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PHYS2020 Semester One 2019 Worksheet 5: Entropy changes and the thermodynamic identity

5 Entropy changes and the thermodynamic identity

5.1 The entropic cost of melting
(20 mins) An ice cube (mass 30g) at 0° C is left sitting on the kitchen table, where it gradually melts.
The temperature of the kitchen is 25 ° C.
(a) Calculate the change in the entropy of the ice cube as it melts into water at 0° C. (Don't worry
about the fact that the volume changes somewhat.)
(b) Calculate the change in the entropy of the water (from the melted ice) as its temperature rises
from 0° C to 25 ° C .
(c) Calculate the change in the entropy of the kitchen as it gives up heat to the melting ice/water.
(d) Calculate the net change in the entropy of the universe during this process. Is the net change
positive, negative or zero? Is this consistent with the second law?

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5.2 Another irreversible process 50,"\� \.co>AA (/Ju\- 4-o c_o\c\)
(20 mins) A cylinder contains one litre of air at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. At one
end of the cylinder is a massless piston, whose surface area is 0.01 m2• Suppose that you push the
piston in very suddenly, exerting a force of 2000 N. The piston moves only one millimetre, before it
is stopped by an immovable barrier of some sort.

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PHYS2020 Semester One 2019 Worksheet 5: Entropy changes and the thermodynamic identity

(a) How much work have you done on this system (cylinder+ gas+ piston)?

(b) How much heat have you added to the system?

(c) Assuming that all the energy added goes into the gas (not the piston or cylinder walls), by how
much does the internal energy of the gas increase?

(d) Use the thermodynamic identity to calculate the change in the entropy of the gas (once it has
reached its new equilibrium).

(e) Is the result in (d) consistent with the second law? Explain.

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