Cyclops Lesions After ACL Reconstruction Using Either Bone-Tendon-Bone Autograft or Hamstring Autograft Pharr2019

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Sports Medicine
Cyclops lesions after ACL reconstruction using either
bone-tendon-bone autograft or hamstring autograft:
A retrospective cohort study
Zachary K. Pharr, MDa, Anthony A. Mascioli, MDa, Andrew B. Dickerson, BSb, Thomas W. Throckmorton, MDa
and Frederick M. Azar, MDa

University of Tennessee-Campbell Clinic Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Biomedical Engineering, Memphis, TN
University of Tennessee Health Science Center, College of Medicine, Memphis, TN

potential complication that has not been previously compared

ABSTRACT between these two graft options. We found no statistically significant
Background: difference in the frequency of cyclops lesions between the two groups,
ACL reconstruction is commonly performed with either bone- minimizing any concern for an increased risk of a cyclops lesion when
patellar tendon-bone (BPTB) autograft or hamstring autograft, each choosing BPTB autograft or hamstring autograft. Surgeons should be
of which has inherent advantages and disadvantages; to our cognizant that the relative risk of a cyclops lesion is four times higher in
knowledge, no study has compared the frequency of cyclops female patients than in male patients with either graft.
lesions between the two autografts. By focusing on cyclops lesions,
a source of knee extension loss after ACL reconstruction, we aimed Level of Evidence:
to expand the comparison between these two autograft options. Level III.

Methods: Key Words

A single-center, retrospective chart review identified 1,902 patients anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, bone-tendon-bone,
between the ages of 8 and 66 yr who had ACL reconstruction hamstring autograft, cyclops lesion
between January 1, 2000, and October 31, 2015. Of these, 1534
received a BPTB autograft and 368 a hamstring autograft. Cyclops
lesions were confirmed by a second arthroscopy in patients treated
for loss of full knee extension, and the occurrences with BPTB and
hamstring autograft were compared. INTRODUCTION

he incidence of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries
Cyclops lesions occurred in 14 (0.91%) of 1,534 reconstructions
is currently estimated at over 200,000 annually, with
with BPTB autografts and five (1.35%) of 368 with hamstring
orthopaedic surgeons performing around 100,000 ACL
autografts (P = 0.39); this difference was not statistically significant.
Cyclops lesions occurred in five (0.44%) of 1125 males and 14 reconstructions per year.1,2 In the United States, ACL injuries
(1.44%) of 777 females (P = 0.004). This was statistically significant, result in approximately $18,000 to $28,000 in surgical and
illustrating a more frequent occurrence of cyclops lesions in female rehabilitative costs per patient.3 Mather et al.4 determined that
patients than in male patients with a relative risk of 4 (CI 1.4-11). the mean lifetime cost to society for a typical patient under-
going ACL reconstruction was $38,121, compared with
Conclusions: $88,538 for rehabilitation. ACL injury is most prevalent (one
Bone-patellar tendon-bone and hamstring autografts both are viable in 1,750 persons) in patients 15 to 45 yr of age, generally
options for ACL reconstruction. The occurrence of cyclops lesions is a because of their more active lifestyle as well as more frequent
participation in sports.1,5 Given the aforementioned reasons, it
is important to know the best surgical options.
Financial Disclosure: Dr. Throckmorton discloses financial Historically, the two autografts used most commonly for
relationships outside this work with IP, Biomet Zimmer, and ACL reconstruction are bone-patellar tendon-bone (BPTB) and
Elsevier, and Dr. Azar with 98point6, Myoscience, Pfizer, hamstring, each with inherent advantages and disadvantages.
Wolters Kluwer, and Zimmer. The other authors have no
Postoperative graft failure and knee laxity are less frequent with
disclosures. The authors report no conflicts of interest.
Correspondence to Thomas W. Throckmorton, MD, 1211 Union Avenue,
BPTB, but anterior knee pain is more common.6–8 Advantages
Suite 510, Memphis, TN 38104 of hamstring autografts include faster recovery of motion and
Tel: +901-759-3270; fax: +901-759-3278; fewer problems with knee pain than with BPTB.9–13
e-mail: [email protected]. Knee extension loss can occur with either graft, most
1941-7551 Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. commonly because of graft impingement after tunnel

