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Rachel Thacker

Professor Mascio

Atmosphere 1010

April 27, 2023


Twister is a 1996 movie about a team of meteorologists who are tornado chasers. They

have created a machine named “Dorothy" which they want to put inside a tornado. The point of

Dorothy is so that they can finally understand what happens inside of a tornado and give people

12 more minutes of time to get to safety before a tornado hits. Dr. Jo Harding (Helen Hunt) is

extremely motivated to find out how these twisters are formed because her father was killed by

one when she was young. Jo believes that if she can find out how they work on the inside then

she can save at least one person the heartache she has had to endure. The credibility of the storms

portrayed in this movie have been questioned by many scientists and meteorologists.

The movies main weather phenomena are tornados hence the title “Twister”, while a

focal point of the movie is the relationship between Dr Jo Harding and her soon to be ex husband

(Bill Paxton) the main focus are the tornados. With a budget of just under 100 million the screen

is filled with dark clouds and strong winds. Cows, houses, people, cars, and many other

inanimate objects get swept away by these tornadoes. Each scene progresses with one of the

other meteorologists in the crew yelling about a new tornado that is forming nearby. There is

even a scene where Bill and Jo drive through a house that the twister just so happened to drop

right in front of them. With the climax of the movie being a F5 tornado the same level that killed

Jo’s father.
Let's talk about the science behind the weather phenomenon that was named in this

movie. An acronym to remember when it comes to supercell tornados and intense thunderstorms

that were featured in the movie is L.I.M.B.S. The L stands for lift when the air pressure starts to

change in the atmosphere. Next is I which stands for instability the air in the atmosphere begins

to become unstable. M stands for moisture you cannot have a thunderstorm or a tornado without

moisture it is one of the key ingredients. B is for boundaries this is when cold and warm fronts

start combining. Finally shear it is impossible to have a tornado without wind. Now even with all

of these things a tornado is not guaranteed you need to also have different kinds of air and wind

patterns happening at the same time. The wind has to create a funnel and have that funnel touch

the ground if any kind of tornado will form.

Now what does the movie get right and wrong about tornadoes? First of all, tornados

don’t sound like a “roaring lion” when in reality they sound more like a constant low rumble or a

rushing train. Dorothy is actually a real instrument meteorologists have tried using however, the

real-life instrument was called “Toto”. The point was to put the machine in the path of a tornado

so that they could get real-time measurements but it was considered too dangerous and the

project failed. During the climax of the film Jo and Bill try to outrun an F5 tornado which would

be pretty much impossible, during these scenes, Bill and Jo would not have survived or would

have been seriously injured. Another big problem with the movie is that meteorologists cannot

tell what level a tornado is from looking at it, you actually have to survey the damage the tornado

caused afterward. While Twister is a fun movie it however is not at all accurate to how actual

tornados work. Not to mention the equipment used in the movie has been considered dangerous

for meteorologists to use.

Works Cited

Npr. “Science Movie Club: ‘Twister.’” NPR, 8 Apr. 2020,

“Penn State Researcher Explains the Physics Behind Deadly Tornadoes.” NASA,




Twister; 1996; Directed by Jan de Bront

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