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fpo #471

introduction 9

1 Don’t Be Afraid of Color 13

2 Save Some Fun for Later 37

3 The Mix: Shaken and Stirred 61

4 Live Your Life 83

5 That’s Entertaining 115

6 G
 reat Things Come in Small
Packages 141

7 The Belle of the Ball 161

8 Make Your Own Kind of Music 181

resources 200

acknowledgments 203

credits 204

index 206
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Designer Melissa Rufty creates a masterful mix in Sally and
Richard Edrington’s Garden District cottage.
previous page A pair of Mario Villa chairs that I gave my
brother Jay and his wife, Andrée, as a wedding gift were some
of the few things salvageable from their home after hurricane
Katrina. This one, re-covered in a fabric by Brunschwig and
Fils, sits proudly in their new home against the Benjamin
Moore wall color Davenport Tan and Kravet silk drapes.
right A silver-leafed branch lamp from Hazelnut lends an
organic twist to this gleaming grand hall.
next page In one of my creative spurts, I painted this
colorful grid of acrylics to hang in my carriage house.

Copyright © 2011 by Bryan Batt

All rights reserved.

Published in the United States by Clarkson Potter/Publishers,
an imprint of the Crown Publishing Group, a division of
Random House, Inc., New York.

CLARKSON POTTER is a trademark and POTTER with

colophon is a registered trademark of Random House, Inc.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Batt, Bryan.
Big, easy style / Bryan Batt. — 1st ed.
p. cm.
1. Interior decoration. I. Title.
TJ53-4-2011 IMUS 7/CRA0303 Big easy style W:7.4375"XH:10" 175L 157 M/A Magenta(V)

NK2115.B325 2011
747—dc22 2010035564

ISBN 978-0-307-59190-6

Printed in China

Principle photography by Kerri McCaffety; additional

photography by Erik Johnson, pages 6, 25 (lower left), 28, and 31;
and David Ash, pages 93 (bottom left), 186, 188, and 189

Book design by Stephanie Huntwork

Jacket design by Stephanie Huntwork
Jacket photography by Kerri McCaffety

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

First Edition

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Some may argue that having opposable to learn your lines early), and then begin
thumbs or a soul is what separates us from experimenting. When first cast in a role, I
the beasts. But I’ll always argue that our always start by gathering as many clues
ability to choose a paint color, artfully about the character as possible from the
accessorize a coffee table, or toss a fabulous script, historical facts, and life experiences.
pillow is a gift from the gods. And I believe This helps to create a multilayered charac-
the knack for design and the confidence to ter that is emotionally authentic as well as
feather your nest can be cultivated. Good entertaining. Similarly, with interior
taste or style is something that’s developed design, the same rules apply. Collect infor-
with practice and patience, and many times mation about the home’s “cast of charac-
we just need someone or something to ters,” study the architectural elements at
point us in the right direction. How we play, and then embark on the rewarding
decorate the spaces we live in is an oppor- journey of creating functional and nurtur-
tunity for us to express our individuality, ing environments. Whether in acting or
and when there is synergy between a designing, attention to detail is essential to
home’s great style and its owner’s personal producing a well-rounded character or an
flair, it is nothing short of divine. aesthetically exciting room. As any good
So many people, myself included, can actor knows, developing a role is ongoing
be intimidated when faced with an empty and ever-evolving, which is a good philoso-
room, and rightfully so: the endless possi- phy to apply to every aspect of your life and
bilities for a space can be daunting. I say home. You should never feel like the pro-
forget about pulling together the perfect cess is finished—­honestly, no actor ever
room and focus instead on the fun. It’s time wants the final curtain to fall.
to break a few rules, take a few risks, and I have been mad for design for as long
explore your passions. The only bad choice as I can remember, and my hometown of
is making no choice at all. Don’t worry. New Orleans played a large part in shaping
Mistakes will happen during the process; my aesthetic as well as my approach to
after all, that’s how some of us got here! décor. As a young boy I played in a picture-
As an actor, I like to take the same perfect midcentury modern home nestled
approach with home design as with playing
a complex ­character, since both are like opposite Only an act of God could keep me from
solving a puzzle: you have to start with an antiquing at Karla Katz’s smashing shop on
open mind, do your research (it never hurts Magazine Street.

