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Guided Reading: Chapter 8

Zumdahl: Introductory Chemistry: A Foundation, 5th Ed.

1. List five products that are the result of chemical synthesis? When a new substance is
produced, what is the first order of business? What two things must chemists know about this
Nylon, NutraSweet, Kevlar, Nitinol, polyvinyl chloride. The first order of business is to identify the
substance. They have to know what its composition is and what its chemical formula is.

2. Why can atoms not be counted individually? What method is used to count atoms? Describe
this method in detail.
Atoms cannot be counted individually because they are too small. Atoms are counted by
weighing them. You scale an atom and see how much it weighs. Then, you scale multiple atoms
and use the number you received from the first atom to dictate how many atoms are in the

3. What is an average mass? If we determined the average mass of a group of jelly beans,
would any individual jelly bean likely have that average mass?
The average mass is the masses of each individually weighed thing put together and divided by
the number of subjects tested. Yes, an individual jelly bean could have the average mass.

4. What is PVDF? What is it used for?

PVDF is polyvinylidene difluoride. It is used for sleep apnea monitors, speakers, ands artificial

5. What is an atomic mass unit? What is its abbreviation? What is an amu equal to in grams?
An atomic mass unit is the unit for atoms, and much smaller than grams. The abbreviation is
amu. An amu is equal to 1.66 * 10-24g.

6. What is average atomic mass? Where would you find average atomic masses for the
elements? What is the average atomic mass of carbon?
The average atomic mass of carbon is 12.01. The average atomic mass is the weighted mass of
the atoms in a naturally occurring element. You would find the average atomic masses for the
elements on the periodic table.

7. What is the average atomic mass of a single atom of nitrogen? What is the average atomic
mass of a mole of nitrogen atoms?
The average atomic mass of a single atom of nitrogen is 14.01amu. The average atomic mass
of a mole of nitrogen atoms is 14.01g mole.

8. Distinguish between atomic mass and molar mass.

Molar mass is the mass of the mole to the compound, while atomic mass is the individual unit
mass of the compound.
9. What is a mole? What is Avogadro’s Number?
A mole is equal to the number of carbon atoms, which is 12.01, and Avogadro’s Number is

10. What is true of the number of atoms in a mole of any substance?

It will always be 6.022x1023 of the given substance.

11. How can the number of moles of an element be calculated if the mass of the element is
known in grams? Show an example of such a calculation.
If the weight of the atom is equal to the atomic mass, then the element contains 6.022x1023 of
the element. 26.98 grams of aluminum is 6.022x1023 atoms.

12. How can the number of grams of an element be calculated if the number of moles of the
element is known? Show an example of such a calculation.
You would have to convert the mole into grams and get your answer that way. If a hydrogen
sample has 0.500 grams, a conversion charge is able to be used, and would result in the mole
reading as 0.496.

13. How can the number of atoms found in an element be calculated if the mass of the element
is know? Show an example of such a calculation.
Once again, you could use a conversation table. You would then have to find the mole and
figure out how many atoms. 10 grams of aluminum could be used as an example, where you
would then use 26.98 grams of aluminum in one mole. It would then be 0.371, or

14. What is the molar mass of a compound? How is it calculated? Show an example of such a
The molar mass of a compound is the sum of all the atomic mass of the constituent elements.
22.99g/mol atomic mass and combining it with chlorine, which is 35.45 g/mol.

15. What is % Composition of a compound? How is it calculated? Show an example of such a

The percent composition of s compound is the ratio of an amount the element is in to the entire
compound. It is calculated by using the mole to mass ratio and dividing by one present mole.
This could be shown through 20% hydrogen and 80% oxygen.

16. What is mass percent? What must the mass percents of all elements in a compound total
Mass percent is the ratio of the mass of solute present in a solution and the element compound
must equal to 100%.

17. If you have a binary compound and you know that one element’s mass percent is 42.65%,
what is the percent of the remaining element?
It would be 57.35%.
18. What is an empirical formula? Give an example.
Empirical formula is the simplest whole number ratio present in a compound. Sulfur monoxide
would be SO and disulsfur dioxide would be S2O2..

19. What is a molecular formula? Give an example.

Molecular formula is a formula that vibes the number of atoms that each element has present.
H2O2 is an example.

20. Compare and contrast empirical and molecular formulas.

Empirical formulas are chemical formulas that show the simplest ratio and molecular formulas
show the number of EACH.

21. What are the four steps to calculate an empirical formula?

1; Determine mass.
2; Determine amount of moles by dividing by atomic mass.
3; Divide number of moles from each element by smallest number of moles.
4; Convert to whole numbers.

22. In order to calculate the molecular formula of a compound from its empirical formula, what
piece of information must you be given? What are the two formulas used to calculate a
molecular formula from an empirical formula?
Mass percentage of the elements in a compound and (Empirical formula)n where n=multiple of
the empirical formula)

23. What is empirical mass? How is empirical mass calculated?

Empirical mass is the sum of atomic massss of elements present in empirical mass. You must
calculate the molar mass of the empirical formula, divide the given molecular molar mass by
molar mass, and multiply each subscript by the results.

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