Active & Passive Voice: Sentence I: Ram Helps Hari. Sentence Ii: Hari Is Helped by Ram. Activevoice Passive Voice

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Active & Passive Voice

INTRODUCTION To change a sentence from active to passive voice, do the

Compare the following sentences
1. Move the active sentence’s direct object into the sentence’s
Sentence I : Ram helps Hari.
subject slot
Sentence II : Hari is helped by Ram.
ActiveVoice → Passive Voice
While both sentences express the same meaning, there is a
difference in their construction, the difference of voice. Marilyn mailed the letter → The letter . . .
In sentence I, the subject Ram is the doer of the action and thus ↑ ↑
it is in Active voice, the verb is in the Active voice. direct object subject
In sentence II, the subject is Hari to whom the action is done and 2. Place the active sentence’s subject into a phrase beginning
thus the verb is in the Passive Voice. with the preposition by
Following are some examples of Active and passive voice Active Voice → Passive Voice
sentences Mailyn mailed the letter. → The . . . by Marilyn.
Active Voice Passive Voice ↑
The peon opened the gate. The gate was opened by the
3. Add a form of the auxiliary verb be to the main verb and
Some boys were helping the The old man was being
change the main verb’s form
old man. helped by some boys.
Active Voice → Passive Voice
He will finish the work in a The work will be finished by
fortnight. him in a fortnight. Mailyn mailed the letter. → T he letter was mailed by Marilyn.
Why did your brother write Why was such a letter written ↑
such a letter? by your brother ? verb
He handed her a chair. A chair was handed to her by Because passive voice sentences necessarily add words and
him. change the normal doer-action-receiver of action direction, they
Following are the rules for transformation of voice. may make the reader work harder to understand the intended
Tense Active voice Passive Voice
As the examples below illustrate, a sentence in active voice
Simple present take/takes is/am/are taken flows more smoothly and is easier to understand than the same
Present is/am/are taking is/am/are being sentence in passive voice.
continuous taken
Active Voice
Present perfect has/have taken has/have been At each concert the soprano sang at least one tune from a
taken well-known opera. ↑ ↑ ↑
Simple past took was/were taken doer of action receiver
action of action
Past continuous was/were taking was/were being
Passive Voice
At each concert, at least one tune from a well-known opera
Past perfect had taken had been taken was sung by the soprano. ↑
Simple future will/shall take will/shall be ↑ ↑ receiver
taken action doer of action of action
28  l  Active & Passive Voice

Active Voice
Asbestos abatement teams will remove large chunks of
asbestos-laden material from the hallways on the second and
third floors.
doer of action
receiver of action
Passive Voice
Large chunks of asbestos-laden material will be removed
from the hallways on the second and third floors by asbestos
abatement teams.
receiver of doer of action
It is generally preferable to use the ACTIVE VOICE.
To change a passive voice sentence into an active voice sentence, simply reverse the steps shown above.
1. Move the passive sentence’s subject into the active sentence’s direct object slot
Passive Voice → Active Voice
The letter was mailed → . . .(mailed) the letter.
by Marilyn.
↑ ↑
subject direct object
2. Remove the auxiliary verb be from the main verb and change main verb’s form if needed
Passive Voice → Active Voice
The letter was mailed . . . → mailed the letter

be auxiliary
3. Place the passive sentence’s object of the preposition by into the subject slot.
Passive Voice → Active Voice
. . .by Marilyn. → * Marilyn mailed .
↑ ↑
object of preposition by subject
Because it is more direct, most writers prefer to use the active voice whenever possible. The passive voice may be a better choice,
however, when
• the doer of the action is unknown, unwanted, or unneeded in the sentence
•  The ballots have been counted.
•  Sometimes our efforts are not fully appreciated.
• the writer wishes to emphasize the action of the sentence rather than the doer of the action
•  The high-jump record was finally broken last Saturday.
•  A suspect was questioned for sixteen hours by the police.
• The writer wishes to use passive voice for sentence variety.
Active & Passive Voice  l 29

