, a dwarf. Uter is
short, even for a dwarf, and spends most of his
time making sure that nothing threatens Garret
or the pump while they work. Although he
Other Feats: Iron Will, Skill Focus (Craft
knows a fair bit about steam engines as well,
Uter worries mostly about ratmen and other Possessions: Masterwork dagger, masterwork
dangers. He keeps his morningstar, which he tools, spectacles, pocketwatch, 3 gp, 8 sp,
calls ratsqueal, always close at hand. 13 cp.
Meanwhile, Garret has only his dagger to
protect himself. Uter Darkdelve
Both Garret and Uter draw a salary from the Male Stonelost dwarf (Lawful Neutral)
city, technically serving as System Monitors. Expert3/fighter1 CR3
Both take great pride in their work, although Init +0 Speed 20 feet
HD 3d6+3+1d10+1 hp 28
they are motivated by fear as much as personal
AC 18, touch 10, flat-footed 18
satisfaction. Garret and Uter know that if
BAB/Grapple +2/+2
Station 17 stops working, they will have to Attack/Full Attack +5 melee (1d8+1,
patrol the sewers like the rest of the System morningstar)
Monitor workers, which is a far more disgusting SQ Darkvision 60 feet and dwarven traits
job—not to mention far more dangerous. Fort +3 Ref +3 Will +4
Str 12, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 10.
Garret Naol Crucial Skills: N/A
Male human (Neutral Good) Other Skills: Appraise +3, Craft (armor-
Expert4 CR3 smithing) +5, Craft (stonemasonry) +4,
Init +0 Speed 30 feet Knowledge (architecture and engineering)
Ratmen: Ptolus, page 625
HD 4d6–4 hp 11 +3, Knowledge (machines) +7, Profession
AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10 (cook) +5.
System Monitors: Ptolus, Crucial Feats: Combat Expertise.
BAB/Grapple +2/+3
page 442 Attack/Full Attack +4 melee (1d4+1, dagger) Other Feats: Lightning Reflexes, Weapon
Fort +0 Ref +1 Will +6 Focus (morningstar).
Friendship bands: Ptolus, Str 12, Dex 10, Con 9, Int 13, Wis 17, Cha 14. Possessions: +1 chainmail, masterwork heavy
page 28 Crucial Skills: Listen +9, Search +2, Spot +8. steel shield, masterwork morningstar,
Gurhorond: Ptolus, page 191 Other Skills: Craft (machines) +9, Disable potion of cure moderate wounds, friendship
Device +7, Knowledge (machines) +5. band from the Gurhorond, gold ring
Crucial Feats: Run. (worth 100 gp), 13 gp, 14 sp, 14 cp.

TEMPLE OF PHOEBOUL Avalia lives in the highest point of the temple,

tmp Temple District (Runic Street, #140, H4) but the acolytes live elsewhere (they all sleep in
a 18,500 gp the temple, however). She was once a close
As one walks the length of Runic Street, which friend of Doraedian Mythlord, but today the
is filled with shrines and holy sites, statuary and two rarely speak; a disagreement involving the
fountains, meditative gardens and monastic Urthon Aedar rent their relationship years earli-
refuges, one comes upon a tall, round structure er. Both Kaira Swanwing of the Knights of the
of delicate woodwork inculcated with silver inlay Golden Cross and the battle mage Daersidian
that shines at night with a special radiance not Ringsire pay occasional homage to Phoeboul at
seen in the day. This narrow minaret is the temple the temple and count Avalia as a trusted ally. Phoeboul, Chaotic Neutral God
of Phoeboul, the elven god of dreams. Campaign Use: Avalia is one of the few people of Dreams, offers the domains of
The central chamber of the temple is a round in the city who knows the truth about the myste- Chaos, Knowledge, and Sleep
room with a circular sanctuary bound by cur- rious Urthon Aedar and the location of Dreta (described in Ptolus Chapter 35)
tains in various shades of blue. Within this sanc- Phantas, the Dreaming City. She even occasion- and is also the patron of Dreta
tum, five elves slumber* in continual adoration ally receives messages (through dreams, of Phantas. See Ptolus, page 70.
of Phoeboul, a god who can only truly be wor- course) from the King of Dreams. The temple is
shipped in dreams. an excellent place for the PCs to slowly receive
High priestess Avalia Riversong (female Shoal the guidance that sets them on the path toward
elf cleric7) stands only five feet tall, but her traveling to Dreta Phantas and perhaps even Doraedian Mythlord: Ptolus,
stature belies her power, her personality, and her working toward its restoration. page 208
knowledge. Her black hair reaches her waist and Such subtle guidance could begin after the Urthon Aedar: Ptolus, page 138
cascades over her shoulders. She typically wears PCs have some strange and disturbing dreams Kaira Swanwing: Ptolus,
the traditional midnight blue robe of her order, and go to Avalia for dreamspeaking. At that page 125
ornamented with a galaxy of silver stars. Avalia’s time, through the interpretation of their dreams, Knights of the Golden Cross:
voice is quiet and soft, but in the temple of Avalia might send the PCs in directions that lead Ptolus, page 124
Phoeboul, one can hear even whispers with ease. them to meet the Urthon Aedar (and begin to see Daersidian Ringsire: Ptolus,
Silence takes on a new dimension here, and the that the mysterious Wandering Judges are more page 226
air is thick with incense and colored smoke. than they appear), or oppose the dark elves. As
Avalia is quiet because she can be. time passes, they might encounter more and
Six acolytes (all elves) aid Avalia, although more ancient elven lore, all the while having new
two of them are asleep and dreaming in the dreams that Avalia must interpret. Eventually,
sanctum at any given time. (The other three her guidance leads them directly to Goth
dreamers present are members of the laity.) All Gulgamel and the secrets therein.
of the temple’s staff members spend much of
their time dreamspeaking, or interpreting the * Unlike standard d20 elves, elves in the
dreams of others. They also offer potions and world of Praemal have regular sleep cycles,
remedies for nightmares and instruction on lucid just like humans and other races.

Dreta Phantas and King of

Dreams: Ptolus, page 457

Goth Gulgamel: Ptolus,

page 486

THE SECRET CITATION WAR Meanwhile, people in the South

The story behind both of the streets Market wanted to name one of their
in Ptolus named Citation Street is newly rebuilt streets Citation Street
known only to locals (Knowledge after two residents of the district
[local] DC 17) and speaks to a great received medals of the Winged Lion,
many truths about the city and its the highest military citation that can be
people. bestowed upon a soldier, for their acts
Citation Street in Oldtown is obvi- of bravery during the early stages of
ously older than Citation Street in the the Gnoll War in Rhoth. Their request
South Market. It is so named because was granted by the Commissar.
The residents of Oldtown suddenly Both sides consider it a point of
two hundred years ago, a long wood-
withdrew their request for the renam- honor that, not only do they keep to
en platform ran along the eastern end
ing of their street, and the Council the rules, they always attempt to win
of the north side of the street with
recognized the request. Because of a the game while breaking as few laws
wooden posts bearing notices of
bureaucratic error, however, this dis- as possible. The City Watch has seen
recent citations awarded by the
crepancy was not noticed for weeks. this “secret” event played for twenty
Empire for valor in battle, community
Suddenly the city had two streets with years now with surprisingly little dis-
service, and other such acts.
the same name. ruption, and so the guards have come
Twenty-seven years ago, in the
At first, the people living and work- to enjoy the entertainment as much as
midst of the South Market’s transi-
ing on both streets took great umbrage other citizens.
tion from residential neighborhood to
at the situation. They were angry at The winners gain the right to call
mercantile district, the people living
the Commissar and the Council, and their street “Citation Street” for the
on Citation Street (in Oldtown)
they were angry with each other. A few year, while the losing street is referred
wanted to change the name of the
actual altercations occurred on both to as “the Other Citation Street” or
thoroughfare to Mikolic Street, in
streets as tempers flared. “Losing Citation Street.” Ties are pos-
honor of the current Prince of the
Soon, however, the situation sible (each street has the other’s ball,
cooled, although a rivalry and jeal- or neither does) and frequent. This
Their petition went before the City
ousy between the two areas of the city may be the best result for all involved,
Council and was in the process of
remained. Two years later, this rivalry really. In such a case, both roads are
being approved. During this time,
took the form of an event called the called “Citation Street,” and everyone
however, Prince Lukas Mikolic,
“Secret Citation War,” which would learns to live with a bit of confusion—
brother of current Holy Emperor
become an annual event. usually evidenced by mixed-up pack-
Rehoboth, died of a terrible degenera-
The Secret Citation War pits the age deliveries and the occasional new-
tive disease.
residents of each street in a contest comer lost in the wrong district.
involving two large, brightly painted
balls of pigskin: one in the possession
Oldtown of each street. Each side must attempt
to steal the other side’s ball and hang
onto it (somewhere on their street)
while at the same time keeping the
opposing street from doing the same
thing. The game involves spying, infil-
tration, ingenious concealment, and
sometimes physical struggle. Magic is
not allowed, and the balls may not be
kept behind a locked or sealed door
of any kind, or placed anywhere
requiring the destruction of property
to reach. The game occurs over a
two-day period in the month of Rain,
and the winning street is the one that South
retains the opponent’s ball at the end Market
of second day.

THE WINTER LYEHOUSE ever, new businesses have moved into the area
pk South Market (Gold Street, #251, E8) 1 and do not care for the lyehouse—in particular,
lD 170 gp they do not appreciate the odors produced during
Harris Fulk (male human commoner1) runs a soapmaking, claiming they drive away customers.
modest little soapmaking business here in the Unfortunately for Harris, one of the offended House Abanar: Ptolus, page 88
South Market with his wife, Klara (female businessmen has connections with House Abanar City Council: Ptolus, page 148
human commoner2), and eldest daughter, Irane and is in the process of getting the City Council
(female human commoner1). Their three to ban “odiferous businesses” from this portion
younger children live with them in their home of the district, which would force Harris and his
above the shop but do not yet help make the family to move.
soap. Harris hopes one day to have his two sons Scenario: One of the player characters meets
deliver soap to customers around the southern Irane Fulk and develops a friendship with her.
part of the city. Through her, the PCs learn of the Winter
The older Fulks spend their days toiling over Lyehouse’s plight and meet Harris. Harris asks
the hot lye to make the soap, while daughter them if they could possibly speak with the key
Irane runs the shop and helps customers. figure in House Abanar involved in this issue, a
Harris is a middle-aged man with greying hair. woman named Reshania Tol. This minor noble,
In his youth, he was known about town as a real the characters discover, is willing to help them
charmer with many lady friends. He finally mar- ensure that the lyehouse won’t be adversely
ried a woman much younger than he who, affected. However, in return, Reshania wants the
despite her rotund figure, is quite attractive. PCs to break into the home of a rival of hers
Irane, like her parents, is quite fetching and has and steal some important documents. The rival
already attracted a bevy of suitors is a merchant named Ukko Guld, who has a rep-
The Winter Lyehouse is one of the oldest utation for being a ruthless businessman with Halgrim Fatherstone: Ptolus,
shops in the South Market. At one time, much links to Halgrim Fatherstone, the Balacazar page 106
of the area around it was empty. Today, how- crime boss in the South Market.

Chapter 3:

My years of running a Ptolus Campaign (almost a decade now) have led to the introduction of many memorable
characters. And, as with so much of the campaign, not all of them managed to make it into the actual book . . .

Kabel Dathimol, page 40 n my old Monday night game group, the • The group came up against the litorian vam-
Knights of the Dawn: Ptolus, Runewardens had a run-in with Kabel pire Koban the Hunter one night on a dark
page 67 Dathimol, captain of the Knights of the street during the characters’ campaign
Emperor of the Church: Ptolus, Dawn, during the Time of No Magic, when the against the Covenant of Blood.
page 293 Emperor of the Church himself came under threat • And they fought Sintrik, an evil member of
Republicans: Ptolus, page 150 from the republican menace. the Shuul when they discovered his role in
My Thursday night characters, the Company the capture and enslavement of litorians of
Covenant of Blood: Ptolus, of the Black Lantern, interacted often with the tribe of Malethar. (Well, to be honest,
page 101 Lothao Valinth, aide and proxy to the powerful the PCs pretty much had it in for the entire
Doraedian Mythlord. (The all-elf Company lived Shuul organization, so they managed to fight
Sintrik, page 52 at Iridithil’s Home for quite some time.) almost every powerful member of the group
The Shuul: Ptolus, page 131 But it’s my more recent group—comprised of sooner or later.)
Benris of the Charad titans, the litorian brothers
Lothao Valinth: page 42 Charnoth and Tharn, Calista the song mage, Well drawn nonplayer characters can really
Doraedian Mythlord: Ptolus, Archinemus the storekeeper, Diethan the urban help bring a setting to life. The Ptolus book is rife
page 208 ranger, and Barbatos the irascible wizard—that with them: allies, opponents, neutral parties, and
Iridithil’s Home: Ptolus, really had a lot of crossover with the characters plain old Men-on-the-Street. Each district, organi-
page 207 described in this chapter. For example . . . zation, and race or class has its own associated
• Denoss Firth the legal advocate represented memorable characters. And now you can add to
some shady clients who tried to force them them the new figures presented in this chapter.
Charad titans: Ptolus, page 77 out of their newly purchased magic shop. My campaign reflections here are just scattered
(Though he denies having anything to do memories of these characters from my own game.
Denoss Firth, page 33 with sending the characters troll fingers, I’m hoping that you can take the NPCs detailed
which, as troll fingers do, tried to grow into in this chapter and use them to create some of
whole trolls and slay them in their sleep.) your own unique gaming memories. Whether they
Eyvind and Ssethenus, page 36 • The tyrants Eyvind and Ssethenus tried to have leading roles or merely walk-on parts, these
Slave City: Ptolus, page 422 kill them during their visit to the Slave City new characters have a role to play in the ever-
seeking the litorians’ vanished tribemates. evolving city of Ptolus.


THE NIGHT FAERIES Human, halfling, elf—a child’s
Not everything in Ptolus is flashing blades and race matters not to the two
casting spells, and not everyone with skill and Night Faeries when they
experience wants only to get wealthy or explore offer their gifts.
the Dungeon. Two such examples are Aden
Fessilica and Ettista Rallay, who run a complicat-
ed operation that involves breaking into homes.
However, they don’t rob those homes—they leave
things for the children who live there.
Aden Fessilica worked as an accountant for the
Rogue Moon Trading Company in their offices in
the South Market when she discovered an error Rogue Moon Trading Company:
that resulted in a large sum of gold (more than Ptolus, page 364
3,000 gp) being misplaced. Aden was able to cover
up this error and collected the money herself. With
these embezzled funds, she started a strange sort of
charity. With the help of her friend Ettista, a skilled DM TIP
but reluctant burglar who was going to give up her
profession due to moral concerns, she printed and Encounter Idea: The player
distributed a small pamphlet regarding fairies that characters are prowling around
come in the night to the homes of good boys and one night on their own mission
girls and leave treasures. Shortly thereafter, Ettista when they come upon Aden
began slipping into homes with children and leav- waiting in an alley, looking up
ing candy, toys, clothing, and other treats that at the window that Ettista just
Aden purchased with the money. climbed through. Do they inter-
Stories of the “Night Faeries” spread quickly fere? Do they believe the two of
through the city. The children blessed by these Ettista is tall, with long red hair that she them when they say they’re not
visitations are always needy, and so most people wears braided when working. Her green eyes actually thieves? What do they
are grateful. A few are frightened at the thought match her favorite color of clothing—she always do when Aden tries to recruit
of someone or something breaking into their wears green. their help?
homes. Many believe that the perpetrators are
indeed fairies of some kind. Ettista Rallay
Aden stands just over five feet tall and is stout- Female human (Chaotic Good)
ly built. Her brown hair comes to her shoulders, Rogue5 CR5
Init +6 Speed 30 feet
and her hazel eyes are large and full of life. She is
HD 5d6+5 hp 24
married to a young traveling merchant named
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14
Bevas, who has no idea she is involved in this BAB/Grapple +3/+2
venture (and most likely would not approve). Attack/Full Attack +3 melee (1d6/18–20,
rapier) or +6 ranged (1d8, longbow)
Aden Fessilica SA Sneak attack +3d6
Female human (Chaotic Good) SQ Trapfinding, evasion, trap sense +1, and
Expert4 CR3 uncanny dodge
Init +0 Speed 30 feet Fort +2 Ref +6 Will –1
HD 4d6 hp 25 Str 9, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 6, Cha 7.
AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10 Crucial Skills: Bluff +6, Climb +7, Disable
BAB/Grapple +2/+2 Device +12, Hide +7, Move Silently +9,
Attack/Full Attack +2 melee (1d3+1, Jump +6, Search +9, Spot +1.
unarmed attack) Eventually the Night Faeries are
Other Skills: Appraise +6, Knowledge (local)
Fort +1 Ref +1 Will +3 +6, Open Lock +10, Swim +6. going to run out of money to pay
Str 11, Dex 11, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 11. Crucial Feats: Dodge. for their escapades, at which
Crucial Skills: Diplomacy +7, Forgery +6, Other Feats: Improved Initiative, Martial point they may begin stealing
Search +3. Weapon Proficiency (longbow). from wealthy individuals to help
Other Skills: Knowledge (local) +9. Possessions: +2 leather armor, +1 rapier, the poor children.
Crucial Feats: Improved Unarmed Attack. masterwork longbow, masterwork arrows
Other Feats: Skill Focus (Knowledge [local]), (20), potion of shield of faith +3, 50 feet of
Toughness. rope, climber’s kit, masterwork thieves’
Possessions: Potions of invisibility and protec- tools, 85 gp, 14 sp.
tion from arrows 10/magic, gold ring with a
diamond worth 650 gp, 120 gp, 44 sp.


Camrich belongs to the Imperial Eyes, an organi-
Imperial Eyes: Ptolus, page 153 zation of undercover agents working in the serv-
The Commissar: Ptolus, ice of the Lion-Guarded Throne. However,
page 149 Camrich works in Ptolus, which means that he
answers directly and only to the Commissar.
He was recruited specifically because of his
sorcerous abilities. The Commissar had long
sought an agent to infiltrate the Inverted
Pyramid, a secretive organization of mages with
an extremely long history, and not known for its
support of government. Camrich, a Ptolus
native, was willing to do the job but had to go
through training to become a spy. Having com-
pleted a year of such instruction in Tarsis,
Camrich came back to the city. He was invited
to join the Inverted Pyramid after he demon-
strated his skills in the Godsday Tournament
Spell Challenge.
Inverted Pyramid: Ptolus, This is an extremely dangerous assignment. If
page 115 Camrich is revealed to be a spy, he will likely Fort +6 Ref +6 Will +11
“disappear” or become the victim of a magical Str 12, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 15, Wis 15, Cha 18.
Godsday Tournament: Ptolus, experiment “accident.” So far, however, he has Crucial Skills Bluff +12, Concentration +12,
page 392 been very careful. He’s only reported to the Escape Artist +8, Listen +11, Move Silently
Commissar once, after making sure he was not +8, Search +6, Sense Motive +7, Spot +8.
followed or scried. He fears using magical means Other Skills: Knowledge (arcana) +16,
to spy or report, but he will if he has to. Knowledge (local) +3, Open Lock +8,
Spellcraft +15.
Camrich stands just under six feet tall, with
Crucial Feats: Combat Casting, Heighten Spell,
brown hair and hazel eyes. He is fit for a thirty-
Spell Penetration.
five-year-old man and hardly looks the “mage” Other Feats: Skill Focus (Open Lock), Skill
type—let alone the “adventurer” type. He Focus (Sense Motive), Skill Focus (Listen).
dresses like a merchant and keeps his dagger, Languages: Common, Elvish, Orcish.
potions, and tools hidden. Only the presence of Spells: 6/7/7/7/7/6/5/3, save DC = 14 + spell
his cat, Judon, might give him away. level.
The truth is, however, he doesn’t want to hide 7th—limited wish.
his status as a sorcerer; he’s only pretending he 6th—disintegrate, project image.
does, so that if the people he’s really trying to 5th—magic jar, passwall, teleport.
4th—arcane eye, charm monster, fear, greater
fool (the other Inverted Pyramid mages) think
he’s acting suspicious, they’ll be thrown off by
3rd—dispel magic, fireball, gaseous form, protec-
his already deceptive manner. In other words, tion from energy.
they’ll think they know his secret, when they 2nd—bear’s endurance, cat’s grace, misdirection,
really don’t. touch of idiocy.
Tactics: At any given time, he’s likely to have 1st—change self, chill touch, feather fall, mage
mage armor cast and is always quick to use armor, shocking grasp.
bear’s endurance or cat’s grace to improve him- 0—daze, detect poison, flare, ghost sound, light,
self. If threatened, he likes to end fights quickly, mending, message, ray of frost, touch of
either by using limited wish or disintegrate, or fatigue.
Possessions: +3 dagger, vest of escape, potion
even just teleport. He goes well out of his way to
of shield of faith +4, potions of cure serious
avoid combat, however.
wounds and shield of faith +3, scroll of
detect scrying, masterwork thieves’ tools,
The Commissar makes sure that Camrich Rowe
14 pp, 18 gp, 2,000 gp letter of credit from
his important operatives have Male human (Lawful Neutral)
the Commissar (hidden in lining of cloak).
Sorcerer 14 CR14
letters of credit (see Ptolus,
Init +2 Speed 30 feet
page 155) to cover emergency Judon, cat familiar: hp 42
HD 14d4+42 hp 62
expenses that may arise while AC 12, touch 12, flat 10
they work undercover. BAB/Grapple +7/+8
Attack/Full Attack +11/+6 melee (1d4+4,

Denoss Firth is a well-paid advocate who repre-
sents accused criminals in court. Many wealthy
clients keep Denoss on retainer, and he serves
them in other capacities as well—as a proxy or
representative in business dealings, for example.
As such, he maintains particularly close ties with
House Abanar.
Denoss is brusque and arrogant—he’s always
too busy to give most people much attention, and
even when he does speak with someone he seems
continually preoccupied by something else. The
only time this isn’t true is when he is with his
wealthiest or his most dangerous clients (and usu-
ally, they are the same ones). He works not only
with influential and wealthy aristocrats and mer-
chants, but also with powerful criminals like
Menon Balacazar and the various criminal bosses Of average height and build, Denoss keeps fit Some reticent clients don’t want
in his employ. for a man in his fifties. His thick black hair is to be seen visiting Denoss Firth’s
He keeps an office in Midtown with two full- grey at the temples, and his brown eyes frequently office, so they visit in secret or
time employees: two elderly ladies who help seem to stare blankly into space—he’s always call him to their estate instead.
maintain his files and accounts and take mes- thinking, planning, and scheming.
sages. They know more about Denoss’ unsavory Tactics: Because of his clientele, Denoss occa- House Abanar: Ptolus, page 88
connections than he realizes, but they are also sionally finds himself in dangerous situations. He
fairly loyal to him—he pays them well and treats has become very good at hiding (helped by his Menon Balacazar: Ptolus,
them more kindly than one might expect. magical robes or the potion of invisibility that he page 101
A resident of the Nobles’ Quarter, Denoss lives always carries), seeming nonthreatening, and talk-
in the magical, floating apartment building called ing his way out of a situation. If he must defend
the Soaring Idyll. He never married and seems to himself, however, he has a magic dagger hidden in Soaring Idyll: Ptolus, page 300
have little interest in such a relationship, although his right sleeve at all times. House of Delights: Ptolus,
he frequents some of the more upscale local page 301
brothels such as the House of Delights in the Denoss Firth White House: Ptolus, page 334
Nobles’ Quarter and the White House in Male human (Lawful Neutral)
Oldtown. Expert13 CR 12
Init +5 Speed 30 feet
HD 13d6 hp 54
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10
BAB/Grapple +6/+8
Attack +9 melee (1d4+3, dagger) or
+8 ranged (1d4+3, dagger)
Full Attack +9/+4 melee (1d4+3, dagger) or
+8 ranged (1d4+3, dagger)
Fort +4 Ref +7 Will +10
Str 14, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 16, Wis 19, Cha 15.
Crucial Skills: Bluff +17, Hide +11, Listen +8,
Sense Motive +13, Spot +8.
Other Skills: Decipher Script +6, Diplomacy
+15, Gather Information +14, Knowledge
(local) +10, Knowledge (nobility and royal-
ty) +9, Profession (advocate) +14.
Crucial Feats: Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise, Denoss’ job involves keeping the
Quick Draw. (alleged) crimes of the nobility
Other Feats: Improved Initiative, Iron Will, out of broadsheets such as The
Lightning Reflexes. Midtown Partisan, which loves
Languages: Common, Elvish, Halfling, to report on scandals involving
Westron. the wealthy.
Possessions: +1 dagger, robe of blending,
potions of invisibility and cure serious
wounds, gold ring with star sapphire worth
450 gp, 15 gp, 11 sp, 17 cp.

