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For Immediate Release - April 28, 2023

The Canton Group, Limited Liability Company’s Response to

“Statement Addressing the Incorrect and Misleading News Piece from Fox45 on MCAP Data Reporting”

The Canton Group Limited Liability Company hereby issues this response to the “Statement Addressing the
Incorrect and Misleading News Piece from Fox45 on MCAP Data Reporting” (“MSDE’s Statement”), which
MSDE apparently published on its News website on Thursday April 20, 2023. MSDE’s Statement makes
inaccurate reference to the Canton Group’s roles and responsibilities with respect to the posting of certain
information on MSDE’s websites.

The Canton Group has no comments with respect to the circumstances of which Fox45 is reporting and
believes itself to be a bystander in the dispute.

To assure that the record is accurate and correct, The Canton Group states the following:

• The Canton Group, which has been servicing Maryland State agencies for more than
two decades, takes great pride in the excellent services that it has provided all of its
clients, including the Maryland State Department of Education.

• The Canton Group employs well-established protocols to make sure correct data gets
posted correctly.

• Those well-established protocols provide several check points to make sure clients know
and understand the process and have responsibility for approving and posting

• For the protocols in place for the MSDE Report Card contract, under which this project
falls, MSDE has initial, ultimate and total control over the posting of information.

• Indeed, for information to get posted into MSDE’s website, it must be placed into a
“production environment” of which only MSDE has administrative access and control.

• Technicians for MSDE, and not The Canton Group, are responsible for deploying
information onto the MSDE website.

• Responsibility for data at all times lies with MSDE. In addition to not having any physical
ability to post directly to MSDE’s websites, The Canton Group’s policy is to not
manipulate data so that MSDE maintains all responsibility for its data.

• Canton followed these well-established protocols for the data in question here.

• On January 19, 2023, MSDE requested that The Canton Group provide what is known
as an “implementation plan” for the deployment of information onto the MSDE website,
which MSDE said it would post on January 24, 2023.

2920 O’Donnell Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21224 Tel: 410-675-5708 Fax: 410-675-5111 1
• In response to this request, The Canton Group provided the implementation plan. At this
point, the date and content of the production became the sole responsibility of MSDE.

• An individual with MSDE, under the direction of supervisors at MSDE, published the
information in question on January 19, 2023, after a full approval process.

Any questions may be referred to:

Barry L. Gogel, Esquire

Rifkin, Weiner Livingston LLC

2002 Clipper Park Road, Suite 108


[email protected]


2920 O’Donnell Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21224 Tel: 410-675-5708 Fax: 410-675-5111 2

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