Practice Exercise
DIRECTIONS (Qs. 1-40) : In the following questions, the 7. People speak English all over the word.
sentences have been given in Active / Passive Voice. From the (a) English is spoken all over the world.
given alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the given (b) English was spoken all over the world.
sentence in Passive / Active Voice. (c) English was spoken by people.
1. They first sun-dried the garbage for one to three days to bring (d) English is spoken by people.
down the moisture level. 8. Who gave you permission to enter?
(a) The moisture level was brought down by sun-drying (a) By whom were you given permission to enter?
the garbage for one to three days
(b) By whom was you given permission to enter?
(b) One to three days of sun-drying brought down the
(c) By whom you were given permission to enter?
moisture level of the garbage.
(d) By whom given you permission to enter?
(c) The moisture level of the garbage came down when it
9. The Principal has granted him a scholarship.
was sun-dried for one to three days.
(a) A scholarship has granted to him by the Principal.
(d) The garbage was first sundried for one to three days to
bring down the moisture level. (b) He has been granted a scholarship by the Principal.
2. Women like men to flatter them. (c) He has granted a scholarship by the Principal.
(a) Men are liked by women to flatter them. (d) A scholarship was granted to him by the Principal.
(b) Women like to be flattered by men. 10. Before festivals the shops are thronged with men, women
(c) Women like that men should flatter them. and children making various purchases.
(d) Women are liked to be flattered by men. (a) During festivals people throng the shops
3. What one must do, one must do properly. (b) Men, women and children throng the shops before
(a) What must be done, must be done properly. festivals making various purchases.
(b) It must be done properly what one must do. (c) Men, women and children make purchases during
(c) It must be done what one must do properly. festivals.
(d) One must do properly what has to be done. (d) The shops are thronged by people making purchases.
4. Look at the poll results-do they inspire hope? 11. We all know that there is only one God.
(a) Let the poll results be looked-is hope inspired by them? (a) We are all known that there is only one God.
(b) Let the poll results be looked at-has hope been inspired
(b) It is known to us all that there is only one God.
by them?
(c) We have all known that there is only one God.
(c) Let the poll results be looked at-is hope being inspired
(d) Only one God is known by us all.
by them?
12. The people elected him Mayor.
(d) Let the poll results be looked at-is hope inspired by
(a) Him was elected Mayor the people.
5. It is your duty to make tea at eleven O’clock. (b) He was elected Mayor by the people.
(a) You are asked to make tea at eleven O’clock. (c) Mayor is elected by the people.
(b) Your are required to make tea at eleven O’clock. (d) He is elected by the people Mayor.
(c) You ar esupposed to make tea at eleven O’clock. 13. Don’t laugh at me.
(d) Tea is to be made by you at eleven O’clock. (a) Let me be laughed at.
6. He was congratulated by his teacher on his brilliant success (b) Let me be not laughed at.
in the recent examination. (c) I am laughed at.
(a) His teacher congratulated him on his brillant success (d) Let me be not laughed.
in the recent examination. 14. I saw him leaving the house.
(b) His teacher congratulated him for his success in the (a) Leaving the house he was seen by me.
examination. (b) He was seen leaving the house by me.
(c) His teacher congraulated him on his success. (c) He had been seen leaving the house.
(d) His teacher congratulated him. (d) He was seen to be leaving the house.
30  l  Active & Passive Voice

