SQL Assignment

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SQL Assignment

Attempt the following queries based on standard Demo tables available in ORACLE ( EMP, SALGRADE, DEPT, BONUS) 1. Display all the records (all columns) from table Emp. 2. Display EmpNo and EName of all employees from table Emp. 3. Display Ename, Sal and Sal added with Comm from table Emp. 4. Display EName joined with Job with heading Employee, Sal*12 as Total Salary from table Emp. 5. Display distinct Sal of employees from table Emp.. 6. Show the Structure of table Dept 7. Write a query to display EName and Sal of Employees whose salary is greater than or equal to 3000 from table Emp. 8. Write a Query to display employee name, salary and department number who are not getting commission from table Emp. 9. Write a Query to display employee Number, name, sal and sal*12 as Annual Salary whose commission is not NULL from table Emp. 10. Write a Query to display employee name and salary of those employee who dont have there salary in the range of 1500 to 2000 11. Write a Query to display name, job, salary, and HireDate of employees who are hired between February 20, 1981, and May 1, 1981. Order the query in ascending order of HireDate. 12. Write a Query to display the name and hire date of all employees who were hired in 1982. 13. Write a Query to display the name, job title and salary of employee who do not have manager. 14. Write a Query to display the name of employee whose name contains A as third alphabet. 15. Write a Query to display the name of employee whose name contains T as the last alphabet. 16. Write a Query to display the name of employee whose name contains M as first alphabet L as third alphabet. 17. Write a Query to display the name of employee who is having L as any alphabet of the name. 18. Write a query to display the current system date. 19. Write a Query to display employee number, name, salary, salary increase by 15% expressed as a whole number. Label the column as New Salary. 20. Write a Query to display the employees name and salary review date, which is the date after six months of HireDate. 21. Write a Query to display the employees name and salary review date, which is the date after six months of HireDate in format of Sunday, 7 SEP, 1981. 22. For each employee display employee name and total number of weeks lapsed between HireDate and Today. 23. For each employee display employee name and total number of days lapsed between Hire Date and Today. 24. Create a query that produces display in the following format <employee name> Earns $<salary> Monthly and working as <Job > 25. Write a query which displays the employee name with the first letter capitalized and all other letters lower case and length of there name string. 26. Write a Query to to display the employee name and commission amount. If the employee does not earn commission, put No Commission. 27. Write a query to display the grade of all employees based on the value of the column job as per following scheme: JOB GRADE PRESIDENT A MANAGER B ANALYST C

SALESMAN D CLERK E NONE OFTHE ABOVE O 28. Write a query to display the EName and DeptNo and DName for all employees using tables Emp and Dept. 29. Write a Query to display employee name, department name and location of all employees who have manager number between 7500 and 7900. 30. Write a Query to display the employee name, department number and all the employees that worked in the same department as a given employee. 31. Write a Query to display employee name and HireDate of employees who are employed after Employee BLAKE. 32. Write a Query to display employee number, name and managers name with their manager number. 33. Write a Query to Display the Sum, Average, Highest and Lowest salary of the employees. 34. Write a Query to Display the Sum, Average, Highest and Lowest salary of the employees grouped by department number. 35. Write a Query to Display the Sum, Average, Highest and Lowest salary of the employees grouped by department number and sub-grouped by job. 36. Write a query to display the number of employee with same job. 37. Write a query to display the average of Highest and lowest salary of each department. 38. Write a query to display the difference of Highest and lowest salary of each department having maximum salary > 4000. 39. Write a query to display the employee name and job for all employee in the same department as ALLEN 40. Write a query to display employee name and salary of those who either work in department 10 or have salary greater than employee 7521.