Doleen Kafter is an older halfling woman with
sparkling green eyes and short black hair with
just a touch of grey.
Doleen is the author of many history texts,
self-published, most of which are still in print
thanks to a deal she has made with Blackstock
Blackstock Printing: Ptolus, Printing. Her works are very popular, probably
page 353 because she writes mostly about very recent his-
City Watch: Ptolus, page 150 tory. She interviews most of her subjects person-
Abesh Runihan: Ptolus, ally, recording the exploits of adventurers,
page 112 knights, soldiers, and even City Watch person-
nel, and publishing them while her subjects are
still alive. (One notable exception was her trea-
tise on Abesh Runihan, pictured at right, which
was published after the famed hero’s death.)
While her books are not fictional accounts,
she does tend to paint her subjects quite posi-
tively, unless they insist otherwise. (She has Doleen Kafter
found that some particularly truth-loving pal- Female halfling (Lawful Neutral)
adins have insisted on accuracy over praise, but Expert5 CR4
these are rare.) This method ensures that she’ll Init +2 Speed 20 feet
continue to get interviews, and she has found HD 5d6 hp 22
Characters interested in buying that positive tales of derring-do sell as well as or AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 11
BAB/Grapple +0/–3
Doleen’s books can try these better than scathing criticisms anyway.
Attack/Full Attack +2 melee (1d3–1, unarmed
shops throughout the city: Doleen’s interviews are straight-to-the-point,
Myraeth’s Oddities (Midtown, and yet methodical, comprehensive, and lengthy. SQ Halfling traits
Ptolus page 210), Qualin’s Many see her as rather humorless or at least Fort +4 Ref +4 Will +6
Books (Midtown, Ptolus page unflappable. Most subjects, after being inter- Str 9, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 17, Wis 18, Cha 15.
221), the Book Wagon (North viewed, are convinced that they came off quite Crucial Skills: Climb +0, Jump +0, Listen +10,
Market, Ptolus page 305), poorly, without impressing or moving her in any Move Silently +4, Search +8, Sense Motive
and Finnar’s Books (Oldtown, way, and then are surprised to find the published +6, Spot +5.
Ptolus page 337). book to be a glowing retelling of their perspec- Other Skills: Diplomacy +8, Gather Information
tive on events. +3, Knowledge (local) +4, Perform (oratory)
+6, Profession (writer) +8.
Doleen lives in Oldtown with her husband,
Crucial Feats: N/A
Nartin (male halfling commoner3) and their two
Other Feats: Great Fortitude, Toughness.
grandchildren whom they care for after their Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Elvish,
daughter and her husband died in a fire in the Halfling, Palastani, Westron
Katterwood neighborhood three years ago. Possessions: Quill of dictation (see below),
Scenario: After accomplishing some great goggles of minute seeing, potion of mage
deed, the player characters are approached by armor, unguents of timelessness (2), 17 gp,
Doleen, who would like to interview them and 11 sp.
make them the subject of her next treatise. This
process lasts 1d2 days per character. However, NEW ITEM
during the interviews, an enemy of the group Quill of Dictation: A bril-
uses a suggestion spell or simple manipulation to liant white feather, this
get Doleen to ask questions to probe for some sharpened quill will tran-
scribe what you say exactly
important bit of specific information that the
as you say it in the same
enemy wants (the exact location of the secret
language. It does not
ruins they explored, etc.). speed up transcription
Only the most astute PCs will pick up on time (such as copying
what’s going on (a Sense Motive check, DC 20, spells from one spellbook
The Katterwood neighborhood in would be appropriate). Finding out what their to another), but it does make the job more
Midtown (see Ptolus, page 200) enemies want to know can be an important clue pleasant.
is a favorite area of halflings. for the characters—often, they know important Moderate transmutation; CL 7th; Craft
information without even realizing it’s impor- Wondrous Item, mage hand; Price 400 gp;
tant! Weight —

DUTHUR GREYFIST AND THE Duthur Greyfist “I stand vigil. None shall pass
Male Stonelost dwarf (Lawful Neutral) without my leave, and such is
BRIDGE OF ARD CHOREND Fighter8/dwarven defender3 CR11
not granted unless it be in the
Init +1 Speed 20 feet
The bridge of Ard Chorend spans an under- best interest of my liege, Terrik
HD 8d10+32 + 3d10+12 hp 114
ground stream that spills into the Umbral Lake AC 24, touch 12, flat-footed 23 Clanstone of Kaled Del.”
within the vast cavern beneath Ptolus called the BAB/Grapple +11/+14 —Duthur Greyfist
Eternity Cave. Ard Chorend is one of the only Attack +16 melee (1d10+4/x3, waraxe)
ways to reach Kaled Del, an underground refuge Full Attack +16/+11/+6 melee (1d10+4, Umbral Lake: Ptolus, page 451
for Stonelost dwarves. 19–20/x3, waraxe) Eternity Cave: Ptolus, page 448
Duthur has served as the Steward of Ard Fort +14 Ref +7 Will +10 Kaled Del: Ptolus, page 448
Chorend for more than one hundred years, and SA Defensive stance 2/day for 9 rounds Stonelost dwarves: Ptolus,
in all that time he has never allowed past him SQ Darkvision 60 feet, dwarven traits, dodge page 49
bonus +1 and uncanny dodge
anyone who meant Kaled Del ill. Almost like a
Str 17, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 9.
statue, Duthur stands in the middle of the
Crucial Skills: Jump +6.
bridge, never moving until someone approaches Other Skills: Appraise +8, Craft (armor-
close enough to require a verbal challenge from smithing) +15, Craft (blacksmithing) +13,
him. He gives anyone who would use the Handle Animal +6, Knowledge (architecture
bridge clear warning that those who cannot and engineering) +8, Knowledge (dun-
prove they have legitimate, peaceful business in geoneering) +8.
Kaled Del will not be allowed to cross—and Crucial Feats: Diehard, Dodge, Endurance,
that he’ll use any means necessary to enforce Mobility, Spring Attack.
this mandate. Other Feats: Improved Critical (dwarven
waraxe), Iron Will, Toughness, Weapon
Of course, Duthur is not some kind of sleep-
Focus (dwarven greataxe).
less immortal. He is not always on duty, but
Possessions: +1 full plate, +1 heavy steel shield,
when he must rest, one of his younger protégés +1 dwarven waraxe, cloak of resistance +1;
takes his place on the bridge. potions of barkskin +3, water breathing, and
Tactics: It is not likely a surprise to any foes cure serious wounds; 50 feet of rope, hammer
that the guardian of a dwarven bridge is in fact and spikes (6),18 gp, 13 sp.
a dwarven defender. What may surprise them is
that, when he is not in his defensive stance, Defensive Stance (Ex): The following changes
Duthur is surprisingly agile and mobile. The are in effect while Duthur remains in a
defensive stance:
bridge, fifteen feet wide and five times as long, TO YOURS
hp 136
provides ample room for him to use his Spring
AC 28, touch 15, flat-footed 27
Attack feat but is narrow enough that he can Duthur Greyfist was, literally, the
BAB/Grapple +11/+15
guard the bridge all alone once he’s planted his Attack +17 melee (1d10+5/x3, waraxe) original Dwarven Defender. In
feet. Full Attack +17/+12/+7 melee (1d10+5, the design of Third Edition, it
Occasionally he attempts to grapple foes and 19–20/x3, waraxe) was this character and his bridge
throw them into the fast-moving, dangerous Fort +18, Reflex +9, Will +12 that inspired the dwarven
river beneath the bridge. Str 19, Con 22 defender prestige class. In the
Skills: Jump +7 design of Ptolus, he inspired the
creation of the Eternity Cave and
Kaled Del, two important loca-
tions below the city. Much later,
characters from the Company of
the Black Lantern in my Ptolus
Campaign actually encountered
him. Although the PCs success-
fully disarmed him—not a bad
tactic—he then proceeded to
throw them all, one by one, into
the raging river. Repeatedly. He
proved a very effective guardian
and provided a humbling
encounter for a group of elves
traipsing into an underground
area they had no business

Slave City: Ptolus, page 422 EYVIND AND SSETHENUS,

Ghul’s Labyrinth: Ptolus,
page 418
The Slave City is a location beneath Ptolus within
The Sorn: Ptolus, page 137 the area known as Ghul’s Labyrinth. Presented
below are two figures who live among the escaped
slaves there. If their plans come to fruition, they
FROM MY CAMPAIGN will prove problematic for Moondros, the nymph
who founded the refuge and serves as its leader.
When my characters ventured THE WIZARD
down to the Slave City seeking Eyvind (pronounced EYE-vind) is a freelance wiz-
lost litorian ex-slaves, they had a ard for hire. Rejected for membership in the Sorn,
run-in with these two tyrants: a mercenary mage’s organization in Ptolus, he
wandered around performing odd jobs, making much quicker to use his wand to create some
“To reach the city, we are faced money based mostly on the fact that he had virtu- distracting illusion that will get him out of a
with the challenge of crossing a ally no qualms about committing any act, as long problematic solution.
narrow catwalk across a steam- as he got paid.
ing lake. The actual settlement is Not long ago, Eyvind heard tell of the so-called Eyvind Terrak
built within a column that juts “Slave City,” a hidden underground refuge for Male human (Neutral Evil)
down into the lake. It looks very escaped slaves with a store of ancient magic. Wizard5 CR 5
Init +4 Speed 30 feet
defensible, with its four towers. Sensing a situation he could exploit, he headed
HD 5d4+15 hp 27
Taevel, an escapee we met near below the streets and eventually found the refuge
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 10
the back entrance, said it used to in an ancient subterranean stronghold resistant to BAB/Grapple +2/+3
be a good sanctuary for ex-slaves, divination magic. Claiming to want to help, he Attack/Full Attack +4 melee (1d4+1, dagger)
until the arrival of Ssethenus. was granted admittance and quickly joined forces Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +5
Then came the wizard, who with one of the more powerful lizardfolk there, Str 12, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 18, Wis 13, Cha 12.
arrived to learn more about Ssethenus. Crucial Skills: Concentration +10, Disable
the citadel’s ancient magic. Eyvind and Ssethenus plan to take over the Device +5.
Slave City and set themselves up as rulers there. Other Skills: Craft (alchemy) +12, Heal +2,
“Taevel gives us a rundown of Eyvind loves the idea of having a group of Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (geog-
raphy) +12, Knowledge (nature) +12,
the security forces: a dozen people under his power, away from the rest of
Knowledge (religion) +12, Spellcraft +11.
unwilling ex-slave guards and society. He seeks to force his subjects to become a
Crucial Feats: Dodge.
eight eager lizardfolk. We make gang of thieves that will steal from the city above Other Feats: Brew Potion, Craft Wondrous
a plan to talk our way in. Our and provide him with whatever he desires. Item, Scribe Scroll.
story: We are mercenaries inter- Eyvind’s role in the takeover of the Slave City Spells: 4/4/3/2, save DC 14 + spell level.
ested in freeing slaves to send will be to back up Ssethenus’ real physical might 3rd—displacement, dispel magic.
here in exchange for a bounty. with his own implied magical might. He hopes to 2nd—blindness/deafness, mirror image, web.
We hope this can get us not have to cast a spell, although a frightening illu- 1st—charm person, magic missile, shield, sleep.
in to see Ssethenus. sion or a single dose of blindness in the right victim 0—daze, detect magic, flare, ghost sound, light,
might help intimidate those who oppose him. mage hand.
Possessions: Masterwork dagger, wand of silent
“Ssethenus, the ‘King’ of the city, Tactics: In a fight, Eyvind is a coward. He
image (18 charges), potion of see invisibility,
arrives in armor to greet us. We focuses mainly on protecting himself with spells
scroll of lightning bolt, scrolls of invisibility
soon see for ourselves that this while others fight for him. He saves his scroll of (2), 48 gp.
so-called city of freed slaves offers lightning bolt for when he really needs it, and is
no freedom at all: only a new
sort of servitude. Ssethenus rules
with an iron fist and doesn’t What Magic Is Eyvind After?
seem inclined to let anyone The area surrounding the Slave City used to be home to Karanosin and Karalada, the Silver
leave. We offer him our ‘merce- Sisters. Long ago they imprisoned invading followers of Father Claw beneath a steaming lake in
naries’ story, along with a their subterranean stronghold. (Tales say the draconic men had come to the area seeking the Black
healthy helping of flattery. He Grail.) The sisters trapped their foes within powerful magical prisons: globes of electricity stored in
seems interested in our idea, a glass chamber and powered by an arcane obelisk. The obelisk (now within the confines of the
then introduces us to Eyvind, Slave City) still holds remnants of this power. The entire fortress of the Silver Sisters is protected
whom he calls his advisor. This with strong wards that hide it from magical divinations.
wizard, not liking the looks of us, Is it the magic of the Silver Sisters that led Eyvind to the Slave City? Or does he, like the long-
suggests to Ssethenus that we ago priests of Father Claw, seek the mighty dwarven artifact known as the Black Grail?
be executed immediately....”

Ssethenus was the chieftain of a large tribe of
lizardfolk living far to the south and west of
Ptolus when he and many others were kid-
napped by slavers called the Ennin and brought The Ennin: Ptolus, page 131
to the city. Before he could be sold, Ssethenus
escaped, taking a few of his tribesmen with him. Assarai lifestyle: Ptolus, page 56
Dismayed at the poor way lizardfolk lived in the
city, they fled to the Slave City where they found
Since lizardfolk are commonly taken as slaves,
many of the escaped slave population in the FROM MY CAMPAIGN
refuge were Ssethenus’ kind. He used his forceful TO YOURS
personality and leadership traits to quickly get
all of them to submit to him. Before venturing to the Slave
In addition to the dozen or so lizardfolk City, my characters rescued an
under his command, he has two burly enforcers assarai named Salsan from slav-
who think as he does. These two are his confi- ery in the seaside Balacazar
dants as well as his personal guards. manor house. (See “Sir Jingles”
Ssethenus doesn’t actually like Eyvind, but he in Ptolus, page 606.)
fears magic, so he likes the fact that the wizard Lizardman Enforcers
is on his side rather than against him. As long as Male lizardfolk (Lawful Evil) When they expressed interest in
the human mage doesn’t get out of line, the Warrior2 CR 2 finding the Slave City, Salsan
lizardfolk chief mostly ignores him, using him as Init +1 Speed 30 feet offered to accompany them in
a threat against those who oppose him. HD 2d8+6 + 2d8+6 hp 36 thanks for his rescue. He had
Tactics: Ssethenus is a proud and courageous AC 22, touch 11, flat-footed 21 heard rumors of the place’s
BAB/Grapple: +3/+7
fighter who shows no mercy. Any fight with location, as his former chieftain,
SQ Hold breath
Ssethenus is a fight to the death. He delights in Ssethenus, reportedly ruled there.
Attack/Full Attack +7 melee (1d8+6 short-
defeating others physically and sees the need for spear), or +4 ranged (1d6+4, javelin)
the occasional application of pain to motivate Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +1 Salsan’s presence gave the char-
others. He is extremely proud of his magical Str 19, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8. acters an edge in negotiating
sword and armor. Crucial Skills: Balance +5, Climb +8, Jump with the power-mad lizardman
+14, Listen +3, Spot +3. “king,” which helped them
Ssethenus Other Skills: Swim +14. eventually locate one of the
Male lizardfolk (Lawful Evil) Crucial Feats: Power Attack. litorians whom they sought.
Fighter5 CR6 Other Feats: Alertness.
Init +6 Speed 20 feet Possessions: Banded mail armor, shortspear,
HD 2d8+6 + 5d10+15 hp 59 javelins (2), 24 gp.
AC 23, touch 12, flat-footed 21
BAB/Grapple +6/+10
Attack/Full Attack +12 melee (1d8+5 Many Slave City residents pass through
longsword) or +9 ranged (1d6+4 javelin) the Dark Market before making
SQ Hold breath their escape.
Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +2
Str 19, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 18.
Crucial Skills: Balance +6, Climb +13, Hide +2,
Jump +12, Listen +1, Move Silently +2,
Spot +1.
Other Skills: Craft (weaponsmithing) +6,
Ride +4, Swim +13.
Crucial Feats: Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat
Reflexes, Power Attack.
Other Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon
Focus (longsword).
Possessions: +1 chainmail, +1 longsword,
javelin of lightning, masterwork javelins (4),
dagger, gem worth 300 gp in crude bracer,
139 gp.

Gloriassa Moruth, known to most as “Glory,” is
supposedly a young girl who lives with her aging
grandmother in a house built along the city wall
in the North Market.
In truth, Glory is an eighteen-year-old smuggler
living with an old woman named Tass Ressalswan
(female human commoner2). Tass herself is a
retired smuggler, more than willing to give Glory a
place to live and a location from which to work (as
well as a cover story) for a small share of her take.
In order to avoid paying taxes and tariffs on
goods coming into Ptolus, smugglers attempt to
Taxes and tariffs: Ptolus, get goods over the wall rather than through one
page 558 of the city’s gates. They also use this method to
City walls: Ptolus, page 156 bring illegal substances into the city to sell.
City gates: Ptolus, page 158 Houses built along the city wall are often tall,
Illegal substances: Ptolus, using the wall itself for support. Some are built
page 556 one atop another, rising even above the level of
the wall. People frequently call these “smuggler’s
houses,” and for good reason. Smugglers—like
Glory—use ropes and baskets to pull goods up Gloriassa Moruth
Female human (Chaotic Neutral)
and over the wall from their own windows.
Rogue3 CR 3
Glory began working as a smuggler when she
Init +7 Speed 30 feet
was only fourteen. To get other smugglers to HD 3d6+6 hp 18
work with her, she used her Disguise skill to make AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13
herself appear a couple years older, and Forgery BAB/Grapple +2/+4
to alter her own Imperial papers. Now, at eight- Attack +5 melee (1d6+2, short sword) or
Imperial papers: Ptolus, een, she uses those same skills to continue to look +6 ranged (1d6+1, short bow)
page 552 about sixteen, since she finds the perceived inno- SA Sneak attack +2d6
City Watch: Ptolus, page 150 cence of that age useful in throwing off the scent SQ Trapfinding, evasion and trap sense +1
of the City Watch. Fort +3 Ref +6 Will +3
Str 14, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 15, Wis 11, Cha 14.
Glory is petite with long brown hair and a
Crucial Skills: Balance +10, Intimidate +8,
round face. She’s possessed of a quick wit, and it
Search +7, Tumble +9, Use Magic Device +6.
would seem she can talk or charm her way out of Other Skills: Decipher Script +8, Diplomacy
almost any situation. One day she plans on +8, Disguise +8, Forgery +7, Gather
attempting to find and join the Longfingers Guild, Information +7, Handle Animal +5,
but for now she’s content to earn a living sneaking Knowledge (local) +5.
goods over the wall and transferring them to crimi- Crucial Feats: Combat Reflexes.
nals and black marketers in the city. She works Other Feats: Improved Initiative, Iron Will.
with criminals of all kinds, including even members Possessions: Masterwork studded leather,
of both major criminal organizations in Ptolus: the masterwork short sword, masterwork short-
bow, +1 arrows (20), potion of barkskin +3,
Balacazars and the Killraven Crime League.
12 pp, 15 gp, 2 sp, 13 cp.

Longfingers Guild: Ptolus,

page 128 The Roots of the Smuggling Lifestyle
Balacazars: Ptolus, page 100 Smuggling in the Empire exists to avoid the tariffs and taxes involved with regulated commerce,
Killraven Crime League: Ptolus, a powerful aspect the Empire wields like a mighty sword to control the population and fund its
page 121 own existence. High taxes and strict control of goods is a legacy of the Empire’s Prustan roots.
The political philosopher Putarach, in his work The Mind of a Monarch, even advised govern-
ments to declare various substances as contraband simply to provide another set of boundaries for
the populace: “To rule a people, you must be in a position to say both ‘yes’ and ‘no’ in regard to
any and all things. Before a man can eat a crust of bread, he must ask his ruler, ‘May I?’ If you do
not forbid something tangible, how can the people know you are in command on a daily basis?”
Many claim that Prustan rulers and the early Emperors took this advice to heart.
Thus, while most smugglers just want extra profit, a subset of them conduct their operations for
political reasons. These revolutionary smugglers can be some of the more bloodthirsty and ruthless
of the criminal element, and many of the more traditional smugglers avoid them.