15. Someone pulled the bull violently. 24. The telegraph wires have been cut.
(a) The bull had been pulled violently by someone. (a) Someone has been cut the telegraph wires
(b) The bull was to be pulled violently by someone. (b) No one has cut he telegraph wires.
(c) The bull had been pulled violently. (c) The telegraph wires have cut someone.
(d) The bull was pulled violently. (d) Someone has cut the telegraph wires.
16. This shirt cannot be worn by me any longer. 25. Will she tell us the truth?
(a) I cannot wear this shirt any longer. (a) Is the truth told to us by her?
(b) Wearing of this shirt any longer is not possible.
(b) The truth will be told to us by her.
(c) This shirt is too worn out to be worn any longer.
(c) Will the truth be told to us by her?
(d) This worn out shirt cannot be worn any longer
(d) Will the truth be told us by her?
17. A lion does not eat grass, however hungry he may be.
(a) Grass is not eaten by a lion, however hungry he may 26. Mr. Sen asked him a question.
be (a) He was asked a question Mr. Sen.
(b) Grass is not being eaten by a lion, however hungry he (b) He was asked a question to Mr. Sen.
may be (c) He was asked a question by Mr. Sen.
(c) Grass is eaten not by a lion, however hungry he may (d) A question was being asked by Mr. Sen.
be 27. The teacher punished the boys who had not done their home
(d) Grass is being not eaten by a lion, however hungry he work.
may be (a) The boys who had not done their homework had been
18. Someone saw him picking up a gun. punished by their teacher.
(a) He was seen pick up a gun by someone (b) The boys were punished by their teacher who had not
(b) He was seen picking up a gun by someone
done their homework.
(c) he was seen when he was picking up a gun
(c) The boys who had not done their homework were
(d) He was seen by someone pick a gun
punished by the teacher.
19. He was obliged to resign.
(d) The boys who had not done their homework were being
(a) He was made to resign
(b) To resign was his obligation punished by the teacher.
(c) Circumstances obliged him to resign 28. Somebody told me that there had been an explosion in the
(d) Resignation obliged him Town Hall.
20. Why did you not agree to my proposal? (a) I was told by somebody about the explosion in the Town
(a) Why was my proposal not agreed to? Hall.
(b) Why was my proposal not agreed by you? (b) I was told about the explosion in the Town Hall.
(c) Why my proposal was not agreed to by you? (c) I was informed that there was an explosion in the Town
(d) Why was my proposal not agreed to by you? Hall.
21. The boy has rung the bell (d) I was told by somebody that there had been an explosion
(a) The bell has been rung by the boy.
in the Town Hall.
(b) The bell was being rung by the boy.
29. The doctor advised the patient not to eat rice.
(c) The bell was rung by the boy.
(a) The patient was advised by the doctor not to eat rice.
(d) The bell has been being rung by the boy.
(b) The patient was advised by the doctor that he should
22. He likes people to call him Sir.
(a) He likes to be called Sir by people. not eat rice.
(b) He likes to be call Sir by people. (c) The patient was being advised by the doctor that he
(c) He likes people who call him Sir. should not rice by the doctor.
(d) To call him Sir is liked by people. (d) The patient has been advised not to eat rice by the doctor.
23. We added up the money and found that it was correct. 30. I cannot accept your offer.
(a) The money was added up and found to be correct. (a) Your offer cannot be accepted by me.
(b) Correct it was found and the money was added up. (b) I cannot be accepted by your offer.
(c) The money added up by us and it was correctly found. (c) The offer cannot be accepted by me.
(d) The money added up by us found it was correct. (d) Your offer cannot be accepted.
Active & Passive Voice  l 31

31. You should open the wine about three hours before you use 39. You need to clean your shoes properly.
it. (a) Your shoes are needed to clean properly.
(a) Wine should be opened about three hours before use.
(b) You are needed to clean your shoes properly.
(b) Wine should be opened by you three hours before use.
(c) Your shoes need to be cleaned properly.
(c) Wine should be opened about three hours before you
(d) Your shoes are needed by you to clean properly.
use it.
40. He is said to be very rich.
(d) Wine should be opened about three hours before it is
(a) He said he is very rich.
(b) People say he is very rich.
32. They will inform the police.
(c) He said it is very rich.
(a) The police will be informed by them.
(d) People say it is very rich.
(b) The police will inform them.
(c) The police are informed by them. DIRECTIONS (Qs. 41-45) : In the following questions, a