introduction W 9
in the Lake Vista neighborhood of the city, I would assist friends and family in decorat-
while my grandmother lived in a columned ing their apartments and homes.
Greek revival home on St. Charles Avenue. For years my partner, Tom Cianfichi,
Various family members and friends lived and I dreamed of opening our own home
in myriad architecturally diverse homes furnishings and fine gift shop in New
characteristic of the city. From opulent Orleans. On each of our many trips back
Garden District mansions to small pied-à- home from New York, we would devote at
terre apartments in the French Quarter, I least one day to explore Magazine Street,
was exposed to many different styles of one of the most charming and stylish shop-
design and décor. I loved every bit of it and ping boulevards in the country, which is
would even replicate the various styles in where we decided to open our shop. We
my childhood tree house. Some of my early named our store Hazelnut in honor of my
attempts at drapery did not hold up under grandmother Hazel Nuss (who was also a
the oaks and humidity, but my tin can bit of a nut). Armed with my stacks of
sconces were killer. sketchpads and Tom’s retail expertise, we
My mother and I were regulars at the opened our doors in 2003. Little did we
antiques shops throughout the Big Easy, and know that our country house would not be
when my parents built their dream home, I a two-and-a-half-hour drive upstate from
gladly accompanied them to design meet- Manhattan but rather a two-and-a-half-hour
ings and buying trips to furniture markets. flight down yonder. courageous people celebrate the unique what I love about stylish, easygoing spaces.
With this exposure, I fell in love with dif- We brought to the Big Easy our own architecture, music, cuisine, and history The homes that grace these pages exemplify
ferent periods and styles of design, which I take on cosmopolitan style, and if we didn’t on a daily basis and the artistic parade is the beauty and true personal style of each
have always accepted as a good thing. find exactly what we wanted in the market, constant. There is a beloved phrase here, home owner and the talents of the designer.
When acting on Broadway, I find myself we designed it. Almost instantly, our little laissez les bons temps rouler, which means It’s easy to create spaces like these in
drawn to the design district; the Decoration boutique became a beloved destination spot “let the good times roll,” a philosophy that your own home. Just keep in mind the
& Design Building; and the humongous gift, for both in-the-know locals and visitors works in both life and design. Years of following dogmas that have never failed me:
furniture, and antique shows all over New alike. Hazelnut is filled with colorful, performing on stage and on screen, If it looks right, it is right; and if it don’t fit,
York City for an alternative artistic outlet. ­classic, and distinctive furnishings and immersed in dazzling costumes, on breath- don’t force it. Beyond that, it’s your home,
When I lived in a one-bedroom apartment decorative accessories, treasures that I find taking sets, and under fabulous lighting your adventure! Remember, just like in
on the Upper East Side, my closets were bewitching. I am always overjoyed when have done nothing to dampen my belief life, it’s not where you start, and it’s not
always crammed with luxurious fabrics, customers feel the same way—there is that your surroundings must entertain you where you finish, but it’s the thrill of the
while two storage units held everything else nothing quite like a standing ovation. while allowing your imagination to take journey that counts. Enjoy the ride!
I was collecting for my nonexistent pie-in- My creative spirit is deeply rooted in center stage.
the-sky country house. Over the years, the exuberance of New Orleans, which has I hope that the following chapters will
when not trodding the boards of Broadway, a soul like no other city in America. Our encourage your inner designer as I present above Tom and me in our Magazine Street shop.