Part -B
Create a table employee with the following Structure Table: Employee Name of Column Type ID NUMBER (4) First_Name VARCHAR2 (30) Last_Name VARCHAR2 (30) User_ID VARCHAR2 (10) Salary NUMBER (9,2) 1. Use DESCRIBE command to ensure the table structure. Add the following data in the above Table as instructed ID First_Name Last_Name User_ID Salary 1 Dim Joseph Jdim 5000 2 Jagannath Mishra jnmishra 4000 3 Siddharth Mishra smishra 8000 4 Shankar Giri sgiri 7000 5 Gautam Buddha bgautam 2000 2. Populate table with first record mentioning the column list in the insert clause. 3. Populate table with next two records without mentioning the column list in the insert clause. 4. Populate table with 4th record and enter only ID and First_Name 5. Populate table with 5th record and enter ID, User_ID, and Last_Name only. 6. For record with ID = 4 update record with Last_Name User_ID and Salary. 7. For record with ID = 5 update records with First_Name and Salary.

8. Make the changes permanent. 9. Modify the Last_Name, of the employee 3, to Gautam. 10. Modify the Salary and increase it by 1000, for all who get salary less then 5000. 11. Delete the employee record having First_Name as Siddharth. 12. Make the changes permanent. 13. Remove the entire contents of the table 14. Undo the above step. 15. Create a table Employee1 with columns ID, First_Name and Dept_ID from table Employee and also confirm the existence of table Employee1 16. Create a view VU_Emp1 which should include column EmpNo, EName and Dept No from the table Emp. 17. Create a view VU_Emp2 which should include column EmpNo, EName and Dept No from the table Emp and change the column headings as EmpNumber, Employee, Department. 18. Select VIEW_NAME and TEXT from the data dictionary USER_VIEWS. 19. Create the table Department table based on the following table instance chart. Column Name ID Name Data Type NUMBER VARCHAR2 Length 8 25 20. Populate the table Department with data from TABLE: DEPT. Including only required columns. 21. Create the table Employee based on the following table instance chart. Column Name ID First_Name Last_Name Dept_ID Data Type NUMBER VARCHAR2 VARCHAR2 NUMBER Length 8 25 25 8 22. Rename table Employee to Employee1 23. Drop table Employee1. 24. Drop table Employee and Department 25. Create table Customer as per following Table Instance Chart. Column Name Cust_ID Cust_Name Cust_Add1 Cust_Add2 Pincode Cust_Phone Key Type Nulls/Unique Fk Table Fk Column Datatype number varchar2 varchar2 varchar2 number varchar2 Length 7 30 20 30 6 10 26. Add one column Email of data type VARCHAR2 and size 30 to the table Customer. 27. Change the data type of column pincode to VARCHAR2(10) in the table Customer. 28. Add one more column CustomerIncomeGroup of datatype VARCHAR2(10). 29. Insert few records with relevant information, in the table. 30. Drop the column CustomerIncomeGroup from table Customer. 31. Create table Department as per following Table Instance Chart. Column Name DeptID DeptName DeptLocation Key Type Primary Nulls/Unique NOT NULL Fk Table Fk Column Datatype NUMBER VARCHAR2 VARCHAR2 Length 2 20 20 32. Create table Employee as per following Table Instance Chart. Column Name EmpID EmpName EmpAdd Phone EmpSal DeptID Key Type Primary Foreign

Nulls/Unique NOT NULL Fk Table Department Fk Column Dept_ID Datatype number varchar2 varchar2 varchar2 number varchar2 Length 6 20 30 10 9,2 2 33. Create table Employee1 as per the above Table Instance Chart but now use table level 34. primary key addition method. 35. Create table Employee2 as per the above Table Instance Chart without any constraint 36. while table creation. 37. Add a PRIMARY KEY constraint to the table Employee2 using the EmpID column. 38. Add a FOREIGN KEY reference on the Employee2 table that will ensure that 39. employee records with nonexistent departments are to be prohibited. 40. Confirm that constraints were added by querying Constraint_Name and Constraint 41. from USER_CONSTRAINTS relation. 42. Add a NOT NULL constraint to the table Emploee2 on column EmpName. 43. Add a CHECK constraint to ensure, at the time of record insertion, that employee 44. records with salary less than 2000 are to be prohibited. 45. Disable NOT NULL Constraint on the column EmpName from the table Employee2 46. Drop UNIQUE constraint from the column DeptName in table Department

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