(d) Informed will be the police by them. sentence has been given in Active / Passive Voice. Out of the
four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses
33. You can play with these kittens quite safely.
the same sentence in Passive /Active Voice and give the anuswer.
(a) These kittens can played with quite safely.
(b) These kittens can play with you quite safely. [SSC CHSL 2012]
(c) These kittens can be played with you quite safely. 41. She took the dog for a walk.
(d) These kittens can be played with quite safely. (a) The dog was took for a walk.
34. A child could not have done this mischief. (b) The dog took a walk by her.
(a) This mischief could not be done by a child. (c) The dog was taken for a walk by her.
(b) This mischief could not been done by a child. (d) The dog took her for a walk.
(c) This mischief could not have been done by a child. 42. The waiter filled the glasses with water.
(d) This mischief a child could not have been done. (a) The waiter was filled the glasses with water.
35. James Watt discovered the energy of steam. (b) The water were filled in the glasses by waiter.
(a) The energy of steam discovered James Watt. (c) The glasses filled with water by the waiter.
(b) The energy of steam was discovered by James Watt. (d) The glasses were filled with water by the waiter.
(c) James Watt was discovered by the energy of steam. 43. They will laugh at you
(d) James Watt had discovered energy by the steam. (a) You will be laughed at by them.
36. She makes cakes every Sunday. (b) You will have been laughed at by them.
(a) Every Sunday cakes made by her. (c) You can be laughed at by them.
(b) Cakes are made by her every Sunday. (d) You may be laughed at by them.
44. Trespassers shall be prosecuted.
(c) Cakes make her every Sunday.
(a) The authorities may prosecute trespassers.
(d) Cakes were made by her every Sunday.
(b) The authorities might prosecute trespassers.
37. She spoke to the official on duty. (c) The authorities can prosecute trespassers.
(a) The official on duty was spoken to by her (d) The authorities shall prosecute trespassers.
(b) The official was spoken to by her on duty. 45. He was driving the car so fast that it skidded on the snowy
(c) She was spoken to by the official on duty. road.
(d) She was the official to be spoken to on duty. (a) The car had been driven by him so fast that it skidded
on the snowy road.
38. They have built a perfect dam across the river.
(b) The car has been driven by him so fast that it skidded
(a) Across the river a perfect dam was built.
on the snowy road.
(b) A perfect dam has been built by them across the river. (c) The car was driven by him so fast that it skidded on
(c) A perfect dam should have been built by them. the snowy road.
(d) Across the river was a perfect dam. (d) The car was being driven by him so fast that it skidded
on the snowy road.
32  l  Active & Passive Voice

DIRECTIONS (Qs. 1- 50): In the following questions, a sentence 10. The principal will announce the results.
has been given in Active/Passive Voice. Out of the four alternative (a) The results will have announced by the principal.
suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in (b) The results were announced by the principal.
Passive/Active Voice and mark your answer in the Answer Sheet. (c) The results will be announced by the principal.
1. The servant will execute all orders promptly. (d) The results are announced by the principal
(a) All orders will be executed promptly by the servant. 11. She is putting in many hours of work.
(b) All orders will have to be executed promptly by the (a) Many hours of work will be put in by her. .
servant. (b) Many hours of work is being put by her.
(c) All orders should be executed promptly by the servant. (c) Many hours of work would be put in by her.
(d) All orders would be executed promptly by the servant. (d) Many hours of work are being put in by her.
12. Open the door.
2. The gardener ought to water the plants daily.
(a) Let the door be opened.
(a) The plants have been watered daily by the gardener.
(b) The door shall be opened.
(b) The plants are ought to water daily by the gardener.
(c) The door was opened.
(c) The plants ought to water daily by the gardener.
(d) Let the door shall be opened.
(d) The plants ought to be watered daily by the gardener.
13. My mother bakes cakes.
3. The convict was found guilty by the jury. (a) My mother is baking a cake.
(a) The jury found that the convict was guilty. (b) A-cake is being baked by my mother.
(b) The jury finds the convict guilty. (c) Cakes are baked by my mother.
(c) The jury found the convict guilty. (d) A cake was baked by my mother.
(d) The jury convicted him. 14. The lady of the house was furnishing the mansion.
4. My father will write a letter. (a) The mansion has been furnished by the lady of the
(a) A letter is written by my father. house.
(b) A letter was written by my father. (b) The mansion was being furnished by the lady of the
(c) A letter will be written by my father. house.
(d) A letter will have been written by my father. (c) The mansion is being furnished by the lady of the house.
5. They established this club in 2000. (d) The mansion is furnished by the lady of the house.
(a) This club had been established in 2000. 15. My father has promised me a bicycle.
(b) This club was being established in 2000. (a) I have promising a bicycle by my father.
(c) This club is being established in 2000. (b) I have been promised by my father a bicycle.
(d) This club was established in 2000. (c) have been promised a bicycle by my father.
6. For a long time people believed the earth to be flat. (d) I promised a bicycle by my father.
(a) The earth is believed to be flat for a long time. 16. Everyone praises good men.
(b) The earth was being believed to be flat for a long (a) Everyone give praises to good men.
(b) Good men are given praises by everyone.
(c) Good men are being given praises by everyone.
(c) The earth had been believed to be flat for a long-time.
(b) Good men are praised by everyone.
(d) The earth was believed to be flat for a long time.
17. I have lost my book.
7. My brilliant niece is speaking in Italian.
(a) my book have been lost.
(a) Italian was being spoken by my brilliant niece.
(b) my book must have been lost.
(b) Itailan is spoken by my brilliant niece.
(c) my book had been lost.
(c) Italian has been spoken by my brilliant niece
(d) rny book has been lost.
(d) Italian is being spoken by my brilliant niece.
8. Some people were helping the wounded woman. 18. I was obliged to go.
(a) The wounded woman was helped by some people? (a) Circumstances obliges me to go.
(b) The wounded woman was being helped by some people. (b) Circumstances oblige me to go.
(c) The wounded woman is being helped by some people. (c) Ctrcumstances obliged me to go.
(d) The wounded is helped by some people. (d) Circumstances oblige I should go.
9. They fund schools for girls. 19. Who wrote it?
(a) Schools for girls will be funded by them. (a) By who might it be written?
(b) Schools for girls are funded by them. (b) By whom was it written?
(c) Schools for girls was funded by them. (c) By who would it be written?
(d) Schools for girls are being funded by them. (d) By who will it be written?
Active & Passive Voice  l 33