10 W introduction introduction W 11
in the Lake Vista neighborhood of the city, I would assist friends and family in decorat-
while my grandmother lived in a columned ing their apartments and homes.
Greek revival home on St. Charles Avenue. For years my partner, Tom Cianfichi,
Various family members and friends lived and I dreamed of opening our own home
in myriad architecturally diverse homes furnishings and fine gift shop in New
characteristic of the city. From opulent Orleans. On each of our many trips back
Garden District mansions to small pied-à- home from New York, we would devote at
terre apartments in the French Quarter, I least one day to explore Magazine Street,
was exposed to many different styles of one of the most charming and stylish shop-
design and décor. I loved every bit of it and ping boulevards in the country, which is
would even replicate the various styles in where we decided to open our shop. We
my childhood tree house. Some of my early named our store Hazelnut in honor of my
attempts at drapery did not hold up under grandmother Hazel Nuss (who was also a
the oaks and humidity, but my tin can bit of a nut). Armed with my stacks of
sconces were killer. sketchpads and Tom’s retail expertise, we
My mother and I were regulars at the opened our doors in 2003. Little did we
antiques shops throughout the Big Easy, and know that our country house would not be
when my parents built their dream home, I a two-and-a-half-hour drive upstate from
gladly accompanied them to design meet- Manhattan but rather a two-and-a-half-hour
ings and buying trips to furniture markets. flight down yonder. courageous people celebrate the unique what I love about stylish, easygoing spaces.
With this exposure, I fell in love with dif- We brought to the Big Easy our own architecture, music, cuisine, and history The homes that grace these pages exemplify
ferent periods and styles of design, which I take on cosmopolitan style, and if we didn’t on a daily basis and the artistic parade is the beauty and true personal style of each
have always accepted as a good thing. find exactly what we wanted in the market, constant. There is a beloved phrase here, home owner and the talents of the designer.
When acting on Broadway, I find myself we designed it. Almost instantly, our little laissez les bons temps rouler, which means It’s easy to create spaces like these in
drawn to the design district; the Decoration boutique became a beloved destination spot “let the good times roll,” a philosophy that your own home. Just keep in mind the
& Design Building; and the humongous gift, for both in-the-know locals and visitors works in both life and design. Years of following dogmas that have never failed me:
furniture, and antique shows all over New alike. Hazelnut is filled with colorful, performing on stage and on screen, If it looks right, it is right; and if it don’t fit,
York City for an alternative artistic outlet. ­classic, and distinctive furnishings and immersed in dazzling costumes, on breath- don’t force it. Beyond that, it’s your home,
When I lived in a one-bedroom apartment decorative accessories, treasures that I find taking sets, and under fabulous lighting your adventure! Remember, just like in
on the Upper East Side, my closets were bewitching. I am always overjoyed when have done nothing to dampen my belief life, it’s not where you start, and it’s not
always crammed with luxurious fabrics, customers feel the same way—there is that your surroundings must entertain you where you finish, but it’s the thrill of the
while two storage units held everything else nothing quite like a standing ovation. while allowing your imagination to take journey that counts. Enjoy the ride!
I was collecting for my nonexistent pie-in- My creative spirit is deeply rooted in center stage.
the-sky country house. Over the years, the exuberance of New Orleans, which has I hope that the following chapters will
when not trodding the boards of Broadway, a soul like no other city in America. Our encourage your inner designer as I present above Tom and me in our Magazine Street shop.

10 W introduction introduction W 11

Honestly, what did color ever do to you? I have never
bought into the idea that we need to be afraid of color,
play it safe, or tiptoe around it. Such an easy design ele-
ment is not something to avoid but rather embrace
wholeheartedly. After all, it can only calm, stimulate,
or energize with its countless hues. It is the surest and
most cost-effective way to change the entire mood of a
room and create drama in your home—so bring on the
color in all its glory.

Honestly, what did color ever do to you? I have never
bought into the idea that we need to be afraid of color,
play it safe, or tiptoe around it. Such an easy design ele-
ment is not something to avoid but rather embrace
wholeheartedly. After all, it can only calm, stimulate,
or energize with its countless hues. It is the surest and
most cost-effective way to change the entire mood of a
room and create drama in your home—so bring on the
color in all its glory.
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

color your worl d

se color with confidence as you

U establish the overall scheme for

each room. Even before you
purchase your very first stick of furniture
or settle on a specific design, you can go
a long way toward focusing your ideas just
by nailing down the colors that you love
and want to live with every day. Choosing
a paint color can feel like a big decision,
because it will greatly dictate the mood
and impact of the room. But don’t let that
immobilize your decision making. Many
people are so concerned about choosing the
wrong color that they yield to indecision
and end up with something blasé. Try hard
to persevere—making this mistake only
denies your true passions and will leave you
feeling dissatisfied in the end.
Remember that your eye and your gut
TJ53-4-2011 IMUS 7/CRA0303 Big easy style W:7.4375"XH:10" 175L 157 M/A Magenta(V)