JOSIAH CRAND, already cast mage armor. He takes the time to DM

cast shield as well, as the first action in combat,
ADVOCATE OF LIGHT bringing his Armor Class to 21. If his foes are Josiah could become a valuable
More than five hundred years ago, an angel clearly evil, he lashes out with his greataxe with- ally of Lawful Good player char-
named Liavando came to the world to aid a cleric out hesitation, cleaving through opponents with acters but, in the long term, they
of Gaen when called. Liavando saved the cleric’s both skill and strength. Against those who may may find him a bit infuriating:
life, and then found himself in the world, not be evil, he fights only to subdue, for He is always more selfless, more
left to his own devices. For reasons of the spark of each untainted soul is giving, and simply more good
his own, he wandered north to the more precious than a diamond to than they could ever be.
shore of a bay on the Whitewind him. He only rarely uses his bow. Adventure hooks that the PCs
Sea, where he found others like His ability to “see the truth in ignore or turn down later
himself. Eventually, this group all mortals” functions like a become tales heard of Josiah’s
of celestials became known as continuous discern lies ability, latest good deeds. Slow-acting
the Malkuth, dwelling in a although it is even more pow- player characters find Josiah
mysterious structure called the erful. If someone accuses has arrived at an important
Pale Tower in the burgeoning another of wrongdoing, Josiah encounter ahead of them and
city of Ptolus. can tell simply by looking if taken care of the situation (and
Eventually Liavando was that person is truly guilty of thus received all the praise and
slain in a battle with a green that act or not. It is important to glory for it).
dragon that belonged to an organ- note, however, that Josiah doesn’t
ization called the Pactlords of the use this ability to act as a judge of It should always be clear how-
Quaan. But during his time in the the guilty so much as a defender of ever that Josiah isn’t trying to
world, he married a mortal woman the innocent. show up the PCs or anything of
named Valian Crand and sired a son, Josiah. the kind. Despite his ever-growing
Josiah took after his father, developing light Josiah Crand reputation, he’s not doing it for
blue feathered wings and silver hair. Strangely, he Male human half-celestial (Lawful Good) the adoration. He’s doing it
seemed to age very slowly, and thus took almost Medium outsider because it’s the right thing to do.
Fighter3/sorcerer1 CR5
forty years to reach maturity. During this time,
Init +7 Speed 30 feet,
Valian passed away, leaving Josiah on his own. Josiah would never join an
fly 60 feet (good)
Today, about ten years after his mother’s death, adventuring group, even one
HD 3d10+12 + 1d4+4 hp 43
Josiah lives in the Pale Tower, although he has AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 dedicated to doing good—that
taken to wandering far from that home for great BAB/Grapple +3/+9 is not his style. As the campaign
lengths of time. In addition to the powers of a Attack/Full Attack +11 melee (1d12+10, progresses, he remains the hero
normal half-celestial, he has the ability to “see greataxe) or +7 ranged (1d8+1+2d6 holy, with the record and reputation
the truth in the hearts of all mortals.” longbow) that the player characters simply
He uses this ability to find those who need SA Smite evil (1/day +4 damage to evil foe), can never live up to.
him. Some have called him the Advocate of Light, discern lies and daylight at will, spell-like
for he acts on behalf of any nonevil intelligent Of course, Josiah may be called
SQ Darkvision 60 feet, immunity to disease,
creature who has been wronged or falsely upon to defend wrongly accused
resistance to acid 10, cold 10 and electricity
accused. He believes in justice over law, and will PCs at some point as well…
10, DR 5/magic, SR 14
risk all in that cause. As such, he has taken on the Fort +11 Ref +4 Will +3
role of an actual advocate in the Ptolus courts, he Str 22, Dex 16, Con 19, Int 15, Wis 11, Cha 16.
has physically prevented the imprisonment and Crucial Skills Concentration +11, Jump +9,
even execution of those unjustly sentenced, and Listen +7, Search +6, Sense Motive +3,
he has championed the oppressed and victimized Swim +8.
in all manner of situations, from mediating busi- Other Skills: Diplomacy +6, Handle Animal +8. Gaen, page 11
ness disputes in the city to protecting travelers on Crucial Feats: Cleave, Improved Sunder, Power The Malkuth: Ptolus, page 129
the road from bandits. For these actions, he never Pale Tower: Ptolus, page 329
Other Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon
asks for reward or payment. He simply explains,
Focus (greataxe).
“I am carrying out my father’s will, and continu- Pactlords of the Quaan: Ptolus,
Spell-Like Abilities: Caster level 4th. Save DCs
ing his legacy.” are Charisma based. page 130
However, Josiah’s actions often get him in 3/day—protection from evil.
trouble with the authorities. Although they dare 1/day—aid, detect evil, bless.
not attempt to punish him (his popularity is far Spells Known: 5/4; save DC 13 + spell level.
too widespread for them to risk angering the pop- 1st—mage armor, shield.
ulace like that), at times they would love to see 0—daze, ghost sound, light, prestidigitation.
him “out of the way.” He makes them look bad. Possessions: +1 greataxe, +1 longbow, +1 holy
arrows (12), potion of neutralize poison,
Tactics: Before a fight—unless he is caught
13 gp.
completely unaware—Josiah is likely to have

KABEL DATHIMOL, KNIGHT Kabel is tall with short brown hair, a mus-
Sir Kabel Dathimol is the leader of the Knights tache, and a small beard. Although he remains
Knights of the Dawn: Ptolus, of the Dawn in Ptolus and one of the very fit for a man in his late fifties, his step
page 67 Commissar’s Twelve Commanders. Although doesn’t have quite the spring in it that it used
Twelve Commanders: Ptolus, the Order of the Dawn is a worldwide organi- to have.
page 148 zation of knights within the Church of Lothian, He lives in the Holy Palace (pictured below),
Church of Lothian: Ptolus, it is first and foremost the guard and soldiery where all the Knights of the Dawn in the city
page 64 of the Holy Emperor. And, with the Holy are barracked. He has an office there and three
Holy Emperor: Ptolus, page 293 Emperor living in Ptolus, Sir Kabel now lives administrative assistants. Kabel is unmarried and
there as well. has no family beyond the order.
More an administrator than a warrior, Kabel In Ptolus, there are approximately fifty
spends most of his time out of his armor, attend- Knights of the Dawn. They all report to Kabel,
ing meetings with clergy and important people in either directly or indirectly. Elsewhere, more
the city. It has been well over a year since he has than two hundred Knights work for the Church
Holy Palace: Ptolus, page 292 drawn his weapon with the intention of using in various capacities.
it. Most of his battle gear, in fact, is honorary,
bequeathed to the leader of the order. That said, Sir Kabel Dathimol
however, he is well trained in both melee and Male human (Lawful Good)
ranged combat, as well as spellcasting and the Paladin16 CR16
Init +0 Speed 20 feet
other duties required of him. In his younger
HD 16d10+16 hp 99
days, he was a fiery proselytizer and champion
AC 16, touch 10, flat-footed 16
of the faith. Today, though, Kabel is far more BAB/Grapple +16/+19
reserved, and far more used to compromise and Attack +23 melee (1d10+8/x3, heavy flail) or
tolerance as well. +19 ranged (1d8+2/x3)
One thing he knows little about is warfare, Full Attack +23/+18/+13/+8 melee (1d10+8/x3,
never having actually served in a war or com- heavy flail) or +19/+14/+9/+4 ranged
manded a large-scale military endeavor. He is, (1d8+2/x3)
however, canny at smaller operations, and more SA Smite evil 4/day (+3 attack and +16 dam-
focused duties, such as guarding the Emperor of age) and turn undead 6/day
SQ Detect evil, aura of courage, divine health,
the Church and his residence. He has also
remove disease (4/week), aura of good, lay
become adept at subterfuge and covert opera-
on hands, divine grace, and special mount
tions. When a group of adventurers or delvers in Fort +16 Ref +10 Will +9
Ptolus gains notoriety or wields obvious power Str 18, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 17.
(which is to say, reaches 13th level or higher), Crucial Skills: Concentration +15, Heal +12,
sometimes Kabel will have a member of his Listen +9, Search +4, Spot +9.
order infiltrate the group on one or more mis- Other Skills: Diplomacy +24, Handle Animal
sions, so the Church can learn about their +19, Knowledge (local) +3, Ride +13, Sense
motives as well as their abilities. Kabel main- Motive +14.
tains meticulous notes of such information, to Crucial Feats: Point Blank Shot.
Other Feats: Alertness, Great Fortitude,
keep himself and the Emperor aware of possible
Lightning Reflexes, Negotiator, Weapon
threats as well as worthwhile allies.
Focus (heavy flail), Weapon Focus (com-
Knights of the posite longbow).
Dawn Barracks Spells: Save DC 13 + spell level.
4th—mark of justice.
3rd—greater magic weapon, magic circle
against chaos.
2nd—delay poison, owl’s wisdom, shield other.
1st—detect undead, protection from chaos,
protection from evil.
Possessions: +1 full plate armor of light fortifi-
cation, +2 heavy flail of disruption, +2 shock
composite longbow, +1 arrows (12), master-
work arrows (12), 1 gp, 12 sp, 12 cp.

KOBAN, HUNTER OF THE NIGHT Scenario: Koban’s (stolen) elvish swords are
Approximately two hundred years ago, a litorian tied to a ring of fire elemental command that
fighter named Koban came to Ptolus, looking for appears to be a ring of energy resistance (fire)
a quick and easy path to great prowess and skill. until the wearer comes into contact with the
He had heard that the city held such wonders, swords. PCs who find such a ring would
and he wanted them for himself. become the object of Koban’s search (he knows
At that time, litorians were few in the City by of the ring’s existence), even if they only believe
the Spire, and Koban could find no one of his it to be a normal fire resistance ring. The ring
own kind. Most cityfolk kept their distance from begins to vibrate when the owner of the swords
the litorian, and he soon found himself alone. is on its trail and has come to within one thou-
He could speak only a little of the city’s primary sand feet.
language and resorted to wandering back streets
and alleyways to find a place to sleep. Koban
On only his fourth night in the city, Koban Litorian male vampire (Chaotic Evil)
Corporeal undead
was beset by vampires, which slew him. He met Litorians: Ptolus, page 54
Fighter10 CR12
a grisly and untimely end and soon rose as a
Init +9 Speed 30 feet
vampire himself. Although it was not what he Forsaken: Ptolus, page 112
HD 10d12 hp 99
had originally envisioned, Koban had found AC 27, touch 15, flat-footed 22 Covenant of Blood: Ptolus,
great power—a gift of the city. BAB/Grapple +10/+18 page 101
Koban has hunted the back streets of Ptolus Attack +18 melee (1d4+8, slam ) or +21 melee
since that time. Usually a loner, he has no direct (1d8+9+1d6 fire, longsword)
connection with the Forsaken and never goes Full Attack +18 melee (1d4+8, slam)
into the Necropolis. Very recently, however, or +19/+14 melee (1d8+11+1d6 fire,
Koban was made a member of the Covenant of longsword) and +18/+13 (1d6+5+1d6 fire,
short sword)
Blood, a cabal of powerful vampires centered
SA Blood drain (1d6 Constitution), children
around an artifact known as the Horn of Blood
of the night 1/day (1d6+1 rat swarms,
and an ancient pact made millennia ago with 1d4+1 bat swarms, or a pack of 3d6 feral
some horrors of the deep sea. dogs), dominate (Will save, DC 18,
Still, one can most commonly find Koban CL 12th), create spawn, energy drain
stalking prey in the night, often in the Warrens (2 negative levels)
but sometimes in Midtown or the South Market. SQ Alternate form (bat, dire bat, feral dog, or
His lair (and adopted coffin) is hidden below dire wolf ), DR 10/silver and magic, fast Like Koban, the vampire Hadrien
Midtown in the sewers somewhere. healing 5, gaseous form, resistance to cold Runihan is also a member of the
Tactics: When on the prowl, he often takes 10 and electricity 10, spider climb at will, +4 Covenant of Blood. See Ptolus,
turn resistance
the form of an animal. In a fight, Koban uses a page 195 for more on him.
Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +5
matched pair of swords of Elder Elven make.
Str 26, Dex 21, Con 0, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 17.
However, if foes surround him, he drops his Crucial Skills: Bluff +13, Hide +14, Jump +20,
short sword (it’s on a locked gauntlet) and Listen +14, Move Silently +13, Search +13, When vampires use their children
makes a whirlwind slam attack. Unlike other Sense Motive +10, Spot +16, Tumble +15. of the night ability in Ptolus,
vampires, when using his whirlwind attack, Other Skills: Intimidate +15, Ride +9. they summon 1d6+1 rat swarms,
Koban can use his energy drain ability on every Crucial Feats: Combat Reflexes, Dodge, 1d4+1 bat swarms, or 3d6 feral
single foe he attacks that round. Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack, dogs and can take the form of
Another unique aspect of Koban is that, when Whirlwind Attack. feral dogs rather than wolves.
he uses his blood drain ability, he drains more Other Feats: Alertness, Greater Weapon
Focus (longsword), Improved Initiative,
blood than normal in a single round, thanks to
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Lightning
his enormous and ferocious bite. FROM MY CAMPAIGN
Reflexes, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon
Focus (longsword), Weapon Focus (short TO YOURS
sword), Weapon Specialization (long-
sword). In an encounter with Koban,
Possessions: +1 flaming longsword, +1 flaming Diethan the urban ranger
short sword (with weapon lock), +1 mithral learned (much to his surprise)
breastplate, potions of shield of faith +2 and that his ring of fire resistance
resist energy (fire) 30, jeweled scabbard could command elementals! It
worth 100 gp, gold and ruby ring worth also could activate powers of the
500 gp, 19 gp. vampire’s flaming swords, which
he claimed after the battle,
of course.

LOTHAO VALINTH, lose in using the portal. However, the place he

arrived in was certainly no better—and quite
DORAEDIAN MYTHLORD’S AIDE possibly worse. The portal took Lothao to
People throughout Ptolus know Lothao Valinth Shoggoth, a secret city in the Dragonsbirth
as Doraedian Mythlord’s trusted aide and proxy Mountains controlled by the infamous god-
among the city’s Twelve Commanders. Few, dragon known as Father Claw. The dragon’s
however, know his own tale. followers had lived for millennia in this city,
Lothao was born to Shoal elf nobility far to whose location remained a secret even to the
the east of Ptolus. He lived a life of luxury in most learned scholars in the outside world.
a tall aghaeval or “tree castle,” a tall, elegant Lothao soon found himself captured by the
structure built in the joining of four massive, residents there, who—after hearing his story—
living trees. When Lothao was only thirty-four, decided not to kill him, but forbade him to
however, the aghaeval was attacked by hobgob- leave.
lin soldiers in the service of a human woman So Lothao came to live in Shoggoth. There he
named Irhesh, a powerful local lord. The hob- learned the art of swordfighting from a man
goblins took Lothao back to Irhesh, who held named Ni-Reshton. Ni-Reshton took Lothao
Doraedian Mythlord: Ptolus, him hostage to get his family, already belea- as his charge and used ancient techniques to
page 208 guered by her raids, to do as she commanded. improve the young elf. Secret herbs, rare oils,
Twelve Commanders: Ptolus, Lothao possessed more inventiveness and strange psychological practices, and mysterious
page 148 bravery than anyone had given him credit for, instruction methods, applied over many decades,
however. He freed himself from his cell and changed Lothao into an elf of near perfect physi-
Shoal elves: Ptolus, page 50 crept about Irhesh’s stone castle. Eventually, he cal and mental stature. Lothao grew to love Ni-
came upon a strange device. Irhesh had little Reshton like a father. However, even with the
Shoggoth: Ptolus, page 609 knowledge of magic, so the fact that she had unnaturally long life span granted him by the
Father Claw: page 9 captured a magical artifact of the cthorn in a same techniques he used with Lothao, Ni-
raid had escaped her. She thought it was an elab- Reshton was an old human. After a century,
Cthorn: Ptolus, page 495 orate and valuable abstract sculpture. Lothao he died.
didn’t know much about magic, but he knew Thus trained and enhanced, Lothao used his
enough about history to recognize a portal made friend’s funeral as a diversion to make his
Iridithil’s Home: Ptolus, by the cthorn. These beings of antiquity were escape. He fled the secret city and made his way
page 207 unquestionably corrupt, but their command of out of the mountains back to his home many
magic was considerable. After some experimen- lands away. By the time he arrived, he learned
tation, Lothao activated the magic portal and, that Irhesh had finally slain his family, before
Shoggoth’s exact location in the holding his breath, stepped through. dying herself. Now her son ruled the region;
Dragonsbirth Mountains (below) He had thought that anywhere would be bet- much to Lothao’s surprise, he seemed a mostly
is a mystery to all but Lothao. ter than Irhesh’s castle, that he had nothing to just man.
Lothao found he had no home or family. He
had no vendetta to carry out—time had done
that work for him. He wandered aimlessly for
a time but soon learned that the followers of
Father Claw sought either to bring him back to
Shoggoth or to silence him forever so he could
not betray their secrets.
Eventually he fled to the city of Ptolus, where
he hoped to make powerful friends or find some
magical means of protecting himself. He eventu-
ally found both in the elven sanctuary called
Iridithil’s Home.
The master of Iridithil’s Home, Doraedian
Mythlord, found himself quickly drawn into a
friendship with the exceptional elf. When he
heard his tale, Doraedian gave Lothao an amulet
that would keep his pursuers from finding him.
In exchange, Lothao pledged his service to
Doraedian. Today, Lothao represents Doraedian
on the Commissar’s elite defense council, the
Twelve Commanders, and in other aspects as
well. To many, Lothao is Doraedian Mythlord’s
voice; that’s a lot of responsibility for an elf

Iridithil’s Home

According to rumor, republican

leader Helmut Itlestein is about
to embark upon his own quest
who’s still fairly young. Lothao takes that Full Attack +14/+9 melee (1d8+5/19–20) or for the lost city of Shoggoth deep
responsibility very seriously. +15/+10 ranged (1d8+6/x3) in the Dragonsbirth Mountains.
It is important to note that Doraedian never SQ Low-light vision, elf traits and low-light For details, see page 609 of
asked Lothao the location of the secret city, and Ptolus.
Fort +6 Ref +7 Will +10
his friend never offered the information. He’s
Str 18, Dex 20, Con 16, Int 17, Wis 17, Cha 18.
never told anyone, in fact. Although he was held Crucial Skills: Intimidate +13, Jump +14,
there against his will, Lothao feels a certain obli- Listen +15, Search +10, Sense Motive +7,
gation to Ni-Reshton. Because he thinks of Spot +14.
Shoggoth as the secret of his dead friend, it is a Other Feats: Balance +8, Diplomacy +11,
secret he will never betray. Gather Information +10, Knowledge
Lothao wears his straight black hair quite (History) +8, Knowledge (Local) +8,
long. He dresses in the fine clothes befitting his Ride +9.
station, but with his chain shirt on underneath. Crucial Feats: Combat Expertise, Power
He is tall and extremely good looking, with a
Other Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative,
compelling and captivating manner.
Iron Will, Skill Focus (Knowledge [local]),
Tactics: In a fight, Lothao uses the training he Weapon Focus (longsword).
received from his old friend in melee, fighting Languages: Common, Draconic, Elvish,
with quick, decisive strikes. Others have noted Orcish, Sylvan.
that his fighting style is decidedly non-elven and Possessions: +1 chain shirt, +1 heavy wooden
strange. Those more learned in such things rec- shield, +1 longsword, +2 composite longbow
ognize it as the rare dragon-claw style, usually (+4), masterwork arrows (20), amulet of
considered unique to the followers of Father proof against detection and location, oil of
Claw. This observation certainly raises knowl- greater magic weapon +5, 16 pp, 12 gp,
12 sp.
edgeable brows.
Lothao is one of the rare few
* Lothao’s CR has been increased by 1
Lothao Valinth alive today who can claim to
because of his enhanced ability scores
Male Shoal elf (Neutral) have recognized and used magic
and his greater than normal amount
Aristocrat4/fighter5 CR9* created by the lost cthorn race.
of equipment.
Init +9 Speed 30 feet
HD 4d6+12 + 5d10+15 hp 94
AC 23, touch 15, flat-footed 18
BAB/Grapple +8/+12
Attack +14 melee (1d8+5/19-20) or +15 ranged

NEVIN KEASTAL, GAMBLER person spells if necessary. When endangered,

Nevin Keastal is a human male who makes his Nevin attempts to run if possible. Otherwise, he’ll
Sting pistol: Ptolus, page 561 living as a gambler in Ptolus. He first came to the pull out his concealed sting pistol (a small firearm
city as a low-level diplomat, working as an intended to be hidden), use it, and then run.
Rhoth: Ptolus, page 43 attaché for an envoy from Rhoth. While here on It’s worth noting that he’s not a traditional
House Sadar: Ptolus, page 94 his first assignment, his superiors discovered that bard in any way. He doesn’t carry an instrument
he had accepted a bribe from House Sadar to nor does he sing.
influence the other diplomats on a particular
issue, and he was dismissed immediately. Nevin Keastal
Nevin has remained in the city for the past seven Male human (Neutral Evil)
Bard2/Expert3 CR 4
The Cock Pit: Ptolus, page 355 years, frequenting such places as the Cock Pit, the
Init +5 Speed 30 feet
White House: Ptolus, page 334 White House, and Swordthrowers when he can,
HD 2d6+2 + 3d6+3 hp 30
Swordthrower’s Club: Ptolus, and even less reputable places when down on his AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10
page 301 luck. He uses his bardic knowledge to find the best BAB/Grapple +2/+1
illegal gambling operations in the city, and to keep Attack +2 melee (1d8, longsword) or +4 ranged
one step ahead of both the authorities and the (1d10, sting pistol)
moneylenders to whom he has become indebted. Full Attack +2 melee (1d8, longsword) or
Honorless, thin-skinned, and vengeful, Nevin +4 ranged (1d10, sting pistol)
never keeps friends very long before betraying SQ Bardic knowledge, bardic music 2/day
them, stealing from them, or overreacting to some (countersong, fascinate +1 and inspire
courage +1)
perceived slight. He would not hesitate to cheat at
Fort +2 Ref +5 Will +5
the games he spends so much time with, and has
Str 9, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 15, Wis 13, Cha 14.
done so many times. He’s even been caught occa- Crucial Skills: Bluff +10, Hide +6, Listen +4,
sionally, which just adds more names to the list of Search +3, Sense Motive +9.
people he has to hide from. Other Skills: Appraise +7, Disguise +7, Forgery
In his mid thirties, Nevin is a charming man +9, Gather Information +9, Perform (act)
with brown hair, gray eyes, and a distracting +6, Profession (gambler) +10.
smile. He is thin and, on the rare occasions he Crucial Feats: N/A
draws his sword, he appears barely able to heft it, Other Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency
let alone wield it with any skill. (He’d like people (firearms), Improved Initiative, Skill Focus
(Profession [gambler]).
to believe this is just an act covering his actual
Spells Known: 3/1, save DC 12 + spell level.
Nevin is experienced in the tremendous skill, but it’s not.)
1st—charm person, cure light wounds.
gambling games discussed in One can usually encounter him in a tavern or 0—dancing lights, flare, mage hand, open/close,
the information panel on gambling house. He is very gracious and friendly prestidigitation.
page 359 of Ptolus. on a first meeting—but he’s almost certainly just Possessions: +1 longsword, masterwork sting
setting up his new acquaintances for some scheme pistol, ammunition (10 rounds), potion of
or getting ready to take advantage of them. He invisibility, masterwork disguise kit, 13 gp,
plies them with an expertly crafted admixture of 12 sp, 15 cp.
lies and flattery and even adds subtly cast charm

NUPE SKOYTER AND TALADIL, Other Skills: Bluff +6, Climb +6, Knowledge
(nobility and royalty) +9, Knowledge (local)
Crucial Feats: Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Run.
One of the greatest threats to Ptolus today is the
Other Feats: Alertness, Two-Weapon Fighting.
swelling ranks of the various chaos cults—the Possessions: +1 short swords (2); ring of climb-
Ebon Hand, the Plagueborn, the Crimson Coil, ing; masterwork chain shirt; potions of bull’s
and many others. Although disparate and unor- strength, cure moderate wounds, and invisibili-
ganized for now, the cults’ motives grow more ty; gold and amethyst brooch (worth 350 gp),
and more similar. gold ring (worth 75 gp), 94 pp, 40 gp.
Soon the dark masters behind all the cults will
slowly begin to reveal themselves. Until then, cer- THE STREETWALKER Ebon Hand cult: Ptolus, page 72
tain cultists attempt to unify the different groups If Taladil has a surname, she’s never told it to Plagueborn cult: Ptolus, page 73
and further their own agendas of ultimate anyone. This tiefling works as a prostitute, using Crimson Coil: Ptolus, page 71
destruction. her time on the streets to gather information and
keep in touch with everything going on in the
THE BRAT city. She works alone, walking the streets of
The pampered child of wealthy parents, Palamad Midtown—particularly around Delver’s Square.
Atlasis never wanted for anything. Bored and Taladil helps Nupe and other cultists as an
stupid—he failed out of every school his family information source and, on rare occasions, as
sent him to—Palamad fell in with a group of magical “support” on missions (usually missions
ruffians. The youth found that he got a strange that involve subterfuge rather than combat). She
satisfaction from mugging travelers on the road is a devout member of the Tolling Bell cult
into the city or breaking into and ransacking because she hates everyone and everything.
wealthy homes. The love of destruction came to The spells that come easiest to her are often
him easily. defensive or deceptive in nature. She has few
Soon he discovered that his destructive ruffian dramatic offensive spells at her disposal, so she
friends actually belonged to a chaos cult called rarely tells anyone that she can cast spells at all.
the Tolling Bell, which was dedicated to the idea She also attempts to hide her demonic heritage,
of ultimate destruction: the eschaton, the end of using magic if she must to conceal her clawlike
the world itself. To mark his new affiliation with hands and feet (although gloves and boots do a
the cult, Palamad changed his name to Nupe fair job). Basically, everything about Taladil is
Skoyter, even though most of his friends told him a lie.
it sounded somewhat silly. She does use her magic to aid in her attempts
Nupe has no mind for sophisticated learning, at seduction. She enjoys using lies to help her The leaders of the dangerous
but he is no fool. He is canny and wily. He fan- seduce men rather than just relying on straight Tolling Bell cult seek to unite the
cies himself a leader, but those around him know charm. She tells her clients what she thinks they efforts of the other various cults
that he’s just not smart enough to pull it off. want or need to hear. to bring about the end of the
Often he acts as a courier or messenger, which Tactics: In a dangerous situation, she’ll have world. For details, see Ptolus,
brings him into frequent contact with a cultist already cast mage armor (making her AC 14) page 73.
agent named Taladil. and, if possible, both mirror image and displace-
Tactics: In a fight, Nupe uses two matching ment. If it seems necessary, she casts lesser globe
magical short swords, each fashioned so that the of invulnerability, although she dislikes the
hilt guards covering his fists look like screaming immovability of that spell. When sneaking about,
faces. Although he enjoys a good fight, he is she uses a combination of mage armor,
under no illusions regarding his skills—he’s no invisibility, and cat’s grace, with liberal doses
fighter. of ghost sound to distract others.