Volume 31  Number 1  January/February 2020 Current Orthopaedic Practice 1

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2 | Volume 31  Number 1  January/February 2020

malpositioning. Another common cause of knee extension Memphis, Tennessee (approval no. 16-04425-XP). Informed
loss after ACL reconstruction is localized anterior arthrofib- consent was waived.
rosis, also known as a “cyclops lesion.”14,15
Cyclops lesions are fibroproliferative scars reported to occur Patient Population
in 1% to 25% of patients after ACL reconstruction16,17 and A single-center, retrospective review identified 2,046 patients
cause pain and crepitance and can block full knee extension. between the ages of 8 and 66 yr treated with ACL reconstruction
Histologically, the lesion consists of central granulation tissue between January 1, 2000 and October 31, 2015. Patients treated
surrounded by dense fibrous tissue, evolving from stages of with an allograft or autograft other than BPTB or hamstring
fibrosis to fibrocartilaginous soft tissue.17 The pathogenesis of autograft were excluded from the study, leaving 1534 patients
the cyclops lesion is multifactorial; drilling of the tibial tunnel with BPTB autografts and 368 with hamstring autografts for a
or impingement of the exposed fibers of the ACL on the total of 1902 ACL reconstructions for review (Figure 1). Due to the
intercondylar notch may contribute to its development.15,17–19 high number study, sample size was not calculated.
It also has been suggested that repetitive microtrauma damages
and exposes collagen within grafts, leading to neovasculariza- ACL Reconstruction and Follow-up
tion and hyperplasia that form these lesions.20,21 MRI scanning
ACL reconstructions were performed by 10 different orthopaedic
often reveals the lesion after a patient presents with lack of full
surgeons (three sports medicine fellowship trained and seven
knee extension. Clinically, patients typically present within 4
general) using their preferred technique regarding tibial and
to 6 mo after ACL reconstruction,14,16 but delayed presentation
femoral tunnel placement and graft fixation. ACL reconstruc-
up to 4 yr has been reported.22 Treatment consists of arthro-
tions were performed on an elective basis once the patient had
scopic excision and notchplasty if needed for impingement.23
obtained near full knee range of motion. After ACL reconstruc-
The purpose of this study was to compare the incidence of
tion, each patient underwent physical therapy with a standard-
cyclops lesions with BPTB and hamstring ACL reconstructions.
ized knee program and serial follow-up visits.
To our knowledge, this has not been extensively studied, and
comparative data on cyclops lesions between these two surgical
Identification of Cyclops Lesions and
options may assist in the choice of graft. In addition, we
Comparisons with Graft Type
explored the possibility of a higher incidence of cyclops lesions
based on gender, comparing males to females as a secondary To determine undoubtedly that a cyclops lesion had occurred,
outcome. It was our hypothesis that there would be little or no cyclops lesions were included only if they were identified on a
difference in the incidence of cyclops lesions according to the second arthroscopic procedure. Thus, the focus of the electronic
graft used or the gender of the patients. medical review was on any patient who underwent an additional
surgery after primary ACL reconstruction. If a patient was found
to have undergone a secondary arthroscopic procedure, the
MATERIALS AND METHODS operative report and clinical photos were reviewed to determine if
a cyclops lesion was identified intraoperatively by direct arthro-
Ethical Review and Study Design scopic visualization (Figure 2). These patients had elected to
This retrospective cohort study was approved by the Institu- undergo a secondary arthroscopic debridement because of failure
tional Review Board of the the University of Tennessee, to achieve satisfactory knee range of motion (+/− pain), lacking

FIGURE 1. Study flow chart.