will never lead you astray. Sometimes you

may be forced to rethink shades or inten-
sity, but I say, like peace, give color a
COLOR TIP Saturated colors can be used on your chance. By that I mean all color, not only
furnishings and accessories rather than on the walls or the richly saturated and vibrant tones, but
ceilings if you prefer. A neutral wall will sometimes beg for also the palest of pales and iciest tints. I am
you to hit it with a splash of color to make the eyeballs pop. an equal opportunity rainbow employer. If
you like beige, use it with gusto—I adore
overleaf A painting by harouni paired with a the classic elegance of the perfect shade of
burgundy wall color is a striking study in red. fawn or flax—but by all means, don’t
above and right Benjamin Moore’s Bittersweet choose a neutral just to play it safe. You’ll
Chocolate walls and a lipstick-pink settee are a only be sorry, not to mention quickly
delicious combination. New Orleans Toile drapes are a bored. And boredom I don’t do.
sophisticated backdrop for the shot of hot pink velvet.

14 W big, easy style

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Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Know what colors you truly like and

dislike; it’ll make your job much easier. No
matter how bold, you will never tire of a
color that you love. You will only want
more of it. And remember it is only a can of
paint—the color can always be changed. If
you are still feeling timid but are craving a
color fi x, try your idea out on a pillow or an
accent piece before going hog wild. But
whatever you do, don’t be too cool for
color. It can be your very best decorating
secret. And once you get started, don’t stop
till you get enough.

in living color
I love to see an entire room lacquered in
one fabulous color, enveloping the senses
like a cocoon. A room with a strong color
identity has the power to impact your
emotions and lift your spirits. But every
color triggers an emotional response, so
don’t think only of vibrant, saturated

TJ53-4-2011 IMUS 7/CRA0303 Big easy style W:7.4375"XH:10" 175L 157 M/A Magenta(V)
colors; the softest of hues are just as
effective in setting an evocative mood as the
bold ones. (If you really want someone’s
attention, try whispering; if that doesn’t opposite Etro’s Haori fabric introduces all the
work, then sing out loud.) I love to slather exuberant colors at play in this family room, which is
lacquered in Benjamin Moore’s Cote of Arms peacock
on color, often choosing to paint the
molding and trim in the same shade, with
just a change in fi nishes, such as from matte above There is no denying the powerful energy and
drama that a fiery crimson painting by James Beamon
to high gloss, to highlight details. This
from Cole Pratt Gallery immediately brings to this
modern approach further amplifies the colorful décor. Turquoise cowhide-covered accent
dramatic effect of your color choice. chairs are a flawless accent.

don’t be afraid of color W 17

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Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

pa int by nu mber

love paint colors, especially their clever WHITE Don’t be fooled: white is a color. It is

I and often surprisingly appropriate

names, and I never tire of perusing paint
chips and studying them in combination
with all my favorite fabric swatches. At any
clean, cooling, and soothing, especially in
warm climates. The layering of whites,
pearls, and creams can create an inimitable
richness and depth that illuminates all in its
given moment, you will see little paint presence. White also helps create a fresh,
cards taped to my walls as I contemplate my natural backdrop for myriad looks, from the
next change of mood or redecoration. I timeless combination of blue and white to the
hope this list of my favorites will inspire you Hollywood black and white glamour of a
to start thinking more about your own Horst photograph. What I love about an
favorite hues. Some of these colors are tried all-white room is that just the teeniest drop of
and true, and some are more adventure- an accent color makes a huge impact.
some. I love them all and would use them
again and again, if and when the right PINK Pink is not just for girls. There is an
opportunity presented itself. inherent beauty and sensuality that shades of
pink evoke. The flush of the cheek, the
m y f avor i t e w h i t e s interior of a shell, the bloom of a peony—
Super White by Benjamin Moore these images all epitomize warmth and life.
Linen White by Benjamin Moore
Your initial instinct might be to use pink only
Ivory Bracelet by Ralph Lauren