Nupe Skoyter Taladil For more information about

Male human (Chaotic Neutral) Female tiefling (Chaotic Evil) tieflings in the city, see Ptolus,
Aristocrat8 CR 7 Medium outsider (native) page 58.
Init +2 Speed 30 feet Sorcerer9 CR 9
HD 8d8+24 hp 62 Init +0 Speed 30 feet
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 HD 9d4+27 hp 53
BAB/Grapple +6/+8 AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10
Attack +9 melee (1d6+3, short sword) BAB/Grapple +4/+5
Full Attack +7/+2 melee (1d6+3, short sword) Attack/Full Attack+6 melee (1d4+1, dagger) or
and +7 (1d6+2, short sword) +5 ranged (1d4+1, dagger)
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +10 SA Darkness 1/day
Str 15, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 6, Wis 18, Cha 16. SQ Darkvision 60 feet, resistance to cold 5,
Crucial Skills: Hide +3, Listen +6, Spot +6. electricity 5, and fire 5


Str 13, Dex 11, Con 17, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 14. Nupe and Taladil can provide an interesting way
Crucial Skills: Concentration +4, Hide +4,
to introduce PCs to the chaos cults, or to the dan-
Listen +2.
Nupe and Taladil might come ger of unifying the disparate cults after the player
Other Skills: Bluff +4, Disguise +6, Gather
in handy during a prelude Information +5, Knowledge (local) +2, characters have already encountered one or two
encounter to the adventures Knowledge (religion) +4, Profession (prosti- of the groups on other adventures.
found in The Night of tute) +10, Spellcraft +5. These two NPCs are interesting foes for a low-
Dissolution. Crucial Feats: Combat Casting, Silent Spell. level group of adventurers. Despite being mid-
Other Feats: Craft Wand, Craft Wondrous Item. level themselves, neither one is a terrible threat
Languages: Common, Infernal. in combat. They’re tough enough, however, to
Spells Known: 6/7/7/6/4, save DC = 12 + spell handle a chase encounter with a group of PCs
Undercity Market: Ptolus, level. through the alleys of Ptolus. Because Taladil’s
4th—lesser globe of invulnerability, wall of fire.
page 423 repertoire of spells can enable them to get away,
3rd—clairaudience/clairvoyance, displacement,
they could easily become recurring villains.
2nd—cat’s grace, invisibility, mirror image, For example, the player characters might learn
see invisibility. through a Gather Information check that two
1st—charm person, disguise self, mage armor, chaos cultists often meet in secret in the Undercity
shocking grasp, silent image. Market. When they move in to investigate, they
0—dancing lights, detect magic, disrupt undead, come upon Nupe and Taladil. Tough enough to
flare, ghost sound, light, mage hand, survive the surprise round even if caught
open/close. unawares, Taladil could put a wall of fire or two
Possessions: Masterwork daggers (3), amulet between them and the PCs to enable the two
of health +2, wand of scorching ray (24
cultists’ escape. Later, the adventurers might see
charges), scroll of greater invisibility, potion
Taladil talking with a client or Nupe in a tavern
of fly, disguise kit, pair of silver earrings
worth 60 gp, 31 gp. speaking with some other figure. Either event
might become an opportunity for the PCs to gain
even more information about the cults.

PHARIS NOLDSTROM, Pharis has a hard choice before him.

Tactics: Pharis disdains the typical longsword
COMMISAR’S MAN of a military captain in favor of a trident, which
Captain Pharis Noldstrom serves as the he can throw if need be. Sometimes he eschews
Commissar’s second-in-command in the elite his shield (reducing his Armor Class by 3 to
group known as the Commissar’s Men. This bat- AC 21) to use both hands on his weapon (adding
talion of extremely loyal soldiers followed the a +2 bonus to damage). When using this tactic,
Commissar to Ptolus when he received this he’s also likely to use Power Attack for 4 points,
appointment, having served under him in the days subtracting 4 from his attacks but adding another
when he was a general in the Gnoll War in the +8 to his damage for a total damage bonus of
southwest. +15. Pharis doesn’t care for firearms—too noisy,
Tall and ruddy, Pharis keeps his reddish-brown he says.
goatee neatly trimmed beneath his hawklike nose. Scenario: The player characters end up on the
Others often think of Captain Noldstrom as dour, wrong side of the Killraven organization and raid
but in truth he just takes his duty very seriously. what turns out to be one of the syndicate’s many
Pharis has a dark secret, however. In his days at safe houses. Among various records and papers
the Imperial Academy in Tarsis, while under the recovered after the thugs and thieves are routed is Commissar’s Men: Ptolus,
influence of alcohol and drugs, Pharis murdered evidence implicating Pharis Noldstrom as a con- page 148
one of his instructors in a fit of rage. He was able tact within the Commissar’s Men (even if this Commissar: Ptolus, page 149
to cover up his involvement and was never impli- isn’t true). The PCs must decide what to do with Gnoll War: Ptolus, page 86
cated. Still, the crime has haunted him for years. the information: confront Pharis, turn him in, use
And now, he has received a message from it to their own advantage, or ignore it? This sce-
crime boss Kevris Killraven’s lieutenant in nario works well if they have met Pharis on other,
Oldtown, saying that she knows about the mur- more normal pretenses, and best if they consider Alcohol and drugs: Ptolus,
der and has proof that he did it. The note makes him at least somewhat a friend. page 556
it clear that, if Pharis doesn’t begin providing
information to Killraven regarding the Captain Pharis Noldstrom
Commissar, she will make this proof available Male human (Lawful Good)
to him, and Pharis’ career will come to an end— Fighter12 CR 12 Kevris Killraven: Ptolus, page 121
Init +1 Speed 20 feet
plus he’ll to go to prison or even face execution.
HD 12d10+24 hp 100
AC 24, touch 11, flat-footed 23
BAB/Grapple +12/+16
Attack +17 melee (1d8+5, trident) or
+14 ranged (1d8+5, trident)
Full Attack +17/+12/+7 melee
(1d8+5, trident) or +14 ranged
(1d8+5, trident)
Fort +11, Ref +6, Will +6
Str 18, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 11,
Wis 13, Cha 8.
Crucial Skills: Climb +13,
Listen +3, Spot +3.
Other Skills: Craft (weapon-
smith) +10, Craft (trapmak- The elite force of Commissar’s
ing) +12, Knowledge (local) Men proudly wear Igor Urnst’s
+5. coat of arms on their uniforms.
Crucial Feats: Blind-Fight,
Combat Reflexes, Endurance,
Improved Sunder, Power
Attack, Quick Draw, Track.
Other Feats: Alertness.
Possessions: +2 full plate
armor, +1 heavy steel shield,
+1 tridents (2), cloak of resist-
ance +1, figurine of wondrous
power (bronze griffon),
potion of bull’s strength, two
silver rings each worth
50 gp, 34 pp, 10 gp.


King’s River: Ptolus, page 160 The King’s River cuts a jagged line through the SQ Fast movement, uncanny dodge, trap
sense +2 and improved uncanny dodge
middle of Ptolus. Years of erosion have caused it
Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +4
to cut a narrow gorge averaging almost one hun-
Str 17, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 10.
dred feet deep. The fast-moving river is not easi- Crucial Skills: Climb +11, Intimidate +9, Jump
ly navigable, and the sewers foul its waters, so +11, Listen +9, Search +3, Spot +5.
most people think of it only as a nuisance or an Other Skills: Handle Animal +8, Knowledge
obstacle. Some, however, use the river to their (dungeoneering) +6, Swim +13.
advantage. One such group calls itself the River Crucial Feats: Endurance, Power Attack,
Snakes. Quick Draw.
The River Snakes are known as demon wor- Other Feats: Improved Initiative.
shippers, although for most of them this is an Possessions: +1 studded leather, +1 spear,
masterwork javelins (4), masterwork
affectation—a declaration of their antiestablish-
dagger, potion of cure light wounds, 9 gp,
ment attitude and rebellious, violent nature.
17 sp, 10 cp.
They revel in brutality, crime, and general may-
hem for its own sake. Rage (Ex): The following changes remain in
The River Snakes know the river extremely effect as long as Erelane rages:
well. In particular, they understand its numerous hp 63
links to the underground waterways and con- AC 14, touch 10, flat 12
nected cave systems beneath the city. These BAB/Grapple +6/+11
Cave systems: Ptolus, page 447 intrepid explorers have braved many dangers Attack +12 melee (1d8+8/x3, spear)
(normally in the form of subterranean predators, Full Attack +12/+7 melee (1d8+8/x3, spear)
Fort +9 Will +6
but also the treacherous pathways) to master the
Str 21, Con 18
underground geography near the King’s River.
Skills: Climb +12, Jump +13, Swim +13.
Currently there are only three River Snakes,
although once there were seven. Three of the Cael is the group’s clear leader, although
other four were slain in a battle with the Knights Trelehar would deny that if anyone actually said
of the Golden Cross, and one was arrested and it out loud. The gnome loves planning crimes
now rots away in the Prison for her crimes. The and acts of deviousness even more than commit-
current members are Erelane Ythus, a hulking ting them. In fact, if the group weren’t so short
woman with long brown hair who stands just handed, he would devise their missions and send
shy of seven feet tall; Cael Devani, a devious the others out to do the deeds. Despite his nasal
gnome sorcerer with a shock of black hair and voice and fidgety nature, Cael has a natural
Knights of the Golden Cross: particularly thick eyebrows; and the man known charisma that entices the others to follow him.
Ptolus, page 124 only as Trelehar, a half-elf cleric who wears plate He is likely to go into a fight with both protec-
armor adorned with skulls. Trelehar’s staff also tion from good and shield already cast.
The Prison: Ptolus, page 436 bears a skull at each end. Although fireball is obviously his best offensive
Erelane is not merely the brute she appears to spell, he really delights in using hypnotic pattern
be. She’s as smart as her partners, but she lacks to lure victims into danger (like falling down
the will to be more than a follower. When she into the river’s channel). He’ll save his potions
rages, this barbarian takes on an almost demonic for a particularly important mission.
aspect: Her eyes literally glow red. She secretly
believes that she has some fiendish ancestry in Cael Devani
her lineage (and she’s right). When not raging, Male gnome (Chaotic Evil)
she seems quiet and sullen. In combat, she uses Sorcerer6 CR6
Init +5 Speed 20 feet
straightforward tactics, although she does what
HD 6d4+6 hp 37
Cael tells her to do—unless she’s raging, at
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 11
which point no one can control her. BAB/Grapple +3/–1
Attack/ Full Attack +5 melee (1d4+2, quarter-
Erelane Ythus staff )
Female human (Chaotic Evil) SA Spell-like abilities.
Barbarian6 CR6 SQ Low-light vision, gnome traits, familiar
Init +6 Speed 40 feet Fort +5 Ref +3 Will +6
HD 6d12+12 hp 51 Str 10, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 16.
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 Crucial Skills: Bluff +9, Concentration +7,
BAB/Grapple +6/+9 Search +4.
Attack +10 melee (1d8+5/x3, spear) or Other Skills: Knowledge (arcana) +8,
+9 (1d6+2/x3, javelin) Knowledge (dungeoneering) +4,
Full Attack +10/+5 melee (1d8+5/x3, spear) or Spellcraft +13, Swim +4.
+9/+4 (1d6+2/x3, javelin) Crucial Feats: Dodge, Silent Spell.

Other Feats: Improved Initiative. Crucial Skills: Climb –3, Concentration +6,
Spell-Like Abilities: Caster level 1st. Heal +5, Listen +7, Spot +6.
1/day—speak with animals (burrowing mam- Other Skills: Knowledge (dungeoneering) +3, NEW SPELL
mals only, duration one minute), dancing Swim +5.
lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation. Crucial Feats: Combat Reflexes. Monkey Climb
Spells Known: 6/7/6/4, save DC 13+spell Other Feats: Brew Potion, Two-Weapon Transmutation
level, 14+spell level for illusion spells. Fighting. Level: Clr 0, Sor/Wiz 0
3rd—fireball. Domains: Chaos, Evil Components: V, S
2nd—hypnotic pattern, invisibility. Spells: Caster level 6th (+5 melee touch,
Casting Time: One standard
1st—magic missile, protection from good, +5 ranged touch)
shield, sleep. 3rd—animate dead, magic vestment, magic
0—acid splash, arcane mark, ghost sound, light, circle against law*, water breathing. Range: Personal
mage hand, monkey climb, read magic. 2nd—bull’s strength, bear’s endurance, Target: You
Possessions: Masterwork quarterstaff, dagger, shatter*, sound burst, summon monster II. Duration: 1 round/level
wand of water breathing (20 charges), 1st—bless, entropic shield, protection from
potion of shield of faith +4, oil of shillelagh, good*, summon monster I (2). By increasing your finger length,
gold amulet worth 85 gp, 14 gp, 15 sp. 0—cure minor wounds, detect magic, mending, strength, and agility, you grant
monkey climb (2). yourself a +5 bonus to one Climb
Jaja, Cael`s rat familiar: hp 18 Possessions: Masterwork full plate, +1/+1 check made during the duration.
quarterstaff, heavy crossbow, bolts (12),
This spell cannot be made per-
ring of improved swimming, silver holy
Trelehar is actually a devout follower of the manent.
symbol, 10 gp, 6 sp, 24 cp.
Demon Gods, and in particular the demon
known as Demogorgon. He has had dreams in * Indicates a domain spell.
which the demon lord has promised him a magi-
cal ring that would allow him to move freely Tactics: The group’s missions normally
underwater to further his “work.” So far, this involve breaking into a house or business near
gift has not come, but he knows that if he con- the river, stealing anything valuable, destroying
tinues to wreak his master’s will upon the world, anything they can’t steal, and terrorizing or
he will be rewarded as promised (and likely, in assaulting anyone they encounter. Then they
time, with even greater powers). make a quick getaway via the river, climbing
Trelehar is gruff, conceited, and boorish. He down the banks using relatively hidden climbing Demon Gods: Ptolus, page 68
believes his devotion to the dark powers makes paths they have discovered.
him the most important member of the group. Once in the water, the three of them make lib-
Before a dangerous situation, he casts magic eral use of water breathing to get around (using
vestment on himself (adding a +1 bonus to his potions made by Trelehar or Cael’s wand), but
Armor Class) as well as bull’s strength and they avoid combat underwater if they can help
bear’s endurance (+2 bonus to melee attack and it. They have a number of hideouts in small
damage, Swim, Climb, and Concentration natural caves reached easily through passages
checks, and Fortitude saves, as well as +12 hit below the surface of the river. These caves also
points). Once in a fight, Trelehar casts one of serve, ostensibly, as shrines to the unholy
the following: entropic shield, protection from Demon Gods.
good, or magic circle against law if it appears
they might help, before going on the offensive
with summoned creatures or attack spells.

Male half-elf (Chaotic Evil)
Cleric6 (Demon Gods) CR6
Init +1 Speed 20 feet
HD 6d8+6 hp 46
AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 17
BAB/Grapple +4/+5
Attack +6 melee (1d6+2, quarterstaff ) or
+5 ranged (1d10, heavy crossbow)
Full Attack +4 melee (1d6+2, quarterstaff )
and +4 melee (1d6+2, quarterstaff ) or
+5 ranged (1d10, heavy crossbow)
SA Rebuke undead 5/day and rebuke fire/turn
water 5/day.
SQ Low-light vision, half-elf traits and low-
light vision.
Fort +6 Ref +3 Will +8
Str 12, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 17, Cha 11.


Male lizardfolk (Lawful Neutral)
Init +3 Speed 40 feet
The Docks district has perhaps the most tran-
HD 2d8+6 + 5d8+15 hp 62
sient population of Ptolus. People come and go, AC 21, touch 16, flat-footed 17
although some return often enough to become as BAB/Grapple +5/ +9
well-known as most permanent residents. This is Attack +9 melee (1d8+4, unarmed strike)
certainly true of the crew of the Ravish, a small Full Attack +9 melee (1d8+4, unarmed strike)
caravel that frequents the Ptolus Docks. and +4 melee (1d6+2, bite), or +7/+7
Although the crew’s roster changes frequently, melee (1d8+4, unarmed flurry) and
Assarai: Ptolus, page 56 three constants remain: Sesthesh, a male assarai; +2 melee (1d6+2, bite),or +9 melee
Harrow elves: Ptolus, page 52 Taerai, a male Harrow elf; and Lyestri, a female (1d4+4, 2 claws) and +4 melee (1d6+2,
Cherubim elves: Ptolus, page 51 Cherubim elf.
SA Flurry of blows
This unlikely trio met as slaves kidnapped by
SQ Immunity to nonmagical disease, hold
the Ennin in Ptolus. Together with a pair of breath (68 rounds), evasion, still mind,
humans and a litorian, they engineered their slow fall 20 feet, immune to disease, and
The Ennin: Ptolus, page 131 own escape. But an Ennin sorcerer claiming to ki strike
Vanum Vaal: Ptolus, page 349 be Vanum Vaal tracked them down in Ghul’s Fort +7 Ref +10 Will +7
Ghul’s Labyrinth: Ptolus, Labyrinth beneath the Guildsman’s District, and Str 19, Dex 17, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 17, Cha 11.
page 418 struck with terrible fury; only Sesthesh, Taerai, Crucial Skills: Balance +17, Jump +21, Swim
and Lyestri survived. They did, however, manage +17.
to drive off their foe, whom they described as an Other Skills: Profession (sailor) +4.
Crucial Feats: Combat Reflexes, Deflect
obese ogre-mage, even though he was known by
Arrows, Dodge, Power Attack, Stunning
most as a human.
The three escaped slaves, with bonds now Other Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike.
forged in adversity, used the money they earned Possessions: Ring of protection +2, potion of
selling the gear of Vanum’s henchmen to buy jump, gold nose ring worth 50 gp, 13 gp.
passage on a ship out of the city. That ship was
the Ravish, which was then attacked by pirates When in the city, the Harrow elf Taerai covers
in the Whitewind Sea. Most of the crew died in his appearance with a hood. His face is twisted
the attack; the three friends not only survived, and asymmetrical, and one eye bulges unnerv-
they learned the art of seacraft (the hard way) ingly. His stringy hair is a dirty white. The
and brought the ship back to port. Due to their Harrow elf really, really enjoys fighting and may
bravery and competence, the surviving crew be ever-so-slightly sadistic in his bloodlust at
swore to follow them if they stayed on board times. Unlike many rogues, he has no interest in
and claimed that the captain’s dying words were locks or traps—he fancies himself a swashbuck-
that they be given ownership of the Ravish—an ling warrior rather than a thief. In fact, calling
obvious lie, but it held up in the Ptolus courts. him a thief is a great way to start a fight. He
Soon the trio had learned the ropes (literally) feels a particular fondness for Lyestri due to her
enough to make a successful living hauling cargo acceptance of him despite his tainted nature.
across the sea.
When in Ptolus, they spend most of their time Taerai
in the Docks district, often at the Savage Shark, Male Harrow elf (Chaotic Neutral)
Rogue5 CR 6
where they happily take part in the frequent
Init +4 Speed 30 feet
HD 5d6+5 hp 24
The last time the trio was in town, they met AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14
with Wynthaes, who attempted to recruit them BAB/Grapple +3/+5
in his fight against the slavers. While they were Attack/Full Attack +6 melee (1d8+4/19–20,
able to provide him with some information on short sword)
the Ennin, they had no interest in becoming a SA Sneak attack +3d6, spell-like abilities
The Savage Shark: Ptolus, part of a crusade, even against those who had SQ Low-light vision, trapfinding, evasion, trap
page 175 wronged them. Plus, Lyestri found Wynthaes off- sense +1, and uncanny dodge
putting and boorish. Fort +2 Ref +8 Will +2
Str 14, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 10.
Wynthaes: Ptolus, page 177 Sesthesh is dark scaled for an assarai, short
Crucial Skills: Balance +10, Climb +11, Jump
but thick-bodied. His bright yellow eyes never
+11, Listen +13, Search +10, Spot +12,
seem to stop moving. He typically remains quiet Tumble +14.
and calm, even in a fight. He is fiercely loyal to Other Skills: Appraise +9, Craft (alchemy) +4,
his friends, however, and would endanger him- Forgery +10, Intimidate +8, Profession
self for them without hesitation. (sailor) +9, Use Magic Device +2.

