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4As Lesson Plan

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

 Identify the different healthful and less healthful foods,

 Understand the importance of healthful eating habits daily,
 Label the different foods according to their health benefits.
II. Subject Matter

Topic: Healthful and Less Healthful Foods


Materials: Visual aid, pictures, and objects

III. Procedure

Preliminary Activities

1. Greetings
2. Prayer
3. Checking Attendance
4. Setting of classroom management
5. Motivation
 The teacher will play music and all the students will participate in dancing.
Lesson proper


The teacher will give an activity and he will group the class into 5. Then the teacher will
provide pieces of paper to each group.


 Write your favorite foods or the foods you like on the paper provided by the
 After you have written it on the paper, post it on the board and explain why
you chose those foods.

After the activity, the teacher will give questions and ask someone to answer.

 What is the difference between healthful and less healthful foods?

 What are the types of healthful foods?
 How do less healthful foods affect the body?


The teacher will now discuss in front the healthful and less healthful foods. The teacher
will also provide examples for the students to understand the lesson well.

Healthful and Less Healthful Foods

Food is one of our basic needs. It makes our body active, strong, and healthy so that we
can work and play. But there are also foods that contain little or no nutrients and are even
harmful to our health.

The Healthful Foods

The healthful foods consist of three basic food groups—Go, Grow, and Glow Foods.

Go Foods

Go foods are energy-giving foods. They contain high amounts of carbohydrates and fats
which provide the body with heat and energy, so you can run, jump, and play. Foods that are
rich in carbohydrates include bread, grains, cereals, rice, pasta, and root crops.

Grow Foods

Grow foods are body-building foods. They are rich in protein which helps the body grow
big and strong. Foods like fish, meat, chicken, egg, milk, cheese, and yogurt are examples of this
food group.
Glow Foods

Glow foods are body-regulating foods. They are rich in vitamins and minerals. They help
protect the body from sickness. They keep the skin and hair healthy and the eyes clear. Fruits
and vegetables are examples of this food group.

Less Healthful Foods

Less healthful foods are high in sugar, fats, and salt. They may look and taste delicious
but they have little or no nutritional value. Most sweets, chips, fried foods, fast-food items, and
processed foods are examples of less healthful foods.

After the discussion, the teacher will give an activity and he will divide the class into 3
groups. After the activity, the teacher will provide follow-up questions.


 The teacher will provide flashcards labeled with the words “healthful food” and
“Less healthful Food” in every group.
 Every group must label the foods on the table correctly using the flashcards that
the teacher has provided.
 The teacher will set a 1-minute timer to finish the activity.
 The group to finish first will have extra points.
 Scoring will be based on the correct labeled foods.

Keep this in mind

1. Why do we need to eat healthy foods every day?

2. What is the importance of eating healthy foods?
3. Does eating healthy foods make us strong and healthy?
IV. Evaluation

The teacher will give a short quiz to the students. The students will identify the foods
either healthful or less healthful.


 Identify the healthful and less healthful foods. Right check icon ( ) if the food is
healthful and (X) if it is less healthful.
 Write your answers on a ¼ sheet of paper.

V. Assignment
The teacher will give an assignment related to their topic.
 List down 10 healthful foods and 10 less healthful foods you usually eat at home
and in school.
 Write it on your assignment notebook.

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