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Philippine Law Enforcement College

College of Criminology



Distinguish motive from intent

W h a t d o you understand by  aberratio ictus, error in person e  and  praeter

intentionem? Do they alter the criminal liability of the accused?

Distinguish mala in se from mala prohibita.

What are heinous crimes? Name ten specific heinous crimes.

What are the instances when the death penalty could not be imposed, although it
should otherwise be meted out?

What is an impossible crime?

Distinguish instigation from entrapment.

What is the doctrine of implied conspiracy?

Art 2; General principles; features of the principles of criminal law

Discuss concisely the cardinal features of principles of criminal law. Give an exception
to each principle and explain the same.

General principles; territoriality; exceptions

 Article 2 of the Revised Penal Code states that the provisions of the said Code shall be

applicable to crimes committed not only within the
territorial jurisdiction of the Philippines, but also outside thereof, in the five (5) instances
mentioned therein. What are the underlying reasons behind, or rationale for,each of
those five (5) instances? Explain fully one by one. 
Art 4; Impossible crimes

X, a domestic servant of Y has been nurturing a grudge against him forlong. One day,
while Y was seated on his favorite rocking chair, X suddenly fired a volley of shots towards
Y. It turned out, however, that Y has been dead from a severe stroke an hour ago. For what
crime can X be held liable? Reasons. 

Art 11; Justifying circumstances; defense of relative

Boy Bala was a notorious gang leader who had previously killed a policeman. The Chief
of Police ordered his vice squad headed by
Captain Aniceto, to arrest Boy Bala and should he resist arrest, to shoot and kill him.

 Acting upon an informer's tip, Aniceto and two (2) of his trusted men went to the
Corinthian nightclub where they saw Boy Bala dancing with a hostess. Without any
warning, Aniceto shot Boy Bala who slumped on the dance floor. As Aniceto aimed another shot
at Boy Bala, the brother of the latter, Pedro, who was seated at a table nearby, got hold
of a table knife and stabbed Aniceto killing him instantly.

The Chief of Police filed a homicide case against Pedro for the death of  Aniceto. On
the other hand, Pedro filed a complaint for murder against the Chief of Police for the
death of Boy Bala alleging that the issuance of the shoot-to-killorder was illegal and the
Chief of Police was liable as a principal by inducement. How tenable are the respective
claims of the Chief of Police and Pedro? Explain.

Art 12; Exempting circumstances; minority

While they were standing in line awaiting their vaccination at the school clinic, Pomping
repeatedly pulled the ponytail of Katreena, his 11 years, 2months and 13 days old
classmate in Grade 5 at the Sampaloc Elementary School. Irritated, Katreena turned
around and swung at Pomping with a ball pen. The top of the ball pen hit the right eye of
Pomping which bled profusely. Realizing what she had caused. Katreena immediately helped
Pomping. When investigated, she freely admitted to the school principal that she was
responsible for the injury to Pomping's eye. After the incident, she executed a statement admitting
her culpability. Due to the injury. Pomping lost his right
eye.a) Is Katreena criminally liable? Why?  Discuss the attendant circumstances and
effects thereof
Art 16; Degree of participation; principal by inducement

In the course of an argument over a parcel of land, which each one claimed as his own, "B" hit
"A" on the face. A week later, "C", father of "A", and "B" were disputing the ownership
of the same property. Coming from behind, "A" clubbed "B" on the head causing him to topple
unconscious to the ground. Then "C" told "A": "that serves him right." Postmortem
examination disclosed that "B" died instantly from the blow he received on the head ,"A"
and "C" were charged by the Prosecuting Fiscal for the death of "B".Is "C" criminally
liable as a principal by inducement for the death of "B? Why? 

Prepared by:



Note: Handwritten. Yellow Paper. Front Page writing only. Write Clearly and Neat.Submit on
Dec. 2 @10am

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