It is a sad truth that lizardfolk

often become entangled in the
nets of slavers. Due to their tran-
sient lifestyle and the general
public prejudice against those of
their race, members of the Ennin
and similar groups find them
fairly easy to capture—and few
of them are ever missed.

Who is the real Vanum Vaal? Is
it the “obese ogre-mage” that
the three ex-slaves fought? Is it
an alias of the Shadow Eyes
(an elven clone; see Ptolus, page
349). Or could it perhaps be
Crucial Feats: Dodge. Lyestri both? It might be interesting for
Other Feats: Alertness. Female Cherubim elf (Neutral) the player characters to hear of
Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day—detect magic, ghost Bard5 CR 5 another figure in the city using
sound, mage hand, prestidigitation, and Init +2 Speed 30 feet
the name Vanum Vaal after
invisibility. HD 5d6-5 hp 15
they’ve just dispatched someone
Possessions: +1 studded leather, +1 short AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14
sword, climber’s kit, 50 feet of silk rope, BAB/Grapple +3/+2 with that moniker themselves. It
11 gp, 10 sp, 3 cp. Attack/Full Attack +1 spear +3 (1d8/x3) may be nothing more than a
SQ Low-light vision, bardic knowledge copycat situation—but the PCs
Unlike her companions, Lyestri is beautiful (+6 bonus), bardic music 5/day don’t necessarily know that.
and delicate with very short white hair and Fort +0 Ref +6 Will +5
equally pale wings. She is also fearless and deci- Str 9, Dex 15, Con 9, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 18.
sive. Due to experiences in her childhood, she Crucial Skills: Balance +7, Hide +5, Listen
doesn’t care much for most of her own kind, +10, Move Silently +8, Search +6, Spot +9,
Tumble +7.
and she found her innate prejudices against
Other Skills: Perform (sing) +11, Profession
Harrow elves easily overcome by getting to
(sailor) +7.
know Taerai. She’d take his side against any Crucial Feats: Weapon Finesse.
other elf (or anyone else, for that matter) in a Other Feats: Alertness.
conflict. Spells Known: 3/4/2, save DC = 14 + spell
She and Taerai mutually decided to drop their level.
surnames after escaping from the Ennin (and in 2nd—locate object, misdirection, summon
fact, Taerai and Lyestri are not their real names monster II.
either). Despite the laws of the Empire, she 1st—charm person, detect secret doors, lesser
would not hesitate to use a charm person spell confusion, silent image.
0—daze, detect magic, know direction, mes-
to help in a fight or get herself out of a jam. Laws of the Empire (regarding
sage, read magic, resistance.
She’s quick to summon monsters when faced illegal spells): Ptolus, page 584
Possessions: +1 studded leather armor, +1 spear,
with danger as well—usually to help her friends potion of cure moderate wounds, spectacles,
get flanking attacks against their mutual foes. 17 gp, 11 sp.

SINTRIK THE SCOURGE stop Sintrik, but not before they learn where he’s
The Shuul is an organization of technologists. As keeping the other kidnapped victims.
such, they not only strive to keep the Empire’s
knowledge of technology from fading altogether, Sintrik the Scourge
but they also seek to create new innovations in Male human (Lawful Evil)
Wizard9 CR9
the fields of firearms, clockwork mechanisms,
Init +9 Speed 30 feet
medicine, chemistry, and the cutting-edge science
HD 9d4+27 hp 50
of aelectricity. AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 10
But the Shuul have a dark side as well. Just as BAB/Grapple: +4/+5
The Shuul: Ptolus, page 131 there are lawful good members of the group who Attack/Full Attack +11 ranged (1d10+2+1d6
Firearms: Ptolus, page 559 seek the betterment of all through science (and cold, repeater pistol)
Aelectricity: Ptolus, page 564 lawful neutral members who are interested in sci- SQ Familiar
ence for its own sake), there are also lawful evil Fort +8 Ref +8 Will +8
Repeater pistol (rifle): Ptolus, members who seek to use technology for their Str 13, Dex 20, Con 17, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 13.
page 561 own ends. What’s more, this sinister segment of Crucial Skills: Concentration +11, Listen +9,
Move Silently +8, Search +6, Spot +7.
the Shuul uses any means to increase its techno-
Other Skills: Decipher Script +15, Handle
logical advancements—including kidnapping
Animal +5, Knowledge (arcana) +12,
Sintrik himself is neither a people for experimentation, using slave labor, Knowledge (machines) +9, Spellcraft +17.
scientist nor a technician. Unlike and making deals with dark powers. Crucial Feats: Dodge, Point Blank Shot, Spell
most Shuul, he doesn’t even A man known only as Sintrik the Scourge is an Penetration.
carry tools. Cruel and ruthless, example of such a Shuul member. A conniving, Other Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency
Sintrik seems to be utterly selfish, and corrupt fellow, Sintrik uses slaves to (firearms), Great Fortitude, Improved
compassionless and without help build and sometimes even power the machines Initiative.
the capacity for joy. that his cronies devise. He is a familiar figure in the Spells: 4/5/4/4/2/1; save DC 14 + spell level.
secretive Dark Market of Ptolus where slaves, ille- 5th—explosive shot*.
4th—stoneskin, fire shield.
gal substances, and outlawed magic are traded in
3rd—displacement, fireball, fly, lightning bolt.
great quantities. He deals with organizations like
2nd—cat’s grace, detect thoughts, invisibility,
Dark Market: Ptolus, page 427 the Ennin, a group of well-organized slavers oper- gust of wind.
The Ennin: Ptolus, page 131 ating up and down the coast of the Whitewind Sea, 1st—hold portal, hypnotism, jump, mage armor,
as well as other criminal groups. protection from chaos.
Sintrik stands about six feet tall, always straight 0—detect poison, mage hand, mending, pres-
with his head held high. He is bald, has a grey tidigitation.
mustache, and wears a monocle. He wears the Possessions: +2 repeater pistol, +1 frost rounds
typical black leather coat of the Shuul. He is gruff (12), gloves of dexterity +2, scroll of fire shield,
and rude—and that’s among people he likes or potions of gaseous form and blur, spyglass,
monocle, compass, pocketwatch, 16 pp,
wishes to impress.
17 gp.
Tactics: In a fight, he loves to fire his pistol
using explosive shot. First, however, he casts an Spellbook: 0—acid splash, arcane mark, dancing
array of defensive spells: mage armor (+4 to AC), lights, daze, detect magic, detect poison,
displacement, stoneskin, cat’s grace (+1 to AC, disrupt undead, flare, ghost sound, light,
Reflex saves, and attack rolls with his pistol), and mage hand, mending, message, open/close,
fire shield (in that order). As he is careful to the prestidigitation, ray of frost, read magic,
point of being over-cautious, he’s likely to have resistance, touch of fatigue.
mage armor and stoneskin already cast at the 1st—burning hands, charm person, chill touch,
beginning of the encounter—and all of them cast, detect secret doors, feather fall, hold portal,
hypnotism, jump, mage armor, mount, protec-
if he’s had time to prepare.
tion from chaos, ray of enfeeblement, shocking
Charnoth of the tribe of Scenario: A number of litorians have disap-
grasp, summon monster I.
Malethar has learned that peared from the Mane. No one knows what has 2nd—blindness/deafness, cat’s grace, detect
one of his tribemates has happened to them. Then, word reaches the player thoughts, gust of wind, hideous laughter,
been enslaved by Sintrik. characters that an anonymous figure is looking invisibility, rope trick, spectral hand.
for slaves—specifically, litorian slaves. This “fig- 3rd—deep slumber, dispel magic, displacement,
ure” can be found at a tavern called the Skull and fireball, fly, lightning bolt, repair device*.
The Mane: Ptolus, page 200 Sword in the Guildsman District. If they investi- 4th—animate dead, dimensional anchor, fire
Skull and Sword: Ptolus, gate, the PCs will discover the figure, Sintrik. He’s shield, locate creature, stoneskin.
page 190 got the missing litorians, but he’s looking for 5th— explosive shot*, summon monster V.
more. It seems an associate of his is working on a
* Indicates a spell from Ptolus, Chapter 35.
chemical/magical transformation process, and
only litorians can reliably handle the extremely Gnarl, Sintrik`s bat familiar: hp 25
painful trauma. The player characters need to

Most Imperial cities have a gladiatorial and sport-
ing arena, and Ptolus is no exception. Although
no fights in the sporting combats of the Arena are
to the death, in such battles as well as other
sporting events physical injuries are common-
place. Thus, the Arena keeps a small handful of
healers on hand to aid the injured. Testhan
Jomarth serves as the head of the Arena healers
due to his experience and expertise.
Testhan was once a combatant in the Arena
himself, although never of greater than novice
rank. After getting a savage beating at the hands
of an ogre barbarian disguised as a large orc (in
order to get weaker matches), Testhan gave up the
thrill of gladiatorial combat to focus on healing.
Thus, Testhan has worked in and around the
Arena for many years, earning the friendship and investigating some of the other officials, which may The Arena: Ptolus, page 315
respect of a great many combatants and players. include watching them for a few days, and perhaps
As an official employed by the Arena, Testhan even breaking into their homes or the Arena offices, Engelan: Ptolus, page 69
may not bet on any matches or have any kind of to learn who is crooked and who isn’t.
stake in any contest. This means that, despite the
fact that he gets offers to become a trainer and a Testhan Jomarth
coach all the time, he must turn them down. Male human (Lawful Neutral)
Testhan is paid well and loves his job. Cleric6 (Engelan) CR6
Init 0 Speed 20 feet
Testhan serves Engelan, God of the Present.
HD 6d8+6 hp 33
However, he has no connection to the Temple of
AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed 19
Engelan in Ptolus. He dislikes most of the clergy BAB/Grapple +4/+6
there, many of whom are halflings. Testhan finds Attack/Full Attack +7 melee (1d8+2, heavy
both halflings and gnomes tolerable at best, mace)
although he likes orcs, half-orcs, centaurs, and SA Turn undead 5/day and protective ward
dwarves. He has no real opinion regarding elves 1/day (+6 resistance bonus to next save,
or other races. lasts one hour)
With short-cropped brown hair and deep-set Fort +8 Ref +2 Will +8
hazel eyes, Testhan is neither imposing nor strik- Str 15, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 17, Cha 15. There is nothing Testhan hates
Crucial Skills: Concentration +7, Listen +4,
ing physically. His manner is one of great confi- more than cheating or deception.
Sense Motive +4.
dence and good humor, however, which draws While he always assumes the
Other Skills: Heal +12, Knowledge (local) +2,
people to him. When he makes a friend, it is for best of everyone, if he does
Spellcraft +4.
life. He is not married and has no family—the Crucial Feats: Quick Draw. discover evidence of cheating,
Arena is his life. Testhan is forty-seven years old. Other Feats: Craft Wand, Great Fortitude, he investigates and reports any
Tactics: Although he hasn’t been in an actual Scribe Scroll. wrongdoing to other Arena
fight in twenty years, Testhan still wears his Domains: Healing, Protection. officials.
armor and carries his weapons around with him Spells: 5/4+1/4+1/3+1; save DC 13 + spell level.
every day, almost as a badge. If he were suddenly 3rd—continual flame, cure serious wounds *,
threatened or needed to fight, he would cast dispel magic, remove blindness/deafness.
2nd—augury, cure moderate wounds*, delay
shield of faith before anything else. Godsday Festival: Ptolus,
poison, gentle repose, lesser restoration.
Scenario: The player characters encounter page 392
1st—bless water, cure light wounds*, magic
Testhan at the Godsday Festival, helping with the Order of Iron Might: Ptolus,
weapon, sanctuary, shield of faith.
ringfight competitions there. They see (perhaps first 0—cure minor wounds, guidance, purify food page 130
hand, perhaps from a distance) how helpful and and drink, resistance, virtue.
kind he is to the injured participants, not only heal- Possessions: +1 breastplate, +1 heavy wooden
ing their wounds but their bruised egos as well. shield, masterwork heavy mace, wand of cure
Later, he seeks them out, not sure where to turn to light wounds (41 charges), wand of cure mod-
for help. He says that a fight-fixing conspiracy has erate wounds (34 charges), scroll of cure seri-
pervaded the Arena’s organization as well as the ous wounds, silver holy symbol, vial of holy
water, 13 gp, 17 sp, 10 cp.
Order of Iron Might, which sponsors the Arena. He
doesn’t know how far up it goes, and he needs help * Indicates a domain spell.

Sobac Redwand: Ptolus, YULA FALASS, Sobac Redwand, a rogue who has penetrated her
page 226 protected buildings more than once, her greatest
SECURITY SPECIALIST foe, even though they’ve never met.
The Commissar: Ptolus, Although well out of the realm of the common Yula has salt-and-pepper hair and green eyes.
page 149 man, spells of intrusion and observation such as She typically dresses in light, practical clothes
teleport or scry can be a major concern for the (and her magical vest) with a pocket-filled, long
Inverted Pyramid: Ptolus, prominent folk of Ptolus. The Commissar, for navy blue coat over them. She fills her pockets
page 115 example, must protect himself from assassins or with scraps of paper containing arcane calcula-
Vock Row: Ptolus, page 333 kidnappers teleporting into his home to attack him tions, building plans, and notes, as well as vari-
or his family. Fortunately, the old maxim “for ous small tools and implements.
every spell there’s a counter” is true. And although
a number of mages can cast these spells, one wiz- Yula Falass
ard in particular, an abjuration specialist named Female human (Lawful Neutral)
Yula Falass, has made her reputation on them. Abjurer13 CR13
Init +2 Speed 30 feet
Yula, a member in good standing of the
HD 13 hp 76
Inverted Pyramid, lives on Vock Row in
AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 13
Oldtown in a nondescript looking two-story BAB/Grapple +6/+6
home. Only her calling cards (which read, “Yula Attack +7 melee (1d4, dagger)
Falass: Security Specialist”) and her reputation Full Attack +7/+2 melee (1d4, dagger)
indicate that she’s anything other than a simple SQ Can find traps as though she were a
arcanist. In truth, Yula moves among the wealth- rogue
iest and most powerful people in the city, using Fort +7 Ref +6 Will +12
her spells and expertise to design magical wards Str 11, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 11.
and security procedures for their homes. Crucial Skills: Concentration +16, Search +14,
Spot +6.
Her extensive resume includes casting spells of
Other Skills: Disable Device +10, Knowledge
protection on the Commissar’s home, the meet-
(arcana) +17, Knowledge (architecture and
Commissar’s home: Ptolus, ing hall of the Twelve Commanders, and a num- engineering) +8, Knowledge (local) +8,
page 320 ber of the noble estates. Not only does she put Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +8, Open
Twelve Commanders: Ptolus, up wards—many of which she designed herself— Lock +15, Spellcraft +18.
page 148 but she consults on security issues of all kinds, Crucial Feats: Dodge.
Noble estates: Ptolus, page 295 offering advice on locks, guard placement, and Other Feats: Extend Spell, Greater Spell
even building design. She charges as much as Focus (abjuration), Iron Will, Scribe Scroll,
20,000 gp for an initial warding (less for a Skill Focus (Open Lock), Spell Focus (con-
smaller building or for something other than the juration and abjuration).
Spells: 4/5+1/5+1/5+1/5+1/4+1/3+1/2+1/1+1,
“full treatment”), and then 1,000 gp each month
save DC 14 + spell level (conjuration save
to check, maintain and, if needed, renew her
DC 15 + spell level, abjuration save DC 16
wards. This service renders an entire building + spell level).
proof against any kind of magical intrusion 8th—dimensional lock (2).
(such as teleportation) and spying, and virtually 7th—spell turning, Yula’s ward (2).
proof against conventional infiltration. 6th—globe of invulnerability, guards and wards,
Growing up among thieves (her grandfather intrusion ward (2).
was the head of the Longfingers Guild before 5th—permanency (2), Mord’s private sanctum
Hayman Knapp), Yula learned much about locks (2), telepathic bond.
and traps. In fact, she can find traps as well as 4th—black tentacles, dimension door, fire trap,
minor creation, stone shape, stoneskin.
most rogues and can pick locks with surprising
3rd—clairaudience/clairvoyance, dispel magic,
Longfingers Guild and Hayman skill. However, Yula decided early on that a
fly, nondetection, protection from energy,
Knapp: Ptolus, page 128 thief’s life was not for her. Instead, she studied slow.
to prevent their intrusive activities. 2nd—arcane lock, bull’s strength, knock (2),
Yula is fifty-three years old. Tall, physically levitate, summon monster II.
Yula’s ward and intrusion ward fit, and full of energy, she dislikes idleness and 1st—alarm, animate rope, hypnotism, mage
spells, page 55 never has time for small talk. When on the job, armor, magic missile, shield.
she’s confident and quick to share her knowl- 0—detect magic (2), mage hand, mending.
edge and experience. She can get defensive in a Prohibited Schools: Necromancy, illusion
Vest of warding spells, page 55 situation where someone has managed to bypass Possessions: Masterwork dagger, ring of pro-
tection +3, ring of sustenance, vest of ward-
her wards, but this happens very rarely. Various
ing spells, potion of shield of faith +4, mas-
underworld entities including Malkeen Balacazar
terwork thieves’ tools, gold and emerald
Malkeen Balacazar: Ptolus, have offered her great sums for the secrets of ring worth 650 gp, gold and emerald neck-
page 102 undoing her work, but she remains steadfast in lace worth 750 gp, emerald earrings worth
her dedication to her clients. She considers 200 gp, 14 pp, 18 gp.

Diamond, Yula`s hawk familiar: hp 38 Yula’s Ward House Dallimothan employs

Abjuration Yula Falass from time to time for
NEW SPELLS Level: Sor/Wiz 7 added safeguards to the family
These two spells were developed by Yula Falass Components: V, S, M manor in the Nobles’ Quarter.
to help with her work as a security specialist. Casting Time: Four hours
Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/two levels)
Intrusion Ward Area: A single room, no larger than one 10-foot
Abjuration cube per level New
NEW Item
Level: Sor/Wiz 6 Duration: Permanent
Components: V, S, M Saving Throw: None Vest of warding spells: This
Casting Time: One hour Spell Resistance: No short, plain brown vest edged in
Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/two levels) Cast upon a single room, this spell makes white offers a great boon to any
Area: Two 10-foot cubes per level the doors, windows, walls, floor, and ceiling spellcaster who specializes in
Duration: Permanent immune to magic as if encased in an antimagic abjuration spells. An abjuration
Saving Throw: None field just big enough to incorporate them. No specialist who has Greater Spell
Spell Resistance: No spells can affect them. The room itself, however, Focus (abjuration) and wears the
This spell increases by 10 the Open Lock DC does not have an antimagic field; thus teleporta- vest gains a caster level bonus of
of all locks and the Search DC and Disable tion or divination into or out of the room is still +2 levels when casting abjuration
Device DC of all traps in the area. This bonus possible. Any doors leading into the room can spells. Further, she can prepare
does not stack with any other magical bonuses, be opened only by you, or by those who use a additional spells—even spells of
and you must be aware of each lock and trap to special password that you decide upon. Lastly, a level higher than she can nor-
affect it. All locks in the area gain spell resist- the hardness of the doors, windows, walls, floor, mally cast—if all the spells thus
ance to knock spells, and all walls, floors, ceil- and ceiling gains a +10 bonus that does not gained are abjurations.
ing, doors, and windows gain spell resistance stack with any other magical bonuses.
against spells that would affect them directly, Material Component: Paint containing 1,000 Strong abjuration; CL 15th; Craft
such as disintegrate, passwall, and so on (but not gp worth of pearl dust. Wondrous Item, Greater Spell
against spells that affect a character, such as tele- Focus (abjuration), guards and
port or ethereal jaunt). The SR is equal to 15 wards; Price 10,000 gp
plus your caster level.
Material Component: 500 gp worth of pow-
dered dragon horn.

Chapter 4:


From Design Day One, I knew that part of the Ptolus book would deal with new rules material. Remember, practically
everything I’ve written for Malhavoc Press has come out of the Ptolus Campaign. It’s always been a testing ground
for new 3rd Edition rules material—in fact, it was one of the first such testing grounds that existed.

o, Part VII of the Big Book has new mon- the magical morae, soulshades and demons of
sters, new spells, new magic items, and more, darkness, and more.
Morae, page 69 and this chapter of Secrets of the Delver’s But, also like Part VII of Ptolus, this part of the
Soulshades, page 66 Guild is a rough analogue to that section of Ptolus. Secrets of the Delver’s Guild isn’t just about rules
Demons of darkness, page 68 We’ve seen this kind of material before, obvi- material. This is also where I include a lot of
ously. The difference, from a design point of view, DMing advice and resources, both for Ptolus
is that everything, both in Part VII and right here, Campaigns in specific as well as urban campaigns
has grown naturally out of the setting. The real in general. For example, I wrote about different
truth is, I didn’t want the Ptolus book to have kinds of treasures appropriate for a Ptolus
any new rules material. I didn’t want it to be that Campaign (items that have a tie to the geographic
kind of book. But as I said, I knew from Day One area) and about a DM’s options for dressing a
that some such material would be needed. We’d dungeon. You’ll also find a piece about how the
Dread One’s Staff: Ptolus, need rules for the Dread One’s Staff, for hunger- languages of Praemal originated, and a short
page 529 swords, and for the spells that the Inverted article on orienting yourself (and your players)
Hungerswords: Ptolus, page 98 Pyramid mages have come up with. And we'd to a vertical environment like this city.
Inverted Pyramid: Ptolus, need stats for the ratmen of the sewers, for the And, of course, this chapter also touches on
page 115 skulks that haunt the alleyways of the city, and adventure ideas for a Ptolus Campaign. These
Ratmen: Ptolus, page 625 for the Wintersouled. starting scenario ideas intentionally show off vari-
Wintersouled: Ptolus, page 632 But because I didn’t want Ptolus to be a book ous aspects of Ptolus; they involve criminals,
of new rules material; I only put in the stuff that strange stuff going on underground, and major
was really vital to the campaign. Ptolus is meant organizations that could very well have recurring
to be a core d20 setting and, for the most part, I campaign roles. These adventure suggestions pro-
think I stayed true to that goal. vide many options for jump-starting your Ptolus
This chapter contains even more of these sorts Campaign.
Delver’s Guild: Ptolus, page 108 of elements—material I didn’t deem quite vital You’ll also find a couple other surprises in this
enough to include in the book itself, but which chapter, such as the “Adventure Tours” idea for
Steam pistols, page 70 still can enhance a Ptolus Campaign. For example, the Delver’s Guild and a piece on the role of
this chapter introduces you to steam pistols and books and printing in Ptolus. Enjoy!