20. The boy did not break the glass. 28. They drew a circle in the morning.
(a) The glass was not broken by the boy. (a) A circle has been drawing since morning.
(b) The glass is not broken by the boy. (b) In the morning a circle have been drawn by them.
(c) The glass had not been broken by the boy. (c) A circle was being drawn by them in the morning.
(d) The glass has not been broken by the boy. (d) A circle was drawn by them in the morning
21. Our task had been completed before sunset. 29. We must respect the elders.
(a) We complete our task before sunset. (a) The elders deserve respect from us.
(b) We had completed our task before sunset. (b) The elders must be respected.
(c) We completed our task before sunset. (c) The elders must be respected by all.
(d) We have completed our task before sunset. (d) Respect the elders we must.
22. The burglar destroyed several items in the room. Even the 30. Has anybody answered your question?
carpet has been torn. (a) Your question has been answered?
(a) Several items destroyed in the room by the burglar. (b) Anybody has answered your question?
Even the carpet he has torn. (c) Have you answered your question?
(b) The burglar, being destroyed several items in the room, (d) Has your question been answered?
also carpet has torn. 31. After driving professor Kumar to the museum she dropped
(c) Including the carpet, several items in the room have him at his hotel.
been torn by the burglar. (a) After being driven to the museum, Professor Kumar
(d) Several items in the room were destroyed by the burglar. was dropped at his hotel.
He has even torn the carpet. (b) Professor Kumar was being driven dropped at his hotel.
23. The boys were playing cricket. (c) After she had driven Professor Kumar to the museum
she had dropped him at his hotel.
(a) Cricket has been played by the boys.
(d) After she was driven Professor Kumar to the museum
(b) Cricket was played by the boys.
she had dropped him at his hotel.
(c) Cricket was being played by the boys.
32. I remember my sister taking me to the museum.
(d) Cricket had been played by the boys.
(a) I remember I was taken to the museum by my sister.
24. The government has launched a massive tribal welfare
(b) I remember being taken to the museum by my sister.
programme in Jharkhand.
(c) I remember myself being taken to the museum by my
(a) The Government in Jharkhand has launched a massive
tribal welfare programme.
(d) I remember taken to the museum by my sister.
(b) Jharkhand government has launched a massive tribal
33. Who is creating this mess?
welfare programme.
(a) Who has been created this mess?
(c) A massive tribal welfare programme is launched by the (b) By whom has this mess been created?
government in Jharkhand. (c) By whom this mess is being created?
(d) A massive tribal welfare programme has been launched (d) By whom is this mess being created?
by the government in Jharkhand. 34. They greet me cheerfully every morning.
25. We have warned you. (a) Every morning I was greeted cheerfully.
(a) You have been warned. (b) I am greeted cheerfully by them every morning.
(b) Warned you have been. (c) I am being greeted cheerfully by them every morning.
(c) We have you warned. (d) Cheerful greeting is done by them every morning to
(d) Have you been warned. me.
26. The boy laughed at the beggar. 35. Darjeeling grows tea.
(a) The beggar was laughed by the boy. (a) Tea is being grown in Darjeeling.
(b) The beggar was laughed at by the boy. (b) Let the tea be grown in Darjeeling.
(c) The beggar was being laughed by the boy. (c) Tea is grown in Darjeeling.
(d) The beggar was being laughed at by the boy. (d) Tea grows in Darjeeling.
27. They will demolish the entire block. 36. They have built a perfect dam across the river.
(a) The entire block will have to be demolished by them. (a) Across the river a perfect dam was built.
(b) The block may be demolished entirely. (b) A perfect dam has been built by them across the river.
(c) The entire block will be demolished by them. (c) A perfect dam should have been built by them.
(d) The entire block is being demolished. (d) Across the river was a perfect dam.
34  l  Active & Passive Voice