TJ53-4-2011 IMUS 7/CRA0303 Big easy style W:7.4375"XH:10" 175L 157 M/A Magenta(V)
in bedrooms, but these sophisticated, warm
Cloud White by Benjamin Moore
White by Benjamin Moore
tones look great in all living areas. Shocking
Petticoat White by Ralph Lauren pinks, such as the saturated fuchsias found in
Chalk White by Ralph Lauren Indian textiles, can look outstanding in
Decorators White by Benjamin Moore dining rooms, powder rooms, and halls,
which are often small spaces screaming for
m y f avor i t e p i n k s a big identity.
Autumn Red by Benjamin Moore
Venetian Red by Ralph Lauren
opposite In Jay and Andrée Batt’s dining room, a
Tara by Benjamin Moore
layered repetition of moody blues is a dreamy use of
Springtime Bloom by Benjamin Moore one soft, saturated hue. Decorative painter Madilynn
Pink Cherub by Benjamin Moore Nelson applied five layers of crushed marble and
Strawberry Sherbet by Benjamin Moore pigment to create venetian plaster walls that mirror
Hearts Delight by Benjamin Moore the Kravet seaglass damask drapes and painted
Secret Garden by Benjamin Moore antique chairs.

don’t be afraid of color W 23

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Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

m y f avor i t e r e d s RED Red is not a color for the faint of heart

Dressage Red by Ralph Lauren but rather for those with plenty of heart. The
Stadium Red by Ralph Lauren use of red is a strong choice that exudes
Merlot Red by Benjamin Moore confidence, and that confidence transcends all
Stop by Sherwin-Williams
cultures. It is not by coincidence that nearly
Heritage Red by Benjamin Moore
every country’s flag contains some red; it’s a
Spring Tulips by Benjamin Moore
Million Dollar Red by Benjamin Moore
color that announces itself and makes its
Classic Burgundy by Benjamin Moore presence known. But there is no fence-sitting
with red; either you do it or you don’t.
m y f avor i t e or a ng e s
Orange Parrot by Benjamin Moore OR A NGE Whether it’s the vibrancy of a
Orange Burst by Benjamin Moore tangerine, the lusciousness of an inviting
Copper Harbor by Sherwin-Williams peach, or the homespun warmth of a pump-
Obstinate Orange by Sherwin-Williams
kin, orange can be very anchoring when
Neighborly Peach by Sherwin-Williams
found in rugs, tapestries, vessels, paintings—
Marmalade by Benjamin Moore
and especially flowers.
Carrot Stick by Benjamin Moore
Melon Popsicle by Benjamin Moore
BROWN Brown is sexy simply because it is
m y f avor i t e b row n s earthy; it’s from whence we came and where
Soho by Ralph Lauren we’ll return. I have always found it to be
Chocolate Souffle by Ralph Lauren one of the most useful colors, as it can be
Traditional by Ralph Lauren interpreted as high glamour or traditional
TJ53-4-2011 IMUS 7/CRA0303 Big easy style W:7.4375"XH:10" 175L 157 M/A Magenta(V)

Java by Benjamin Moore simplicity depending on what you pair it

Firewood by Benjamin Moore
with: think chocolate with periwinkle, or
Chocolate Mousse by Benjamin Moore
chartreuse for more whimsical styles, or
Chocolate Sundae by Benjamin Moore
Turkish Coffee by Sherwin-Williams
mahogany with emerald, or ruby for formal
m y f avor i t e y e l l ow s
Trinket by Sherwin-Williams YELLOW With yellow, always stay close to
American Cheese by Benjamin Moore colors found in nature and avoid those used to
Lemon Meringue by Benjamin Moore signal caution or yield or no parking
Lemon Drops by Benjamin Moore here. Yellows are magical in rooms where
Lemon Soufflé by Benjamin Moore
we gather, because they lend themselves to
Crème Fraiche by Benjamin Moore
light, life, and family.
Sunburst by Benjamin Moore
Yellow by Benjamin Moore

24 W big, easy style

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a less-traveled road—you may discover
something new and wonderful in something
you already have.