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Current Orthopaedic Practice | 3

FIGURE 2. A 17-year-old female with knee extension loss after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with a bone-patellar tendon-bone autograft.
A, Cyclops lesion. B, After debridement of cyclops lesion.

symmetrical extension compared to the opposite knee after their with BPTB autografts and five (1.35%) of 368 with hamstring
primary ACL reconstruction. MRI was not routinely used prior to autografts (P = 0.39). When the data were stratified by gender,
the second procedure, and patients treated only with closed 11 (1.87%) of 589 female patients with BPTB autografts and
manipulation certainly did not have a cyclops lesion identified by three (1.59%) of 188 with hamstring autografts had cyclops
direct arthroscopic visualization. lesions (P = 0.549) (Table 1). Three (0.31%) of 945 male patients
The incidence of cyclops lesions identified in this manner with BPTB autografts and two (1.11%) of 180 with hamstring
following ACL reconstructions with BPTB autograft and autografts had cyclops lesions (P = 0.183). Thus, there was no
hamstring autografts were subsequently compared. Because statistically significant difference in the incidence of cyclops
the hamstring autograft group had a higher percentage of lesions between the two graft options (P = 0.39). When gender
female patients than the BPTB autograft group (P = 0.0001), was compared, cyclops lesions occurred in five (0.44%) of 1125
gender was stratified prior to statistical analysis. In addition, males and 14 (1.44%) of 777 females (P = 0.004); the relative
the frequency of cyclops lesions in male and female patients risk in females was 4 (CI 1.4-11).
undergoing ACL reconstruction was compared.

Statistical Analysis
For statistical analysis, the Fisher’s exact test for categorical To our knowledge, no study has compared the frequency of
data was used instead of Pearson’s chi square test to account cyclops lesions with BPTB autograft and hamstring autograft
for the small sample size of cyclops lesion incidence. A P ACL reconstructions. Cha et al.24 studied the prevalence of
value was set at <0.05 for statistical significance. cyclops lesions after ACL reconstruction, comparing single-
bundle and remnant-bundle preservation techniques; however,
all reconstructions were done with hamstring grafts. They found
RESULTS similar prevalences of cyclops lesions in the two groups. Marzo
This cohort of 1902 ACL reconstructions consisted of 1125 et al.25 reported 21 patients with BPTB or hamstring autograft
males and 777 females with a mean age of 27 yr (range, 8 to 66 ACL reconstructions who had loss of extension because of an
yr) (Table 1). The overall incidence of cyclops lesions was 1%. ACL nodule. They made no real comparison between the two
Cyclops lesions were identified in 14 (0.91%) of 1534 patients surgical options and postulated that cyclops lesion formation
occurred because of placement of the graft too far anterior on
the tibia. Dandy et al.23 compared loss of knee extension with
TABLE 1. Patient demographics and frequency of BPTB autografts and Leeds-Keio ligament prosthesis and found
cyclops lesions cyclops lesions in 37 (24%) of 154 reconstructions with BPTB
autografts and in one (2.5%) of 40 with Leeds-Keio ligaments
BPTB Hamstring prostheses. They cited Cannon and Vitorri26 as having similar
autograft autograft
extension loss problems with hamstring autografts and postu-
Number of patients 1534 368 lated that the problem was based on biologic grafts.
Age 27.8 yr 25.7 yr
Male 945 (62%) 180 (49%)
When comparing BPTB and hamstring ACL reconstruc-
Female 589 188 tions, we found similar incidences of cyclops lesions at
Cyclops lesion around 1% overall, regardless of the graft option used. This is
Frequency 14 (0.91%) 5 (1.35%) P = 0.39 on the low end of rates reported in the literature.15,16,19 This
Gender 11 female 3 female P = 0.004 study indicates that the biology of BTPB autograft versus
(1.86%) (1.6%)
3 male 2 male hamstring autograft does not appear to be more prone to the
(0.3%) (1.1%) development of a cyclops lesion.
This study also points out that surgeons should be
BPTB, bone-patellar tendon-bone.
cognizant of the four times higher frequency of cyclops

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4 | Volume 31  Number 1  January/February 2020

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