When running a Ptolus Campaign, one thing
that is easy to forget is how vertical the city is.
Built on a series of inclines, the city is full of
tiers, retaining walls, ramps, stairs, and steep
climbs. In other words, just because a street
looks flat on the map, don’t assume it’s not a
steep incline, and even though two buildings
appear right next to each other, feel free to have
one be as much as eight to ten feet higher than
the other.
Obviously, major thoroughfares are accessible
by horses, carts, and carriages, but minor paths
might include gentle steps, usually made of logs
or planks, or actual stone stairs, which might be
steep themselves.
For example, look at Broken Leg Row (Ptolus
map F5) in Midtown. This street was so named
because it is steep (the higher end being to the
west, of course) and dangerous. More than one
person has tripped or slipped and fallen going
up or down it. The buildings between Broken
Leg Row and Urgent Street, which is also quite
steep, are built on a series of three irregular
ascending tiers connected by narrow stone steps.
The steps are slick and run along the tiers. The
buildings conform to the strange shapes of the
tiers. From either street, none of the steps are
The tiers themselves are overgrown with ivy.
Age has made them less level and smooth than
they once were, and some of the stones are now
loose. Those who live on Broken Leg Row know
that the quickest way up to Falls Road is to use
these somewhat hidden back steps rather than
going around to Urgent Street as it might appear
on the map.
A n’er-do-well named Yester Hall (male
human commoner4/rogue2) who lives in the area
uses the steps to make his getaways when the
City Watch or—worse—criminals he owes
money to come looking for him at his house. On winding path lies between Crispin and Nar
more than one occasion he has led pursuers on a Streets (Ptolus map G7) in the Longbottom
merry chase up and down that hill. neighborhood of Midtown. Or, two streets
In a game session, DMs should feel free to might be joined by a staircase not shown on the
insert inclines of all sorts. Vertical challenges map, such as the one between Alabaster and
make encounters more interesting. Old, worn Bladeburn Streets (Ptolus map E-7) in the South
stairs, slick with constant rain and mossy slime, Market. Assume that any street on the map is
slow down movement or require Balance checks accessible to a cart or carriage, although in some
(DC 12 to DC 15) or both. Walls require Climb places the vehicle must move slowly up or down
checks (usually DC 15). Tiers and retaining gentle steps built into the path. (The travel times Broken Leg Row and
walls create even more little nooks and crannies chart on Ptolus page 162 already takes these Urgent Street
(in a city full of nooks and crannies) for into account, as well as the general inclined
ambushes, hiding caches, and entrances to the nature of the city.)
Undercity. They allow for higher ground combat When looking at the map of Ptolus, feel free
advantages and access to building rooftops with to use the city’s uneven terrain to add in even City Watch: Ptolus, page 150
a Jump check rather than a climb check. more features to make things more interesting
Steep, barely accessible paths might lie and fun. Undercity: Ptolus, page 423
between two streets shown on the map. Such a

LANGUAGE ORIGINS Palastani names is always pronounced like the

Languages in the Empire: Ptolus is a cosmopolitan city of multiple races “ch” in “church.” Vowel sounds are usually
Ptolus, page 44 and cultures from ten thousand years of history. short, unless the word has multiple syllables, in
The influences on the language(s) spoken there which case the stressed syllable’s vowel sound is
are too many to count. That said, here’s a list of long or it is the last sound of the word. Thus, it is
miscellaneous examples to help with word/name “chip-est-eer-oh.” This is only true of surnames,
origins and some pronunciations. Note that not first names (which are also usually short).
because of the long mixing of cultures, there are With first names, the opposite rules hold true:
many, many exceptions and contradictions. Vowel sounds are always long unless they are
stressed or are the last sound of the word. Thus,
DWARVISH “Sheva” as a first name is “shee-vuh,” but as a
Dwarvish is a simple and straightforward. Vowel last name it would be “shev-ay.” To help denote
sounds are usually short, such as aur: pronounced this, though, the surname typically would be
“oor.” spelled “Shevay.”
As mentioned in Ptolus: City by the Spire, most Palastani also uses a silent “e” to change these
dwarves transliterate their surnames to produce rules, so “Frome” is pronounced “frohm.” This
names like “Bridgemaster” or “Greatblade.” usage is rare, however.

Elvish, a complex language of an almost musical Whether Old Prustan or Common, Prustan words
nature (to human ears), uses diphthongs frequent- have a distinctive sound. Names ending in –av,
ly to create complex vowel sounds that are -ov, -aun, -lic, are usually Prustan. Prustan uses
stressed and drawn out. For example, there’s ae: the “au” and “ue” diphthongs occasionally, pro-
It is pronounced “ayee” by Shoal elves, although nounced “aw” and “yoo” respectively.
Elder Elves would have pronounced this combina-
tion like “ee” (or perhaps more accurately, RHOTHAN
“ahee”). Dark elves, who don’t usually use this Rhothan is not a language, but Rhothan names
Dwarves: Ptolus, page 48 diphthong, would pronounce it like “eye.” The are nonetheless distinctive in some ways. They
more “humanized” the elf, the less likely he is to frequently end in –ster, -har, -der, or –ther. More
stress the vowel sounds in the manner of an elf often than not, they are multisyllabic names with
more immersed in his own culture (a city elf ver- a stress on the first syllable. They sound a bit
Elves: Ptolus, page 49 sus one living in the woods among other elves). clunky to other speakers, particularly Palastanis
This creates what elves call a “gutter accent.” who unconsciously attempt to make them into
As mentioned in Ptolus: City by the Spire, two-syllable names. So spoken by a Palastani,
Prust: Ptolus, page 42 some elves living among humans transliterate
their surnames to produce names like “Mythlord”
Rhoth: Ptolus, page 43 or “Featherhair.” Other elves, like Serai Lorenci,
do not.

Litorians: Ptolus, page 54 Litorian is a harsh language. “Ch” is pronounced
as a thick and throaty hard “k” sound. The vowel
“a” is almost always short with almost a vibrat-
ing roll to it.

Nall: Ptolus, page 41 To many ears, Nallish sounds like Dwarvish, with
hard consonant sounds and simple vowel sounds
as in Werran, Nagrus, or Kullin.
Nallish names sometimes become more compli-
cated, but not much, like Schuk or Schaun (pro-
nounced “shook,” and “shawn,” with a soft but
overlong “sh” sound).

Palastan: Ptolus, page 42 Most Palastani surnames are very short, like Nal,
Araki Chipestiro: Ptolus, Friss, Fror, or Col (or Coll). There are exceptions,
page 338 such as Chipestiro, which itself might show influ-
ence from the south of the continent. The “ch” in

“Callister” becomes almost “Callster,” and and idiosyncratic words and names. For example, On the streets of Ptolus, one
Merriwether becomes “Marwetter.” Rhothans, names ending in –ini, -isti, -elli, and –enci come hears languages from all across
however, speak slowly and carefully, pronouncing from this region typically. The “i” at the end is the Empire.
each syllable. always pronounced “ee,” while the vowel before
it is always short. Other southern names might Ren Tehoth: Ptolus, page 43
REN TEHOTH end in –onc, -anne, or –ette. The southern silent
The ancient language of Ren Tehoth, no longer “e” makes the “a” short, not long, so the last two Uraq and the South: Ptolus,
spoken, has nonetheless had its effect on lan- are pronounced “–ahn” and “et.” page 44
guages still in use. The “Rh” combination, as in
Rhoth, comes from this difficult tongue to denote URAQI Sea Kingdoms: Ptolus, page 43
the difference between a soft, breathy “r” and a Uraqi names use hyphens to insert a slight pause
harder, rolling “r.” Similarly, a double “a,” like in and to keep consonant sounds from blending.
Vladaam, is there to express a drawn out and “Al-Mari” uses the hyphen to keep the name
harsh “ah” sound, almost an “a-ah” sound. from being pronounced “Alm-ari.” This is impor-
Names with origins here often feature begin- tant to the Uraqi because the meaning of the
ning consonant sounds not normally found word changes with pronunciation. Al-Mari would
together in other languages such as “vl” (again, mean “bringer of fate,” while Alm-ari would
as in Vladaam), “vn” (as in Vnata), or “zl” as in mean “lost rodent.”
Lastly, words using “y” to express a long “i” ANCIENT WESTRON
sound originate in Ren Tehoth. When pronounced The combination pt, pronounced “t” with an
correctly there is a slight “y” sound as well— ever-so-slight “p” sound, retains a very soft “t”
“yi,” really. So “Ymrik” is “yimrik,” and Ylestos sound. It is used so rarely that it sounds odd to
is “Yilestos,” both with a very slight “y.” most people’s ears—even those of a modern-day
Ptolusite. The ancient Westron tongue also is the
THE SOUTH root of most words and names featuring the con-
The various kingdoms south of the Empire (today struction “ais,” if pronounced “ay-eye-is,” as in
called the Sea Kingdoms) do not have their own King Anathais of Palastan.
language but tend to have their own distinctive

The charts below add flavor to Ptolus adventures
Dungeon: Ptolus, page 415 by helping you stock rooms in the Dungeon or
elsewhere and providing contents for chests and
bags beyond what might be considered treasure
(although some of these things may be worth a
few pennies).
Roll on or choose from each table as many
times as you like to make an empty room more
interesting or to add a touch of extra flavor to an
already detailed area. These lists are meant to be FIXED DUNGEON DRESSING
flavorful rather than complete. You might want d% Result
to mark off results as you use them to avoid too 01–05 Fresco of knights kneeling
much repetition. 06–10 Sconce
11–15 Pillory
PERSONAL BELONGINGS 16–20 Uneven floor
This category includes items found in a chest, a 21–25 Chimney
wardrobe, or a bag. 26–30 Hole
Tapestries make interesting and 31–35 Fresco of knights on horses
personalized dungeon dressing. d% Result 36–40 Claw marks on floor or wall
01–03 Charcoal sticks for writing 41–45 Large crack in wall
04–06 Soap 46–50 Painted crude symbols
07–09 Razor 51–55 Wall hooks
10–12 Pot of herbs for cooking 56–60 Built–in ladder (now missing)
13–15 Handkerchief 61–65 Old bloodstain
16–18 Gloves 66–70 Iron chandelier
19–21 Key 71–75 Missing stones
22–24 Belt 76–80 Pile of dirt and debris
25–27 Walking stick 81–85 Relief of an angel flying
28–30 Comb 86–90 Painted mural of a dragon
31–33 Brush 91–95 Floor tile mosaic of a tower
34–36 Flint and steel 96–00 Patched-up masonry in wall
37–39 Candles
40–42 Whetstone FURNISHINGS
43–45 Woolen cloak with hood d% Result
46–48 Crude dice 01–05 Tripod with brazier
49–51 Silk shirt 06–10 Broken ladder
52–54 Woolen shirt 11–15 Pillory
55–57 Tattered and dirty gown 16–20 Large broken mirror (freestanding)
58–60 Smock 21–25 Small green rug
61–63 Woolen pants 26–30 Padded chair and footstool
64–66 Torn pants 31–35 Large embroidered rug, burned and
67–69 Tunic threadbare
70–72 Boots 36–40 Podium and benches
73–75 Cloth shoes 41–45 Dog blanket/bed
76–78 Leather shoes 46–50 Spinning wheel
79–81 Hat with a brim 51–55 Stool
82–84 Small cap 56–60 Coat rack
85–87 Belt pouch 61–65 Large loom
88–90 Backpack 66–70 Broken wooden screen
91–93 Backpack (torn) 71–75 Large patch of mold
94–96 Small book 76–80 Cupboard
97–99 Empty vial 81–85 Torn tapestry of a bear
00 Small mirror 86–90 Oblong table
91–95 Broken chair, propped up on
two bricks
96–00 Tall iron candle holder

MISCELLANEOUS STUFF 55 Wooden frame for a painting (with the

d% Result painting missing)
01 Ashtray and pipe 56 Sack of moldy grain
02 Leather pouch filled with tobacco 57 Wooden toy horse
03 Broken clock 58 Paint brush and a pot of yellow paint
04 Iron flagon 59 Jester’s cap
05 Clay pot 60 Year–old copy of a broadsheet called
06 Insect in amber The Midtown Partisan filled with stories
07 Quill pen of out-of-date gossip
08 Oil lamp 61 Ceramic ewer
09 Spool of ribbon 62 Book written in Elvish about rare herbs
10 Paring knife with a stained cover
11 Shears 63 Book written in Common about
12 Pot of spicy mustard mathematics
13 Basket with a handle 64 Wax tablet Midtown Partisan: Ptolus,
14 Iron pot 65 Torch page 166
15 Cloth bag with nails and a hammer 66 Dog collar
16 Chisel 67 Harness for an ox
17 Three old, dirty rags 68 Long saw (takes two people to use it)
18 Six darts and a target 69 Empty scabbard
19 A lot of large, black ants 70 Iron pot full of coal
20 Broken cage 71 Straw-filled target for archery
21 Empty flask 72 Stack of ten burlap bags
22 Branding iron 73 Eleven four- to five-foot-long lengths of
23 Empty crates rope, scorched by fire
24 Crates filled with old straw 74 Large, lidless iron box full of ashes
25 Iron bucket 75 Covered basket filled with dried fruit
26 Drum 76 Sack full of turnips
27 Tongs 77 Pot of honey
28 Twelve feet of rope 78 Pulley
29 Teeth in a jar 79 Ball of string
30 Ceramic basin 80 Pile of mismatched shoes
31 Ceramic jug 81 Spectacles with no lenses
32 Dented horn 82 Corked wine bottle filled with dirty water
33 Body laid to rest on table 83 Lute with broken strings
34 Three tin plates and a fork 84 Fiddle bow
35 Empty wine bottle 85 Portion of a torn painting canvas
36 One foot of chain showing a woman’s face
37 Two old, ratty blankets 86 Wagon wheel
38 Silken pillow, now dirty 87 Straw-filled mattress, up against a wall
39 Broken ceramic idol 88 Large empty basket with an iron pan Dragonscales: Ptolus, page 359
40 Small pile of shiny stones used as a lid
41 Sledgehammer 89 Three bright red tunics folded in a pile
42 Set of Dragonscales (the game), with 90 Bundle of sticks held together with a
half the tiles missing leather belt
43 Small pot of ink 91 Small leather pouch filled with bat guano
44 Wooden mug 92 Wooden plank
45 Small wooden box filled with paper 93 Glass-topped box filled with dead insects
packets containing simple spices 94 Three feet of wire
46 Sack of flour 95 Rusted iron box filled with gears
47 Winch with a bent handle 96 Half-finished wooden carving of a duck
48 Very large spoon 97 Half of a set of detailed plans on parch-
49 Bundled sheaf of papers that are pages ment for the construction of a catapult
torn from a book 98 Folded up love note from “Hermunt” to
50 Empty barrel on its side, missing its lid “Josia”
51 Pair of stilts 99 Torn and stained Imperial identification Imperial identification papers:
52 Wooden goat mask papers for someone named Kester Nattles Ptolus, page 552
53 Iron bell 00 Common to Old Palastani dictionary
54 Wooden box of twelve colored candles with a torn cover

PTOLUS-SPECIFIC TREASURES 7. Slightly damaged portrait of Terrist Kath in

Below are twenty non-magical “art objects” that a wooden frame with gold emboss, c. 455 IA
can be used in a Ptolus Campaign as treasure. (2,200 gp)
Many of them have historical significance, which 8. Huge ceremonial drinking horn made of
is either obvious to all or requires a check to gold with ebony inlay created by the Charad
identify. In either case, the historical tie increases titans (350 gp)*
the object’s value beyond merely its craftsman- 9. Silver and wooden cup given to Commissar
ship and materials. Where needed, a date refer- Dallash Unnert by Emperor Nagris Von Tessel to
encing the time of the associated event or person commemorate the completion of the new King’s
An invitation to Castle Shard is given. River Bridge, c. 426 IA (1,800 gp)*
would be an unexpected and 1. Matched set of silver ornamental pistols 10. Silver statuette of a horse and rider in
possibly very useful treasure. (750 gp) Imperial regalia (350 gp)
See Ptolus, page 285. 2. Walrus tusk with an engraved portrait of 11. Golden statuette of a winged lion, the
Commissar Newland Von Botterick, c. 653 IA base of which is engraved with the phrase
Charad titans: Ptolus, page 77 (475 gp) “Lothian protects the perseverant” (650 gp)
King’s River Bridge: Ptolus, 3. Gilded ornamental (and now nonfunction- 12. Glass plate, six inches to a side, once set
page 160 al) barometer set into a wooden and gold stand into a window pane. The glass is engraved to
Lothian: Ptolus, page 66 designed to look like billowing clouds (620 gp) commemorate the marriage of Edderick Rau to
4. Silver mantelpiece clock engraved with the Krastine Wassik and once was set into a window
Gods of the Hours, page 8 names of the Gods of the Hours (870 gp) in the estate of House Rau (pre-Ptolus), c. 145
St. Gustav: Ptolus, page 67 5. Thread kept within a glass vial, labeled to IA (3,100 gp)
House Nagel: Ptolus, page 93 come from the robe of Saint Gustav (1,250 gp) 14. Masterwork longsword with gold set into
6. Silver bowl, the inside of which bears the the hilt and three small rubies set into the pom-
crest of House Nagel (250 gp) mel, along with the engraved initials “HK.” This
sword was given to General Harveld Kitteram,
commander of Dalenguard, after he defended
the fortress from the ogre uprising of 247 IA.
(1,850 gp)*
15. Wooden lute with ivory inlay carved to
represent the historic meeting of Arlassi Chorine,
explorer of the West, and King Terrobon of
Palastan c. 1,000 BE (although the lute dates to
340 IA) (560 gp)
16. Ithildin statue of a rearing unicorn
wreathed in intricately carved vines (430 gp)
17. Golden reliquary in the shape of a
woman’s head, hinged to contain a small wood-
House Rau: Ptolus, page 93 en box that in turn holds a crystal vial that con-
tains three raindrops that once fell upon Gaen’s
Dalenguard: Ptolus, page 320 head (3,400 gp)
18. Silver ornamental spiked mace with a haft
Palastan: Ptolus, page 42 engraved with the Fourth Liturgy of Danace
Ithildin: Ptolus, page 46 (175 gp)
19. Vellum scroll with the names of the suc-
Gaen: page 11 cession of high priests of Navashtrom from 244
Danace: Ptolus, page 68 BE to 350 IA written in gold ink (75 gp)
20. Incredibly ancient stone tablet with an
Navashtrom: Ptolus, page 70 ode to Queen Dalass of the Stonemight dwarves
Stonemight dwarves: Ptolus, written in both Dwarvish and Westron, c. 8,500
page 462 BE (890 gp)*

* A Knowledge (history) check (DC 20) is

needed to understand this item’s true
Characters can discover this value. Without the check, an appraisal will
suggest a value of only 25 percent of the
unique treasure, the enchanted
listed price.
gold Lord Abbercombe, in “The
Smuggler’s Daughter” adven-
ture; see Ptolus, Chapter 33.

MORE TREASURES 12. Silver statuettes of Emperor Delian Von The Company of the Black
Below are twenty more non-magical “art objects” Tessel and Empress Addares (750 gp) Lantern found many treasures in
that you can use as treasure in a Ptolus Campaign. 13. Set of drinking glasses engraved with their adventures, including the
As before, where needed, a date referencing the Lothian’s ankh crucifix symbol (650 gp) rather ordinary lantern that gave
time of the associated event or person is given. 14. Stone ceremonial hammer etched with the group its name.
1. Framed map of Palastan clearly dated 226 dwarven runes and the symbol of King Stardelve
IA (75 gp) (350 gp) Emperor and Empress: Ptolus,
2. Gold-rimmed spectacles (35 gp) 15. A life-sized copper hand, with each finger page 78
3. Powder horn made from a minotaur’s horn bearing the symbol of a different Demon God
with gold stopper (340 gp) (375 gp) King Stardelve: Ptolus, page 462
4. Silvered masterwork short sword with a 16. Ivory comb engraved with the name “Eol Demon Gods: Ptolus, page 68
wooden and silver scabbard bearing the insignia Eseris,” a famous Palastani sorceress, c. 489 IA
of Larron Bastoc, a well-known lycanthrope (90 gp) Liquid shadow: Ptolus, page 46
hunter, c. 590 IA (910 gp) 17. Crystalline bottle full of liquid shadow
5. Silver snuff box with the seal of House with a platinum stopper (1,200 gp) House Vladaam: Ptolus, page 96
Vladaam (150 gp) 18. Jeweled gold circlet bearing the flaming Marlite: Ptolus, page 46
6. Marlite chain shirt with a tabard bearing the symbol of Kem (890 gp) Knights of the Pale: Ptolus,
crest of Knights of the Pale (1,000 gp) 19. One of the original notebooks of the sage page 125
7. Clockwork wind-up bear that dances back Gerris Hin (300 gp)* Gaen and Mirresh, page 11
and forth (80 gp) 20. Large silver and gold ankh symbol
8. Ceremonial double drum with the symbols of engraved with the names of various members of Kem: Ptolus, page 41
both Gaen and Mirresh on its drumheads (150 gp) House Shever, each name added upon their chris- Gerris Hin: Ptolus, page 332
9. Flag carried into battle by Imperial forces tening, c. 520 IA (900 gp)* House Shever: Ptolus, page 96
against the rebels of the Lost River Uprising,
c. 220 IA (400 gp)* * A Knowledge (history) check (DC 20) is
10. Silver pendant bearing the crest of the needed to understand this item’s true value.
noble house of Gerdart, the royal line of the kings Without the check, an appraisal suggests a Rhoth: Ptolus, page 43
value of only 25 percent the listed price.
of Rhoth (1,890 gp) Circle of Green: Ptolus, page 108
11. Ceramic vase painted with depictions of the
formation of the Circle of Green (1,000 gp)*