my signature collection
I have been a fan of Laurel Wilder’s art glass
plates for years. In fact, when Tom and I
opened Hazelnut, works by her and her
lovely sister Shelley were the first we
wanted to feature. Using a reverse decoup-
age technique—hand stamped with gold
leaf, then sealed, signed, and numbered—
each work is unique and food safe, so they
are not only gorgeous but also functional. I
knew that custom plates celebrating the
beauty and history of New Orleans would
be a sensation, so a friend photographed the
iconic fountain in Audubon Park and I sifted
through my collection of antique maps,
copies of Harper’s Weekly depicting historic
scenes of Mardi Gras, and Audubon prints
of Gulf Coast birds. I then called Shelley,
and together we designed a collection of
plates that are elegant and dazzling when
I love the graceful allure of the Audu-
bon Muse plate just as much as I cherish our
plate that celebrates the Flambeaux carriers
with their fiery torches lighting up the night
opposite Katy’s collection of Laurel Wilder platters
sky. More recently, we’ve created plates displayed on the wall is a perfect complement to her
inspired by the majestic pelicans, egrets, living room’s strict gold and green palette. Senti-
and herons that have survived the 2010 oil mental favorites are the trays inspired by antique maps
spill in the Gulf. They remind me of great of Vieux Carré, flambeau carriers, and Harper’s
beauty and strength. Weekly images of the first Mardi Gras tableau.
above The Audubon Muse plate.

save some fun for later W 57

now th at’s “swellegant”

M y impulse to entertain
definitely harks back to my
childhood, when, as a
youngster, I would sneak into my parents’
swanky cocktail parties. The ladies were
passing hors d’oeuvres on silver trays, while
a smart jazz trio roamed through the house.
For less formal parties, Burt Bacharach
would be spinning on the hi-fi while my dad
played master mixologist behind the bar,
always dressed to the nines in silk chiffon which was his pride and joy. The construc-
and taffeta dresses, while the gentlemen all tion of the bar was of his own mid-century
wore ties with tie bars, cuff links, and often design and incorporated a serpentine, high-
dinner jackets. There was a romanticism in gloss cypress base beneath a gleaming,
that period: guests dressed the part. At ­copper countertop. The entire back wall
many of these glamorous events, after was beveled mirror and outfitted with
saying good night to the guests at my underlit glass shelving that housed interest-
bedtime, I would slip out of my room, ingly shaped bottles and every color­ful
procure an olive, and then make my way liquor known to man. Everything was
around the room dipping it in everyone’s ­picture perfect for the period. The size of
drink for a taste, until I was found out and my parents’ budget for entertaining was
whisked away. Once or twice among the irrelevant; it was the attitude and spirit that
din, I would sneak back undetected only to went into decorating their home for events
be discovered underneath the dining table that prevailed.
in my Batman costume singing the refrain On the set of Mad Men, while wearing
of Petula Clark’s smash hit, “Downtown.” Janie Bryant’s brilliantly designed costumes
My parents’ soirees seemed like the and living among Amy Wells’s perfectly
most fabulous of affairs, never pretentious, appointed sets, my childhood memories of
but fun and swell. There was always laugh- my parents’ oh-so-chic fetes came flooding
ter and dancing; often my mother and Aunt back to me with vivid accuracy. Maybe
Carol would break into a soft shoe if the we don’t need all the smoking and boozy
moment was right. For the more formal lunches, but I have never lost my fondness
events there would be a bartender and ladies for a sexy cocktail and intimate dinner
parties. And in addition to cocktail parties,
overleaf Fabulous doors from Bush Antiques were a return to family and friends dining
the starting point for a grand bar and wine cellar. together at home—at a table, with cloth
opposite Photographs of Alfred Rufty’s great napkins, and without television—is an
grandfather making café brulot is a sentimental and effort worth making.
stylish tribute to a beautifully stocked bar.

