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Complications Belladonna Mortsafe For crimes against the Autocracy

1. Rival bounty hunter: Hecatomb Thrale. Singing space Thief, confidence artist,
cowboy. Only an OK singer but a hell of a gunfighter. revolutionary. A thorn
Friendly rather than merciful. in the Autocrat's side
2. Popular discontent with the Autocrat turns for years. A woman of
Belladonna into a figure of revolution. Discontented profound but
locals spit in the coffee, warn Belladonna or even riot idiosyncratic principle.
if they discover the PCs’ mission. Likeable rather than
3. Rival bounty hunter: Tabarius. Mystic headsman. Can friendly. Capture her
ride his long axe like a flying carpet. Devoted to his and you're Bounty
faith: this quest is nothing personal. Hunter Number One.
4. Magic storm breaks over the city. Bolts of eldritch Help her escape and
lightning strike, casting random spells whenever the you're Public Enemy
Oops! Table is needed. Number One. Either way
5. The cops: Iron Jiang, the Autocrat’s dread Enforcer, it'll be exciting.
and a squad of his lackeys. The lackeys are negligible,
but Jiang, with his iron-shod staff and senseless A canny fighter and master strategist, Belladonna
righteousness, is another matter. wants to get away, not to do battle. If a fight continues
6. Rival gang: The Crowbone Mob seek to rub Belladonna too long, the authorities will surely arrive. She uses
out and escape with her loot. They don’t care who misdirection and distractions wherever possible.
gets in their way.

Bounty Hunter or Enforcer

Skill 10 Stamina 18 Initiative 4 Armour 1
Damage by Sword or Pistolet.
Special: Although not magical herself, Belladonna has BELLADONNA MORTSAFE
Skill 8 Stamina 12 Initiative 3 Armour 2 a few charms she can use to cast three random spells
Damage (Thrale): Two Pistolets once each.
Damage (Tabarius): Polearm For the crime of (roll d6):
Damage (Jiang): Maul If Belladonna hits an opponent with an attack, they
must Test their Luck or be disarmed. 1. Stealing the Winthrop Diamond, a gem of
Special (Thrale): Folksy charm and inoffensive fabulous price that exists in all Spheres at once.
singing allow him to cast Amity once an hour. 2. Sabotaging the new Etheric Wave Disruptor.
Special (Tabarius): When Tabarius flies past an 3. Plundering the tomb of the Last Warlord.
opponent on his greataxe, the target must Test their Wanted: Belladonna 4. Publishing scandalous details about members
Luck or take damage. Tabarius zooms past, well out of Mortsafe is an of the ruling family in the gutter press.
attack range.
independent production 5. Freeing rebel leaders from the jail wagons in a
Special (Jiang): As an officer of the law, Jiang can
by James Holloway and is brazen daylight raid.
blow his whistle to summon D6 constables.
(Skill 5 Stamina 6 Initiative 1 Armour 1 not affiliated with the 6. Scamming the Minister of Finance out of
Damage: Club.) Melsonian Arts Council. millions in public funds.

A Troika! pamphlet adventure by James Holloway

Where in the World Is Belladonna Mortsafe?
The master thief needs to gather some allies and supplies, as well as a personal item, before leaving town. Roll on these tables to find out who, what and where.