For a list of bookshops in The creation of the printing press in 496 IA revo-
the city, see “Doleen Kafter, lutionized communication in the Empire. With the
Scribe of Heroes” on page 34 widespread use of these devices, books became rel-
atively cheap to produce in large quantities. They
became something that even the average common-
er could potentially own.
The typical book is printed with movable type,
occasionally illustrated with woodcuts or etchings
made in copper integrated into the text. A typical
book has a print run of about five hundred copies
and a fairly localized distribution, but some popu- ly being revised and added to at an astonishing
lar texts have as many as ten thousand copies rate, this one work alone keeps many printing
across the Empire. Bound in leather or cloth, houses busy year-round.
books normally are functional rather than decora- Some people still create handwritten books, but
For a typical bookseller’s store tive. Most have the title etched upon the cover. these are usually for personal or very limited uses—
layout, see Ptolus, page 200. Historical and scientific (including nature-relat- journals, individualized spellbooks, ledgers, and
ed and medical) topics are usually the most com- instructions. A few artisans retain the skills to pro-
mon subjects of printed books. Instructional texts duce illuminated manuscripts written in calligraphy
regarding handcraft and other processes also are with individualized, hand-painted illustration. These
printed in great numbers, as are scholastic primers beautiful books may relate well-known tales from
for children. Treatises on magical studies are pop- myth or history. Each one is quite valuable due to
ular as well, among both spellcasters and those the work required to produce it (some take as long
simply interested in the subject (or desiring to be as a year of full-time labor) as well as the materials
perceived as such). Dramatic scripts, collections of used, including gold, silver, and even precious stone
poetry, music books, and memoirs make up most ground into ink. A book such as this can claim a
of the rest of the books commonly found. Fiction value of 100 gp to 1,000 gp or more, depending
is fairly rare, and most such titles are fictionalized on size, subject, materials used, and the skill of its
tales from actual history or myths mixed in with crafters. The work of specific artisans, such as the
actual events. renowned Jurise Banna (female human expert15)
Religious texts exist in great numbers, equal or the infamous (and long deceased) elf painter-
perhaps to histories and scientific works. The poet Eamais Silverdove, can increase the price of a
Church of Lothian produces liturgical books of all book by double, triple, or more.
types in vast numbers. The Book of the Brilliant Of course, printing presses made possible the
Dawn is one of the most revered books of the distribution of broadsheets, some of which are
Church and is likely the most common book printed daily. These carry news, gossip, and other
found throughout the Empire. Other church folios information throughout the city. Some businesses
describe the lives of the saints and Lothianite even deem it worthwhile to produce advertising
sacraments, rites, and prayers. (Personal, smaller, pamphlets hawking their wares. The government
“pocket-sized” prayer-books are also common.) A also prints edicts posted and handed out through-
plethora of hymnals also pours out of the presses out the city, sometimes as often as once a week.
Shad Livbovic, the Delver’s Guild but, as there is no single definitive example, no
head librarian, is a great resource one work has ever been produced in great num- NEW BOOK: BLOOD OF THE VAMPIRE
for adventurers seeking particular bers. In fact, most temples create their own. Blood of the Vampire is a slim volume whose red
books or doing general research. Of course, other religions publish texts that cover contains no title or printing. Within its few
See Ptolus, page 322. describe their own beliefs, dogma, histories, ritu- pages is a wealth of valuable information. It details
als, music, and other facets. Those interested in the many uses of vampire blood, all centered upon
proselytizing and conversion print short religious the idea that the rare and volatile substance can con-
Church of Lothian: Ptolus, tracts as cheap, many-folded pamphlets handed quer time and prolong existence. The book includes
page 64 out on city streets, within temples, in orphanages, many diagrams and (often disturbing) images.
and in poorhouses. Some of the truly brave and First and foremost, as an ingredient in an admix-
Broadsheets: Ptolus, page 166 devout even go to the Prison to hand them out. ture of virtually any potion, vampire blood can dra-
Lastly, the multi-volume set of Imperial laws, matically increase the original duration. Using the
The Prison: Ptolus, page 436 known as the Vast Codex, may be found through- instructions in the Blood of the Vampire book, one
Imperial Law: Ptolus, page 551 out the Empire. While few private citizens own or can add a few drops of pure vampire blood to any
have even actually laid eyes upon these books, potion (not an oil) and attempt a Craft (alchemy)
they are indispensable for all Imperial officials check (DC 25 + potion’s spell level) to increase the
(including Lothianite priests), advocates, barris- duration to twenty-four hours. This process adds
ters, and, of course, judges. Because it is constant- 1,000 gp to the price of the potion in question. It

takes six hours and requires 250 gp worth of ingre- The end result? Two Challaster Markans walked
dients, in addition to the vampire blood. The the city streets, and perhaps they still do today. Two print shops in the city are
alchemist must have a copy of the Blood of the And if all these rumors are true, then it is also true Blackstock Printing in the South
Vampire book at hand while working. that the two Challasters are bitter enemies…. Market (see Ptolus, page 353)
What is “pure” vampire blood? It has these and the Bookbindery in Midtown
properties: RANDOM BOOKS IN THE CITY (see Ptolus, page 221).
• It has not touched the earth or any metal. The player characters come into a bedchamber in a
• It is not mixed with any other fluid. house they’ve just broken into and find a book on
• If it has been removed from the vampire for the nightstand. Or perhaps they enter a wizard’s
more than twenty-four hours, it has been chamber whose shelves hold many books besides
preserved magically. a spellbook. Maybe a PC just wants to browse
• A few drops’ worth of pure vampire blood is through a bookshop. What titles might they find?
valued at approximately 250 gp. Use this random table to determine just that.

Secondly, vampire blood is the chief requirement d% Book Title

in the creation of partial constructs. Blood of the 01 A Penny Like the Sun (poetry)
Vampire describes the ability to fuse inorganic 02–03 All That Slithers (a zoological book
golem or clockwork construct parts to living crea- focusing on serpents)
ture parts to create a fusion creature. The organic 04–06 Ancient Ptolus by Gerris Hin
portions must be infused with frequent injection of 07–08 Avenues and Alleyways (poetry)
vampire blood (at least 500 gp worth each week). 09–14 Holy Book of Lothian (roll 1d100 to
The book does not offer details on how to cre- determine which volume, rerolling
ate the artificial parts, only on how to keep the results over 88)
organic portions alive. It specifically describes the 15–16 Charms and Compulsions FROM MY CAMPAIGN
bizarre process of taking two significant portions 17 Devil’s Due (a play by Wallin Stelarist)
of a human (such as the body and the head) and 18–20 Dragons of the Mountains
fusing them onto constructs which both have the 21–23 Eddersmith’s Treatise on Witchcraft When the player characters in
memories and abilities of the original creature, as 24–25 Elves and the Ghulwar my Ptolus Campaign decided to
well as any special abilities granted them from their 26–27 Etching Made Easy hunt down the vampires of the
artificial parts. (DMs are encouraged to use the 28–30 Evocation and Erudition (a magical text) Covenant of Blood, they knew
rules for chaosomaton creatures from Chaositech, 31–37 History of the Empire (roll 1d20 to they’d need powerful wards to
or the ironborn from The Book of Iron Might.) determine which volume) protect their newly acquired
A copy of the very rare Blood of the Vampire 38–39 Hymns of Penance (a hymnal of Lothian) home, Pythoness House. Asking
tome is worth 2,500 gp, although it is not magical. 40–41 Imperial Marching Songs around town led them to believe
Encounter: Rumors exist of a human named 42 Interrogating Prisoners the best vampiric wards to be
Challaster Markan, an infamous vampire hunter 43–44 Learning the Lyre had were in the possession of
who used the dark arts as well as the light to com- 45–48 Mathematics (a children’s primer) Challaster Markan. But the
bat the creatures of the night. Challaster apparent- 49–52 Raddolf’s Tome of Herbal Remedies wards were not the only things
ly came upon a copy of Blood of the Vampire and 53–55 Rare Creatures of the Deep Caves they found in the home of this
kidnapped two vampire slaves to “milk” for their 56–58 Rare Gemstones partial construct....
blood. When he was unable to get all he needed 59–64 Ready Reading (a children’s primer)
from them without slaying them, he adopted the 65–66 Secret Rites of the Poison Gods
stratagem of kidnapping street urchins, forcing his 67–70 Seven Means of Accounting
slaves to slay them so they would rise as vampires, 71–73 Sothessen’s Arcanum
then harvesting these new vampires for their blood. 74–76 Stone and Heartstone (a geology text)
The rumors claim he did this because he drank 77–79 Teeth and Health
vampire blood for some occult reason, but this is 80–82 The Annals of House Nagel
not technically correct. Earlier, he had kidnapped 83–87 The Book of the Brilliant Dawn (a holy
a few Shuul technicians and forcibly possessed book of Lothian)
them with devils purchased from crime lord 88 The Dust on the Rose (a play by Wallin
Menon Balacazar, so that they would build a Stelarist)
clockwork body for him. Using the techniques in 89–90 The Gnoll War
Blood of the Vampire, he then had his head graft- 91–93 The Lost Legion (a history text)
ed onto this new immortal and extremely power- 94–95 The Red Book of Brewcraft
ful artificial body. Unbeknownst to him, the devil- 96 The Smile and the Eye (a holy book of The Shuul: Ptolus, page 131
possessed technicians stole away with his body Mirresh) Menon Balacazar: Ptolus,
and created a clockwork head for it, and—using 97 The Truth About Dwarves page 101
vampire blood and diabolic magic as described in 98–99 Wallick on Weaponsmithing
the book—gave it life as well. 00 Whispering Winds (poetry)


An ancient and nearly forgotten arcane process Soulshade Bugbear
magically transforms willing creatures into shad- Medium Humanoid (Goblinoid)
owy versions of their former selves called soul- Hit Dice: 3d8+3 (16 hp)
shades. These creatures retain their original Initiative: +3
minds, but their bodies take on the appearance Speed: 40 feet
of a dark shadow of their previous form. Armor Class: 21 (+3 Dex, +5 deflection,
Creatures willing to transform themselves in +2 leather armor, +1 light wooden shield),
this way usually do so for nefarious ends. Many touch 18, flat-footed 18
of them are unstable or deviant in some way, for Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+4
the process is irreversible and renders one virtu- Attack/Full Attack: Morningstar +5 melee
ally unable to interact normally with other living (1d8+2) or javelin +5 ranged (1d6+2)
creatures. They cannot pass for normal creatures Special Attacks: Insubstantial attack, darkness
except in shadowy conditions, and their voices 3/day
are hoarse whispers at best. Soulshades hate the Special Qualities: Darkness affinity, insubstantial,
light and become nocturnal. They typically dwell immunities, improved darkvision 60 feet,
underground or in other places where they can scent, bright light weakness
easily obtain the comfort of darkness. Saves: Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +1
When a soulshade dies, it cannot be restored Abilities: Str 15, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 10,
to life by raise dead, resurrection, or even true Wis 10, Cha 9
Although they both stick to the resurrection. However, the following night it Skills: Climb +3, Hide +14, Listen +4, Move
shadows and assume shadowy rises as an undead shadow automatically (if over Silently +8, Spot +4
forms, soulshades are not the 10 HD, a greater shadow). Feats: Alertness, Weapon Focus (morningstar)
same creatures as skulks; The secret of soulshade creation lies with Environment: Underground
see Ptolus, page 630. the followers of the relatively obscure god Organization: Solitary
Maleskari. Maleskari, a deity of death and dark- Challenge Rating: 3
ness, is known as the God of Shades, and many Treasure: Standard
of his most devoted followers undergo the soul- Alignment: Usually chaotic evil
Maleskari: Ptolus, page 69 shade process as part of a religious ritual to Advancement: By character class
honor him. (This is an improvement over other Level Adjustment: +2
rituals of dedication to Maleskari, many of
which involve suicide.) Although big and strong, a soulshade bugbear
There are others, though, with no reverence specializes in subterfuge and stealth, preying upon
for the dark god, who nevertheless desire the those weaker than itself, particularly those crea-
secrets of the soulshade process. First among tures that stray too far from the light.
Renn Sadar: Ptolus, page 95 these is Lord Renn Sadar of House Sadar. Bugbears speak Goblin and Common.
Soulshades are not undead, although they
do share some characteristics with them. Combat
Furthermore, undead that normally would not Soulshade bugbears ambush their opponents,
abide the presence of a living creature ignore striking from the darkness.
soulshades, essentially treating them as undead Insubstantial Attack (Su): The attack of a soul-
creatures. shade bugbear ignores 2 points of Armor Class
gained from an armor bonus, natural armor
One can find a shrine to the bonus, or a shield bonus.
God of Shades in the Necropolis Darkness (Sp): A soulshade bugbear can use
within the Dark Reliquary manor darkness 3/day.
(Area 14). See Ptolus, page 242. Darkness Affinity (Su): While in complete or
near complete darkness, a soulshade bugbear
gains a +2 morale bonus to attacks, saving
throws, and all checks.
Insubstantial (Su): While not truly incorporeal,
soulshade bugbears are shadowy and insubstantial.
This fact grants them DR 10/magic. Further, they
ignore all spells or magic weapons 25 percent of
the time (except for positive energy, force effects,
or attacks made with ghost touch weapons).
Immunities: Soulshade bugbears are immune to
negative energy effects, cold, poison, paralysis,
stunning, disease, and death effects.

Improved Darkvision (Su): Soulshade bug-

bears can see in any darkness, even magical
darkness, up to 60 feet. Lord Renn Sadar lives up to the
Bright Light Weakness: Soulshade bugbears nickname of his noble house—
suffer a –4 penalty on attacks, saves, and checks the House of Shadows—with a
when in daylight (including a daylight spell). vengeance. According to rumor,
Scent (Ex): This special quality allows a soul- he is behind the funding of a
shade bugbear to detect approaching enemies, group of cultists seeking to
sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of reestablish the faith of Maleskari
smell. Creatures with the scent ability can identi- openly in Ptolus. They dream of
fy familiar odors just as humans do familiar erecting a temple to the god in
sights. the Shadow of Ptolus accessible
The soulshade bugbear can detect opponents from an abandoned building in
within 30 feet by sense of smell. If the opponent the Temple District—if only they
is upwind, the range increases to 60 feet; if could reach the Shadow of
downwind, it drops to 15 feet. Strong scents, Ptolus. For more on this strange
such as smoke or rotting garbage, can be detect- realm, see “Kadmiel, the Shade
ed at twice the ranges noted above. Tower” in Ptolus, page 326.
Overpowering scents, such as skunk musk or
troglodyte stench, can be detected at triple nor-
mal range. When a soulshade bugbear detects a
scent, the exact location of the source is not
revealed—only its presence somewhere within FROM MY CAMPAIGN
range. The bugbear can take a move action to
note the direction of the scent. Whenever the
bugbear comes within 5 feet of the source, it The characters in my Ptolus
pinpoints the source’s location. Campaign learned that their kid-
Skills: Soulshade bugbears enjoy a +4 racial napped friend Tharn was being
bonus on Move Silently checks and a +8 racial held by a strange shadow-cult
bonus on Hide checks when not in bright light. in an abandoned tower in the
morale bonus to attacks, saving throws, and all Temple District. Armed with day-
CREATING A SOULSHADE checks. light spells from the priests of
“Soulshade” is a template that one can add to Insubstantial (Su): While not truly incorpore- Gaen, they ventured inside, only
any living, corporeal creature. A soulshade uses al, soulshades are shadowy and insubstantial. to be magically transported to
all the base creature’s statistics and special abili- This fact grants them DR 10/magic. Further, the Shadow of Ptolus. There they
ties except as noted here. they ignore all spells or magic weapons 25 per- encountered soulshades faithful
Size and Type: The creature’s type remains the cent of the time (except for positive energy, force to the god Maleskari. When they
same. Do not recalculate its Hit Dice, base effects, or attacks made with ghost touch finally discovered their missing
attack bonus, or saves. Size goes unchanged. weapons). A soulshade cannot pass through friend, he had been magically
Speed: Add +10 to the base creature’s move- solid objects. It has a Strength score. turned against them and escaped
ment rate. Immunities: Soulshades are immune to nega- into the shadowy ether beyond
AC: Convert any natural armor bonus the tive energy effects, cold, poison, paralysis, stun- the tower. They would not see
base creature may have to a deflection bonus ning, disease, and death effects. Soulshades are him again for a very long time....
and add a +2 deflection bonus to the total. subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, and
Special Attacks: A soulshade retains all the ability drain (except ability drain from negative
special attacks of the base creature and also energy effects).
gains the following special abilities: Improved Darkvision (Su): Soulshades can see
Insubstantial Attack (Su): The attack of a in any darkness, even magical darkness, up to 60
soulshade ignores 2 points of Armor Class feet.
gained from an armor bonus, natural armor Bright Light Weakness: Soulshades suffer a –4
bonus, or a shield bonus. penalty on attacks, saves, and checks when in
Darkness (Sp): A soulshade can use darkness daylight (including a daylight spell).
3/day. Soulshades with 10 HD or more use deep- Skills: While outside of bright light, soul-
er darkness instead. shades gain a +8 racial bonus to Hide checks.
Special Qualities: A soulshade retains all the Abilities: Alter scores from the base creature’s
special qualities of the base creature and also as follows: Str +0, Dex +4, Con +0, Int +0,
gains the following special abilities: Wis +0, Cha +0.
Darkness Affinity (Su): While in complete or Challenge Rating: As base creature’s +1.
near complete darkness, a soulshade gains a +2 Level Adjustment: As base creature’s +1.

NEW MONSTER: TENEBRACCUS lands into eternal darkness, cold and misery. All
demons of darkness hate each other, though, so
(DEMON OF DARKNESS) they steered clear of one another even as they
Medium Outsider (chaotic, evil) served Ghul. Most demons of darkness are
Hit Dice: 8d8+24 (60 hp) believed destroyed, although some may linger in
Initiative: +5 deep, dark sections of Ghul’s Labyrinth even
Speed: 40 feet, fly 40 feet (perfect) today—including perhaps the greatest of them,
Armor Class: 20 (+5 Dex, +5 natural), touch 15, who was named Narvalix.
flat-footed 15 A demon of darkness stands about six feet tall,
Base Attack/Grapple: +8/+11 appearing to be a relatively featureless human
Attack: +8 touch (1d8 cold + stun) made of darkness. Their semi-solid forms are
Full Attack: +8 touch (1d8 cold + stun) entirely mutable, however, and so a demon could
Special Attacks: Stunning touch, spell-like shape its body into virtually any form. Demons
abilities, summon demons of darkness do not use the ability to mimic the
Special Qualities: Darkvision 120 feet, blurred appearance of other creatures (they are not adept
presence, mutable form, DR 10/good, SR 19, at impersonation), but they do use it to adopt
immune to cold, electricity and poison, whatever shape is most convenient for the task
Learn more about Narvalix, the resistance to acid 10, fire 10 at hand.
greatest of Ghul’s demon-mages, Saves: Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +9 Demons of darkness can speak with and under-
in the “Saga of the Blade” Abilities: Str 11, Dex 20, Con 16, Int 22, Wis 18, stand any creature, thanks to their telepathy.
on the Ptolus CD-Rom. Cha 21
Skills: Appraise +17, Concentration +14, Craft COMBAT
(any two) +17, Decipher Script +17, Hide +16, Demons of darkness despise combat, although
Knowledge (arcana) +17, Knowledge (history) they do not fear direct confrontation. They
+17, Listen +15, Move Silently +16, Sense manipulate others, rather than fight. They would
Motive +15, Spellcraft +17, Spot +15 rather use guile (accompanied by a suggestion)
Feats: Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Craft to trick or charm foes, or darkness to blind or
Staff, Craft Wondrous Item confuse them. If forced into actual physical com-
Environment: Any land and underground bat, they use their dreadful touch, perhaps aug-
Organization: Solitary mented with vampiric touch. However, usually
Challenge Rating: 8 they would just teleport away from such a
Treasure: Standard situation.
Alignment: Always Chaotic Evil Stunning Touch (Su): The touch of a demon of
Advancement: 9–16 HD (Medium) darkness infuses any living creature with intense
Level Adjustment: — cold—so intense that the victim must make a
Fortitude save (DC 19) to avoid being stunned for
Popular expressions in the city: In Ptolus today, a familiar exclamation is 1d3 rounds.
See Ptolus, page 367 “demons of darkness!” While most people using Blurred Presence (Su): The body of a demon of
the expression have no idea where it comes from, darkness is always indistinct and enjoys a con-
the reference is actually a very specific one, refer- stant blur effect. While this can be dispelled, it
ring to a rare breed of demon brought to the automatically renews itself on the demon’s next
Ghul: Ptolus, page 81 world by an even rarer spell cast by Ghul himself. turn as a free action.
These demons were responsible for much of the Mutable Form (Su): Composed of semi-solid
misery and darkness that gripped the world for darkness, tenebraccus are immune to critical
centuries under their dark lord’s evil sovereignty. strikes, sneak attacks, and any other attacks that
Although they call themselves tenebraccus, to all rely on precision. Further, they can slip through
others they are demons of darkness. even the slightest crack or hole to move through
During Ghul’s reign, even as he summoned the otherwise solid objects (like a wall or a door).
The Utterdark: Ptolus, page 81 shroud of the Utterdark that covered the land, the Spell-Like Abilities: At will—darkness, greater
demons of darkness served as his principal assis- teleport; 3/day—blindness/deafness, deeper
tants. They led his armies and oversaw all his var- darkness, dispel magic, ray of enfeeblement,
ious magical projects—the breeding of new crea- suggestion; 1/day—analyze dweomer, confusion,
tures, the forging of new magic weapons, and the vampiric touch. Caster level 8th.
Ghul’s Labyrinth: Ptolus, further spread of his vast underground labyrinth Summon Demons (Sp): Once per day, a demon
page 418 around the Spire, beneath his fortress Goth of darkness can attempt to summon one babau
Goth Gulgamel: Ptolus, Gulgamel. demon or one succubus with a 60 percent chance
page 486 The tenebraccus served their master well, see- of success. This ability is the equivalent of a 3rd-
ing him as the greatest means to achieve their level spell.
own goal in the world of mortals: plunging all the


The Inverted Pyramid mages’ guild has many Inverted Pyramid: Ptolus,
magical secrets that its members keep to them- page 115
selves. Gaining access to these secrets is just one
benefit of membership. For example, Inverted
Pyramid mages share the secret of morae only
with other members.
A mora (plural morae) is also known as a
reflexive warding token. Each is a tiny, coinlike
magic item, usually made of brass, bronze, or
gold. Mages might carry a mora to protect
themselves from the spells of their foes.
Inverted Pyramid mages believe the only real
threat they might face is another mage, so they
take special steps to secure themselves from
enemy spellcasters. Morae can make mage
battles between two well-equipped spellcasters Inverted Pyramid headquarters:
last a long time. Ptolus, page 324
If someone casts a damaging attack spell, Map of the building: Ptolus,
such as magic missile or lightning bolt, upon page 325
a mage with a mora, the token absorbs an
amount of damage equal to 5 points multiplied
by its caster level. If the attack spell is not
damaging but has some other effect, the spell’s
caster makes a caster level check, opposed by a
caster level check made using the mora’s caster
level. If the spellcaster’s check is higher, the
spell functions normally. If the mora’s check
equals or exceeds the spellcaster’s, the spell is
Morae react only to spellcasting, not to spell-
like abilities, supernatural abilities, or the effects Only the mage who creates a mora can use
of magic items (except for spell-completion items it—in anyone else’s hands, the mora becomes
like scrolls). They respond only to spells cast by powerless. If a mage carries more than three
creatures; a magical trap, for example, would morae with her at one time, the tokens’
not trigger one. Lastly, only target and area of antimagical properties begin to disrupt her own
effect spells trigger a mora; those spellcasting, giving her a spell failure
spells must target the mage car- chance equal to 10 percent mul-
rying the mora or include her tiplied by the number of morae
in its area of effect. Thus, a she carries.
mage with a mora approach- The caster level of a mora
ing an extant wall of fire is not varies, and thus so does the cost.
protected from the wall. The Creating one costs 150 gp and
mora protects only its holder, not 12 XP per caster level, but since
any other targets (if any) or others only their creators can use them,
in the area of effect. they have no market value.
Morae are one-use items created in One creates them like magic items, At times of great peril, Inverted
the magical laboratories of the Inverted using the Create Wondrous Item feat Pyramid mage Jevicca Nor
Pyramid headquarters high above Oldtown with dispel magic as the prerequisite. carries a mora or two. Read
(these workshops are marked “W” on the map more about her in Ptolus,
of the building). Once activated, they become Sample Mora: Moderate abjuration; CL 8th; page 116.
worthless. Even if a mora that can absorb up to Create Wondrous Item, dispel magic; Price
30 points of damage protects its owner from a 0 gp; cost to create 1,200 gp + 96 XP
spell that inflicts only 18 points of damage, the
mora is used up—it doesn’t have 12 points of
protection “left over.”