116 W big, easy style

absinthe m ak es my bar
grow fonder

T he bar in our new home is a

dream come true. I adore both
eighteenth-century French
antiques and a well-designed bar, and the
fact that the previous owners did, too, was
refrigerator, and ice maker. The thick
soapstone counter holds a seventeenth-
century Chinese ceramic bowl converted
into a small sink. The wonderful thing
about housing your bar in a beautiful piece
kismet. A master carpenter converted a of furniture is that when you want it to go
stunning walnut armoire into a wet bar and away (but, really why would you?), just
outfited the interior with custom cabinetry, close the doors. I leave the doors open all
the time to gaze upon the collection of
barware I’ve accumulated over the years.
A focal point of our beautiful bar is a
Olive or Twist No matter how large or small gorgeous antique gilt mirror that our dear
your bar, stock it with the right accessories: friend Katy gave us for Christmas. She
• Ice bucket (of course). found it in the Paris flea market and knew it
• Waiter’s corkscrew—learn how to use one. was right up my mirrored alley. Tom hung
it in the center of the bar, and its crackled
• Cocktail shaker—opt for stainless steel.
glass shimmers as it reflects the sparkle of
• Jigger—until you can eyeball measurements. the crystal and silver. For a bit of whimsy
• Juicer—choose a wooden reamer or “dish” and artistic effect he placed a pair of Mario-
with a spout for easy pouring. villa tin palm fronds peering from behind
the mirrors. I stacked my collection of
• Strainer—to keep that pesky ice out of your
decanters and bottles on an ornate silver
“up” drinks.
tray that was given to my parents as a
• Bar spoon—for stirring when shaking is a ­wedding gift, and then layered in my grand­
no-no. father’s antique sterling martini shaker and
• Muddler—well, for muddling. the Baccarat crystal double old-fashioneds
that Tom and I carried back from our first
• Proper glassware—look for glasses of
trip together to Paris. Gold-striped 1940s
appropriate size that make a lady look like
glassware found at RetroActive and 1960s
Audrey and a gentleman look like James Bond.
Steuben teardrop stemware round out my
• Linen cocktail napkins—because we are collection of vintage barware. Everything
grown-ups now. comes together to create a ­dazzling bar that
is uniquely ours.

130 W big, easy style

life’s a banquet Actors Guild awards. In an over-the-top
Dorothy Draper, the famed American setting, the designers managed to create
decorator, once wrote, “Entertaining is intimate lounge areas where we celebrated
fun!” I’d like to take that sentiment a step and hobnobbed. But my favorite type of
further. Entertaining must be fun; other- party, above all, is the self-catered dinner
wise, what’s the point? Entertaining should party at home. Preparing the house, setting
not be considered an obligation or chore; the table, planning the dinner, and, of
if it is, then it will feel the same to your course, all aspects of the décor come into
guests. Sometimes the best soirees are play. Besides, no one ever asks, “Who are
impromptu and some of the most memo- you wearing?”
rable are last-minute get-togethers with
simple fare. Too much thinking leads to dinner with no
second-guessing, and second-guessing leads reservations
to panic . . . relax! It’s just a party. It seems like what has been lost in the
Keep the focus on what entertaining is shuffle of our hectic lives is the beauty of a
really all about: the breaking of bread and simple dinner party. Time has given way to
sharing yourself and your home. Extending a more casual form of entertaining, which
invitations and warmly welcoming people has its place and time, but for me, there is
should be done only with great joy and the nothing lovelier than an intimate dinner
heartfelt desire to share camaraderie. Your party.
home reflects your unique personality, and As a child, I loved watching my mother
entertaining provides another opportunity prepare and attend to all the details for
to develop and share your signature style. an elaborate buffet or a seated ­dinner. In
I love living in New York, New college, my brother and I would borrow
Orleans, and L.A., where there always our parents’ home to throw our own
seems to be a festive reason to gather. ­dinner parties. His were called “New ­Talent
Whether a debutante ball or a crawfish Night,” where the mandatory rule was that
boil, in New Orleans we celebrate life, each invited guest bring a date that no one
death, and everything in between. Even at a else had ever met. Mine were alfresco
christening or a funeral, there will be a ­dinners for up to sixteen friends on the
party, complete with a full bar and a lavish patio. I’d push all available tables together
spread. In New York and Los Angeles, I’ve
opposite A simple farm table, heirloom china
attended opening-night parties for Broad- arranged around a chinoiserie mirror, and whimsical
way and glamorous award events; a high- felt garland strewn through a chandelier send a warm
light was the after-party for the Screen and festive invitation to dinner.