37. Do you imitate others? (c) He delivers the packet to your house.
(a) Are others being imitated by you? (d) The packet would be delivered to your house.
(b) Are others imitated by you? 44. I don’t know his whereabouts.
(c) Have others being imitated by you? (a) His whereabouts are not know to me.
(d) Were others being imitated by you? (b) No one knows his whereabouts.
38. You need to clean your shoes properly. (c) His whereabouts is not know to me.
(a) Your shoes are needed to clean properly. (d) His whereabouts had not been know to me.
(b) You are needed to clean your shoes properly. 45. Who can count the stars in the sky?
(c) Your shoes need to be cleaned properly. (a) By whom can the stars in the sky be counted?
(d) Your shoes are needed by you to clean properly. (b) By whom can be stars in the sky counted?
39. The invigilator was reading out the instructions. (c) By whom could the stars be counted in the sky?
(a) The instructions were read by the invigilator. (d) By whom could the stars in the sky be counted?
(b) The instructions were being read out by the invigilator.
46. His comment hurt me deeply.
(c) The instructions had been read out by the invigilator.
(a) I was hurt deeply by his comment.
(d) The instructions had been read by the invigilator.
(b) I could be hurt deeply by his comment.
40. The packet has not been opened by anyone.
(c) His comment was hurtful.
(a) Anyone has not opened the packet.
(d) I should not be hurt by his comment.
(b) No one has opened the packet.
47. He stole that watch.
(c) No one has not opened the packet.
(a) That watch was stolen by him.
(d) No one has been opening the packet.
41. Two motorcycle mechanics were arrested for their alleged (b) That watch stolen by him
involvement in innumerable vehicle thefts. (c) That watch stole by him.
(a) The police has arrested two motorcycle mechanics for (d) That watch had stolen by him.
their alleged involvement in innumerable vehicle thefts. 48. Sita was reading the Gita.
(b) The police arrested two motorcycle mechanics for their (a) The Gita was being read by Sita.
alleged involvement in innumerable vehicle thefts. (b) The Gita were being read by Sita.
(c) For their alleged involvement in innumerable vehicle (c) Gita was being read by Sita.
thefts, police had arrested two motorcycle mechanics. (d) he Gita was read by Sita.
(d) For their alleged involvement in innumerable vehicle 49. Rahul will pass the message.
thefts, two motorcycle mechanics have been arrested. (a) The message will passed by Rahul.
42. He was disgusted with the flattery of his assistant. (b) The message would be passed by Rahul.
(a) The flattery of his assistant disgusted him. C. The message will pass by Rahul.
(b) His assistant’s flattery had disgusted him. D. The message will be passed by Rahul.
(c) He was disgusted with his assistant for his flattery. 50. His hard work satisfied me.
(d) The flattery of this assistant will disgust him. (a) I was satisfied for his hard work.
43. The packet will be delivered to your house. (b) I was satisfied by his hard work.
(a) your packet is delivered to your house. (c) I was satisfied with his hard work.
(b) Someone will deliver the packet to your house. (d) I was satisfied at his hard work.
Active & Passive Voice  l 35

Hints & Solutions

LEVEL- I shold be chosen as the answer. Here also, we should not
1. (d) The garbage was first sundried for one to three days to miss any information supplied in the original sentence.
bring down the moisture level. 11. (b) It is known to us all that there is only one God.