The product of an ingenious Shuul inventor
named Tyrus Von Kitterand (male human
expert9), steam pistols are an advancement
beyond those made even when the Empire was at
its height and technological marvels—including
firearms—were far more common. The Shuul, an
organization dedicated to restoring and advancing
science and the rule of law, have not yet found a
way to produce steam pistols in great quantities.
They are expensive and difficult to use: more of a
technological curiosity than a handy weapon,
really. Nevertheless, the handful of steam pistols
that do exist demand the respect of those who
end up on the wrong end of their wide barrels.
Utilizing alchemical firestone to produce a tiny,
super-hot burner, the pistol’s mechanism uses
steam to build up tremendous pressure. That
The Shuul: Ptolus, page 131 same burner then ignites the powder so that the
firearm uses both conventional means and high
pressure to propel its ammunition with devastat-
ing force and impressive range.
Firestone: Ptolus, page 46 Despite its power, the report of a steam pistol
is muffled and slightly softer than that of a regu-
Dragon pistol: Ptolus, page 560 lar dragon pistol. The sound is an unmistakable
signature of the weapon, though. Due to the need
of building up pressure, one can use a steam pis-
tol to its fullest extent only once every third
round. On other rounds, however, while the pres-
sure builds, one can fire it as a regular dragon
pistol. VARIANTS
As with conventional dragon pistols, loading You can extrapolate from the information about
a steam pistol is a move action. A steam pistol the steam pistol provided here to allow for other,
requires two hands to load, but only one hand larger steam-driven weapons as well. Here are
For more on firearms, see to fire. It uses traditional ammunition. two ideas.
Ptolus, page 559. Truth be told, the Shuul have not yet found Steam Rifle: This firearm is a larger, longer-
a way to produce these items without utilizing barreled version of the steam pistol with better
magic to allow the weapons’ mechanisms to actu- range and greater damage. Reloading the rifle
ally work together, to reduce the recoil, and keep takes a full-round action. Loading and firing it
the entire device from simply exploding. Steam requires two hands in the same manner as the
pistols each exude a faint aura of transmutation dragon rifle (see Ptolus, page 560).
magic, and they do not work safely in an Steam Cannon: A steam cannon normally must
antimagic field. Still, the Shuul insist they are not be mounted on a solid surface or on a small plat-
“magic items.” It is certainly true that they have form, often with wheels for transport. As with
no magical enhancement bonus and that their standard cannons, these weapons are not made to
rounds are not considered magical for purposes of be fired like rifles, so loading them still takes a
damage reduction. long time (see Ptolus, page 561).

Steam Weapons†
Price Type Damage Critical Range Weight
Steam pistol 1,000 gp P 4d6* ×3 100 5 lbs.
Steam rifle 2,000 gp P 4d8* ×3 200 10 lbs.
Steam cannon (Small) 4,000 gp P 4d12 ×3 300 1,150 lbs.
† The table shows the values when the steam function is used. On off rounds, these weapons
can be fired as regular “non-steam” firearms.
* For Medium weapon. Small weapons deal one die less damage.

Although to some degree or another Ptolus
natives have always known about the subter-
ranean regions beneath the city, it’s only in the
last few years that it’s become common knowl-
edge that exploring these uncharted regions can
gain a person incredible wealth. With this Sewage: Ptolus, page 439
knowledge came the idea of the so-called “delv-
ing” lifestyle of high adventure and excitement—
even though the reality of it is far less glamorous
than many believe. There’s often more slogging
through sewage than derring-do, but tavern tales
usually gloss over such details, particularly when
the tale-teller has had a few flagons and wants
to impress the common folk who’ve gathered to The guides also have plenty of healing potions Dungeon: Ptolus, page 415
listen. on hand for inevitable injuries (the price of
Since those first days when successful delvers which is added into the final fee). Delver’s Guild: Ptolus, page 108
spread the word of excitement and adventure, These so-called “Adventure Tours” were
various nobles and wealthy folk wanted to take extremely popular at first, but that popularity
part. Many believed themselves to be more than has decreased over time. Apparently, much of
the equal of the challenges of the Dungeon and the clientele found the experience to be some-
wished to prove themselves. Others just consid- what unsatisfying, either because “adventuring”
ered it a lark—a new fashion to pass their idle wasn’t as enjoyable as they thought it would be
time. A few actually set upon their own expedi- or because they (perhaps foolishly) wanted more
tions, but they proved extremely dangerous, of a real challenge rather than the obviously san-
unglamorous, unpleasant, and downright repug- itized and protected experience they were pro-
nant. vided.
Just a few months ago, a few enterprising Starelle and her staff have not given up on the
members of the Delver’s Guild came upon a idea, however, and even now are creating what
money-making idea. They created a way for they hope is a better, more gripping, exciting, Ghul’s Labyrinth: Ptolus,
wealthy folk dreaming of being adventurers to and thrilling experience. They plan on incorpo- page 418
experience a taste of a “dungeon delve” without rating illusions, specially made constructs, and
ever being in real danger. For a hefty price greater actual dangers (supplemented with magi-
(about 250 gp per person), nobles and the cal protections for the clients such as protection
wealthy can explore a handful of subterranean from energy and stoneskin—which obviously will
rooms and passages, experience a trap or two, raise the price).
and even encounter some foul monsters. Scenario: Starelle contacts the player charac-
To accomplish this, the guild members, led by ters and offers to pay them 100 gp plus 50 gp
an Associate Guildsman named Starelle Nevine per HD for captured and subdued creatures
(human fighter6/expert3), took a cleared out for the Delver’s Guild Adventure Tours. She
section of Ghul’s Labyrinth and sealed it off explains that she prefers creatures whose
from all underground connections other than a attacks are not immediately lethal, such as rust
passage to the surface. They put a safety net in monsters or carrion crawlers. She also doesn’t
a pit trap and captured a handful of monsters— want anything very intelligent. Hunting down
specifically a half dozen carrion crawlers, a rust specific monsters can be difficult and probably
monster, and a few giant beetles—to stock the involves gathering information from other
dungeon. A delver “guide” or two accompanies delvers. Bringing them back alive can be trouble-
the would-be adventurers into this dungeon, some as well—it certainly isn’t the normal
and then monster wranglers in secret rooms let dungeon adventure.
out a few beasts to menace them. The wranglers If the characters succeed, Starelle might invite
and guides make sure they pose no real threat, them to join her team. As wranglers or guides, Benris, a Delver’s Guild employ-
although they also attempt to keep the cus- the PCs must play out some Adventure Tours ee, hopes to gain key knowledge
tomers from slaying the creatures (because then wherein they must keep the clientele (and possi- of dungeoneering and dangerous
they would have to go out and get more). If bly the monsters) safe while providing an excit- beasts by wrangling the “tamed”
need be, they use spells and items to help con- ing experience. Characters might need to avail creatures for the tours. She
trol the beasts, although the well-fed creatures themselves of skills such as Perform to make it dreams of one day becoming
are almost tame at this point and fairly easily all convincing. a “real” adventurer.


The Teachings of the Brotherhood of the White Regardless of the theological (or political, if one
This Delver’s Guild entry comes Lotus by Karius Drakor can truly separate the two) issues presented by the
from guest author Keith Strohm, White Lotus, the brotherhood represents a fascinat-
who played Harrow elf Gaerioth The Great Path has no gates; ing viewpoint on the world. It is my hope that this
Shadowhand in my Ptolus Thousands of roads enter it. scholarly summation of the core principles of the
Campaign. A great fan of monks When one passes through the gateless gate, Esvallen Brotherhood will shed light on the devel-
and philosophy, Keith created He walks freely between heaven and earth opment of metaphysical thought in the Prustan
“Thunder-Perfect Mind” as part —Master Semparti Q’uan Peninsula during the last four hundred years—
of the background for his charac- though the White Lotus followers will surely agree
ter. It offers interesting insights Such were the words spoken by the founder of that any such enlightenment will not come from
into the world in which the city of the Esvallen Brotherhood—commonly called the the mere reading of this book. Thought is required.
Ptolus can be found. —Monte Brotherhood of the White Lotus—as the arcano- As Master Kirwan of Istama once proclaimed:
tyrants of Kem twisted and shattered the very
bones of that once-great land, laying waste to all Wind, flag, mind moves,
life*. And many heeded the aging master’s call. the same understanding.
Imperial reports confirm that the Esvallen When the mouth opens,
Brotherhood grew faster than any of the hiero- all are wrong†
metaphysical movements in the Prustan
Peninsula. Though convincing arguments have 1. All Is All
been made by several learned individuals—most For the White Lotus monk, existence is not a
notably Gottfried von Wilhurst—that the White multi-faceted place with a diversity of unique cre-
Lotus’ growth had as much to do with the socio- ations. Rather, existence is a state of being. All
political climate in Kem** as any possession of material and spiritual matter (i.e., people, person-
supposed spiritual truth, the order’s early vitali- alities, magic, the Elemental Planes, even the gods
ty, and its current existence, are noteworthy in themselves) are simply imperfect reflections of the
light of the number of cults that have recently Universal Oneness.
sprouted within the Empire. Unlike many hiero-metaphysical orders, the
Kem: Ptolus, page 43 Known throughout the world for their skill in Esvallen Brotherhood does not believe that the
Prustan Peninsula: Ptolus, battle, the Brothers of the White Lotus would world is illusory†† or unreal. Rather, it is both
page 42 actually best be classified as introspective, medi- Real and Not-Real, a seeming paradox that
tative monks, rather than martial artists. In fact, points to a profound “truth:” All transcends the
initiates see impressive displays of martial apprehension or classification of real. The ques-
prowess as merely a means of achieving mastery tion itself becomes irrelevant. This is expressed
over the self. Follow a White Lotus monk poetically in the Fourth Stricture of the Masters:
around and she will be just as likely to kneel
before a strip of rice paper and compose a Lightning flashes,
haikar with the simple, yet subtle, stroke of the Sparks shower.
shumi-e brush, as she would be to fight a battle. In one blink of your eyes,
This seeming ambivalence to custom, tradi- You have missed seeing†††
tion, and more has caused many to view the
Esvallen Brotherhood with suspicion—albeit The goal of a White Lotus initiate is to move
warily. Astute scholars will note that the White beyond conceptions and perceptions of the imper-
Lotus monks were, for a time, considered true fect real and “ascend” (though the use of this spa-
heretics and placed among the ranks of the tial metaphor is symptomatic of the fundamental
damned during the First Inquisition.*** tension that the monk struggles with) into the
Universal Oneness. This enlightenment contains
an eschatological and teleological dimension. For
* See Drustan Thal’s A Secret History of Kem. the Brotherhood of the White Lotus believes that
Gaerioth’s adapted Esvallen War ** Winds Across the Panish: Social Movements an “individual” achievement of enlightenment
Mask protects his Harrow elf of the Prustan Peninsula. draws the Real ontologically closer to the All.
*** Shadows of Hate: Beast Cults and Other
identity from those he does That is, the enlightenment of a single monk
Heretics, Bishop Krasval von Edin.
not yet trust (which is almost brings all of the imperfect reflections of existence
everyone). closer to unity in the Oneness That Is.
† Moon Wisdom: The Sayings of Master
Kirwan, collected by Effan Taddeus.
†† See Learned Master Vineus’ A Sampling
of Metaphysical Thought. ††† Commentaries on the Way, Master Ethael

2. Everything That Rises

Must Converge Name Date Accomplishment
Because the Real exists beyond matter in pure Garthorius 150 IA Ascended White Lotus Master
existential form, the Esvallen believe that the Shelomiel Avaren 213 IA Disappeared near Uraq
very act of creation itself was a “fall,” a chaotic Antares Venal 295 IA Killed in the Great Earthquake
splintering of the Real into millions of myriad Syndaran 376 IA Ascended White Lotus Master
reflections. The duty of every monk, then, is to Karathur Ernam 440 IA Killed by the tarrasque in Nall
become Real, restoring the essential unity of cre- Farnath Gymel 568 IA Ascended White Lotus Master
ation. In following this path, a monk rarely Raevenal Arath 614 IA Ascended White Lotus Master
weighs acts along a moral scale, viewing her Laran Thal 678 IA Killed by servants of Maleskari
choices along a gamut of good and evil. The Gaerioth Shadowhand 721 IA To be determined
consideration of Law and Chaos is much more
important to the White Lotus, though even this
must, ultimately, be transcended until every act
is simply pure Intention. ROLE OF THE AVEDRAS
Occasionally during the order’s history, the
3. Intention Empowers Action brothers have chosen a monk to leave the con-
To an outsider, it would seem as if members of fines of the monastery and pursue enlightenment
the Esvallen Brotherhood place an undue in the world. Such a monk is both blessed and
emphasis on physical combat and martial chal- cursed, for his freedom also means he cannot
lenges, for they need little excuse to challenge rely on the wisdom and guidance of the White
each other—often choosing inappropriate Lotus Masters who reside in the deepest confines
moments, such as during meditation, to attack of the monastery. These wandering monks usual-
one other. Certainly such an obsession with ly wear a modified version of the Esvallen War
proving one’s skills and dominance should point Mask‡‡ to symbolize their presence in, but sepa-
to an overabundance of ego-needs. However, the ration from, created matter. The gathered assem-
White Lotus believe that their mastery over Self, bly of the White Lotus Masters gives the young Gaerioth’s quest as an avedras
the degree to which they have transcended cre- monk a single quest, usually in the form of a rid- was to learn the word that begat
ation, is signified by their skill in battle. Thus, dle to solve. He can only return when he has all of creation. Sadly, while he
losing a fight isn’t about physical error or defi- found the answer. Throughout the length and accompanied the Company of
ciency; it is about the state of a monk’s enlight- breadth of the Brotherhood of the White Lotus, the Black Lantern on many
enment. Often, a monk who has lost a fight will only nine such monks were chosen. exciting adventures, it was the
bow before his “enemy” and thank him for the Gaerioth, the latest Avedras, has been spotted Runewardens who traveled the
lesson. in and around the city of Ptolus. Witnesses say Jewels of Parnaith and in the end
that he adventures with a group called the spoke with an avatar of the
4. Vigorous Non-Detachment Company of the Black Lantern, as well as a col- Creator. No one thought to ask
lection of adventurers who seem to follow the his question at the time. Luckily,
Is Itself an Attachment clerics of Lothian. Although rumors of a connec- the stalwart monk got his own
White Lotus monks do indeed reject attachment tion to major crime lords in the city abound, no opportunity somewhat later....
to creation and worldly things—though they proof of it has ever surfaced. The nature of
guard themselves carefully against becoming Gaerioth’s quest, and his ability to complete it,
attached to their philosophy. While it is rare that are both unknown. Only time will tell. FROM MY CAMPAIGN
they seek after material wealth or power (they TO YOURS
have been known to give away treasured posses-
sions for “no good reason”), a monk moving far ‡ Piercing the Cloud: The Nine Strictures of the Among his friends, Gaerioth was
along the path of enlightenment will accept even Masters Explained, Kalem von Anor known for his spartan tastes and
the greatest of treasures with the same equanimi- ‡‡ Ancient Battle Gear of the Prustan lack of interest in worldly things.
ty as he would drop such a treasure in the dirt. Peninsula, Vineus von Tram In fact, whenever the Company
For it is said within the walls of the order’s cen- of the Black Lantern discovered
tral monastery: treasure in their many adven-
tures, he would always give his
In spring, hundreds of flowers; share to other members to
in autumn, a harvest moon; “hold” for him. He always had
in summer, a refreshing breeze; what he needed, and if the rest
in winter, snow will accompany you. of the group enjoyed a little
If useless things do not hang in your mind, “bonus” from time to time, it
any season is a good season for you.‡ was of no concern to him.

TEN STARTING CAMPAIGN Delver’s Square. It was posted by the last PC,
who has a map given to him by a retired adven-
SCENARIOS turer. The map leads to a small but worthwhile
Now that the Ptolus book is in your hands, here treasure hoard under the city, in the possession
are some ways you can use it to start a brand- of a small but dangerous black dragon. There
new city-based campaign. will be other dangers on the way as well, and
the character with the map knows he needs
1. THE LONG DELAY capable help to get the treasure. He’s willing to
The player characters all arrive at the South split it equally with all involved.
Gate at the same time. There’s a mule driver try-
ing to get his animals into the city, and he’s hav- 4. TWO GROUPS
South Gate: Ptolus, page 158 ing trouble. This delay has caused a line to form The PCs are divided into two groups of charac-
of people wanting to gain entrance to Ptolus. As ters that either have known each other for a
the PCs make small long time or have met using other of the other
talk (or overhear oth- scenarios described here. Both groups,
ers making small talk), seeking bounties, inde-
they strike up a pendently track some
Ratman lair: Ptolus, page 442 friendship, learning ratmen to the same lair.
that they’ve all come The rats prove to be too
to the city for the numerous and crafty for
same reason: to either group alone, but
strike it rich as working together, they can
adventurers. The prove victorious.
bonds of friend-
ship between 5. LOST CHILD
those who all A small girl is missing and
find themselves his parents are distraught.
newcomers to Many locals are helping out
the place are by searching the neighborhood,
quickly forged and the player characters are
and strong. among them. They make up the
Supposedly haunted house: See After they group that comes upon the lass,
“The Trouble With Goblins” in cross the where she’s fallen down a well.
Ptolus, page 595 city’s threshold togeth- Working together, the PCs rescue
er, the characters learn the lay of the her and, in the celebratory dinner
land at the same time and get involved in the given in their honor at the parents’
same first mission. house that night, the characters get a chance to
Iridithil’s Home: Ptolus, talk and learn that they have similar interests
page 207 2. MISTAKEN IDENTITY and goals. At that same dinner, they hear about
Delver’s Square: Ptolus, All the PCs are in the same area of the city at a house just down the street that is supposedly
page 198 the same time—Iridithil’s Home, Delver’s Square, haunted.
Star Crossing Plaza: Ptolus, Star Crossing Plaza, etc.—when one of them is
page 350 attacked by thugs. In a case of mistaken identity, 6. IN GOD’S NAME
Aggah-Shan: Ptolus, page 335 the thugs believe the player character to be The PCs all worship the same minor deity and
someone they’ve been hired to beat up for not have seen each other around the temple at vari-
paying his gambling debts. They work for the ous times. When the high priest is found dead in
crime lord Aggah-Shan, although they don’t will- his home one night, it’s these characters whom
ingly reveal that fact. The other PCs are those the other clergy approach for help. They’re all
individuals who happen to step in and lend the known as devout followers of the faith and
victim a hand. Friendship can be forged in the capable individuals, while the remaining priests
fires of adversity, and nothing gets a story (or a are little more than acolytes. They plead with
campaign) started like an immediate action the PCs in the deity’s name to help them against
scene. Plus, together they can track these thugs the murderers: a temple of a rival god bent on
back to where they came from to find out the driving their religion from the city.
reason for the unwarranted attack.
Keepers of the Veil: Ptolus, 7. REJECTION
page 119 3. WANTED: ADVENTURERS The Keepers of the Veil are recruiting and
Siege Tower: Ptolus, page 237 The player characters (except one) answer a call announce an open invitation for all to come to
for adventures that they have seen posted in the Siege Tower to apply to join their ranks. The

PCs are the applicants who don’t make the cut. various professions, traveling, and so on), they The group that would one day
If friendship can be created in adversity, then learn that one of them has contracted red ache become the Runewardens met
this is a different sort of adversity. Disgruntled, (see Chapter 8: Glossary of the DMG). Although using a variation on Scenario #1
the PCs decide to band together and show the the diseased character isn’t yet debilitated, he (they later picked up Udalaag,
knights that they made a mistake by making soon will be if he and his old friends can’t band far right, and Canabulum, far
names for themselves as independent adventur- together to raise money for a spell to cure it. left, along the way).
ers. They plan to start their careers by exploring One of the other PCs has heard that there’s a
a tomb just inside the Necropolis; it’s said to be sizable bounty on the head of a half-orc murder-
filled with animated undead that sometimes er and thief; they could collect it if they could Half-orc murderer and thief: Feel
manage to get either over or under the wall and only track him down and bring him to justice. free to use the Rullus Hobb
into the city at night. handout from the Ptolus book
10. STRANGE NOISES to advertise the bounty.
8. TAVERN BRAWL The player characters all reside near each other
It’s fight night at the Savage Shark—but then, it’s in the Rivergate District. Some of them are even
always fight night at the Savage Shark. On this vaguely acquainted. A few nights ago, strange Savage Shark: Ptolus, page 175
particular night, those brawlers left standing at noises started disturbing some of them, as well
the end all happen to be: the player characters. as the others in the immediate neighborhood.
They share a drink and nurse their wounds When the City Watch investigated, they found a City Watch: Ptolus, page 150
together and get to know each other. After a newly formed tunnel behind an old abandoned
night of drinking and talking, they decide to put house; it was guarded by two small humanoid
their fighting prowess to a better (and more creatures made of rock. They destroyed the
profitable) end, and go explore the Dungeon creatures and sealed off the tunnel, but the nois- Dungeon: Ptolus, page 415
together. One of them happens to know the es continue. The PCs band together to take mat-
entrance to an old smuggler’s den in the ters into their own hands, eventually discover-
Guildsman District; nowadays it’s supposedly ing that an evil conjurer is summoning small
the haunt of a small band of goblins. earth elementals to help him create an under-
ground lair.
The PCs all were friends as children. Today,
although they’ve been apart (training in their
Secrets of the
A Sourcebook by Monte Cook

If you’ve read the Ptolus book, then you know all

about the Delver’s Guild, a group that brings
adventurers together to exchange information
about the Dungeon below the city, as well as
useful resources in the city proper and even
potential missions. But the Delver’s Guild
has become even more than that.
For a year leading up to the release of Ptolus, game
designer Monte Cook wrote a short article every
week to post on a website just for customers
who had preordered the book. The articles were
brand-new material for the city: NPCs, deities,
locales, creatures, and the like.
We called this website “the Delver’s Guild,” as the
site brought Ptolus fans together to discover new
resources just as its namesake organization did for
adventurers. And now, long after the debut of
Ptolus, the Secrets of the Delver’s Guild are finally
revealed! In these 76 pages you’ll find all the
material from the Delver’s Guild website just waiting
to be introduced to your Ptolus Campaign.

©2007 Monte J. Cook

Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons®
Third Edition Core Books, published by
Wizards of the Coast®

Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, and Wizards of the Coast are registered
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Sword & Sorcery is a
trademark of White Wolf Publishing. Malhavoc is a registered
trademark of Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.

A Sourcebook By
PDF Version 1
March 2007 MONTE COOK

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