that’s entertaining W 119

My Mardi Gras Mambo
before the parade passes by

I have wildly celebrated Mardi Gras since

I was a baby. From my very first
carnival to my senior year at Tulane, I
never missed one Fat Tuesday family cele-
bration on St. Charles Avenue. Every aspect
Mardi Gras parades pass. Needless to say,
our home became a carnival hub during the
festivities. That first year back home, I
realized that I had not witnessed one of
these beloved extravaganzas of my youth in
of New Orleans history and its pageantry more than ten years. I had forgotten how
has always fascinated me. I am completely vibrant, and fun the gold leaf–tipped
enraptured by the detailed ornamentation papier-mâché float art truly is.
and opulently designed floats that prom- As much as I love to watch a parade,
enade under the canopies of majestic oaks I’ve also had the great pleasure of riding in
dripping with Spanish moss. The dancing a few. And as thrilling as that is, I always
torchlights, carried by the flambeaux felt that living with one would be heaven.
carriers, always create a mesmerizing visual Since once a year was not enough for me, I
effect. Some people come to hear the had an idea to bring this magic into our
bands, some love to catch the beads and home. I envisioned a display similar to the
trinkets, but I love to stand back and take way people collect and display other great
in the beauty of the float art. Mardi Gras is American folk art. I called up the captain of
the greatest free show on earth and a feast a carnival krewe, a friend of mine, who
for all the senses, but especially the visual. gave me a tour of the den and floats. He let
(Interestingly enough, the organization for me choose a pair of majestic blooms that I
Rex, the king of Mardi Gras, is actually displayed on our dining room wall. Tom
called School of Design.) artistically arranged the flowers on the
Our carriage house in New Orleans wall, where they were long the topic of
was connected to the property of a St. conver­sation. Everyone smiled when they
Charles Avenue mansion where all the saw the float art—children thought it was
cool, adults reveled in the whimsy—but
opposite In order to let my Mardi Gras float the main effect was that it just made us
decorations shine, I lacquered the walls in Benjamin happy. It was a risky choice to display gigan-
Moore Chocolate Sundae and used my unfussy toile
tic tempera-painted papier-mâché flowers
in Café au Lait for the drapes. But these wild wall
hangings still didn’t stop me from installing a beaded with a crystal chandelier and seventeenth-­
crystal chandelier sold through Hazelnut (hey, who century lanterns, but I’m the bouncer at
says you have to choose your drama?). this club, and they made the cut.

198 W big, easy style

My Mardi Gras Mambo
before the parade passes by

I have wildly celebrated Mardi Gras since

I was a baby. From my very first
carnival to my senior year at Tulane, I
never missed one Fat Tuesday family cele-
bration on St. Charles Avenue. Every aspect
Mardi Gras parades pass. Needless to say,
our home became a carnival hub during the
festivities. That first year back home, I
realized that I had not witnessed one of
these beloved extravaganzas of my youth in
of New Orleans history and its pageantry more than ten years. I had forgotten how
has always fascinated me. I am completely vibrant, and fun the gold leaf–tipped
enraptured by the detailed ornamentation papier-mâché float art truly is.
and opulently designed floats that prom- As much as I love to watch a parade,
enade under the canopies of majestic oaks I’ve also had the great pleasure of riding in
dripping with Spanish moss. The dancing a few. And as thrilling as that is, I always
torchlights, carried by the flambeaux felt that living with one would be heaven.
carriers, always create a mesmerizing visual Since once a year was not enough for me, I
effect. Some people come to hear the had an idea to bring this magic into our
bands, some love to catch the beads and home. I envisioned a display similar to the
trinkets, but I love to stand back and take way people collect and display other great
in the beauty of the float art. Mardi Gras is American folk art. I called up the captain of
the greatest free show on earth and a feast a carnival krewe, a friend of mine, who
for all the senses, but especially the visual. gave me a tour of the den and floats. He let
(Interestingly enough, the organization for me choose a pair of majestic blooms that I
Rex, the king of Mardi Gras, is actually displayed on our dining room wall. Tom
called School of Design.) artistically arranged the flowers on the
Our carriage house in New Orleans wall, where they were long the topic of
was connected to the property of a St. conver­sation. Everyone smiled when they
Charles Avenue mansion where all the saw the float art—children thought it was
cool, adults reveled in the whimsy—but
opposite In order to let my Mardi Gras float the main effect was that it just made us
decorations shine, I lacquered the walls in Benjamin happy. It was a risky choice to display gigan-
Moore Chocolate Sundae and used my unfussy toile
tic tempera-painted papier-mâché flowers
in Café au Lait for the drapes. But these wild wall
hangings still didn’t stop me from installing a beaded with a crystal chandelier and seventeenth-­
crystal chandelier sold through Hazelnut (hey, who century lanterns, but I’m the bouncer at
says you have to choose your drama?). this club, and they made the cut.

198 W big, easy style

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