2. (b) Women like to be flattered by men. 12. (b) He was elected Mayor by the people.

3. (a) What must be done, must be done properly. 13. (b) Let me be not laughed at.
14. (b) He was seen leaving the house by me.
4. (d) Let the poll results be looked at-is hope inspired by
them? 15. (d) The bull was pulled violently.
16. (a) I cannot wear this shirt any longer.
5. (c) You are supposed to make tea at eleven O’clock.
17. (a) Grass is not eaten by a lion, however hungry he may
6. (a) In Voice change, one can transform the sentence from
Active to Passive or Vice versa, but can’t change
18. (b) He was seen picking up a gun by someone.
the sense. Taht is, one can’t remove the information
conveyed through the sentence or add any additional 19. (b) To resign was his obligation.

information. That is the transformation must be done 20. (d) Why was my proposal not agreed to by you?
keeping the information intact. That is the reason behind 21. (a) The bell has been rung by the boy.
selecting (a) as the answer. 22. (a) He likes to be called Sir by people.
7. (a) “People speak English” can be transformed into Passive 23. (a) The money was added up and found to be correct.
form thus- 24. (d) Someone has cut the telegraph wires.
“English is spoken by the people” 25. (d) Will the truth be told us by her?
So, in Passive from, the sentence stands thus- 26. (c) 27. (c) 28. (d) 29. (a)
30. (a) 31. (d) 32. (a) 33. (d)
“English is spoken by the people all over the world.
34. (c) 35. (b) 36. (b) 37. (a)
In this type of sentence, we need not use “by the people”.
38. (b) 39. (c) 40 (b)
For example 41. (c) The sentence is in active voice and to convert it in
People call him Mahatma. (Active) passive voice the predicate of the sentence becomes
the subject.
He is called Mahatma. (Passive)
42. (d) The predicate of the sentence has become the subject
So the answer is (a). of a sentence while converting it into passive voice.
8. (a) The Auxiliary Verb that should be used with you is 43. (a)
were and not was. Again, as the given sentence is 44. (d) For converting this sentence into passive voice and to
an Interrogative sentence, in Passive form also, the give it a logical meaning the phrase ‘the authority’ has
sentence will be Interrogative, that is inn Verb + Subject to be added.
form. Keeping these two conditions in mind, if we judge 45. (d) The sentence is in active voice with past continuous
tense in it. When it is converted into passive voice, it
the given options we find option (a) correct.
still remains in past continuous tense but with a little
9. (b) The transformation follows the simple rules related to variance due to its grammatical rule. In the sentence
the transformation of an Assertive Sentence. ‘was driving the car’ gets converted into ‘was being
driven’ in case of passive voice.
10. (b) The given sentence is in Passive form. Here subject is
“the shops” and object is “Men, women and children”. LEVEL- II
So, a sentence where “the shops” is used as the object 1. (c) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. ( c )
5. (d) 6. (d) 7. (d) 8. ( b )
and “men, women and children” is used as the Subject
9. (b) 10. (c) 11. (b) 12. ( a )
36  l  Active & Passive Voice

13. (c) 14. (b) 15. (c) 16. ( d ) 47. (a) Note : Rule to make active voice of Simple Past Tense
17. (d) 18. (c) 19. (b) 20. (a) 48. (a) Note: Assume if we had “Someone was reading the Gita”,
21. (b) 22. (d) 23. (c) 24. (d) then active voice would be,
25. (a) 26. (b) 27. (c) 28. (d) The Gita was being read.
29. (b) 30. (d) 31. (a) 32. (b)
49. (d) Note : Rule to make active voice of Simple Future Tense :
33. (d) 34. (b) 35. (c) 36. (b)
Passive subject + shall/will + be + third form of verb + by
37. (b) 38. (c) 39. (b) 40. (b)
+ passive object
41. (b) 42. (a) 43. (b) 44. (a)
50. (c) Note: We use “with” preposition with word “satisfied”
45. (a) 46. (a)

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