Bottle Grounds-4ps, SWOT, Market Segmentation

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Market Analysis and Overview

Industry Analysis

In contrast to other restaurants, this section will highlight the target market that the
business's owners have chosen, their demographics, and the reasons that these
customers are most likely to choose Bottle Grounds Resto Bar for dining and

Competition Analysis

The team's understanding of the restaurant's concept, which is sufficiently distinct

from what its rivals are providing, will be aided by the competition analysis. This
will enable them to improve their current pitch and guarantee that their goods and
services stand out from those of their rivals.




Marketing Analysis

Every organization, both those that are already in operation and those that are
planning, views marketing analysis as a crucial step in the process of growing their
enterprise. This step of their planning will have an impact on how they will
announce to potential clients that a freshly launched firm is prepared to serve them
and the things they will offer. Bottle Grounds Resto Bar will sell its products and
services via social media sites, websites for online shopping that offer coupons and
offers, and a point system run by the restaurant. By doing so, it could adapt and
reach a larger market than merely local marketing. The restaurant's marketing
campaigns will be compared to those of other businesses in three sections of the
marketing study, which will also explain how the company will identify and secure
its target market and what kinds of promotions it will give to customers.

Marketing Plan
The information and analysis needed for the business plan's marketing plan
segment will be provided in this chapter. The 4Ps of marketing mix are included,
with the SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats)
modified for each area. The market segmentation, in which the target market is
precisely established, is also covered in this chapter, as are the marketing sales
promotion strategies or instruments that the restaurant will employ in the months
of January, February, March, and April.
SWOT Analysis/ Marketing Mix

The price, place, product, and promotion are the four components of the
restaurant's marketing mix, and their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and
threats are displayed and discussed in the following table. At least five of the 4Ps'
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that might have an impact on each
category have been identified. By analyzing this data, the restaurant may better
plan and prepare for its opening and develop strategies or ideas for how to enhance
more of its offerings. This will reduce any difficulties, risks, and dangers that
might arise once the business has begun operating.



STRENGTHS Differentiate Spacious Convenient Social media

d menu and and rebate for channels are
services provides all establishme available for
provided. guests with nt costs and restaurants to
a large seat expenses reach a broader
a seasonal capacity. (quick market.
cuisine using return on
foods from Use of investment). Promotions are
the area gorgeous, current and
(seafood and opulent, Cost- reflect what
beverages). and effective for consumers are
comfortabl every event, finding right
high-quality e furniture. as meals now.
merchandise and
(served and offers a beverages Owners have
prepared by variety of are links to
expert). amenities, given in the influential
not just highest people and well-
one, where quality at known people.
clients can the most
stay and affordable The employee
receive price. will be obliged
services. to update and
Given that post on social
The the items' media channels
restaurant's ingredients according to a
idea and are not very weekly quota.
design are complex,
appropriate price hardly
for the differs.
theme it is
trying to It is suitable
portray to for
customers. reservations
for group
The staff meals that
may work include the
effortlessly restaurant's
and goods and
comfortabl services.
y in the
front and Pricing is
back of the reasonable
house compared to
areas, that of
enabling competitors'
them to courses,
provide the encouraging
finest potential
possible customers
service. to test
WEAKNESS A small The only Other Since the older
selection of independen services age mainly uses
products for t restaurant provided by social media
different that might the sites, they won't
course struggle restaurant be able to stay
categories. with are not up.
marketing included in
Only two or and the price. Promotions will
more people location- depend heavily
should eat based on technology,
the serving company and people who
amount. promotion are unfamiliar
is one that with the
instant is new to necessary
preparation the market. devices may be
and potential excluded.
for greater The setting
wait times. has will begin
restrictions locally and
Some of the on what its struggle to
menu items patrons attract overseas
are may wear. interest because
comparable it is a
to those launching a self-
offered by employed
nearby business.
that already
OPPORTUNITIES There are A short The Tourists from
numerous distance restaurant's home and
food vendors from price is abroad who
close to the clients or reasonable could provide
restaurant. visitors. for group feedback and
dining when disseminate it
The setting's The site is compared to social
atmosphere close to other networking
and outlook tourist competitors sites.
go well with hotspots who only
the goods and provide a la The city's local
provided. locations, carte government can
making the menus. assist with
Tourists business marketing and
from both location Marketing business.
abroad and convenient and
locally to visit. promotion Promotional
frequently using social tactics used by
visit the Because it media can rivals fall short
place; they is inside aid in of what we
may be Intramuros, getting the provide.
interested in it is at a price out
the products highly Other interested
and post visible there and influencers and
about them place. making it well-known
online. known to figures who are
There isn't potential eager to review
Our higher- much clients. and comment on
quality fierce our goods and
products can competitio Price is services.
be compared n in the determined
to those of region. by client
the current expectations
competitors' ; therefore,
products. it can