Accomplice Keepsake Hidden Loot

1. Razors, the knifeman. A cloud of deadly blades, 1. Portrait of a young Belladonna with her mother. 1. Haman Nightmare Dust. Enough to blow God’s mind
suspended in a sentient magnetic field. Loyal only to Lucilla Mortsafe looks very much like one of the PCs. and the Devil too.
gold and the ecstasy of steel parting flesh. 2. Locket given to Belladonna by a lover in her youth. 2. The Orichalcum Sphinx. Stolen from the shrine of a
2. Battle Annie, the muscle. Beast-woman, deeply Is that … the Autocrat?! forgotten god and sought by his vengeful priests.
scarred, she uses her treetrunk arms to swing a 3. Sacred text of Belladonna’s odd but heartfelt faith. 3. Bearer bonds. Drawn on the Bank of Hell.
treetrunk club. A good-hearted ruffian. 4. Stuffed elephant. Threadbare, with torn ears. 4. Music-box brooch. Plays the song that breaks your
3. Daybreak, the safecracker. Disgraced priestess of a 5. Skull, its eyes replaced by milky gems. It whispers heart. Just yours.
church of gears and cogs. Melancholy drunk. to whoever will listen. Avenge me, it pleads. 5. Twelve jewelled rings of the Polydactylic
4. Kid Cacodaemon, the face. Con-man, sorcerer. Uses 6. Scrap of cloth, faded, bloodstained, once a banner. Hierophant. Putting one on grants the wearer certain
Amity like telegrams use STOP. Handsome bastard. traditional perquisites within the church.
5. Velocimax, the wheels. Designed as a chauffeur 6. Ivory box containing a dozen vials of exotic
homunculus by a thoughtless enchanter; only happy perfumes, each worth a fortune.
and fulfilled when driving like hell.
6. Webs, the second-story artist. Not a particularly Location (1 to 3) Location (4 to 6)
gifted climber by spider-folk standards, but a
paragon by yours or mine. 1. The Snake Market. A bustling, shouting bazaar of 1. De Jernt. Once an Autocratic castle, now the city’s
ever-shifting pathways, held on the backs of most infamous prison. Brutal guards; brutal crooks.
Gear enormous serpents that surface in the river on The last place the authorities would ever look!
market days. 2. Paradise Gardens. A towering slum tenement block.
1. The Indefinite Mask. The perfect disguise: crunches
2. Lady Bombarda’s Pleasure Yacht. Anchored in Lines of washing between otherworldly spires;
the skull and sears the skin to create a new face.
international space, it hosts the most exclusive sharp-eyed kids on street corners. Locals are used to,
2. Unspooling Pistol. Destroys its target back down
permanent floating party in town. but not tolerant of, taking crap from outsiders.
their own timeline, erasing (just as an example) the
3. Hightown. A village of rope bridges, aerostat 3. The Filth Plant. Warring bands of bathtub pirates
memories of anyone they've spoken to.
balloons and floating platforms between the skirmish for control of strategic junctions. One fleet
3. Memorial Flower. Encoded within the scent is a
cathedral spires. Technically on church “land,” so has allied with Belladonna; it has rivals.
stomach-churning memory that paints a member of
the law can’t get you. 4. Pomeroy House. Urban pied-a-terre of a wealthy
the Autocrat’s family in a very bad light indeed.
4. Minnie’s. The city’s hottest cabaret. Two-drink financier whose treasonous associations have landed
4. Custom Racing Flier. High-speed aircar with clean
minimum, three shows nightly. Rhino-man bouncers him in house arrest. The Autocrat’s goons stop him
lines, gossamer wings, and a hidden compartment
won’t let you in if they spot weapons on you. getting out; his own goons stop people getting in.
full of buoyant proximity mines.
5. The Glass Orchard. An oasis of tranquility in urban 5. Blind Tiger. Unlicensed serpent-racing bar, the
5. Forged Identity Papers. With these elaborate
chaos, this eccentric magnate’s private garden is hangout of a rebel cell who owe Belladonna a favour.
documents, Belladonna is suddenly a noblewoman in
filled with deadly species from across the cosmos. 6. The Old Opera House. Fans in the pit guffaw and jeer;
a neighbouring sphere.
6. The Old Sandhog and Son Works. An abandoned jaded aristocrats chatter and yawn. Plenty of swags
6. Friend Moth. Psychically linked to Belladonna, this
factory on a stagnant canal. Rusting machinery, and chandeliers to swing from. Haunted.
beautiful creature acts as a second pair of eyes,
spying and keeping lookout. swaying catwalks, ominous creaking.

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