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LESSON Teaching May 1-4, 2023 Quarter 4th
LOG Dates and
I.OBJECTIVES 1 1. Identify the different imaginary 1. Describe the beauty of the 1. Describe the location of
lines on the globe/map; Philippines in terms of its the Philippines with
2. Infer the relationship between the environment. respect to the surrounding landmasses
PRE-TEST latitude of a place and the climate it 2. Appreciate the beauty of our and bodies of water.
experiences; country. 2. Appreciate the beauty of our
3. Site the importance of having a country in terms of its location in the
coordinate system for locating places world maps
on Earth.
WEEK 10 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
A. Content Standards  The learner demonstrates understanding of: the relation of geographical location of the Philippines to its environment
B. Performance  The learners shall be able to: analyze the advantage of the location of the Philippines in relation to the climate, weather, and seasons.
C. Learning  Demonstrate how places on Earth may be located using a coordinate system. S7ES-IVa-1
Competencies /
II.CONTENT Latitude and Longitude Landmasses and bodies of water

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pp. 268-270
2.Learner’s Materials pp. 210-211 pp. 211 212-213
3. Textbooks pages real image of Earth from space; globe and world map
4. Additional
Materials pages from
learning Resources
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning
IV.PROCEDURES Inquiry-Based Learning Using 7Es Model
B. Reviewing The teacher will show a picture of an 1. what is coordinate system?
previous lesson or environment and ask the following 2. describe prime meridian?
presenting the new questions to students: 3. Differentiate Latitude and
lesson. Longitude?

C. Establishing a Picture Parade What is the location of the

purpose for the Present pictures of the different Philippines in the globe or map using
lesson. tourist spot in our country. Let them latitude and longitude?
ELICIT describe the pictures presented.
D. Presenting 1. What is expressed by the picture? Looking at the globe or map what
examples/instances of Why have you said so? other ways can you use to describe
the new lesson. 1. What is an environment? the location the Philippines aside
ENGAGE 2. What makes up our environment? from its latitude and longitude?
3. What are the characteristics of our
Sharing of student responses in
4. What constitute to the features of
Philippine environment? Or what
determines the characteristics of our
Philippine environment?
Why do we have wet and dry season
only all throughout the year? What
are the countries who experiences 4
E. Discussing new Show 2 picture: Real image of Earth Gallery of pictures about the
concepts and taken from space and the model of Philippine environment will be
practicing new skills Earth, the Globe. shown to the students for them to
#1. describe . www.slideshare .com
F. Discussing new Let the students identify a place in
concepts and the Philippines that they
practicing new skills appreciate most and explain why.
#2 Ask the students to evaluate the 2
EXPLORE pictures: describe the location of the
1. What is the difference between the Philippines with respect to the
2 images? surrounding landmasses and bodies
2. On which image can you pinpoint of water. (Refer to LM pp. 84-85
3.Can you pinpoint where exactly in
the world is Philippines in terms of
its latitude and longitude values?
4. A globe has vertical and horizontal
lines drawn on it. Can you see this
5.Why are these lines called
imaginary? Why are these lines
G. Developing Discuss to the class about latitude and Students will present their
mastery (Leads to longitude in LM pp. 210-211 individual outputs. 1. Which bodies of water in the
Formative list are found to the west of the
Assessment 3) Philippines?
2. Which body of water in the list
is located to the east of the
Which large landmass is found to the
north of the Philippines?
H. Finding practical Activity 2; Find me LM pp. 211 Students will cite situations in Do the activity in LM pp. 212-213;
applications of Materials; which they can improve and Where in the world is the
concepts and skills in Globe, map, ruler, marking pen protect the environment. Philippines?
daily living Other groups will label the different
ELABORA landmasses and bodies of water
TE around the Philippines)

I. Making 1. Identify the different imaginary Power point presentation will be 1. What are the landmasses
generalization and lines on the globe/map; used to follow up students and bodies of water that
abstractions about the 2. Infer the relationship between the understanding on Philippine surrounds the Philippines?
lesson latitude and longitude Environment www.slideshare .com 2. What other way can you
3. Site the importance of having a describe the location of the
coordinate system for locating places Philippines?
on Earth.
J. Evaluating learning 5. The Philippines is abundant of Identify what is being asked in each
EVALUAT B. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter sunlight because: of the statements below:
E of the correct answer. A. It is located in the tropical region 1. What is the exact location of the
1. To pinpoint the exact location of B. Philippines can receive direct rays Philippines on Earth?
the Philippines on the map, one must of the sun 2. In which body of water is 15°S,
know the_______ daily 75°E located?
A. latitude and longitude of the C. The Philippines can be lighted by 3. In which body of water is 30°N,
Philippines. the sun about 45°W located?
B. Equator and time zone of the 12 hours daily. 4. Is it possible for a city to be
Philippines. D. All of the above located 120°S, 30°W? explain.
C. Standard time of the prime 7. In which latitude could you find 5. Is it possible for a city to be
meridian. the Philippines ? A. Between 0º located 30°N, 150°W? Explain
D. Prime meridian and International and 30ºN
Dateline B. Between 0º and 30ºS
2. Which of the ff. does not describe C. between 120ºE and 180ºE
the lines of latitude? D. between 120ºW and 180ºW
A. parallel to the equator and each
other. 8. Is it possible for a city to be
B. converge at the poles located at 95ºS, 30ºW?
C. Form circles that are smaller at the A. Yes, 95ºS, 30ºW lies on a big land
poles mass B. Yes, the
D. do not meet or intersect. maximum angle for latitude is 180º.
3. The IDL separates one day from C. No, because 95ºS, 30ºW lies on
the next. What angle is the water. D. No,
International Dateline located? because there is no 95ºS, 30ºW
A. 0° latitude B. 90° South
C. 180° longitude D. 0°
4. The area located within the tropic
of cancer (23.5°N) and Tropic of
Capricorn (23.5°S) is called____.
A. Equator B. Tropics
C. Temperate zone D. Frigid Zone
6. When measuring the lines of
latitude, always begin with the
_________, which represents 0
A. Prime Meridian B. Equator
C. Longitude D. North Pole
Answer Key:
A. Refer to Globe
B. 1).A 2).B 3).C 4). B 5). D 6). A
7).A 8). D
K. Additional Give at least 5 tourist spot of the Students will make a poem or song
activities for Philippines Students will describe the about the location of the Philippines
application or Philippine environment. with respect to landmasses and
remediation bodies of water.
A. No. Of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. Of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. Of
learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. Of l.earners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did i
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other
Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher I Head Teacher I

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