When our
price is set
and our
costs are
reduced, we
can make

Seasons can
at peak
THREATS Disruptive Ornery When it Other
new visitor or comes to ala businesses can
competitors guest who carte, adopt the
or vendors disposes of competitors' restaurant's
launching their trash pricing is promotion
novel items carelessly more method and
the spread of and could affordable. create their
viruses, make the own.
either new or region when the
old, like smell. prices of the Negative
salmonella, suppliers' reviews from
which can Strong ingredients previous
cause competitor have customers who
frighten our s already in increased. have had poor
customers place that service at our
while they provide air economic restaurant will
eat. conditionin hardship have an impact
g during and on the
competitors the unfavorable reputation of the
with home summer. changes in business.
delivery the sector.
services. Competitors
Rent and who will exploit
The weather utilities our deficiencies
might costs are to market their
fluctuate, rising. own goods and
especially services.
typhoons, new tactics used
which can by rival
have an competitors.
impact on
who supply

who already
new or
items or
us to

Market Segmentation

We will be able to fully identify our target market with the aid of the analysis of
market segmentation. This section breaks the idea down into four parts: the
identification of the target market's geographic, demographic, psychographic, and
behavioral characteristics. Knowing these facts will enable us to develop more
effective techniques for grabbing their attention and enticing them to try our
intriguing and wonderful goods and services. Since your target market will now be
your customers, you can reach a larger potential market outside of your market
segmentation, which will open up new chances for your restaurant. When clients'
location affects their purchasing choice, geographic market segmentation enables
us to effectively separate our target market based on their region.

Financial Analysis
The financial analysis is the last chapter of the Bottle Grounds Resto Bar business
plan. Assessing the potential performance and suitability of the restaurant's
operation in terms of the budget, money, investments, revenues, profits, and the
like is what this procedure entails. Financial analysis is frequently performed to
ascertain how well a company is stable, solvent, liquid, or lucrative enough to
merit a financial investment. It is also frequently performed to ascertain the flow of
the financial estimates in order to gain a better understanding of the realistic
insights on the funds once the restaurant operation has started. The funding source,
seat turnover sales, and sales estimate are therefore detailed below together with
their prognosis for the entire year 2022.
Restaurant Name: Bottle Grounds
Location: 1000 Real St. Intramuros, Manila City, Philippines
Target Market: Corporate Office, Government, and College Students
Seating Capacity: 60
Average Check: PHP 300. 00
Operating Hours: 5:00 PM to 3:00AM (Daily)

Fund Source

The owners of the restaurant—Mr. Mark Xiarwille, Mr. Arturo Miguel Quintos,
Mr. Joseph Marlon Liwag, and Ms. Glydel Luciano—will provide the funding
after cooperating to make the business concept a reality. The concept, theme,
design, and the goods and services they will provide have all been designed.
Therefore, they have chosen to make an agreement to split equally while
discussing the capital investment needed for the start-up costs of building the
restaurant. They decided on a 25% distribution proportion, giving each person a
fair share of PHP 500,000.00.

Partner (%) Ratio of Capital (PHP) Capital Invested

Mark Xiarwille Castellano 25% PHP 500,000.00
Arturo Miguel Quintos 25% PHP 500,000.00
Joseph Marlon Liwag 25% PHP 500,000.00
Glydel Luciano 25% PHP 500,000.00
Total Combined Investment PHP 2,000,000.00

Seat Turnover Sales

Turnover Meal Period Guest Count Average Turnover

Check Sales
1 11am – 1pm 40 450.00 18,000.00
2 1pm – 3pm 40 450.00 18,000.00
3 3pm – 5pm 40 450.00 18,000.00
4 5pm – 7pm 40 450.00 18,000.00
5 7pm – 9pm 40 450.00 18,000.00
6 9pm – 10pm 40 450.00 18,000.00
Total Daily Sales 108,000.00
Total Guest Count 240
Average Check 450.00
Seat Turnover 6

Sales Forecast

The goal of sales forecasting is to foresee future restaurant sales by estimating the
volume of goods and services that will be sold on a monthly and annual basis. The
simplest way to comprehend the idea of a sales forecast is to know that it is an
estimation of how a market will respond to a company's marketing initiatives. The
forecasts listed below are predictions for the year 2022; they include the projected
monthly sales, which are derived from the number of days in each month and the
daily average sales, the projected seating capacity and turnover, which will aid in
determining the projected monthly guest count, and the projected daily average
guest count and daily average check. The restaurant's bottom line will benefit from
the sales forecasting. It is for employment and financial capacity planning. As a
result, it can facilitate future decision-making, align sales quotas with revenue
targets, and enable a sales staff to focus on high-profit and high-revenue sales. The
totals for the year's sales, days, and guests will be shown in the table's final section.
The year is 2022.

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